xt7t7659df5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659df5t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1922-09-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1922 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1922 1922 1922-09-29 2012 true xt7t7659df5t section xt7t7659df5t The Kentucky Kernel



$5.00 REWARD

Circle offers a prize
of $5.00 to the student writing the
best song to be set to music, writ- FIRST GAME OF SEAS N ten by Professor Lamport. This
song is also to be used as a cheer
song at the games. For infor- Blue and White Wearers Are
matton sec Prof. Carl Lamport.
Expected to Repeat Last
Year's Victory













Captain Pribble Will Lead His
Men Against the Heavy


West Virginians

The University of Kentucky will
inaugurate its 1922 footfball season
tomorrow afternoon when the Wildcats appear on Stoll Field for their
game with Marshall College. The
Blue and White defeated the West
Virginians last year 28 to 0 and hopes
are high for another victory. Marshall, however, has an excellent team
and a very interesting battle seems to
The Big Green
be on the menu.
team won its first game of the season last Saturday 71 to 6.
Monday witnessed the first scrimmage of the year for the Cats, with
two squads engaging in a snappy
workout. The team has been slowly
rounding into form this week and the
chances for the year have brightened
considerably. The squad has sufferer practically no loss on account of
injuries, with the exception of Brewer, who has an injured shoulder, and
all the men are in excellent condition
for the game.
In the opening game, as in all opening games, there will probably be
many new faces in the lineup, but a
majority of last year's stars will comprise the Wildcat team on the field at
the opening whistle. Captain Pribble,
Fuller, Sander, and either Bayless or
Ferguson will constitute the back-fielwith either Pribble or Bayless
Fest will start
rnllJntr the sicrnals.
the fray at center, and will be flanked
at guard by Brown and Ramsey.
Cammack and Russell, veterans of
(Continued on Page 5)


$5.00 REWARD



No. 2


F. A. C. Thompson, a member
Circle, offers through
the Circle, a prize of $5.00 to the
student in the University who
submits the best and peppiest
yell to be used at all games and
at pep meetings. Turn in to
the Kernel office.



Exhibits Show Marked Improvement Over Those Presented
Last Year







Established in Moun
tains, Lexington and Neighboring Towns



Agriculture Engineers Show
Model Farm With Improved



The College of Agriculture and

the fact that all
of the departments are
and the teaching force already burdened with extra work, the Universi
ty is enlarging its scope of influence
by establishing classes carrying reg
ular college credit, in the mountains.
Professor Wellington Patrick, director of extension, has announced that
classes will be established in Ashland
and Pineville soon.
This work is already being carried
on in Paris, Georgetown and Lexing
ton and Professor Patrick was in
Winchester Saturday for the purpose
of negotiating for the establishment
of classes in that city. It is expected
that extension sections in other towns
will be announced soon.
This is the fourth year that the
has offered extension
courses. Dr. I. I. ligert, now united
States Commissioner of Education,
first organized and taught a course in
the psychology of advertising,
this manner in Danville and Lexington.
The work is conducted in the same
manner as regular college classes except that they will meet only once a
Classes ,for Lexingtort citi
zens will be taught on the campus on
Miss Margaret Horse-fielof the Department of Romance
Languages, will teach a class in sec
ond semester Spanish each Saturday
afternoon. Dr. Morris Scherago will
teach a class in bacteriology Satur
day morning and Dr. J. L. Douglass
will teach a class in education Sat
urday afternoon. Courses may be of
fered in drawing, painting and short
story writing also.
Among the classes offered at Paris
English, by Professor E. F
hygiene, by Dr. P. K.
Holmes; and history, by Dr. Edward
Tuthill. Dr. J. T. C. Noe will offer
a class in education at Georgetown

Virgil Johnson, a Sophomore in
College of Engineering, from Grays
ville, Tennessee, in the foothills of the
Cumberland mountains, brought to
the University this fall a wildcat
which he presented to the
Circle. The cat is to be used as a
mascot at all the football games and
will be an inspiration at pep meet
ings and rallies. On Tuesday the
animal, which is "really wild," was
chloroformed and put into harness
with a chain and pole. With the sym
bol of the spirit of the football team
actually present, the squad will sure
ly meet with even greater success
than formerly.





