xt7t7659dd4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659dd4p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1930-10-dec16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-10-dec16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-10-dec16. 1930 1930-10-dec16. 2011 true xt7t7659dd4p section xt7t7659dd4p 

     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Tuesday, Decem-.ber 16,

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session at the President's house at the Uni-
versity on Tuesday, December 13, 1930, at 10:30 a. m.    The fol-
lowing members were present:  Governor Fleis D. Sarmnson, Judge
Richard C. Stoll, Mr. J. C. Uttervbck, Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Mr.
James Park, Dr. W. W. lWash, Mar. Louis Hillenmeyer, and Eir. J. B.
Andrews.   Meeting with the Board were Frank L. HoVey, President
of the University, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board.

     The minutes of the September meeting of the Board of Trus-
ees and the minutes of the Executive Commaittee since that time
were ayproved as Dublished.

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the Business
Agent was read and' ordered. incorpora.ted in the minutes.  The re-
oort was as follows:

                                                "EXHIBIT "Bi'

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                     Month of Novemniber 1930


current    Fiscal
Month      Year
       _   To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation
  Library Building - EOuic-
  ment - State ApDro.
  Special Ag. Appro.
  State Tax
  Int. on Liberty Bonds
  Int. on Endowment Bonds
  Student Fees
  Student Fees - Sum.Sch.
  Student Fees   U.H.S"
  Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch.
  Student Fees - Univ. Ext.
  Teacher Training Bldg.
    EOui p.-State Appro.
 Miscellaneous Receipts

42 750.00

9,3 53? 95
 42,111 60
 3 832. 80

 168 ,3S5. 72

  7 , 716. 89

    17. 75

42, 750.00

485, 362,20
    850, 00
  4,322. 25
  3, 985.00

2,822.29   06666.07



Ments Dormitories

tal    611,027.97

    216.50    1,198.50
    105.45   13,185.80
121,408.75 732,436S72

  Ad-l. Exp. & Maint.
  Add. & Betterments

 Excess of Expend. over

222, 997.15
588, 723. 89

22, 304.08



(44,942.92) (22,538.84)

Patterson Hall I-aco-me
.Miscellaneous R.ec.
Room Rent - Sra.Sch.

  Additions and Better-


Total      9,165.23

7,893.48   17,058.71



  Excess of Inco-.-ne over

General Fund Income
General Fund Expend.

Excess of General Fund
  Expenditures over In-


597, 889.12





21 ?472.34

771, 010.27


Excess of Expenditures
over Receiit s for Gen-
eral Ledger Accounts        263.61

Excess of Expenditures
over Receipts fox the
fiscal year to date -
General Fund             35,054.31

(9,712.70)  (9,449.09)

(45,869.90) (10,615.59)

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal
year to date - General Fund


   134. 40
 4 417.25



   134. 40



Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
   General Fund
   Cash in Bank November 30,
   1930 - General Fund

Trust Fund Incom?.e
  Student Loan Fund         1,048.56
  Students Notes Paid       1;969.O
            Total Receits  3)017.56

Student Notes

Excess of Expendiltures
over Receiotw

3,162. 00

(144 44)



892i 77



3, 910.'33

3, 81450
4 057.50


Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for the fiscal
year to da.te - Trust Fund

Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Trust Fund

Cash in Bank Novemrbler 30,
- Trust Fund


Expelimnent Station Inco.;ne
  Hatch - Federal Appro.
  Milk and Buttex - Cash
  Beef Cattle Sales
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Swine Sales
  Poultry Sales
  Farm Produce Sales
  Horticultural Sales
  Seed Tests
  Fertilizer - Fees
  PubDlic Service - State
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees
  Adams   Federal Appro.
  Serum - Sales
  Serumn Vitus Sales
  Serum - Supply Sales
  State Appropriation
  Creamery License Fees

7,. 500.00


 ,33O6. 66
 27, 23.50
   54, 75
   44. 50
12 919. 70
6,537. 00


1,141.66   5,608.44
              109. 26
  270.52   1,078.06
  129,67      798.35
  37.75     185.06
  156.25   5,776,25

