xt7t7659gv2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659gv2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1971 1971 1971-01-25 2020 true xt7t7659gv2q section xt7t7659gv2q 3 :1 . : MW.,,.. ,___4 ,4 . .. »
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Monday, Jan. 25, 197] UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXlNGTON Vol. I \u so 7; “1.7., :.:
. 7. ‘ ' ' — .-
_~_-—___—-_-—_—_———_—— '5: #131; .7
w '23:: “"7 I V ,‘ . .t I ‘ _ i
USA C R a 3 Code r?! ' » v
P , . 3 r
‘ 3 C - - -: d. ~ - . u . -. ;
Student Lode I‘lthlLG ., r I. ‘1, § . “I .3 3 . . I3 '1- -,___.
A 1 0 l S 0 P1 d V (I _. ~ If .. ' w .‘ \I . :1 b :3 3;”? as .« 3" ct :IIIII.-.II-3 . 73’
1 he 6 1x oun ague X)" _ “VI 3 . . , _,. .
BIV NIARY JANE BUSRUI: Students; and Article IV— The I ,' W . , ' 3"“ .., -. _ .. ,I‘I’H -’I ‘.’ h
Kernel Staff \Vriter University As A Supervisor of - '1 " - \ ' , . '% ‘33-; JII 7
"l think it should be, out of Student Organizations. I; " s .'I A i 7",. , .
here, but look at it realistically. Concerning disciplinary rec» .. h . , .i/I . -1 I . . ,' : ’3 IfiI‘ ‘.I',- :3
ll can’t be," cominpnted John ords, section 3.22, the eommit— f " . III3~I . ~ .{ \ “ ‘ ' 3 y a :53 {I I3
Nelson, chairman of the Univer- tee agreed that the student alone 6 ' ‘ ' 3 3:. t: 2.15:?- ' K . 3‘ ‘37:} ‘I‘ 13
sity Students Advisory Commit— should have the right to sign his .. it _, '. K , P’ 3'; 34¢ ‘93:", l
tee ([YSAC) which met Friday. records over. As it is now, the g. ' 5" 435W“ M I -. ' ' I.
He was refen‘ing to Article VI dean of students has the right "' ~' . ” I“ 2:”, -, . , :
in the student code. which deals to diSCIOSE the student’s record .1 ”he : '- 5 ’ .737" ”x
with “interference, coercion, and without his consent for legal ‘ "I ' 3 9- :- ‘3 ‘J'II .‘~' l'.
disruption." compulsion or where the safety ) ‘ ' is: . ' 91.5.." Z: 3,:
In a community of learning, of people or property is iii- . ,4 :3 a . -:.,7I : 3‘ I' .
according to Article VI. llltt‘l‘fc‘ifi volved. or if the information is ' ' .3 ’ I 3’ 'i I'I",I‘\}. ."- ',
ence. coercion. and disruption for official use by authorized "‘ . if“? fI:
' cannot be tolerated. In Section University personnel. . 9i ; , ‘ - ’15 '° I" ‘-3 3‘.
. _ , . r .,7.: . 1: . : ‘ x “I" 9 '1»??? :
6.1 the code states that no stu- Regarding the students counv ' *3 , 1 33‘ ' - . *‘*-‘z:;-I':.I;I'I¢I3'f53' ,I 5-91, .;
dent shall engage in these ac- seling records, the present code f" v -: " " ' 3 ,W' 153-7 £3 ‘1, ' f
tivities. allows psychiatrists and physic- ' / Ii: ' _ i .: I
' If he does violate this article. ians in the Student Health SC“ I i a}? . 3:31: I w . 1% : ’
either alone or with others. the vice to share informtion. They 3“ ' 32¢ " hi 3 " - ”gig" . If! .3
University is authorized to take may reveal the information “to 3‘3 A :1. 3 ‘ '..3 ,w it" '3?“ .i I32.
disciplinary measures which in- an appropriate authority when 3 if 3% A ' J #33537
, clude interim suspension, state there is a clear and imminent " ' '5 - . ~ " ' ’ ~.
of emergency, application to the danger to life. health, safety, or l’ldi" fVight :3. .'
courts for injunctive relief, out- property. And they may provide , f ‘ 7' - 393.;5'1" 5
side law assistance, or any oth— an evaluation of a students The India Association and the Cosmopolitan (Lluh Baptist thumb on .\'iiliolas\ lllt‘ Road. l’u rim-'3' :3" I
er action held necessary [3}. the predicted academic ability upon sponsored the Indian Republic Day Celebration above are two Indian girls pcitoimmg .1 If“ .‘(FII‘IT' if
president of the University. evaluation of a students’ prcdic— Saturday. The festivities took plate in the Central iiionial dame in traditional garb. ‘33.»; .» ‘.
Nelson said the article should ted academic ability upon rC- WW- “#5.", :I».
specify the mass and not be used quest from hish ii'isItructor, ad» . I .,, v :_ I: ,' .1 - F
a rainst the idiivdual. He rea- visor, dean or t e cean's repre- T A t F 0! fl 5., ‘1 . ‘ {A W~M~
.,..,I,..,4...4......._ schned that it will fade in im- sentative.” Fans.- C lOn OLGEEB 611 L X ”If; :'
portance if few cases are tried SC President Steve Bright By NANCI UNGER tack the causes and find \iilll 'Hitan slil‘li-i.i “wilt‘is f . ‘57,}???
