xt7t7659h07c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659h07c/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, Summer 1986, volume 9 number 5 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, Summer 1986, volume 9 number 5 1986 1986 2020 true xt7t7659h07c section xt7t7659h07c  




@Ceanlllrfla |



Vol. IX

Summer 1986

No. 5


Linda Ravvin has been named the new
administrator of CKJF, succeeding Judy

Her selection was approved by CKJF’s
board on June 85 and her official starting
date was set at July 1.

Linda, who has been active in a variety
of Jewish organizations, said she hopes to
have the CKJF office continue its role of
bringing together the Jewish groups of the

“There has been an incredible precedent
for the kinds of things accompliShed in
the job of administrator,” she said_

She said she would like to work to
increase the cohesion of the Central
Kentucky Jewish community.


“There’s been a certain amount of
apprehension about CKJF among different
segments of the community."

In addition, she said, ”The office
should be a major contact point between
the Jewish community in Lexington and the
non—Jewish community and a contact point
with other Jewish communities.”

She said another major goal is to
assist committee members in enlarging the
CKJF campaign and educating people about
the campaign and Israel.

Linda is immediate past president of
the Lexington Chapter of Hadassah and
serves on the board of the Central States
region of the group, for which she does
leadership development work.

She is a member of Temple Adath Israel,
where she is co—chairman of the library
committee. She has also headed the
interfaith-intrafaith committee of

At CKJF, she has been serving on the
Camp Shalom Committee, the Forum Committee
and the Community Relations Committee.

She is also on the board of the Fayette
County Medical Auxiliary.

She and her husband, Leon, a
neurosurgeon at Lexington Clinic, came to
Lexington in 1980 from Montreal.

Linda, who has a masters in library
science, worked for nine years as a
librarian at Dawson College in Montreal.
After coming to Lexington, she worked at
the library at Transylvania University.

The Ravvins have three children,
Michael, 8, Heather, 5, and David, 3.



 CKJF Allocations to Other Charities Announced

According to the constitution of CKJF,
seventy percent of all general campaign
funds received must be forwarded to the
United Jewish Appeal for allocation.
Monies received which have been designated
for a specific purpose, such as Project
Renewal, are sent directly to the UJA and
are not included in the general campaign

A portion of the remaining funds are
used for operating expenses which include
the many activities coordinated by CKJF
committees such as Camp Shalom, Forum,
Interact, Shalom Lexington, the annual Yom
Ha’Atzmaut celebration, "Another Israel“,

Finally, even pre—dating CKJF’s exis—
tence, come the allocations to “other
charities”. These allocations represent
our community’s participation in the
welfare of the local community as well as
the American and world Jewish communities.

Several years ago, in an attempt to
more clearly define the areas of our
responsibility and concern, the committee
divided all requests into five broad
categories: Preservation of Jewish &
Judaic Learning, Welfare, Medical, Social
Action, and Jewish & Israeli Youth.

This year’s Budget and Allocation
Committee, chaired by Evelyn Geller,
examined the multitude of requests and,
with some adjustments made by the CKJF
board, arrived at the list presented
below. As always the decisions were made
after intense discussion by the committee
and board. Serving with Ms. Geller on the
Budget and Allocations Committee were
Michael Ades, Harold Baker, Robert
Baumann, Gail Cohen, Judy Levine, Erle
Levy, Marilyn Moosnick and Ricki




Summertime is
to tie up lens

good time

I? in

Please pay your CKJF—UJA pledge




Preservation of Jewish & Judaic Learning

Hebrew Union College ................. $850
Jewish Theological Seminary .......... $850
Yeshiva University ................... $850

international Book Project,Lexington. $800
Simon Hiesenthal Center for Holocaust

Studies ........................... $300
Joint Cultural Appeal ................ $850
American Jewish Archives ............. $885
Lexington Public Library ............. $850

Social welfare

Jewish Braille Institute ............. $100
Jewish Welfare Board ................. $400
God’s Pantry, Lexington .............. $850
Association of Jewish Family & Children’s
Agencies .......................... $300
American DRT Federation .............. $800
Community Kitchen, Lexington ......... $300
Transient Relief, Lexington .......... $850

