xt7t7659dt97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659dt97/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1947-12-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1947 1947 1947-12-05 2013 true xt7t7659dt97 section xt7t7659dt97 The Kentucky Kernel

Meet The Team!
9:53 A.M. Sunday,

Southern Station

Cloudy And Mild,
Occasional Rain,
High Of 50




Court Of Appeals Cancels
UK Faculty Salary Limit

Pre-Classifyi- ng

Plan Dropped


"This is the greatest news I
have heard concerning (lie Uni- - I trust

Pharmacy Students'

ersity since

Only Exception





Classification will be done at the
time of registration opening the
winter quarter.
A complete alphabetical schedule
of registration and classification will
be available from the registrar in
time for publication in the next issue of the Kernel.
Pharmacy students and only pharmacy students will be able to
for next quarter's classes before the end of this quarter. A
meeting for this purpose is scheduled for 8 o'clock Saturday morning in Kastle Hall.


at registration in January.



Campus To Observe
Religious Emphasis
Week Jan. 0


- nr.- H. I.. Donovan greeted the opin- - versity should serve the sfate.
.,, "This decision should have a stim- .r
..t a,.-.lilntinff pfTpot nn those, beeinninz
Frankfort last week by which the teaching careers as well as those in
S.V000 salarv limitation urovi- - toP brackets," he concluded.
Coart's Opinion Given
sion of the Constitution was lib
The court's opinion was given in
eralized. By reason of the de-- ease in which the University sought
cision the University will, when to pay Dr. Louis A. Pardue, a profes- sor of physics, more than $3,000.
funds are available, be able to
The opinion referred to other
employ professors at salaries court decisions which had defined a
public officer as one excerising any
greater than Sa.000.
sovereign power, and pointed out
Only Officers
that the board of trustees or regents
In the Court's opinion it was held of a schools excerise the soverign that the constitutional salary limit Pwer and not tne Presidents or emapplies only to "officers of the state, pioyeea m me uiMituuuiia.
AppUed In '42
counties, and municipalities." TechIn 1942 the court had declared the
nicians and specialists, it was held,
could be hired at salaries greater constitutional or statutory enact- aries applied to university employees,
than $5,000.
Since that time more than 430
In hailing the court's decision
members of the faculty and staff
President Donovan declared:
This decision is important to the here have resigned, most of them to
University because now our faculty accept higher paying positions else- where. Dr. Donovan pointed out
and staff will not disintegrate.
"We shall be able to hold our dls- - recently.
professors ana" attract
"The court has nothing to do with
new talent to our University.
the wisdom or expediency of any
"With this obstacle out of the way constitutional or statutory enact- -

After hearing the moans and
groans of last week's would-b- e
basketball spectators, the Kernel
has asked Harry G. Dickerson,
ticket office manager, to explain
the attendance system for the
benefit of a few thousand bewildered students.
According to Mr. Dickerson,
system is
still in use this season, but the
numbers on the individual tickets should be consulted instead
of that on the book cover.
Number for remaining games
in this quarter are Tulsa, Dec.
5. No. 12: Tulsa, Dec. 6, No. 11;
and Xavier, Dec. 17, No. 14 (or
sequence even, odd, even.)
New ticket books will be issued

policy students were able to enroll
In classes for the following quarter
before a quarter ended.
The system has been abolished because printed schedule books for the
next quarter will not be available
before the present quarter ends Dec.



president in 1941."
U'i.h ihpp word

This Should Solve
Mix-U- p
Of Tickets

There will be no pretlassifica-tiolot the Winter Quarter,
1'imersiiv officials announced
Under the pieilassidtaiion



Governor Clements and the.
General Assembly will provide for
tne university so that this institu- tion may march forward educating
tne ifted ,,yuth and wrvinsr the




ment," the majority opinion said
adding, "he basic rule
is to in- adding, "the basic rule
U to in- terpret a constitutional provision ac- cording to what was said and not


