xt7tb27pq253 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27pq253/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1937-06-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 30, 1937 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 30, 1937 1937 1937-06-30 2013 true xt7tb27pq253 section xt7tb27pq253 SUMMER






30, 1937

PICNIC College Publicity Men Reprimand EIGHT COURSES
Certain National Magazines SCHEDULED TO

Life, the new picture magazine,
and certain other magazines are
creating a false perspective of current campus life, In the opinion of
Softball Games and Tour of the delegates to the 18th annual
Kceneland Feature Acconvention of the American college
publicity association. The associativities of Aftertion met In Louisville last week,
and after hearing numerous speakers denounce the accused magaBURGOO SERVED BY
LOONEY zines, prepared for a counter-attac- k.


Puppet Show, Dancers, Music
Furnish Entertaniment
In Evening

Food and fun were chief topics of
Interest yesterday when more than
450 Summer Session students made

merry at the annual
picnic at Keeneland race track.
Burgoo, made by Col. J. T. Loon- ey, world famous burgoo-mast- er.
was the high point of the food side
of the festivities. Also on the menu
for the meal were barbecued lamb,
potato chips,
ham sandwiches,
sliced tomatoes, sliced onions, pickles and relish, coffee and soft

Leader In the attack on Life was
Harold Ellis, University of California. Mr. Ells also criticized the publication in College Humor a few
months ago of pictures of a college
girl in a shower bath. Other speakers in the criticism were Ed Strom-ber- g,
Allen Bailey,
Oberlln; and Mrs. O. L. Wilson of
Louisiana State.
Frank S. Wright, University of

Fun In the afternoon took the
form of several Softball games. Of
particular Interest was the game
between the faculty team, led by
C. W. Hackensmlth of the department of physical education, and the
student team, captained by Joe
Rupert, former Wildcat football
star and captain of the 1934 team.
Students not Interested In Softball
were taken on a tour of the track

Work to Be Completed by
Friday: New Jersey Expert
Is Assisting Staff In New
Approximately 200 poultry raisers
are attending the poultry short
course being held Monday through
Friday by the College of Agricul
ture, according to Dr. J. Holmes
Martin, head of the poultry de
Aiming to Improve
and Increase profits from Kentucky's poultry Industry, Instruction In
the course Is given In terse every
day language with an avoidance of
technical terms. The Industry In
Kentucky already brings a yearly
sum of nearly $20,000,000.
Principles stressed in the course
will apply to farm flocks, as well
as to large commercial crops.
Dr. J. R. Beaudette, poultry pathologist at the New Jersey experiment station, will assist the University staff In teaching the course.
Also on the teaching staff will be
J. D. Sykes of the extension staff
of Mississippi State college, and
Paul Zembro, senior
of the National Poultry Improvement plan, Washington, D. C.


Today's program will consist of
discussions of nutritional diseases,
reducing layer morality, pullorum
and demonstrations on
blood testing known birds,
The course will end Friday with
a written examination. Passing the
examination Is necessary for procuring a permit to approve flocks
in Kentucky, under the National
Poultry Improvement plan.



New Courses Listed
For Undergraduate
Juniors and

Additional Courses Offered
For Graduate





Various Processes
Shown In Pictures
Program for Visual Aid Is
Given at U. K. Training

School Auditorium

Visual aids were shown at a program under the direction of the extension department Monday night
in the training school auditorium
attended by high school teachers
and principals registered for the
Summer Session.
Motion picture films were used to
demonstrate various processes in
geology, botany and astronomy. A
film entitled "The Moon" was
shown by Prof. H. H. Downing of
the department of astronomy. Other films presented during the program Included "Volcanoes In Action," presented by Prof. L. C. Robinson of the department of geology,
and "Plant Growth," which was ex
plained by Dr. Frank T. McFarland,
head of the department of botany.
Dr. Jesse Adams, director of the
Summer Session, was In charge of
the program Dr. Frank L. McVey
made a short talk at the conclusion
of the program. Music was furnish
ed by the Little Symphany orchas-tr-a.


