xt7t7659gr47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659gr47/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2000 text GLSO News, September 2000 2000 2000-09 2019 true xt7t7659gr47 section xt7t7659gr47 w  » G1 .8 0 NEW S
ER“ __
Vol. 15 September 2000 No.9
v A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Mother Jane CD Debut Mice Matianal at Bartge [MC hires Musical Director
Mark your Calendar for On Wed. Sept. 20, the Miss Inthefine musical tradition that
Wednesday night, Sept 27’ 8 pM_ National At Large 2000 competition has most reoentiy included Loren
Rock, Women & Blues Presents Wt“ be held aThe Bar Complex. The Tice, Dawn Coon, and Richard Giles,
Mother Jane at Mia's (120 3 Upper show will begin at 9 PM and admis- the Lexington Men’s Chorus has
St, Lexington 859-455-9903). Mia’s sion is $7. hired a new Musical Director-«Tim
will never be the same. High quality entertainment Will Glasscock. Tim, Kentucky born and
Mother Jane, a regular per- feature Miss Kentucky National At bred but most recently of New
former at Mia's, has chosen to keep it Large 1999, LaToya Bacall; Miss Albany, Indiana, has returned to
in the family and have their CD National 1999, Ashley Kruiz; Lexington to complete his Doctor of
release in their most familiar club. Cincinnati siren, Quasi: and from Musical Arts in Choral Conducting
Having kicked around a few other Orlando, Florida, Miss National At- from the University of Ky. LMC is
locations, Mia's was chosen because Large 2000: Darcel Stevens. indeed lUCkY to have hired such a
the band works well there, and the Contact LaToya or John Moses at gifted and experienced director.
management has been very support- 859-294-0901 for applications and Tim completed both his
ive. There will be no cover charge. information. Bachelor and Master degrees in
The bi difference on this ni ht Music Education at the University of
will be the ictuai layout. The pfrty (jg: (Toast Buff Louisville School of Music. For the
will be in the Dining room. Concert t- 2 last 8 years he has been Choral
shirts will be avai|able_ If anyone is The 19th anniversary Closet Director and Adjunct Instructor at
interested in becoming a named Ball will be held at Club 141 (141 W indiana University Southeast where
sponsor on theT—shirt, Please Call K. Vine Street) one fine evening in he directed the Concert Choir,
Fillips of Rock Women & Blues at September (Call Tracy Tall/l0r for University Pop Ensemble and found-
359-252-3014. exact date - 255-6470.) This ed the University Madrigal
The self titled CD hathracks of Pageant: named after Empress 1 Ensemble. ...confinued on page 2
original songs, which artfully capture Julie Vaughn, is a perennial favorite
the passion of this song-writing team. in the region.
Beth Burden and Lisa Raymond have If You are unfamiliar With the Sponsor 0f the Month
been ...continued on page 2 event, imagine some man or
,- , .. , ,. _. _ woman always wanting to have the
GLSO Webme _ , "guts" to perform in drag. Well this ,
upendrunningat is their chance. Open to all that Richardson
._ _. , have never performed in drag for
www.mIgeIflre.com/m tips, contestants are presented in ViSiOH Center
{bluegrassGLSO ‘_‘ their birth gender, and then have
': , 1 .T- one hour to be --00minued 0" Page? .

