xt7t7659dh00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659dh00/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2006 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 77, no. 1, Spring 2006 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 77, no. 1, Spring 2006 2006 2006 2012 true xt7t7659dh00 section xt7t7659dh00 1 0  
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’   A4 Spflltg 2006 • Volume 77 · Number I
 "  2 E   7***  
I    _    Mary D. Mjdkiff: It’s All About Horses
· L Q     When Mary D. Midkiff ’8l AS realized most equestrians were female
  ”" but ride with equipment designed for males, she set out
Lge -· ` · to help women level the playing field.
By Linda Perry .
I   On the Cover: _  
Mélly   ,81 AS, proponent OI'   Lifc’S Lessons: V 2 .  . - l`·2f
physical fitness forfemale equestrrans, . . · A T
“ shares a moment with her horse, Hasan Davns Shares With Yauth t_\ » 2_ [ '
A Pledge. Hasan Davis ’96 LAW connects with students around _ 4 ’ 
I Phgtgj Tom ghoooy tqhe country by entertaining them with lessons in living }  
T l rstory. ~ 5/ - 2
‘ I By Kelli Elam E   y
16 In the Wake of Katrina and Rita: UK Almnni,
Students, Faculty & Staff Bring Relief to Gulf Coast
In the face ofa monumen- _, y .,.,2  A T. _  - .2:; J _ ..  
tal natural disaster, people ` ` ‘ l (2 ”'*"
I tethered to UK and the      
Commonwealth played Y     " I
y D E P A R T M E N T S meaningful roles during ·   ‘i‘V i Wi'-! t
` ` ‘ ~ Raz U CT"
OPENING REMARKS 3 tha Stprm and m the m` . ` . -- *2;  l .
building process. E , · . ,,, · ,2 -
PRESIDENTIAL By Adam Sichko `.»-··i _ t `   [ii L . >_
I CONVERSATION 4   _ Lit 2 im ” '    
y RESEARCH 5 4@_$Ll@hXtra   E Q   Ye)
l UK BEAT 6 Mltead the journal kept by · . V I 3   E
. CLUB HOpp[NG 22 Capt. E. Dennis Bashaw ’86 PHA   _; 2 l g
I wrrtten durrng hrs two week   Q., · .! I
J COLLEGE VIEW 24 deployment to the Gulf Coast.
A CAREER CORNER 29     :·  E`. ·  
CLASS NOTES 32   -» — T S"  ;yii*r"”“  
M KERNEL GLEANINGS 43 , I 2  L.     A Come on in",
SPORTS 44 ·~ I »» -  ’  The BBSRB Marks Completion
BOOKMARK 47     . _   "   2 of Its Fil‘St Pl‘0lIliSiIlg Y€3l`
_ QUICK TAKES 48 .\% 44 "     ' The Biomedical Biological Sciences Research
E?. A   Building will be a year old in April and it`s already
l ‘ ~· ·  4 making a difference. It houses some of the Univer-
l sity of Kentucky’s leading researchers —— around
I 400 faculty, staff and students — whose work brings
UK millions of dollars in federal funding to UK.
Alumni Association
www.uli‘*L—. . .. Y.—‘. :  
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\WIIi¢1mlP0te"l’rictiricb '71 H B,  d B b B ’
l3im1ir1gbz1111,.»l/u.       3 y  
A 77€1iASlH?1El(
/*:111/u Pope 75 `75
t   This is the year the first of the Baby Boomer generation (people born from 1946 to 1964 according
$¢t2~·1€o· 72 to social researchers and marketing gurus) turns 60. What a party we could put together with Presi-
Lm·irz_r»rwr A . . A
_.;  dent George W. Bush and Sylvester Stallone, born on the same day, President Bill Clinton and while
Assucumuu STAFF A A A A . . A .