3,666.66   7 333e32
5,821.50  33,085,00
  135.27   1,059.38
  11.70       66.45
  11.60       56.10
7,571.68  20,491.38
   31.50   6,598.50






Creamery - Testers'
Creamery - Glassware
Robinson - Sty Appryo
W. Ky., - Stt Approt'
Purnell - Fed. Appro.
St. Appro. - Patterson
  Farm Purbhase
Nursery Inspection - St.
Nursery Inspection -
Cream Grading
Poultry Improvement
Blood Test

  Additions and Better-

Excess of Expenditures
over Income

2'040. 00

3, 325212


125,253. 38



52.00    2f092,00

1 128.27




32, 225.36

(25,826.15)  15,753.50

 4, 777.14







Excess of Expenditures over
Income for the fiscal year
to date - Experiment Sta-


Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Experiment Station

35.191. 91

Cash in Bank November 30,
1930 - Experiment Station


Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Fed. Additional Co-on.
  Fed. Supplementary
  Fed, Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  State Capper-Ketcham
  County and Other

18, 645.97
 1 457.04


_ 24,,356.93

    270. 00
 1,578. 49


35,846.27  162 ,073.21




Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures               50 015.53

Excess of Income over Ex-
peneitures for the fiscal
year to date - Extension

(11.489.34) 38,526.19

38, 526.19

Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Extension Division

Cash in Bank Nov. 30, 1930
- Extension Division


41 ,499.37

General Fund Incom.-e
  Trust Fund Income
  Experiment Station Inc.
  Extension Division Inc.

176 242.47

138, 330.45
 24, 356.93

771, 010.27

General Fund Expenditures 597,889.12
  Trust Fund Expend.           203.00
  Exper. Sta. Expend.      151,079.53
  Exten. Div. Expend.      126,226.94
                  Total    875,398.59

174,,287.65 772,176.77
     40.00      243.00
 32, 225.36 la3,304.89
 35, 846.27 162,07 " 21
 242,399.28 ':117,797.87

Excess of Incom.-ce over


(31,225.27) 28,600.37

Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for Gen-
  eral Ledger Accounts       263.61    (9,712.70)  (9,449.09)

Student Loan Fund - Notes  (90.00)        470.51)  (1,460.50)

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Corinbined Fund. 3i090.25   t41408.47) 17,690.78

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
iOenditures for the fiscal
year to date - Combined Furs
Cash in Bank Ju1l 1. 1930 -
Combined Fund
Cash in Bank Nov. 30, Combined ?und


_,5 60.77)



          Abstract of item shown on statement
          of Income and Expenditures as "'Excess
          of Expenditures over Receipts, for
          General Ledger Accounts $9,449.09. "

                                    Debit            Credit
    Accounts Receivable                            73,946.57

    Insurance Paid in Advance    4, 347.84

    Sundry Accounts                               20, 952.18

    Notes Payable              100,000.00

                                104,347484         94,898.75



     2. Borrowing of Money.   President McVey repoted to the
Board that it might be necessary to borrow approximately $bO,000
for a period of thirty days in order to meet the December payroll
of the University. 'Thereupon a motion was made, seconded, and
adopted that the President of the University and the Business
Agent be authorized to borrow such sums as may be necessary to
meet the December payroll of the University not to exceed $50,000.

     3. President's Quarterly Report. The quarterly report of
the President was presented to the Board,   The report was as

     "In most of the articles and comments about the University
that have appeared in newspapers and periodicals during the last
five years, reference has been made to the material development
of the institution.   The writers have talked about the building
program, the expansion of the campus and the increasing numbei
of students.   These items had a news value and undoubtedly open-
ed the eyes of the public to the growth of the University.    Un-
doubtedly a good deal of progress has been made and the Universi-
ty more nearly represents today the needs of a great state than
it has at any time in its history.   Nevertheless, like every
growing institution, either in the field of business, education
or the work of the church, new problems axe constantly presenting
themselves.   Each year with its enlarging group of students
brings new difficulties and new problem.as,  It is about these that
I wish to write in this report.