 .,. Mother Jane...continued from page 1 LMC will be Tim's "'5‘ experience
kw” performing together as Mother Jane, With a gay chorus and the repertorre 0‘
9%” in Lexington and Louisville, for one gay musrc that '3 emanating from the
and a half years. growing gay and lesbian choral move-
Mother Jane is Beth Burden 26 mem- He ”ave'ed Wit“ LMC ‘0 San
a native Kentuckian and Lisa Jose and iorned 6000 delegates and
.we’e Raymond 29 from Massachusetts. 110choruses from around the world to
(gate, Burden be an writin music at 17 She attend the Gay and Lesbian Association
WW 9 g ’ r Ch r es GALA Festival in Jul
”aromas moved to Montana in 1996 and started 0 0 U5 . V' .
lugs. playing in coffee shops and festivals. Rehearsals for Lexrngton Men s
”#1, Burden moved back to Lexington in Chorus begin Sunday. September
’ 1997 and founded Mother Jane short- 10m from 5‘30'7-45 at St- Michaels
'3’ thereafter. Episcopal Church. Note: new day,
- time and location. LMC is a non-audi-
Raymond had prevrously played _ _
Thev 91154810 News for money during college but soon left tioned chorus. For more information
o . ssue , _
the music scene. She joined Mother contact Shelby at 231 0090'
“”18th Monthly by Jane in April 1999 and has enjoyed ———'.—-—','—_"'"_"'
being "back tn the business." Gay Straight Alliance Youth Group
- Mother Jane's music theor is -
The Lexzngton Gay _ l ’t with im act la )with We know that the average amen-
. , srmp e, w” e .p ‘ p y , can high school is one of the most
Lesbian S 3771153 soul, a“? leave a listener wanting homophobic environments in our
01' a 1112 ati 0 n morer mm the new CD you can have country. We know that LBGT youth
321 Second St- (Toast Baf[...confinued from page 1 Partly because we: gs a 9“)pr
transformed into the god or goddess are more out, the ”900W”? genera-
of their dreams. tion - queer youth, questioning teens,
Editors: Closet Ball Queen is open to gay children - have less chance to
wannabe female impersonator and stay m denial or m. the 9'05‘3‘ They
Mary Crone Closet Ball King is open to wannabe {‘elifd salfe spacethin WTIChargz (22::th
Peter Taylor male impersonators. Empress 19 a ' exp ore w 0 ey a e,
Tracy Taylor and Emperor 19 E V op self esteem. (Are you uncomfort-
. . _ 9
will preside over this event, which able wtth some or these terms. ASK
GLSO Annual Dues traditionally kicks off the new reign. yourse w yj) II b t‘
and Newsletter: $15 People have been anticipating there IS now N305: 3N0? lOl'lr
Dues and Newsletter for this event all summer, and we forming between (, a '0":
Couples: $20 expected a good turnout. Come Conference for Community an
early to get a good seat Justice) and GLSO to make a Gay
' Straight Alliance Youth Group a reality
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are Man’s Chorus ...continued from page 1 in Lexington. we plan to meet on
those of the authors and don’t necessarily He has also been a Teaching September 27 at 7 pm, place to be
represent those 0f the GLSO Board. Assistant/Assistant Conductor at the announced. We Wi“ be sending OUt
Submissions are welcome and become the . . letters to encourage a variety of orga-
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves Unrversrty ony where he helped con- - - - - -

. . . . . duct the Unrversrty Chorale and the nizations and mdrvrduals to attend.
the right to edit submrssrons and advertise- . _ . If you would like to be included or
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- UniverSIty Men S Chorus. Many peo- . . t t M
missions or advertisements. pie from Lexington will know Tim from for more information 00" ac_ ary