Social Action

American Israel Public Affairs

Committee (AIPAC) ................. $400
Anti-Defamation League .............. $4000
National Conference on Soviet Jewry.. $350
American Jewish Congress ............. $400
American Jewish Committee ............ $400
National Conference of Christians

and Jews (NCCJ) ....... ' .............. $400
Books for Soviet Jews ................ $75

Ronald McDonald House, Lexington ..... $400
National Tay Sachs and Allied Diseases

Association ....................... $100
Hospital Hospitality House, Lexington $800
Community Hospice, Lexington ......... $800

Jewish & Israeli Youth

Camp Young Judaea ................ $1907.50
Goldman Union Camp Institute ..... $1907.50
Association of Americans and

Canadians in Israel

Scholarship Fund ............... $800.00
Anytown, U.S.A. .................. $100.00

A total of $16,015.00 was allocated to
other charities from CKJF, based on monies
collected in 1985.











Demonstration for Soviet Jews

The National Conference on Soviet Jewry
is planning a major demonstration when
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev comes to
the United States.

The action is intended to show both
Gorbachev and the Reagan administration
that Jewish emigration from the Soviet
Union and the rights of Jews still living
in the USSR are of the utmost importance.

The conference is hoping that a thaw in
U.S.wSoviet relations will allow renewed
emigration from the USSR.

In a brochure outlining plans for the
demonstration, the conference character‘
ized the situation of Soviet Jews in this

”Except for a few symbolic although
important gestures, the status of Jews in
the USSR, and especially the 375,000 known
to be waiting to leave, has not changed.
Only 896 Jews were allowed to leave in
1989 and 1,190 in l985. Harassment and
the imprisonment of Hebrew teachers and
cultural and religious activists have
actually intensified.”

The Central Kentucky Jewish community
plans to participate in the demonstration
~- which will likely be held the Sunday
preceding the visit or during the visit
itself. When the date of the visit is
set, the Soviet Jewry subcommittee of the
CKJF Community Relations Committee will
announce details of how people here can

Looking Ahead to

CKJF Executive Committee members Gail
Cohen and Leon Ravvin are organizing
CKJF’s annual community—wide welcome to
newcomers, "Shalom Lexington" to be held
September 7.

Details will be announced later, but in
the meantime, members of the community are
urged to contact the CKJF office with
names, addresses and phone numbers of

CKJF will, in turn, circulate the names
throughout the other Jewish organizations
in the area.


Opportunities in Israel

High school students have the opportuni-
ty to spend a year studying in Israel
through the auspices of two kibbutzim.

Tenth graders can study at the Huleh
Valley Regional High School at Kibbutz Kfar
Blum in the Upper Galilee. About 800
Isareli students from 20 kibbutzim and
moshavim attend the school.

The 11th graders study at Kibbutz Beit
Hashita High School in Jezreel Valley at
the foot of Mount Gilboa. Most of the
Israeli students are members of the

In both programs, the American students
are ”adopted” by kibbutz families, who
provide them with a friendly home environ-
ment. The students actually live alongside
kibbutz youth in modern Quarters.

The 10th and llth grade program meet the
requirements of most American high schools.
Hebrew language and literature and other
Jewish subjects are included in the curric—

Further details on both programs are
available from: Department of ducation

and Culture, World Zionist Drganization,
émerican Section, 515 Park eve., New fork,

NY 10088; (212)758-0600, ext. 359.

Jewish Heritage lilieekend1
Louisvi 1 le

Jewish Heritage weekend in Louisville,
to be held Sunday, July l3, will feature a
computer game that tests your Jewish I.G.

The trivia game features questions,
among others, about entertainment, Jews in
government, and the practical aspects of
day-to—day Judaism. winners will receive a

Also featured at the Heritage event will
be a concert by the Jewish Community Center
Orchestra, as well as folk tunes by Bob
Rosenthal and performances of Israeli and
Jewish music by soloists from Cincinnati
and Columbus.

The events will be held at Riverfront
Plaza and Belvedere.




