xt7tb27ppz73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27ppz73/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1945  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 2, No. 10, February 1945 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 2, No. 10, February 1945 1945 1945 2012 true xt7tb27ppz73 section xt7tb27ppz73 i` Vol. 2 February, 1945 No. 10
I ·——·· 
W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
PQSTWAR FRUIT GROWING answer is_ apparent. but certain
A J OLNEY cohtsideraggans shoullg he studieg. t
. . wou seem a areas es
What oro the pi-osposts rot- the §‘j€pf§§§’,§g“§§a§1§§Y,g’@?W‘l1°“’“d
_ fruit grower after the war'? This Quality fruit Should be expected
question is vital at this time. Al- to assume more and more iirnport-
» tl\OLlgl'l lt would l)(3 fOOllSll to ll`y to ance as congunjgyg are gblg {O get
. forecast the future, there are con- tree-ripened fruit quickly from
_ siderations that bear on the future, distant areas, and the demand for
F from lessons learned by experience, green fruit should fall. MQUY D001`
and such knowledge as we have of Qtiality. but h€1`€f0f0Y€ Pwfifablas
= the changes that are to come. varieties may become ¤¤P0PUlaY·
; The basis of our national econ- laggxgg SEE Ygéighslogngas ggggaa
l Omy has been Set for good pricss cmd consideraile frudt has bgen soil
and wages, as a means of paying off hl bulk On account Of Scarcitv Of
loo doot of too wal`- As the wor labor and containers, also of trans-
· ¤¤1<><1 Stocks of the world portation sitrriohiuos. Such methods
., \\1]l be low, and UTC Umfad Sfalf?5 have resulted in much fruit reach-
. will be the most important source ing the consumer in bad condition.
· of agricultural products. l\Ianufae- \Vith the return of a plentiful'sup—
turing demands will be high and ply of containers and quite possibly
will expand rapidly as soon as the the development of UCWCY f}'P€$·
A factories can be converted. An ex- Sfflcf grading maY baooma assw-
 ` tensive building program will be Hol
needed in every section of the HQW will aVailabilif>` 0f_ good
· United States. Great changes are €1UahfYffulfaffoofooosumpflonf It
· expected in transportation. Air ex- sooms 1`ossoodolo te ossumo that
, press and air freight may be able oottor dsstmbudooo of goodproducts
‘ to solve many distribution prob- Ehoulddleiggt m 3 slcfaflst mslséaseg
. lcms concerned with perishable ,liI§m?)\j_ l.Og(i{Ctg@“.,S 1§,L,hp1aC;u5,;
— products and Open up markets hcfs" general iseeognitioif of the health
tofore inaccessible. Modern refrig- pyhperuas Of h.uhS_ Shhuld insure
Nation is oxpoofod lo Yopldoo tho a continued large demand. Great V
old ice bunkers in rail transporta— hassihihtias hs ahsad ih pl-Omotihg
~ hoo New dovolopmools of sfofago the consumption of fruit to improve
` will greatly extend the market _f<>r tho health ofthe ll3flOl`l. Think what
psmshdblo goods- Exoolif ood ‘m‘ it would mean if evervone had the
port of food Products oro sol tv fruit required for an oiaooooto diet.
develop on a scale little dreamed of Cslstaihlv theyc \\yOu1d bc lgss doc-
until now. Foreign nations mU$t tm—s’ bills, less time lost through
have our food products, and im- i]1]'IQSS` and the volume of fruit rc-
ports of fofolgo goods d"o_ “ooossol`Y quired to accomplish this would bc
I to psy fof fhf`m· Pfaoflcauy fm" more than double our present pro-
·? known countries may become our duchha
 » §a%Eb8;   b In the granwing of gruits shore rniaiy
C been destroyed or sadly neglected C mfmy Cmugts'- C` Bm fled 1 _
 — during the ww · secticides that will be available
  ‘ ‘ after the war, promise to be more
 » Everybody will be affected, but effective than those now in use.