Wildcats Face Wildcats
In Bowl Tilt Tomorrow
Great Lakes Game
To Mark First UK


,lr.h ha
Hann colrf- lng to what was included and not
what might have been incuded."
Professors Not Succeeded
The opinion added "our conclusion
is that Section 246 of the constitution
is to be construed and applied as
written and it does not include a
professor of the University.'
The opinion was written by one
of the court commissioners and ap- proved by a 2 margin,
The dissenting justices said the
majority opinion was the same as if
the constitution had specified that
no man receive more than $5,000 and
the court had given a decision that
women could be paid more than


Kentucky's Wildcats arrived in
Cleveland this morning for their
scrap with the Villanova Wildcats in the inaugural Great Lata
Bowl tomorrow afternoon. A
near capacity crowd
is expecwould be 83,000 fans
ted to be on hand to witness the
Cat light sjxnsored by the
Knights of Columbus.
With their regular season record
of seven wlna and three losses
in the books for two weeks,
the Kentuckians will be participating
In their first bowl contest in the



Majority For It
They went on to say that the
majority opinion had given excellent
reasons why public officials and
employees of the state should be paid
more than $5000 annually, but ais- agreed that the constitution could
be interpreted to uphold this view,
The court ruling will have no im- mediate affect on salaries which are
governed by the appropriations made
by the General Assembly two years







Nelle Payne, Delta Delta Delta, wan chosen Bowl Queen by the
football team to reign for Kentucky at the Great Lakes Bowl game
at Cleveland Saturday. '

school's long football history.
The teams accepted bids to play
in the Cleveland event early in November with three games remaining on each schedule. Since then
Villanova has rounded out a
count for its season by dropping
all three opponents, while the less
fortunate Mountain Wildcats won
only two of their battles.
Kkkir Good
Since their 0 shading at the
hands of Boston College. Villanova


