xt7t7659dg0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659dg0f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1952 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 23, 1952 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 23, 1952 1952 1952 2012 true xt7t7659dg0f section xt7t7659dg0f r’ I I
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  ‘   = I?    · I  I-    Cincinnati, discuss 'I 9 5 2
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      —   »      I     strategy.
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IOIume XXIII Ncvember, I952 Number 4 I
_ I .

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3 Cmcmnatn Club -——————————————- Model Manne Is   _
2  ° • •  
·, Defends University REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS Former Slilldiillt J;
l (Editor'.? note: The following lcftvr has been Cirlcifmaii Club m€€€$ UFS! Tl1¤l‘SdHy of €8¤h Iqhu B_ ]\’[()()r(3,   0[ I-leudcyy  
sent tn President H. L. Donovan, us nn cx- month, 12215 ¤.m. Hotel $1¤t0n _ * Q _  
pres-fun of cvnklcncc from fhc UK Alumni chicago Club meets third Monday of each 15 nhc model Marmc “'h°$€ l>1l1I1g_]¤’ ;@u1nni ASH
. . . ·  
; ` states) to believe the University IS any person who ns m error. and not illld hw fHih€‘Y· _]0l111 BOWUIHH Nlv mm, Gm
L   11oL an institution which encourages broadly at [l1€UIll\`CTSl[}’,\\'lllCl1l1]€ill\S of H€¤’ ¤f kentucky, Lm»:'.D:,végi;hKZ
— our graduates have ;1cl1icvcd distimt» as alumni certainly will not take issue: Editor; Helen G. King, 522 Snyrv ;\¤·,.lE~J°m·I;(Y§*
. ‘ . . . . . , ' , K Y. . `_ _· U
. tion m busmcss zmd mclustrv, lll pub- however, we do [hmk nccuscrs should mmm l . _ _. ,. Cincinnati
— _ _ _ _ # _ MHHRBQIIIK udxtorz G. Lcc M<.Cl.uu.ll., D°ug1aS Pal
lnc service, uml m eclucntnon. The 11st restrict their fire to thc target zmcl not *°"’“· kY· G M  ·, 1955)
` - · - · . . . BH4:. zz ·:H>l· .K' ,Y`L.L¥°H. .
I li too long to mcluclc m tlus letter. zum [l1oughtlcssly at colleges as msu-   ( m mg 3 Q T,-Estggln
i The athletic story ut Lexington has unions. since an very high pcrccntzxgc A13];l*¤_“;>$;§{$é0Ij*°      ·Q_H$Ilr"lg‘;’;Bs;`:`
been given publicity out of proportion of mw college smfl has little commotion stock cmpomtion) 1  tqlgy Q·B§g
 l m ns nmporumcc nn Umvcrsxty l1lCZ \\'l[l\ or 1‘€sp011S1lJ1llliCS l<>1` l¤f€1`·<`0l· (h.gmii.?i,]Q{(;]§ ljgcllhllunH'1)-£$;l>ll$(llll~l·rr lugs $°x·
l - · · , s ,-¤ · · ‘ ; ` *4   y_  
  1L seems Illll)()l`l.2lIl{ to us that Lhc pub- iqqmm ;l;h]cU(—S_ deny. Bloomfield. Ky·: B· A· Sl“Y$l>· "‘#‘·v; ;Marsuerl?;m
V _ _ _ * _ Lcxmgton, ky.; and Helen G. lung. x·m< ;·M_Lexmgt°n·
ll(` lW \llC C\‘1(lCll(’C (l€\'Cl<)l)C(l 111 tl1C I have been ;[u[hm·17c(l by our mem- Secretary, Lsxmpztnn, Ky.  Eph George-
_ basketball investigation docs not pro- lxcrship Lo write this letter and Lo say Oui,  ?lyl?1?a,glf§_'
~‘·d·= =·¤>’ ·‘¤=·S~¤ M '~*=···k¤· 1>¤·<>~·¤d bv ··¤=··¤i¤¤<¤¤S £$§§é;2$gcS}‘OT‘;i$w§"SeZ%$§LQ;"‘;§?L‘?"¤8 ...». {»¤.a’5v¥;.{é§**€,
\ ol the lllll\'Cl`Sl[}'. vote ol` those present :1L our meeting 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include. in   ¤l¤SS1‘¢Dr•
» · _ _ ·_ ·   , · . Whcrc the stockholder or security holdw :
_ Illc U)ll€(U\€ llltcgl IU Ul [llc CU" l<)(l2l\', rl lll\l‘S(l2l\'. O(T[()l)Cl`   pears upon the books of thu c0mpz\l1)' H5 ll` E .— A]
‘ ‘ . . . . . .. i . ‘ . l { Y _ 01* in any other fiduciary relation, tlw 1N\ll— {MIB. T, J
UIC (Olkgc Ol gllnlhluon Should not be X 0lll`S SlIl(`Cl`Cl}'. thc person or corporation for whom; Slwh U-vjkvgle, Ki?
