xt7tb27ps01p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27ps01p/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1899 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Merrick Lodge, Lexington, Ky., December 11 and 12, 1899. text Minutes of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Merrick Lodge, Lexington, Ky., December 11 and 12, 1899. 1899 1899 2019 true xt7tb27ps01p section xt7tb27ps01p \
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‘ 2 78 North Broadway, Lexington.
420 South Limestone, Lexington.
31 E. Twelfth SL, Covington.

‘ . [lib/1’ S/miy .'
Mrs ELLEN V. GIBSON, Richmond.
Press Work.-
Mrs. L. C. OBENCHAIN, Bowling Green.
National Enrol/men! an! l’g/iz’z'an lVork:
Mrs s. M. HUBBARD, Hickman, th‘
. W(
War/c Among Young People:
Mrs. IRENE GRINSTEAD, Lexington. A5
Adi’afla’fllé’flt of Woman‘s War}: 2'71 [/16 56120015 .- ' th‘
_ Miss ANNA MORGAN, Newport.
Politiral Sludjw.’
Elm Tree Lane, Lexington.
Lilera/m'a .- 10‘
Mrs. FANNIE HAYS, Owensboro.
Legislative Work.-
Eduralimm/ Opportunities for [Vomezz .-
Mrs. CAROLINE A. Lance, Louisville.
Industrial ’l‘rainifig for Women .- to
(Hygiene and Pig/rial Cullure .‘
Slate OIganisc’r:

 - l, I
Journal at Pruseatmts.
‘ ' LEXINGTON, Kv., December 11, 1899.

Plan of Work Committee nlet at 9 o’clock A. M., and agreed to make
the followlng recommendations to the Convention for the ensuing year's
work :

1. That we endeavor to secure an appropriation from the General
Assembly sufficient for the establishment of a dormitory for the young
women of the State College, and a department of Domestic Science in
the same, Institution.

2. That we continue to press the claims of mothers for an equal
co-guardianship with fathers of minor children.

3. That work for school suffrage for all the women of the State be
continued ‘

4. That we continue the Free Lecture Bureau. I

5. That the State Association provide programs and leaflets for the
local associations, and send them circular letters to be used at their
meetings. '


The Convention opened with devotional exercises.

Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt and Miss Mary C. Hay were introduced
to the Convention, and the courtesies of the floor were extended to them.

The following committees were appointed :

Fiflmzrv—Mrs. Shepard. Mrs. Cramer; Miss Hay was requested to


lfl’SU/u/iorts eOne member from each auxiliary represented.

Audi/ingfiMrs. Bennett and Mrs. Arnspiger.

C7't’tz’mzlz'als~ -Mrs. Shepard and Mrs. Roark.

l’Itb/I’z'alimt‘Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Cramer.

Cbm‘lesic’J‘Mrs. Grinstead and Mrs. Harrison.

On motion the printed program was made the order of business.
The minutes of the Executive Committee meetings of the year
were read.
- A letter was read from Mrs Elnora Babcock, National Superinten-
dent of Press Work, urging the appointment of a Press Superintendent
who should systematically carry out this very important work. She rec-
ommended that the expenses of postage be provided for by the State
- Association. (
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt gave most valuable suggestions for'niak- 1
ing our newspapers potent educators for equal rights. 3
A letter was read from Miss Susan B. Anthony giving a plan for .
bringing the suffrage work before all State Conventions. This plan was Com
endorsed, and the details left to Executive Committee. 1
Letters of greeting were read from Mrs. Lucy Hobart Day, President extei
of Maine Association, and from Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, our former hear
. . 1
Corresponding Secretary. The Secretary was instructed to answer these .
greetings, expressing our appreciation for the interest manifested in us. . ‘
The report of the Plan of Work Committee was made and its recom- the”
mendations (see p. 5) were considered seriatim and adopted Special A
interest and enthusiasm were manifested in regard to that recommenda- on tl
tion relating to the securing of a woman's dormitory at the State thea
College. lt was decided that we use our influence to secure the co-oper- ,
ation of the various organizations of women in the State for this work.
Mrs. Catt told of the offer of Mrs. Wright, of England, to supply 855“
free a set of books, relating to the advancement of women. to the libra-
ries of a limited number of State educational institutions in this country.
At the recommendation of Mn; Catt the donation for Kentucky will be h .‘
placed in the library of the State College. av“
. Mrs Roark was appointed to take the matter in charge. roll
A telegraphic message of greeting was read from Miss Anna B. i
Morgan, of Newport, Ky., asking us to read second epistle of John, first treas
five verses. .
A letter from Mrs. Adelaide Wilson, of Atlanta, Ga, giving a plan publ
for having the national officers make a lecturing tour through the South ‘
and asking Kentucky‘s co-opei'ation, was presented. who
The Convention met at 2 o'clock and was opened by devotional meet
exercises. new
Miss Mary S. Hamilton favored the Convention with dialect read-
ings which were greatly enjoyed.
Addresses were given by Miss Mary Ilay and Mrs. Carrie Chapman .
Catt. The Convention appreciated the eloquent and helpful words of
these able women. usua
On motion the Convention adjourned. town