Commerce Studes
Make '3' Standings

Faculty Writings Are Exhibited
Displayed in the main lobby of
the University of Kentucky library
are the writing activities of approximately 100 members of the
University faculty members. This
display is conveniently
and attractively displayed in floor
and wall cases. Attractively
to break the monotony of
books, pamphlets, and newspaper
articles, are several works of members of the Art department. This
portraits, water
sketeches, and pencil drawings of
many different fields.


The unusual display covers many
They Include
fields of endeavor.
art, music, languages, sciences,
mathematics, economics, history,
Doctor McVey's office announced political science, psychology. Jouryesterday that it was open for bids nalism, English, education, law, and
for the general contract for con- physical education.
Some of the
struction of the new biological material written by university faculty members has been translated
sciences building.
Before the bid Is finally accepted into a foreign language. In this
It must be approved by the Uni- scope, Doctor Funkhouser has three
versity board of trustees and WPA books printed in German. Professor
Ryland has a Spanish text and a
officials In Louisville.

President's Office
Is Ready for Bids


The faculty meeting has
been postponed until Tuesday, July 6, when It will be
held at 3 p. m. In Room 111
McVey hall.



Nursery Rhymes, and
Negro Spiritual Are
On Program



"Salute to the
Hills" Wednesday of
Each Week

Will Broadcast


John Jacob

Niles, nacollector
and interpreter of Appalachian mountain ballads
and other folklore, will
V- present a program In the
high school
at 8 o'clock
Tuesday night, July 6, for
the entertainment of Summer Session students and
Mr. Niles will sing various b a a ds , gambling
songs, nursery rhymes and
negro spirituals, and will
accompany himself on the
dulcimer and piano. The
two dulcimers to be used
on the program were made
by Mr. Niles and are Improved examples of primiJOHN JACOB NILES
tive musical instruments.
Starting July 7, Mr. Niles will act
as Informal master of ceremonies on
13 weekly radio programs broadcast
every Wednesday at 1:15 p. m. from
the University extension studios. The
program will be entitled John Jacob
Niles" 'Salute to the Hills."
In presenting Mr. Niles the Unimaking
Farm Bureaus Are Cooperat versity is organized what Isto possibly
the first
ing with College of Agricul a rapidly vanishing effort of Ameriform
ture to Give Aid to State can musical culture. Each broadSheep Breederscast will be dedicated to one of the
University's 25 listening centers In
Breeding was the chief topic of
Eastern Kentucky. Each week Mr.
the sheep schools held during the Niles will take up a new ballad and
last three weeks in Central Ken rehearse It with the people sitting
tucky by the county farm bureaus around the radio sets at these listening centers.
in cooperation with the College of
Verses of the ballad, constituting
Agriculture. More than 1,400 per a word sheet, will be distributed each
sons attended the schools.
week to the centers and In this way
During the final day of the it is hoped that a form of musical
may be effected. These
school in Lexington, W. E. Hupp's
word sheets can not be given to the
purebred Dorset flock was shown
general public because of the limited
at his farm on the Paris Pike. supply available.
Among the ewes shown was Lady
Singing of mountain ballads by
In Blue, the leading show winning Mr. Niles will comprise more than
ewe In the United States last year. half of each
Also featured on each program will
She was an
picked be a brief talk by Dr. W. D.
by the Dorset committee as the
dean of the graduate school,
leading ewe of 1936.
and one by Dr. A. C. McFarlan, head
Prof. R. C. Miller, College of of
the department of geology. DocAgriculture, and Prof. R. F. Cox tor Funkhouser's
talks will deal with
Kansas State College, Judged Ave things of nature experienced in the
lambs of the Hupp flock that were Kentucky mountains, while Doctor
slaughtered. Professor Cox talked
McFarlan's talk will be resumes of
on the place of purebreds in lamb
the geology and mineral resources of
production and the types of breed the
counties in which the listening
ing ewes desirable for use in Ken centers are
Ten leading sheep flocks of Fay
ette, Woodford Clark and Burbon
counties were Inspected by the farmers attending the school. The
tour of inspection of the Hocks was
made to demonstrate the improved 200 Students Attend Affair;
Mrs. Holmes Says Session
type of breed ewes for lamb proWas 'Very Successful'
duction in Kentucky.
During the school Jonas Weil,
More than 200 students attended
farmer and livestock
dealer, discussed the difference be the initial dance of the summer
tween Western and home-bre- d
ewes session Saturday night, June 28, in
for breeding purposes.
the training school gymnasium.
Music was furnished by "Smoke"
Richardson and his orchestra.
Mrs. Sarah Holmes, dean of
women, was pleased with the re
Dr. Howard W. Odum, professor sults of the dance saying that
of sociology at the University cf without qualifications I can say
North Carolina, was honored at a it was very successful."
As the first events on the sess
Monday in the Oold
ion's social calendar, the dance proRoom of the Lafayette hotel.
vided an opportunity for students
Students and members of the to become acquainted with each
faculty Interested in meeting Doc- other and members of the faculty.
Chaperones for the dance includ
tor Odum attended the luncheon.
ed Dr. and Mrs. McVey, Dr. and
The guest of honor is director of
Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Collins, Mrs.
the institute for reseurch In social Holmes, and Mrs. Washington.
science at the University of North
The dance was aranged by mem
Carolina. He is teaching a special bers of the social committee of the
course in "Agricultural Economics" summer school, including Mr. and
during the Summer Session.
Mrs. B. A. Shlvely, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Clark, Prof, and Mrs. O. T.
Koppius, Dean and Mrs. T. T.
Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman MilGov. A. B. Chandler will speak at ler, Miss Mildred Lewis, Miss Anna
the third convocation of the Sum- B. Peck, Mr. Oerald Langford and
mer Session Thursday, July 8, at Mr. Phil McQee.
11 a. m. in Memorial hall. Classes
The next dance will be held
will be dismissed for the
sometime during the second semester of the summer session.