' l · ·. . ~ i ~ [ » —; _- · · _ __ is noting; also tho $tL\t(’11\L‘I`ltS in tw K\\'*’P·—¥' · .Ch d
` Phutd umm I (loud Nl lusC_[“0 Ol XV, L, l·R_»\l\L graphs show tho nf¥innt’s full l\vl¢’¤l¥$_·*,WL Dahs:4
Ll\l`€€ l1lClIll)Cl`S of OIIC 21ll\lCLlC team ) . V belief as to thc cir¢·umst;mc<>s l\ll(l.(.'IllI(';]T Paducah,]
. , , . , lI`C$l(lCYl[ under which stockholders and SCC\l|'ll}' lv QT- H. Hardy
 , WCTC (Tll2lI`gC(l Wllll ll`I‘Cglll2ll`l[lCS, ORC who do not appear upon thc hooks of il¤—’— ZGSOD, Ky_
, _, , , _ _ _ _ ___"_'___” puny ns trustees, hold stock amd sm·C_\11'¤U c r01'ggP_ H
“°“l‘l “"* *·'} ·' 3""d· *°““d· *“"“§ capacity num- umn um of u bonu MQ W _··c§:irtc0__1
bzmk is suspect because someone in Llxc George Claiborne, ’52, of Hopkins- HELEN G4 KING, Exccutivv Sw =_T SS R· Ki
· . . . . ` . Sworn t(- and subscribed l>el`orc mv ill" g- 'K* watklf
orgunnnzznuon was ('ll2ll`gC(l with loosc ville, IS coaching the Georgetown, Ky., any Ur sl-pu—m1,€r_ 1952, jvlrgiw t
. . . - 4 , 4 ;,L   asc
lumxllmg ol bank assets. (lollcgc football {cam tlus full. (\VI_ ._ .   gg)?Ui§mlh;: =·T· D§wscm
> _l } COl1l\`I1lhSlOl\ (X]}ll‘(S L] . · V. Loulsviuel
= ’Li**"’ JJXVW
{ .
V ` 1

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  8 Bil tllC UITIIIUS “  
H€II(lCl`y   l 1 ;`;' 
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msc pm i:.;_    ,
1cr. 5% ~ 1
;1(l€n[, lj   CLUB PRESIDENTS Marshall County—J. Homer Miller, Benton , 1
_           Adair County-—Ear1 Hudcjleston. Columbia Martin County—Tg·cy Mills, Inez _ ` ·  
* to j0lIl   AXUS!1 C¤u3tY—£I¤hn Peduzo Soottsvxlle II;/Iason C0unty—W1l11am D. Calvert, Maysvxlle · ;
O Koml  Published quarterly by the Univeysityl of réuigson nun y—Walter Patrnck, Lawrence- 1;:;:% u(5§unty—W1111am Henry Allen, Bran- I 2
6 I , ,,  gntuckv 0** the campus °f me Umv°rslty' Ballard County—Keith Kelley, Wick1iEe Menifee County—Faire1 C. Bailey, French- `
`? "‘“   ’-**‘;:{‘°’;.,§l§§‘;s°{鑧§Z‘é“i‘».}°§2°i‘»{é"‘2?5’§$i Bam ¤¤¤¤¤y—¤=·s¤ ¤=r¤s¤»¤- ¤1¤¤¤·>w bm . ,
i (11scI1;1r; ·°gki8ti::‘“ includes subscription to me Bath Cgunty—.Ggm·gE Gibson, Qwingsville M$;g;{”§;u11ty—Mrs. Irwm Huddleston, Har- I
 ih  Bell Ccunty—R. H. Barker, Pineville . . . ij
{nd Hum  umnus. §0u{_b0nCC°l1nty_Ba5i] Hayden. Paris Mgnxge C0unty—Justus L, Elhs. Tompkms- x K  
_ , ¤_  · —t · 1 A · gg _ oye oun y——James M. Norvell, Green _ · l \ f
Sllillty (l gcrzgsacklg l;a;2;na1A;’—"'°° Paws- H“d*¤S· wggggnvgeunt Beams Samuels Bard- r
ogg ()[ [gl ·?{•  ce Bt L€Xi¤Z*·°¤• K%i2Ma’é  gui) ungsr Caldwell County--Lowry Caldwell, Princeton A téwn y ' Y  
 {X.  act of A\l8· 2% · ' E Y E Carlisle County—Ralph Edrington, Arlington Nicholas g0um_y_pat Conley Carlisle ` j `
young lr,  uynnl As¤0¢i3ii¤¤· garro11CCounty—Talton K. Stone, Carrollton Northeastern K€“tucky__·yamés D Nickel] `
' ‘   ;‘ asey 0unty—George Noble, Liberty ' ’ , l 
=¤¤<¤¤ N·» ,;;,,,, G, King ........................ mmm cumon County——Charles Lumen, Albany O§§°" 5““· Aj‘“a“"· KY. V
 _, . . o County Whayne Priest, Hartford
tut on , q_ me Mcclaln . ........... Manasinz Editor Chrxstxan Qounty—-Edward T. Breathitt, Jr., Owen C0umy_E_ G_ Traylom New Liberty »
’ =_   gugrlfe McLaughlin   Associate Ed}¢0l‘ Hopkmsvnlle perry C0unty_M_ K_ Eblen Hazard » _
lzm Hull ¤» B§V¢¤'lY Hagan ······· Vital Statistics Edlmr C1§;*;St€€°¤¤*Y·AmbY¤S¤ St€¤h°“5°¤» Wi¤· Pike County-—James W. Wine, Pikeville .