     "The University is just now finishing a considerable build-
ing program and, as a consequence, has added to its recitation
rooms, auditoriius, and laboratory rooms to a considerable degree.
These additions, however, have kept pace only with the demand
for more room and even that does not cover the whole situation
for many departments are housed in old buildings with inadequate
quarters and insufficient equipment.

    "Why is it that a University must continually grow, increase
its offerings and provide more facilities?  A university organi-
zation is mAore than a college, it is a combination of a number
of colleges.  It attempts to provide instruction for undergradu-
ates, professional students and graduate students.   Due to these
things it must have a great deal more in the way of books, labora-
tory equipment, and teaching staff than the regular four-year
college.   In thinking of the University of Kentucky it is neces-
sary to keep in mind that it is composed of seven colleges, any
one of which has an attendance acual to many 'of the colleges of
the four-year basis.   ; am desirous, therefore, of presenting
in this article some of the more pressing needs of the University
at this particular time.

    "The physical sciences at the Univeisity of Kentucky are quite
well organized and the work in these fields is well presented and
extends into the graduate level.   With the exception of chemistry,
the departments in physical sciences are housed inadequately and
they now need a great deal more in the way of lecture room..is and
laboratories.   As a.n instance of this statement, the departments
of physics, zoology, geology and bacteriology are occupying base-
ment rooms in which laboratories have been set up.   They are
utilizing every bit of space that there is in these buildings.
Botany is located in White Hall which was at one time a dormitory.
That department needs material expansion in the way of room.
In all of these instances the departments are handicapped and yet
despite these handicaps the instructional staff has done well in
carrying on instruction.

     "The Engineering College is housed in a number of buildings
that were built a good many years ago.   The student attendance
upon this college has reached 600 and the whole college ought to
be housed in new buildings.   The staff of the Engineering Col-
lege has done good work with their equipment but the State should
look forward to a time, not far distant, when this college may
be adequately housed and equipped.

     "As someone said in visiting the University of Kentucky,
the Department of Physical Education was carrying on a three-ring
circus on the stage of a village theatre, there is considerable
truth in this comparison.   That department has grown enormously
and the problem of developing the physical education side of
3,200 students is a difficult one under present circumstances.



The department needs more space and more playing fields.    When
the basketball building was erected eight years ago everybody
thought that room enough had been provided for any audience that
might want to see a gamne.  The varsity athletics have practically
absorbed that building with the result that the department of
Physical Education is particularly crowded for room, not only in
the gymnasium but on the playing field as well.    So one of the
problems which the University i-.must face in the near future is
to provide adequate buildings for physical education and, as well,
playing fields.

    "In this connection it is desirable to speak of the R.O.T.C.
The regiment now numbers 1,200 and its headquarters are located
in the old Alurmni Hall where the officers and staff divide the
building with the women's department of Physical Education.    The
drill hall would not accommodate one of the companies and the
storage space for ares and equipment is crowded to the dobrs. One
way of meeting the problem in physical education as well as the
problem of the R. 0. T. C. would be to construct an armory capable
of meeting the requirements in the Department of Military Science
and Tactics.

     "After a great deal of discussion through a period of more
than ten years, the Board of Trustees decided to tackle the prob-
lem of adequate library facilities.   Without an appropri.tion
for the purpose and relying with some hope upon the future, a mod-
ern library was planned and that building is nowvell on its way
to completion.   But a library without books is something to look
at but not very much to work with.    The books in the libraries
of the University of Kentucky now number 116,000, but provision
should be made for more expansion in books so as to make it pos-
sible to carry orn graduate work in a number of fields.   For the
first time in the history of the University it can say to the
people of the State that it has a place where they may deposit
without danger of fire, the books and treasures that they possess
and wish to give to the com-m.onwealth.  Undoubtedly, Kentucky is
rich in'historic material and the University should enter into
graduate instruction so that the history and social science field
may be covered.

     "Looking back over the history of the University, an interest-
ing development is to be seen in the attendance of woomen in the
different colleges of the University.    This year 1,064 women are
registered in the University and the number has grown steadily as
the accommodations for women have increased.    The construction
of a dormitory for women four years ago provided for considerable
increase in residence provision but that has been more than filled
up and there are pressingl demands for a larger residence hall.
The University ought to meet this but whether it can do so or not
is the financial question.