11 Students Named

Staff Changes
By Trustees

VA To Make Monthly
has beaten Marquette
squeezed Georgetown U.
Develops Scientific
$62,000 conThe awarding of
Vets Who
Each of the
San Francisco
Lexington construction Employment Service
tract to
can be contributed
last two victories
Keugious Empnasis week seven-:firTo Get Checks
for erection. of 18 additional
to the excellent booting from place,
day traditional observance of cam- - famlly dwelUn
Taking some of the guesswork out
Shawnee-o- f
ment of Joe Siano. who also pushed
unlts m
pus religious activities and the value
Veterans who have failed to reof the business procedures of emagainst DeVillanova ahead 14-religion, will be held on the Uni- - town. housing project for married ployment, placement and promotion
Eleven current and former atu- payments for
ceive their subsistence
troit U. with some perfect kicking.
versity of Kentucky campus Janu- - student veterans and faculty mem-r- y is the concern of a public service dents have been named to memthe month of November will report Appointments,
However, in the kicking departresignations and
bership in Phi Beta Kappa, national
Bart N. Peak, executive
was apprCved by the executive now being developed by the Univerto room 204, at the Administration other staff changes were approved ment, Kentucky is not behind the
secretary of the YMCA announced. I
scholastic honorary society, by a
building before noon Monday and November 21 by the Executive Com- field. Quarterback George Blandii's
The annual program, originated committee of the University of
Known to industrialists and busi- committee of facultty members, it
Capt. Carl S. Corbin, commanding
15 years bgo under ite present j tucky Board of Trustees meeting ness men throughout
and mittee of the University of Ken- foot has punted the Cats out the
the state as was announced by Dr. Paul O. officer of Pershing Rifles' Company leave their names,
numerous times during
title md known as "Evangelistic recently.
the Industrial Psychological Service, Ritcher, secretary of the organiza- C- -l on the University campus, an- the Public Law under which they tucky Board of Trustees. They were trouble and fans haven't forgotten
as follows:
Camp for many years before that.
Funds for the completion of the the scientific selection method is tion. Graduates Also Chosen ; , nounces 15 men are going through are in training, a telegram will be College of Arts and Sciences Ap- that all-bextra point which de
is under toe sponsorship of the
mad available to both public and
active pledging this week and are forwarded to the VA Regional Offeated an inspired Michigan State,
Young Men's and Young Women's 10 buildings, which will be parti- private organizations by the DepartinStudents honored by invitation to to be initiated soon. They may be fice at Louisville in an effort to pointments: Thomas C. Finnie, asChristian Associations and the Inter-fait- h tioned into apartment unite to house ment of Psychology. It is carried membership are: Mrs. Bettye Wool-uand
easily identified during the week as determine the cause of delay, ac- structor in mathematics
Villanova's other two wins were at
Council, composed of local a total of 18 families, have been out by means of various forms of
Ogden, who graduated last they are wearing military uniforms. cording to Maurice Jackson, V.A. tronomy for 2la months; Marvin S. the expense of Kings Point. 60-MudT.i rlisious organizations and
Cohen, part-tim- e
instructor in
granted the University by the Fed- industrial testing, personnel surveys,' August; John Reckzeh, who received with epaulets of manila rope simi- training officer.
church groups. For the second conmonths; Kate Ir- and Holy Cross, 13--6. The Pennsylphysics for
selection devices and, advice on mis- the master's degree in mathematics
lar to the PRs' blue and white cords, This procedure will be followed vine, part-tim- e 2li instructor in library vania Wildcats fell back before the
secutive fear, the Federal Council eral Housing Authority, it was ex- cellaneous personnel problems.
in 1939
teaching at
in addipowerful Army squad 13-during the first week of each month science for three months.
of Churches will be cooperating in plained by Comptroller Frank D. I Dr. P. L. Mellenbruch, associate Jersey and is currentlyCollege, Jer- and white cotton gloves.
The pledges are R. A. Beck, F. A. according to correspondence
rethe week.
professor of psychology in charge of sey City, N. Teachers
RatliU, tion to the 0 setback handed them
J.;, Floye Mullinaux, Bryson, C. F.' Buechele, J. H. Locke, ceived from Veterans Administraby Boston College. Following the
Outstanding religious leaders !
service, points out me neea ior Harold E. Pace. Mrs. Barbara Den- R. Precht, T. E. Prewitt, R. F. Smith,
associate professor of psychology,
economy move uie
In a nation-wid- e
tion Branch Office in Columbus, Mr. and William C. McQuown, assistant Army tussle. Miami U. held the batimprovement in the method of emr
and lay s'jeakers are scheduled to
last winter, the FPHA stopped work ployment with the illustration that nis Mackay, Judy Keen Johnson, C. C. Spears, H. G. Tharp, F. G. Jackson said.
tered Cats to a 7 tie.
talk to students during the week.
professor of geology.
Hubbard Smith,
Daily seminars are planned to em- on all buildings in the Shawneetown "business establishments and indus- Owen L. Brown, Jerome Eastham, Thompson. T. O. Townes, C. F. Tul
Physical Condition Bad
First Checkup
College of Agriculture and Home
