xt7tb27ppp3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27ppp3b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1970 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 41, 1970 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 41, 1970 1970 1970 2012 true xt7tb27ppp3b section xt7tb27ppp3b 2 1 i A   
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 I Volume ll, Number 1 \Vint<:r 1970 I I    
I I ‘ I I
I lC(lilor: joycc Todd I I
' I I I
. I I I I
.   I I
  Ax .»\ss1·;ssxu—;x·r or UK 'l`ODA‘1' 2 » I I
I. llUllIl1lll Hamilton   I I
 · ·**  I   I   ‘
_ S'l`L`l)l·jN'l`SZA l\llN()l1ITY I{Ep0n·r 3 I   I
" Doris S¢·wzarl>yns   I I I I
» ’ ' "’ "" " `    I
’ ()I··1· or 'I`lll·j (ZE.·~.ssu<>0x¤I IxT0 Tm-; C0x1x1L‘x1TY 8   I
` .·\m1;1 N. Bolling I I I
I ’l1()\\`.·\l{l) AX LvX1)l·]l(ST.»\Nl)lNG OF STUDENT LVNREST 11 I   ; I ‘
' Slhilll I)rysdul<· ~ I ‘;
I (Z.-xxrrws Scirzxras 13, 17 I   I
I llli-(flllf.-\'I`lNC Inu; LvNl\'El(SlTY To XIEET Hvxux NEEDS 15 I I
I _l;um·s Hussvll Q  
I   ——I I
 ’ lx l)L`HS1`l'I`()l·` 1_.()\`E 20 I _
_ 'l`lu·rvs;n Rvsigz I
.·\xu-;mI`I]l0I) I
I Srmeusxr.-xx ron Irma `SILICNT Xl;\]()RITY` 31 I
I Bon C. Svwcll, Ill . I ;
 I :33 l’1<01·I11.1·:: PAT C.»x1m1cI-xx
I $$4 R. R. l).xws0x
 A :35 Rrcrmmrn L. Euuxxs I
36 ]I·;w1·:1. (1. Xl.\!Il·fI<
 I 36 C1..xss NOT1·:s
I 'I`/Iv Kmxtuvky .·\lIIlHHll.$' is pI1I>Iix/wc] in {hc spring. summer, full. and u‘intvr by [hc
` (IIIll`(‘I'»\'1f!/ of l{4·ntuvky ;\]lII}IHl .»\.»~.»—I»I·imimI. and iI»~ i.».»-mul In all Izeziuu alumni. End
  ¢·/rms ]H7.Yf(I§(‘ pair] uf L¤I.vi11g!m1, l{(Infm·ky,
I I . I » L 

  . 1 I t g
  w l I
  l   \Vhy the arson and the bristling guns? Why the "oecnpj. Most stu
  . g   p   2 tion” of administrators oflices at Columbia, Coniellncy  ten dcnuu]
{  {   %   The fact   that those sorts of things characterized om,  mh profes;
, j D , { a puses far from our own, at a time when UK had no 10,, Should tl.
; I p 1     ' A frontations”. am asked h
 , i   p I z { , 1* __ lp  just as adults of the Commonwealth of Keiitiiqkme  hed to SUI
F,   p Ei       , conservative on numerous issues, UK students who   nt to ,1 arr
 j     j   /,*4, /   natives and residents of Kentucky have been siniilath I Actually,
      . I     N ` y   conservative. Gradually, there appears to have been sn I  Q ·\· jemlé h
  ·     ; I   I W "" radicalism coming from outside the Commonwealth.B   ghj in (icc]
 . l 1   : N   the horrors of Cornell, Columbia, Berkeley, et ul., hai   up OW, \,
 I » 1 j Q   exerted an ellect on people of all ages throughout Althguqh
  j     Q   land. And the effect in Kentucky. for the most parthz   cha WM;
 3 .   I p   ` { been at once sobering and salutary.  lwlijd pr
    I Z p The Editor of the KENTUCKY ALUMNUS has nth  A thm] i
 A     \ me to comment on whether the University is "for society  U, Opinion
 _; l   , . or for the students." My answer is that it is for mein.  {_ in my .
