xt7tb27ps003 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27ps003/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1987 text GLSO News, January 1987 1987 1987-01 2019 true xt7tb27ps003 section xt7tb27ps003 1987 @Lecfi


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 mam WIS“
If you would like to advertise in the Ga) Newsletter, @st
5:12? send your meta-ready wpy to: as), p.o. Box
. lexingtm, KY 40575. The deadline for all
nbmiuions is the 15th of and! month for publication the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
following mnth. Anything received after the deadline
will not be guaranteed to be published in the next issue.

Ads may be sent camera—ready or rough. Rough copies _ Please put Ire/us on the (1m mailing list,
are subject to additional charges as shown in the rates including a free subscription to the monthly CHI)
section below. also will not be responsible for Newsletter (delivered in an "unrnarked'l envelope).
typesetting errors in the ad after printing) advertisers Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students) for each
are responsible for proofing the ads they submit for —menbership in (150.
publication. Please let me/us how I/we can be more involved in

The Editor and the Gui) Board of Directors reserve the _ also or other gay/lesbian organizations by calling
right to censor advertisements and other submissions which
are deared in poor taste and to edit due to space (phone)
restrictions and/or grammatical errors. Erotica, fantasy, _ or writing C0:
sexually-explicit materials, or material deemed in
conflict with the purpose or policies of the Lexington
Gay/Lesbian Services Organization will not be accepted for NAMES)
publication. ___—_—_ ——

Address Apt. l

Eighth Page 5 8.00 Quarter Page $15.00

(2" x 3-5") (2 1/8" x 7' or 4 1/4" x 3 l/2") state ZIP C006

Half Page $25.00 mll Page 540.00

M 1/4" x 7" or (8 1/2' x 7") Mail to: 0.50, 9.0. Box 11471, Dex” KY 40575

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Classified S 1.00 (up to 4 lines, $.05
each additional word) *
mpesetting $15.00 > ‘ ”MT—"n“ -. _
Screens $10 00 Ag Q‘—
Discoum ( . A; / n
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1/4 off for 6 issues Imp .6 '
1/3 off for 12 issues \ . ' SODOMY 0 ‘3’;
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1/2 off for non profit organizations E 9. ‘ 1‘. 1:; _ ;

Discounted ad space will be contracted for specified F G4 M' "P ‘ ""‘{ ,
terns. Artwork may be changed at the advertiser's expense ‘ y s' ‘ .-"'
and subject to the above deadline. Half of the cost of //,/-I” Q/ .1, ’ L LA 5 I- 'N
the discounted ad shall be due prior to publication and ’
half shall be due upon completion of the term of the The Gui) Newsletter is published monthly by the
discount. Failure to conply with the terns of the Lexington Gay Services Organization, inc. (d.b.a.
contract may result in future denial of contracts. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization), P.O. Box

11471, Lexmgton, Kentucky 40575. The G150 is a

Placement of an ad in the GS) Newsletter [1135 wt registered non-profit organization the purpose of which is
denote a person's sexual orientation or a busmess's to provide educational, recreational, social, and referral
customer preference_ services directly iniplving or relating to gay/ lesbian

peep 8-
Views or opinions expressed in the articles, stories,
letters, or advertisements are those of the authors and do
DlRl-I'IDRY not necessarily represent those of the (13) Board of
Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the
arm GaYLim.............................23l-0335 we or photograph of any person, organization, or other
(150 Billboard......------~-o-------“-"293‘6734 entity in articles or advertising in the Newsletter is in
use Newsletter, General.......--.-------259‘3292 no way indicative of the sexual orientation of such
Mvem51m--~----"""27B-0048 person, organization, or entity.
.— Submissions for the Newsletter are welcam. All

Dignity/Wington--------------------~---273'eu-’6 submissions becone the property of the the [eximton Gay

Inperial Court of the BluegraSS Wire-"266'OBBZ Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. lexington Gay/lesbian

GBY ‘ Lesbian NA”----""'-""'"""‘266’8887 Services Organization). All submissions trust irdicate the

CW” Health Trust..---~-------------253‘2329 full name and address of the author, although no by-line

Interweave/MUD.........................223-l448 V111 be published without the express, written permission

WWI-Fayette County Health of the author. Non-original material must indicate that