under it; therefore. there may said the last tonstatements of Kernel Sm" Writer “(may ' ’ ' 10m} ’Iww 3,, 3}”. ”II.‘ 3 ,3, “, ,f.‘
N be the chance later to rewrite it‘ the section .(3‘2‘?) should be “L'.S.A.—Not ready to leave "Society is not meeting the (V " "i l t‘ 3’ \ Kt’l‘l‘llt h“ Villa's" ,4, {,7 . ;,
> According to N650“, Article dropped. “€150" disagreed, say- it btit not sure how'to love it? Drobleins'of the People. and the YVVN “-"it'l'dm ’\3liiiifi3\’i~i‘?"' 5:35 it‘d";
VI is overbroad and vague. He ing only the last sentence Icon- It begins with people." administration is not met-ting Hospital. \ational lfi~illliir :3 "
proposed that a statement about eemingIthe student S predicted The poster is for 'l‘rans-Ac— the problems of the students. “Hit-ll “(filth ( liiiital lime-arr h in" ‘1'
the article be included in section academic ablhty should be de- tion, and the emphasis is on Trans-Action is an effort to go (Miter. and haste-iii Statc llos " 'th
1'2 Specifying disciplinary (’f' leted. getting to the people. beyond all this and get to thc l’ltdl ”MU-""1. -Hll‘~5i7~ “Ill 'v'u‘ j". I s?"
' fenses, defining it as a mass eon— A volunteer program for ['K people, find out what they need. l’t’ llnllit‘tl T” Wt Ml “Mi? to -' {:3 ”vi '
dition only. Concerning section W , h students. Trans-Action has in and help them." ' lno lii‘vi! in the not 3,; , 1'" “
6.51 which mentions the State eat 81' the past dealt primarily with Although tlic program h iiiic iiuinvdtzou 3. 3b.. st 3 » 'I'IaI axis,” .
0f emergency conditions. NFlSO“ Partly cloudy and mild today communitv social agencies. hut Sponsored by the (Iitliolic Nev: "Wildly” (“’“H’W-H- »‘- 13.313" " “ 2”“, i
said that the scale for a ‘clear with a high near 50. Mostly this semester. according to pub- luau (cuter, Smith says it has ‘l‘l‘lt‘lm ’~" l'l'l’i‘i 1’3"?" it 3'.” .«l'.
and present danger should h" cloudy and colder tonight with licity director David Smith. the no express religious or" pohnhd suggcstioiis. a :3 *3 “Wiil‘i’ii!” 1" A,
clarified. . . I a low of 34 and a chance of snow group will begin a slow eyolu- ideology. "The onlv llllplio-rl \Hlli thr- desiivul roof» 3.. 33:; 1,: 5"
Continumg (llSCUSSlOIl 0" pos- flurries. Tomorrow will be cool tion into campus matters as well. ideology is a desire to help oth: ”WWW “‘3‘ ~i'~ WW 3 53' l ' i ' {"1 . f if
sible student code changes. the and cloudy with an expected “You're always hearing about cits," said Smith. “MU "l“‘hii'k’ “l 3 “‘ii" . =3 l I
committee also covered the 1““ high of 40. There is a 5 percent revolution." Smith stated. “\Vell. .'\u offa-ainpus program to: ‘h‘sigucd to lit ip ~13.er xi: »='=31‘.".!‘~L: ' i ' :"
half of Article I-—The University chance of precipitation mda“ you might C33]] this it“. ‘lwwml the past three \cai's. 'l‘i.iiis-,-\c thud-3‘ “Whit? hilt” 3T :7; 5'" if
Judicial System; Article ”‘Thh It) percent tonight and 20 per- i‘evolution.’ \\'e want to a.) l)t‘> tioii bccanic .i l‘nivcisitv stii- 4"“ 3‘ H3. 'N'N'Iifrii‘w‘r " = “‘r 7 ’ 3,5,? ’2'”: :'
Residence Hall Judicial System; tent tomorrow. vond treating the effects of pro dent oig.iiii/.iiioii this sciiicstci W‘W'U if; if 7 A:
Al'thlt’ III—UniverSity Rights ”f WNW Iplths pl't)l)l(‘ll].\'. \Vc \\'.liil lti .li» ll \\ ill t'l‘llillilit' to pnixitlg 3...}. (“Hilnllf‘d on Page 3, (’ol, 1 i .2 ' '
‘~ ’ ‘ .
- " ’ "“’ l ' » * benaie ( ouncrl Studies
.— N. c- _3....'~‘~ “I,“ - . , «Q. 3. I - . ",4, , . A: -II"IIt , "3‘33 '.
tiff“ ' ’ l ' W i iii .3, f 3- 9- ifu-«I’ ' Ix. . w A 1 CI » lr()§‘ __.:I (’I i:
- ,. 3 , 3 .3 :3 . 3 .. : .. _ cac emlc taut. .
-. - _ "Xv—3?»- , r" ,A i "firm 5‘ r . ”‘3 3
~ -- u . ' : -- ' . ‘ it ' " . . i“ 3“ “*3 .II'WN‘ + ~ V
' .‘Rw '_ I Q3 3 I‘II 3 "‘ 'li'x \. 3.?7' . \I I ‘3 \ i’t‘\lt'\\ til lllt' l h .lt.ltlt‘llll\ "lI "Hllr-gcs .linl tlm .l33-m7333 mt ‘1‘?:.3“-'I.,
"Tim m , . : “he; I. \‘t‘t‘llt‘ indicates some IiIiotablc libraries. I : , I;I I; I v,
""3“ .: ”gm .M' i", .1 ‘ f’t’a . ’ ’/ changes are in the offing. lt last tall thr Scriatt approved 4.x... 3'. ,
h i: . PIS? q i“: A“; . «i ,/ 'll)l)e'irs did the only ( iicstioiis toiii‘ i'ioii oi «3 ioc (‘Ullllillllt"\ "W “ -' ' "
: . ~ , ““7 s 3 . «3.7.3., 3“: I , remaining are when the changcs to llldlst’ \llltlll‘\ in thiec sig -.... .. I3 -. .: .