 I        I   _ U lgnxp     M   includingstudents. and for students as part of snotty  Cyifinélc,
    j ,   Holman Hamilton Any divisive influences. seeking to placye ·S()Cl(‘i}` in e  , edumtior
 i 5 y p   watertight compartment and students in another. le   kyjncjmlj
        logic in their approach.  g to Serve
  ;     All generations of students have had rlissaitistnctiw  dwg is tj
  j _   some vague and others specific. Several of todays it · in the rr
_`    ° j iQ satisfactions come directly or indirectly from the pnpi [mm th
 j   } l I   tion explosion. Let me cite one example: Ideally. a tial  {O},. thm.
  §     ,   man survey course in a number of disciplines shnnhi.  For emu
  ,       conducted on a lecture·discussion basis. with thech   th_I‘T0 SC
 Q 2 l   l limited to 25 or 30 students. Once the number rises ihii   Ojhgr j ~
  l       An Assessment of   Today -10 or 45, the close contact is lost. One might aw  ·9SHO(;:
  Q   ~ `   Holman Hamilton lecture to 200 as to 50. And really doesn`t it make ser  l {See UO {
 V   I p '   to have a first-rate professor lecture to 600 as toit   dgOOdr€S_
1;     I . provided the 600 are broken up into small discnssf  the best P
    . A groups once a week under the guidance of truly qnilh   th
  { First of all, I cannot pass up this opportunity to greet the gfflduéiffi HSSiSt€·111fS? But I defi
 IQ   dozens or scores or hundreds of my former students who \Vith0ut dragging out my comments on this exnmpl  gm] rm.,
    may peruse theacurrent issue of the KENTUCKY ALUM- let me state clearly that I know this can and oftentl   'eity of co
rl    NUS. You and what you are doing and thinking will work well. On the other hand, there are variants ot it  . plain ··b,
  Q; , always interest me keenly. Perhaps you, too, will wish procedures which don’t work well at all. If a student   vgntable ,
 T     I . to have a brief impression of your old prof’s view of a legitimate complaint about the quality of this "snlntic   erwalks t
 $1     today’s UK. of the numbers problem, he assuredly should he hr  ~MuCh Og
    ~ Let me begin by stating that, fundamentally, UK is and heeded. On the whole, I think UK is at least  elsswjme
    A O.K. and then some. responsive to student initiative of this sensible kind.  ns` interes
    If you saw them day by day as I do, I believe you I believe that most UK students are RWM? l   dents to I;
 Y   l would have a highly favorable opinion of the vast educational problems demand the best thinking ·  m—t0 ttm
 jg   L majority of our students. seasoned experts as well as the immediacy of Studtl  This shnu
    . j It is true that they are a lively bunch. But when was OWU viewpoints. ought to b·
    l   liveliness a bona Bde cause of adverse criticism? Courtesy VVe all have listened to loose remarks about theh  Finally, ti
    E and gratitude are among their characteristics, just as the of “relevance” in some courses. But are not tent  MY respo
··-  L   I   Same traits were represented by you when you were languages relevant to problems of comnumicationt   at the mt
      I 3 undergraduates. and tomorrow? Are not philosophy and the Still   Hg.
 jj   { These young men and young women seem every bit relevant to an understanding of man and nature?  Dedicatet
 yi,     as bright as their predecessors (perhaps brighter in some Are not historical similarities striking, and should   at is g()i]]!