,_ how can fruit growers adjust their This may reduce the cost of pro-
  Drogram to profit most? No simple duction. and some who have aban-
l £ »·. s

 doned the business because of the tral or western Kentucky grower
difficulty of pest control, may be with mature apple orchard knows
encouraged to return to it. Then, that from 3 to 10 arsenical or nico-
there are new developments in tine sprays are required to control
spray equipment that point to the this pest. This will require from
` saving of time and labor. one to four (or more) pounds of I
Recently, the fruit breeding sta- arsenate of lead per tree, depending .
tions havIeI introduced many new on the tree size and the infestation.  
varieties. o doubt, from these new ,. . . , .. - , , r ,
$01*5, ¤ few will be f<>¤¤d te be H.*1:;:*1,:zrnzas*:,,¥r:;:·$ssi;;; i
more desirable ann ¤¤‘<>fit=¤l>1+= rnon wrsenical sprays one at shuck-fall 1
the old ones now cultivated. The turd one ILO Class re 2 weeks later l
varieties grown have always been la all peach serays mast gre“.el.;
n pig raoror in sueeess· and hi rne use as much limenas arsenate As
years ahead rney may bs or srnr lead or 2 pounds per 100 gallons ‘
greater importance Tne Ks¤i¤¢k>* plusyabouet 2 pounds of zinc sulfate
Experiment Station has a number as a eer.r.eell\,e fer.`ar.serlleal burrrv
¤f the MW rarisess <>¤ test wd me In addition to the above weste
comments on their behavior will be em' Keatueky growers have bees
reported in this bulletin from time eerrlrre `benem from an arserrleal
to tune spray applied for late curculio con-
Fruit gro}rers· on rne “`nore· are trol one month before harvest. For
more optimistic than they have been peaelr seal) sulfur ls usually added
for several years, but over-optimism re me leriday spray and arwtlrer
should always be avoided. Experi- sulfur sara`, appllerl before harwsr
enced growers in established locali- fer brewrr 'rel
ties may well contemplate new or- 7. ` .
chard plantings, with full considera- Mh rn.es*e pnsre needs of S_rr¤>·
tion Of the marked Changes Clrmly materials in mind it is good business
foreshadowed for the post-war era. fvr the grower ro order or. nnrrr
Irlexraerrerleed perserrs would be definite commitments for his ma- »
well, advised to give careful con- terror wen rn oorenee ono nor def
Siaeration to the highiy specialized pwd ¤¤¤¤ ss¤¤¤g It at the lee
_ and complicated nature of the fruit rnomenr Wnere orders. are prawn
business and proceed with caution. eorrY· rr grres the rernnen rrnorr"
The pOst_War period should wit_ Salélr, and nrz1flL1f8Ctul‘€1' all oppor-
ness the establishment of a sound runny ro denrer rne goods on nnse V
fruit program ra the areas Of Kem The same thing is true concerning  —_
tucky where fruit crops can be rernnZerrnoterrors·
made to flourish. Some of these It naturally takes a good machine
areas are already well established, to apply the spray materials listed
“ but many possibilities of develop- above. Hence it is the part of wis-
ment are still to be realized. dom to keep the sprayer well lubri— F
cated and tightened up; as well as ‘
to make needed repairs at any brief  .
ARE YOU PREPARED FOR slack period. A
THE PEST “BLITZ” OF 1945? Several pitifuldcases were re-
ported in 1943 an 1944 concerning
W‘ D' ARMSTRONG spray machines that broke down.
From the wisdom of history and resulting in the loss of the crop from _
€Xp€1`i€¤C€ th€I‘€ are things that we Scab Or worms before repair parts
have learned to accept as natural. could be obtained. Large quantities
Practically every Kentucky apple of spare and repair parts are carried
grower expects an early spring along by every armored division. lt
apple scab attack if he has such is just as logical for the fruit grower
varieties as Delicious, Winesap, Ben to keep on hand a few extra critical ,
- Davis, and Rome. The required and heavy \V€H1`iHl£', SPYBY P€li`l$·  
sprays for scab extend from the With all types of food and frurt  _
V start of growth to the first or second vitally needed in our war effort, it {
cover sprays; and require 2 gallons is patriotic to guard every possible '
of lime sulfur per 100 gallons in the way against loss from breakdowns. _;; 
pre-bloom sprays followed by 6 to 8 Sprayer parts are more difficult to .· 
pounds of microfine sulfur per 100 get now, but every company I is  
gallons in the calyx and first cover making a supreme effort to furnish  
spray. repair parts for their sprayers in  ‘
As for codling moth, every cen- use over the country.  .
2 r

 vm- SQME RASPBERRY lighter in color and have made less
mrs CULTURAIJ STUDIIQS growth than where the manure
mu, ALTMAN alone was used.