  Powell C0unty——Ralph B. C 1 , Sta t
 lily ‘ 1952-53 Exzcumvu COMMITTEE g?g*t0$1¤¤é¤;3r5§¤gh§g¤;¤£;lxi%chXi;?ny mgaska C;Junty——John pmh($,°°§0x 1IS6°?" ‘ 
 "  - ' —B k I . _ . Z . —°m€Y$€ ` ‘
--   £?·¥é?,s?`$éi»€¥$${d??;· an 0 €££§2S§2d°°`é%L’.§$3‘§§s1€L °1'JI"3°é‘J¥??§‘2‘T “‘3’§$'§é’“ °°“"‘y‘“"’ “· D""°"· ML ‘
 R· R- D“"°“·.V*°° P"°S‘d?“t‘B1°°mH°ld’ Ky' Burkesville Rockcastle County—Rudc1ph Burdett Renfrc ° ·
 ,%.2:31,e €ivcK“£i3m,Ef§§ut;¥; Secr€tary_522 Dagriess COUHty—Wi]1i8m Gant, Masonic Bldg., Valley ` `
5RSHIP._M.} , - me A_ Shive]y’ T;·ea5uy€y..Dgpay¢mgnt of ESti¥°g;z%r§’_StPDhen Rice Irvine R\§$$;:;gg0U¤tY—Oth€ll3 Gaskms, Russell ;
LATIO¥r€  m1€u°S· U¥‘i"€*`s“y °f Kentucky Fayette Countv—Mrs. Hamiaton C. Adams. Scolgt County—J C McKnight Georgetown ·`
lg   Ei;  HL H¤11g¤mj{;;;n I;g1i?g;°%gg3)Nur` Old Keen Place, Versailles Pike. Lexington Shelby County$French Smoot, Shelbyville
3 @33 ,», $*n°$· exmg °“ D Fleming County—Dr. C. D. Blair, Flemings- Simpson County—Wo0dr0w Coots. Franklin .
‘ " T nhen M°dl°y’ B°x 593* Owensbcrm Ky` burg Qoencer C0unty——Ha1·old Love Taylcrsville ` I
ted SmmC` (t“m Expims 1953* · Flovd C0untv—Woodrow Burchett Prestons- Taylor C¤unty—Harry R Smlth Cam bells- ‘
_  _ r’   hall Barnes, Owensboro_ National Bank, burg · * ville ‘ ' p ‘
      §xI§;?s41¥g;(ingt0n' Franklin County-Edward BEHHER, Frankfort   COUHt.y-—LOE8I1   GllthTiF
e' L '  j;Ky_ (térm expu.€S`1954) ` ’ Fulton C0unty—John_ Watts. Hickman, Ky. Trlgg County —- Tom Magraw, Cadiz, Ky. '
Jf thc publili  lodge Brady Stewart, Court of Appeals, "Egrard t C°““ty_M‘Ss I°“a Montgomery- §;?::l%§l:::“2’,i_‘6Tr}1GI;Ia?I§;;- $’£_f°;gfield ,
.' s m¤me: §Frankiort, Ky. (term expires 1954) ancas er . y ’ - g -
mms y mer L Baker 2242 Rutherford AVE L0u_ Graves County—-Sam B. Neely, Mayixeld Warren C0unty—Judge J. David Francis, 832 ,
Jckyy LOW;  E iwmei ky. (térm expires 1954) " gr3y5o?{ %oun2y—l\l§arshaglI-Ieigrgflx, Leitogfield “$Sp.’lI1gtO!l 5% B0;\'1!¤ghGl&€€1'\. §{)'. H d ·
 DL Ralph Angelucci, 109 Esplanadm L€xmg_ ancoc oun y— an-y ac , awesvn e; .¤l lngton oun y- ares . . ay on, .
_· ’ I A\__nL ;;t0n’ Ky, (term expires 1955) Hardin County——Robert McNamara, E11za— Springfield h _
MBU <  John R Bullock 603 Dixie Terminal Bldg bethtcwn Webster County-}-Iarold Trader. Providence
 aycmchinau 0 harm expires 1955) " Harlan C0unty—Ted Creech. Twila Whitley County-Sam Cannon. Corbin, Ky. ‘
.{¤Cl;m¤. Bls muglas Pahqsh Paris Ky' (term expires Hagrisxan CCovi1}nty—Wi1liam Renaker. Route Wolfe County-—Eve5etg 1V%lle%_§amatog V 4
 21955) Hal-%C6ung’¤ laha Woodford County- o n . 1 mu , r., J ‘
. -__ ~ L:  y—R. W. Poynter. Horse Cave Versailles q
K'"g‘ $25  ?§h.,?lgw1;;}m°'°* F'a"kf°"· Ky· (b°*“`d °[ Hezindex-son County—Cove Heilbronner. Hen- Atlanta, qa.-Malcolm L. Foster, 3807 Mar- I
., { ]{~·:·_ H¤¤d0n Evans, Pineville, Ky. (Board of arson _ — m°"° D“V°· N' E' ‘
_)   (_,\h· ‘Trustees) gE$`gmE°wég1l]g;l6a1`¥E§El1§y‘ g¥;;‘;:°° JY Greater Cincinnati—\‘\{i11iam Franz. 5 Ft. l b
Q  in-BHu%ue&eti` Ba:rox;v Road, Lexington, Clinton ‘ ' " Mitchell Ave., Ft. Mitchell, Ky. *  
· V _- 1_ P; —‘  y· 03* ° N5 ecs H k· C { Y-]; *5 p 1 h tt, 436 N_ Chicago, Ill.—Tom Posey. Commonwealth I .