Dept. “m information......-..--.-----252'2371 the original author has given permission for use of the

LouiSVille Crisxs Hotline.......... (502) 637-4342 material. Anonynous submissions cannot be accepted. The

ovensboro Gay Alliance.......------(502l 685-2333 editorial staff reserves the right to alter submissions

CinCinnati Gay sliccnboard------:-- (513) 221' (including advertisements) to meet ptmlishlnq

National Gay Task Force Grins Line requirarents.

and A113 CnSis Line.............(800) 221-70“

MARCH ON WASHINGTON PLANNED FOR 1987 National Coming—Out Event Proposed
by Peter Freiberg by Dave Walter
Meeting in New York for three days of A group of the nation's openly gay elected
rhetoric~filled, often disorganized and officials has announced that it will organize
frequently bitter plenary sessions, more a national coming—out event, possibly to be
than 200 representatives of gay groups from held next June. The leaders, meeting during
across the country voted to organize a March the second annual National Political
on Washington for gay rights to be held on Conference in Washington, D.C., told
Oct. ll, 1987. reporters Nov. 22 that they are considering a
The decision to organize a second gay March single—day event designed to generate support
on Washington (the first was held in October, for gays and gay rights.
1979 and invoved over 100,000 participants "The real message here is that there are lots
representing every state in the nation) was and lots of men and women in this country who
never debated - only the date was in have not been able to come out to their
question. But many other issues, ranging families or on their jobs," said Mayor Steve
from where to locate march headquarters to Schulte of West Hollywood, Calif. "They're
the wording of innumerable resolutions, were more closeted than we are.... We recognize
hotly contested in a strident atmosphere. our responsibility to them and we want to
"I think there was a lot of long and have a way of expressing unity among them,
difficult debate and a really lengthy process ourselves, and our non—gay friends in a very
that burned many people out," observed Kevin visible national event to show what kind of
Cathcart, executive director of the Boston— social progress has been made by us and on
based Gay and Lesbian Advocates and behalf of us in this country." »
Defenders, "but I'm very much excited about Schulte said a good day to hold the event
what came out of this weekend. 1 think this might be June 29, in observance of the
march is going to be tremendous all the way anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Inn
round. I think people in the lesbian and gay uprising. "We can have events in towns and
community in the country are really hungry cities all over the country on that night,’I
for something like this. There's a lot of he commented.
anger about the Supreme Court's (sodomy) Schulte stressed that what the gay officials
decision, about the way AIDS is being handled have come up with so far are merely ideas.
and other things that are an attack on this He added that assistance will be sought from
community..." people in every state and the District of
A 64—member steering committee was Columbia in the actual organizing of the
established, with four representatiVQS each event. Further information about the coming
to be chosen from ll regions, plus 20 from a ‘3‘“: day Will be announced "very soon,"
range of categories, such as veterans and SChUlte noted.
religious groups. (from The Advocate)
Among the noncontroversial resolutions were
support for passage of the federal gays
rights bill, repeal of all sodomy laws,
presidential action to ban antigay
discrimination in the federal government and Question: I saw on TV the Smothers Brothers
an end to all discrimination against people describing Ronald Reagan as a "known
with AIDS/ARC. heterosexual." How can they get away with
virtually 311 the nitty—gritty details of such stuff: Isn't there some way the network
organizing the march were left to the can be fined for spreading such a dirty lie?
steering committee, which met briefly and -—H.G., Prescott, Ariz.
elected Steve Ault, a New York volunteer who -
did much of the organizing of the planning Answer: It is not a lie (from the editor:
conference, and Allida Black of Washington as THANK GOD!) Reagan is a "known
. _. _ heterosexual." Obviously you are confusing
lntele COChalrs' heterosexual with homosexual. A heterosexual
is one whose sexual attraction is toward a
member of the opposite sex. A homosexual is
The steering committee is scheduled to meet one characterized by a sexual IntEIESt in a
in January in Los Angeles; members will then person 0’3 the same sex. (Well, now that we
choose a permanent executive committee, cleared _ 0" shall we say, straightened? —
including cochairs, and deal with such that one out, we all can sleep much eaSLer,
crucial issues as fund raising and staff can t we.) ,
hiring. (from Parade magaZing)
(excerpted from The Advocate)