     "As large groups of students come together on one campus
there arise problems concerning their health and social life.
There is no adequate place on the camnpus where students m-ay go
between recitations to study or for rest.   There is no place
where they can cone together for social r ecreation in an adequate
way.   The University very much needs a students' union where
their activities would find a place where students might go for
study and recreation.  Many institutions have made provision
for this need and have erected large buildings to provide for
such requirements.  The University of Kentucky must look forward
to doing the same thing and I hope that it may not be a long
period of time before there may be erected on the campus of the
University of Kentucky a first class students' union building.

     During this sumnmer Doctor J. S. Chambers, head of the Depart-
ment of Hygiene and Public Health, together with Mr. Harry Lynn,
has made a study of the distribution, age and training of the
physicians in the State.   That study is to be published in the
near future and it should bring attention to the various -edical
problems that we have in the commonwealth.   Dr. Arthur T. Mc-
Cormack, the efficient Secretary of the State Board of Health,
has been in close touch with this study and for the first time
we have the facts about the medical situation in the State set
forth adequately.   If the present drift goes on the State will
find itself short of physicians in the next twenty years.    The
problem of physicians is closely associated with hospital facil-
ities and medical training.   The University of Kentucky is in-
terested in this -qatter solely for the purpose of securing the
best answers to the questions that have been raised in this study.
With the cooperation of the Board of Health, the State Medical
Association and otherw who are interested in the problems, a
definite answer ought to be reached as to the best procedure and
what should be done regarding it.   The only way in which a solu-
tion can be reached is by understanding the questions involved
and by the cooperation of all that are concerned in its solution.

     "Mr. E. 0. Robinson of Fort Thomas has recently given to
the University the coal rights on the land which he presented to
the University eight years ago.   This is a fine gift and removes
some of the criticism that was made at that time.    This gift
made recently by Mr. Robinson will remove any possibility that
coal mining operations will interfere with the development of the
forest area at Quicksand.   This project is still young and its
larger implications are yet to be worked out.    As this is done
the results will bring to Eastern Kentucky a great deal of val-
uable information on forest managenesnt.

     "The County Agents, whose valuable work is directed by the
Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension Division, have
been faced with very difficult tasks during this past year.   The
drouth conditions in this State placed upon the Agric-u i-t-ral



Extension Division an immense amount of work and it may be said
that it has been well done and a great deal of good accomplished
in helping the State over this difficult year.  One of the prob-
lems with which the University is faced is to adjust the relations
between the counties and the Uniiversity so that the County Agent
may be free from the interruptions that occur in his word rising
out of the system now in vogue.  I am sure that the University
can count on the cooperation of every county in the State and
that in the course of two or three years this problem will be
worked out to everyone's satisfaction.

     "At this time it may not be in order to discuss the matter
of salaries but it is a thing that must be kept in mind. if the
University is to retain highly qualified men and women on its
staff.  The University has done very well in the past in retain-
ing its staff but in a large measure this has been due to the
interest and loyalty of its members.  In the long run a universi-
ty rises or declines with the ability and hard working qualifi-
cations of its staff.  A university can be no greater than its
faculty and this problem which grows with the increasing size
of the University will have to be met adequately and conscientious-
ly by the University.

     "In the course of its history the University of Kentucky has
graduated 6,000 students and more than 40,000 have attended
during the years.   This large group is coming to have an increas-
ing influence upon the State.  More than half of the students
who have graduated received their degrees in the past ten years,
and in the next decade those students living in the state ought
to have a helpful influence upon its growth and development. The
Alumni have already made a place for themselves but they can do
a geat deal more as the years go on and the group should have a
fine loyalty and an honesty of purpose in working in the various
communities for the welfare of the State.   I have every hope
that such is and will continue to be the case, and as a consequence
the University should make an increasing contribution to Kentucky.