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" “iri‘r’ '”
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There are two Israels. The first is
the Israel of the e . ., That is
the Israel of the Arab-Israel conflict, of
west bank disturbances, of war threats and


of politics. Then there is the other
Israel, where 9,000,000 people live, love,
raise their kids -- and spend the week

deciding what they will do on the weekend.

The first Israel can best be experi*
enced from afar. Israel’s problems are
more readily apparent on U.S. television
than on Ben-Yehuda Street (any of the
Ben-Yehuda streets). As for the other
Israel -- the real Israel -~ you can only
experience it by being there. For some
reason, it just doesn‘t come through on

That is why it’s time to start thinking
about going to Israel this summer or
autumn. Israel does not need its support“
ers spending their time and energy agoniz—
ing over its fate. Israel certainly
doesn’t need tears. It does need support
and, right now, support for Israel can be
best demonstrated by booking an El Al
flight and going.

Spending time in Israel is no hardship.
The fact is that Israel is a fun country
of beautiful beaches and landscapes,
fascinating historic sites and an unusual—
ly friendly population.

You can’t worry about the “Middle East”
when you are strolling along the Mediter—
ranean promenade in Tel Qviv, nor when you
are sitting on the balcony overlooking
Jerusalem’s old City at the King DaVid
Hotel. The Middle East of the headlin s
jUSt disappears ~~ obscured, as it should
be, by the Israel of reality.

Sure, it’s very nice to check out the


ruins of Greece or the cathedrals in
Italy. But these places have “erv little
to do with most of us. 7srael is differ-
ent. Eeeing the anczent Friy of Ta/id in
Jerusalem is exciting because our an:ss~
tors lived there. Tel Q i/ is thrilling
because the people there lile ~~ rd
sometimes are ~- relafib

Vou do not leave a Libb‘,a the ni; umu
do a Scottish castle, mg '
nice it is. You leave proud.
that libbut: has something to do with you.

Everything in Israel does.



Of course, vlbltlng Israel is a two—way
street. It is good for the tourist. And
it is good for Israel. Last year, 1.4
million tourists (Q30,000 from the United
States) came to Israel. While there, they
spend $1.3 billion -- more foreign curren—
cv than the country derived from all its

Israeli officials had hoped that 1986
would be an even bigger year. In fact,
Israelis were counting on an increase in
tourism revenues to help sustain and
advance the economic recovery of the last
year. Any drop in tourism could seriously
retard that recovery.

Unfortunately, a drop in tourism seems
to be happening. This winter the number
of tourists visiting Israel was down GI
percent. If the summer figures are
anything like that, Israel’s economy could
face some serious new troubles.

But there isn‘t much that Israel can do
to attract tourists who are afraid of
becoming the victims of a terrorist
attack. Israel already runs the world’s
most secure airline, El Al. The country
itself is about as terrorist-proof as any
nation can be.

Every major and minor public place is
protected. Purses and shopping bags are
routinely checked in theatres and super~

This may make some people feel inse—
cure. It should have 'ust the opposite
effect. In Israel, the entire
instrumentality of the state works full
time to prevent attacks on the entire
population. This is true nowhere else.

In short, there is no reason to avOid
traveling to Israel out cf fear. There
is, of course, a small element of risk in
traveling anywhere. Take Manhattan, for
instance, or Miami. The only safe place.
really, is at home. But, then again, you
may live near the San Andreas fault, or

within a few miles of a nuclear rearto .


Disk is simply a part of life. Fortu‘

Tfl Israel, the risk is very small

indeed. As for the rewards, the, are
obwzous. ‘wu will be joiro I;rael a favor
if you go there this yeav But it is y“u

who will be the real benefic1arv.


3eprinted from .__~__ _
Meek, Max 33, ‘ 36. by M J
Rosenberg, Elitcr of Neaiufligt Report.










CKJF Board Notes

At the May meeting of the CKJF board of
directors, Jack Miller, past president of
CKJF, presented a report on the April
gathering of the national board of the
Council of Jewish Federations, of which he
is a member.