A 859-257~89U5 we’re naming presidents add President Lee T. Todd Jr.; also Naomi Judd, Cher, Liza M1nnellr,J1mmy
‘ ann-zsa-Aturvr . . .
t y ,,A,,A,,A_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,., Buffet, Connie Chung, Cheech Marin, Dolly Parton, Robert Mapplethorpe, Lonr Anderson and Sally
  l prmrsr-me Field. Now that would be a party!
S1m1I<~ '72 . . . . . . . A A .
  O Baby Boomers were the first to grow up with inventions like the microwave oven, the bikini, frt-
,1ssoc1Ar1; DIREC7`OI?/ A . . A ,
A mum 6 6 ted sheets, Tupperware,Velcro, permanent press fabrics, diet soda, the transistor radio, McDonald s.
A L}'D'h1l'l '8, '7 . . . .
A , I ° U al the Barbie doll, the Hula Hoop, the laser, Valium, and the internal pacemaker — many of which
A1 IA wt crvo m17o1e . A A A A A . .
Aj tr.A21A.1»alAj· 84 started rn a university lab. They had one TV rn their homes and 45 rpm records of Elvis; drrve—rn
i AI3;@777SI.\'G movies, Walt Disney, Tiny Tim and the Rolling Stones for entertainment. In varying degrees they
K J   HI . . .
. l ( I H have adapted to computers rn the home, cell phones for Just about every member of the family over
A Assocm ru nrrarzcrok .
_ I JUIJH 111..1;,1.11,1: as 12, CDs and DVDs, iPods, and are ready for whatever comes next.
A l Assoe1,trfp11e1;cro1A» They also wonder why our children seem to be so impatient and have short attention spans in a
` Winn S[(11Jl}IIS 98 . .
t T world where we have created on demand TV, ATMs, do-rt-yourself broker accounts. drive-through
s AFF A A . . .
BA·A-.Aa.A11.A1AA (not drive-rn) restaurants, the 10—m1nute recess at school and my favorite, the World Wide Web. Talk
A G··/lv B ·¤·Y)3 . .
* &ilicIi1;£11;?;i;lll HbOUt day trlpplngl
A ’m1c1· 1:2 . . . . . .
;A-mazA1¤,A1;,- I hope one of your regular stops rs the UK Alumni Association Web site at www.ukalumn1.net.
12 · II·/ . . A . . A A A
‘ ;1llgilA11.$1Ylr· as Starting with this issue of Kentucky Alumni magazine, we are going to include at least one Web
_I S. arllr Y · . . . . ,
lzttzllrtl/rlfiifgzrr Xtra. Read the journal kept by Public Health Service Capt. E. Dennis Bashaw. an 86
I) 7* *57 uso . .
stlllrlihaitllftrtyl UK pharmacy grad who was tasked with conducting a damage survey of the pharma- rh Xtra
jo inn Sulvr . . . . . ; _ ‘
_ Prin: rrnrrzw 196 cies rn New Orleans. We salute all of the people rn our Katrrna recovery story begin-
*1 I’· ·: \\7/ ‘!» . .
ky Hmm Jl L ning on page 16 and all of the many UK faculty, staff, students and alumni who have responded to
1 {ll ,`2ZQ;Zc1,§gTQ,,,,,,,,,(m\. that horrific hurricane season in so many ways and continue to offer assistance to those in the area
; Zi!-g2.?/}Its {;lI[I;lXllUll I,   SO hard
![Il!lI'(’I'_)' {V ATL' -,llfl’(’I'SI_]’ '
l Z§§$,Zl’$$lf1lZ}ZlQl,,,,_ We are making plans to build more community through new ways to connect and new content so
 It Qjifflfg’f)},C§{,,Qf§,f""’*" do visit us online to see what develops. I welcome your feedback about the Web site and ideas for
‘   [C?.-ill?$lfr'l,l;llll} (V making rt more interesting, fun and useful to you.
 _ '   '   _{~·» ·h)·r _ . , . <.