by Lenny Giteck 5, Matthew Daniels Aren't straight men threatened by homosexuals
because they perceive them as being
Faggot. Queer. Fruitcake. Bulldyke. Fair)“ effiminate or as men who renounce their "male
The epithets are legion, but the underlying power"?
cause is the same: homophobia. There may be something to that. But there's
To find out why homosexuality arouses such another dynamic that has to do With the re-
strong negative emotions in so many people, lationship between personal space and power.
The ADVOCATE recently spoke with Sue Kiefer Men are used to having their personal space
Hammersmith Ph.D. Hammersmith, a 36—year—old [eSPeCtEd- They're also used to feeling that
married heterosexual with two children, has they havea high degree 0f personal power.
become an expert on the subject. she is a Now, most straight men have had at least one
researcher with the Alfred C. Kinsey homosexual encounter sometime in their lives.
Institute for Sex Research and an associate It may even have been something as Mild as a
professor of sociology at Indiana University— gay man looking at them - cruising them or
Perdue University at Indianapolis. making some comment. This can elicit a
Hammersmith was a co-author with Alan Bell response 0f great hOStilitY: because straight
and Martin Weinberg of Sexual Preference: Its men perceive it as a Vi01atiOn Of thEir
Development in Men and Women. She has space. They didn't CONSC10U51Y 50116“: the
lectured on homophobia to numerous groups and attention, 50 they 9‘?t angry.
has spoken about it on many television and
radio programs. of course, that's how women are always
Says Hammersmith: "I remind straight treated.
audiences that sexuality is just one aspect Right. This is what men do in Our SOCiEty.
of life among many others __ work, religion, Women are used to it - men aren't. For women
recreation, friendship, family, the arts, it's aggravating when yOU‘re not available or
etc.—— and that they should not regard their “Ct intefeStEGI bUt what's the big deal?
gay brothers and sisters just through the YOU say no and nothing happens. Men have to
bedroom keyhole." handle it the same way women do — and for men
Here's what else she had to say: that translates into a feeling of
powerlessness, not having complete control
How do you define homophobia? over their space. This is part of the
I don't use a formal definition, but I regard intense emotional component of homophobia.
homophobia as involving both a negative _
attitude toward homosexuality and element of (continued in next month's GLSO Newsletter!)
fear of gay people, even fear of the very
discussion of homosexuality. There is an . . . . . . .
emotional component and an intellectual one. asst-1:33:32?{egzz-j'étezggafigzz.{egzzgggsgy
‘o;o~_‘:o;9~ .’::_::;:.-=::::. ‘;:‘=—‘:°.
Is homophobia a legitimate concept in V VV V
psychology? Is it a form of psychopathology?
I regard it as a legitimate subject for
research, either in psychology or sociology. //,z«—\
It's dangerous to call homophobia a form of fut. ‘1
psychopathology, however. Many people are x If "TVA
homophobic simply because they haven‘t been ‘1» V\,~r ‘3} a A
educated on the topic. These people aren't ‘,| 2‘5")‘*{".h —-_:.Yn
mentally unbalanced or psychologically /§ 1:,"— R ‘1 F“
disturbed; they have simply been raised with k/l’ , .J :“0 ”\f'firfifig
all the traditional stereotypes. As a ‘3}? . /F'
, i I I \; .
result, they've come to assoc1ate homo— 5 f -._-.e-.{ {\J }
sexuality with violence, child molestation " ‘f i 2‘13}ng $>\
. . . . - \ ,l‘hi’,“ ,1
and psychological instability. ‘ A} «_ 1p)“. M
Most of the individuals who hold these 7 _ ,fi: iii-5
stereotypes are decent, well—intentioned 23-. —r‘?1_f ‘ ’3'
people. when they learn what the truth is, {/1 g, 1- ,\——.-;\\ 'i
they can change their attitudes. They can I“ ,1“ \L ‘\ 3/45?!” D \
overcome their fears. fig/i5," \ \1/ 9 p
I think it's analogous to racial prejudice. (1- ‘14 /\i \‘V v—M‘mafi\
Twenty years ago, there was enormous fear w
among whites of integration—- of what it ‘
supposedly would do to the schools, the work \
place and the family. These fears have mfifirwmflfik
diminished enormously after just 20 years of uwemu“begemngdose[otheViHage." ‘
rubbing shoulders with blacks. so, negative -
attitudes can change.

