xt7tb27pq26p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27pq26p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-04-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1952 1952 1952-04-25 2013 true xt7tb27pq26p section xt7tb27pq26p The Kentucky Kernel


Grad School
Policy Change
OK'd Monday

Run Independent
For The First Time
Neel, president of Sigma Phi

Rest Of Slate
Includes Gardner
And Patterson



and the United States Party,
said his party's platform is still in
the committee stage, and would not
be announced until next week. The
Constitutionalists have already comwill not make
An independent will run on the pleted their slate, but
Constitutionalist Party ticket for the it public until next will not be as
"Our platform
first time in the party's history. Mrs.
strong this year as In previous
Alice Ann Clayton will be a candiwill dedate for Graduate School woman-t-lar- years," Neel said. "We
finitely keep working on the book
in the Student Government
exchange issue. We expect to bring
Association election May 7.
The Constitutionalists announced it up again as soon as Alpha Phi
their entire list of candidates this Omega gets its plans."
He was referring to the recent
week, and the United Students
opParty, which last week announced attempt to institute a student
three candidates, completed its slate. erated used book exchange. Brought
before SGA by United Student repJess Gardner, Sigma Alpha
former SGA representative, resentative Pete Carter, the book
will be the Constitutionalist candi- exchange idea was dropped until
date for president. His running later when President H. L. Donovan
mate will be Pat Patterson, Kappa turned thumbs down.
APO Is Investigating
Delta, who was also a representative.
Alpha Phi Omega, Boy Scout servThe United Students last week
announced George Lawsbn and ice fraternity, has had book exHenry Neel would be their candi- changes established by several chapdates for president and vice presi- ters at other universities and coldent, respectively.' Both Lawson and leges. The group is now investigat
Neel are at present representatives. ing plans used by other chapters
6and their possible application to UK.
"We expect the largest turnout of
any SGA election ever held." Neel
Tom Wilborn, Constitutionalist
publicity chairman, described the
Constitutionalist platform as "large- -'
ly made up of very practical planks,
things which should give immediate
advantage to students,
Includes Old Planks
"Our platform includes some old
planks which we haven't been able
to enact yet, including a student
bank and a student book exchange,"
By Dick Cherry
Wilborn explained.
Sham riisriiK&inn nreceded the In addition to Lawson and Neel,
ts .nnmnritinn for the United Students will back these
the Student Bar Association by the candidates:
Arts and Sciences lowerclassmen,
Student Government Assembly MonDick Rushing, Kappa Sigma, and
day night.
The money is to be used to finance John Redden, independent;
Paul Holleman, Delta Tau
a Law Day, which will be held Wedelta; ard Dick AUen- - independent.
nesday, according to law students
Lowerclasswoman. Peggy Maghill,
Bill MrMann and Eueene Hines. The
Bar As- - independent; upperclasswoman,
two representatives of the
were introduced to SGA i Morgan, independent,
Williams Will Run
members by Assemblyman Joe '
Agriculture lowerclassman, Fred
The appropriation passed with a Williams. Farm House;
-- 7.
Vice president "Tnarc John Robertson, Farm House;
cione voce-- ,
Pat Moore, Chi
Charles "Red" Hale, Secretary Polly woman-at-larg- e,
Bottler, and two assembly members Omega.
Commerce upperclassman. Hank
abstained from the voting. Hale
presided over the meeting in the ab- - Maeser, Kappa Sigma: woman-at-senlarge, Jane Truitt, Kappa Kappa
of President Bob Smith.
Dick Hub- McMann and Hines said the $75 Gamma;
would be used to pay speakers from bard. Phi Delta Theta.
Louisville, one of whom is to speak
Education woman-at-larg- e,
on the procedure in magistrates' Driscoll, Delta Delta Delta.
Engineering lower classman, Nor- courts. McMann said the Law Day
program will be open to all Univer- - man Berry, independent; upperclass-sit- y
students, and stressed the popu- - j man, Charles Campbell. Pi Kappa
T. Y.
lar appeal of the lecture on courts. ' Alpha; representative-at-larg- e,
He said four out of every five adults, Martin, Delta Tau Delta,
at one time or another, appear be- - '
Igleheart For Law
fore a police magistrate.
Law reresentative at large, Ted
Engineers Make Own Pay
Igleheart, independent.
Moham-positio- n
Nick Thompson, speaking in op- Graduate
to the appropriation, pointed med Altug, independent; Jack Early,
out that the engineering students