.2?§L11T°l?¥a-Y:   gg- '¢;,.*{=¤¤¤1r·g¤ ¤¤¤ ¤¤><· F¤a¤k¢¤¤- ‘§‘é.,11“S,.,°1b‘[‘§d%s0¤€iYie, K5? ° E Edison Co., 72 west Adams st. ;
¤·w¢¤>·-  ‘ m1..!m§‘?vlé‘i§u§§?in"’2%%“§“‘L4axwe¤¤ st J°§‘*{§§"‘, °‘2“§%"P°’i “‘ $‘1°"“‘s°"’ F“`“ “""°""‘“· °"*°_“°""‘ M°D°‘”°“· sm W· “
nr · ‘E ,· 1 1 · ·y
l"“*" [M &_I·¢>¤i¤8!¤¤ (life member. honorary) ggssamiiseméounggi-s€v11;)¢;;;sv1§o$1tt, Nicholas- rust SL - - I
luormmw  ,,tbS€8:f§€ W1lS%¤, 2%) N. Upger St., Lexing- ville Dallaii Tex.§g;0gn (g§131ds§h{ned1g§égJ1·., Phll- ·
ap ~·_-yu  e mem gy, {mm-ary _ J h C t _M _ A] h tt A h l co orp., ou an ns. . i
imgjt ‘];;*‘l{}]t ·;._,f(1;¤¤?19§é M¤¤r¤e. 1106 Cecil. Louisville, °pQ°§$fQvm:u° y rs p me a rc er Dayton, ohm-R. M. Atchison, 922 Grafton , g
  No ...».  mem R§.§L°’§$iiié°‘°§€s°“?§‘$駰’ · Knox ¤·>¤¤*y·Bam¤r¤ M¤K€¤¤¤¤· B¤*b°¤*· ’“°· ~ ‘
I 1· in U -·E¤1¤ss representétive) ’ y` Semor ville _ Detroit, Mich.——Richard Stites, Jr., 18432 Riv-
°.?;lh0ld,,," j;§ Knott County——L¤v€l| IS011. PIDDBDHSS Ky-_ erside Dr., R. N0. 7. Birmingham, Mich. '
$:},5ny ns  APPOINTIVE MEMBERS gags,Cé’$*Lf3’féa",},$*’G";ifg;€?6£%?]g°“"‘“" Mimand. T€X.—H. J. Rucker, 207 E. Maple
°"’ tlw_“miY- gm T' Jem Beam- 69 willow Terrace, Louis- Lawrence County—LGeorge R. ’Burgess, Louisa Ave' ·
h°m S·*·‘1‘·: ;;2?*“¤· Ky' Lee County—Dr. Clarence Combs, Beattyville New O¥`1°€}¤$» LQ-—G€°¤”€€ E· J°¤€$· 4969 _ ·
“ *"°,,‘YQ,1Z_," ,;iBbCh¤¤¤1¤r·E1m Street. Versailles, xy. [Mug c¤umy..¤e¤ver Adams. Hyden M<=¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤ Drwe
` 1g¤<>;~;_)_;(,P,  ,§iad¤1¢0¤ Greenfield, Citizens Bank Bldg,_ Lgtchgr County—J. L. Hays, Whitesburg New York City—Wa1ter N. Flippin, Jr., $2 »
‘ _‘E'ml_ih_ lv;  YH “§;h· KY- Lewis Ccunty—Char1eS Staggs. Vanceburg California Texas Oil C0. Ltd., 551 Fifth Ave. ~ ·
U;¢i<;\0f.t!“_ ·;_§°n; Kglidwxck, Kentuckian Hotel, Lexing- Liggoén KC;>unty—Tr¤m¤¤ T¤Yl¤¤'· W¤Y¤€$· Philaoelphia, Pa.TWilliam A. Lurtey. 312 t ‘
nd .SU;x\Tliw  §é%g§eCP` Hmem % Bluegrass Pipe and Cul- L0gau'C0untg,*—Granville Clark_ Russellville Jer{c0 Road' Ablngt°n· Pa- ` ’
*"’“·‘ _   °··17thandArbegust, Louisville, Ky, Lyon County—J. Phillip lerm. Kuttawa W*’Sh'“g}°“· D~ C·_Cha’1°S K· D¤¤¤· 1827 »
pcutivc a;·s¤_=r $S¤“%u§;;gu;451véa§§v1§e, Ky. Mccmckm county-J¤1;3¤d1ac1};bu¤¤, cmzens Summltt P*¤°°· NW-   .
