xt7tb27prz99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27prz99/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1989-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1989 text GLSO News, February 1989 1989 1989-02 2019 true xt7tb27prz99 section xt7tb27prz99 Free at Selected Business Locations

Home Delivery at $5 per year



A public symposium on equal rights for American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky;
lesbians and gay men will be held at the *Carl Enoch of the Greater Louisville
Unitarian Universalist Church in Lexington, Human Rights Coalition, which has been active
356a Clays Mill Road, at 3 pm on Sunday, in lobbying for an ordinance banning anti-gay
February 19. discrimination in Louisville;

“A Town Meeting on Equality: Securing *Alvin Wilson, chief claims investigator
the Rights of Lesbians and Gays" will focus on for the Fayette Human Rights Commission;
privacy issues, including Kentucky's statute *Keith Elston, a long-time member of
criminalizing certain consensual sexual Lexington's gay community, former president
behavior between adults, and on discrimination of GLSO, and an officer of Gay and Lesbian
against lesbians and gay men in Lexington. Democrats of Kentucky.

The symposium will be the concluding Dennis Stutsman of the Lexington UU
event of the 1989 Continental Convocation of Church will serve as moderator. Each panelist
Unitarian Universalists for Lesbian and Gay will deliver a brief presentation on a specific
Concerns, to be hosted by Lexington's UU gay and/or lesbian issue, after which the
Church February 17-19. moderator will ask questions pertaining to

Scheduled for the panel discussion are: privacy and discrimination. Members of the

*Sue Hyde, director of the National Gay audience will also be given the opportunity to
and Lesbian Task Force's Privacy Project; question the panelists through the moderator.

*Suzy Post, executive director of the For more information call Dennis

Stutsman at 1-800-271I-5863.

The 1989 Continental Convocation of The three keynote speakers for the
Unitarian Universalists for Lesbian and Gay Convocation will be: the Reverend Rose Mary
Concerns will be held at the Unitarian Denman from Portland, Maine; the Reverend
Universalist Church of Lexington February Peter Webster of Woburn, Massachusetts; and
17-19. the Lexington UU Church's Reverend David

More than 125 lesbian and gay UUs from Blanchard. Sue Hyde from the National Gay
throughout the United States and Canada have and Lesbian Task Force is a featured speaker
registered to participate in the 5th annual for the weekend.
meeting, which is being hosted this year by Workshop topics will include: Legal
the Lexington~UU Church, 356“ Clays Mill Planning for Gay Couples; The Us/Them
Road. Fast locations for the convocation have Mentality; Becoming a Welcoming Congregation;
included San Diego, Houston, Toronto and Lesbian Sexuality; Gay Male Sexuality;
Portland, Maine. Massage; Yoga; Lesbian and Gay Male

Interweave, the local UU chapter of the Cultures; and Help for Incest Survivors.
Unitarian Universalists for Lesbian and Gay The Reel World String Band will provide
Concerns, has been planning the conference, musical entertainment after a banquet Saturday
which will feature workshops, religious evening at 9 pm.
services, a public symposium on gay issues For more information call Craig Clere at
and avariety of social activities. 266-8887 or the Rev. David Blanchard at


 [:1 I’Iease send me a free introductory RAMBLIN' ON
issue of GLSO News and information from GLSO's President
on GLSO.
I don't think of myself as an "old man."

[:1 I'd like to become a voting Member So what if #05 will be here next year? Cray
of GLSO, including home delivery hair is distinguished, and maturity is only
of the GLSO News and discounts learned by experience with life. AIDS taught
at GLSO functions. My Membership many of us about mortality, but I'm still
fee of $10/year is enclosed. confronted by an occasional revelation which

adds new perspective.

E] I don't wish to become a Member but I picked up the Kentucky Kernel on
please send me the GLSO News each January 12 when the students returned and
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. the front page was devoted to a recap of the

Reagan era. The opening of an article on

Name:___—______ student opinion set me back: "UK freshman

Chris Ashley was in the fourth grade in

Louisville when Ronald Reagan was sworn into

Address: office." Incredible! Somehow it didn't seem
that Ion ago.