Ep-silo- n,

SGA Barely
Passes Law



Student Bar Gets
For Law Day













to pace 8



nn nimi t
the costumes that may be seen at the club's international "good will"
dance to be held from 8:30 .m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday in the SUB
Ballroom. The club is sponsoring the dance as a symbolic gesture to
help the Lexington Women's Club raise $1800 to send two students

abroad as Community Ambassadors. Seated on the couch are Annie
Ahn, China, and Lilly Match, Latvia. Standing are Masako Inugai,
Japan, and Joellen McNutt, Arts and Sciences student from Maysville.
Part of the costume Miss McNutt is wearing, which was furnished her
by Monacher Ganji, Iran, is authentically Persian. Some of the material in the costume is over 100 years old.

Cosmopolitans Sponsor
First 'Good Will' Dance
Bizarre Costumes
And Exotic Music
To Be Featured
dance, the first of its kind on the
UK campus, will be held from 8:30
p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday.
The Cosmopolitan Club is sponsoring the dance as a symbolic gesture
to aid the Lexington Women's Club
in its effort to raise $1800 to send
one UK stuednt and one Lexington
high school student abroad as Community Ambassadors. A Community
Ambassador is a young person
selected by the people of his home
town to spend a short time abroad
and then bring home a greater
understanding of the people and
culture of another land, according to
a Cosmopolitan Club spokesman.
"Most foreign students at UK are
on American scholarships," ' says
Monacher Ganji, chairman of the
dance. "We feel we should do something to repay this country for its
Native Costumes To Be Worn '
costumes and exotic music
will prevail at the dance. Many of
the foreign students plan to attend
dressed in the costumes of their
native country, and several Cosmopolitan Club members will participate in a costume skit. The ballroom will be decorated with flags
of all nations to add to the international atmosphere. Students may
attend in costume or in informal
Music will be furnished by the

'Gayle Warner' To Stand Trial
In Lafferty Court For Murder
Mock Court Part
Of Law School's

Special Program
The mock trial of Gayle Warner,
who shot and killed Charles Brooks
in a staged fight in the SUB GriU
Tuesday morning, will be held at
Lafferty Circuit Court at 2 pm.
The trial is a part or the special
Law Day program, which will also
include addresses by Charles O'Con-nel- l.
Secretary of State, and John
A. Fulton, judge of the Jefferson
County Quarterly Court.
Shelley Riherd, a senior in the
College of Law, will act as prosecuting attorney of Lafferty .County.
Jack Lowery Jr., one of UK's representatives in the national Moot
Court trials held last fall, is to be
special prosecutor. The attorneys for
the defense are Dan Cornette and
Joe Nagle, both senior law students.
Gayle Warner, the defendant in the
case, is portrayed by Charlie Tack-et- t.
In the staged fight, Charles
Brooks was played by Ed Roark.
According to Riherd, Brooks had
been taking out Warner's sweetheart, who will be played by 'Pat
Moore, UK's representative to the
Mountain Laurel Festival. When the
fight broke out in the Grill, Brooks
asked Warner if he was "trying to
get even."
Attorneys Make Statements
Both prosecution and defense attorneys have issued formal statements for the press. Riherd said
that the prosecution would seek the
death penalty. "The facts of this
case," Riherd stated, "are such that
if Gail Warner should go unpunished the people of this Commonwealth would not be safe in their
homes or public places."

Students Witness
'Killing Of Brooks'


Tuesday Morning


in the SUB
grill witnessed the staged murder of
Charles Brooks Tuesday morning.
Ed Roark, a senior in the College
of Law, played the part of the victim. His killer was Gayle Warner,
played by law senior Charlie Tack-et- t.
Warner will be tried in "Laf-iert- y
Circuit Court" Wednesday as
part of the Law Day exercises.
The fight, which led to the "murder" of Brooks by Warner, started
when the two collided in the doorway between the Grill and the Cafeteria. Warner knocked a cup of
coffee out of Brooks' hand.
After a short dialogue. Brooks
struck Warner and knocked him to
the floor. A shot was fired. Brooks
staggered backward into the Grill,
and fell. His shirt was stained with
coffee, representing blood.
Immediately, Sgt. Joe Modica and
Patrolman John Boyle of the Lexington Police Department appeared
from the Cafeteria and arrested
Warner, who was holding a revolver.
When the fight first began, Ward
Coleman, who knew both combatants, tried to separate them. He
could not understand why they
would squabble.
Kernel Photographer Ken Vance,
sitting close to the scene with his
camera, had been informed of the
entire procedure. But when the
shot was fired, he became so excited
that he could hardly aim his camera.
Many observers were uneffected.
Fred Silhanek, a junior in the College of Engineering who was sitting
about 15 feet from the action, simply
commented that his slide-rul- e