Kentucky Newsmen SHEEP COURSES
Enjoy Three Day

24-2- 6.

"Traces, Trails and Highways"
will be the subject of a lecture by
Mrs. W. T. Lafferty, Kentucky
historian and secretary of Woman's
club service at the University, at
3:30 p. m. today in the basement of
the archaeological museum.
The lecture is one of a series of
eight being given by Mrs. Lafferty
on the general subject of "Know
Your State." The series Is open and
free to any student registered for
the first term of the Summer Ses
sion. Lectures are held each Wed
and Friday afternoon.
"Romances of the Rivers" will be
the subject Friday, July 2.

John Jacob Niles Will
Present Folklore Concert
Tuesday Evening, July 6


Eight new courses will be open
to summer school students when
the short course session start tomorrow, according to Dr. Jesse E.
Adams, director of the summer ses
Undergraduate Juniors and sen
iors may take history 121, dealing
with social and economic factors in
modern civilization; agronomy 105
advanced crops, and farm engineer
ing 101a, special problems.
Courses open to graduate students Include history 283. recent
historical writing: education 236.
Special Numbers Planned for business administration of public
Second Concert or beason; education; activities; educationextra
Community Singing Also curricularin teaching vocational 280.
riculture, and education 287b, deal
ing with selecting teaching materFeaturing two special numbers in ials.
addition to its regular program of
Registration for these courses
marches and overtures, the Uni- was held last Thursday.
versity summer school band, under
the baton of John Lewis, will present its second concert of the season at 7 o'clock Thursday evening
-in the Memorial hall amphitheatre.
Community singing, under the direction of Miss Mildred Lewis will
Oolf, receptions,
business, and
also be Included on the program.
"Oloriana," a spirited cornet banquets were on the program
duet by a Kentucky composer, when Kentucky editors gathered at
George Barnard, will feature two the University for the 68th annual
meeting of the Kenstate champion cornetlsts, Percy
Lewis and Sam Ralney. Mr. Lewis tucky press association held June
is recognized as one of Kentucky's
by President and
A reception
outstanding musicians and has for
the past four years occupied the Mrs. Frank L. McVey topped the
first chair of the cornet section In part played by the University in
"The Best Band In Dixie." Sam entertaining the visitors. Prof. Niel
Ralney, Henry Clay high school Plummer of the department of
graduate, is a student of the world journalism
famous cornetist, Frank Simon, and awards at a business meeting, and
is an accomplished artist in his Dave Griffith, superintendent of
own right.
the Kernel printing plant, led a
Maurice Martin, who established round table discussion on Job printhimself as an expert bass player ing.
during a successful musical career
Other features of the two-dat Western State teachers college, program included a handicap golf
will play a tuba solo. "The Old tournament and a banquet given
Home Down on the Farm.' Mr. by the Lexington Herald and LexMartin is at present band director ington Leader.
at Bardstown high school, and has
built quite a reputation as one of
the states youngest high school
conductors. He now has a march
In the process of composition which
will be played by the band in a
Five students of the College of
Commerce made three standings
later concert.
The complet program to be pre for the second semester of the 1936-3- 7
sented Thursday evening follows:
school year. It was announced
Talbot yesterday by the college.
March Harmonica
Overture Alda
The students are Dan Scott, Lex
Cornet Duet Oloriana .... Barnard ington, and Elizabeth Lutkemeir,
Percy Lewis and Sam Ralney
Frankfort, both seniors; Warren
Steckmest, Valley Stream, N. Y..
March Chicago's World Fair ....
Mader Junior;
Margaret Moore, DanCommunity Singing
ville, and John Loser, Paducah,
March Childrens Songs .. Schaefer both sophomores.
Tuba Solo The Old Home Down
On the Farm
Maurice Martin
Saturday, July 3. is the last date
Overture Mystic Nights .. Hlldreth on which a student may withdraw
March The Man of the
from the Summer Session and ob.
Filmore tain a part of the matriculation fee.