Ighad always judged President Reagan

City, St, Zip: by his peers: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson,

Nixon, Ford, Carter. My extracurricular

Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111471 activity in college wasn't basketball, but

Lexington, KY #0575 demonstrating against the Vietnam war. I
knew there was a generation gap then, but I
was suddenly forced to acknowledge it still
GLSO News is published monthly by the That one sentence in the 'Kernel made me
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. understand the November election. "Liberal"
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services was a. dirty word. because the younger
Organization), Box 11471, Lexington, KY l80575 generation had no pomt of reference. My own
generation had grown up and was content With
Steve Savage, Editor the status quo. The older generation could
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar relate even better to Reagan's perspective.
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda Little wonder Gov. Dukakis couldn't get his
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist message across.
I had been concerned about the "Reagan
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, legacy." Now I was worried. . How can you
Craig, AVOL, Keith, Carol, AP; Typists: attain a "kinder, gentlenAmerica?‘ Younger
Steve, Craig, Dave; Equipment: Dave; people have never experienced a government
Typesetting: Matt; Layout: Gerry; Mailing: f2: the people. Citizens my age and older
Dave; Courier: Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: want_a government by the'people. .The
Mark, Steve, John, Dave, Gerry, Bobbi, majority rules, and. the maiority has little
Shelby, Frank. mcentT: t0 531-1525091ch {alerts charisma as a
e new reSi an ac
' ’ ' ex ressed in GLSO News are leader, but during the Inaugural festiwties
this: 2: othgmarusthor: and do not necessarily both he and. his Wife came across as .smcer:
represent those of the Board of Directors. peoplexgenumely concerned about Amgrica.d ‘
Submissions are welcome. All submissions refreshing change after enduring a .r'gsl en
become the property of GLSO and must include who only acted the .role while marrie to a
the full name and address of the author. cold, ruthless woman in a red dress. “f
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The WIthOUt a PUSh from below or a Pdewarosm
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any Eboiee thgusfiuntfgcegan :lgn‘; mop/fobslems Ya;
submissions [Including advertismgi to meet Pfgsigdent. Let's hope he finds a way to pull
pUbl'Sh'ng requ'remen 5' America to a higher level of kindness. And it
The placement of advertising in GLSO News certainly plot?" h“? If YOU 30d I keep ”W09
does not denote a person's sexual orientation to add a it e PUS -
nor a business's customer preference.
2 GLSO February

On January 214, Mayor Scotty Baesler
took a conciliatory approach toward basic gay Initiated with CLSO encouragement only
rights. "Ask The Mayor," a live viewer 16 months ago, AVOL has quickly become the
call-in program, was aired on WKYT-TV and leader of AIDS support services in Lexington.
moderated by two of the station's newscasters. Through numerous fund-raising activities last
Newscaster Barbara Bailey handled this year, AVOL- is now prepared to house its first
exchange on one of the questions phoned in: AIDS/ARC patients.
Bailey: "How do you feel towards the gay Named Solomon House, the residential
population in Lexington?" facility will be home for those who have been
Mayor: "I, without getting into the financially drained by their illness. The name
situation of what people's preferences are, l of the residence was selected in honor of King
think any type of population, they got certain Solomon, a Lexington resident who received
rights that everybody else has got. From the acclaim for his efforts in caring for the ill
Mayor's standpoint I pick up their garbage: | during the cholera epidemic which struck the
make sure they‘re protected by police; I make city during the last century.
sure that they have a right to buy a house... Some volunteers prepared the home for
everything else. I mean, that's my feeling." occupancy, while others donated furnishings
Bailey: "Equal treatment?" and necessities. Additional household items
Mayor: "You know, I think that‘s the are still needed, so give a call to ZSQ-AVOL as
bottom line. I don't... I don't get into that you contemplate your spring cleaning.
other." A resident manager will oversee
The question was presented about ’45 operation of the property and is already in
minutes into the one-hour program and clearly occupancy. A screening committee composed
caught the Mayor "off guard." Up until that of health care professionals and AVOL members
point he had been breezing through call-in will evaluate applicants for admission. As with
questions dealing with routine matters like all AVOL support services, sexual orientation
garbage, potholes, parks, and growth. is irrelevant for those needing assistance.
— AVOL's Board has adopted a 1989 budget of
LOUISVILLE T0 TEST PROSTITUTES almost $15,500 to operate the home. Two
FOR AIDS PWAs can be accommodated in the current
home, and the Board is already planning for
Jefferson County Attorney Mike Conliffe expanded service.
has announced that convicted prostitutes will AVOL is best known for its weekly
be asked to submit to HIV testing as a educational table at Lexington's gay bars. lt
condition for probation. Testing is to be has just been awarded over $7,700 by the
conducted by the Louisville-Jefferson County Kentucky AIDS Education Program to help
Health Department. Police and prosecutors support its educational programs in 1989.
would be notified of positive test results. If None of those funds can be used for the
arrested for prostitution again, the defendant housing program. Now that the state grant
would be charged with wanton endangerment. has been announced, the Board will adopt an
— operating budget at its February meeting.
SILENCE = DEATH Preliminary budget discussions for the year
had exceeded $50,000, excluding the Solomon
"SILENCE = DEATH" posters in black House allocation. With the exception of the
and pink suddenly appeared downtown and state grant, all income is derived from public
around the UK campus in early January. The support. AVOL is truly a community-based
posters are in a style popularized by ACT-UP, AIDS service organization.
a New York City-based group of AIDS AVOL offers numerous services besides
activists which has chapters nationwide. the dissemination of brochures and condoms at
While no one has claimed responsibility, the bars. It sponsors an AlDS/ARC/H|V+
sources indicate the posters are the work of support group, a family support group, a
local activists trying to reach the younger gay buddy program, phoneline. and speakers
population. The organizers feel that young bureau. Those affected can seek assistance in
gays are fairly well educated on AIDS, but are obtaining Social Security and state medical
failing to heed safer sex guidelines. The benefits. transportation, or meals. Emergency
group hopes that political activism can provide financial aid for prescriptions and other needs
additional access to those in their teens and is provided on a limited basis.
early twenties who are sexually active.
February GLSO 3