uw HW `   ‘ · . ig Street, Lexington- savings Bank Bldg., a uca  
 yilggiw t x1cCreary County—C. W. Hume. Stearns Executive Committee meets second Monday
§1ER1(ELk  in Dawa s°¤· {H0 Poplar Ave., Ashland, Ky. McLean County—Char1es Gatton. Sacramento mght of each month. September through | · 
,t_ ;3_ l$l~>¤  Ztmmsviag gllhams, 2549 Trevilian Way, Magoifin County-—Luther Rnce, Salyersvxlle May 6:30 p.m. Colonial Room, Lafayette A
 IA · Y- Marlon County—Paul Owens, Lebanon Hotel, Lexmgton ` x E
,7 -»~ r'  T?‘ ..
L  A:. ‘
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U V .t R-r.·

 ‘· ; ir
Y .
iz  3 .
L 1*  
_     Radio Director DOWNING GIVES UP Master Sergeant Fred Perkins, wh 
` 1, , DEPARTMENT HEADSHIP started many University of Kettttttlijifi  
‘ Goes To Indlana. U. Il  Vr____ _ y y youngsters in their military t1·ainin;i.,,i_]U
— t Elmer G sullen head of the dCl)m_l_   it`’‘ " " ‘   retired last August and has taken on 
c t ...c... of .·..ai.. arts ima aa-com of atc     ·»·‘ · r   ·¤*=· ¤=·t=¤··¤~ 0* ·'·<= W**<*~=·t **<~—~·¤t   .
A University radio station \t\*Bl§Y, tot;     *-****65- <>¤ the €¤mt>¤S·  Action
 . the University on September 1 to ac.   H   Sergeant Perkins was on assigning,  tug
V cept the position of professor and di-     at the University for I2 years as Rott 
rector of radio and television com-     ***$**`**C****A· He sc*A"€(* *** **0*** “'0¥i. ‘
1 . munications at lndiana University, `_yAJAY·yj;fj_AI.   wars and was a major in the last in jh Ullivcm
t Mr $¤*m· *·=·S bm =· ¤¤¤¤·b¤· M =  "° “'°"‘ "’ *‘· “‘°"""· *""· "‘“ ·‘*¢ *P*=*¤S for
i the University of lientucky faculty   **S* for *`€***A°***°*** “’**h ***° *`******tQn1e for th
Q Simc j926_ HC was Public wlmiom   captain. He isa native of Dytcttsltmggbcr   A
_ director; at Kentucky tictoro [ating   in Lynn ¤¤ty— Kr- j,u,l,C,,(1ot1
‘ ing lite [MSL 20 XQHYS he him §?****€(*   Dr. Frank   Welch. tieim of dA 2 *)*`€$****`*
A A " "_"‘“"‘*‘* ""*’“‘*"""‘ *“ “‘*"‘*"*"""l   -,ti_`   College of Agi~ic¤·1tm·c and HoinclA»idte<`a11<‘€l
_ radio, and was the recipient of the   `‘'’   mmmics has been named Clmimmu`A_ at n Pmss
l Peabody Award. foremost recognition “     ct committee set up to review and r  that day.
V . in ¤<*¤<‘=*¤<··¤=·* ¤`=·<**··-   ,..·.a.c the work in production i.` port from
A ML Sulzcr bum the ***A$* “****A°*A$**Y     nomics in the Agricultural Rescau.  had anno
y FM radio station in the United States fa§2§§§§§§g§?.§':‘?=g§.,;z§; §2§z?T:§¤¥¢§g§§§§iE§§;§ S§2§: §§§§ ;§; ;§;§§§§§§5§ §;§, A(h“inim_mi0u 0[ the United smtp mend [O I
I and founded and operated for I3 years DR. H. H. DOWNING’ ,08 Department Ot Agriculmm. it meets il
,4 the Kentucky system ol mountain I Plmul on
_ F ·‘=·<**<··**5¤¤¤*¤s <‘¢¤¤¤t?» =·¤<* sS¤¤*>****1¤<* ni. n. n, i>otoa.ig, ns, head, ot       ;icomi..c.i
I   the First national radio network school thc dcpurtmcm of mmhcmmifs Since Microfilming of records of the lilthcv nyu (
  of [llC illl` flj()l]l 2l· $[2liC lllll\'€'l`Sl[Y.   relinquished [hc dcpnruncul ette (lOlllT[}’ (Tl€l`l(,S office. Illilllli ~‘ basjiclbnll
, EQ .·\ native ol Madison, Ind.. he at- hwdshil) hm {ul}, I to devote I-ull them of high value to students olhg Dr D