Alice Jane Street, ly, J. W. Tully, C. C. Waehman, and
phasize the applications of religion projejet which were not better than tries spend considerable time studyCoach Paul "Bear- - Bryant, while
The plan is the first
J. E. Price.
80 percent complete. The present ing a product, such as a $10,000 and Wendell Kingsolver.
everyto the variety of activities in
pus checruTJ of subsistence pay Daniel, field agent in farm manage- fairly well pleased with the way the
alllocation of funds for completion machine, before purchasing it, but
day life.
ments. Veterans Administration of ment; Paul Hanna, field agent in Kentuckians wound-u- p
the wrk's
A committoe of 100 student leaders of the original contract to build hiring a mar. for a certain position,
ficials said. Representatives will be dairying.
practice yesterday before catching
and interested faculty members lias 180 temporary unite has been made where a mistake may cost many
every school and college
sent to
train, couldn't help
Resignations: William Troxell, the north-boun- d
been appointed by the sponsoring possible by a deficiency appropria-- J times more than $10,000 over
In Kentucky during the first week field assistant. Agronomy Depart- but bemoan the poor physical condigroups to plan the Religious em- tion from Congress, Mr. Peterson period of years, they spend only the
Fall quarter examinations will be conducted Monday through
of the 1947-4- 8 school ment, Experiment Station.
of each month
tion of his squad. Two of the mentime to briefly interview the appliphasis Week. Dr. Anna Odor, assis- said.
Wednesday. Dec.
according to a schedule released from the
backs are
College of Law Change of Occu tor's regular
pro- cant."
Work on th Shawneetown
tant professor in the German departregistrar's office.
pation: W. Lewis Roberts, professor still on tho ailing list.
ment, is serving as general chairman ject, which already houses 162 The Industrial Psychological Ser
Law College examinations will begin Thursday, Dec. 11 and end
Don "Dopey" Phelps, one of the
of law, placed on a change of occu
and vice chairmen include Dr. families, has already begun and is vice has proved that the use of sci
Tuesday, Dec. 16.
'Colonel To
Dation basis, effective July 1, 1947. Souths fastest stepping backs, is
Se?y. dean of the Universcheduled to be completed by about entific personnel selection methods
The general schedule follows:
still nursing an injured shoulder
AppointCollege of Commerce
can reduce the employee turnover
sity; Russell Conrad, president of
ment: Mrs. Mary Borden, research from the Wildcats' feud with the
the YMCA; Rosemary Dummitt, . E. B. Farris, chief engineer of the by 25 to 30 percent or more and
basis), Bureau Mountaineers from West Virginia.
save many thousands of dollars from
president of YWCA; and Murray Division of Maintenance and
The "Colonel," Kentucky's wild assistant (temporary
8 a.m. First hour classes beginning Monday or Wednesday.
While Jack "Bobo" Farris who often
of Business Research.
president of Inter-fait- h
ations said, "The standard of con- - being wasted in an attempt to train
bascat mascot, will make his first
10 ajn. First hour classes beginning Tuesday or Thursday.
Appoint- - lines up opposite the Danville sophoCouncil.
struction will be equal to or bet employees unsuited to their Jobs, he
tonight. University Library
ketball game appearance
1 p.m.
Second hour classes beginning Monday or Wednesday.
Hornsby, more at right half to form a double
Mrs. Margery
ter than the present construction." declared.
y mente:
according to Billy Mac Rhoads,
combination, is
3 p.m. Second hour classes beginning Tuesday or Thursday.
arears worker on gift collections threat
He said the buildings will be inMuch of the guesswork about the
5 p.m. Eighth hour classes.
(special emergency position), and being hampered by an extremely
applicant for a
Five Weeks Remain sulated siding.will be covered with as- suitability type an work is eliminated
of the animal at Mrs. Mary Dooley, assistant in ar troublesome charlie-hors- e.
7 pjn. Night classes.
Both boys
previous basketball games was attri chives work ( half-tim- e
to expedite are listed as doubtful starters.
President H. L. Donovan also re- by means of one or more of four
To Renew
buted to the fact that "there's no work on the Wilson collection.
Moaeiey Captain
ported that progress being made on general types of teste offered by the
8 a.m. Third hour classes beginning Monday or Wednesday.
place to put him on the floor,"
Senior fullback, BUI Moseley. was
Office of the Dean of Wome-nwas service intelligence, personality inVeterans Administration officials the new anditorium-fieldhou10 a.m. Third hour classes beginning Tuesday or Thursday.
Rhoads said.
Mrs. Jewell Sloan, elected captain of the Blue and
Thursday reminded student veterans unsatisfactory from the point of ventory, area aptitude and teste of
1 p.m. Fourth hour classes beginning Monday or Wednesday.
(Continued an Pago Two)
After being brought to the gym housing secretary, named assistant
that less than five weeks remain in view of the Board of Trustees, and skills and special knowledge. Each
3 p.m. Fourth hour classes beginning Tuesday or Thursday.
nasium tonicht. the mascot will be to the Dean of Women, replacing
wiiich National Service Life Insur- Grayson Jones of the Jones Con- type of employment has what the
5 p.m. Ninth and tenth hour classes.
put aboard the SuKy special train Margaret Bruce Cruise, transferred Six-Ma- n