Three important CJF resolutions came
out of this meeting:

International Terrorism: “We (CJF)
believe that the recent action against
terrorist-related targets in Libya was
fully justified in view of the extensive
and irrefutable evidence of Col.
Guadaffi’s continuing involvement in
fomenting, aiding and encouraging terror-
ist acts directed against American and
other innocent civilians around the world.

”we will continue to support a policy
of consistence and strength while seeking
international cooperation in the long term
battle against terrorism."

Ben-Gurion Centennial: “David
Ben-Gurion was a man of towering impor—
tance to the Jewish people, and to all
people who cherish freedom.... As Israel’s
first Prime Minister, he led the newly
formed State through its most difficult
times and to the firm establishment of its
democratic traditions.

“...In this, the hundredth anniversary
year of David Ben—Gurion’s birth, we urge
every Federation to participate in the
centennial celebration by sponsoring
appropriate events and activities...“

The Farm Situation: ”CJF calls the
attention of its member Federations to the
following statement which is part of
NJCRAC’s Program Plan:

“The Jewish Community Relations field
should call attention to the economic and
social problems affecting a large segment
of America’s farm belt population and
should explore participation in coalitions
that support private funding and social
services and should study appropriate
legislation to alleviate the plight of
farmers and their families”.”

In response to a request from CJF, the
CKJF board noted tourism to Israel has
decreased significantly in light of
terrorist incidents.

In keeping with a resolution passed by
many national organizations, the board

continued .................................

went on record as encouraging travel to
Israel, noting that Israel’s airline El Al
has'maintained strict security measures
and has not been affected by recent
incidents. Security within the State of
Israel remains comprehensive. Travel
within Israel is safe. He cannot allow
terrorists ”to be our travel agents".

The CKJF board notes with sadness the
passing of Stanley Rose. Stanley was one
of the original CKJF board members and was
recently an appointed representative to
the board from Temple Adath Israel.

The Israel Bonds Honoree in 1981, Mr.
Rose was an outstanding leader in both the
Jewish and general community.


The board and officers of CKJF, as well
as the entire Central Kentucky Jewish
community, extends sincere thanks

to: Temple Adath Israel for the use of
their facilities for both the Israel Bonds
Tribute Dinner and the community-wide Yom
Ha’Atzmaut celebration,

to: Dhavay Zion Synagogue for the use of
their facilities for the Elizabeth
Rosenberg Memorial Program and Rabbi H.D.
Uriel Smith for the Havdalah service,

and to: David Green for the generous
contribution of his time and talents as
editor of the CKJF Bulletin over the past
few months. We take great pride in our
bulletin and expend great energy in making
it as comprehensive and informative as
possible. Its quality has been enhanced
significantly with David as editor.



position beginning August 1; nine issues
per year; work with professinal staff on
content and layout; 5-6 hurs per month.
”We can adjust to ygg£_time.“








Israel Bonds l"r*ibi_ste Dinner
held in May

The annual Israel Bond dinner produced
a rousing tribute to former Governor A.B.
"Happy” Chandler and a substantial commit—
ment, $381,000, to Israel Bonds.

Chandler was given the Ben-Gurion award
-— this year marking the 100th anniversary
of David Ben-Gurion’s birth -— and was
praised as an early supporter of Israel.

More than 120 people attended, includ~
ing state Attorney General David Arm-
strong, University of Kentucky President
Otis Singletary, Transylvania University
President Charles Shearer, U.K. Medical
Center Chancellor Peter Bosomworth, city
councilmen Barkley Blevins and Bob
Babbage, Transylvania basketball coach Don
Lane and developer Wallace Wilkinson.



The featured speaker was Yosef Yaakov,
Israeli consul general for the
Mid—Atlantic States. Yaakov emphasized
the strong military, economic and diplo—
matic ties between Israel and the United

He also discussed Israel’s economic
problems and the steps that are being
taken to solve them, including a 22
percent cut in defense expenditures.
Money for capital development is central
to improving the nation’s economy, Yaakov
said, and that is what Israel Bonds help
to fund.

Yaakov also noted that an important
source of revenue for Israel is tourism.

”Don’t let terrorists dictate travel
plans; come and participate in a memorable
experience,” he urged.