  Y, 3 , ways), and far more comprehensive in their knowledge the would-be leader of the future know of triumphs    S· They
    * I of life than members of my own generation appeared to disasters in the past? , mnt gathe
    I be at the same age in another part of the country. Is there not relevance in geology for persons ttm Ii  up thei
V     I Why the rioting on some American campuses then? about the moon, and indeed the universe?  m·

 _ 1  Y · -
he "nccUpa_ hlost Students fully C0mpf€l1GHd such p0i¤tS, and Like dedicated professors, dedicated alumni have it     -
Iomgllwmg pl en (]Cm;n1(ls for “i¤Sf21I1f HHSWOYSU evaporate without ill their power to contribute a tremendous quantity and l -·
Crizerl nm,  uch pmfessoriill cliclzwticism. quality of enlightened personal service! i   i
md 110%% ghonld the "Frvv Universityii have been recognized, 1 l { {
’am,,S1a»r1 by thc Editor. Supcrficinlly, one at Hm is in-   § } g
lcirtuelya,   · ed to Suppose that libcmlity of spirit would nod as-  [all"? 7’"’f”"”""' OI h'·"’O'U at UK» D’· Holman H‘””· l l _ _
ntg wlm   mw al "F]-gg Univcr5ity” i(lg;]_ dm'? W 1968 T€C€i1J0d the “Out5·tanding Teacher Awgyd”   ' E   _
,01] Simlm Acmllvp however, (mes mature judgment D€CCS_ {rom UK .s*tudent.s·. Later the same year, he was hailed as l ‘ l
G becnso I  , pearls him to thc conclusion that UK was absolutely G_"?‘{t T¤’¤¢’¢er" by OW Alumni A$6‘0€i¤ti0”- Ong of his   l
nvcaltli.B    in declining to give official recognition to such a 7’""°'7’”l _"’°'k·" is U bi0>‘5’aPhU Of Kentuckyii P’€$id€”t       Y
Ct HIM hm   up Over which UK had no cmltmr ofthe United States, Zachary Taylor of Jeferson County,   ’ pl I T -
Oughout I Although the mma] Curriculum um] Pmccdurcs of recently r01.s·.s·ued by Archon Books, Hamden, Connecti- 1   I
ost pm _   cha gmilp might Sum Hm, and dandy, Whose Crystal cut.   Hamzlton is 0 former Guggenheim Fellow and 4     .
 Mould pwdict {uhm, dC\,(_I0pnwnts? Fulbright scholar. He teaches UK students at all levels- l   I ‘
USllil$Ll5l`  A third interrogation of the Editor was; "\V}mt js from fV€’·$`hml111 lfcfurcs to gradu41tg.ggminar_g_ I      
g"fnr$OCn  urgpinion of UK as a burcaucracy?" The answer is   K     `
.s for sociei   Lin my opinion, UK is only incidentally a bureau- l L  
rt of society  cyjf indeed it is a bureaucracy at all. UK is primarily  
~Ci<‘t}‘”i¤@·   Qrlnrgirtional institution serving the people of Ken-   i ·
anotlwr.l1   k\·i|](_‘l11(lll]t§ the students of Kentucky, and also help- i I  
 g lo serve the nation in various related ways. Its i 1* i _
ssantisiiicliwt  cleng is the community of scholars, old and youn , _ _ =E   f
i tonlu}°s it ‘ in the University family. g Students: A Mlnorlty Report I   lp
n the pcpi Igmnt there are some bureaucratic tendencies, and I Doris SC’iL`GT(I lj Q g
eally; zi fail  lore them. ll e
ies should  For exainple some professors are "committeed to [ I  
ritli lll? fl   th," To serve on two or three committees, in addition ~
er risewllll   other duties is reasonable. To serve on nine or ten It I could choose, HS 3 gf0up, the Student generation I `
nlglll HS ll"  *95 H0 ggngg \\`OLll(l pI`€f€I` to \VOI`k \\`Ith HS 3 p€I`SOI1I1€l 3.dH'1lI]ISt1'3tO1',    
it ll`llll(€ $6  Ilsee no fundamental conflict between gOO(l teaching I would €h00$€ thi? pf€S€I1t 0H€. I say this with COI1UaSt   ‘
UO 95 lv il ¤• good research. although one has to work just as hard to {lm past. Wlfll COH1paIiSOn Within the present, and with '  