MM. W.T.kFFUa.Ti



Lafferty Lecture
Slated for Today;
Trails' Is Topic TO BE THURSDAY


by Brownie Leach, publicity director of Keeneland and former sports
editor of the Lexington Leader.
Keeneland is one of the few tracks
In the country using the totalizer,
automatic recorder of bets.
Following the meal, the entertainment consisted of a puppet
show, music, dance and other numbers. The puppet show was under
the direction of Miss Evelyn Cun-di- ff
of the Lexington recreation department. She also directed a rhythm band composed of Plcadome
high school students.
Miss Mildred Lewis of the department of music led the students
In community singing. Dance numbers by Miss WU da West and O. M.
Karsner were also on the program.
Miss West is In charge of dancing
instruction at the Summer Session.
Committee on arrangements for
the picnic Included Prof. Bernie
Shlvely, Dean Sarah Holmes, Miss
Margaret McLaughlin, Mrs. Jesse
Adams Miss Anna B. Peck, Mrs.
M. E. Potter and Dean Horlacher.

Florida, president of the association, said:
"Injustices have been done to educational institutions not only by
Life, but by other magazines as
well, among them College Humor.
These magazines have taken the
extremes rather than the typical,
and consequently have rendered a
false perspective."
Stirred by these speakers, the
delegates passed a resolution calling for action by the association
against such undesirable publicity.
The resolution directed the president and executive committee to
"take such steps as they deem wise
in an endeavor to convince publishers of such magazines that such
pictures and articles are unfair to
higher education in the United
States," and to require them to
desist from further publication of
such undesirable material.


French book in the mother tongue.
One of the most Interesting displays is that of President McVey.
His works occupy one floor case and

contain some of his most recent
works. He has contributed to many
newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets. The majority of his writings
have been written on the economic
situation of the United States today. An interesting sketch drawn
by President McVey appears in one
of the side wall exhibits.
Six mezzotints by Prof. Edward
Flsk of the art department are attractively arrayed In the several
wall cases. Prof. A. C. Barnhart exhibits two portraits and numerous
landscape sketches by Prof. Edward
W. Rannells set off the exhibit in
an interesting manner.
The purpose of turn an exhibit is
to Inform the student of the extra
work that has been and is being
carried on by the University faculty members. The exhibit is open to
all and a project worth while


Dance First Event
Of Social Calendar

Visiting Professor
Is Luncheon Guest


r.ific Two




t tti

This Campus
That IDorld


OITirf Kt Lrilrirton, Kentucky, M
Murcli I, 1B7.

data nutter urdrr the Art ol



Lclneton Hnrd

prrm AMorlitlon

Mprfnitt K.
mcnrr of lh Mnjor CoIk Publication. York City. S5 tr
Nnrru HIM Co., 41.1 t.rKlnetnn Ave.,
Wurkrr Prlvf, Chimin; Cull BiiilrtmR. Bun FrnnrHco; 941 West- wood Blvd., Lot Augrlra; 1004 Birond Ave., Baaiu.



