xt7t7659gx5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659gx5k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1993 1993 1993-09-01 2020 true xt7t7659gx5k section xt7t7659gx5k  




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entucky Kernel








Cameras improve security
without restricting students


By Brant Welch
Senior Staff Writer


Residence halls are not exempt
from break-ins, but for the most
part. students should feel safe in
their rooms, Director of Residence
Life Bob Clay said.

“I feel we have solid security sys-
tems at each of our residence halls,"
Clay said. “But there is absolutely
no way to ensure someone who
isn't supposed to be there can‘t get
in. People even broke out of Alca-
“We try to be as unobtrusive as
possible, giving students their priva-
cy, but at the same time making it a
safe place for them to live."

Although there are no new securi-
ty policies for the Residence Halls
this semester, Clay said other meas-
ures are in the works to improve

Security cameras were set up in
Holmes and Boyd halls to keep an
eye on exterior doors. and plans call
for eventually installing card-access
systems in all North Campus resi-
dence halls.

Donovan and llaggin halls al-
ready have the card-access systems,
which require students to use their

meal cards to gain entry into the

Hohnes Hall residents Shayne
Jones and Nathan Mayo said they
welcome the new cameras and
have no problem with being moni-

“The cameras help them keep
people who are not allowed in here
out." said Mayo, an undeclared
freshman from Ashland, Ky.
front desk checking people in and

Jones, an undeclared sophomore
from Independence, Ky., said the
resident advisers do a better job
than the actual security systems.

“They always have someone on
duty, and we have a 24-hour
check-in policy. 1 don‘t feel threat-

Clay said there must be a coop-
erative effort between the resi—
deuce hall staff and students to
avoid problems.

“We have more doors in each of
the residence halls than l do staff,“
he said. “The students must also
assume responsibility of making
the residence halls safe."

John Sugg, hall director of
Holmes Hall, said there are several

' universe-or Kentuckygée


esidence hall foe


PETER MOORE/Kernel sari

Officials are discussing in-
stallation of card-access se-
curity systems, like this one
at Haggin Hall, in North Carn-
pus residence halls.

ways students can help assist in
their well-being.

“They could try not to sneak alco-
hol, drugs or girls into their dorm
rooms, for starters,“ he said. “That‘s
when most of our problems devel-

"What if a girl is snuck in and a
rape occurs. We wouldn‘t even
know if she was in the building."

He also said some students are a
bit green to the difficulties of living
on their own.





Several students wait in line yesterday In the Student Center to purchase Long John Silver's
fast food from Wildcat Grill. The restaurant opened late yesterday.




Professor discusses
student-faculty . sex
in Harper’s magazine


By Amy Barnes
Staff Writer


UK English professor Joan
Blythe takes her views on student-
teacher sexual relations to a national
forum in this month‘s issue of
Harper's magazine.

Blythe met with representatives
from three other universities to dis-
cuss an issue that has received in-
creasing attention nationwide. As
universities try to implement bans
on student-teacher relationships, the
debate over where to draw the line

Blythe was vacationing in Arizo-
na this summer when she received a
call from Jack Head. editor of Harp-
er's Magazine. He previously had
University of Virginia‘s proposed
ban on sexual relationships between
students and teachers. Head said he
thought that people who opposed
the ban also should have a voice in
the issue.

“I think they chose me became
they waited to have a womm who





was opposed to the but." Blythe

Harper's flew Blythe t) New
York where she met with thee
male professors from Yale Univer-

See HARPER'S, Back Page


w Wrath:
Mwworttddn't mean a lot
“Mes for m .

Letterman. Rm P 4. 5
Student Activitiee teen 7
concerts begin to”. M.

Page 4.

CORRECTION: " w ‘ " «. is
Because of a reporter‘h‘mr j"
a story in yesterday's . 1
Kentucky Kernel contaiflid
incorrect information abofi'fir.
Student Health Advisory ’
Committee Health Fair. The
fair begins today. Also,
officials say they are unsure . '
whether UK basketball coach L
Rick Pitino will make an “
appearance at the event.


Cloudy today with a 50

percent chance of ~
thunderstorms; high in ~-
lower 80a. Continued

50 percent chance
thunderstorms; hi- ..
lower 80a. ‘







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3.) Game cards will be available at all FOOD SERVICE locations.
4.) To receive a logo stamp. the contestant must go to the designated area in each unit.
(for example: in the Student Center Cafeteria the contestant would go to the Student
Center Food Service business office.)
5.) Each location will give a free large soft drink or cup of coffee to all contestants when
they receive a stamp on the logo card.
6.) All FOOD SERVICE customers, except for food service employees, are elegibie to
7.) No purchase necessary to play. _
8.) Grand Prize: Meal card money; one DinerPlus card with $625 and one wrth $300.
must be spent by the 1994 spring semester or the remainder forfeited.
9.) All contestants who complete the entire game card are eligible for the grand prize
when this card has been turned in at a designated Food Service area; in addition, the first
500 contestants who turn in completed game cards receive a TREASURE HUNT ‘93
10.) completed game cards may be turned in at any FOOD SERVICE location on or
before 6 pm. on September 10, 1993.
11.) Grand Prize drawings will be on Tuesday, September 14,1993 at the FOOD
STORAGE CENTER on Donovan Drive.