,,§,}'§$"{§§ff,,‘,},§§{fj,§§,,§,ff,, And, here are three more things we d like your input on for future
V my/2rc.~;1e1.As.s o.x1.r. .
i§i$3;?5zAAii?’tli$$’i;§ A.AAA.A A magazine Wticvntes a'“‘““‘ °¥“ Of the bhlci and A A .
1i&1111»Atm-t}1_111.»11r·»· Letters rg me Editor • "The Thrill of Learnrng"— describe a "lrght bulb moment at UK
40506-Ol IQ. 7l’IU_/1bU7I(’.‘ ·_ · _ _· - “ ,. _ · · _ ·
asv-2s7AA·rA·snv. front ITS F€fld€'5 Shilling when y0u satd ah·hah Ol yOL1T SplfllS SO2l1‘€d Ol y0u began H lll}?
1··   Aw-_sz_·-106,;. ·. · . - · A . .
1A$Z.1r1AAZtAAtZ.AA@AAt;,·AA»AtAA me" “l“‘“ (md 0!?""""’ long love affair with wlrat’s become your career or a favorite
WP/tr Il`Il`Il'.HkIl]lII?llIf.IIL’I [1bO1{f [[1Q ]71[lg[I[_ll1(Zl§` interest
1¤ ·1 1·~ - ·1‘   “ .
,AlZLAZ£llLlT5'£AlZlT'A'..ZllSA._Q content. Letters . _ . . . . . I .
1.A1AAA1»1AA11.1-.1.4.1..-rr..1,...... mus, be Signed Write to me at Al I NA Lrz. UK Alumni Association. King A umm
Z>%{§_;}g1¤m@r·n1ui/Aulqrncrlu   I 9;
Fax t0 859-323-I 063,
.\Ior11/zur 11/`/lm Cbmzcil Oy gqnajf
j?u·Ad1*¢n1ct·r11r·11I and
Srrpporr iyvlftlllfll/1.0H l(K[I[ll}77 @ll](y. Gllll

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I     . -   Road Map to Destiny
l jg   rf
i •'° _  _ y —     I had a hunch that the University of Kentucky was onto something big when we sat down
1 ,..· , V {  to develop our Top 20 Business Plan. Seeing the buzz our plan has created, that hunch has
gi   been confirmed.
W t,   A lot of universities talk about becoming a premier academic institution, but very few
"   have attempted to build a long-term, financial framework for achieving excellence. UK’s
Top 20 Business Plan has done that- and higher education is starting to take notice.
National media outlets have shown interest in what we are doing here in Lexington.
insidehighered.com was among the first outside Kentucky to write about the plan when it
was approved by the UK Board of Trustees last December. Now its editors are working on
a follow—up. r
In March a reporter from The Chronicle of Higher Education spent a couple of days on ;
campus to do a story about the Top 20 Business Plan. I have been interviewed by The Wall li
Street Journal, USA Today, and The New York 'Hmes, among others. 3
The business plan also has been received well in Frankfort. ,j
' Backed by 96 co-sponsors, the Kentucky House of Representatives overwhelmingly fl
l adopted a resolution in February supporting UK’s Top 20 Business Plan. State representa-
tives from both parties voiced their strong support for the plan, with many noting they ap-
I preciated its detail and thoughtfulness.
1 Throughout the legislative process, the business plan has allowed us to create a conver-
sation with legislators, as we work to fulfill the promise of 1997’s House Bill 1.
Most importantly, our Top 20 Business Plan has created energy on campus. Our stu-
i dents, faculty, and staff are united in the mission to transform this university into one of the
nation’s premier public research universities.
l hope you are energized by our Top 20 dreams as well because we will need your help.
lf we are to build the type of university this state so desperately needs, we will need the
support of our alumni and friends.
People are starting to pay attention; your university is on the move.
I encourage you to find out what all of this buzz is about at wwvv.uky.edu/top20.html.
You can also request a copy of the business plan by e—mailing ukalum@uky.edu.
Thank you for helping us build a stronger University of Kentucky.
