xt7t7659dd1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659dd1x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1961-01-jan20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-01-jan20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-01-jan20-ec. 1961 1961-01-jan20-ec. 2011 true xt7t7659dd1x section xt7t7659dd1x 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, January 20, 1961.

        The Executive Committee of the University met in the President? s Of-
fice on the campus of the University at 11:02 a. m. , EST, Friday, January 20,
1961, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman; Dr.
Ralph J. Angelucci, J. Stephen Watkins, Robert Hillenmeyer and Harper
Gatton. Absent: None. Preaident Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D.
Peterson were present.

        A. Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Minutes of the
Executive Committee November 2, 1960, were approved as published.

        B. Financial Report.

        Mr. Peterson presented the Financial Report, a copy of which had
previously been mailed to each member of the Executive Committee.  The
Report was examined, and members having read the report, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, it was approved and ordered filed.

        C. University Purchases Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted the following letter:

                                            January 4, 1961
       President Frank G. Dickey
       University of Kentucky

       Dear President Dickey:

       From October 1, 1960 through December 31, 1960 the following
       requisitions and orders were processed for the purchase of mer-
       chandise, supplies, materials and other items for the use and
       benefit of the University of Kentucky.

           S D. Orders .......   .........  Inclusive 195-3 74
           State Requisitions ..... .......  Inclusive 692-1147
           Emergencies, State  ..... .....  Inclusive 172-388
           Special Orders ......  .........  Inclusive 4229-5718
           Job Order Vouchers .....  .....  Inclusive 13511-13952
           Stores Vouchers .............   Inclusive 618-1777
           Vouchers   ...................  Inclusive 6259-13528
           Order by letters  ...... .......  Inclusive 115-239
           Athletic Orders  ..............  Inclusive 46-79



    Emergency Purchase Orders .    Inclusive L532-L1037
                                               RB89 -RB269
    Stores Material Requisitions ..... Inclusive 4545-9479
    Food Storage Orders .Inclusive 953-1446
    Requests for Quotations ......... Inclusive 433-775

The requisitions, emergency requisitions, special orders, vouchers
and other documents are made a part of this letter and are available
to the Board of Trustees for inspection. All purchases have been
made in accordance with approved policy of the Board of Trustees,
and I respectfully request confirmation and approval of the purchases
as listed conforming to the statutes requiring action by the Board of

                                     Very truly yours,


Frank D. Peterson
Vice President
Business Administration

       Mr. Peterson also called attention that, during the quarter, 18,603
documents of all types were processed through the Purchasing Office.

       Members of the Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the purchase documents, as evidenced in the letter copied above,
were ratified and approved.

       D. Sale of Station Wagon Authorized.

       Mr. Peterson reported a station wagon which has been declared surplus
because it requires extensive repairs, making it impractical for further use.
He recommended that authority be given to dispose of the vehicle by taking
competitive bids.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the station wagon was
authorized sold by taking competitive bids,



       E. Contract with Kentucky Department of Highways.

       Mr. Peterson submitted contract between the Commonwealth of Ken-
tucky, Department of Highways, and the University of Kentucky.  He explained
that the University would provide a Management Seminar which would give
instruction in management to personnel of the Highway Department at Lexington,
Ky., as Phase 1 of the program, and as Phase 2 of the program, the second
seminar would be given at such place as agreed upon.  The contract involves
a total of $3, 050. 00 as reimbursement for time, supplies and expenses in-
curred. Mr. Peterson stated that this was a service that the College of Com-
merce could render to the personnel of the Highway Department, and recommend-
ed its approval.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was approved
and authorized executed.

      F. Injuries.

      Mr. Peterson submitted a list of three injuries which had occurred to
University personnel.