Photo by Ken

ant e

Charles Brooks (Ed Roark) grasps
his wound after being shot in a
lover's quarrel. William Fishback
is getting ready to move him.

Joe Nagle and Dan Cornette, the
attorneys for the defense, said that
Warner was innocent. "The shooting of Charles Brooks was completely devoid of any culpability on
the part of Gayle Warner," Nagle

Continued to page b )


FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1952

10 o'clock


Cosmopolitan Club's own Latin
American band. The band is directed
by Hector Oliver, from Colombia, a
student in the College of Engineering. Other members of the band are
Alfredo A. Caballero and Esteban
Martinez, Cuba ; Alfredo S. Rubi-ros- a
and Leo Tejeda, Dominican Republic; and Luis Pacheco and Jose
R. Franco, also from Colombia. The
band specializes in bolera and
as well as mambo and rumba
UK Musicians To Perform
Phi Mu Alpha will present a
program of folk songs and
contemporary music during the
dance. The theme of their program
will be "The American Side of
Music." The program will consist of
a folk song, several jazz numbers,
and two serious pieces composed by
members of- Phi Mu Alpha.
There will be no specific charge
for, attending the dance. Those
tending may make a donation at the
door. The money will be turned over
to the Lexington Women's Club.
This will be the first time the Cosmopolitan- Club has sponsored a
ttanoe for participated in a money
project in its 30 years on the
campus. The club, an affiliate of
started in 1921 with
seven members. At present approximately 75 foreign students and almost as many American students beguar-acha-



Members of the club also plan a
tag sale on the campus next week
to raise further funds to support
the Women's Club Community Ambassador Project.

Lances Accepting
Applications For
New Membership
Lances is accepting applications
for membership. Applications must
be in Dean A. D. Kirwan's office by
4 p.m. Thursday.
standCandidates must have a
ing and a minimum of six activity
points. Further information may be
obtained in the office of the Dean
of Students.


Prof. Patch
Will Present
Piano Concert
Nathaniel Patch, pianist, will present the final concert of the Sunday
Afternoon Musicales at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial Hall.
Mr. Patch joined the University
music faculty in September 1949,
and has been actively identified
with musical interests in the community and the state.
He received his master's degree
and artist's diploma in piano from
the Eastman School of Music,
Rochester, N. Y. Before coming to
the University, he taught at George
Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn.
In the past, Mr. Patch has appeared with the Rochester Philharmonic and Rochester Civic Orchestras. Recently, he was soloist
with the. Nashville Civil Orchestra
and the Louisville Philharmonic.
He has given recitals in Kentucky,
Tennessee, Alabama, and New York,
and, this season was soloist with the
University Orchestra.
Special guests are members of Phi
Mu Alpha Sinforia, men's honorary
music fraternity.
The program includes: four preludes. Op. 38 in C sharp minor, G
major. G minor, and B flat major,
by Kabalevsky; French Suite No. 5
in G Major: Allemande, Courante,
Sarabande, Gavotte, Bourree, Loure,
and Gigue, by Bach; and Sonta,
Op. 3G: Allegro
Lento, and
i Allegro
molto, by Rachmaninoff.