' 5“} m 3. fix.» ~. "1:. l ”1 \vill coinc about and “hat iufit ant areas of the acadciiiu 7' k. a
i 3 3 m " .-, “‘1' - ,/ 3 3 l - . “H l - - l~ - : it u - 3 : i -. r
. . "3 , § 3 i l I; a, I amtut intiits \vi )( man to program at 1( st .llt t .is 5.;7. I .II I. I
* .- . i § 3,» I, _. '/ '. the proposed changes now coii- scheduling and credit s\ .stciii ,'-.' _
3 , _3 ' t : .. sidered. the grading system. and an ”at , :3 . 1"
“'13 : “s31”, - .. . i . . .. " .' -: “ -‘
W I; 3.? cit-i III» ~ ‘zi ~ , E m > I(I)iie recent change was the celerated .s_\ stem. It .I II 33 .,
w’ 3,5 5°: “JP-“Wk l‘niversity Seriaies move to add ()ne of the questions that has - . .' .
.. M, . ‘7 , I “i ‘ 35 student representatives to its been suggested for consider I- '3 T; 'I-I‘ t. :
m .. \ .3 ' x, ' membership. t'l‘here are now ation is: Should the 30—minute 3,1, 3:3:I _
“shim rem-'7 .-»-- “Mr" ’\ a! 34 I ' five student representatives 3 class period he changed.J ' . '3‘
.‘ I \N’ . . ..-': . :- The Senate's action is subth l‘hc (tilllllillit‘t‘ would rc~cv ‘3' '3 . : .
.::'"'x i “if ' . 3 to approval by the ['K Board of amine the basis for one 30-min ‘ " ' If
- .4.th "7 , 3 " . , .. _:- we, :NI 3» ‘ ...- we". _'3 it” A , Trustees and was scheduled to utc meeting a neck for ear h , 3' ~ .
T I .fiv : ’ A ~ i if I .. if" :v r V be introduced at the Board's ('lt'tlll hour. and consider .tltci- ' A i I.
f " Ah" ' ' l i -‘ l ‘i a, i I “ ' ""1“”?! 0” Jan. l93 ii.iti\cs' such as T‘Hiunutc t lasscs . 3 .
;,w%f a .. , ‘9 IV i - At its "h‘elhlg ,lau. ll the l\\'l(‘t‘ .i \st‘t'lx lot :1 lioiii‘ tlt‘tlll v .i
3,. i 3” \ hfimy ." . 3 o 3 3 ,3 I w. : .w , Senate discussed a proposal that \vith l'r lllllllllt‘ brcalts bctvvccii ., . . .
3 ' .2”va s}- ' .. i. fig“ .5" would include l'iiiversity ad: classes. lt has bccii suggested ‘l ~ . '
I W 'hé'r‘ eaten iniuistrators as ex-officio inem- that by starting t‘.llllt‘l' and ruii- - . . I -, I ' .
ea hers: After some brief discus- rung later each day, \\ednesdav '
Patterson Hall and Boyd H3" provide a backdrop the upper stories 0‘ the Patterson Office Tower. sion. the recommendation was and Saturday could he left free . ,. i i l
for this testament to the loneliness of a cold, soggy Whoever discarded the umbrella should make it a referred for further study and for study. committee and fac- .
mid-winter Sunday. An umbrella that is used-up point to buy another, the weather isn't likely to discussion at the Febniary meet- ulty meetings. and research. '- ~ ‘
and abandoned now protects the dead grant from change for quite a while, unless it gets worse. mg. The ex-officio members A second part of the schedul- . . l
the rain and damp tog; fog thick enough to obocurc -would be the University presi- Continued on Page 8. Col. 1 I '
t< _ ‘ ~
\ . '.
. k u

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E—Tiii: “WT . ., . .r '
" l (1“ l\ltRY\F.l.. Monday. [am or, 1971
. . ~~ ‘ i ———-—-—_——————_———_———_—_
1’18 Owl Is Bel°e
' B u l liable ' ‘ 9
- r WM r M scuwwrm 0 "()8 t0
Kemei Staff Write KY and Antonioni make perv . 1 9 r s
I . There was a II [1 IilmS. ‘ )lid Please note that I am Sneak
‘ I . , l , ‘ ‘ “"9 Wieii in (lent-4] - . , ing here i ,_ " II I" confro ' .