i‘ tended Indiana University before dmc U) teucllilljg This is in ;u_(_m_dmN_c tory, is a joint project which has btw. Hel ‘P_`(**
. y graduating front DePauw University with H Universit`, rcgulmiml which undertaken by the University of lit Néjxuw
t   at Greencastle. Ind. requires deans and dclmrmlcm heads tucky and Fayette county officials. _'   ti
A i, MIK Cm HCnd€m(m Hnlyurd he to relinquish administrative duties at =a= =i= =z= Alitm O,
· jx been named acting head of the Uni- the nge gf 65. _ _   lllmmlt "
· ,.,,,.Si,,,·S (1,.1,,,,,,],,3,,, 0[ uujio m.,S_ R _i_W_#_#_#__ Second Lieutenant james 0. Lat. January l
L _#__—_#___~__ _ ert, ’5l, of Winchester, has been! pl-Csidcl
A ‘ Kentucky”s tint sctiotai-strip to cn- *"""‘*‘* “*_ ‘“‘“‘“g ‘“ "°{“’“ "“  ¤“°<*¤¤ th
, A Trustees of the University have au- courage graduate work in library Sci, “'€S*€*`** **0**2*** *****1* “'***`* thc JA it copy of
Q thorized the merging of the Depart- ence has been established by the Kch. ****2*****}* D“’*S*"’**· L*· L**“**)°*"   lCtt,fo1lot
_ ; ments ef Farm Ewneniics and Rural tucky Library Association. Named thc f‘j"""“g "“ *‘ *’*“‘°f“‘ l°”d°" “A"|` It Tlic Nt
A A *7*******CC ****0 ** *)€P¥**`*m€m of Ag*`*‘ Margaret I. King Scholarship in honor lihd Iufamliy Reglmcnh ’AUttiversity
i *********"i** E€‘*¤0m*€$· DY- A***)*`€Y J- of Miss Margaret I. King. ’98, emeritus =%= =%= =i= _ gated the
· Brown. head of the De martment of · ‘ · ‘ · ‘ ‘ i . . _ . c ‘-  
. Markets and Rural Finathce, will di-   ;i;iioE:ct1iglii;i:i£;;itOfliliiiiiw A wml Oi gl smdmisi 58 Oi WZ  Ati
  .i..   ot w.An. Nich- .,.,, been ,.,,,,_.,., U,. ,.,,.,..,,§...,     e··‘¤"<=d   **16 (·r>"€gc O"? ,,.,,, ‘{‘
olls, head of the Department of Farm titles the ,~ccg,i;mt [O do yaaluulc umm? lA€CmA(l€d pcdcm sclww-.C0(ti€ C X
Z Economics died last Jul`,. work in the Uljiversilv [ K g _kv · standings during the past sumti; 011 l
t ‘ Y 0 enum l 01 term at the University. "A_ At
¤5= =?= =%= any other college in the nation which         Cipamm i
- U Earle (1. Fowler, ’42, of Lexington, offers graduate work in library sci- "' "` "‘ f comlitum
·   has been appointed assistant professor ence. A total of 5,510 students had 1¤..—
of physics at Yale University. ’* ii * istered for the fall semester aff-- B- dill
- Mr. Fowler has been an associate Gifts totaling $19.440, to be used close of the regular registration pt1°l":b*€ *01` N
physicist at the Brookhaven National for scholarships, research and instruc- It was expected that the grand W and thc (
V Laboratory, Upton, N. Y., for the past tion, were accepted by the Univer- would be increased by late t·egisl1’¤¤*"A Etlsc of th
A three years. He has done graduate sity’s Board of Trustees at its quart- Approximately 1.500 of the etm¤|lt·yCl1gilJle,i1
work at Harvard University. crly meeting in September. are freshmen and new students. i the bylaw
. l

 i i S;
1 i xg 
 if   : ii
 1;i i I > ‘
 vn ~ ‘ I ”
 {E ; E I F - ·
 FE. 2 i F 
rkins, wh  9 9 * Q i Ei 
 ;_¤F* ; 1 A A
‘““*·*<*    31106 S · Elgii C € ll € i i II,. i
y [tainim     
i¤k€¤0\¤ $§ The spcciGc imidcmg upon which October 30, W5?    