Elected officials and leaders of civil other groups, it is our hope that the State
rights, victim rights, law enforcement groups Commission on Judicial Conduct will see fit to
condemned the actions of Dallas Judge Jack remove him from the bench." Levi also urged
Hampton in connection with the sentencing of the Commission to require training for judges
Richard Lee Bednarski, who was convicted for across the state on anti-gay violence and other
the brutal murders of two gay men. As hate crimes. In another letter, NGLTF has
reported in the last month's GLSO News Judge asked the Texas Delegation of the US. House
Hampton sentenced Bednarski to 30 years in and Senate to publicly condemn Hampton's
prison instead of the full life sentence sought behavior and to convey their opinions on the
by the prosecution because the murderer's matter to the State Commission on Judicial
victims were gay. At the sentencing hearing Conduct.
on December 15, Judge Hampton said "I don't A number of groups have issued
much care for queers cruising the streets statements condemning the Judge's behavior
picking up teenage boys... I put prostitutes including the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai
and gays at about the same level, and I'd be B'rith [Dallas Chapter), the National Victim
hard put to give somebody life for killing a Center, and People for the American Way.
prostitute." Several newspapers have published editorials

At the request of the Texas Human condemning the judge's handling of the case:
Rights Foundation, the Texas State Commission Dallas Herald, the Dallas Morning News, the
on Judicial conduct held a hearing on January St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Washington Post,
13 to investigate Judge Hampton's behavior in and the Boston Globe. Elected officials joining
the case. Organizations writing in support of the outcry included Senator Edward Kennedy
the Foundation's complaint included the who stated that Hampton's actions "violate the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the fundamental principle that everyone stands
Center for Democratic Renewal (formerly the equal before the law. The suggestion that
National Anti-Klan Network), the National those who kill homosexuals deserve shorter
Organization for Victim Assistance, and the sentences is bigotry at its worst."
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. The Dallas Gay Alliance urges all

In a letter from NGLTF Executive persons outraged by the Judge's conduct to
Director Jeffrey Levi to the judicial write letters to: Robert C. Flowers, State
commission, Levi called for Hampton's Commission on Judicial Conduct, P.O. Box
dismissal. "In View of his disgraceful conduct 12265, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711.
in the case and his callous remarks about You need not be a resident of Texas to write

to the Commission about this case.



