xt7tb27pqc8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27pqc8t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-02-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 10, 1989, no. 544 text The Green Bean, February 10, 1989, no. 544 1989 1989-02-10 2014 true xt7tb27pqc8t section xt7tb27pqc8t Number 544 February 10, 1989
Eiince July, 1988, statistics have been tabulated regarding the nature and
number of items placed in the King Library Reference Department‘s suggestion
box. New "suggestions" appear almost daily, and a total of 201 were deposited
over the six—month review period.
Over half the suggestions (113) requested the purchase of library materials.
Of these, 18 serial titles, 87 book titles and 8 general requests for the
works of a particular author or about a particular subject were received.
These requests were forwarded to the appropriate selector or to Collection
LS/2000 problems appearing to patrons to need correction were reported a total
of 24 times. These were forwarded to Catalog Maintenance.
Twenty—Four additional notes complained of everything from the number of lost
books to stale bread in the deli. Environmental concerns were the subject of
15 complaints attacking excessive noise, clocks set to the wrong time, the
high temperature, humidity and offensive smell of the building, vandalized
carrels, flies, dust, and one particularly dirty drinking fountain.
Of the remaining complaints, two related to the deli, one to the high prices
charged by copy service, four to weaknesses in the collection, one to the
policy which prevents students from checking out library materials when they
have given up their i.d.'s to get tickets for blockseating, and one
dissatisfied with the quality of the Infotrac printers. One additional
complainant wrote that we need to get " a more organized system for the
library so it's not so confusing. It shouldn't be necessary to need a Ph. D. (
to find a book."
Fifteen suggestions not relating to improving the library collection were also
received Among these were the installation of a strip of carpet on the bridge
between King North and South, an amnesty day, a BITNET address for the
Reference Department (which has been done), a blackboard by the front door for
patrons to use for messages to each other, student lockers, the purchase of a
copy of Kentucky authors' works for the regular stacks, LS/2000 terminals in
‘Iu¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty
of K t k L'b aries

 I the stacks, more Infotracs ann jnfotracs in the F/N/M department (one is
scheduled to be installed in P/biz"/M in January), an electronic suggestion box
for LS/2000, and, since the   directing patrons to Maps are regularly
changed to read "Mars", one patron suggested that we change the name of that
unit to something like "gjap and gssociated gescurce ;S_ervices.”'
To combat the excessive amount of noise made by   patrons, which was the
subject of eight long notes written by obviously upset and frustrated patrons,
two suggestions were received, One writer suggested that patrons concerned by
the noise wear ear plugs; the other regarded   problem as serious enough to
require the funding of za "noise awareness pr·ogre1n" to include posters, ads in
the Kernel, group study rooms for talkers, and noise patrols.,
In addition to all of the above suggestions and compla`~·~ts, seven
miscellaneous items were received. Among these, one person wrote in support
of the library staff ann students complaining about the noise, one wrote in
appreciation of the "great selection of 3`xppalachian titles," one praised the
Reference Department staff, and, in conclusion, one e>;»i;la·imed "I think your
online catalog is fabulous$" {Submitted by Judy Sackett;
The Academic Library 5-iection of the Kentucky l.ii·,z:ai·y Flssociation will be
holding its spring meeting in conjunction with the Association of College and
Research Libraries fifth national conference in Cincinnati April 5-8, 1989.
The conference theme, "Buij€.ding on the First Century} will be carried out
through numerous p~··ogram;—;, papers and pre·—conterenqize events. §€LJia/ALS menioers
can participate at   ACRL meufoers registration price of $95 even if they are
not members of ALA or ACRL,
The KLA/ALS semiannual business meeting will also be conducting during the
ACRL meeting on FRiday, April 7, For more information alwout the meeting, get
in touch with Brad Grissom in the Biological Sciences Library`. l
Qi;  i€11;;~?7:’€§é EE~LE`      ’i·'» " 
ABOVE     ·~=/wat to than}-; you fo vi your
donation ;_~Tt toys ix; r¤·1;_»port of
our Chrisim:·;v effort.
The Library   itrganization
recently received this Letter from This past lfihristmrs, thanks tc
the Salvation Army: folks li:<;~: ;,·’<>u1;:~elv;es, we wee
able iw: provioéa food, tc>y·-,.. and
On behalf of "he Salvation gifizs .».» E/*,i>_:_$: _>;a;=s»l.a.e; e in
Army and those we serve, I  `y'l’A?Y] we   »;;>e,;»:w-I?]E2E5ESZIZCDISTZXJL. IDIEFNVIEJLAEDIPIMIIBIQTIT
Clouncil on Library Resources Fellowships offer financial support to
individuals who wish to undertake research or conduct analytical studies
pertinent to library operations and services or to pursue other professional
projects of importance. The program is open to professional staff members of