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SPIKE IT HOME: UK's Krista Robinson finished a point during a match last season.

Wildcats can’t wait to play


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


The UK volleyball team and its
new head coach can't wait to see
the red and white colors of Miami
University across the net rather than
the same old blue and white prac-
tice unifonns.

“They‘ve been playing each other
since the the 13th of August," head
coach Fran Ralston-lr‘lory said of
her squad.

“They're pretty tired of playing
each other. and I‘m pretty tired of
watching them play each other.
There haven‘t been real exciting
practices lately."

The team gets its wish tonight.
The (Tats open their season at 7 pm.
against the Redskins in Oxford.

Tonight also officially marks the
beginning of the Ralston-lr‘lory era.
The l'onner Southeastem Louisiana

head coach and LSU assistant
joined the UK coaching staff in
March and recently succeeded Ka-
thy DeBoer. who coached the Cats
for nine years. DeBoer resigned in
July to become associate athletic di-

Ralston-Flory said she‘s “anx-
ious" but not nervous about her first
match as head coach.

“We‘re still getting to know each
other right now,“ she said. “They‘ve
never played for me in a match and
don’t know how I‘ll react. And I
don‘t know how they‘ll react.
“That‘s why I'm glad we’re starting
away because that's the highest
stress environment. I‘ll be able to
tell right away how the players react
in high stress.“

Expected to start tonight for the
Cats will be senior setter Jane Be-
langer. senior Eunice Thomas and
sophomore Mara Eglitis at middle
blockers. and outside hitters junior

Krista Robinson. senior Ann Hall
and sophomore Molly Dresibach.

The Cats are ranked 14th by Vol-
leyball Monthly and 18th by the
American Volleyball Coaches after
a 25-9 record last year and a berth
in the NCAA Final 16.

This weekend might provide a
glimpse of this year's future. as UK
will play Indiana Louisville and
Notre 1Dame in the Big Four Clas—
sic at Memorial Coliseum.

First though is Miami, 3 team that
took the Cats to four games last sea—
son at Memorial.

“We don‘t want that to happen
again." Ralston-Hory said. “1 know
they lost six or seven players from a
team that was pretty good last year.
so 1 think they may be in somewhat
of a rebuilding year.

“It's vitally important that we get
started in the right direction."






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Q 3' Welcome to

Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday. September 1, 1993 - 3

CBS puts Cats in the Cards

'. Ty Halpin
Kernel Columnist



Looking forward to the UK-
Louisville matchup at Rupp Arena
this year? Can‘t wait for the Wild-
cats to take on the Cardinals in one
of the nation‘s hottest interstate

I know. this day looks like a illu-
sion in the desert at this point. but
that oasis has moved closer. UK
now will play Louisville on Satur-
day, Nov. 27, in the first game of
the year for both learns.

The main reason? Revenue. CBS
will televise the game live national-
ly at 3:45 pm, in case you want to
set your VCRs early.

So what happens to that tantaliz-
ing Tennessee Tech game the Cats
were suppose to open their season
with? Well, the Golden Eagles will
have to cancel their reservations un-
til Dec. l.just four days later.

Maybe CBS execs should be a lit—
tle ambitious and televise the bam~
bumer with Tech in addition to the
Louisville game. Why you ask?

oHistory. Think back to last year.
Who did the Wildcats play after
they demolished the Cardinals DCC.
12? Come on. 'lhink. Clear out the
cobwebs. I‘ll give you a hint: ESPN
named an award in honor of the vis-
iting coach after the game. (iive up?

It was Morehead State. The coach
was Dick Fick. and for his antics.
ESPN recognized a college coach
every week who took coaching to
the limit. The Morehead State
matchup was one of the best games



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5 .\ l’t‘cvicu
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at Rupp Arena. even though the
margin of victory was the greatest
of the season.

You see the entertainment value
was there. Tech head coach l‘rank
Harrell probably doesn‘t lie on the
floor too often during games. but
you never know.

Competition. Tennessee Tech
comes from the Ohio Valley (Ton-
fetenoe. Granted, they don‘t play
the best basketball in the world. but
they still score points by throwing a
ball through the a metal rim.

Every game starts in a tie, so both
teams have an equal chance to win.
right? Another ()VC learn acted like
David against UK‘s Goliath. Fast—
em Kentucky took the Cats to the
brink of a major upset before UK
pulled away late.

The Golden Eagles won the ()VC
Toumament last year and advanced
to the NCAA Tournament. That
doesn‘t put them in the caliber of a
Duke or Michigan, but they could
challenge a good team when they
play their best.

-lnsanity This would be a great
game for someone with a top job at
(BS —— who was leaving to go to
another network — to leave his or
her mark on the old company.