Purpose and Plans of Various periment Station had very creditable
Organizations Are Explained
displays at the State Fair during the
to Freshmen
week September
of this year



Opening exercises for the fresh
man class of the University of Ken
tucky, were held Tuesday, September
26, in the chapel.
President McVcy
opened the meeting with scripture
reading from the one hundred and
Psalm, after which the
students repeated the Lord's prayer
Representatives of several active
organizations on the campus explained the purposes and work of their reMary Roys-tespective organizations.
president of the Woman's Self
Government Association, told of the
success and rapid progress of that organization during the five years of its
existence at the University of Kentucky. The purpose of the W. S. G.
A. is to promote the best living conditions and teach the principles of

Otis Jones, president of the Men's
Student Council, said that this organ-izati- o
nwas introduced into the University of Kentucky in the year 1921
Recommendation Made for Place by M. K. Elben, at that time president
Among Few Distinguished
of the senior class, who had just re
turned from a meeting of this body
held at the University of Missouri.
This association is governed by a
council consisting of four members
New Uniforms to Be Furnished from the senior class, three from the
unior class, two from the sophomore
The Advanced Course Men
class and the president of the freshThis Year.
man class. It endeavors to control all
The Commanding General of the matters of discipline and social affairs.
The two religious organizations, the
Corps Area has written to the Military
Department of the University stating Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C . A.,
that the unit here will be placed were represented by their respective
among the few honored as distinguish presidents.
This means that a Fleenor Heath. These organizations
ed universities.
garduate of the Military Department are the only ones on the campus deal
Three Vacancies in the Cast to
upon the recommendation of Colonel ing with the religious side of life and
Be Supplied Before PresFreeman will receive a commission as have for their purpose the develop
Regular meet
second lieutenant in the regular army, ment of high ideals.
if he so desires, without further ex ings of the Y. W. C. A. are held every
T?W.iri.ils for the oroduction
Sunday evening in the recreation room
Chair," the 1922
"The Thirteenth
This is a high honor to the Univer at Patterson Hall at 6:30.
Mabel Ruth Coates, who represent- play presented by the Strollers last
sity as there are but few universities
upon this roll of honor and those that d the Philisophian Literary Society,
season, will begin Monday night in
are are such as Cornell, Harvard, asked that young women try for mem
Dicker Hall. The Strollers intend to
A paper
Vale and other large northern univer nersnip into tins society.
play in two weeks for the
give the
written on anv one of a number of
Koiipfit of the new students in the
The Kernel feels that the Universi subjects to be posted later entitles
Applications for the Rhodes
University who did not have the privi
ty owes this honor to the staff of the the writer to membership. Meetings
Scholarship must be turned in
lece of seeing the production last
Military Science and Tactics Depart are held every two weeks at Patterson
at President McVey's office beAfter intensive rehearsals
tnent and that with the
fore October 10. There will
Hugh Peele, who won the Rhodes
next week the management will ar
of the students we will have in due
be four applicants chosen, notranee for the presentation of the
time the most efficient and best drill- scholarship at U. K. last year, spoke
withstanding initial number of
for the Patterson Literary Society,
play in Lexington and it is probable
ed unit in the Reserve Officers Train
applicants. These four will comemphasizing the advantages of be
that plans will be made tor trips to
ing Corps.
pete with the applicants from
surrounding Kentucky towns.
l lie social side
coming a mciuDcr.
650 Freshmen Drill
schools in the state.
The cast of "The Thirteenth Chair'
The freshman class in Military of this organization has been lost in
Rhodes scholars are appointed
need be replaced only with three new
Science and Tactics has increased a its endeavor to promote oratory of
examination on the
members. The vacancies caused by
hundred fold over that of last year, the highest order. Mr. Peele left
basis of their record in school
the graduation of the three members
There are 650 freshmen enrolled in the Thursday night to sail for England
anil college. A candidate to be
Irene McNamara, editor of the
of the cast last year will necessitate
Military Department.
It is the most
eligible must be u male citizen
the parts of Mr. Trent, Edward Wales
promising Sophomore class we havt Kentucky Kernel, named several paof the United States and unand Pollock, the butler, to be assigned
ever had, according to Captain Marsh pers published on the campus, the
married, between the ages of
There are as many men in the advanc Kentuckian, published yearly by the
nineteen and twenty-fiv- e
The reneated production will not
ed corps as there were last year am senior class, the University Hullctiu
must have completed at least his
interfere with the 1923 production o
more advanced men than there are nublished quarterly by the journal
sophomore year in college.
the Law School
the Strollers, nor will it interfere witl
commissions to be given.
weekly )y the
tryouts for eligibility into the organ
Journal, published
New Uniforms for Advanced Men
ization which will begin early in OcA distinctive uniform is being fur College of Law, and the High School
LOST A vest pocket Kodak, last nished the advanced course men thi Quarterly, edited by the education dc
Monday, on campus.
Return to year. It
All Freshmen and new students in
and t lie coa iirpuent.
is tailor-mad- e
Billy Williams, or leave at Kernel
the University are urged to apply
(Continued on Page 3)
(Continued on Page 4)
for membership into the organizatou