from Stonewall Union News

On December 28, 1988, Mayor Dana with members of the mayor‘s office in drawing
Rinehart signed a Statement of Policy up the policy's language.
forbidding discrimination against Gay men and The mayor responded to the recent
lesbians in city employment. The policy took Ethnic Intimidation Ordinance by urging the
effect January 1, 1989. Anyone believing to City Council to reconsider the bill in order to
have been discriminated against in city hiring, drop "sexual orientation" from its language.
employment or termination has the right to Public reaction forced the mayor to reconsider
proceed through the Equal Employment Office his stand, as the Columbus gay and lesbian
of the City. community generated more than 500 phone calls

This Statement of Policy is similar to an to his office and the City Council protesting
executive order, and caries the full weight of his recommendation. The Ethnic Intimidation
law within the City of Columbus. Ordinance nevertheless went into effect

Rinehart's action came as a result of December 21, increasing penalties against
meetings with officers and members of those convicted of hate crimes committed
Columbus's gay political organization, Stonewall against minorities, including gay men and
Union. The group's attorneys also worked lesbians.
u GLSO February

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The Simple Act of Putting On a Condom
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Every Time You Have Sex.
For More Information, call 1-800-654-AIDS
Kentucky AIDS Education Program
Cabinet for Human Resources
Department of Health Services

_ It would be nice if some womyn who
P weren't really happy with the music helped
I Julie out by making tapes, or helping her to
I, , P make them. A lot( of the feedback on the
music is positive this is obvious b the
_ WI smerelda 5 81'10 r number of people on the dance floor)! yAlso, ‘
5‘1“ it's nice to see that some of you have taken
Q1“ the time and energy to do something - and
g ‘ ‘ made a tape for the dance. We appreciate
‘ “y your efforts and are willing to listen to your
. _ requests. Just remember, as Julie often says,
“It's not a paid position." We are grateful for
— a” your help, and if you bring a tape to the
coffeehouse, we promise that at least some of
Greetings wimmin! Can you believe it's it will be played.
already February? For a short month, Thanks. Until next month -
however, there's an awful lot going on. Teresa 8 Debbie
The latest update on Esmerelda's
Parlour: we think Esmerelda will live. We
have been really excited to learn the Womyn's WALK FOR ANSWERS
Writers Group in town is seriously considering by Vickie
taking over Esmerelda's Parlour. Of course,
I'm sure we'll both remain active (if only to a She tells me
lesser degree). The exciting thing is that I sound
Esmerelda was born to a collective of womyn Like the weather.
interested in having our own space in the It is raining.
Newsletter. The Womyn's Writers Group is a The farmer says we need it.
very talented and diverse group of womyn who It repels off my hat,
we are sure will bring many wonderful things Reflects off poison ivy
to these pages. Anyone interested in finding On the sidelines, its leaves
out more about the group - or even lending Shaky
your talents to these women - please call Carol Startled by
at 272-3776, or Angela at 2511-3359. Steady droplets.
It's always exciting when womyn get Eyeing the white honeysuckle
together on a project and the outcome is lask
something truly wonderful. Our womyn's How can you permeate the
community tends to be a supportive and Air with such fragrance?
positive group. That's why it was very It replies it is my nature to
disheartening to hear the negative feedback Perfume the ethers
coming from some womyn at the December Even as you sit in your house.
coffeehouse. Constructive criticism is one
thing, but there were some very harsh things Steady rain seeps through shoes.
said about the music. And for all the hard My brain.
work the dance committee does, that seems a The black Angus feeds her calf
bit unfair. Julie, our music person, works While she licks
really hard to play all the latest dance tunes The burgundy salt
as well as taking your requests for country, R From my wounds.
and B, progressive rock, and, of course,
womyn's music. I think it's important to
realize that even though we may not like REVIEW 0F"A MISTRESS ..."
what's playing right now, something we enjoy by Angela
will come on soon enough. The tapes are
diverse, cover a wide range of music, and are l have a problem. I like period pieces;
very well made. They are also hard to make books that transport you to another time,
and take a great deal of time and energy. another place. And I wouldn't mind a little
Julie has made a lot of trips to Disc Jockey romance thrown in along the way. What this
Records to buy “5's. It's getting to be a means is simply that I like an HISTORICAL
really thankless job for her, but we all feel ROMANCE now and then. This is where the
she does the best work and would hate to lose problem enters. Have you noticed the pathetic
her. state of the historical romance market? The