[yo}     W
`Olll A planting of Latham raspberries, 'l“l’l° l
."l made in 1932, on thc EXP€i`1m{3¤t Seven Years Results With Nitrogen
llllg Station grounds has been carried Fertilizer and Muichiiig on
lou through seven years of iesti under Latham Raspbgyrjgg
  "l*’l°P‘“g ““€h2"£¤°5ii%l£`§ ‘€2,i§3s?5Zi ‘” 1**** °"*°S P" mw
son p ica ions. . . * . .
lfall of an application every other year Planted lll Spllllg °f 1932
{pig of fairly fresh strawy manure from ” " ' "   " "
i·ci·s the Experiment Station _Dairy Barn ·i·,-,.,,u-,,0,u,
or and was used at an Estimated rliiic --tm..—f(.---..—
ns. of fifteen tons to te acre. e ._ .
fatl ‘ manure was applied over a strip   ‘
im. approximately two feet wide and lrgii 5 l :. I
est- l covered the full length of the rows. will, , {{2; l $4 1 *g< _ ·;
ieen When the application was made, the l `E1 _ i ig I g ; ig
tical ° straw was about ten inches deep izggt -5; v gi 1 E5
con- i and since it was applied every other i if 2   ; i i   jj
For year, the material was fairly well Eg E;i·;i E- ; E;
lded . decomposed before time for its re- gg gg: _.g_   gc
ther . newal. Nitrate of soda was used as 22 Zzé V xl; _ zi Zz
~v _—r the source of inorganic nitrogen. r · i*mr···i——·*?‘"
CK ‘ All treatments were in duplicate t  
_, V , with an untreated row left between _ 19324 
pl‘l_l_ all treatments and the duplicate 1940 127, 88__13§;J$2___iji6
  _ treatments were separated by seven " 1§4ri ""'2()6j*Q§~ Tgg ggi 112
‘l‘l_l I rows in all cases. The yields for 194,,   *36. ‘2*5*_H)t‘§;_*@
  the past seven years are given in lgiiiécea .~-9-3-s-Wfi),-T6}-Ei;-41
_ _` ~ Table I. All similar treatments are __ _ Uni ___ ,V4*_v__i_,
$:5 averaged for each year and the 1944 29 34 18 13 17
\  · figures obtained for the buffer rows "”§%=*” 'V 4,.”"’*""‘*i;’{f;i;_r,i
  l were an average of eight rows for Al-,6}-8-gg-A-MQ      
. ' each season. _ _ .
Fun"; 4 The most Sighihaaui ihiha Shgvvn The heaviest application of nitrate
mm ` in the average yield of the different of soda 1`€?$ull~€d iu Succulcut gm“'Yh
treatments is that the rows receiving Ott which the budS_w€l`€ klllefl lll
zhinc . tha haavv mauuya njulch aiuua com great numbers during the winter
t$tctl  ‘ sistentlvv produced. by far the iutd also during Scmc Of the yeals
wis- 2 greatest yield of berries. Inv onlv cane kil1ing_was quite severe; as
Ubi`?  · two years out of the seven did the “'u$ thc cusc lu 1940 alld l9“l2· Qth€"
ell as yield from anv other treatment ex- plots also suffered some from winter
brict  T ceed that ot" the hcavy mahuru injury in 19jiO and 1942. A Study
 i plots. ` of Table I will show that the light- .
· ro-  ‘ lt is interestin¤ to observe that in c$t uluclc appllcallcu Of 286 Pounds `
. ‘ny ll  Only Ong vgay   [hc qgvgu   the pCl` 3Cl`€ plL1S lTll1lCll g€l1€I`Hll§’·g3\'C
;§3ml`  ` heavy mahum mulchiplus niuooen the highest yields of any nitrate .
from · cxcced the yield of the hoggvry plots except for the heavyhyiildfing
paris u manure alone and that diirprauco years of 1938b aiid 1939t.* Ttii iimei
uiuc; _ was not significant. The application lows “ cle G ll Gcll lea E ‘
~·`crm¤1 sprsymg season was OVC"·  
was a sighitioahtly higher average and many continued to spray. Where ug
yield where no canes were removed lcsd stscnsts ptogwms WCW uscd ot
from the mw. it should be men- the dry wsathw Ssemstl t0 1`<*d¤.¤<·
tioned in this connection that during the t<>>¤¢¤ty Of the ¤¤‘S€¤¤¤¤1 d<-=r><2S¤tS · ,,,