Rule Passed Requiring
Greeks To Make 1.3

Six Extra Hours
May Replace Thesis
Under New Plan

Kirwan Says Regulations
Not Aimed To Hurt Frats

Card Pictures
For Fall Semester
Available May 9
I-- D

The University Faculty approved a
plan authorizing changes in the
structure of the Graduate School
and some modifications of policy
and requirements for graduate de
grees at Monday's meeting. Dr. Herman E. Spivey, dean of the Graduate
School, has announced.
One of the major changes approved by the faculty was that candidates for masters' degrees may
now substitute six extra hours of
class work for the thesis which was
formerly required. This option is
similar to that which has been offered in the Education College for
some time.
stressed that the
Dr. Spivey
changes must be voted on by the
Board of Trustees before they go
into effect.
Three Main Points
Concerning the organizational
changes in the Graduate School, Dr.
Spivey said there were three main
1) plans for the immediate enlargement of the Graduate faculty
on the basis of high professional attainment.
2) establishment of an elective
Graduate Council to assist the Graduate Dean in the promotion of
graduate work.
3) establishment of a definite system of graduate advisors, to be
known as "Directors of Graduate
Main Changes Listed
He said the main changes in
policies and regulations are:
1) higher standards and improved
procedures for admission to full
graduate standing of those seeking
advanced degrees.
2) better control of Graduate
School loads, so as to promote deeper study of the credits actually earn-


Social organizations which il not maintain a 1.3 standing next
year will lose social privileges for the following year under the
stipulations of a rule passed Monday by the University Faculty,
Dean of Students A. D. Kirwan has announced.
Those organizations which do not meet the 1.3 standing re- .
quire mem uiinng tne vear in wmcn thev are on social pronation
will le prohibited from pledging and initation. Thev will be called
upon to show reason why their charters should not fx? revoked,
the new rulings further stipulate.
"This action is not aimed at hurting fraternities," Dean Kirwan
said. lie emphasized that the faculty action was directed toward
helping UK social organizations improve the poor scholastic rec- -

Pictures for the 1952-5- 3
cards will be taken in Room 127
of the SUB starting May 5, continuing daily through May 9. it
has been announced.
Students who Intend to enroll
ior ine nrxi tau semester muse.1
.hK,V' "J!L
period if they
ration Cards for the next school
year. Present ID cards will not be
reeognizea ior admittance to athletic events and other activities
after the close of the present semester.
The pictures will be taken from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and, on
Thursday and Friday only, an additional night period from 7 to
I-- D

ords many of them have made in
the past, rather than to inflict
penalties on them.
Action Effective Next Fall t
"It is designed so that it won't
hurt anybody now," he continued,
pointing out that all the organizations would start next year with a

9 p.m.




The studio will be closed from
to 1 p.m. each day.

Awards Presented
To 250 Students
Mother s Day
observance, and many of the guests
remained on the campus Wednesday
night as special guests.
Honors announced there included:
New officers of campus YWCA:
Kim Sanford, Charleston. W. Va.;
Patricia Glynn Vincent. Covington;
Norma Jean Devine. Lexington;
Anne Davis Latta, Water Valley.
Home Ee Officers
New officers of Home Economics
Eloise Cooksey. ' Willisburg;
Helen Mae Stephens, Bloomfield;
Mary Louise Willhite, Eminence


'Stars In Night
Honors Woiren
For Achievements


clean slate and have the whole year
to improve their standings.
The plan, which was originally
proposed by the Arts and Sciences
Faculty, passed the University
Faculty without a dissenting vote.
Only one amendment was made
in the plan as presented by Vice
President Leo Chamberlain, acting
for Dr. R, L. TuthiU, chairman of
the Rules Committee, who was out
of town for the week. The time at
which the new rules would go into
effect was changed from the close
of the present year until the close
of next year.
The amendment was made after
Karwan ana President H. L.
Donovan asked the faculty to give
tne new Interfraternity CourcU
Plan an opportunity to prove its
worth bIor Penalties were applied.
All Social Groups Obligated
Although the rules make specific
reference to fraternities and so-ronties. they also state that any
social organization on the campus
can haVfl
requirements and
Pe11!''6 PP"ed to them at the
n ot Men and
cretlon ot
u ul
Ten social events was set as the
maximum number which can be
fraternity and sorority