Slum)“ “"th "IOVK’S the tenm \\'t‘1-t- "1I' I.I'\-‘ “h‘” ‘5'“ then had and that {I wry general tenns mam“ 0f film tYves, and mo
foreign art f'l . ‘ ““"L’Jl ill'l tiln ~ ”all“ It is l t ‘ Mung “mind to t re tham a b k
film ea h t kl "1 dlld Alllencan llit‘i'uiu] ‘\lllt‘l'lt ll fl“ unn‘ m5y to fit filn1g g0 fig} 11 lo- 50 beginning of the 1. rte “L" to the By the end fOOh store Clerk,
' . 'C 00 on Separate me -~ . ’ I‘ ' HHS and cl ' ' - ‘ ‘ l y ”“0 “ . ls . t epurel O t e filn - '
, >~ I . aii- ANION-1 . . -~ H asSlflCations ~ . ‘ entert ' ” . y remo ‘ -, I each 1
I I High. lllt in.“ “-1. Sim' When “II ll()ll\'\\'( Iii1 .ut tilmIs. lht, liig think this W0 i‘SCh as these. To is a filming escape film. It Walkveff his masks and as they .I
. r . ' wanfid to be sllllllllatcd intell on lIllt “OI IIOIIIIfIIIIIICS were put awarenesg Of IItIh pIItove 3 limited eriganéflflep baCkwardS for this IO lagether we know that C
I ,' ' eCtu ly to see I ' ' ‘It‘l‘gt‘ () lu“ ' . . ‘ e 51 Billion W‘th I" n m5 and I l S 0 y the ~t .‘
. ruth and per- SU10“ '1' (”mini-I oh— this m mind I l res ‘ WOUd “Gt 1 ‘ ' 5 art Of the”
_ . A -_ . . . . w cut it . re ation . , t
f " sopal§mtement5 presented in an Dciid‘ IfI't 5111.111 I’Udgr‘t inde— current film fiecclorne Upon a forth so mUCh..were It not feel 0 Shlp’ and we know and
. 31115th manner: the second “ n t (I-It ””15 like Easy Rider‘ and the Pug can The Owl (o 8 success Of Love Story" Thn What It is based I
I :a»; “2311 We wanted to be en hr; ‘12:}; l‘lt'tlt 3111:0055 while the ing examples???“ 'thaIbIsawork’ “3152130:eg that WI“ Inevitably it dosing:l m :1: emotionalI bl“ ’ t
I I er ain , I II - ( go 51 - - . _ I . is a i ,_ vement . m e . ‘
and 't and escape the world Ipziint Your “InUo Ihlms 111“. wood prOdUCtion that dgHolly films of thisty et toward more highly entert . . you cry. Its t
. , 1 5 problems. few ‘ “:0“, Which a rely solely on a a1 oes “0t its Succes of: mm; to repeat forces ammg, but it 3150
, -. I 7 V 0d“ one hand we had hide a 9“:th ago would haVe been and it does c033; tOtheyouth "new wast; ,. old it be that our tasy all): 'tto look It is a fan-
' - . 'e . , ,. I e - . i C
' ' I ‘ gillineinfr diITIeCtogSI Bergman l)‘d(‘l( li'ilIIfIIol‘:Ih ItIIIlQI to make Statements on humizimhrfnefl than a short-lived {23:11 ing mboire vital and real 3:15;: orffheshmts a O
. . I m aut ntonioni et I i c v 3 hey COSt . Ul'e. th . orapu iC . . e um .
. . . i , C. - at COHd n '
. . I working to make SOme kind of Youth Oriented enOIllghls fnot personal or free old IS eager to return to the beaultilgll Add to all Of this a I
. II . , . i I Sligftfment t(I)If themselves or be- m 'l'lIi:l aalswer— Hollywvood com an “art’? ffiifitinse to be called W8Vethggn 13f film? Or has the score by Blmgegfomed musiCa1
I ~; on e other We l'd , ercr ‘mg wo ld , . ' . a term Which 1 "Inlyestablished d . Weaf andTea
I I Holl 'ood . I . 14 big Orient * U start being feel is awfully aflec Only bein int an The film is not ’ TS-
. - to :k“ Lompames working f . ed to the youth ‘dlldience merely for ted, used here interm' g perrquted bYashOrt are Certain Iperfeet. There
I I m 6 money, ( 0,1115 youth that sup on I is 31 conVemenCe) but it lSSlOn. This no one Can Va . unStiOnable contri-
~ I New Wave‘ films) and they would I()lealmI-IIlt be csclIl :IiOI Yécuous eHOUgh to “5:? assuredly; only time will 11112:“ m the plot and a few 1
- I _ I:d Short time ago and long :“hHCT‘ItI and important thernLIsI It 1i; esorrlIe Eseuio-art fflm‘II med? thpeliesln the fact that partséliffiry :ensation- Seeki'niz .
V ove ue American {11‘ . e i ea WOrked . - W ere etween and “CG or8 mentioned b f _ ’. pu next to a Co 7,
. I . H I) ., n15 filtered b comnlerClallV repreSents a f - l _ . are still . e on: like .140 ., p‘OUt
, I I . a ne“ Wave Of I. ut, dug main] t . airy satisfy1ngty e “ active, and film llk . Ve Story I tend t
, '« ‘ for the fir . curema and sin . y 0 a lack of 01 commercial fil h p .lOCII are d ' r S e fOrglve and for t 0 .
II . 5t “me gin“, W 11 I cere commrtment and k t h m t at seems .. 0mg dmost as well .. ge' t“
‘ . .v We had our ownI- e 85’ ledge thedisast "0“" o ave found itself and 1- . as Love Story " LOW SlUIYII is ' V
I , '. I . . . . ersCOnceivedfr its blI . , . rea [zes u - 1 not abOut .