his year as Assistant Conductor of Crone at 2655904 0' Mahjabeen
GLSO Page 2

 = a, yer?”
a tl"’ it"r’fflttw‘flrii‘u
ll street; ii ,r‘t‘,¥”,
d . Discussion Group people to'llve independently and can Rape Crises Training
q ing at Turner Counseling, Suite 1, deathforsome- , Center is looking for individuals to
2216 Young Drive, on Wed. nights we are always '" need °f"°'““‘ participate in the Fall volunteer
5 from 7 t0 8330- This group provides a teers. Delivering meals '5 vaery easy, training. BFtCC volunteers answer
, supportive and safe place to share You come '" at 5- 5 pm a’,‘ V0” 8’9 the 24 hour crisis line and accom-
s _ your experiences and concerns through by 7pm (often earlier). If you pany victims to the hospital.
,, about coming out and living everyday 08“ (“we a car you can, Change a "‘9- Training begins on September 15.
as a lesbian, gay man, bisexual, or We are 3‘30 '°°k'”9 for some Please call Jennifer at 253-2615 by
1 transgendered person. one who knows how to use Om?" Sept. 10for more information.
We ask only that participants Books to give a few hours a week in
_ respect each other's feelings, protect the office, dorng data entry, balancrng Social Concepts
each other's anonymity, and under- the accounts, and‘paylng bills. If you Social Concepts is planning a
stand that we are all at different have an accounting background or "soft" camp out/cookout on Sat,
_ places in our lives. The group is not bookkeeping experience we could Sept. 23' “Soft" means we will
i qualified to provide professional ther- use your help. Please give US a call choose a place where there are toi-
r apy and Turner Counseling is in no 252'2867- lets, electricity, and showers. Call
l way involved or responsible for the Ginger for more information at 389-
content of the meetings. Inter " cave, 7698.
. "r you could use some support or Interweave. the lesblgaytrans
- have some support to give please socral action 9’9”" at the UU Wisfiing Chair
, join us. For any information call Jane Church, M” be havrng a COOKOUt 0” Wishing Chair’s September
) at 859-389-7698 or email at Iady- Sunday evening, Sept 24. You do not schedule includes:
i ianeky@yahoo.oom Valve “We a Chum“ me'Tf‘be’ ‘0 pal“ 7 Cheapside, Lex. 10-1 pm, duo
, trolpateln Interweave sol you woud 12 Songwriting Class begins,
- Lori B. at Lynagh's like to 10m us give Davma a call for Carnegie Center, Lex. 6:15 pm
- Lori B. will be preforming at d'leCt'Ons-l271‘6174) , , 21 Cheapside, Lex. 10-1 pm, duo
‘ Lynagh’s on Saturday, Sept. 2- She We W'” also be helping mm the 24 Carnegie Songwriter Series,
is scheduled as the warm up act but annua' ga’age ea'e 0” sept 2' a with Fred Gillen Jr. & Johnny Miles
1 that does not signify less talent. great place to find some unusual
l Women who heard her sing at the items as well as some good second . Transylvania Univ. Adds To
l National Women’s Music Festival hand clothing. See other UU Church Anti-Discrimination Policy
I report that she is a great songwriter News on page 4- Transylvania University has
’ and performer. Cost is $15. Come 8 T LFE added "sexual orientation" to it's
l out to support her and Lynagh’s for , “TA!“ 'N HE _ ' anti-discrimination clause. It now
3 bringing her to Lexington. Sistahs in the Life is a newly reads:
t formed and growmg SOClal/support “The policy of Transylvania
' ""01." "I“. gollective fgrh Lesblartts 0f Afrlgan University shall be to provide equal
Moveable Feast has delivered escent. ey mee every 0 er opportunity for all persons and to
r over 25,000 meals to people with wedneSday and have a “”0 day prohibit discrimination because of
l HIV disease in the last 2 1/2 years. retreat planned for October. For race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
' That is 365 days a year WithOUt miss- fftpnzgg $2? ingrmaggcanaecgayl age, national origin, or sexual orien-
. mg a day Thls 00d e ab y ...Commumty News continued page 4

 Commmtitq News Cantinued Pagan Festival on Sept 16 from 10 Interest. . _
, _ v , to 7 at the church. Father Fntsch has written
Tan?“ and“) D'Omoiethéiul' '93" The land that the Unitarian "down to Earth Spirituality, “Eco-
ization otequal opportunity forall Universalist Church occupies was Church” and “Renew the Face of
persons, including, wrthout {'m'ta' previouslyafarm owned by Richard the Earth." A photography exhibit
tion, “Pals! employees, ap?"ca"ts Allen. In l882, Allen became con- by Ky. photographer Warren
for admrssron and students. cerned about the spread of religious Brunner will also be displayed.
dogmatism and established the If you would like some time to
Unitarian 91““? News Republican Meeting House, an visit with folks before the address,
The Unitarian Universalist independent church dedicated to come at 6 pm for Simple Living
Church has a number 0f 9“)qu and freedom of religious thought and Dinner Potluck, an ongoing event at
programs that may be of interest expression. the UU church.
the the LBGT community. Ourannu- The Unitarian Church is resur-
al Garage Sale w!" be on Sat, Sept recting the vision of Richard Allen FALL PAGAN FESTIVAL
2‘ trom8 am until 4' LOtS 0f 900d by presenting a series of The CUUPS chapter at the
buys. , .. , Republican Meeting House Unitarian Universalist Church will
The. Womens Sp'r'tual'ty Programs to stimulate discussion be hosting a Fall Festival on,
Group WI” be meeting at 6:30 for of progressive ideas. On Sept. 14 at Saturday, Sept. 16 from 10 am until
90"”9" a”? at 7:15 for a program 7 pm you are invited to Beyond 7 pm. It will be outside in our ample
on F“da¥ nights Sept8 and 22} We Simplicity: Tough Issues for a New green space, 3564 Clays Mill Rd.
do a variety OfIRCtIVltleS and rituals Era, Where Ecology meets Social unless bad weather drives us into
focus” 0" Sp'r'tua' and emo‘fona' Justice. The featured speaker will the building. There will be booths,
SUPP?” 9f each other. \lVe WI" be be Father Al Fritsch, the Director of workshops, rituals, and a rattle.
partrcrpating m the CUUPS Fall Appalachia-Science in the Public Please join us.
w ’ l k. f f d .
it I‘ll 00 mg 01' i1 0W goo voices.
mezfiigtaww% a
'46- -_- -- a. i” it
' , ' j , W , “gr éfi
Rehearsing at new time: fig; LexmgmnMenS