all cliiwifi  the best professors work in order to do full justice to 3 €0¤j€€tU1‘€ about tl1€ fUtU1'€·  
trulyqualll  ..  Student generations in the past have had, of course,   _
But l definitely do see a conflict between (a) teach- great variety within their ranks but even so an image    
tliisvmlll  land research (the fundamentals) and (b) a multi- term has been applied as characteristic of the majority l l " it
ncl clien t  'll}` of Committee assignments which too often are group fOr H particular period. Thus we have the iisilent   { ` —_
iriants olsu  r plain “busy work". This is an absurd conHiet. easily generationi`, the many students in the Fifties who talked   ‘
a student   veritable and probably not understood by people in to no one. went their purposeful way in solitude, un-  
this "swllllw   erwalkg of lifr; coinplainingly but seemingly uninspired. l J
mild be lit I Much of whatever student dissatisfaction exists here They rejected preceding student generations of phone I »
at l€‘il$lll  €l$€\\`llere stems partly from tlefieicncies in academi- booth jammers, bed pusllers, goldiish SW&llOW€l'S. Théy .·
1silJl€ lim  Si interest. 'l`eachers_ in partieulan owe it to their overlapped the security-focused generation of students K i
‘e RWTH?  Il d€Ui$ to be deeply interested in them—to care about in the early fifties who \Vante(l the Cl€gI€·€ lll OI‘d€1‘ to i A ·
{ tliinkiug   m—to icmzt to communicate. get the job in order to get into a channel of progressive _ ‘
gy of stucltl  This should be second nature. lf it isn`t second nature, promotion and early retirement. This group had in turn i   l
Ought to be tenderly cultivated. displaced the gentleman scholar with his careful “C”, his I *
about theli  Finally, the Editor asks: "How can alumni help?" careful clothes. his careful apathy.
ye not lortl  My response is: Alumni can help by doing exactly All such categories do damage to the many ex-
inicationl   atthe most dedicated alumni have been doing all ceptions found among individual students on every
;l the sgml   ng campus during each era. However it is true that the
- ¤¥‘t‘“°‘  ’D€diC¤t€*“   "C”m"·"~ In
F;   reason is recognized as philosophical and not cowardly.
 Ei   If they raise their voices to be heard, their premises hand, young people are on occasion justifiably iiiipili " sitll tre
 {_   allude to democracy and equality. with our caution, are intolerant of our C}`Illl`l$lll·°  " fmllsllill
 .   Ot COllrS€, there are the social drop-outs, the violently are critical of our unimportant superiitriatl Ca1'l>lll§F-  if fm. tho l
    destructive, the irresponsible yelpers, the drug users, I suggest we both get beyond all of this to tlitl  Ll“"""5il
 .   the free lovers. But these do not represent the viable cerns and problems that continue llIll'(‘Slll\`¢`il llll tml ill ll
 `   l and distinctive quality of college students today. \V e lose world today.  my
      Out when we get hung up On the headlines of demon- \Ve can and must restrain illegal and :111ti-Sotlilli  in °'i‘l"l` l
    ‘ St1'Zlti0nS and focus our efforts and talents on police but we must not yearn for the old days oi llltill   miilmlk at
 ii i‘ work, authoritarian restrictions, and demands for respect, student generation, nor thc apathetic one, not lll? ill  higlw" Ct