Two hundred fifty women students at UK won hieh honors for
superior scholarship and leadership
records at the annual "Stars in the
Night" program.
The program, which is presented
3) fixing of a time limit so that each year by
the University Womno student's work for a given degree en's Administrative Council, is for
could extend over too many years.
the purpose of recognizing women
4) approval of a
for masters' degrees.
in leadership and scholarship on the Karen Kercheval. Buechel; Lee Ann
5) broadening
of the doctoral campus.
Leet. Utica; Jacqueline Lesteri
same tune
course program.
nhiP reAmong those who heard campus Shoulders. Princeton; Lois Smith. the
ere passed. It was also
6) provisions for copyrighting and
honorary societies announce new laxing on
event were n"'
publishing by microfilm doctoral officers and members and witnessed
House Presidents' Council awards
inchjde more than one dance
rooms in sorority nouse: to
the presentation of trophies and for best
7) an increase in the stipends of
Moore. Miami. Fla.; Bar-- sldfe
awards were several hundred part,on - ot the event,
graduate fellowships and scholar- ents, friends, faculty members, and bara Kinpton. Madisonville. and Vir- i
ginia Morse. Ithaca. N. Y.; residence
T HwmwitK Setup
Betty Jewell Yeast. Harods- - 'he Soclal Pr?frm
The "Stars in the Night" program . hall,
"The intent of the whole program
burg best overall appearance. Delta Rush . parties
is to bring the UK Graduate School -Tiolta Tliii t o GArnpitv onH UqmiHnn
pledges will not count as one of tha
into harmony with the best thinking
ten social events.
of the graduate staff here, and also
momKflro rf Cf i ion f TTnln
fraternities all ap- "I
with the best graduate practices of
Board: Emma Belle Barnhill, Provi- - provethin
of that themselves, said Dean
the nation," Dr. Spivey said.
dence; Patricia Hervey. Mt. Lakes.
Kirwan speaking of the limiting of
"The UK Graduate School has
N. J.; Joyce Miles, Louisville; Carol
social functions. "The rule serves a
quadrupled its enrollment in the
Sand-ne- r.
Milkey. Mt. Lakes, N. J.; Ruth
two-fo- ld
purpose, that of reducing
last six years," he said, "and now it
Ft. Thomas: Marilyn Youman. expenses as well as improving scholstands near the top of the 48 gradLexington.
uate schools in the South and SouthThe 1952 Kentuckian will be pubNew Kappa Delta Pi Members
New Rules Listed
UK ranks ninth in total lished some time this summer, Busi- New members of KaDDa Delta Pi
The text of the new rules follows:
Southern graduate enrollment and ness Manager Dave Bere announced
education honorary: Mary Jo Bis-th- is
1. Any fraternity or sorority which,
eighth in the number of doctor's
hop, Lexington; Vivian Burke, Lex- - at the close ot a school year, has an
degrees awarded."
"We hope to have it out by the ington; Mildred Carter. Lexington; average standing for both
-- Dr.
Spivey noted that the plan last week in July, in time for the
submitted to the faculty had been August graduates to have it," Bere Susan Cox. Summer Shade: Sara and pledges lower than 1.3 ( the
Dugan. Louisville; Elizabeth Fisher.
average shall be placed on sofour years in the making. He addjsaia. faeniors graduating in June Louisville; Elizabeth Ford. Lexing-ica- n cial probation for the following year.
ed that the purpose of the plan is to
have their copies of the Ken-jtoRutn Halvorsen. Scarsdale. N. Social probation shall prevent the
give the Graduate School a struc. tuckian
y.; Camille Henderson. Lexington; fraternity from holding any social
mailed to them.
( Continued to page 8 )
Students who will be in Lexington jewell Henslev. Molus: Edna Kalker. affair to which other than members
tnis summer will probably be aoie Erlanger; Ruth Maggard. Lexington: are invited.
to ciami men-- yearoooKs anyume Jimmie Christine Parker. Harlan:! 2. If, during a year of social pro-aft- er
the last week of July, BerejSuzanne QUarles. Frankfort; Mary bation. a fraternity or sorority again
stated- 'Simpson, Lexington; Bettye StullJ fails to meet the specified standing.
Copies wiU be mailed to aU seniors; Lexmeton: Bettie Tuttle. Lexineton it shall immrfiatPiv h nrnhihitoH
and other students who cannot pick charlotte Van Deren. Lexington; from further pledging or initiation,
them up during scheduled distnbu- - Muriei Varney. Williamson. W. Va.: and it shall be caUed UDon to show
tion times this summer and next fail. Barbara Way man. Belle vue; Eula cause why its charter should not be
However, those who want the Ken- - West oi, SpringS. Edna Earle Har- - revoked. A final decision respecting
tuckian by mail must pay a min- - risburg IU . Nancy Hukm pris.
the revocation of a charter or the
imum mailing and insurance fee of
New members of Chi Delta Phi rnwai nf
nH initiation