.  `EF; _ . , . . . _ _ ` · _ ,· ~ §· f
li Bowhf  t. n Follows   mhc (,muu·1ls coinvicuoni is based zuc M1. H. L. Wnllnit, Prcsxdcrit ’ i   3
  I0 A as [`()||()w$; Nutiumul (Jullcgmmc Athlcuc Assn ` ] j `
.     • `  ‘ (1alif0r11iz1 i 1 Y i
db5lg]]m(»[ A n S _ _ Ul] l\ (.151ly of 50llthCYU , ,
 A [IS GHSIOH . - - · 148 · { ·I·_~ _ _ _ 1 3 i {
s as ROT¤ ·?5ylrtual p _]' In UK hplmg Ol I`) mw] X ` Los Angeles. (,2i11i`0l'1l1?l ~ 5 { ;
 gi ol Lhc basketball {cum 011 IllCll` (IC- ’ _ ~ i ;
mth ‘*'0U isle? l UL fn lh YC \ \ Town [mem Mv dear Mr. \\’1llctt: Q ; 3 I
  . . — ·,  . . >;u·1·· <· e   *2 I s i "
lc lustw li? Umvcmty U; Iulyiiiiky .li).lll(l<)ll((i· I _ L $_0U(; h bx smug En Your leger of October 22 WHS 1`€· ‘ ? Q
 iii , · . - . .   . .. . _ were ¤‘1v·11 .;> . cnc * .‘ ‘ — _ _ , . *
[_ las; ,\u; q,·‘PhmS for l)1.l)'1Ilg tls |>-lb}~UI>·¤u Mhul 1 _ hl t t 1 ju Imc Uni (-clycd on ()(·mber 2;;. Upon rccflpl i i T
  , ~ . . _, . .. _ 1 msms s no (`01]l]C(` cc wi 1 - _ _ i
nc 1—;111ki ;[ulc [O1` thc ]9:>2—5:} sg.nm11 on Nm nm _t of vom. Umlmuumm(m I Called H i _
.   ( _ · .·. . . . . vcrsn v. 3 _ . 4
DY€“$b“YS =jber 5, HUC! it ‘"l“"HY hid hg"] ’ mcermg ul, the Boarcl of I)1r€Cl0fS 0[ ` _·;
 L—“§1¤s]>€1\(l€(l b)' thc Nilmmal (‘°ll°gml°i 2. In thc spring of I949 IDCYUYC the Univcrsitv of Kentucky Athletics , f
 , _ `   · •_ ` _· _ _ _ _ '  
 1 Athlctlni ¤\$>**<*-“""‘ ” (·‘“"“'l· 1l1cn·¢Icp;n·L111‘c for [hc NCAA U nurna- ,\w>qmuou and read your lcucr to _?
Elm 0[ I} ;-A pycsidem H. L. l)<>H<>\‘11l1 1¤¤111<>U11¢7€¤ 0[ H 2]*%**mC $°`h€d“]° WMC givcu $50.00 cewh by sports GM- .\[i[(Z1`(lllC cmmsideimion thc Anhlcucs  
lmii·m;m. `;;1tn pl‘CSS C0U[€1`€¤(`€ held in his <>ih<‘¤ thusinsts not cmmcctcd wimh thc Um- Board of [he Universimy of- Kentucky ' { `
cw and]- Qvtlqar day, after H10 C0lm¢`iL U1 11 1`€· versity. dirccmcd mc to coummnicatc to you _ 
union €(i Y_pm—;{mm iis Kansas City I¤cz¤dqu2¤rr€r‘s U B [ ll Kmmdd {mm left mhar it will accept the verdict of th€ j
 ,· . . . orc 1 2 v " * ‘ _ . . , . A
.1 Resmyl ?h;1(l zmuoumicd that 1t would 1`C(`0lll- I ° I cg I °_ _ J w Y L (louncll Og the ]\(lA__\ wnhout al) I
‘ ‘ ‘ . · [ .t,   wz c 111 1 cw m" _ . . . i
liged Sm= ?`mcud t0 th€ NC-’\·’\ <`°U"€"U"“» whcn   ic JO m S Mm , . pculmg th1s dcusnnn to thc NCAA at I
 »_ , . (,1Lv m Dcccmbcr, l9;>O, $1x 0[ thc _ . _ . _ H 9,% I __ _ ` ·
~  -1[l1lCC[S 111 Iilllllilf}', that Ixcntucky bc I _ _ us mcctmg 111 _].mua1y. La,. t nas _
‘ ‘ ‘ . _ . V I I plnvcrs wcrc given $00.00. _ . . f _ A I 1 . _‘ B _ I
  placed on pmbauoiu, .m>¤M·
ofHcia\S. . ‘ ‘ ` _ . V , ?_ 1; ·i   O1 )i)Cl`. 1946. and Dv-   . U -- ` · ;
Qvcrdict 0[ thc (`()llIl(`l1 ol thc N(.i\.\ ) C `rfn (_( I   [ I ) \\€ bm" W ih'? 1Ul“€”l "[ th} 4
iwithout 'l])])€2l]i1lQ zu its lll(`(‘IillQ in ('°m|)m" Uno" um mcmxw O tu (louncil ot thc NCAA that the Um- ‘
O L T Z Jammu mm ., ` ` basketball team had rcccnvcd monthly \,(_‘_SiI\, Ol- Kclmukv mu l)m.m»ilmtc in
¤· L1I» T, ' — - . ~ 4,- — * ‘ '
V5 li  ` 1 ( I] D ‘ sllpcnds Ul w()'UO {mm Sports C"` lnznskctball for l952—53. and wc nrc rc-
35 1€¢’“’ i "   t *:1 1`.· .`l2llC1llClll. ¤s— . _ _ _ ,· _ · _ _ _
`·   `°`“°" °"°` I T ` ~ ·'¤·*·=·*** M <<·¤·¤·<‘<¤~<* Mh M “¤·· (,i.ma.ig;.i1 .m.u.¤m.s im our mm.
.1011 fm U sucd m [hc press on i\()\`Cl]ll)Cl` 5, amd _   _ ‘
- ¤  . , . ,. ‘C*>'l)‘· Imll schedule no rclcusc us from our .
ith UTC J j:1 copy of his lcttcr to i1`CSidCl1l, \\ Il- __ _ _ l_ _ I tl ·, , Tm i
Hmbcl" "V ktlt, follows: .»\s punishmcni {ur the vinlzxtiom nlY ""‘U*“*” U) P ·'¥ t mm ““ ”°‘ *1 ·1 H i _
_ , _ _ _ , ) ~ ` , 2 Y · 1 ‘ .