these two years the moisture supply €m,d ther? was mm? OY less tOhGg“` Sl,
was plentiful and the yields from “?Jut`Y· Ftxed m°°t.m0.and .summ°" lll
all plots were exceptionally hlgh_ oil were more eilective, it more Tl
expensive, but supplies were scarce i Ol
Table II by the middle of the sason. H
lgggqggg Yields The Kentuclhy Spray Service, co- _ ra
- · operating wit spray services in
RaSpbcrry_Clm€ Thmnmg TcSt"`In neighboring states was on the job  
24 Fmt Crates Per Acre again in 1944 and warned Kentucky li.
I "r*W·——" V ·"m··* VAN HTM   growers of the serious codling moth it
Ave. of attack in prospect. It is felt that
l938& these warnings were especially
1938 1939 1939 vall/uablle this season. h b lg
_`"—_"_*`_-_" WT   '''' " uc time an thoug t will c
Catlgélsuggtalincd 240 251 245 spent this winter, wherever apple
Camas Not   men get together, on what to do
(Un runaai aio soo aio about codling moth; and there will
p ‘’‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘ be a great deal of interest in im-
"""""T`TA‘""""'4""`"T""'" ' proved spray schedules and new y l)
It is seen from Table II that severe materials such as DDT. Many will t ‘_'
cane thinning sharply reduces the spend more time this winter on ? s
yield. On the other hand, where scraping trees, screening packing   “
all canes are left the berries are sheds, and other sanitary measures.   F
smaller and a severe strain on the There is one ray of hope, at any < U
plants results. A practice in be- rate—1945 certainly cannot be any Q t
tween these two extremes would worse than 1944. Too, we are over- g Q
likely give the best long-time re- due for a season when the weather _% ;
sults. is unfavorable for codling moth.   ·
4 1

 MQRE ABOUT DDT ishslibjcct to tempkeratures some}
  P. O. RTTCHER In-Zug?§L`€ °FJf“EeEt§,%.“r€r§é“?Ei-
  There- is a great dcal of interest lnwtng tnhln g1V€S S01n€_ Qt tht?
W ,,1, lllc pall Ol. llult gl—Ow(»l-S. m thc f‘l'l£il`ElCtDl`1StlQS of the varieties as .
M new male,. l al DDT (dlchlm-O- shown in this planting to date;
Q- diphcny_1-tricnlcntocthane>. Interest D To MD DD _ Dm D
W is especially keen since lead arsenate Dt ’#*'“‘-·—?l"  Orange
I`; spray schedules did not always give _ Winter Rust p,°_
an good control of codl1n_g moth this Va"°*>' sigglmc 4Re- ductivity
.l·- l>HSt §€?¤5C§>Y;   _nlc0t1nc products _   _ U__ ___5j@¢¢ l__
. were rar o o ain. - .. .. , _ . .,
  In the midwest, the Vincennes j{l?,i:l,lld"   l},;f:.lu"'uQ;ll
H, fruit insect laboratory of the Federal l·;arly 1larv··sr llar-ay Aletlitirxilligll
at Bureau af ERt<>m¤*¤¤y amt Plant tiiftttrift ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ tiiiittii {itil} ?§2§$""“
  ‘l.l,§"‘i.’%"r‘3ii* *312%.‘*‘i;;*"§rO‘§§é‘f$Li 2* ·`‘*   ’l‘*R:lRt ltr?  
nk, S   ‘ ", ' ` Zoysen "en er igi l\Iou-rate
in the testing of DDT formulae on L---  
. apples. Their published results to _ _
lj _ date indicate that DDT is an effec- In January. 1940 and aeam rn
.m tive_spray material for controlling Jan¤nYY» 1942 this Planting €XP€t`1;
.3% codling moth when used at the rate Gnced t§¥nP€Y&t¤i`€$ af between 10
  Ol al to llé pounds Of DDT pal- lgg and 20 below zero and on these
DP gallons Of spl-ay_ There was H Con- occasions all of the canes of the_ va-
50 Sldpyable bulldmp, howcvcly in the rieties listed as tender were killed
.€j _ mite and red spider populations on to the around With 1`€$n1t3nt total
V`, DDT-sprayed trees and some un- loss of crops. The varieties listed
il, éxpljained leaf drop on Grimes   hgrély ligjclssogg clap? tgpagllgng;
‘ . O EH. \‘.’ '*l`, y
  _ Mr. Steiner`s results, while prornis- effect their fruitfulness. The pros-
hlg ‘ mg, do not_give us much hope that trate canes of the Boysen and
xl _ even by using DDT wc can reduce Y0L1ng $`¤1`1€t1€$. often €13$S€@ 35
he the number of sprays needed, Also, dewberries, have also been winter
gl. _ growers who do not use enough killed when no sub-zero weather
,1.6 l material or do not get good cover- was experienced, even when having
md age, cannot_ expect DDT or any a straw mulch covering. These
me other material to give good control, var1et1es have produc_ed a satisfac-
its Before DDT lS put on the open tory harvest only during the spring
IEC market there will have to be a con- of l94l and cannot be COHS1d€1`Qd as
ml. siderable surplus over and above reliable in this section for etther
We 7 that needed by the armed forces. home or commercial production.