Sing will begin 25 cents.
women s literary society: Mary Ann privileges shall be made by the Uni- Monday night with women's pretuzaoetn versiiy rucuuy on me oasis oi evi- lvlar!lu"' wcuuiasvuie.
liminaries. The men's preliminarFees May Be Paid
ies will be held Wednesday night.
Payment of the fee may be made! Ross- - Louisville: Ann Oldham, Dan- - dence furnished and recommeuda-durin- g
Both performances will begin at
the next two weeks from! ville: Mary Lewis Patterson, Madi- - tions made by the Dean of Men or
7:30 p m. in Memorial Hall.
10 to 12 a.m. on Tuesday and Thurs- - Seville; Helen Dees Harris. Science the Dean of Women,
3. If at any time it becomes evi-rtFinals for both men and women days, and from 2 to 4 p.m. on Mon- - HiU; Marian Wells. Tongs; Ann
average has
dent that the
anrt Frirfavs at Carson. Paducah.
will be held at 8 p.m. May 4 in
New officers of Chi Delta Phi: 'changed significantly, the Univer- Memorial Hall. The sing is spon- the Kentuckian office, 210 Journal- sored jointly by Omicron Delta ism Building.
CnttiniK-i(Continued fu palli' 4
If, MUr H
Dr. Niel Plummer, head of the
Kappa, Mortar Board. Phi Mu AlBoard of Student Publications, said
pha, and Phi Beta.
Four men's groups; and 10 wom- getting the Kentuckian out before
en's groups are entered. One new the end of the spring term is im- women's group, the Good Samaritan possible because of the lack of help
student nurses, is entered in this during the past year.
"The Kentuckian is supposedly
year's sing.
project," Dr. Plum- Of the three finalists in the men's
l.mer said. "However, not many stu- division last yer, only Delta Tau
dents reported to work on the staff,
Delta will have, an entry this year. and this
By Dorman Cordell
Farmer, house president "I think
has slowed production. A
Order of appiearance will be de- few persons have to do all the work
you should have a standing, but the
termined by loit drawn by the
and keep up their studies at the expressed fraternities with sororities new rules are stiff. They should do
the new something about scholarship. FraSing Committee. Ann
same time. This makes it very dif- scholastic and social rules passed ternities and sororities are leaders
is chairman, Joyce Davis is ficult for them."
this week by the University Faculty. on the campus, and. as such,
secretary. Don Hartford is treasurer.
A majority of the Greek organ- -,
Changes Possible
George Creecile represents ODK, and
have good standings. It's going to
junior pictures may not izations seem to believe that the knock the fraternities in the head."
Mary Jo Bishop represents Mortar
Board. Halt ford represents Phi Mu appear in the Kentuckian after this matter of scholastic disciplining
Alpha Xi Delta. Martha Milburn,
Alpha and MLss Huddleston is the year, Bere said. Another major should be left to individual organ- vice president "It's very good. I
change in the 1953 Kentuckian will izations or to the Interfraternity and think since one of the main objecPhi Beta representative.
In the mien's preliminaries. Phi be that pictures of all organizations Panhellenic Councils.
of a sorority or fraternity is
Some of the groups spoke favor- tives
Sigma Kapjpa. directed by Norval will be taken as groups, except frathey should have
ably on the new action, and thought high scholarship,
vill sing "Sheep May ternities and sororities. The Greek
to keep up their standings."
it might be a partial solution to the
Safely Graz' by Bach, and "Give organizations will still be represent
Taking Privileges t'ensurrd
Me Your Tn ed. Your Poor" by Ber- ed by individual pictures, as before. problem of low scholarship in fraChi Omega. Marilyn Jody, vice
ternities and sororities.
two changes may be necesThe
president "We think the University
Delta Titu Delta, directed by Jim sitated by a lack of funds, Bere excorJrect m trm l keep
Woodward, will sing "Delta Shelter," plained. He pointed out that the know of the ruling limiting social
and sorority standings about the
Student Government Association functions to 10 per year. Those who average, but taking away social privWiderspruch," and "Shadrack,
had cut its appropriation to this did wene unanimously opposed.
and Abednego."
ileges for such small sorority groups
Opinions Are Expressed
Sigma Phi Epsilon. directed by year's Kentuckian, while production
-organizations, and as Tau Alpha Pi is not fair. The
Some of the
Don Clayton, wm smg Brothers. costs are constantly rising.
new rule is too dogmatic.
"We have to make these changes the opinions expressed by officers
Sing On!" by Grieg, "Similau," and
"The University has said that a
of Hearts." "Queen of because of a lack of finnncinl sup- - were :
Alpha Gamma Delta, Marlene
port," Bere stated.
iCuutiuuctl to paw b)
iCiui itiuiKii lo paue S)