,. film due‘ . ‘““?P€“de"t this m om 0 lgamon m relauo Both The 0 98°? 6, but aboutB - A
I ' 'I ‘ OWn indehtefhrdenctglltmIIII’IIg their than axilsficarlie Sici)lrtnetlIl(Ing less lngful rep‘I"35’eIltalti011 Ofnllfemean— cat" and "Lovdv 186th? I€Pus5y- dolls. Each Characgfliesagg Ken :IlIl
. . , « mg. ml - . . . - s s 1 u . - center in . _ arm- ‘
,z‘ = , . new p001 0f artis ~ -- nth“ “"51 Strai ht’ ‘ e Cet- ILOv . around only tWO Char g’ beauhful and mtelli (l
' ' Pen t5 came “the? Stat g .’ The StraWben-v e Story set-Up that 11 acters, a "0 attempt is d gem and (
II t I . qusfiegOh; SChleSinger, Robert \lagmi?tId RPM; and ‘The Apffiroached by another cur treatment 3;?! SIEOr a sensitive any of the uIlIiZICtO give them to
- . - - e x eter Fonda D . ‘ 1C 'ar en of St' 1 rem Im "Lo S " I ' 3 CW 3 lot f -- easant human
I . . : Hopper and . enms heart » . an ey Sweet- (1 al .’ Ve tory, which tune to draw . 0 qualifications 1
I . . I . more, each C . , \VlllCh explo't h e S With basi 11 . a portrait of the 1 - enny and Oliver h“
I I . , 1115 Ow“ b reating m k l t e Vouth . C3 Y the same Characters 1 . . ove andl'Om th -
. .I . i - rand 0f person ‘ ar Ct‘ make U the I Simple DlOt situ ' u . .. mvo Ved- It IS 'Love - p [Oughpureclean t1 ‘
I I I - I I II m the Same sense that Beflrlgfglrans of film on my {1251 $31311 typIe: Owl . . . a loveaztilgzirfethhe 2:5ny t211buse or simply disre— :Itlrchzgpiddingfto the unpolluted pr
V . ~ _ . ‘ can PSCUdo-art ti], n Amen; 8 man and een or el30tential of h ere 0 their live (1 l
'. . . I . m. a Woman, we ter devel ‘0 arac- homewodt - . 5’ 0 0‘
,« l I ‘ ‘ ITOI‘a 9 C totally removed from the “85;: consciouszhrstnt andh IOWIISII and make l‘onI’ge' Iymg together Ihi
. I -' - 01' oh] ‘f N Vance’t atre r . m a Way that on
a I a - re sents the (mere 9 6‘ any physncal s
v “C a 91158 O ‘
I 1 th IiIiIniEL E. GosngT mm H l e 1 0t COrI'CCt ”Ch mm, in all 3; £2??? gainfully hidden NotfhiIrIiI; :31: h
1 - -~ H ‘mm Here To Fter - ’ 1““ probably new pects, I m is there f I)
, . » It A , A . _ or -
. II ,I I UM. (,1 11M, hem” of the \IkIIWI'C1I1 :I'N‘Il probably does not bersllfilrgll Sgthflgtgw WaSprodug-ed direct Credent‘al reason ertccpt to £de Special (IIIII
- f . "MM of the WM. ., 5 "me-“3' or cmh‘h'l‘t ~1I a “mad b 1 ' I - I s the death f "p to C ‘
, . I . Lancaster ._ ~ \xar era, Burt the film \ ~ ~ , I" )CCausQ Starred Y apanese and It is worth noun - 0 Jenny, And in th tl
I . . tiawlu] out ()lilt) his nex er (les'r Japanese acto l _ . - E that the midst of all h e 1"
‘ > r , ll * be - ' ~ . ‘ll-Jlt’d to ‘ . r5 Sptakm Writers la ed - t e nonge
I II I I root Ul his lnllet at SL’lll 12II‘tI (1 Id historical testament Or a JI‘I‘PanCSC. (Sub-titles "Vere "if in mane] y 3" Ilmportant part forgets to tell us ev nSe Sega] he]
‘ . , ., I . , barracks anti brought (1 ) it ‘ ()tlimentar) film. .‘chll-l Accordingly the «(Ii I) Buck Hg eaCh film what it is and Oliver are 'enIWhy Jenny IKII
, ' » III 7.0m \_\ 41L LIL. n . ()\\'n it F: . In“) \l'lll A'llt‘ri ~- ‘ I I ION enry’ who Wl’Ot I Wh m OVe. Even
-’ I I, _- i I. ." "“‘ "‘I‘I'I'i‘i’lii'hy A1 t _ u. _ actual? - t‘ l, v I‘ (,‘mh “"‘rt' (lull’ SCt‘een u e the en Jenny (lies a . . ‘
i _ . , .I_ . , iimtu Hillv (BAH v. I I II _ Tom: Tom! Torah. .I Uitml} h) Americans. ( adapteelayd for Catch 22", She has only fall We feel “5 If mg
I 7V 1”, . ' .. “'11 1 1 I Signed as . ' '5 (lo— Minds A . an Widened the 311 .d , ' . en 351961), n0 wil
‘ I I . - I l t llldli) 1it-u1ilt'tl'liiiitl . f. d non-documentarr '1‘ part quk and alert ed 3 gasping, no pal" JIllSt k'
. VI I ~ it (.II (1H1 \lumt rlmu. *Ii I/ hit :(‘tual [CPTCSCiitatiOn of ”10d: I he results ()1 this ‘Hmro'ith Manhofi Erich S Dilly by Bill beautyI ) istch r91)
, i. I 1 ‘11 MI I I ‘ 4'“) sm" 8 it re a -. , . ' ‘ __ ‘ ' . .