1 5;”
’ rm wow ENTEDTAINEQC: “"5: gig:
Miss NATIONAL 1998 ,1
ASHLEY KRUIZ 7;, , ~ ‘35.
,, f K {a 35;. 3
$03: “ I if” ':
0 if} ' ,5?“ ‘5‘ 2.‘ Q: ‘
_ ________________________________..__
GLSO Page 5

 BMYJNG A House On our second night there, the walls and then spent about 4 hours
we 126 NOT WHERE we WERG toilet over flowed (l had no idea a tol- painting it a beautiful lavender. Tam
by Kelly 0 Ferrell let could hold that much water) and and I finished painting the trim in one

You can say that again! We are we paid a plumber $52 the next day day because we wanted to see the
definitely not where we were. Tam to turn the water back on at the base new stuff we'd bought for that room.
and l were laying in bed the other of the toilet, flush and tell us we I had just finished sweeping the
night (in our new house on Meadow needed a plunger. floor and decided to run an idea by
Lane) when she said, “Do you Then, we paid Ftoto Rooter $77 Tam: "How about we put the furniture
remember when we were “who at the following day - after the toilet over in the room and then clean the floor
Brandy Wine apartments and you flowed again -to snake out some cal- around the furniture (we’d gotten
wouldn't give me a stamp?" cium deposits. some paint on the floor)?”

"No I do not," i replied. "As a And still the house smelled. She paused, which kinda took
matter of fact, I have no idea what We'd been told to run some me by surprise. Then she said,
you’re talking about.” water down the shower and sink in “Definitely!"

“We were laying out by the pool the basement since we didn't use So, the stuff is in the room and
one day and i asked if you had some them. (We have a half bath in the we’ll clean the floors sometime later.
stamps I could have and you asked corner of the basement that has no My mother would lay awake at night
me if j had the money to pay you for walls and no tub — the shower drain is it she knew.
them.” in the basement cement floor.) Of course, my father would have

"You are out of you‘re mind,“l So, last Thursday, I was pouring something to say about all those
said. “I would never have said some- some bleach water down the shower plumbing issues.
thing like that to you," drain, wondering once again why 80, I don’t tell themll It’s just

But, the more she talked, the there was dried toilet paper on the taken me a few years to finally learn
more | began to remember. She was cement floor around the shower that one. _
right. We were completely separate _ drain, when all of a sudden the water As far as my job goes, one of the
financiatty I just couldn’t trust her. stopped going down and started guys I work with said to another co-

My parents never showed me coming Up- worker: "The only thing that comes
jealousy, but they sure showed me I decided to flush the comode out of Texas is Queers and steers,
mistrust in one another financially that sits beside the shower and, the and I don’t see any horns on your

Now, here we are, able to own a next thing I knew, there came the head.”
car, house, washer/dryer, fridge - root of the odor up that shower drain. it kind of took me by surprise
everything - together. But, it took "Shit,” I thought. “Now what?” I and then I had to decide if I was even
time, energy, willingness and change was way over that smell and this offended or not. I was not. But.
to get from there to here. house by that time. never the less, i decided to talk to

When we've needed to buy an Unfortunately, we paid Floto him about it later that day.
appliance for the house, we just walk Rooter $120 the next day to come “Do you know that I live with a
in Sears, look for a few minutes and and NOT fix the problem. That’s woman?"
buy_ That‘s why it was so amazing when I called the city and, four men “What?" he asked.
the night we stood in the cookie reje and three trucks later, the job was Say it out right, Kelly, I thought.
of Kroger and couldn’t agree on a done ‘ forfreel "DO YOU know that l am a les-
bag of cookies to buy. Well, you just don’t know how bian?” I asked.