       1. Mr. Charles Burton, carpenter, an empLoyee of M & 0.
         Mr. Burton was injured on January 26, 1960 while working
     at the Funkhouser Building.  A small piece of steeL was imbedded
     on the right side of his neck about three inches below the jaw. He
     was first treated at the University of Kentucky Health Service by
     Dr. Noback, and after X-rays were made he was then sent to Dr.
     Thomson Bisyant.  Dr. Bryant was unsuccessful in finding the
     small piece of metal and complications later ensued, which result-
     ed in surgery by Dr. John S. Sprague on February 3, 1960.  A
     small piece of steel was removed from the thyroid cartilage. Mr.
     Burton is covered by our University hospital policy, and a good
     percentage of the total expense was covered by the hospital benefits.
     These are the bills which are yet unpaid:

       1. Good Samaritan Hospital - balance due             $21. 00
       2. Dr. Thomson Bryant                                  15. 00
              Office visit                  $ 12. 00
              Dressings & supplies            3. 00
       3. Drs. Rubin, McHargue & Nagle, Anesthetists       20. 00
       4. Dr. Harold D. Rosenbaum - for x-ray                 10. 00
       5. Dr. John S. Sprague                                 50. 00
              Charge by Dr. Sprague          75. 00
              Less the University
              hospitalization policy
              payment to Mr. Burton
              for surgery                    25. 00
                         Balance               =.



        2. Mr. Wilson Mullins, an employee at Robinson Substation,
           Quick ad   y.
           Mr. Mu:lins was injured on August 5, 1960 when a log rolled over
      his foot while he was working in Robinson Substation forest.

         Homeplace Clinic & Hospital, Ary, Kentucky       $11. 00

         3. Mr. Ruby Fraley, 'dozer operator, an employee at Robinson
         ustation, Quicksand  

         Mr. Fraley was injured on November 3, 1960. He was excavating
      along a hillside with a bulldozer when a tree broke, falling back and
      landing on his head. The following bill has been submitted:

          Homeplace Clinic & Hospital, Ary, Kentucky      $ 8. 65

      Mr. Peterson explained that the accident to Charles Burton had been
investigated and various items sent back for additional information, thus incur-
ring a delay in submission. He recommended that the charges for hospital and
doctor? s services be paid as applicable to Charles Burton and that hospital
and doctors' charges applicable to William Mullins and Ruby Fraley be paid,
with the expressed understanding that the University does not admit negligence
nor liability in each incident and neither does it establish a precedent by
paying these expenses.

      The accounts were examined by Dr. Angelucci, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, were authorized paid.

     G. Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories Agreement Approved.

     Mr. Peterson submitted Agreement between the University of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station and the Merck Sharp & Dohme Research
Laboratories with recommendation that it be approved. He stated that the
Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories had agreed to pay to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky the sum of $2, 500. 00 to conduct a study of Anthelmintic
MK-36 against internal parasites of domestic animals. The University will
furnish technical personnel necessary, office and laboratory space, facilities,
equipment and domestic animals.

     Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was approved and authorized
executed on behalf of the University.

     H. Reports on Work at Bogor and Bandung, Indonesia, Received.

     President Dickey presented a review of the work of the University Contract
Team at the faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Science of the University of
Indonesia at Bogor and the Institut Teknologi of the University of Indonesia at
Bandung, as made by Vice President Frank D. Peterson, Department of Business
Management and Control, and Dean R. E. Shaver, College of Engineering, Uni-
versity of Kentucky. The reports were received,



      I. Appointment of Persons to Serve with the Commission on Public
Education Approved.

      President Dickey stated that the Commission on Public Education, as
authorized by the 1960 Legislature, had requested that University personnel
be relieved of duties at the University so that they might serve as members
of a committee of the Commission in its study on public education.  Dr.
Lucile Lurry and Dr. Carl Cone were assigned to work with the Commission.

      President Dickey further stated that these professors would be relieved
of duties at the University and that the University would continue to pay their
salaries for the time necessary in making this study. He stated that he had
been advised by the Attorney General that such an arrangement would require
the approval of the Board of Trustees.

     Members of the Executive Committee being familiar with the request
through press releases and otherwise, on motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the recommendation of the President was concurred in, and Dr. Lu-
cile Lurry and Dr. Carl Cone were assigned duties with the Commission on
Public Education for and in behalf of the University of Kentucky during the
spring semester of the 1960-61 academic year.

     J. Agreement between the College of Nursing and Shriners Hospital
C onside ref

     President Dickey submitted Agreement between the University of Kentucky
College of Nursing and the Shriners Hospital. He stated that the Agreement had
been approved by Dr. Marcia Dake, Dean of the College of Nursing, and Dr.
W. R. Willard, Vice President for the Medical Center. The proposed Agree-
ment was examined by members of the Committee and several questions of
liability having been raised, the contract was referred back for further study.