    The fYiHg€ 0L1tl)L1I'StS of course need to be contained, re- ish one, nor the self-centered one, ln our so111l‘lllll*`*l“   gmml il
 it   $tI'€liU€d, and eliminated, but this must not become the we must not browheat this hopeful ge11t‘1`21lillll mm  C°ll°¤<’ O
    _ €mPh2`i$i$ of thi? €Cll1C£1tO1"S involvement with the current frustrated, lmtefnl, snhrlnetl_ tearful, and liilltl gm  6` Fomlm
    $lZUd€Ut g€U€I'?1ti0H. We lT1L1St recognize, encourage, and It the alternative is at times irrcverant. C\'t‘ll illolm  fciiimlcfcrl
        UUYYUIT5 th€ HUC qLlZlliti€S of this generation which can but also creative and visionary, let`s go :ll0|lQ llilihl   _ iiwltlll`]
      I'€Cl0l1¤d to the benefit of us all. These young people are offering compassion that is not pat1'olliZillQ~ Vllfoim   mfg? ich
      ; Pllshing tOW2iI'Cl g021lS that can belong to all of us, lf we ment that is not half-he;n·tetl, wisdom that li l  Tlimhllh
 sj   _ j Spend Our energies simply in denouncing their ap- stnltifying, and respect that is not l1ypoC1`iti€ill· - bmi Cum
    J pearance, their entertainment, their manners, we lose The stance which puts older pCopl<‘ ill will  cdlswd fl
    ~ the l3.I'g€I` im[)€tL1S of high aspiration to a better society, younger people is a waste of energy, is liil$l)lllCCdiH  hl   thc
ji  it . Old€1` people do have Some justified quarrels from and is a loss for both. The issue for o111‘ ti1n¤Sl$"°l`  Ii, ilimim
gy  4   l time to tiI`f1€ with the yOl1ng€r generation. Some young shall prevail but what shall prevail. The illlllllcnioi   {   if fu
    people at some times are outrageous, are intemperate, times is a better world for all people. _  dgmiiil ul
,     are iU€XP€Yi€UC€d, and half-iI1fOI'l'n€(l. On the other l\/laybe tomorrow’s student will l)t‘ lC$$ liilllwm ‘ K acct

 : 5 if V
l I
 stile) more receptive to I`C2lSOll itself, to deliberation of aims and purposes. Many were founded in protest E I   ·
, 1.  is prudent but not timid. And maybe older people over the failure of some existing fratemities to live up  
 t|m[[()]]1()fl`U\V will l)U IUUTU klllilly, IUOTC HCXll)lC, to ll]CS(: avowed ()bje(;[iv(;5_ J 1  
·    CrmC;.l_ less deaf IU the possibility of Cllzlllgfs. [IOW- Although various societies, mostly of a literary nature,   { ·
° I  er, until that loinorrow, llwrc is TCQISOH to bc Cllcefcd czune into being during those years, it was not until 1825 i I  
H  dpymsvtl with the present student generation and to that the Hrst genuinely social fraternity was founded,     u
  .,C]m|l(·ngetl to illlpl`<)VC 0lll' Urtli·i· to give some perspective. we might take a showed that members of fraternities and sororites had a
S of thc gil   clil0<>l< ill these groups and their place in the history record of 59 per cent in "persiStenC€ to gfH(lll9.tlOll”, 215 ·
um-{tech`  hlgllol (`(lUC'illl0ll in the United States. The first against only 47 per cent for non—members. A major
;O‘“(»time,tll   fl'llZ<‘ll lil`€ltCl`lli[}‘ was Phi Beta Kappa_ founded at factor is_ of course, better scholarship. Fl`z1t€1`llltl€S €ll-
wmtjmi intl  €¤llv¤<» of Yllilliam and Xlary, \\'illiamsburg_ \`a._ in courage their pledges to form proper study habits early i l
l bittgy gr  l6·Fm`lll(`(l for social and literary purposes, it had all in their college career and COlltl1lllG to pll$ll fOl` good    
VCU {Og]-hl  fch*mlCl<‘l`lSliCs ofthe presenbtlay fraternitsg but after grades among their uppC1`—Cl1lSSnl9ll HS \\`€ll. Tll€ll. toot A l