and each showed many improvements
over last year.
Dean Cooper and his assistants are
well pleased over the showing made
by the various departments in presenting their ideas to the visitors at
the fair.
Very interesting was the way in
which was shown how marketing of
products can be improved throughout
Kentucky, by the erection of a series
of elevations representing the different
steps in the process of handling farm
products, and with the information
could be
that better
brought about by eliminating any of
the steps but by improving them.
Each step was illustrated.
A model kitchen attracted great at
tention and there was one thing that
was different from any other kitchen,
anyone had ever seen, which caused
so many to stop and think.
was information upon a poster, to the
effect, that, by spending twenty cents
for four rollers and placing them under a small kitchen table, 165 miles
of walking a year could be saved.
Poultry Exhibit
The poultry department had an incubator, brooder and lighted show
case, telling how to care for flocks,
and how to improve the industry. In
the machine and brooder were real
live chicks which came off a few at
(Continued on Page 5)



Several Foreign Countries
resented by Stud-


ents Here

With the enrollment of 1,600 students up to noon Wednesday, the University is confronted with the prob-l- e
mof crowded class rooms and the
largest registration in several years,
according to Registrar Gillis.
All departments will be crowded
and the physical equipment in the
labatory sections will be overtaxed
this year. To care for the crowded
conditions the lecture method will be
used in the class rooms.
enrollment will prob
ably necessitate the forming of new
sections and wlil place further strain
About 600 students have already
on the teaching torce..
enrolled in the military department
and others are expected to take this
The number of foreign students is
more than usual and includes South
America, Bulgaria, Poland, China and
Four of these students are registered in the College of Engineering.
They are M. Vienna, D. M. and G.
Stamatoff, and S. J. Szal. Those enrolled in the College of Arts and
Sciences are: Hiain Yuam Tsai, lien
Jam and A. Vianua.


Alumni Notes

Alumni Secretary

(Second Saturday

In front of the capitol building at
stands a
City, there
bronze memorial to Chief Justice Marshall, the great and peerless expounder of the Constitution of the United
States. At Cambridge, upon the campus of the great university which bears
his name, is to be found a similar memorial to John Harvard. The mention of these is intended only to indicate the purpose in our minds in
like manner to honor the founder of
the University of Kentucky.
we contemplate is a statue of him as
we have seen him sitting in his office, lecture room, or on the chapel
platform. Thus to honor him will be
the greatest possible honor to the University, the Commonwealth and our
President McVey and the Execu
tive Committee of the University have
manifested their interest in the move
ment, and with the aid of the Univer
sity landscape architect will designate
an appropriate' site on the campus for
the erecton of the statue. C. H. Nie
haus, the artist who made the statue
of Governbr Gocbel, has been selected
to make the statue of Dr. Patterson
The statue will be of bronze. The
artist will place the statue upon a
proper granite pedestal, and all will
be of appropriate artistic proportions
The entire cost will be $10,000.
In case the fund is oversubscribed
the plan is to turn the excess into the
portrait fund of the Alumni Association.
After obtaining a few subscriptions
aggregating a little less than $2,000,
the effort was temporarily abandoned
because of the campaign which was
initiated to raise $300,000 for a memor
ial building. The time is now oppor
tune to raise the balance of the fund.
The matter was discussed by a small
group of alumni and former students
in Denver a few days ago and additional subscriptions obtained which
with those already obtained from Denver alumni aggregate $750. Through
the Kernel I would like to appeal to
all loyal alumni to send in a subscription to Herbert Graham, treasuer of
the Alumni Association, payable when
the treasurer has obtained subscriptions of not less than $10,000.
It is desired to have some member
of each alumni club take the matter
up with their local organizaton with
the view of procuring mmediately
subscriptions to this most laudable
purpose. An appeal is also made to
class secretaries to canvass the members of their own classes and to procure and send to Mr. Graham these
CHAS. R. BROCK, '90.
'300 Wight Bldg., Denver Col.