 Book Review from the resistance to his recent novel
by Don Shewey EELEEEEE’ maybe those who couldn‘t get past
its fabulistic framework simply weren‘t pre-
Men on Men: Best New Gay Fiction. Edited by pared to recognize that the book was White's
Ee—Jrg—E S_t_a—m_bo—l‘i_a_n.——il7\L7BluEET-‘$-8—._SO paper. homage to Grarcia Marquezv just as "An
oracle" is explicitly Kunderan in its
Men on Men, George Stambolian"s impressive unbearable lightness. Any such attitudes are
EEEhB‘ng"; of recent gay male fiction, misperceptions, excuses. white is not just
indcludeseverything from old—fashioned a gay literary U0“! bUt a great American
fiction to postmodern cutups, from Michael writer, as Tennessee Williams and Truman
Grumley‘s Dickensian account of a black—and- Capote were a generation 390- That he 15
white affair in New Orleans (from the consistently underrated in the major critical
forthcoming novel Life Drawing) to C.F. journals and unpublished in mainstream out—
Borgman's self—conscious—l—f-e—x—perimental lets like 223 E23 X23533: as Christopher
Portrait of an Old Queen ("A Queer Red Isherwood and James Purdy wereageneration
Spirit," Bergman's first published work.) ago, demonstrates the ongOing need'for the
Many of the contributors will be familiar to gay publishing 1ndUSt1—Y and anthologies llke
followers of gay fiction. Novelists Robert ESQ 9.2 ESP: ' '
Ferro anhd Felice Picano weigh in with works- (excerpted from the fliliifi 32.1.93.)
in—progress. While Ferro‘s "Second Son" is
the anthology‘s biggest disappointment, a BOOK REVIEW
pallid continuation of The Eamily of EEK
2:235, Pican0's "it: rest ESlESfl efleari" 222 £22 Easels; as! Belafleastigs 222E221
(from the forthcoming Men Eng 59251 53) is a by David P. Mcwhirter, M.D., and Andrew M.
revelation; this ultimate kept—boy fantasy Mattison, M.S.w., is surely a must for any
romance, featuring an adorable bunch of gay man involved in an ongoing relationship
expatriate Americans on the loose in la Elie and for anyone who hopes to be in the future.
vita, forced me to upgrade my former Mcwhirter and Mattison, a gay couple for the
impression of Picano as an innocuous pulp last twelve years, studied 156 gay couples
novelist. The not-altogether—healthy in— for this book, which has been called "a land—
fluence of Calfornian Dennis Cooper (re— mark study" by Wardell B. Pomeroy, Ph.D.,
presented by an unexciting novel excerpt, coauthor with Alfred Kinsey,Ph.D., of Sexual
“The Outsiders") shows up in the flat, gghayigg in the human Male. A few SETH;
screenplaylike prose of John Fox, Sam D'Alle— often suprising findings:——
sandro, and Brad Gooch. Among the experi—
mental fiction here, only Robert Gluck's Relationships take on a life of their
notorious "Sex Story" (from his 1982 col- own, passing through definite and
lection, Elements g a gg_f__f_e_e fisgyig) really predictable stages. The change from one
works, be_c—a_u—sfle_his form - jumpy, disjointed stage to another can be a time of great
writing, similiar to Kathy Acker's, only not emotional stress for the individuals within
so angry or hostile - reflects his content: the relationship, who may not understand
how memory and erotic fantasy eclipse why the relationship and their feelings are
physical reality. changing, and who may blame themselves or
their lovers for these changes.
Edmund White's contribution to the
anthology is "An Oracle". In it, after All of the couples together for longer
burying his dynamic ad-exec lover, Ray takes than five years in this study were not
stock of his own life, reads a remaindered continuously sexually exclusive with each
paperback on Greek death rituals, and accepts other. They found that. gay men expect.
an acquaintance‘s invitation to Crete, where mutual emotional dependabiliity with their
he tests his capacity to begin again with an partners and that. relationship fidelity
ostensibly straight rent boy named Marco. transcends concerns about sexuality and
This honest, unsentimental portrait of gay exclusivity.
widowhood is stuffed with one—paragraph
summaries of aspects of gay life so basic yet Couples with greatest relationship
so elusive that they've never been precisely longevity have the largest differences in
described before (such as the Negotiation of age. All of the couples in the study who
Non-Monogamy and the Role of Penis Size were together for longer than thirty years
Therein). White juggles plot and have an age difference of between five and
contemplation with the confidence of a writer Sixteen years.
at the peak of his powers.
The gale Couple should be available in
I've often wondered what (besides sheer local bookstores or can be ordered directly
homophobia) prevents white from being taken from the publisher, Prentice-Hall, Inc-: Book
more seriously by the mainstream literary Distribution Center, West Nyack, New York, NY
tastemakers. I suspect the problem is that 10095. The price is $16.95 plus tax, which
white is perceived as too literary, judging includes postage and handling.