ance policies which have lapsed may struction Company, contractor for psychologists refer to as an "optiCommittee
7 p.m. Night classes.
for an appearance at the Great to the Personnel Office.
be reinstated without a physical ex- preliminary work on the structure, mum intelligence range," the limits
University Health Service
Lakes Bowl game at Cleveland.
mas called in for an explanation. of intelligence needed to perform a
On Campus To
Kb well, determined by
The wildcat will appear at basket pointments: Dr. William O. Pres.
8 a.m. Fifth hour classes.
After the deadline date of Decem- Excellent progress is being made Dr. certain employees who are already
position, and Mrs.
the new Fine Arts building,
ball games next quarter, Rhoads ton, part-tim- e
10 a.m. Sixth hour classes beginning' Monday or Wednesday.
ber 31, policies which have lapsed Donovan declared,
Maxine Knox, laboratory technician.
doing the work well.
1 p.m. Sixth hour classes beginning Tuesday or Thursday.
more than three months cannot be
accrediting commit tea
3 pjn. Seventh hour classes.
reinstated without the veteran provrepresenting the American Couning his insurability by a complete
Law College
cil on Education for Journalism is
physical examination.
on campus today and tomorrow inThe Law College examination schedule is Thursday morning.
present time, and until the
At the
specting the Department of JourCriminal Procedure and Sales; Friday morning, Taxation and Legal
year, a veteran may reinnalism, the Kernel, and other deend of the
Bibliography; Saturday morning. Contracts and Evidences; Saturday
state term insurance in most cases
partmental facilities.
afternoon. Trusts; Monday morning. Torts, Property 3, and Creditor's
simply by signing a statement that
The Journalism department, acRights, and Tuesday morning. Equity and Property 2.
By Ford Waller
of the University
his health is as good as it was at the
gests granting credit to create an in- credited since 1931. is one of 34 acphysiPotter Plan of individualized
credited schools and departmen'3
time of the lapse Then, by payment Whether from receipt of a parking holding parking permits do not"re- cal education of students to pro- centive for students to take physical in the country. Results of the curof two monthly premiums, his insur- ticket cr absence of a parking place turn, their spaces will be given otner
practice of education. "The program inaug- rent inspection will not be maue
vide for a return to the
Of Greens
yearly queries arise regarding the persons.
ance can be reinstated.
granting academic credit for urated by Mr. Potter and his staff known for approximately six
University parking system, and how
training was sound and we propose to conIr. physical
it functions.
proposed by the Student tinue this same intelligent approach months.
Members of the committee, no- "Hanging of the The Kentucky Engineer has in has been
The traditional
to our problem but the system of
Careless students caught circum- ROA
Government Association.
inspection tour of
Greens ceremony, held annually in augurated a system of prizes
not granting credit practically nulli- on a nation-wid- e
conventing campus
40 institutions, are
SGA President Claude Sprowla
connection with the decoration of best student articles publishedfor the
stantly consider themselves amply To Be
each said the student governing body is fied this progressive step," Sprowls Dr. Earl English, University of MisAppointed to Head
the Union for Christmas, will be year. All students in engineering
awarded when they receive a parking
recommending restoration of credit
p.m. Tuesday
Wilbur Schramm,
A dance for all reserve officers, adpresented
cni- souri; Dr. Illinois; Nat How.iwf, Uniticket. However, it should be conCommittee soling to know that the money col- vanced ROTC students and former Great Hallatof5 the building. in the are eligible-exce- staff. members of the for physical education because en- t :. rcL""""u" i ;
. k- versity of
itor of
Carol singing,
the Christmas In judging articles, those written (nvtiffatinn whirh showed that - PP
cadets will be held in the Bluegrass
following bp.sis: Giving only a pass- Wallace, the Cleveland Newt:
Prof. Victor R. Portmann of the lected from fines some $3000 last room fo the Student Union building story with a response of four naeditor ot the toiilsviile
rollment and attendance at the
Department of Journalism has been year is turned over to the Student Saturday from 9 to 12, John Hlckey, tions, and harp and marimba music by lowerclassmen .will be Judged classes was "falling off alarmingly." ing or failing grade to avoid affect- Times; GUmore Nunn, represwnriiv
named by the Newspaper Associa- Loan Fund for needy students, A. D. Reserve Officer Association chapter by Bobby and Bunny Boone, are to separately from those of juniors and It was found that too many stu- ing the student's lf University aver- the Council on
seniors. Factors in consideration of
age; offering one-haof a credit
tion Managers to head a research Kirwin, dean of men, said.
be featured. The "Story of the articles are make up, content, il dents wanted to postpone and to for passing each of four goals now and R. E. Scofleld, represenUJg tho
president announced today.
committee of that organization to
He said there are 500 campus parkphysical education priavoid taking
The dance will be formal with uni- Mistletoe" will be given by Florence lustration and originality- individual recreational Newspaper Advertising Exicutivea