along witlll   faC“'ltUl`)' of existence it became and has since re- fraternity men form bonds of frientlslllp. b€C‘Olll€‘ lll-
mg_Aeiit·01l¥"  m€dn$Cll0lill'l)’ honor society, admitting both sexes to terestcd in campus and chapter zlCtl\`itlOS` zlllCl get al
n that is  Tllvrslnly feeling of growth and achieve1nent—all of which helps
itiCn]_ lfll C*llllC il period of rapid expansion among the keep them interested in continuing their €(lllC‘2ltl0ll·
C nt wiirl  l’l*$ll<‘:~¤s.s.=.    Ctlchl C0
 V     i close quarters with men from different backgrounds and i P  . * _ » .· v   \ ,   .   "`  lldhlil $\i·f ·.  * I €‘hh€ll\’<
  ¥_ in the classroom. Because fraternities are smaller than _   V     `· m"°l$lh}` ·
    most other types of University residential units, life is .· _ __. ji. .   /4 i` P { Yi"; " flihtir o
 Sv   i L more intimate in them. The size and comradship of a ·· ,— Z: Q ‘?*' i lfhn .’ if '   ,.   `  hedf Y<‘Sea1
    K fraternity is more adaptable to a living-while—learning * l     The UK
  5   experience. · ·?   * " the daily
    L Finally fraternities provide business, administrative, /    as Of CG]
 ,;,—     and organizational experience that is not offered in the    Ovemancci
p  { _ j classroom. Each fraternity chapter at Kentucky has its F h    °“hh1>r=¤<
      own chapter house where the primary responsibility for ·    Q.   ppmch l0
    i the fraternity’s operation rests with the undergraduates.    ml€utl°“h
    l g This allows for much of the theory learned in the class- *1* gf that act
    room to be put into practical application at the chapter f €rS’ only
    _ house. Some of our groups handle as much as fifty to fired Wil
v  ‘', i _j. j sixty thousand dollars a year. This is used for payrolls, Bob Elder mid Shih l°’°h€i—liiie

straits  0rderAmid Ch¤nge...Ch¤nge Amid Order , j,  ·*‘·· A 1 1   l ,
sc. lursi    r‘rV   _, _   I l . ·
- Henry F- D°I’U"S     ·»r=       .     4 2 > .
lI`CCt()f_ lm ·   Vyrr _ ,;;   _ j I `·
res. ,     ;, I   l a .
Ll itselliri    . _ · -v-. I  —.§;    ` I l ,
0 not sir _ _ _     T l j _g, l » T
L Isowq is emotions battered by student assaults on his uni- »rQQ - _ _,$,..W 4,     , j
dcaucth  ersityi Columbia historian lacques Barzun feels that   _‘A,   j ,
W www   s mode of university governance we have known in          
(mc wm,   js country has been "rashly abandoned” during the I "jn     I   ‘ s .
ts mtoiti pssrfcrv months. I am less pessimistic. Columbia, Cor-   M ·  I _      ,
 ell, iind other Ivy League institutions, however im- s _-as T;   **3 2 IY; I   ;
 rtnnt they may have been as historic pace—setters in  ¤        l  
r, is zi nati  ghcr education do not constitute the whole of it now.       Tu; s i ·
Williumu  fg passing of the era Barzun mourns may be no       1  
wu ilw II`  Ore than the passing of Ivy League supremacy.         2 . l 4 ; 2
uulfl xlllmi Late in October. I took four University of Kentucky I i'; ‘ _   V,. _ _ V     i ` ,
\SSO<‘iuii<>ri   sirliinte students in my department to Ithaca to pre- S Q J
K<1l>lM  ··   ii symposium on results of research in Kentucky at Henry F' Dobym   $ Q. ~
t meeting of a professional society held on the Cornell I T _   .
 mpus. The society met in \Villard Straight Hall, the I      
r rlent union building occupied by armed Afro-Ameri- j '   i
 an students last spring. The Kentucky research team     ,
 as very well received, both by