. . I‘ ,' “Us t ItIiIl llilllliIll I \\ itli tilll\ 11 PI‘(Ii(f::f);l::tuu1I gulk of tlic U.S. lllt' l‘lDI'IiIiiItr~IxI\tIII)tIL lIIlIIIImIISIIIII ”II :reenplay for IFEovewrSO::r;lIlIe be Of Course p60ple Cry bUt n t l’h:
I ‘ ‘ ’ , I I‘I “luv“ " ltl\ lit'\ H II I a car] H’irl) ' ' I I I- I I ll( ‘I '“ClIlk'illi |nil~ en fa hI ' - ’ 031156 f I 0 II
. _ , n-ntmiI Il‘h- II . Jun l)(‘('(‘mhor 194 ‘ Orin itunI immlx (1 1 . _ . 5 lOiled it into a b k 0 any meaningfl f
' ‘ t t lli;t “1: . - 1- In the . - r , ’ lit mulx 19.10 for ad . . 00 reaso . U ml
- llt‘lt' tw l-‘n . i‘. 1 mm ('rt‘d t "lunlnu luith \ul- 1 . ‘ ' *- Vanced PllbllCI H ns, smce We are f
V I I I . ; .: 4 , 'lllll} (ll'l’lt‘lt-(l 'ii I x. the DHKlliccrs n . l\' I - ( ldrl lt\;l\lllttitr1-1'.,1 wrote h ty 8 also to 100k I nOt Creed
, ‘ _____—____I__I ('laim 111111 .111 ‘ ‘4 0 ”10 ilk'liiuxm . 1 - ‘“ “d t e screenplay f u at anything un 1
Q -. I « t ol the (w . « «UH its 1)()Ill[)()ll\ » P M " Th . 3 or R. of re 1 , P easant
- ’ (H‘lluns Olindiy' (‘nts dud l‘l-lk t'lll l) Um" ' ' 8 Credits ofb 1h . . a ‘ Andlences c ' b
‘I T ' ' - .. 'dualsrmri . . ””11"” Horn 1 »_ erss 0 wm‘ 'Lov - n ecause
I I .I I, 13E {\ENTUCKY KERNEL in Illl(‘ liliii are factual (ihugi? IIlI l"’rl|dl).\ ix lllt‘ lttItIIIEI1I1IE1 :fiak forthemseres' Contrfvgxsltcin all: mechanically
.' I ~' tritit-‘v\ , 1 r. 1 ' . ,._‘ ' ‘ - t I ‘ ‘I " ‘ . ' 0 .
. . II : I -. .I II I,I.I .\I: “in iffyEI‘IIIIIILIIYIII‘IIIWIIFIII‘I I u Illlll in tin ”)9”th IIIIIIti It fluid \llri\\t'(l that tlit The “(2821] vs- Intellectua1 It’s an Old for: 16 them do 50. 0f t
I . ,' .I I I -, I :IV: “I AiI-ifzq I"""i.t:I In ll. llltlr‘i‘d ”III lIi'n‘ I 1 in I IIltl\\tI't'lI lllt' lllllll;ll\ iiiiml Cat's" m w] and the P‘Iscw nEht Clemente uIfl IIIIicIl1 with the tion
~ I I. i .1 .II I. II I H I I. . \IIuIerttIlh, 10,1311.“ 111‘“ r\ ‘I “j “II I. l“ HH‘ la} ‘ ‘ ll'turlllitI1ln,11!,1K 'II III ~I '0 exa ”a , I IuI"-'_ " I -: m“ H ing soax w‘
. I I I, I I . I III I-II IIl ,«er;Iz-I:I-; ..II.I,II Hmrl: IiiIi I‘IIlI‘I’ITI‘IIIIIlnrzi l\ 4! land I! .llt ()H' mm] illlllllt [I\ IMIIII Iel'S, Barbara Strgjsaiittlfictxjrdd- ggefIxEUSiC, an audience coukLl lulct:
II .' I I: , A , O, 1». IIIIIIIII in II .in (‘llH‘llllL \t’u-r H‘ I\IHIIH‘I«lli Hiltu ‘ . 1\ ”11; the DhySica] ,1 I . St‘iit- IA ”1 e to cry at almost a v- I
» . . i Q ' , . v m g . I .O . . ‘ \ ‘ l "llll'rlt :in til, 1 l ,\, 1' (;(-01~ . v SK (I ”l lllt‘ and thing. Look at th I ll) llon
‘ ' I U. ’_ «I ‘ ‘ "r; I:‘ {IV/[‘1 ‘V ‘1‘: i' hurried hum (lr‘u , ' ' I “I ,[ (\‘lml’l‘ ‘JIM'H ll ll , I g‘ Sell“! llit‘ ‘ vh ) - . 6 Way you {C‘Cl not
* ' ; .. ,. t ., ~ it. x 4.. . Hull/mu m r] , n :L . , ' “ l’llli co . . llltel]t?0ti,izal “ “1 leaV'm ‘lj . ‘ ~
- ‘ . . .- , V . ‘ ‘ :v‘ ‘ -;«,_ . l ,.i .' . h ” “‘ “l ltl lp ,' . , "u 0H! g ' . g )‘C‘ Ston' ‘ ‘
I I I.I .II. I .i , . I I IIIIII iI, III M :I:IlI'|:I.tii l.|\lIriH(‘.ll iiir'itlt‘ill, nut llll l.ti~,.n..i:.i 7., II II I I;I'\Ih HM, Willi real 1:;:)rl1))lrtl:1mgl\ lllllndi; dr1e “(:ddepressed‘ bl” li‘depy 3lllll ”lg“
I ,II. I; I II t I .n' H.” ii: :rl (lut'm II . II I- I-II - Mi ”1, II”; ”III I .. . x 13‘ iii a “.31 f8 iev . B t 1 , I
I I I I . , III I II . .’ .l‘. I .»,-. : 111”“ mntan ». \ m .il‘)ll111l(‘1‘ III “Orld. The 111m t' . I I. .. U )0“ d1, Voul 1
‘ 1 . ' , , I" i I ' It ‘1')"' Ht» «:I I l ‘I 1 t I \ I lII l“ I- l. l. dke‘ t‘ ‘ (lite! ' - I ee (10”;
‘- 1 '1‘ v I » . ., r I‘ vy-I ‘ [“7“ III *r Th 1 l IlIIoiII IIIIIIIIIII ”WM l" "\llltfll m ffhow us a meal"- Witt-\QUCIIEUttII “'hk‘liIirsh:I\O“I dIIdIIIePUSSyCIde for t
I I _ . .‘ . . 1 1 .’l,‘./:' ' “ A 4) . 1‘ ll 1, 1, .‘ “ I ‘ . \‘ a {I - » ’ '8 ‘ i v‘ L1” V .
