xt7tb27ppm60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27ppm60/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1865-05-jul18. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1865-05-jul18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1865-05-jul18. 1865 1865-05-jul18. 2011 true xt7tb27ppm60 section xt7tb27ppm60 







Chair of Philosophy
" of Mathematics
of    Chemistry
        Ing. Lang.
        Latin & German

of    At cGarvey


     The Geal Agent was instructed to correspond with dies,
ianguished Scholars with a view to place their names in nou-
ination before the Board for the vacant Chairs in the various
Colleges of the University, & report the same at the next
meeting of the Board.
     On motion Curators, Gratz, Wasson & Steele were directed
to confer with gentlemen of the Legal Profession of Lexington
with a view to fill the vacancies existing in the College of
Law, and to report to the Ex. Cos. who was hereby ordered to
fill said vacancies this Fall if practicable.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet on to-morrow at
8A. M.


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
           July 17, 1865

Board set pursuant to adjournment. Present the Cure-tors as
present on yesterday and Jno. Shackelford, Jun.
     After reading and amendment of minutes - On motion of
Curator Bowman the Ex. Com. were authorized to make suitable
arrangements for the instruction of classes in French, Music
& drawing & Painting.
     The Committee on Revision of By-Laws Reported a partial
Revision which was on motion received and adopted after var-
ious amendments order Due; A.
     The Cor. decided to confer with Legal gentlemen of Lex-
ington with a view to fill the vacancies in the College of
Law, having reported the result of their conference, it was on
notion of Curator J. B. Bowman resolved
     That upon  ', C. Wasson, R. B. Buckins, W. C. Goodloe be
and hereby are appointed Faculty of the College of Law & that
the Ex. Com. be instructed to complete the details of this
College & publish the Laws in their forth coming announcement.


Col lege

French &
Fine Arts

By- laws




Sep. 25-


This office

J. B.

     On motion it was resolved that the Ex. Con. be author-
ized to employ a Janitor for the ensuing year.
     On motion that Art III be suspended for the enduing year.
Resolved that when we adjourn we adjourn to moet on Monday
25th Sept. at 2 P. M.
     On motion of J. B. Bowman Resolved that the privilege be
given to the State of sending one properly prepared student
from each representative district free of Tuition in accordance
with the act establishing the Agricultural College of Ky. or
of the Colleges of Ky. University.
     On motion J. G. Allen, Curator J. B. Bowman was appointed
Regent of the University under the article of the Revised By
Laws adopted as above, designating and deferring the same
General Office of Regent.
     On notion the language creating the office of Regent or
General Agent was adopted unanimously to read as follows.
     While the office and functions of a President of the
University are not recognized as expedient yet in order to
give a wore formal        to the University the Board of
Curators shall appoint one of the members Regent or General
Agent who shall on behalf of the Board exercise a general
superintendence over the external interests of the Institution,
& who shall be in his own proper person be representative of
this Board except when the Same shall be in session. He
shall not be considered a member of any Faculty or College,
but act simply as the agent & Representative of this Board.
     On motion of Curator Steele, J. B. Bowman was unanimously
elected to the office of Regent & Gentl Agent.

                              R. C. Ricketts

                              Pres. Proten

On motion Board Adjourned

Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec. proton.