30, here’s a brief update of our nice it is for your house to not smell "No," he sheepishly replied.
house buying: until it has smelled for two weeks. “i didn’t think so. I wanted to tell

We’ve had more money flowing And, it‘s amazing how much I you so you wouldn’t tell some
out of that house than shit - literally. simply enjoy being there now that it queer/fag ioke.“
For the first two weeks, there was doesn’t smell. Tam’s brother spent "Okay," he said.
some horrible ordor. about 40 hours scraping old wall For today, All Truly Is Well at
paper and paint off the spare room home and work.
GLSO Page 6

'9 it; Real Estate SerVIce Wlth
'6 ’ .ng .'
” ‘ ‘ ' : REALTORS
In g I. v ; RESULTS
_k . . Serving Lexington
I, _ ‘ . . : | NTEGRITY & All of Central Kentucky
pd Scott Ackerman
r. Mobile: 606-338-8483 EDICATION
“ Voice Mail: 606-294-2055
Office: 606-269-7331 Q
6 E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com E NTHUSIASM [B
e Ramona seem???
5t Call me With all your Real Estate needs
n OHIO LESBIAN FESTIVAL Directions: Take 270 around Columbus to the east. Exit
. . . . . onto 70 East. Exit at Rt 310, go North. Turn right at the
e . The Ohio Lesbian Festival V‘Vlii. be on Sat, Sept. 9- intersection of Rt. 310 and Rt. 40, drive 3 miles east until
)- Th's ’5 a great feSt'Va' to attend, 't lasts only 0"? day, you see the Frontier Ranch sign. Turn left onto York Rd.
s from 11AM to 11PM, and It IS a relatively Short drive to The entrance to Frontier Ranch is .3 miles on the left.
; Columbus, Ohio. There will be over 50 merchants, work— \ w E
,r shops, food sales, comediennes and good music. ‘ gggggrg g
Performers this year include Ferron, Suzanne N ETNA v ‘9'- 8
e Westenhoefer, and Teresa Trull / Barbara Higbie on the COLUMBUS MAIN sT-RT.4° o
n night stage; Quartetto di Lesbos, Jamie Anderson, and .-
t, Jazzman on the day stage. Tickets are $26 in advance 91)
0 (available at Alfalfa’s) and $32 at the gate. w RI 256 R1 310
a Your subscription helps support all our work. Thank You”
Name ....___________._._.._____.__._..____
_ Address ,. ,..._______
" $15 membership and newsletter
9 ____$20 couple membership and newsletter
____I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate
It Mail to GLSO News, PO Box 11471, 40575
" _ GLSO Page 7

7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 am Garage Sale J
(UU Church)
i . g ._ '
v ”1"“{4/ “ J 1
. 9;, ,' y
o I . ~ | ‘
10:30 am LMCC 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s 10:00 am Roots and Heritage /
10:45 am UU Church Happy Labor Day! 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion Spirituality Group (UU Street Fair (Rose Street) '
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) Group Fellowship House)
6:00 pm Dignity 3:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm Man Kind Project 6 S t an 1’ ant
. (UU)
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 5 5 7 S. leCStone
10:30 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 6:00 pm Simple Living 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA '
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion Potluck (UU Church) Lexmgtona KY°
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) Group 7:00 pm Beyond
6:00 pm SistorSound 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Simplicity (UU Church) 2 5 3 '00 1 4
Rehearsal (Park United 7:00 pm Pride Center
Methodist Church) Committee Meeting
(open to the public) '
_ 7.30 mm“, featuring the famous
__ . (Pride Center) ‘
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
10:30 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm GLSO Board 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 6:30 pm Women‘s '
10:45 am UU Church Meeting - open to the 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion Spirituality Group (UU SCfVlng blueberry
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) public - (Pride Center) Group Fellowship House)
3:30 pm Films by Joan 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA GLSO NEWS DFADI INl‘ 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA buCkWheaé p an cakfcsl’
Brannon-and more 9:00 pm Miss National 4 4 3' 8:00 pm AA Step Study '
Central Library Theater) At—Large (The Bar) ASE/131:]: (figéggg; S eggs bene lCt arno 3
6:00 Pm SiS‘B’SOtmd- FOR um CALENDAR Spanish omelettes
Rehearsal (Park Umted 273-9649
Metht’dist Chm) gourmet desserts,
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
10:30 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm MCC Bible Study 7:00 Folding 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA and mUCh more
11:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion GLSO Newsletter
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) Group (Pride Center)
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm Mother Jane CD
Rehearsal (Park United Release (Mia’s) All Of our breads and
Methodist Church) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA .
3:30pm Diversity Fittm desserts are baked daily
(Central Library Theater) . k. t h
in 0111' l C CI]