Steven Caller presented the case for
Israel Bonds. The dinner, co-sponsored by
Temple Adath Israel and Ohavay Zion
Synagogue, produced $81,000 in bonds
purchased by individuals. In addition, a
dozen people joined to guarantee a
$300,000 loan to Israel by First Security

With Marilyn Moosnick acting as mis-
tress of ceremonies, the speakers paid
tribute to Chandler’s lifetime of accomm

George Schepps, president of the Texas
Baseball Hall of Fame, recalled how
Chandler, as commiSSioner of baseball, was
an advocate of racial equality in athlet—
ics. During Chandler’s tenure, Jacki
Robinson became the first black to play
major league baseball.

Chandler also spoke, recalling his
early support of Israel. He said he
visited former German concentration camps
after World War II and was convinced that
there needed to be a haven for the Jews.

He also talked about a visit he paid to
Israel in the 19505, when he met
Benufiurion. He said he had Ben-Gurion
sign a Bible for him.

The success of the Bonds Tribute Dinner
was due in great part to the outstanding
leadership of CKJF Israel Bonds Campaign
Chair, Charles Stern.

CKJF’s officers and board extend deep
appreciation to Temple Adath Israel and
Dhavay Zion Synagogue for co—sponsoring
this event, and thanks to the Temple for
the use of their delightful facilities.




mumps our ACTIVE YEAR

Winding up a month of outstanding
activities in the Central Kentucky Jewish
community was the first annual Elizabeth
Rosenberg Memorial Program on May 31.

The Rosenberg family established an
endowment to fund this program because of
their continuing commitment to Betty’s
concern for and involvement in the local
Jewish and general community.

Carol Meyers, a noted archaeologist and
scholar, presented the exciting story of
the discovery of a section of a holy ark.

Ms. Meyers explained that there was
plentiful evidence of Torah arks in
medieval synagogues, but that descriptions
of earlier structures had not indicated
the presence of an ark.

This discovery was made in 1981 at
Nabratein, the site of an ancient syna-
gogue in northern lsarel. It provided a
link in the record of use of such struc-
tures to hold the Torah in the years
following the destruction of the second

Ms. Meyers was able to impart the
excitement of the discovery by using

pictures which recorded the actual moment
the piece of ark was lifted out and
cleaned off. The official photographer
was so excited he used the wrong camera,
and the only picture available is in black
and white instead of color.

The reception following Carol Meyers’
talk was hosted by Harry Rosenberg and his
children Joe and Ricki Rosenberg, Joyce
and Jim Mischner, Gloria and Alvin Lipson.

continued ................................


Dr. Carol Meyers and Harry Rosenberg

The Central Kentucky Jewish Federation
wishes to thank the members of the
Rosenberg family who have made this and
future programs possible through their
generous endowment to CKJF.




Our Loss“

is Bur Gain

No, that isn’t a
typographical error.
It’s an observation on
Judy Saxe’s decision to
resign her position as
CKJF’s first administra-

we are losing a
dedicated professional
who, in the five years
she served as part-time
administrator of the Federation, molded a
loosely organized, completely
volunteer-run group into the professional
organization we are today.

Under her direction we established our
first full time office; creating a central
location from which our committees now

As she developed her contacts and
resources within UJA and CJF, Judy’s
expertise with fund raising has enabled
her to provide the campaign chairpeople
with the assistance and support that
helped increase the annual campaign from
$175,000 in 1980 to 1985’s total of over

working closely with each of the
committees Judy has helped organize our
many on-going programs over the years such
as CKJF’s annual welcome to newcomers
”Shalom Lexington“, young leadership
development Interact, outstanding Forum
presentations, and Yom Ha’Atzmaut and Yom
Hashoa Observances.

From her attendance at conferences and
institutes, she acquired the information
we needed to establish innovative new
projects such as Super Sunday, Interact,
and Jewish Family Life Education.

As a resource person to the board of
directors Judy has been invaluable,
providing the history and continuity we
had lacked in the past.


continued on next page“ .................