LEXINGTON. Kv., December 12, 1899.

Convention met at 10 A. M., the President in the chair.

Devotional exercises conducted by Miss Clay.

Minutes read and approved.

The report of the Treasurer was read and referred to the Auditing

On request of the Treasurer the time for receiving dues was
extended to December 20, in order that all the associations could be
heard from.

Mrs. Bennett suggested that the local associations be urged to collect
their dues, even if they find it impossible to hold any regular meetings.

A donation of fifteen dollars from Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, of Hickman.
on the Kentucky pledge to the National, was reported by Mi 5 Clay, and
the amount given to Mrs. Catt.

The Corresponding Secretary read the following reports of local
associations :


Our report will be necessarily brief, and we regret very much not
having a delegate to represent us.

Our membership is still limited, only seven answering to the
roll call.

Our dues are regularly paid and we have something left in our home

We have circulated literature; we persecuted our local editor with
publications as long as he stayed with us. notwithstanding his objections.

We find many women who profess to believe in equal suffrage, but
who cannot be induced to join us because of the opposition they may
have in their homes Very few in this community there are who are not

- opposed to this cause.

On account of sickness among our members we have not had our
meetings regularly of late. but we expect to begin them again with the
new year [Signed] M. B. MCCONNELL,

Secretary Arlington E. R. A.

We have industriously distributed literature this past year, and our
usual amount of dues has been sent to the 'l‘reasu:er.

We regret to report the loss of one member, due to her removal from

Mrs. Obenchain has written a leaflet for Mrs. Avery’s “Political
Equality" series, and has been a frequent contributor to the II/ommz’s
journal We believe the political conditions now existing in our State
. are enough to turn every woman into an ardent sufiragist. 4
So many influences outside the suffrage organization are working for
our cause, “the very stars in their course are fighting for us to-day.”
. : . L. C. OBENCHAIN.
‘ The association held its monthly meetings at the home of the Presi- .
dent. There has been an increase In membership during the year. we}
The members heartily concur in the importance of disseminating at
suffrage literature throughout the State. " -. ' , . I)
The most important item of business rec ntly transacted was the atte
invitation to t e State Equal Rights Association to hold its annual con-
vention in Lexington. IDA M. HARRISON, Sec’y. .
, We have paid up dues for seven members. pref
Each member is required to distribute one hundred pages of litera- pat.
titre. Our association has distributed twelve hundred pages. dev
We have'li've hoti'orary members ~ ' * ' Ph)
\Ve have had five lectures: three by S M. Hubbard, one by B. M.. .
Parum, and one by Lola Burns, all home talent. P011
S M. HUBBARD. President. ,
The Twentieth Century Club, of Covington, is too young to send a
very extensive report We have two very capable “mothers,” Mrs. .
Sarah Slirader and Mrs. McClellen Brown. of Cincinnati, one of whom
(Mrs Brown) Will be with you I think we Will be wise in having her .
speak for us. ‘ ‘ '
Our President, Mrs. Ellis, has recently lost a S)“ by death, and I
have diphtheria in my family. '
We could not call a meeting for this year, or I am cwnfident we ~
would have sent a delegate. We will be a year old by the time the next
Convention meets, and Will, I hope, be able to report some work. .
Our members are full of enthusiasm and ready for any requirements.
\Ve will begin by bringing in new members, each member pledging her-
self to bring one and inviting Others to come and listen to good speakers
from the Cincinnati associations, who are always ready-with their mature
experience to assist us ‘
I hope this Convention will be the most satisfactory of any that has
ever convened, and that you will express yourselves in regard to the new .
foul blot on Kentucky, the recent lynching
The following delegates to the National Convention were then
- elected :
Mrs. Sallie Bennett. Mrs. Mary B. Clay.
Mrs. Sallie Wo‘Icott. Mrs.'Carrie Mitchell.
Mrs. Mary Roark.