That would be a great prank to
pull on your last week on the job
wouldn t 1t? ( BS never shows any
ot these games until it actually
means something (as in NCAA
'l‘oumament time).

The truth is, UK Louisville
should be nationally televised every
year. This" is one of the best series in
college athletics and the loudest
crowds come to see the game. Plus.
people around the state who can’t
get into the game lthere‘ s a lot of
them) can see it without having to
pay for cable.

To a lot people around the state.
UK-Louisville 13 the most important
contest of the season. For them. the
season will culminate with its be-

Sports Edrtor 7v Halprn IS ajour-
nalrsm junior and a Kentucky Ker-
nel columnist.






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SAB begins free
concerts today


Bands play Student Center lawn


Staff reports


The Student Activities Board and
WRIT-FM, 88.l. are co-
sponson‘ng a series of free lunch-
time concerts on the Student (‘enter
lawn across from Kennedy Book

The concerts start today and run
from noon to 1 pm. every Wednes-
day and Friday through Sept. 1.
SAB concert committee co-
chairman Jason Martin said all UK
students are invited to attend.

"It's a great way to get release
from class M to eat your lunch on
the grass and see local bands for
free," Martin said.

SAB has lined up 10 local bands
for five weeks. Today's featured
band is Fatt Acid, an altemative
rock band.

Other bands feathered include
Stranglmartin (Sept. 15). Star
Strangled Bastards (Sept. 17) and
Ted Bundy's Volkswagon (Sept.

Martin said the concert commit-
tee chose a variety of local talent.


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“They‘re all local bands," he said.
“Some of them are popular bands
heard at bars, like Stranglmartin,
and some of them are quite un-

Martin said last year‘s concert se-
ries drew hundreds of people when
the weather was pleasant. Last
year, concerts ran on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.

[hes series was scaled back this
year to Wednesdays and Fridays
because of the technical difficulties
of setting up band equipment three
days a week.

The SAB concert committee also
lines up concerts for the semester.
Past artists brought to campus by
SAB include Lyle Lovett, Jesus
Jones, Sting and the Red Hot (‘hili







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Bob Cardon (drums), Davo McConnell (guitar, vocals), Bruco Humphrios (lead vocals, guitar)
and Frank Turner (bass, vocals) are members of tho altomativo rock band Fatt Acid, which will
be performing today at noon on the Student Center lawn.

Led Zeppelin tunes always
classic for any music lover





[fit keeps on rainin'

the levee 's gonna break
When the levee breaks,
have no place to stay.

—- Led Zeppelin. 1971
‘When The Levee Breaks "

Though I wasn‘t sure what sub—
ject should open this semester‘s
“Off The Wall“ offerings, I knew
weeks ago which quote should
open this first installment.

Zep fans will immediately recog—
nize this one; for the rest of you,
this heavy rock blues song, with its
bone-grinding rhythm guitar riff,
haunting harmonica wailing and
Robert Plant‘s prophetic voice of
doomsday, is the final tune on the
famous “Led Zeppelin IV" album
—— which is usually more remem-
bored for its standards “Rock and
Roll," “Black Dog“ and what is
still the most-requested song in the
history of FM radio, “Stairway to



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But there are several other little
jewels on this recording, including
an interesting, mandolin—laced.
trip-to—the-Ilighlands duet with
Sandy Denny called “The Battle of
Iivennore," and the introspective
longing of the folk-styled “Going
to California."

Certainly. count me in with the
crazed freaks who request “Stair-
way to Heaven" be played at their
funerals. But I‘ve always been
moved by the hard-life lamenting
of "Levee," too — and this sum-
mer, the reality of both the style
and the substance of this song be-
came crystal clear.

Mean 01 ' levee taught

me to weep and moan

It's got what it takes

to make a mountain man

leave his home.

The reality of this song‘s sub-
stance is obvious: This summer,
the levee really did break, causing
thousands to “weep and moan."

In some subconscious way, I've
always had a feel for the reality of
the song's style, too —- it sounded
so real, though I couldn't say why.

Thanks to one of this summer's
new books, I feel that I have a bet-
ter handle on the reality of the
whole blues tradition.

“The Land Where The Blues Be-
gan“ (Pantheon Books, $25) by
noted musicologist Alan Lomax re-
turns to the poverty-stricken, segre-
gated mral world of the Mississippi
Delta. where the oppressed black
community disguised and distilled
their anguish and anger in the form
of a gut-wrenching, soul-stifling
song form they called the blues.

Lomax and his father did much
of the fnst musicological and soci-
ological research of the spirituals,



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worship styles and folk music of
these second-class citizens of the
deep South in the l930s.

C ryin ' won '1 help you.

prayin' won't do you no good

When the levee breaks,

mama, you have to move.

Through continued research in
the South, in Africa and throughout
the world. Lomax writes that he
“began to see Delta culture as the
product of a powerful African tradi-
tion to a new and often harsher so-
cial environment.

“In a sense, African-American
singers and dancers made an aes-
thetic conquest of their environment
in the New World. Their produc-
tions transfixed audiences, and
white performers rushed to imitate
and parody them i