DUR LOSS ........................ continued

Her dedication to CKJF is evident
everywhere. She has been the "voice“ of
the Federation with both the Jewish and
non—Jewish community and has often been
the first person people have contacted
when in need of emergency assistance.

In essence, Judy has been the strength
of CKJF, and she will be missed. But, as
I said at the beginning, our loss is our
gain. We may have lost her as an
administrator, but we have gained (actual~
ly regained) her as a volunteer.

Starting July 15th (after a two week
rest) Judy has agreed to serve as counsel~
or to our new administrator, Linda Ravvin,
and as the temporary editor of our news—

We wish you luck, Judy. We’ve been
fortunate to have you as our first admin—
istrator and appreciate your willingness
to continue to serve...as a volunteer.


Anytown, Kentucky, the weeklong leader-
ship and human relations camp jointly
sponsored by the Bluegrass and Louisville
Chapters of the National Conference of

Christians and Jews, was held from June
80-26 at the All Saints Episcopal Center
in Leitchfield.

The Central Kentucky Jewish community
was well represented by Ruth Belin, who
received a partial scholarship from CKJF
in recognition of her past participation
in Jewish community activities and her
future leadership potential. She was
joined by Daniel Dickstein of Louisville.

Natalie Saxe, also of Lexington, served
as a counselor; and Lauren Weinberg,
Director of the Bluegrass Chapter of NCCJ,
was a co—director.

Campers were selected from current
sophomores and juniors and are generally
sponsored by local schools, civic or
religious organizations. CKJF has made
two awards available each year, although
only one was used for this season. It is
not too early to encourage your teenager
to think about participating next year.


A Last Word

from Judy 50x9

Good—byes are hard. Especially if
separation is involved. Fortunately for me
the farewell is to the job but not to the

Lexington has been my home for almost 85
years. My husband has been an integral
part of the University of Kentucky College
of Dentistry since the first class was
admitted. Together we have built a life
within the Jewish and broader community.
Our three children were born here, and we
have often remarked that this is a good
place to raise a family.

It has been a challenge and a deeply
satisfying experience to serve as the first
CKJA(F) professional staff person for this
community. We have all grown and, I think,
matured in the past five years. I hope we
have become more sensitive to the needs of
our Central Kentucky Jewish community and
more aware of our Jewish connections
outside of Lexington.

Special thanks to the three presidents
with whom I have served, Judy Levine, Jack
Miller and Gloria Katz; all of whom have
brought extraordinary dedication, energy
and creativity to a demanding leadership
role. A special salute, too, to David
Wekstein and Chuck Gorodetsky who were
instrumental in bringing CKJF into exis—
tence and provided valuable support and
guidance as we moved together into a new

The boards of directors of CKJF over the
past five years deserve recognition from
all of us. They are called on to fulfill
many responsibilities and make hard deci-
sions. The sincerity and commitment they
exhibit deserves recognition from the
entire community.

Many more of you have given of your time
and energy on behalf of Lexington’s,

Central Kentucky’s, and, indeed, the
world’s Jewish community. You should turn
to each other, and express your

appreciation for what we have accomplished
so far.

And then, with the guidance and stimulus
provided by our new CKJF Administrator
Linda Ravvin and the continued participa—
tion by all of you continue to build a
dynamic Jewish life for ourselves and
generations to come.



Gloria T. Katz, President
Judith Saxe‘ M.S.W., Administrator

David Green, Editor
Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager

333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky 4050A (606)252—7622







lk y













Eight and a half counselors, 47 active
and excited kids, and 11 hard working
women -~ put them all together and we come
up with Camp Shalom 1986.

Mix in Hebrew songs and dances,
games and crafts, judicious seasoning from
field trips to “Lunch With the Arts”,
Jacobsen Park, swimming at Woodland Pool
and more. The result is CKJF’s own
special blend of a day camp, which has
just completed its 18th year.

The Hebrew equivalent for
means life. Certainly this,
season, was a lively one. It

lots of






proved the vitality of Camp Shalom and
showed, once more, how important it is to
the quality of Jewish community life in
Central Kentucky.