 @L5@ $00 Admission
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continuously repeating theme of macho-hero-
lords/natives really bores me. You see, I just
can't relate. Question is, where to look for a The
ood LESBIAN historical romance? Why, even -
Rita Mae's historical romance has a Crazy “dies
heterosexual theme! Bookstore
I had just about given up on finding one
of those books with a lesbian theme, that VISIT us
portrays a period I am interested in, which is ,
also well written. I know, I'm hard to please. In our NEW:
But leased I was when I came across a new
publization entitled "A Mistress Moderately . BUILDING.
Fair.‘I This book will jump out at you on the H“ d... cum-.53....
shelf! The cover painting of the mistress, h‘h'—
Margaret Featherstone, is so eye-catching it Ml HamiltonAvonuo
would dominate any display. CINCINNATI. 0H45223
The story is set in Restoration London,
in the mid-16705, against the background of
the stage. Almost all of the characters are —
fictional, with a few exceptions such as King
Charles, Nell Gwynn, and John Dryden.
The book is about a woman playwright,
Mrs. Featherstone; that is, the only woman —
playwright in London at this time. Her chief
ambition is to have her brilliant plays GAY MAN ELECTED PRESIDENT OF SAN
produced and to have them prove to be FRANCISCO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
successful. Then, out of nowhere, the
middle-aged, widowed Mrs. Featherstone meets On January 9, 1989, Harry G. Britt
the young and tantalizing actress Amy Dudley. became the first openly gay man to serve as
Amy is equally brilliant and Margaret quickly President of the San Francisco Board of
becomes her patron. Amy Dudley is the Supervisors. Supervisor Britt is one of the
perfect catalyst for her play5. and her own most prominent elected gay officials in the
life. The plot is filled with twists and turns; country. In January, 1979, he succeeded the
in fact, in some respects this book could be late Harvey Milk who was slain along with
considered a mystery. Mayor George Moscone by former Supervisor
Authored by Katherine Stutevant, this Dan White. Harry Britt was a close political
work is notable for its realistic, entertaining, associate and personal friend of Milk.
and seedy portrayal of King Charles's Elected to a full term in December, 1979,
Restoration London. You will be transported Harry Britt was the only challenged incumbent
by the accurate and seemingly authentic to retain a seat on the Board of Supervisors
dialect in which the dialogue is written. in that election. Supervisor Britt was
Highly recommended. Published in 1988 re-elected in November of 1980, 19816, and by
by Alyson Publications. Sells for $8.95, 2119 an overwhelming margin in 1988, in city-wide
pages of entertainment. races. In the 1988 election, Britt placed Ist
in a field of 25 candidates.
— President Britt was sworn into office by
the Honorable Mary C. Morgan, a lesbian
IS THERE STILL A LAVENDER LETTER? municipal court judge for the City and County
of San Francisco. Britt has emerged as one of
Our stories each month are partly the strongest progressive voices in San
dependent upon press releases and exchange Francisco politics. While effectively advocating
of information with other publications. Last the rights of gay men and lesbians, he has
fall the Lavender Letter suddenly stopped also been a strong proponent of the rights and
arriving. Like you, we want to know what's welfare of working people, seniors, women,
going on in Louisville. Drop us a note if you the disabled, and other minorities. Britt has
know where to find the Lavender Letter. also authored landmark legislation responding
Have they given up the ghost? to the AIDS epidemic.
February GLSO 7

by DLC
We all know her Yet
or have known her In a single moment
with a single look
Womanchild In the time it takes
to draw a breath
The embodiment of charm She can seduce you
and spontaneity Reduce you
She notices not to a helpless
Rather quivering
Takes for granted mass
The simplicity
of her world Are you her lover
A world so inviting or her mother?
That you long to join her
You are both
Her carefree facade of
self-confidence Woman takes lover
independence Child cleaves to mother
indifference She draws
Successfully hides You
the child within In
For a time Womanchild
Unseen She filles you up
Behind these sunglasses Becomes your reason
That nonchalant look for being
Lie pleading eyes
Wide with innocence Yet you cannot grasp her
and the need Try though you may
to be loved She just
lnstinctively you try to Away
take your in your arms .
draw her close lnevitably
make it all right She becomes restless,
But Seeking new amusements,
With a defiant shake companions
of her shoulders
a toss of her head Womanchild is woman
She pushes you away no more
No match for
You're not her mother that child within
she seems to say
Don't treat me that way Desperately you cling
to all that is left
She loves toys to that child
games and gadgets
Amuses herself Too soon
For hours She struggles free
With the simplest of things And then
she is gone.
She seems such a child
Sometimes Womanchild