i I - fl'fiw-LI!”1I1')T§ filly; ('dlllt' nlIIIvI-fiIi‘li‘IItIIHI l:I‘ \lfllllll \:i|:.,I1II.Im\',IHlII“ 1mm)» llllt‘t 0:321” x16“ i011" '45 the Setting 1" 110! (le1)::3::;lIne1(II\1 CHM”)- BIO"
' j I rI' ' ' :- . ,II ‘51ij: ‘ ‘ I~ uru'u \ .u-(- .. , I I I‘Il‘ ~”I .I\!IH|\ l, W C iaracten‘ . » I I I “ ~ ”1 a least 1
I t ,I r: I I II to: ”I‘m” 1” I I. Ulillt it'llmr,“ I, ( l I O I I i . ~ (OllisitinI h lJrOpelled 1 h' , ‘ ”e
,- A g v - .. M " 52‘ ”' litru l ' " H (”"l Ill-(\(‘tl I . 1“ ”lllCli lk ' 0 t mh Hr)! h .
. . 1 I hm N1” ‘1 u . om. . r. , I V m l, 1 t tllt‘ a _ , 0“ the
"1 'I I I i z i y. .I_ -‘ w l-I;II~I.I,.IIIII\PIF~2 :-~ ItIlIIHI» ((I‘Ill'l“ llit- um lll \xliIiIlIlI k \III3\II'II‘ *I\(l””'dl llllsli‘llnl Created in "Midnight gI ‘ . Or ‘5 n0thmg ”“1 9 Dem. SpOnSOrod vaI' 20 at 5.7. What
" -, : I ~ S‘K‘N Zoo. Admission 753C Gmsvo'mr lricn
» ' ' ' - a!" Drycleani . TOMORROW ’*
‘ .' . . , . ' l'K . "“1"!
.. I ' .4 "g S ec' "0 hvidmrII-gm' ”mes?” "Youts to nin
. I 'md T p.m. Tue-“WW l' . ' g
I I I VI— I I ‘l(‘sd:l-\I~ Fob. 2 hi [I I. I .‘ an 2‘) H .
,1 ,A ONE g; a
1 I < 5 ll 1 |«
. I , I I N U ARY 25'26 —-— HOU R LEAN E R S‘3:39;"thiJSd‘IrPathnal hltlglliititiri 3 lI'hlln
' ' I ' m COMP —— — _ :rtiI‘Iiit‘t studenthwirtiIIIIlIhpIIIIItI‘E‘L‘IPI I“ ““ M‘Il
. . LEX COMMONS YOU Musr — _ — — J}.;:"3;§w:°2w Mvdmnon‘ "his.“ "”1"
.’ tt‘r' ' Gr4II iI DIm iii the Student ICI\I'\_I m" ‘
. I . ' JANUARY 27-30 I HAVE C(”WON l ‘1: z, 7"."
. C , I — y ' a h I ll‘l
' ' , ‘ s c F | 2::th m2“ ,fizsirstfihzzn «w «.
I I ‘ ' ‘ GRILLE o Ht {1:15‘ IpIhIiIIIIflI‘I \IIOII‘ and h‘I‘rDI-‘ichgnl‘ ‘01]!
1 a Wm KIEclIiIl'jht'lim the h t
n I I r “1 rep. I.
Sets at 8:00 P m I I ori'rIIN Pilirlrl‘Isifl‘rnch‘ Author and hnnr I “‘H
Al - . and 9:30 p.m. 3 Da 5 . to was; w
I so at 10°30 F ' y CHIC ff ° IIII' 27 l” Mt‘mririnl I(~II1' ,0 nesdf‘y- ‘
. "do er EX Ire l “m“ St“dents ndm ”T1“ Nu"? hill ””"“
y and Saturday t__ _ P 5 January 27! Egg? 732:; (Iguhg :rIiIquI-IIIr 13$ lam}!
F R I "— _. 1 I I ‘ I H'lllil
I E E . Eu I'd CAMPUS LOCATIONS . COMING up , .2” it.
c I at w°°dland 'm ' v£::;:s:¥hlgri::trnm' Prof‘ Cream-v ”“lI
penal Plaza 11'; “The Individgglthgwf;s%yb speaks 3m: :
I .. Bu‘i’fiflg‘gplagz" White Hall Clajsif'hogd ‘ .
II ' ~ - ~ . . _ ’ Thur‘dml. JnnmzrlmF-‘Elnm 3:15 p.m. “II“

 / ‘ '
/ , - _ .
< . -‘ 3 .