remained throughout the season.
Socially I was fortunate enough to
meet many of the old grads. Robert
M. Allen, the man who made Ken
tucky's pure food law, is directing
chemist for Ward Baking Company
and is in charge of some interesting
work in the laboratory for his com
Jimmy Mastin and Minton
CrcKor arc with Mr. Allen. Derrill
Hart, advertising man vith Dou- blcday, Page & Co., is havng an ex
tremely interesting time. He usually
with his sister,
spends his week-end- s
Mrs. Robert Wylc, at Hempstead, L.
I. Mrs. Stanfield Arnold,
Miss Nettie Rodes, has moved cast
and joined the colony of Kcntuckians
at Orange, N. J. Mrs. Richard Hill,
who as a student was Miss Katherinc
Mitchell, of Bowling Green, came to
the States from Cuba and has been at
Allenhurst, N. J., this summer. She
came over to New York for a short
stay and with Johnnie Burks, Dan
Morse, Milton Revill, Claribel Kay,
Norman Witt, Dave Thornton and me
talked over old Stroller days and discussed the future of the organization
Dave and Norman, you know, are with
the Charles H. Hartmann Company in
Brooklyn, and Johnnie Burks was
there too for the summer. Gilbert and
Frances Smith, who spend their sum
mcrs in New York, came down to us
for a little while and saw some good
Theatre-goin- g
was the
favorite sport with the whole crowd
and the boys felt that we had not lived
up to our traditions when we left the
roost and the soft drink parlors with
out giving the yells.

Frances Marsh, who now lives in
Wilmington, Delaware, came to New
York recently and was good enough
to look me up. As I was enjoying a
unique experience n the way of news- her to go the
naDer work I asked
rounds with me the following day,
Wfr went to the slum, via the sub or
L, but finally landed back in the office
where Frances signed up for work and
joined the publicity forces of the Federation for Jewish Philanthropies. Far
be is from me to say what "mine" are
doing in New York but you know
Miss Josephine Farrell has just refused a most flattering offer from Vogue
and- Miss Anne Molloy dictates beauty
hints for the World and you know she
can tell 'em. Her fashion pages are
the very envy of all and are published
in all the really smart papers. Of
course you know that Miss Farrell,
Molloy, Mr. Hart and Miss
Marsh were journalists, some specials,
some majors and some just students.
Claribel Kay is working in New York
with the Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany, i did not have an opportunity
to see Mr. J. I. Lyle, J. Esten Bowling,
Ray Duncan and others, but I met
Paul and Elizabeth Anderson on the
Avenue and Mrs. Lester Brown and
Mildred Graham were with Zerelda
Noland and Katherine McMeekin and
Edna Smith, who were students at
After I finished my work at Columbia I took up the publicity with the
Jewsh Federation and had stories in
every New York paper during the
Ive weeks that I wrote and left a
jrcat number of feature stories to be
published later. This is the work
'"ranees Marsh will take up when I


By Miss Marguerite McLaughlin

Morris Pendleton, who has been with
Cork and Insulation
Co.npany since he was graduated in
1919, has been placed in charge of
the firm's office at Schnectady, and
will go there about November 1. This
is not the only interesting thing that is
going to happen for Morris about the
first of 'the Chrysanthemum month
There may be another letter from
:ie before I return to Kentucky, but
f there isn't I'll give you a second
thought on the summer when I see
you and despite a highly successful
well worked vacation I will be mighty
glad to get back to the campus and
I think every alum I have met in New
York would be glad to be with me.
"It is a great pleasure to be reminded of what is happening at the Universitychanged so much for the
lie Armstrong