Doirt' The

"A Day


Ross J. Cm


n i.i






Business Manager

d Vor.ix

TELcphones: News, 9 ft. m. to 4 p. m., Univ.
Business, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Univ. 74.









inp of bills for
llir new biological
m irinc slim turc,
To Grow
of Ken
tucky continues to fmw. Within ilic pnsi yc;ir
live new building have lrcn added to this
campus. Three engineering units, a Law building, a Student Union, and now the Biological
unit, all modern and necessary structures, are

under construction.
It is admirable that the University attempt to
keep pace and to offer facilities required by the
constant increase iii eniollment. Km the physic al growth of the University reiuircs not only
added facilities for institution, but additions
lo the faculty in order to offer more intimate
instruction to the students.
It is true that students may be able to sit in
greater comfort while listening to lectures, but
it is also true that adequate instruction is far
moie necessary than temporary physical comfort.

The Kernel trusts that the Board of Trustees
will not let their enthusiasm for a building program overshadow the need for an efficient



"One of the most significant differences of
education theory, as contrasted with
that underlying earlier practices, is the subtle
change in the conception of the relationship
between the student and his preceptor. Picture

how crushingly the youth would have been an
swered who, in a time previous to this, hinted
that his teacher owed him a debt of learning,
It may be that our assertions will be considered
similarly presumptions even in this enlightened
clay and on this singularly liberal campus, but
past treatment has encouraged us to assume the
demeanor of the upstart. So taking advantage
of the new conception we launch ourselves into
what may prove a most tempestuous sea.
"If knowledge and culture is a gift from the
gods that everyone is entitled to possess, are
not those who arc entrusted with this ambrosia
responsible for its fair distribution? Is not the
professor, who serves as the common disperser
of his science in duty bound to see that each
and every intended recipient be made aware of
the value of the gift imparted? If so, is the
pedagogue fulfilling his trust by
boring students with monotonous intonations
of hackneyed phrases, even though in doing so
he is covering the required ground; Is he not
robbing the cradle of the freshness of the apple
whose secculencc he himself has sucked? He is,
we impassioncdly cry, and he should be classed
with the most degraded and contemptible of
the parasites.
"All knowledge must originally have been in
teresting, otherwise who would have taken the
trouble to have gleaned it in the beginning?
Vet we are all witnesses of the fact that there
is a great deal that tires us. In between somewhere the flavor has been lost. Who has stolen
it? The thief is the deadly professor, the acad
emic pedant who mechanically mouths in flat
tones the inspiring facts given flaming life by
keener minds. lie invariably is the type of professor who acts with condescension to the student, who hypocritically plays the role of a
thrower of pearls, and who writes profound
theses on what in the world is the younger gen
eration coming to. He is the menace. He is the
indebted one. And the student is the person of
whose simplicity advantage has been taken.
The Columbia Spectator.


Is College

Mis- -

the recent





Directors of Universities, a resolution
was passed condemning certain publications for
printing alleged portraits of college life. These
pictures, publicity men claim, are misrepresen-tativc- .

It is the opinion of The Kernel that these
pictures were not misrepresentative in themselves, but were misleading in that they too
avidly showed only the social side of collegiate
activity. Without question they were authentic,
for a great many of them were supplied by the
publicity directors themselves.
With the constant increase of University and
college commercialization, and the slow abandonment of academic dignity, it is not without
reason and foundation that such picluies as are
in question1 are made available to the general
public. It is now evident that a publicity director is indispensable to a major University and
it should be his duty to furnish such pictures
for distribution. It is just unfortunate that
more schools were not represented in these publications. We are certain that the directors
whose schools received the publicity were not
too strong in their condemnation of the

Summer School Calendar
Wednesday, June


Mrs. W. T. Laf forty's lecture on "Tracts,
Trails, and Highways in Kentucky," in the
basement lecture room of the Archaeological Museum.