 fins “an“ El “w more progressive and open-minded telephone etiquette. I needed a
5‘! Reina“, 90mg and understands that there are differ- minor distraction while I regained my
ent types of families, but you are composure. So, I put the popcorn
A series of disagreements about reading way too much into what ljust bag inside the microwave, set the
our insurance premiums caused Kat said; one of us was not born a man time for 5 minutes, and went to work
and me to re—evaluate our business and there have been no sex on a new strategy.
with the company. It was my changes. i understand that you are Sniff, sniff! Somebody was burn~
assigned task to get recommenda- trying to understand, but you don‘t ing something and the smoke was
tions and information about other understand." coming out of our microwave oven.
companies so that we could do a Another Call -- "No, we do not Our old oven had never heated any-
comparison. This has always been have a business, we are partners, a thing in less than 5 minutes. i
my job since we became a couple, couple, as in we sleep in the same snatched the bag of popcorn out of
which was six years ago when l was bed. Aha, now you got it! You've the microwave, threw it into the sink,
sweet talked into believing that i liked never heard the word used that way and sprayed the bag with cold water.
to talk to insurance agents. Kat had before, so what term does your com- Smoke and steam rose toward the
said something about us having dif- pany use?" cathedral ceiling, but the fire inside
ferent strengths and l was in such an Know It All Call -- "Yes, i am sure the bag was extinguished. The whole
enamored smaze that I agreed. that we want one policy for both cars, incident had to be an intertwisted
Back then, it had been a chal- and the car titles will remain sepa- message evicted from the other side
lenge to find a lesbian-friendly insur- rate. Excuse me, how do you know of fate; popcorn should not be a dis—
ance company with lesbian-friendly that no insurance company offers traction, I needed to get back on the
policies and prices. And when all was one auto policy for this type of house- phone and stop explaining who we
said and done, we had gotten one hold?" were and get the policies that we
renter's policy and two auto policies. Last Straw Call -- "I said librari- wanted.
It had felt like a major accomplish- an, not lesbian. Well, we are lesbians AAA was next on the list. The
ment. So, for the present search, our but. What? Levin? No, I didn‘t say receptionist transferred my call to
goal was to replace the homeowner‘s levin, I said lesbian, which has noth- somebody named Karen in insur-
policy and also get one auto policy ing to do with lightning. What? You ance. i told the agent that my partner
for both of our cars. That didn't seem will have to call me back about my and I wanted homeowners insurance
like too much of a request. claim? I don't have a claim!" and auto insurance. She asked if we
i got pens and paper and a cup After hours of talking on the tele- had a domestic relationship. i wasn't
of tea, and took my seat beside the phone, I had managed to get two about to explain who we were again,
phone. Surely some new attitudes reasonable quotes and neither so I asked her to explain what she
were in town and the hunt wouldn't included a joint auto insurance poli- meant by a domestic relationship.
be as bad as it had been the last cy. Kat reassured me that we had to She said that Travelers lndemnity
time. The whole process was ootno have insurance and the search was a Company recognizes domestic rela—
to be over in no time at all, or so I had small price to pay for finding the right tionships the same as married cou-
hoped. insurance company, and I needed to pies, which means that we could
First Call __ "No, there is not a pace myself. have one auto insurance policy. Plus,
man. Reinette is a woman's name Pace myself? She had to be kid- we could get a discount if one of us
and stop calling me Mr. Jones. Yes, ding! I could have dropped the phone was a member of AAA.
Kathy is a woman also. No, there is book on the floor and let some pages There had to be a catch, or else
not a man. Reinette is a woman's flop open,then called everybody with the smoking popcorn genie had
name and stop calling me Mr. Jones. an 'e' in their name, and still we granted me one wish. I had been
Yes, Kathy is a woman also." would have had only two insurance calling insurance companies all
The Understanding Call __ “It is quotes. But rather than damage the morning and not one of them had
good to know that your company is phone book, l opted to fix some even mentioned the word domestic. l
‘ microwave popcorn and work on my ..continued on page 11
GLSO Page 10