VCU Too, there is much work to be done The Brainerd seems less tender than
on DDT before it can be put up in the last two named varieties but
CO_ a usable standard form by manu- has_ frequently lost so much of its
in facturers. There _ are also many fruiting wood from winter injury
lol) - QL1€St10nS Concernmg DDT’s effect that it cannot be depended upon
ky . 0n_human health and its compati- here. Where _this variety comes
Dm · b1l1ty in various spray formulae through the winter, it can be de- i
mt that need to be answered. pcnded upon to produce large
llv -—-—— quantities of late berries over a -
be NOTES ON Br-ACKBERMES l3?§a ‘§§;°°La&ha§xe‘LilL€§?pq§§r?$ 2%
plc IN KENTUCKY allowed to_remain on the vines un-
${1 W- R- ARMSTRONG lJl.“£éa“5§a ‘E§a£2£3,t,“;;X$;t
.m- A small variety planting of black- for its small sized fruit which is a
Sw ` berries made in western Kentucky characteristic of the variety. This
Vlll ln the spring of 1939 has furnished variety contained one plant that
on S0me results that might be of- gen- regularly produced fruit twice the
lng eral _1nterest to berry men. This size_ of the others_ and otherwise
peg - planting is located about 75 miles typical of the variety. However,
Any _ vast of where the Ohio River joins this plant was one of the very few
my - the Mississippi, on the grounds of of this variety to take orange rust.
er- V. the Western Kentucky Experiment As for productiveness, quality and
her ‘ S¤bStation, Princeton, Kentucky. large fruit size, the Alfred has been
The planting is on low ground that the most outstanding but the plant
 - 5

 li losses from orange rust have been how, when and where pruning is is
heavy. Ozark Beauty, a variety of done are all important factors. Fur. {iu
some consequence in Arkansas has thcrmore, the effect is proportional X ta}
had no orange rust but has suffered to the severity of the pruning. an
from winter irgjury and is not cx- lSinc$ soil and the fiertilizers used , bi-
ceedingly fruit ul. a so al`ect tree growt , pruning and A oc
The Eldorado plants were se- tree nutrition should be maclc to ta
cured from a well-known nursery supplement each other. The aver- . ca
and were, of course, supposedly true- age soil in Kentucky is low in nitro- in
to-name. The lot, however, con- gen. and fruit growers universally ra
tained a considerable number of use nitrogen fertilizer to stimulate be
unfruitful plants. At the first har- growth. Pruning also stimulates lu
vest these plants were marked with growth but it does so by reducing
stakes. Each year. since that time, the number of growing points, Su ` m
the same individuals have failed to that those that remain receive a ` bi
produce normal fruit. All berries large share of nutrients from the . gi
on these plants are abortive and soil. Thus, pruning invigorates a oi
contain only 2 to 10 drupelets. Such tree, but makes it smaller than it 14
plants are worthless and, should would have been. il
they occur in commercial plantings, In starting off young peach and is
would seriously curtail production. apple trees, the grower is anxious ‘
It has been suggested that these to produce top growth to fruiting “ c.
might be affected with a fungus dis- size as quickly as possible. To do ~ (Q
ease that interferes with pollination. this he will make the soil as good ii
° If this is the case, the disease had as possible and prune as little as liv e
not spread either to regular Eldo- can during the early years, and still t*
rado plants alongside or to any of develop the form and framework
the other varieties. Similar samples that is desired. Of course, the ` s
of berries have been sent in from only time a definite tree form can  · p
other Eldorado plantings in Ken- be developed is while the tree is 1 y
tucky and reports have been re- young, and some pruning is neces- t
ceived of commercial plantings that sary to do this even though it does i
contained a high percentage of reduce the size of the tree some- l
plants behaving in this manner. what. t
. Normally, the Eldorado is an ex- During the past decade most fruit x
cellent variety over a wide terri— growers have followed this practice ` (
tory and those selling or distribut- of pruning as little as possible while * i
ing plants should know that they the trees were young and until after A (
have only the fruitful sort rather bearing began. The result has  i_
than a very undesirable mixture. meant a marked improvement over
The rust rating of Eldorado in the older practice of severe pruning
. the table is subject to the following during the formative period, and .