3L “5}
(To e ,,
Ask Aunt Mary 5?} in (//:
'«v a I » \
’ ‘1 l\/:‘;‘J
/”k~‘b/ ‘3’ ‘
Dear Readers — As you know, this is my annual //\\/M// / J/ —
vacation time. Happy New Year to you all; my ,’ N;\ W} J / i l /
column will return with the February /‘l>\/f <. «2 '=">\ ’ w\
newsletter. ‘ * \T’Q/ (\{/ Ea?) f/ #H/J'i
If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send \ \ ’3' 4. E 7' / ,; ‘
your letter to Aunt Mary, % GLSO, Post Office \\ \~. .\ graviafl \FEL if /\‘,.j£/L~\'
Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575. \\ \ E; 3 i” 3L k
, \ ‘. '-. - :1
Please include a stamped, self—addressed K ‘\ ‘ You,“ /)
envelope if you would like a personal reply. hygiylefi. 3"} Win
All names are strictly confidential. ~~4 "r’krftfifi4: ’25"?
"Henry, you know that pham lulle- Hank was gomg through)
ROOMMATE SOUGHT Weltuwitrumedmmahlesty/e,"
Unfurnished room for rent, share bath and
kitchen. Non—smokers only. Call Karen, WHOSE LIFESTYLE IS IT: ANYWAY?
259—3292, or Bill, 254—3361. please leave a BY Mike Dittmer
You must have heard it. Someone started
talking about the Gay lifestyle. Did you
ever wonder who it is actually living this
Is it Kenny, who works for the city and whose
G.W.M. desperately seeking Mr. Right or only Gay socializing consists of going to
Mr. Maybe. I'm considered good—looking, parties his friend Phil hosts? Or Beverly
21 years old, light brown hair, blue eyes. Ann, a divorced mother so afraid of losing
I'm sensitive, and have a pretty good build. her three—year—old daughter Linda that she
TAKE NOTICE, all you eligible, good—looking, only sees her lover Carol every other
masculine hunks! I am looking for someone weekend, never for the whole night? 15 it
who wants more than a good go—around in the Jim and Teddy who care for Teddy‘s Mom Agnes
sack, but I won‘t count that out! Please in their home?
send a response, with a photo. How about Joey, who drinks six beers before
he goes to the bar every Friday and Saturday
D. Turner night? And Lisa, who is living celibately
R.R. 6 until she gets her degree in veterinary
Owenton, KY _40359 medicine? Is it Robert, who is 62 and knows
he's Gay, but he's never had sex with another
G/W/M age 30, 140 lbs., looking to meet other man? And what about Toby, who's l7 and
G/W/M for possible relationship. Call Harold called my house because he saw my phone
275-1713 after Spm evenings. number in the GLSO Newsletter and wanted to
talk to someone about his being Gay?
Don't forget Claudia and Jean, who recently
celebrated their fourteenth anniversary, or
' Dan and Robbie, who celebrated a ceremony of
/ \ Holy Union a couple of weeks ago. Jills says
‘ \ aé’lfi'J her parents Julia and Carl treat her lover
—'a«*; Beth like a daughter.
’3 . J‘ ‘5‘}? Brad has sex three or five times a week with
1/: ‘_ "325‘" Egga \ ( men he meets at bars, or at restaurants, or
a \\ "‘ on the bus. Fred is a Lutheran minister who
i / /\ ‘\‘\\ /“ ‘ has chosen not to have sex. Karen is
i 0"\ \_/ 1 terrified at the thought of marchihng in the
”I . ‘ " Gay/Lesbian Pride Parade. Lou likes
We” I ‘ leather.
_ V5 Tim and Harold boughtahouse at Lakeside and
m are filling it with antiques. Steve has a
“wokrmlusmne’vounbou,,hisasyoua,e_., beard and moustache but doesn't shave them
off when he wears a dress. Rick plays disco
music constantly and can quote from every
Bette Davis movie.
so tell me, which one is living THE Gay