NEW YORK, Sept 12. Now that
the glare of the white lights no longer
confuse me on Broadway I am going
to write you of my summer, thus far,
in New York. Columbia, crowded to
the guards in class rooms, libraries
and cafeterias, took up the greater
part of the first six weeks. (I always
make that remark about Columbia
"mob" as a sort of comfort when I
think of the congestion at U. K.) Miss
Adelaide Crane and I represented the
faculty at the Summer Session until
Miss Margaret Horsefield arrived for
the last few weeks and Mrs. Charles
J. Smith made a short visit to Miss
Crane about the middle of August.
Miss Ann Simrall was matriculated
later tor further advanced work andi



better during twenty years and I am
sure that your live organization is
doing very much toward the improve
ments that arc taking place. With
best wishes, now and always, for all
that advances "State" Dr. Drew Lu
ten '01, 721 University Club Building,
St. Louis, Mo.

We Feature

Clothes For
College Men

Major H. H. Rice, president of the
class of 1904, has been appointed at
torney in the Department of Justice
at Washington, and is Special As
sistant in the prosecution of important Government cases in the District
of Columbia.

Our interest in College Men and their
activities is one of the reasons they like
to make our shop a meeting place. Another is the merchandise we show, selected
with special care as to their requirements.

"Professor T. H. Morgan, of
Columbia University,
June 1 formally received into the
Royal Society and delivered ithe
Croonian lecture. On the following day he and Dr. Sturtevant
addressed the Gcnctical Society
at its annual meeting, held at the
John Innes Horticultural Institution. On June 8, Professor
Morgan lectured at the University
of Edinburgh and its degree of
doctor of laws was presented to
him." "Science," June 1922.
Dr. Morgan Graduated from the
University of Kemtucky in '86, with
B. S. decree, and received his M. S.
in '88. He also received the degree
of. Ph. D and LL. D. at Johns Hop
kins University in 1915. For a num
ber of years he has occupied the chair
of Experimental Zoology at Columbia University, New York City.
John Paul Carmody '08, who has
been connected with the Perrin &
Marshall, Construction
No. 2 Rector Street, New York City,
is out on construction for that firm,
and is located with the Mysore Dis
tillation and Iron Works, Benkipur,
Mysore, India.
"Dr. Harold L. Amoss, associate member of the Rocekefeller
Institute for Medical Research,
New York, on June 7 received the
degree of doctor of science from
George Washington University,
Washington, D. C. The scientific staff of the Rockefeller Institute on June 12 gave a dinner in
honor of Dr. Amoss, who has accepted the appointment of associate professor of medicine at the
Johns Hopkins 'Medical School,
Baltimore." "Science" June 1922.
Dr. Amoss received his B. S. at the
University of Kentucky in 1905 and
M. S. in 1907. He graduated from
Harvard in 1911 with the M. D. de
gree and recived a Ph. D. there in
He had been doing medical
research work for the Rockefeller
Institute. During the World War
ie served as Captain in the Medical

New Fall Displays
Our New Fall displays of Stein-Bloc- k
Campus Togs Clothes; Johnston and
Murphy and C. B. Slater Shoes; Stetson
and Trimble Hats, Shirts, Neckwear,
Underwear and other furnishings acord
an easy opportunity to select wearables of
unusual worth most satisfactorily.





West Main St.


For Students of University and High School
Hours : 8 :30 p. m. to 12 p. m.