{CY wth " ·‘ w · . . · .· . · ‘ . which Lhcv have lound thc University lmmlt HK [0 *1***** ion Ou my {
- _Thc I\(..·\.-\ .1L Lhc lll\ll(l{l()ll ol tlu . . ·_ , _ . . . i
L . _ , [ I- .k , ,1-lU, the NCAA (`mlmil ni ahc Arhlcms Bmud {O1 .uccptmg i __
,,U111vc1·siLy of Kcmuckv has 111vcsu— " ‘°“u“ Y {vm » " ‘ ‘ _ . _. _ . . _ I- me the ;
 V amd [1 [I ly —- l`I,i,·,·., U {lt the has l`C(`0l1llllL*I1(iC(i that thc University ‘““ m“¥‘m°'_l [0 m`C* 'jg·‘ _ V
ig lc n I C its P (b (1 { . · .   . auhlctics situation ut thc [illl\'C1`Sl[\’ of ‘
. ·, .- — ,- [ lc )l2l(`C(i rm nobzitxon fm Lhc um ·
4U V * N(`·\·\ ’ l I . ` ·
18 [ .], _· H1\€rs1t\. rlhc Council 0[ the AA . V __ _ , i . . . . ,..
; 0 wl °= ' . lqro re; unt [ho l]ni\~CHiU, bc )l.0_ ixculuciq (md {01 }Olll (Oli] [L5} lll `
Ed =1¤ has found the Umvcrsinv of Ixcntuckv · "·*°‘ · ‘ ’ ’ ` · I _ - - . 7- . , » .   I . I yy ’
lege °f f· ’ · I ·l ·t,l I-.) I ).n.m.i nm] . in NC_\_\ pcummng \1¢c hasn cm ico 1 .
N , .[  ‘··1 K0]lH\'€ bccn in violation 0[ thc NCA-\.-\ H N U H H I ‘ I ‘ g ‘ ` , _ _ . _ _ _ ·· , ,, ,
l li l \ D I
1 *€‘°‘  = , , [ [(1. the VCU lq5q_5% ,md (,i\(\l]li)CliZ\lll .mc Dc.111 . . . \11\\dll
mst Summ‘—·C0[ u pi~m·isi(m of frmu its 0blig;iii(m no mlmsc imiiup H. L. Dv:m I A
 (J _ _ , ,, )`,"
Jdcms.  _th€ bY]?i\\'S.” mms during thc ]9L)2—LJ3 SC2/lSO1‘l. llwidcllt  
 E I
[jfQKU »T”FKENrucKYALuMNus - 5 iii
. | .
i _ `

   , il  V’f‘’ 1
ii `,
, lt  
l    *l
' ¤ cc 97 1 • y  ,_
V WAH JONES ElllTS E. R. M1chel, 31, Is Stahr Home From   ,
_ t NEW TV MAGAZINE P t d B C A .  
» . romo e y ompany rmy Tour Of Duty   I
V lklallace "\·\/ah Vt/ah" jones, one of  S1}
 _ V Kentucky’s greatest native-born ath- _ Elvis ]. Stahr, jr., ’36, dean Ot [g jl A nei
letes, who starred 0n Kentucky foot- 1 V · V _»>·—`   V V l-llll\'Cl`$lll}’l5 SCl1<>Ol of Law, retinu, frjlannelied
· ball, basketball and baseball teams dur- "   · `°':    _ _\ V ‘ ~ to the cainpus for the opening of y l_l_teniber 11
· _ mg his {Om. years at thc University,   V .     fall semester after a 17-month tont·, ;’l{vat1 ann
_ has entered his first non-sport venture; , l ;``   ’   civil duty with the Department of lg é —Tt·nstees
~ the publication of a new television VF;  .  Army. Ytion Of e
z ¤ 1 .. - _ .1 .    ._ ism *3 _ _ ‘? . .
 V magazine, TV in the Blue Gtass. . V .   .  ig. V   1;. An integral part ol the stall o[g, _- lllllllllllg
V \1Vith his entry into the business g. l A   j— · tt retary of the Army Frank Pat-e, g1  `’.` fl€¤l$-
_ { world Xvah has pulled lns famed N0. ’`tfr_lt 1   := 1 he served as a consultant front Iutél preside
Q 27 Out of inothballs. The number     _   ,.   1951 1111til mid-September, l952_l  fthe Over.,
·hich distin uished him as an out- .*Jll§*_}-— _       I ` V _ , _ 5 l
3 ll _ rg _ V V _ V ·_·_ _1 _`\i— 1 _   j  V   *"   t ~_ Dean Stahrs tob was that of h|)(tl l $l»ll00»ll0l
standing \=\ildtat for four vears will   e __V_      · 1 . s ~ l _ _ , — t [H V
VV _ _ __ 4   1   t     _ —_ assistant to the secretary of the _\tt—  be 1l<“1·1>
_ be his Lexington pos