     "A State university ought to be a kind of beacon light for
the State and be ready to assist it in every way by doirg what
it does well and by assisting to solve the many social, economic
and industrial problems with which a state is confronted.   The
Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension Division have given
evidence of this during their history, and the same thing can be
done in the engineering and social fields as well.   The Univer-
sity should have in the not distant future an Engineering Exper-
iment Station that would work on the problems that are particular-
ly akin to the needs of Kentucky, and I til nk it may be said that
such a station will be established through the needs and necessi-
ties of the State.   There are many other problems that might be
mentioned but what I have said thus far indicates some of the
needs and difficulties and hopes of the University; all of them
I commend to the cause of the citizens of our commonwealth, If
they come to know the purposes of the University, I have the hope
that they will see in a larger way the needs of the institution



and provide the means by which it may becom-e increasingly useful
to the commonwealth.

     "After a great deal of planning the buildings for the College
of Education and Associated Schools were completed and occupied
in Septe-mber, 1930.  This group of buildings is unique in many
ways and sets an example for the construction of school buildings
that may have considerable influence upon school architecture in
this state.  The new buildings provide adequate room for the
Training Schools and the College of Education.  In quite a re-
markable way the training school started in SeptemAber with much
enthusiasm and a good deal of efficiency.  A new standard of
instruction was set up in the University's experience in the
Training School and it is hoped that this school will provide
great opportunity for experience and at the same time thorough-
going instruction.

     "The faculty of the College of Education has been active
in attendance upon associations, in lecturing here and there,
and in writing.   The Bureau of School Service has done scmee
effective work and issued a number of reports and studies that
are proving valuable to education people everywhere.   The college
and schools have much to attain but a good start has been made
and a great deal more progress ought to be forthcoming in the
next two or three years.

     "The Las School has steadily improved in teaching efficiency
and library facilities.  During the past two years the library
has been materially strengthened and is now a very satisfactory
working library.   The staff has been increased to six and the
standard of instruction held on a high plane.   The members of the
staff are called upon now and again to give advice on state mat-
ters as well as those connected with commrunities.

      "The College of Commerce has grown in number of students
as well as in effectiveness.   The Bureau of Business Administra-
tion has been called upon from time to time to study som-ne of the
state problems and it has proven valuable in the advice and help
it has given in these matters.   As in the case of other colleges,
this group needs more room.   If, however, Provision is mady for
the Department of Botany, the college could use the space in
White Hall and thus find itselt quite satisfactorily housed."

     The report was discussed by the members of the Board, and
a motion was made, seconded, and carried that it be printed and
distributed to the citizens of the State in such a manner as the
President may think proper.



     4. Contract for Astronomical Observatory.   President cVey
reported to the Board that the contract for the construction of
the astronomical observatory was ready to be signed.   A motion
was made, seconded, and carried authorizing the President of the
Board or the Chairman of the Executive Commiittee to execute the

     5. Campus Bookstore.  A report from the Committee on the
Campus Bookstore was presented to the Board and discussed at
length.   A motion was made, seconded, and carried unanimously
that the management of the bookstore be separated from the manage-
ment of the University Post Office.   Mrotion was also made and
carried that the future details of operation of the bookstore be
referred to the Committee on the Bookstore and reported to the
Executive Committee.

     6. Russell County Matter.   A statement was read to the
Board regarding a controversy which exists in Russell County over
the employment of a county agent, Mdr. M. H. Sasser, in which it
appears that Mr. Sasser had been employed as county agent for
Russell County, part of his salary to be paid by the Extension
Division of the College of Agriculture, part to be paid by the
U. S. Department of Agriculture, and part by Russell County.   It
further appears that Russell County has failed to make payment
because funds were not available to do so, and that the -atter
had been taken to court.   The judge.of the court has handed
down a decision to the effect that Mr. Sasserts salary can not be
paid and assessed him with the costs.    The question arose as to
whether 6= not the University has any obligation or duty in the
matter.   The matter was discussed at some length   and the question
was referred to the University attorney, Mr. J. Pelham Johnston,
with the request that he advise the University as to the law and

     7. Result of International Livestock Show.    The results of
the internation-a livestock show in which the University has taken
part as exhibitors and as contestants were as follows:

     The following awards were obtained:

          Angus steer ............... 1st

            Cheviots................ OChapnion wether
                                      Reserve champion wether
              Yearling wether ....... 1st

                 XI  ,    .    .    .............. 3d
              Wether lamb..........1st
                   " ..j...............  2d
                          ........... 3d
                 ". ".       4th


1 3.