W [Willi KENTlT-‘KV' kFRNI‘ll“ “and“. [.iii. 2', l‘lTl ; 5' '1 i '3‘ '
“Chicago Ill9 Ded' t d t th R I ' " ”
By RAY FISCHER ufghicago dressed in the various tion in all its forms." ”Chicago together in ”“1“ h, 1mm“ My.“ (,1 ”W. ‘ “mm, :5“ if: . . . .'
lerlt. . As Robert . Lamm predicted unilorms ot the Armed Services Ill is continuing withthis pledge own distinctive sound. 1\ grmt- ‘ 12- , ; , x
ach 1“ ”are fall Chicago concert here and feated among lthe graves Wltll lan alb‘uni that focuses Something f”, All The WM mung .. ‘ h i .. , " . . ft .,
they at .K, 01” third album is at AI u’igton ationa Cemetary. l l) on .‘V M5“ ”'9'” ”l lru l‘ans oi the first two Chicago dllmui arr mou- «ll'w lsilit‘fi it, ie 1-". "‘ '. ' ' :
coming tip. It s a lot looser Theme 01 rreedom (om, strains of which appear 4 ,. , r , ; - -‘ ' ,
that than th~ f' ‘ , ‘ - - . throughout the entire album Album“ “‘11 “*l’u'w“) CHJW “m” “1 'nt‘H im \im: .1lli‘;:; - , -' . ' .
heir . 9 "SF “f0, bUt We hope Contamed 1“ the liner notes "Chi -» , . ”Lowdown." ”Lonelinessisjust but all AIt' put to'io-tlwr l,'. or? "" '. '. -‘ ‘.-‘~' f
you ll like it ust tl " f th ' (1 'lb -. . cago 1“ , as predicted, .. _. A . y , ,.
and “Ch‘ ' Ill" 3 7 1e same' 0 e." “5.0". d‘ .u’“ ‘i‘ ""3 isinfact much looser than either ‘1 WUF‘L Tl” AI’PWWHM “5“)mm"“J"“eHV‘il-rA ' ., = '.
. to blecago b" itsouttagd promises following: With this album we of the previous ‘ilbums The StomL" and "Mother." d song lll hm w’m‘mmwm“WWW“ ': ,. ',
‘4 as l l n ‘\ _ ‘ ( . ( . ' . u u ‘ . .. - , .i y: ‘r. r.l
but the first twog 0 igger than dediicate ourselves, our futures accent seems to he on creativity about ecology which says Mania (.lutugi, 111 H A,“ M mall. f r 11311;}; “2%.
It S i I a? hour energies. to the p609“ more than perfection. However, Earth 1“ ”"Wl‘ert' ' W“ “m“ l““lt’~m't“‘k ‘*‘”“‘lt~”‘"‘““l‘ d ."';.'-;.' ‘1 "'7
also The double album set comes 0 t e WVOIUUON, and the {CVOIU- Chicago is able to bring the two your eyes. . . hidden in thet rust. . ettes. "g‘ j,.' v", .' .
fan- . complete with the words to most .7 _ , . ,. _ :v' - 1‘. .. i. ’ " i, I"
s a ofthe songs printed onthe album . ' ‘ ' V ’ .» H ' ‘l : .‘ l‘ .595"; g ' ‘a,’ ., 4'
n jackets, and also a full color 7. I- ‘ 57.13....rgliaz. ;‘ q. 3-
's a poster which shows the personnel ‘ ’ o __ 7:.— ' ~ i. 1-" - :
ical . ‘ F - ._
. ' l ':i v . "‘77:? ‘ "f j"; i . ¥
3” Trans-Action 4 e ."' g ,4‘ , ~. -1. -
tri‘ ‘ I I ”l , i' I: ll is ,- V.» . l I I ‘ ”1 Iv fir" ". " '1 l i.
'ng Continued from Page 1 , V ‘ s " 3:4 _ , » ‘63an ‘3. ' . r _» _
out Another Trans—Action addi- 5:00-03 I a ‘ ./° ' \ k i » ' ‘- i it '
t0 tion is the group at Manchester 2 ' b ’1 7y , \ ’ °» .1": II ff: .- “
Center. More informal than V F" £5 . , ' "
out the agency participation. it in- " ‘ggjjjiéflgfi’ . .a . ' -,. J '. .' x
em Agency work requires two » 5%“ ’ "i . . _;.- ~2:W,FL .~.. . .. _.-l x ., _‘
an hours a week of a volunteer’s ‘ . 3 . 9
81' time. But the new 'I‘rans-Action _ 1 ' :: , "J
programs are less structurt (1, .il- s, v , . .- ~ _ .. _ -\ ‘
ed lowing students to give any- , '2 g} )~‘§_‘ ‘ " f“
d0 thing from one. hour a week to . q; 1 .. _
er one hour a month. ‘ ‘ ' ":j" ;.;' ..;
at “The main thing is that we . I I -, :3, L“ f ‘7 .‘ 'l
18 hope to get more and more into w o M g V. n,
he campus matters.n Smith con- ' _ — ,_ k 7 " i . j"
“‘1 chided. “We want to hear what “é 1- l. .- , :f‘
to the students have to say and .3" :3." Ft?"
e help them in the ways that the F '..' j. -; '. ,‘
3‘1 administration is failing." . - q ' 5 ~ :1
y Students interested in learn— 032% >1 t: ‘ . .
,1; ing more about Trans—Action “"2“? SPORT , ',' i’ T.} _ ' f . ~-.
l will find information and group 3' 5‘ 35:. 'r. , ., f . ‘
f: representatives in Room 206 of , V; ,. ‘ .
- . . Mi.- v.‘ ‘ -. . ' ~
the Student (enter from 6-9 COATS 2 1' t. .7 , p _ '_ .
pm. Thursday. Jan. 28. and A "i f.“ .‘ f,
01‘ from 2-5 pm. Sunday. plan. 31. 1/ . ‘ -.. 1.. I:
. '4‘Ilr. '§ :3 . J. Li}. S"
.. , 2 price _,
m Correction BELL .y
:8, In the Friday, Jan.22, issue 9,; '.
5 of the Kernel, Womens Libera- ‘ J B tt Eff. ; "-' .‘."