President Lee T. Todd Jr. I
4 KraN‘r‘L¢c‘krAi.t;xmr

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  ' ‘ I In fact, the technique can improve the insulating
Q, VV A4 qualities of gate insulators so that their direct tunneling
Q" e current is reduced by 10,000 to 100,000 times. No effect
!. was found if rapid thermal processing was not directly
V    M t; l applied on the. gate insulators. I
-  I` ~·‘ " In order to improve computer chips’ performance,
_,;;j;· _  I transistors’ size and gate insulators have to be continu-
V V,   ously shrunk so that more components can be packed
·.   i*Vil * into a single chip. Computer chip producers were hitting
    Ve ` a wall in downscaling the transistors and gate insulators.
  i _ · This new technique will help the chip producers to de-
   ’ ¢}g' V velop more powerful chips with low—power consumption.
iii?    ‘ ‘ Ulcerative Colitis Thera
    Drug Stops Bleeding Out _ _ PV
"    ‘ Promises Relief
Volunteers at the Jack and Linda Gill Heart Institute at Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the
the University of Kentucky were the first to receive a colon, leading to abdominal pain and such frequent trips
new anti-clotting therapy. The drug and its antidote are to the bathroom that normal routines can be disrupted.
being developed for their effectiveness in preventing Finding the right treatment can be difficult, with thera-
blood clots while at the Same time pI`OVidiI1g pl'1ySiCiaIlS pies that may include steroids and anti-inflammatory
y the ability to rapidly IBVGYSC the effects ofthe blood drugs, or possibly surgery in as many as 25 to 40 percent
l thinner to help safeguard patients against uncontrolled of ulcerative eolitig patients,
bleeding. A romisin new thera ioneered b UK astroen-
More than 12 million patients are prescribed so—called terololgy speciziists may offgrlimproved lilies toiatients
“blood thinners” each year to prevent the formation of suffering from moderate to severe forms of the disease.
I clots, which can block blood vessels, causing heart at- A drug already used for other inflammatory diseases, in-
tacks, strokes and other debilitating or life-threatening cluding Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis, has received
conditions. Blood thinners, or antithrombotics, pose a FDA approval for treatment of ulcerative colitis after
risk of bleeding, particularly during surgery. The ability performing well in clinical trials. UK enrolled the largest
to stop the anti-clotting effects quickly could help pro- study group in North America as a primary investigator
tect patients from uncontrolled bleeding. of infliximab (brand name Remicade).
The Gill Heart Institute is one of two sites participat- The medication is administered intravenously. with an
ing in the Phase 1 trial and is the first site to use the anti- initial regimen of three doses of infliximab_ followed by
clotting drug and its antidote. maintenance infusions every eight weeks. Nearly 70 per-
This clinical trial eXaInineS the drng’S safety and toler- cent of patients receiving the drug experienced clinical
ability in healthy volunteers as well as the antidote’s response and remission early in the trial. and nearly all
ability to quickly reverse its effects. Although other new had significant results after one year of therapy.
antithrombotics are undergoing testing in the U.S., this For more information, contact the UK Division of Di-
drug is believed to be the first of its kind. gestive Diseases and Nutrition at 859-323-5575.
Powerful Chips Draw Less Power  
UK researchers have discovered a means of reducing
gate leakage current of transistors in computer chips
that will permit chip producers to continue developing
more efficient and powerful chips with reduced power
Zhi Chen, associate professor of electrical and com- _ _ _
puter engineering, found that applying rapid thermal Vlsll me Gill than
processing directly on gate insulators — used to control For more Insmum °nl'"° at .
current flow of transistors in computer chips — can dra— information about www'mc’uky'Edu/ghl
matically reduce the chips’ leakage current and corre- research taking Compiled from
spondingly the power consumption. place at UK, visit news reports about
www.research.uky.edu research at UK.
