xt7t7659h526 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659h526/data/mets.xml La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 France La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 1797-06-23 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie de Crapart  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 35) 23 June, 1797 text Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 35) 23 June, 1797 1797 1797-06-23 2023 true xt7t7659h526 section xt7t7659h526       




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desceudvut 1'11 c1' 111111110111 11.111» 1:1 1.."1~x1'1\1"..i!11-. Q‘mm .111

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gin“, 11131131 1111113 1111i {11111 1: 'iss111111131' 1i ciil'ni
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31311141111111 131,-. 111-1t (Yap/1110115 rc/L'gicuses , 1l11111, (iiburl
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1"“! 1;! .'.-'11!“ 1111i 11131 11'1111': 1111111'1'1"-1‘1::m'
11'11-1'1'11111: 1111\11-21’1 111's 1'1-11'1' r111i 111' 31: l.’1i~'
1. . ('31 Ni. 4 1;r1=1's'. (IL-1(1-
10:1!r-i11'11-‘11-1111-rll l'n11"' 111: :1 13-11113 1i” Q’hi" ,
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)1 min 111-11 1.111. .1'! 111 " 1'111'1' 11"..- 1‘1'1'1'r‘ 11:11311111: 1'1111313 ,
1-11":111-1111 1!1‘1'11.1.1:111.\: '111'13 1'02111711-11'111' 101111-5113
"'1'-2 ', 1‘! 1i1'9 ""'""}"'"

'11111'31-1111-1'1111 1

1 .11l‘1iUlI5 PL'IiU-
11.11.1111111.101.11.1111143. —

i'1'C1’3i" '1 I1!’.'1‘1'Il.'"11111 , 1111-11’1111 s11i3 11.13 surpxis;
s nu ~' 1111-1113711'1113 dr-
-1! 11131.111'11'3'21'11.1111-
.'1'11- 1111111. 1.I1i.}:11‘ ('..-:L
Li 31-1111-11123 11111.1” (-11“-




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(2) . .

1.113 10 prudent c11111111'1i1111 1 cat d’unc étcrnclic 1'1- rilé. CeHe abmnmable démence pas“

ser1,8'1113 1101110, ' 1111 1i3 i1 111111'1111’0110 11it 31111 1131113.

c< (11111-11 '11 11111131: 16 syateme actual do 1163 ii1ir1: 11155
)3 1"1'11111211i3 1111’ 1111 peuplc d’c p/ulo 1011/1”; . il V0Ildl1)ii en min-
n In; peuplc dc: a’dvoh , at [1311' asse/vzr 0111111151 .111 111,08. 1)

1n 11131111ie 1113 11l1il115131111133, 1111115 16
1111 111:1111ic 111: 51114-3, (31 11’1‘xisL1: 11111' COHS'L'11U13III'. 11110 1111113 L1
LC-Lc 111:3 {11113. U/z 175111111: 111: p/u/0111p1'11'5
invcrse, 1111113 colic 1’10 [11 l'év11i.1Li1111,1 11'11i1
151111111111, (35L ceiui (111i 11311 M ].)ic11,111
(:i1'11cc, 11i morale, 11i 111111'i.1111,-, 11'1 3611111111113, (-10. 1311:.
c 'Cbl 1'L-l-1i 1111i 11111iLL11ulL‘s 11-3 l1ei‘11'31 "

(.11 131-3 11110
1] ~11i3 110111 11113. C13 1111111: est 11'01'i111x 1111113 1.-
i P 1

11'1-.113 [11 1:111:13:
31L l1i- '11 1'.

1 1.


lli 111, 111 L)’1;-


110115 “11111115

11'1-s masitum, 1111i 111lis:CJlt 11’1311 11.13 {.1i1'1: C118.

1'. y '11 011 France, on 1lé1iL 1'10 Bulk-111 ct 01111311113, 1111
111211110 do ci11'é.i'-113; 11111i3 ii 11"1' 11 1113 1113 11311110
111'1111-111' P.11/uso1/z. 11.111.1111:1:1'1111111is cc 1111111- il11’ 111117111111
1"111éLic-11s, ii 11’ V 11 (1119 1'11'3 11'1-11111.9, 111:5 fan.1111115 s, 1115
pczpz'sr1s.011 11 iiiou 1111 1'.-15111101 1113 chunk-113, 1111i3 o1 11'1
11113 p11 11:11111'1- 10 1111111 111133i1)1[ie11,\'11111: 111-1111' 111: l1:111"s 11.1111-
1'0'11'11x. Um se 1.1111111: 1111111; bi1-11 1k- le 11111110110131: 1111s [€10.11-
['1'0111'1111‘I'513' s.1\'1'111 11-111'111-1'1111; ils 51110111 (111’1)11 11 111111 1".1it
1111-13 1103 11111113 CL 1113' 1111113. 113 11111 111-1111 voir 111.18 i1-u1'
1"11bii 111- de 1116115. 11131,- esL 1113111113 [.11111—1131115 13011111113, 1'1'1111.1is
he; 11")! 1'11111111c1z'111111. : ils “11"1111113111 11111111 11. 1'11, l1.>111:l11: 1.1
111110111: 1111 (:1'i1111- 0111111113 i1: 12111111: 11.1311 [0 arm. Je 111: 1115
1'i1-11 d1: ccitc i1111111d12111:1,- d’ accuser 1311 1'.:1113 1111 1113 1103 1'91-
31:11L1111s 1113- 1,-11u/111r nous 0.1.1- rwr 1111 111111.; 11'1; papa , C111111111- si
110113 éLimis 111111'11r'1LV1111t 5011.11 [1' jaug' 1111 page, 13111111111: 3i 11.1111
110111'i11ns y 0111;. Uibci'L 1111i n’11 vouiu voir 1111113 cam-3 3111:,-
3ié1'13t1: monthnarde (111C L’ignomnce
Lenlé do s’L-u 11'1011L1131';


1c ii .1 regrel'Lé l’instruclion ancicnnc, 111111013 (1u’1111 v
2') 01136111112111 r'cii1'i1111 >3

()1111 1:'1i1111: 011 1-1‘11,1 ! 6111111119111 11e11t— 011 rec'retter ce 1111 ’
111|i13sLZ—L1011111111.1t .

éL1)iL, 111111111]. 011 1111iLéL1'e 3i C111111311t 11': 1:13
reg/(:1' 5r Z’um: mu,- 171.1uuczwn , 1111111111 111 HOLIVCHC 11 11135
13111313 si 1111-1'1'11ill1,11_\? (31111111117111 regretter [1'1 r1li 'on, 1111111111
[.1 p/zzlnsop/u'e :1 i'1'1it 11011'0 bouheur ,'11L111111'1 11'1-3 i10111r1113s '11-'5


11111-111111101'115111111113 i1'--1i$i11t0111"s1113i'11 11111100, (11 111011111101: .111 '

.‘1l:1 ’11'ib11111: 1:1,- 1111i 5 -'1.-iL 1111 30111111110 in 011i 1'1111'13 101111.111!
111111113, 1111:." 1'1.1113 111 101111.1'1i11.1c ii'.111".1ise, (3L 13111113 iL'S
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