(And No, It's Not Gay Monopoly” At least two Chicago banks with Branches
in the homosexual community have turned the
Chicago—If money is power. gay aCtiViSl-S marked money in to the Fed, but the money
reason, then money that passes thEOUQh the center is not destroying the dollars because
homosexual community - and is marked the sorting machines do not detect the inch-
accordingly - may translate into gay power. long stamps, said Fed spokeswoman Nancy


For the last few months, homosexuals
have been circulating greenbacks stamped in "One mark on a currency would not render
red with "GAY s" as a demonstration of their it unfit for circulation," she said.

As a result, the gay dollars likely will

Activists estimate that millions of turn up in the four other states the Fed
dollars have been stamped so far, and say the serves: Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and
movement is spreading to other large Cities. Indiana.

Federal officials say the bills are likely
being recirculated to other Midwest states as some banks, however, are refusing the
well. bills. ,

The campaign was sparked bY the failure R. Kennedy Alger, senior vice president
in JUlY Of a PIOPSEd Cit-Y ordinance So of Lakeview Bank, said that bank would return
guarantee equal rights for homosexuals, said the marked currency until the Justice
Frank Kellas,the owner of a bar in the Near Department issued a statement on the stamp's
North area who helped launch the campaign. legality

(from the Lexington Herald—Leader)

"what buys rights but dollars?" Kellas
said. a

"all we're asking for is equal ¥ %
protection under the law and not to be beat— *
en up because we're gay -— or fired," said
the Rev. Ninure Saunders, a co—chairman of Follow up article:
the Illinois Gay and Lesbian Task Force.


"To judge by what. I've seen, it‘s given
a little more kiCk in the pride Of .gay and Chicago — Despite a "cease and desist" order
lesbian peOple," the Rev. Saunders said. from the U.S. attorneys, organizers of a

‘ campaign to demonstrate gay economic muscle

"It's been interesting to watch how by stamping dollar bills with a red "GAY $"
people...have been reacting, and now they‘re said they wouldn't quit.
taking it. as a matter of course," she said. "Until our attorneys determine the legality
And that means "a little more acceptance for of any action ... we cannot in good
gay people.“ conscience continue to urge others to join

‘ . . us," said Frank Kellas,a Chicago bar owner

The protest has broadened its aims since who helped launch the “GAY 5,, campaign.

the ordinance's defeat. "However, we have already received assurances
. from many that they will continue the

For one thing, Kellas said the marked campaign," Kellas said.
bills are helping di5P91 "the myth "Of The "GAY $"-—stamped greenbacks first appeared
contracting AIDS ”‘50“9h (casual) contact. within days after the city council voted on

By showing how many dollars are touched JUlY 29 to reject an ordinance that wOUld
by homosexuals, heterosexuals may learn that have guaranteed equal rights for homosexuals.
acquired immune dificiency syndrome cannot be Marge‘ Summltt'r a bar owner and campaign
spread by casual contact, he said. organizer, said at a news conference that

Within 45 days of the campaign's inception,

He said plans originally called for the more than 54-7 million in stamped currency
marked—bills campaign to end this month, but had been turned 1" t0 the Federal Reserve
"we decided to stamp indefinitely" and go Bank Of Chicago.
national. Groups in San Francisco, New York, But Fed spokeswoman Suzanne Hefner said there
and Dallas have expressed interest, he said. was no way to estimate how much currency had

been marked, since the bank made no special

Gay—owned businesses are stocking the provisions to count "GAY $" separately.
stamps and stamping all the money that passes Kellas estimated that only 200 "GAY 5" stamps
through their tills, the Rev. Saunders said. were in circulation initially and that as

many as 600 had been passed out to gay—owned

Some homosexual activists estimate that businesses and individuals by now.
millions of dollars have been stamped since Both Kellas and Ms. Summitt said they would
Aug.1. Kellas said the Federal Reserve Bank continue to stamp currency until the
of Chicago was keeping the bills in ordinance was passed.
circulation. (from the Lexington Herald-Leader)