"Cleaners That Satisfy"

"I came here the first of the month
(July) as Field Superintendent for
We Cater Especially to University Trade.
Compania Azucarera Oriente. This is
PHONE 621-Corner LIME and HIGH
beautiful location, 500 feet above
sea level in the hills back of Santi
BOB PORTER, Student Representative.
ago. It you are looking tor a sum
mer resort I can recommend this
place very highly as the climate here
is most
delightful." W. Kenneth copy of the Kernel. I am on the enGeorge Warwick '16, with the
Clore '15. Address, care above com gineering staff of the
Armstrong Cork Co., of Spain, has
Oriente, Conveyor Company, and the work is become a bull fight
pany, "Central
fan. He is the
Henry J. Beam '22, only American in Algeciras except
very interesting."
Mrs. Warwick who was Miss Julia
Oakley P. O., Cincinnati, Ohio,
Rodman which leaves him with conProfessor H. C. Wilson '97, is Su
Addison Gardner Foster II, who is siderable responsibility.
George experintendent of City Schools at Tren
Ky. He was formerly principal with the United States Ship Lines pects to visit the States in 1924.
City, with headquarters in New York as
of the high school at Union
Koine M. Guthrie ex
is the
Tennessee, but says he prefers teach solicitor for the lines, was called to
London, England, to assist in the re- thusiastic secretary-managing in his native state.
-- I
Zorganization of the offices there, and rciacrrn.,. V.. viiauiucr oi commerce.
sailed recently on the President Hard- He was general chairman on arrange"Class of 1902 here's a suggestion: ing. His address is No. 3 Cockspur ments for the American Legion Con-- ,
I would like to start a chain letter Street, London.
vention held in Glasgow.
Mrs. Harrison Gardner Foster (E.
to be sent from member to member
1738 "N"
till it had visited each one of the class Dunster Gibson) will be at
Herndon J. Evans '21, leading
now living, each to add his or her Street, Washington, D. C, during the Stroller, opera star, publicist and
letter, telling anything of interest coming winter.
High Mogul, has been appointed manager of the Associated
about himself or herself, since grad
W. C. Wilson '13 was elected State Press Bureau at Frankfort.
uation, 20 years ago, the final one of
He is in
the class to mail it back to me. Then Commander of the American Legion charge also of the State mail service.
let each member contribute his or her of Kentucky at the annual meeting
share of the expense necessary to in Glasgow, August 28. W. C. has
Joseph Collis Ringo,
have this chain letter printed in suf- been prominent in affairs of the local Miss Elizabeth Virginia Stears, of
post, in the state organization of in- Nicholasville, August 19, in
ficient quantity to mail a copy to each
that city.
nembcr of the class who might be surance writers, president of the Lex- They are making their home in Ininterested. How about it Class Secre- ington Alumni Club and a leader in dianapolis.
tary?" O. F. Smith, '02, 252 First various other civic organizations in
Lexington and Kentucky, much like
Avenue, Phoenixville, Penna.
Miss Isabel Dickey '21 and Jesse
he was in undergraduate days. A re- V.'. Tapp '20,
were married August
port was received recently that a 22, at Walton,
Mr. Tapp
"Find enclosed, check for $2. Get 'loom for Governor will be started
me on the mailing list for the first for him soon.
(Continued on Page 7)












SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P. M.