 being, I hope you'll come and tell us where
you are.
I hope to see you at Dignity soon.
In peace and love,
' I Keith
Interested in attending the next House
DICNITY/LEXINCTON of Delegates Meeting and seeing what it is like
[0.501 19040 Lexington, KY «1591 to be a guest and not a host? On March
17-19, in Cincinnati, the Winter House of
269-3417 Delegates will meet. It should be great fun.
If you are interested, call Keith at the number
. listed in the Directory.
I'm coming up on an anniversary. Very The National Convention is set for San
soon, I will have been “out" four years. It Francisco on Labor Day weekend. It's
seems longer. I notice I've gone through expensive but sure to be a great event. For
different stages. I can remember coming out more information, call Keith.
and being worried whether I'd be accepted. I
can remember a transition time after coming 6th ANNIVERSARY
out when I started spending most of my time
with new lesbian and gay friends and less with Dignity/Lexington celebrates 6 years
older straight friends. I barely remember a together next month. Keep your calendars
time before I came out at all. In fact, I cleared on Saturday, March 11th for the
promised myself to never forget those feelings. event. Final details to be set in March's
But, alas, I have learned so much about newsletter.
myself since that time, uncovered so much of
me that I had buried, that I have pretty much _
forgotten life before being out.
Now, I'm at a point where I'm not on the NEW SUPPORT GROUP FORMS IN LOUISVILLE
process of coming out or staying out, or not
out, but a point where I reclaim my life as a A support group for gays and lesbians
whole person - a life I'm discovering. It feels facing problems in "coming out" has formed in
wonderful, healthy, vibrant, and a bit new Louisville. Members share their experiences
and scary. More and more I integrate and with family, friends, school or job. The
share all of my experience with myself and group meets after work on the first and third
others instead of fragmenting my life into Wednesdays of each month. Group members
acceptable bits and pieces for others. That will correspond with those needing help but
feels really good. My guard is down and I'm who cannot attend the meetings.
feeling very positive about that. Three years If you are coping with the "coming out"
ago, this would have seemed to be hard; now process and need another resource, contact:
being whole is easy, and being fragmented is
hard. G.A.L.C.O.
Very soon I may find myself in a P.O. Box 11
position where I am interviewed in the local Louisville, KY lI0201.
media. I'm SIIII not [00 sure how I feel about —
that except that I know I will be more clear
and positive about that possibility than I ever THE POLITICS OF AIDS
could have before. I am less dependent on
the notion of others than ever before. What has AIDS done to the lesbian and
Dignity has been a big help in this process. gay community? On February 13, the monthly
Where are you in this process? Are you forum meeting will be held at Comprehensive
in it at all? How do you feel about it? At the Care Center to discuss the impact AIDS has
February Rap Session at Janette's and Laura's had on our lives and how it has changed how
we will talk about "Our Human Being's Status others perceive us. How has it changed your
on an Ever Shrinking Planet." As one human life? Join us.
February GLSO 9

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by Kevin Nance

(Part Two of a review of Randy Shilts' book, Perhaps Milk's greatest media coup of
The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and the year (again, eerily reminiscent of recent
Times of Harvey Milk. Part one apeared in events in Lexington) had to do with dog
GLSO News, November, 1988) feces. Milk proposed a "pooper scooper"

Elected to the San Francisco Board of ordinance requiring dog owners to clean up
Supervisors in 1977, Harvey Milk set out to after their pets. For this he received
accomplish two distinctly different but voluminous media attention - a commodity he
dovetailing tasks: to legitimize his previously sought avidly throughout his career - that
unofficial role as spokesman for the city's emphasized his effectiveness in areas that had
burgeoning gay and. lesbian community, and to nothing to do with sexual preference. "All
serve notice that he would be more that simply over the country, they're reading about me
a gay politician. That is, Milk would apply and the story doesn't center on me being
his populist principles to issues far beyond gay," he said. "It's just about a gay person
the Castro STreet ghetto; no one would ever who is doing his job."
accuse him of being a single-issue supervisor. A threat far more serious than dogs