 jotted down the coverage and price Much like a Log Cabin Family. I couldn't believe it, I was
information and thanked Karen for Republican, I live in a constant state furious. She acted like she didn't
her time it what she had said was of turmoil. The rational and I might know what she had done, but by the
true, then Kat and l could save about add Lesbian side of me knows that time I found the station again it was
$200 per year on our auto insurance, these people are all hate mongers over and I think she was pleased.
The next day Kat and I went to and that by listening to them I lend I'm worried about the election in
talk to Karen in person. Yes, we credence to their causes but the November, what will I do if Georgie
could still insure both of our cars on addiction is just to strong. I try to Jr. gets into the White House? The
one policy and the cars did not have avoid it but there is just too much of it rhetoric will take over my life, all of
to be titled under one name. That floating around out there. our lives. Every radio station, night-
was it, we made the change. Yesterday I decided to watch a ly newscast and newspaper will be
There may be other insurance good, reaffirming movie like, If These spreading the right's rhetoric each .
companies that recognize domestic Walls Could Talk 2 (there is nothing and everyday for the next four years!
relationships, and if you know of one, like seeing Sharon Stone half clothed My friends I come to you today
please share that information with to remind you why the Right is to beg you to help me. There are no
others. For more information about wrong), but it didn‘t work. As soon as patches I can put on, no 12-step pro-
auto insurance through AAA, give the TV came on I was entranced by grams or rehab facilities that l can go
Karen Stucker-Leising or one of the God's QVC channel, The 700 Club. to. The only way l can stop is to elim-
other agents at call at (859) 219- Here is a host wearing too much inate the temptations.
3333. rouge, selling miraculous products We must push for strict laws pro-
...Intercultural Lesbians! and asking for a lot of money, and l hibiting the sale of Guideposts maga-
just can't push play on the VCR. zine to minors. We must help those
'—————'—— He's talking about the Gay Agenda brave souls who started the Stop Dr.
PHETOP'C 2000 and ljust gotta hear it. Laura clubs and sell more bumper
By L0” Shepherd By the time he gets done I actu- stickers that read: I think therefore l
ally believe that there is a troupe of don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. But
They say that the Wet step in leather clad homosexuals out there most of all we must register and vote
healing t3 to admit that YOU have a organizing for a gay uprising, and all Liberal in the November election.
problem SO here goes; Hi my name the straight youth of America will be I believe there is hope for my
t3 L0“ and I am addicted to conserv- sucked in and "turned" gay. The addiction and together we can... oh
ative rhetoric. thing is, I want to join. There are so shit, is it 3:30 already....gotta go. Pat
It may sound crazy hUt t crave few times you get to wear leather you Robertson is interviewing the guy
the voice 0t RUSh Limbaugh. t actu— know. who was kicked off Survivor for read-
atty have the AM stations preset for I can feel my addiction starting to ing the Bible.
the Oh my car radio. And perhaps the affect my personal life as well. It was
Sfrigfifrju’ I have Started “Stemng to dunng the Rep.”b“°an. Nat'ona' Unitarian Universalist Church
- - Convention. I waited until Leea fell . , , _
Everything about them makes asleep so that I could sneak back to Annual Garage Sale
me StCk, bUt t just-can't seem to help the living room and watch the con- 3564 Clays Mi” Rd.
myself. When I fITSt started I WOUId ventlon on C-Span_ i knew i had to ‘
tell people that it was important to wait until she was sleeping because Sat. Sept 2 8 f0 4
"know your enemy." she almost had a spasm when i had nd 3‘ a be on
NOW t hOt only knew them I get her watch a Reform Party speech by a ,- 9 -
their newsletterslt has gotten so bad Pat Buchanan with me. SIM Se,” 3 '2 to 2 ,
that I have stopped wondering why The other day on our way to '
the callers on Dr. Laura‘s show Louisville, Leea was scanning the “WW" “t ”m“ “Mt”:
announce that they are their "babies stations on the radio and went right books, linens, appliances, TV:
momma." past James Dobson's Focus on the ’ ‘ ' - l ‘ '
GLSO Page 11

 Humanitarium Movies achievements featuring interviews place and eliminate racism inside
with Alice Walker, June Jordan and unions. The NNLC came under pres-
in September, as part of the Angela Davis. These three contem- sure from the House Un-American
Roots and Heritage Festival, The poraries reassess how women such Activities Committee and was even-
Humanitarium will be showing films as Fannie Lou Hamer