dis-Clu- b:








lyaz ivyian


Won't Be Out
Until Summer



all-m- en


Women Open
Campus Sing
Monday Night








Most Greeks Resent








'Killing' Faculty Rule

� 1


Tape 2



Friday. April 25. 1952

The Stewpot

Faculty Should Lead Students
By Reason Instead Of Force
Believe in truth, protest against error, lead men
by reason rather than force.
The spirit of tliese wor Is which appear tinder the
bronze plaque of President Emeritus Frank L.
in the Margaret I. King Library were apparently forgotten by the University Faculty when it
passed the rules concerning social organizations
That the scholastic standing of some social organizations at UK is had cannot lie denied. We
would be the last to deny it. Nor do we question
the motives of the Faculty, who were undoubtedly
sincere in their desire to improve scholarship.
But their action, coming as it did when the chief
offenders, the fraternities, were, under the influence
of reason, taking steps to solve their own problems,
seems to us unfair.
Actually, we don't think the penalties called for
in the new rules will ever le used. We believe the
IFC program will clear up the situation before the
end of next year. Some faculty memlers have ex- Mc-Ve-

Has Entertainment
Replaced Education






"Astronomers at the University of Chicago have
detected something that looks like moss growing
on Mars. I am convinced that Mars was once inhabited by rational beings like ourselves who had
the misfortune, some thousands of years ago, to
invent television."
Quoted from Rolert Ilutchins' farewell address
to tlie students of tlie University of Chicago.)
Aside from a possible censure of television, this
quotation can also be interpreted as a lament for a
people who daily seem to be more obsessed with
being entertained than with being educated and
trying to think.
Millions of Americans annually go to the movies
to escape the troubles of everyday life. They sink
back in soft theater seats and are relieved of the
burden of thinking. In a like manner, others spend
what little time they'devote to reading in the perusal of the comic strips in the newspapers. Our
magazines are full of erotic romance stories emotional garbage. Tlie radio devotes much more time
to the problems of 'Willy's Other Uncle, Joseph"
than it does to intelligent forums of public opinion
and the publicizing of facts aliout the pressing
problems of today's world.
The fault: is certainly not with the movies, the
newspapers, the magazines, or the radio. After all,
they are commercial venture that produce what the
public iss willing to consume. Tlie fault lies with
the people themselves you and I, and our educational system.
True-whave developed technical knowledge to
a high point. Scientists now have an electronic
brain that solves the most complicated mathematical' problems with barely a murmur. We have
gone far in the specialization of various fields of
knowledge, but this has led to a lessening of the
importance of individual original thinking. Far too
much of today's schooling concerns the memorization of formulae, patterns, and diagrams. We have
become obsessed with facts and nothing but facts."
As yet this country doesn't have robot-lik- e
thinking, but we're moving toward it. Only if our education system is revamped to teach people not
uliat to think, but how to think will we avoid the
-- R.K.C.

pressed this same feeling. In view of this, we see
that the Faculty
no reason for the
has dealt these organizations.
Certainly, a lack of faith in the students ot the
University as responsible persons was shown. In a
sense these students may have deserved this lack of
faith due to their failure to remedy their scholastic
problem earlier. On the other hand, constnictive
efforts should receive encouragement, not the threat
of penalties in the event of failure.
Ultimately the social organizations themselves are
the ones who must actually improve their own
scholarship. The faculty rules attack the effect of
poor scholarship, low numerical standings, but they
do not deal with its causes, poor study habits, lack
of incentive, wasted time, and the like. These will
have to lie remedied by the members themselves.
The new rules may force members of social organizations to work harder to eliminate the cause, but
they give lio advice as to how this can be done.
Students can seem to be an unreasonable lot;
sometimes it seems they don't really care about anything. Often it is a great temptation to lead them
by force rather than by reason. There