question. This variety is normally the trees have borne earlier and A
highly resistant to rust and, due to larger crops. -
the close proximity of the plants After the trees reach mature size `
and the intermingling of roots and and are bearing well, pruning can 3
sprouts, it has not been exactly de- be practiced to maintain vigorous  -
termined whether all the rust is in fruiting wood and desirable tree `
the Eldorado or the unfruitful mix- size. Sometimes, the trees become
ture. too tall for economical spraying and .
_____ harvesting. There is no general ‘
SOME THOUGHTS ?·?i‘i°§“%§S$t ii.é".R8;`id‘i§gg“ .?·1"i2§F"`l
i. . . gt
ON PRUNING tree can produce more bushels than
A. J. OLNEY a smalltgree. However, if oge ob} -
serves e cro s in a num er o
Pruning is a subject that never orchards, he will be impressed with  
fails to interest fruit growers and the idea that bushels per tree is not ·
any discussion about it almost al- the whole answer to the problem of
ways results _in_ arguments pro and making profits. Worms did most dam- A
gon, because it is not a simple mat- age this year in the tops of tall trees  
er. because s ra s did not reach them .·
The effect pruning has on the effectively? axid the percentage of i
growth and productiveness of a cull fruit was too high. It is un-  
tree depends on many things. Health fortunate to have the fruit in the *2
and vigor, kind and variety, and top of the tree go bad because this  

 ing is is the place we should expect to prove to be of longtime importance
·_Fl1l`- find the best size and color. These to pear work in the lower central
tional tall trees also require tall ladders and southern sections of the coun-
and extra labor at harvest time, and try
l,¤5<‘<§ break-doxp of larghe limbs often ..--
am occurs. ter trees ave grown too ·
do ,0 , 1,,,,, p,_u,,,,,g back ,5 about 3,, Om, HINTS AND OBSERVATIONS
¤},l0l‘— ’ can dt;) about it, bait if tlxe pruning By VV. W. MAGILL
m Y0- must e severe, t e resut may be , · ,
`YSHUY ` rather unsatisfactory. How much Mr' and MrS' Fruit Gmvwr
nulatc · better it would be to maintain the Mr. Kittering, Vice President of
ulates V height desired by annual pruning, General Motors, offers a simple re-
llloing  i In recent years the tendency to search problem within the range of
$5, So maintain fruiting wood on lower every family. He says to take the
lvc U , l)l`a[`tChUS l'L‘3ChiI\g Ziil`HO5i. tl) tht; lll1`l0 to   YOLIY O\VI`l bLISlI`1€SS.
Tl the ° ground, has been 3 good one, but too nfld \\'1`llu dO\\'l] 5 l‘e3SOI1S why yOU
WGS ,2i  . often these branches have been al- did not make more money or were
ian it lewed to become too thick. Under not more successful in your busi-
. these conditions, much of the fruit ness in 1944. Then during the long
1 _8ll<*1¤¤g-¤¤¤th ¤<>¤¤··>:
ment Station, June, 1944. It contains SDYBYZ and DOUG ot lllCSC l)lOCl»{s `
sound information that applies tn Ken- roooivod the usual uumbey Of €.m—]y
tucky as well as to Ark1insas.—Editor.) Spray applications. By isolutinh `
Early production is froquontly these plantings of t}Lll'ly \'2ll’lCT.i(·>, t
used as e means Of eeml-O] Of l.ll€_COClllIlg-lllOlll problem had beet;
multiple-generation insect pests at- i*"0ldCd- On thc 0lh€l` hand, _i¤ I
tacking annual Crops It is not orchards where early and late varii-- 1
usually recommended fm. the COW ties `xxiore `mixed, the problem ti; 2
§g;€<;{s§;l;S¤<;jj1\¤¤p$;§E2;`;s*‘¤it; “"l`§“l,i$FLZ d$i“2Ell—l‘v tai at-tail-S. S ¤
` *   ` . me which ripen before a majoritv ti" `
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