no in effect
i work with schools of journalism and ing spaces to be shared by some 2000 form preferred. Tickets may be se- Ward. Ellen Wood, SUB president,
by a marily because they received
Winners will be
sport and one outdoor individual Association.
Vrther organizations in conducting student
and the faculty. cured from campus representatives will deliver the invocation, and Rus- faculty committee determined
and the editors credit for it," he explained.
recreational sport; and requiring
research and surveys on matters ot The present parking plan, allocates of the ROA chapter, or at the door of sell Conrad, YMCA president, will of
the mngazlne, and awards will
With the inauguration of a plan a total of two credits for graduation.
interest to newspaper publishers.
over half the available spaces to the Bluegrass room, Hickey said.
give the benediction.
be presented before May 15 of each devised by M. E. Potter, former
Dr. Don Cash Seaton, head of
The Newspaper Association Man- members of the faculty, some 50
Members of the YMCA and school year. The prizes are as fol
Bill Cross' band will furnish the
of the Department of Physical the Department of Physical Educa- To Be Discussed
agers organization is composed of spaces to physically handicapped
YWCA cabinets and Student Union lows: first prize $30, second prize head
Education, the giving of one credit tion, commented that he would welstate press association secretaries students, and the remaining 150 music.
Board members will take part in $20. and third prize $10.
per quarter of enrollment was come a return to the practice of
All men interested In taking flight
and field managers and met recently spaces to commuters.
the program.
Students Interested should see dropped in favor of a practice re- granting credit for physical training training courses in January should
in Chicago where Prof. Portmann
Dean Kirwin pointed out that de- BSU To Sponsor
Ingram, Engineer editor, or quiring the students to take only work. The "Potter Plan" was a report to room 205 in the EngineerBob
was chosen head of the newly or- spite
the limited parking space the
Walter Aton.
enough physical education to pass a progressive one. but without ideal ing Quadrangle at .00 p.m. Tuesday,
ganized committee.
commuters were doing the Lexington
physical fitness standard. The stan- facilities and sufficient according to Wt'Uam F. Savage, insProf. Portmann said the commitThe University of Kentucky and
dard is arrived at by a series of staff we cnnnot hope to keep the tructor.
Assotee will cooperate with the Weekly and the University a favor by living
A Christmas open house spon- the Commerce Employment
To Speak
at their homes out of town, instead sored by the Baptist Student Union ciation have accepted membership
pnysical capacity, neuro- - unsiriiipd students interested In con- At this meeting the course will be
Newspaper Bureau and the AmerPresident H. L. Donovan will ad tests of
ican Association of Schools of Jour- of moving to Lexington and complex will be held from 8 to 10 tonight at In the Association of School and dress members of the Committee of muscular achievementin and a know- - tinuin., nerfect attendance on a no- - outlined and discussed. For
complicating an already
recreational credit basis, he explained. We would
ledge of a skill
the cost fo the course is about
nalism and the Departments of
the student center on S. Limestone College Placement. The organiza- 240 at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon
pur- like to see credit given as credit is $485. Veterans
housing shortage.
for leisure-tim- e
who take the courses,
Street. The center will be officially tion's services will be a valuable ad- in Memorial Hall. The committee sports suitable of
all students in the given for military training and work (lasting for three quarters), will apsuits. Instead
limited parking permits issued opened at the reception.
A committee meeting is scheduled
dition to the placement facilities now is composed of students whose duty
University taking the same amount in other departments. There will proximately seven and a half montns
are good until the winter quarter
An informal program is planned available on the campus. Dr. L. H. it is to publicize the University in
in Philadelphia this month in conof training, each individual takes be no change otherwise in the pro- eligibility under the GI Bill. Th?
nection with the annual conven- ends, Dean Kirwin said at which for the evening and all students Carter, director of the Commerce their home counties.
needs to reach gram as it is now in effect.
time a post registration check-u- p
college groups.
course includes ground school work
are invited.
tions of the
Employment Association said. He
The University Public Relations only goal. amount he
Margaret Gordon and Elaine added this membership is the re- office urged ail committee members the
At the Chicago meeting, Prof. will be made to ascertain if former
Action on the SGA proposal is and sufficient flight instruction for
are back in school. Smith are In charge of arrange- - sult of the cooperative effort of the to be present to receive material The SGA proposal recommends ' expected at an early meeting of the a private pilot's liscense as issued by
Portmann was reelected as a direc- permit-owneIn the event those students formerly ments.
tor in the organization.
Sigma Chi Foundation.
no change in the program, but sug- - j University faculty.
that will be distributed.