 academic, research and public libraries. CLR fellowships, which are awarded
on a competitive basis, are granted for periods of four to twelve months.
CLR fellows are expected to undertake research projects that will expand the
knowledge base of the library com unity. Possible areas of research include
library operations, bibliographic systems, user requirements, historical
subjects, and information systems and the future library, among others,
Applications are considered three times a year, on March 1, October 1, and
December lg For more information, write the Council on Library Resources,
1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. A brochure outlining
requirements is also available in the Green Bean office.
ffhese telephone numbers were either incorrect or omitted on the recently r
distributed telephone list. Please make the appropriate corrections.
Acquisitions/Accounting ............ 7-8391
Steve Savage ....................... 7-8387
Jane Dean (Serials Cataloging) ..... 7-8391
Olga D. Wood (Law Library) ......... 7-8345
` Assistant Archivist for Arrangement
Library Technician IV, Grade 8, and Description, Auburn University.
Periodicals/Newspapers/Microtexts. Salary: $22,000 — $25,000 minhmmn
[Job hours are 1:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m., Deadline: March 15, 1989.
Library Technician II, grade 6,
For information or to apply for the
jobs listed above, get in touch with
Ann Howell, Director's Office. Assistant Librarian, National Center
on Deafness, California State
University, Northridge. Salary:
Associate, Sanders—Brown Center on $28,884 - $34,740. Deadline:
Aging. Salary: none listed. Febmmry10,19&L
Deadline: March 1, 1989.

 ¤* .
Assistant Humanities Librarian,  
Southern Illinois University at Librarian for Professional y
Carbondale. Salary: $20,000 Development and Education, North f
minimum. Deadline: February 20, Carolina State University, Raleigh.  
1989. Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline: ‘
March 1, 1989.
Assistant Head of the Reference {
Cataloger, General Monographic Department, North Carolina State i
Cataloging, Northwestern University, University, Raleigh. Salary: $26,000  
Evanston. Salary: $21,000 —· $25,000. minimum. Deadline: March 1, 1989. 1
Deadline: April 15, 1989.  
Business Librarian, University of Head, Circulation Department, Ohio l
Notre Dame, South Bend. Salary: State University, Columbus. Salary: A
$25,000 minimum. Deadline: April 15, $27,480 — $35,090. Deadline: March I
1989. 1, 1989. p
Head, Monographic Cataloging Section, §
A Ohio State University, Columbus.  
Salary: $27,480 -$32,640. Deadline: g
MASSACHUSETTS March 1, 1989. .
Manuscripts/General Cataloger, Ohio
State University, Columbus. Salary:
Assistant Humanities Librarians, $21,000 - $25,440. Deadline: March
Massachusetts Institute of 1, 1989.
Technology, Cambridge. Salary: Latin American Cataloger, Ohio State
$21,000 minimum. Deadline: February University, Columbus. Salary:
28, 1`989. $21,000 -$25,440. Deadline: March 1,
Assistant Social Science Librarians, 1989.
Massachusetts Institute of User Education Librarian, Ohio State `
Technology, Cambridge. Salary: University, Columbus. Salary; ;
$21,000 minimum. Deadline: February $21,000 — $25,000. Deadline: March
28, 1989. 1, 1989. $
Documents Reference Librarian,  
Cataloger, New York University. University of Oregon, Eugene. Salary: `
Salary: $26,000 minimum. Deadline: $20,000. Deadline: March 31, 1989.
February 28, 1989. Head, Catalog Department, University
of Oregon, Eugene. Salary: $30,000 —
$35,000. Deadline: March 31, 1989.

Access Services Librarian, Temple Collection Development/Reference
University, Philadelphia. Salary: Librarian, Rice University, Houston.
$20,000 minimum. Deadline: March 1, Salary: $22,000 — $25,000. Deadline:
1989. none listed.
Serials Cataloging Coordinator,
Temple University, Philadelphia.
Salary: $23,000 -$27,000. Deadline:
March 1, 1989. VIRGINIA
Hispanic/Latin American Cataloger,
University of Pittsburgh. Salary: Science Reference Librarian (2
none listed. Deadline: March 17, positions), Virginia Tech,
1989. _ Blacksburg. Salary: $20,200 minimum.
Head, Copy Cataloging Section, Deadline: February 28, 1989.
University of Pittsburgh. Salary: Social Sciences Cataloger, Virginia
none listed. Deadline: March 17, Tech, Blacksburg. Salary: $20,200
1989. minimum. Deadline: February 28,
. é
Bonnie Jean Cox, editor/typist.
Cecil Madison, printer.