             Pen of lambs ............. lst
             i  "I . ............ 2d

             Yearling wether ..........3 d
             Wether lamb............. 2d
                "i .............. 3d
             Pen of lambs ............ 2d

        Southdowns ................... Reserve champion
             Yearling wether ..... 1.... st
             Wether lamb ............. 5th

        Grades & Crossbreds
             Yearling wether ......... 2d
             Wether lamb ............. 5th
             Pen of lambs ............. 1st

        John Clay Specials
             Yearling wether ..... 1.... st

        Am. Hampshire Sheep Assoc. Specials
             Wether lamb .............. 2d
               "      " .............. 3d
             Pen of lambs ............3 d

     In the student judging contest, the team from the College
of Agriculture, comprising Her-man Levy, Ivan Jett, Theodore M-ilby,
William Florence, George Harris, and John Cochran (alternate)
stood third.   This is the highest place that has been attained
by a student judging team from this college.    You may be inter-
ested in the accompanying note, showing the standing by institu-

     At the National Boys' and Girls' Club Congress (Chicago)
4-H club members from Kentucky received awards as follows:

     Home Improvement Exhibit - one unit from girl's own room
          4th place .....H azel Huber, Jefferson County.

     Home ImproveIment Exhibit - window treatment, girl's own room
          4th place ....Hazel Huber, Jefferson County.

     4-H Style Dress Revue -- informal party dress
          3d place ...... Ruth Clary, Flesming County.

     Canned Goods -- canned fruits
          6th place.....Threasa Egger, Boyle County.

     Health Contest
          5th place ..... Duke Pettit, jr. (score 98.4)
          (There were 36 entries in this contest; the score
          of the winning botj. was 98.7).



     Accompanying Note: -- "The first ten colleges to finish,
together with the number of points scored were:  Oklahoima A. and
IM. College, 4,183; Kansas State Agricultural College, 4,099;
University of Kentucky, 4080; Iowa State College, 4,079; Universi-
ty of Nebraska, 4,074; Ohio State University, 4,031; Purdue Uni-
versity, 3,978; University of Minnesota., 3,953; South Dakota
State College, 3,926; University of Illinois, 3,888.11

     8. Coal Rights at Robinson Sub-Experiment Station. President
HcVey read a communication fro-m r. E. 0. Robinson at Fort Thomas,
Kentucky, indicating that he.was giving the University the coal
rights on 14,000 acres of land at Quicksand occupied by the Rob-
inson Sub-experiment Station.   The deeds have been recorded in
the county clerk's offices in Breathitt, Perry and Knott Counties.
The Board of Trustees, recognizing the value of the gift, passed
the following resolution:

     That the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky ex-
press its appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Robinson of Fort
Thomas, Kentucky, for the gift which they have made to the Uni-
versity in deeding to it the coal rights on the tract of land at
Quicksand occupied by the Robinson Substation; and. that the Sec-
retary of the Board be directed to convey to Mr. and ars. Robin-
son the appreciation of the Board for their continued interest
in the work of the University and for the gift of these coal

     9. Nursery and Orchard Inspection. A communication was read
from Dean Cooper indicating that the State Horticulture Society
wished to cooperate with the University in certain nursery and
orchard inspections in the western part of the State.    A notion
was -.made, seconded, and. carried authorizing Dean Cooper to coop-
erate with the State Horticulture Society and enter into a.-coop-
erative arrangement for the work to be done, it being understood
that the State Horticulture Society will pay part of the costs.

     10. Warehouse Plans. Motion was made, seconded, and carried
that plans for the use of the warehouse recently purchased by the
University be prepared and submitted for the meeting of the Jan-
uary meeting of the Executive Committee.

     1.1. Library Equipment. Motion was made, seconded and car-
ried authorizing the President