KENTUCKY Atuivini 5

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i Subbaswamy Four Win Fulbright Scholarships
i Selected 35 p|"Q\[Q$t Four UK professors have won Fulbright Scholarships to conduct studies in
; their areas of ex ertise in other countries. .
r Kumara R p ~
K Snbbnswnniy • Tad Mutersbaugh, associate professor, Department of Geography,
enrrentiy College of Arts and Sc1ences,1s conducting research on the impact ‘
· ~ of s ecialt and differentiated coffee market artici ation on U.S.-
dean ot the . P_ Y _ _ _ P P _
· College of ., Mexico migration at the University of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico,
Arts and   (   is  • John Edward Staller, a visiting assistant professor, Department of
Seienees at ‘ ·-  Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, will conduct research =
·   on the ori ins of monumental architecture in coastal Ecuador, and
Indiana   . g . . . . .
Univcrsity in     the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. r
BlOOmingtOns , ..   • Paul Vincelli, extension professor, Department of Plant Pathology, I
[nti__ Wiii ` ; College of Agriculture, who has already completed his Fulbright U _
nttieiniiv _ q Scholarship work, studied the development of regionally appropr1—  
bcgin wferk   .5* ate methods for reducing fungicide use on vegetable crops at the i
as UK·s A National Institute of Agricultural Research, Montevideo, Uruguay. i
nrnvest jniy inane UK etnnnus is • David Haynes Wise, a professor in the Department of Entomology, *
netning nc\v te Snbbnswnnn/_ For College of Agriculture, will lecture on generalist predators and the
nenrivjti Venrs_ ne was n tneiiity dynamics of terrestrial food webs at the University of Buenos Aires,
member. department chairperson in Bucncc Aims- Argentina-
physics and astronomy and adminis— __  _ ·
gator in the UK College of Arts and F   I ggi   Students gn campus i
CICHCCS. , if l A -  ,, “E ¤ ”
.. , · , r .     · —· T at Mor Chiken s
' [ liun xteiydexcited tlpzltt anf D  \   \,   A   s »_ l s t r
, *‘°"d°'“‘° ca EM G ca ‘ cr O. L ‘\_ at  ie t‘?* -i_ ·   · V Chick-fil-A , a popular franchise
$ebb§gS~v¤my has acccptcd this _ ‘ —·—·   * It restaurant whose mascot is a large
I otter, President ieee T, Todd J r. said.     White and binek COW Walking On two
i " The provost position is one of the ·-     regs and carrying 3 sign that reads
lnnsi "nPn"nnl nn nur C?nnPU$· ·i’`     "Eat Mor Chikin" has opened in the
I leading the academic efforts of the ‘=- Student Center Feed Court, Serving
Cnnln ln$lnnnnn·“_ l : Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.
Subbaswamy will serve as the , te 5 nin
university`s chief academic officer, Jeff DeMOss, direetnr Ot tend
cvcr$cc·¤s inc wcrk cf UKS ln services, said UK students’ number one choice for a new uick—service
. . · · - . . . . . q .
ccltcscs nn llbmnnn And tn€ grndw restaurant on campus was overwhelmingly Chick-f1l—A. Based in Atlanta,
nn? rchsot _ _ Chick—fil—A is the second—largest, quick-service chicken restaurant chain with
_ NAS n `Cn'nPl€l€` un_"’€Y$nY f n more than 1,225 restaurants in 38 states and Washington, D.C. It also
llnS$n¤P- lnn 1;.. A  ·      ‘?;·e ¢;€r.       A - i — A- .  s e? . \ V A   »-
  ·  nA A  -   ._.;      A, A  · ‘‘—>· ets     ·‘.  mz ~·V  V a A   ·>—.   l s V l V 
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+—-~ »   —A,·   "‘»»   ’‘e? th      __A__ __ __A__ , _____ AA.’Z·A:.%.f’ ~`    , __ _       _   ~ 21;;* A   _____
l UK Opens First ;e{·_   T`fi;iV,.;,A. _i\       A`,   Two Ranked Top 20
p   Surplus ·— ·-   l >;if’A ‘   _V "     LV The University of Kentucky’s
    ii sl l   ·~ V V,     l   'A Q   .   Clinical psychology pI`OgI‘3]]‘] and
· A   _ ·iA·e .  4/ F N    V~   the UK Patterson School of
lj UK’s first public surplus store  ~     —AAA».A ‘· ·b_•`i_ Diplomacy and Ihterhauehal
l hss merchandise of incredible  " V A, f ·‘’·‘     y .A r Cemmeree have heth eethed Tee
variety that is cleaned, shelved   ”     j   ig. " * f 20 rankings.