1 2 3 January
4 5 6 7 8 9 m
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Fri 16 Cards & Games, 7 pm, call Karen,
259—3292, or Bill, 254-3361 for
—— more info; Gayline, 231—0335,
8 pm - 11 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm,
I Comprehensive Care Center,
Thu 1 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 pm — 11 pm 201 Mechanic Street
Fri 2 Cards 5 Games, 7 pm, call Karen, Sun 18 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comprehensive
259-3292' or 3111’ 254-3361 for Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street
more info; Gayline, 231—0335,
8 pm — 11 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA. 8 pm, Mon 19 Interweave Meeting, 7:30 pm
Comprehensive Care Center, socializing, 8 pm meeting,
201 Mechanic Street Unitarian Universalist Church, for
more info, call 266-8887
Sun 4 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comprehensive
Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street Tue 20 Rainbow Bowling League, 9 pm,
I Joyland Bowling Lanes, call
Mon 5 GLSO Meeting, Board Report — 8 pm, 278—0048 for more info
Forum — 8:30, Comprehensive Care
Center, 201 Mechanic Street Wed 21 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 pm — 11 pm;
Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph
Tue 6 Dignity Board Meeting — 6:30 pm, office Park, Room 120; Speaker's
Liturgy — 7 pm, for more info, call Bureau, 6:30, for more info, call
Larry, 254—9812, or Keith, 273—8056 Barry, 268—3935
Rainbow League, 9 pm, Joyiand
Bowling Lanes, call 278—0048 for Thu 22 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 pm — 11 pm
more info
Fri 23 Cards & Games, 7 pm, call Karen,
Wed 7 Gayline. 231—0335, 8 pm - 11 pm: 259—3292, or Bill, 254—3361 for
Gay/Lesbian AA, B pm, st. Joseph more info; Gayline, 231—0335, j
office Park, Room 120 8 pm — 11 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm,
Comprehensive Care Center,
Thu 8 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 pm - 11 pm; 201 Mechanic street
Dignity Rap Session, 7:30, for more
info, call KriS/Shirley, 273-7870 Sat 24 Special Board Meeting, 9 am — 5 pm
Fri 9 Cards 5 Games, 7 pm, call Karen, Sun 25 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comprehensive
259—3292: or Bill: 254-3361 for care Center, 201 Mechanic street;
more info; Gayiine, 231'03351 Gayline Training Meeting, 2 pm,
8 Pm - 11 Pm: Gay/Lesbian AA: 3 pm, Comprehensive Care Center, 201
Comprehensive Care Center, Mechanic street
201 Mechanic Street
Mon 26 GLSO Board Meeting, for more info,
Sun 11 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comprehensive call Barry, 268-3935
Care Center, 201 Mechanic Street
Tue 27 Rainbow Bowling League, 9 pm,
Mon 12 Feminist Alliance, 3 pm, 01d Joyland Bowling Lanes, call
Student Center, for more info, call 273-0043 for more info
Shirley at 273-7870
Wed 28 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 pm — 11 pm,
Tue 13 Rainbow Bowling League, 9 pm, lesbian volunteer; GBY/LESbian AA,
Joyland Bowling Lanes, call 8 pm, St- Joseph Office Park,
278-0048 for more info Room 120
Wed 14 Ga line, 231—0335, 5 pm - 11 pm; -
lazbian volunteer; Gay/Lesbian AA, Thu 29 Gayline, 231-0335! 8 Pm - 11 Pm
8 pm, St. Joseph office Park, Fri 30 Cards 5 Games, 7 pm, call Karen
Room 120; Gay Parenting Support 259-3292, or Bill, 254-3351 for,
Group, 7 pm, for more info, call more info; Gayline, 231_0335’
Barry, 268-3935 8 pm - 11 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm,
comprehensive Care Center,
Thu 15 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 pm — 11 pm 201 Mechanic street