To Phi Beta Kappa


Probe For

For Pershing










7-- 6.








15-1- 7,












Journalism Facilities


six-m- an

SGA Advocates Academic

Money From Parking Fines
Used For Needy Students

Credit, In Physical Training


Journalism Professor



Program Is Planned

Kentucky Engineer
Award Prizes




Radio-JourvalLs- tii.


Flight Training Plans

Christmas Program






Pajre Two

Cat Cagers Win Openers

Cat Clippings
by Tom Diskln


45-4- 0,

Kentuckians Finish

To Play Tulsa Twice



with three years experiBy Tom Dikin
the score read 20 to 2 after 6 minutes
Three UK
Tulsa; J. R. Boone, a rt - ........ students running hi
Ol.lK VncC
King Ralph Bead ruM over his cf play and the second team went
basket' ence with seven-inc- h
eager from
five-fobasketball cour' with a royal hand in. Wattier hit two pivut shots,
iall team will be after their thno
Springs. Okla.; and Jake Hal- Vmoivi the
last week, banging in 15 points dur-- u Campbell got a crip, Rhodes, former
md fourth victories of the ycui Sand t,
eight-inci?vl"e; NV" 27 were ,"l
student books win jeason when they meet Tulsa div- ter.
g 14 minutes against Indiana
and teammate of Beard at
speedy guard.
wmcn Jt
and 6 points in 6 minutes Ft. Male High, hit a jump shot and a be honored at tonight's game be ersity tonight and again Saturda,
tween Kentucky and Tulsa and venmg in Alumni gym. Tonlgi ;
UK Coach Adolph Rupp willtracted a starting field of 66.
.vnox. The Kentucky Wildcats de- foul.
books at tomorrow (fill be the visitor's first contcot ci proDaDiy nominate, as uie siarung
Then Parkinson stood behind Jorbated both teams by the identical
Dick GrifTth finished third. Norlineup. Guards Ralph Beard and
dan and hit a long. Campbell and night's game.
1947-4- 8
cage campaigr.
tonight's game with he
Ken Rollins. Center Alex Groza, man Moody fourth, and George
reigned last Saturday night Jordan hit crips and Parkinson set
The Tulsa Hurricane rtoopste.
Tulsa, nine more games remain on
with Cliff Barker and Joe Holland Kirchner tenth. The later usually
into way out and banged in another
Against Indiana Central,
specializes in the middle distances.
got control of the ball the home carl of Kentucky s 1947-4- 8 pave two tall centers who win De at the forward positions.
he game in the second ha! Just long
Johnny The leading scorers for the first
basketball agenda, eight of which out to stop Alex Groza.
Bob Dillinger. Indiana University
nough to shoot a long slioc to bring Rhodes took his eye off Parkinson are student games. The Western Clarke, a 6' 8" pivotman from
two games are Beard, with 26 points. freshman, finished first, and John
lis total to 17 Doinis for the en- - as he was crossing the center strip? Ontano gane on January 3rd will
Texas, is the tallest on the
and Alex Groza, who has a total Cline of Butler College. IndianAmerican guaro. nn
'.ounter. Parkinson .ook over the a"u l"e
be reserved for the faculty and rulsa team Clarke, however, is a i
apolis, was the runner-uhione in the Mondaj game with tanner i0ng. wattier ana ftnoaes staff, each of whom will receive two freshman and will operate behind of 24 markers. Last season, Groza
tossed in 393 tallies to nose out