l esa prieea to sell at 771-Aw . Vt  ·A ’  he   ··‘A’   VA   yy A AA The UK ehhiee1i>eyehe1es>*
, Main St., at the intersection of `  __,_?*( _   ‘;   Q_ ‘¥  j, , VA program is 15th in the nation
{ Main Street and Newtown Pike,   M   \ VV     _» 'jf~·;Qg`. A V among public institutions and 26th
A near the seiverien Army. The ‘    ee?   A   e jg; emehg heth euhhe hud private
j store’s normal hours are 9 a.m. to V' _ , '    A   , Vl, · __ universities out of 157 American
l 4 p.m. every Friday or by ap- e V ‘ ‘ `i’‘ "" ‘ VVVV ’ i ” ‘ Psychological Association (APA)
’ pgintmene approved programs. The ranking
Typical items for sale are office and medical equipment, microscopes, bikes, WHS published in RGSHHFC/1 in
stoves, and refrigerators.The store’s merchandise comes from items the univer- D€v€]0pH1€11H1] DiSHbi]iff€S, H
A sity no longer needs. When an employee sends an item to UK Surplus, other psychology peer review journal. A
  employees are given the opportunity to claim the item for their department’s use. gf0up of f€S€HfCl1€1`S 3UllTOl`€Cl the
ln the past, items not claimed by others at UK were sold at auction or on e-Bay, study Bud 100ked Hf the publication
donated to nonprofit organizations, or discarded.This recently opened surplus fate aud number of Cil31iOHS faculty
  store adds another option and gives the community easy access to items UK no 31 GHCI1 il1Sliluli0u p1‘0du€€d.
l longer needs. The Patterson School is ranked
l . . 18th amon universities in the
i E-greetings for UK Patients used series Wn. ....se.As degree
  Patients at UK’s Chandler Medical Center have another way to connect with Pl`0gI`3mS ih lDl€m3ll$m3l l`€l8ll0n$
l friends and family during their stay: e-greetings. By logging onto the UK by the fuagazluc H"'€'8” P”]'<`.V· _
HealthCare Web site, well—wishers may send an e-mail to patients staying at the whleh IS Publlshffd bY lh? Carnegie
University of Kentucky Hospital, Markey Cancer Center or Kentucky Childrens Em-l0Wm€m fer Im€maU0¤?*l
HOSpital· Peace in Washington. D.C. UK is
Messages are printed out and delivered once a day, Monday through Friday, lh€_0HlY Pmgfam ih _lh€ $OUlh€m
by a UK HealthCare volunteer to the patient. Messages will not be delivered to Y€2%*O¤_l0 be OH the list-_Sllid€m$
patients who do not want to be listed in the patient directory or those who have mc lmmcd fm Careers lll lcdcml
been discharged. For more information, visit http://www.ukhealthcare.uky.edu. and Slam g0Y€Y¥]m€m$» ml€m¥l‘
tional organizations, nongovern-
_ _ _ _ _ mental organizations. and private
KY Soldiers in Iraq Talk with Families i¤e¤e¤·yA
Via telecommunications,"Freedom Calls from Rupp Arena" united nearly 50 Ken-
tucky soldiers serving in Iraq with more than 250 family members in Heritage Hall
during the University of Louisville vs. UK basketball game Dec. 17.The game was
projected into the event hall and each family watched the g