The 1986 season was staffed by Marc
Scarr, Camp Director: Ruth Belin, Andrew
Diamond, Ethan Diamond, Elise Mandell,

Rebecca Mersack, Eli Scarr, Laura Steiner,
and Brian Neinberg.

We can all take pride in the fact
six members of the staff are

Thanks go to the tireless work of the
Camp Committee chaired by Carol Veal and
co-chaired by Joyce Mischner: Janice
Brock, Liz Broudy, Janice Crane, Cindy
Derer, Sue Ezrine, Paula Harrison, Ginny
Luftman, Linda Ravvin, and Cheri Rose.


Camp Shalom is one of the many programs
underwritten through contributions to the
CKJF—UJA General Campaign.






A special ”Tip of the Hat“ to Rhonda
Friedman, daughter of Rae and the late Joe
M. Friedman, who captured the gold medal
in the 50 M free-style sw1mming State
Championship competition for Special
Olympics and a bronze medal for the 100 M
free~style swimming competition.


Special congratulations go to a number
of graduating seniors who have taken
special honors at their schools:

Laura Steiner from Henry Clay High
School, Bluegrass Chapter of Kentucky
Society of Professional Engineers Award,
National Council of Teachers of English
Award, National High School Mathematics
Exam Honor Roll, Scholarship Trophy,
National Merit Scholarship Finalist, and
Faculty Cup Award.

Natasha Goldstein from Henry Clay for
an award in French and National Merit
Scholarship Finalist.

Tamara Fitzpatrick from Henry Clay for
Art Recognition.

Jeremy Holsk from Henry Clay for
National Merit Scholarship Finalist.

And Michael Birenbaum for the Uutstand~
ing Leader in the Senior Class at Henry
Clay High School.

At Lafayette High School, Barbara
Baumann for National Merit Scholarship
Finalist and Tufts National Merit Scholar-

Daniel Baer as a Governor’s Scholar.



And at Tates Creek, Cheryl Nilson for
the Enoch Grehan Journalism Award and
Lexington Woman’s Club Award.

And Joshua Niner, also for the Enoch
Grehan Journalism Award.

Mazal Tov to Francis Moskowitz
Hinstock, daughter of Adalin and the late
Seymour Moskowitz, for having received the
Rabbi Arie Becker Young Leadership Award
from the Memphis Jewish Federation.

Fran and her husband Jeff have been
involved in the Memphis Young Leadership
program, attending the conference in
Washington this past spring. In November,
Fran will be honored at the CJF general

Fran, who has served in leadership
positions of B’nai B’rith Tova Chapter,
Memphis Jewish Community Center, Jewish
Family Service, National Council of Jewish
Women, Temple Israel, Sisterhood, and the
Women’s Jewish Federation, is a graduate
of the University of Kentucky.


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TAE Sisterhood Mltzvsh Corps

At the May meeting of the Temple Adath
Israel Sisterhood Mitzvah Corps officers
for the following year were installed.

Carolyn Heinberger will be Chairman.
Other officers include Lore Pappas, First
Vice Chairman; Ruth Kessler, Second Vice
Chairman; Natalie Sherman, Secretary;
Helen Paritz, Corresponding Secretary;
Ethel Feldman, Treasurer; Liz Levy,
Sunshine Gal; and Marcia Chatoff, Member-
ship Chairman.

Mitzvah Corps members thanked Lore
Pappas for her five and a half years of
service as founder and chairman of the








Saturday, July 19, b p.m., CKJF Interact I & ll Cookout and Swimming Party at the
home of Stanley and Phyllis Scher, 971 Edgewater Drive.
(Hold Sun. July 20 as a rain date)
Ned., July 83, 18:30 p.m., Hadassah book discussion, Stranger at the Table & Pizza,
Mon., July 88, 7:30 p.m., CKJF Social Services Committee meeting, CKJF office


Tues., Aug. 5, 8 p.m. TAI & OZS board meetings.

Tues., Aug. 12, 8 p.m., Hadassah board meeting at the home of Vicki Doukas.
Fri., Aug. 88, 8 p.m., Naomi and Laurie Clewett’s B’not Mitzvah at th