Thursday, July
8:30 a.


Many nations arc armed to the teeth and
the trouble is they are not wisdom-teeth- .
Caiey Williams in Atlanta Georgian.


for Short Courses,
Registrar's office.
1.45 p. m. Kentucky
Council for Social Studies
meeting in the Educational Building, Room

p. m.

Keeler swings It In "Ready, Willing

and Able," and Preston Foster Is
featured in "The Plough and the
Stars." Saturday, the Western fans
have a double treat In store for
them with Bob Allen riding high in
"Reckless Ranger" and Rod Laroc
que "Taming the Wild." The ad
venture serial, "Jungle Jim," completes the program. Sunday and
Monday, another double bill Is presented featuring Oeorge O'Brien In
"ParW Avenue Logger" and Wilcox
Barrett In "Armored Car."
The successful run of "Slim'
starring Pat O'Brien, Henry Fonda,
and Margaret Lindsay, and the
added attraction of the Braddock- Louis fight pictures, close at the
Ben All tonight to be followed on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
with a Victor Moore-Hele- n
erick feature, "Meet the Missus."
Elizabeth Bergner makes her bid
for stardom on the screen In

Prof. Nell Plummer concludes his
series of weekly news reviews with
his 1:30 p. m. program Friday.
Kentucky's "Alexander
Woolcott" has established quite
following during his pollution of
the air or he has an unusual nura
ber of relatives scattered throughout the state, because the man who
startled the world with his expose
of the cribbing racket has received
a considerable amount of fan mail
At any rate, we all hate to see his
series come to an end . . . even his
fellow-feudithe announcer, ex
presses regret.



Hurling crisp phrases with the
vim and vigor of Joe Louis lefts,
"Floyd Gibbons" (V. L.) Sturgill,
book reviewer for the University
presents an Interesting
program, "What's New In Books"
each Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.
m. In case you have been placed in
the Doghouse by. the inevitable
theme of the Hen and Bull sessions
"Have you read such and such a
book?", we suggest that you tune
in on Professor Sturgill's program
regularly and find out what they're
all about. Then you should be able
to parry with a discussion of said
books until you find time to slip
out and read them for yourself.

Virginia Shadoan, summer staff
organist for the U. K. studios, is
presenting a quarter hour of Organ
Melodies on Monday afternoons at
1:15. The repertoire for each pro
gram Includes an excellent balance
of popular and classical selections,
and Miss Shadoan's distinctive style
at the console warrants our sug"Dreaming Lips" which completes gestion that you tab her program
the double bill. Opening Sunday for as one of the "don't miss it" fea
tures of the week.
a four day run is the
"Wake Up and Live" with Ben
Programs of the week:
Bernie, Walter Wlnchell, Alice Faye,
Wednesday, June 30
and Jack Haley, along with "Girls
12:15 College of Agriculture
Can Play" featuring Charles Quig-l- ey
1:15 Piano Fantasies
and Jacqueline Wells.
1 :30 "Safeguarding
K e n t u c k y's
Closing tonight at the Strand Is
"Night of Mystery" with Roscoe
Thursday, July 1
Karns and "Missing Girls" starring 12:15 College of Agriculture
Roger Pryor and Muriel Evans.
Thursday and Friday ushers In a 1:15 Mary Louise McKenna, so
double bill consisting
of Pinky
Tomlin In "Sing While You're Able" 1:30 "At Your Leisure
and "The Great Gambinl" with
Friday, July 2
Akim Tamiroff and Marian Marsh.
"It Happened Out West" with Paul 12:15 College of Agriculture
Kelly and Judith Allen, and "Fifty 1:15 Bill Cross' Orchestra
1:30 What's News In Kentucky
Roads to Town" starring Ann So thMonday, July 5 "
ern and Don Ameche furnish the
entertainment here on Saturday, 12:15 College of Agriculture
Sunday and Monday. Tuesday and 1:15 Organ Melodies
1:30 Parent-Chi- ld
Wednesday, the bill Includes, "Night
Must Fall" with Robert Montgom
Tuesday, July 6
ery and Rosalind
Russell, and 12:15 College of Agriculture
"Frame-U- p"
featuring Paul Kelly, 1:15 Bill Cross' Orchestra
1:30 What's New In Books
and Jacqueline Wells.