The guests had luncheon at the
son, Jr., Louisville; R. W. Daniel,
hotel followed by a theatre Owcnton; David Mclntyre, Owensparty at the Ben Ali.
boro; William Kendall, Middlctown,
The hosts for the afternoon were: Ohio; John Elkins, Ashland; Anthony
V. Thomson, Catlettsburg;
Misses Una Vardcn, Esther Haggan,
Opal Cox, Virginia Quisenberry, Mar- Taylor, Lawrcncclnirg; W. P. Blackgaret Cole, Alma Hutchins, Gladys burn, Lawrcnccburg; Eugene B. CochMartin, Lucy Wilson and Dorothea ran, aLncastcr; William Earl Swopc,
Lancaster; Harry Likens, Ashland;
The guests were: Misses Mary Lou- Percy Beard, Owensboro; Pat K.
Alpha Sigma Phi
Lena Farra, Jr., Lexington; Lavillc
ise Morris,
Eunice Denton,
Owcnton; Robert Embry, LexPiatt Steele, Lexington, John War- Johnson, Orcnc Martin, Sara Cole,
Louisville, Curtis Saucr, Louis- Virginia Corbin, Margaret Wootcn, ington.
ville, Phillip Rusch, Louisville, Frank Eva Wcllcr, Mary Louise Norman,
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
Marvin Charles, Mary Williams and Laura Belle
Scidcl, Louisville,
Smith, and the patron, Mrs. A. F.
It is the purpose of the Y. M. and
Paducah, Kobcit Smith, Lebanon.
Y. W. to help you develop the three
The chapter house is at 218 South Hemenway.
cscntial cornerstones of a truly sucLimestone.
The advanced orders for season cessful career spirit, mind and body,
They save his time and that's important.
tickets to the Artist Concert Scries and in this we need your fullest
Alpha Xi Delta House Party
They save your time, and that's important
have been reserved. Please call today
The members of the Alpha Xi Delta
mail check to Lexington College
Regular Sunday Evening Meeting
fraternity entertained with a week or
of Music for your tickets. If any erDr. Benjamin J. Bush, of the First
their house in Lindhurst
end party at
ror in reservation has been made it Presbyterian Church, loyal friend of
Saturday and Sunday. A number of
can be more easily rectified now than students,
and inspirational speaker,
the new University students were inadv. spoke at the initial joint meeting of
at a later date. Phone 639-vited in for buffet supper Saturday evthe Y. M. and Y. W. Sunday evening
ening followed by a dance.
Luncheon at Qreen Tree
in the recreation hall of Patterson
Those in whose honor the affair was
The Sigma Beta Upsilon fraternity Hall. He stressed the strengthening
given were: Misses Elizabeth Helm,
showing that
effect of hardships
Davis and Laura Dunn, of of the University entertained last struggle and persistence
and courage
of week quite delightfully for some of
makes all writing swift and easy.
develop character.
London; Flo Armentrout, of Frank- the new girls of the University.
fort; Mary Louise Morris, of Provi
It is the most complete of all portable typThere was a lovely luncheon at
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, locat
dence, and Marion Foster, of Louis the Green Tree,
Miss 'I Sunshine ed at 242 S. Limestone for the en
ewritershas the STANDARD KEYBOARD
Sweeney's pretty little tea house in suing year, announces the pledging
and all the familiar features of the
of the following men: Richard Lamthe country, followed by a five hunDinner for Pledges
big machines. And it is so combert, Covington; Harold E. Stenken, .
Chi dred party at the chapter house, 352 Covington; Aubrey G. Keeney, Cov
The active chapter of Delta
pact that it fits in a case only four
fraternity entertained with a dinner Harrison avenue.
ington; Stanley G. Courtney, George
inches high. Price, complete with
The guests included Misses Edith town; A. V. Conway, Morganfield;
and smoker Monday evening at 6:30
Mary Williams,
Judith Aaron Ashbrook, Cynthiana; Sidney
o'clock at the Lafayette hotel in com Minnihan,
case, $60.
pliment to the new pledges to the Yungblut, Annabell Scott, Rosemary B. Neal Taylorsville;
Bertram B.
Kaufman, Louise Trainor, Katherine Helck, Newport; John VonGrunigen,
The guests of honor were: Messrs. McGurk, Mary Louise Morris, Zelma Nicholasville; Robert Samuels, New
Edward Goodson, Louisville; Harry Hall, Esther Haggard, Lurline Bro- - Castle; Robert
227 W. Short Street.
Elizabeth Dale .Catherine Frankfort.
Likens, Ashland; R. W. Daniel, Owen-to- naugh,
Lexington, - Kentucky
Owensboro; Richardson, Christine Gerhart.
David Mclntyre,
College Night
Paragon Ribbons (err Rrmineron Testable Typtwriters
William Earl 'Swc(pe, Eugene B.
Kappa Sigma Pledges
Sc each$ a doztn
Cochran, Lancaster; Salathiel Taylor
The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C.
Lawrence- Kappa Sigma, located at 343 Har- A. gave a social for new students
and W. P. Blackburn,
burg; Percy Beard, Owensboro; Fred rison Avenue, announce the
(Continued to Page6)
pledges: James Chapman, LouSnyder, Hazard; Cedric Knickerbocker and Pat Farra, Lexington; Anthony isville; Jack Simcox, Frankfort; Jay STUDENT BODY HEADS
Catlettsburg; John Tate, Wincheste