What the" Fascist forces are doing to each

other in Spain should create a demand for
weskits bullet proofed fore and aft. Arkan-

should be advertised In the
a small appropriation Is all
that Is needed to Insure
yourself of a great return
from the vast possibilities offered by the concentrated
student population.

Mens Stores
The male enrollment at the
University affords an Ideal
market for your July sale of
suits, slacks, shirts, shoes,
ties, sweaters, and other seasonable merchandise.



Frances Murphy Is causing an
uproar in the Alpha Gamma Rho
camp because of her absent-miedness in pulling down her window

She Sloops

Women's Stores


To Scandal


To the ladies' and department stores the summer sesd
enrollment has a
spending power which should
not be neglected when placing your advertising for the
July Clearance Sale. Each
woman student is a potential
customer for hosiery, lingerie, dresses, hats, shoes,
hundreds of other taticles
that you have to offer them.

We hear Orvllle Patton is run
ning the family telephone bill to a
Scandal seems as hard to dig up new high cooing over so many miles
on this campus in the summer as to Mary Kay Boland.
a hair on a grape.
Free Advertisement
Men you can come out of hiber
Jess Wilmot and Freddie Fisher
nation now and brush the
have some lovely etchings which
out of your beards, Betty they will show to anyone interested.
Bakhaus, the Trl Delt gift to the
males, is moving into Lexington
The merry go round they were
on broke down 'with Tommy Conray
and Virginia Brooks.
Bob Pritchard spends so much
Carl Conner displays his phy
time at the Chi Omega diggings
that Mary Jane Eddy doesn't have sique? to all comers at Joyland
time to press her shoe strings.

"Students today know that the education'
al system is fthoney.
'hat they are getting
is a mass of variegated and obsolescent information which is tossed at thern in an apparently unrelated form and about which
they do little if any thinking." The frank
opinion of President Robert M. Ilutchins
of the University of Chicago.




The hilarious Marx Brothers hit.
at the Races" closes at the
Kentucky tonight, and Is followed
at a loss as to what subject to gripe on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
SoMiwiiM week, we skimmed through our with a double bill Including, "The
Last Train Prom Madrid" starring
files for an idea. It wasn't long before wc ran
Dorothy Lamour and Lew
across an article published sometime ago in the Ayres, and "Married Before BreakColumbia University pacr, The Columbia fast" with Robert Young and Florence Rice. Opening Sunday for a
Spectator, which we immediately dipped and full weeks run at this theatre Is
pasted to our manuscript.
"Captains Couragthe highly-rate- d
featuring Freddie Bartholo
During the past semester we have written eous" Spencer Tracy, and Lionel
several times on the Subject of professorial at- Barrymore.
titudes, questioning whether the attitude desAt the State today Is Katherine
cribed existed on this campus. It would be of Hepburn's latest vehicle, "A Worn
an Rebels," along with "Come and
interest to the faculty to read the following ar- Oet It" starring Edward Arnold.
ticle and check up on themselves:
On Thursday and Ftiday, Ruby

of Commorr




Wednesday, June 30, I9S7

Hereafter if all courters will reJean Russel, "The Louisville
Flash" has given Dick Robinson late their business to the Kernel
the merry ha ha for Red Davis. office we shall be more than glad
to print it absolutely free of charge
You should Invest In a vehicle Dick.
The gal can't afford to have her
A guide bureau should be In
shoes resoled so often.
stalled to point out the courting
ground possibilities that the UniTo Mrs. Smith, mother of S. A. versity offers on its campus. That
E. Zack, we throw a bouquet of fine moon last week had to look
roses for having such a charming down on an empty Botanical Gar
dens, etc.

The next Issue of the


published July 7. To Insure
yourself of an adequate return on your July advertising appropriation use the
KERNEL. CaU the Kernel
Businsut Office at the University and one of our representatives will call on you.


sas Gazette.


7:00 p. m.

Band concert in the Memorial Hall Amphitheatre, under the direction of John
Friday, July