     K. By-laws of the Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in
the University of Kentucky Medical Center Approved.

     President Dickey submitted By-laws of the Fund for Advancement of Edu-
cation and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center:


   Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Fund, December 13, 1960

                            ARTICLE I

                        General Provisions

     Section 1. As used in these by-laws, the word "Fund" means The Fund
for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical
Center; "Board" means the Board of Directors of this Fund and "Director"
means a member thereof; and "Board of Trustees" means the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky.



      Section 2. The principal office and place of business of the Fund shall
be at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky.

      Section 3. The seal of the Fund shall be circular with the words "The
Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Ken-
tucky Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky'v surrounding the word "Seal".

                             ARTICLE II

                          Board of Directors

      Section 1. The government of the Fund and authority for management
of its affairs shall be vested in a Board of Directors whose membership shall
consist of persons as provided and determined in accordance with Article VII
of the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund.

      Section 2. The officers of the Board shall consist of a Chairman, Vice
Chairman, and Secretary.  Officers shall be elected at the organizational
meeting of the Board and shall serve until their successors are elected by the
Board and qualify. Officers shall be chosen from among the members of the

      Section 3. The Chairman of the Board shall be elected for a term of
one year. He shall preside at meetings of the Board and shall have such
other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

     Section 4. The Vice Chairman shall be elected for a term of one year
and shall perform all of the duties of the Chairman in th.e absence of the

     Section 5. The Secretary shall serve during the pleasure of the Board
and shall serve as executive officer for the Fund to transact business on be-
half of the Fund pursuant to authorization by the Board. The Secretary
shall have charge of the records of the Fund, shall issue notices of meetings
to Directors, shall execute and sign such instruments as require his signa-
ture to carry out the business of the Fund, and shall prepare and preserve
a record of all meetings of the Board. He shall keep the seal of the corpora-
tion and, when authorized by the Board, shall affix the same to any instru-
ment requiring it and shall attest the seal or other official act by his signature,
and shall perform other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by
resolution of the Board.

     Section 6. With the approval of the Board of Trustees of the University,
the Board of Directors shall designate the Treasurer of the University as the
fiscal agent of the Fund for the receipt, custody, and disbursement of monies,
utilizing specially designated and segregated restricted accounts established
and maintained for this purpose, one of which such accounts shall be designated
Medical Services Account, and for keeping regular books of account of the
monies and property of the Fund. He shall have the power to endorse for
deposit to the credit of the Fund all notes, checks, drafts, bonds, and other
instruments received by the Fund. He shall disburse the monies of the Fund,
taking proper vouchers therefor, signed by the Secretary and the person to
whom payment is made, for expenditures authorized or appropriated by the
Board or for transfer of funds to a corporate trustee for investment in ac-
cordance with Article VIII of the Articles of Incorporation. of the Fund.


      Section 7. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held quarterly on call
 of the Chairman. Special meetings of the Board may be held at any time and
 place upon call of the Chairman or upon request of two or more Directors.

      Section 8. Notice of all meetings of the Board shall be given by the
Secretary by mail, telephone or telegraph at least five days in advance there-
of. Nothing herein contained, however, shall prevent any Director from
waiving, in writing, notice of any meeting.

      Section 9. A majority of the Board at the time a meeting is held shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

                             ARTICLE III

                         Advisory Committees

      Section 1. The Faculty Advisory Committee of the Fund shall be a
standing committee consisting of all the members of the Faculty Advisory Com-
mittee of the College of Medicine as provided in Article IX of the Physicians'
Services Plan of the University of Kentucky Medical Center. As provided in
Article X of such Plan, the chairmen of the clinical departments and the chair-
man of the basic science department shall be the only voting members of this
committee of the Fund, except that the Dean of the College of Medicine shall
vote upon motions on which the other voting members are equally divided. It
shall be the duty of this committee to make recommendations from time to
time to the Board of Directors on the use of monies in the Medical Services
Account of the Fund, specifically with respect to use of such monies pursuant
to subparagraph (b) of Article VIII of such Plan and within the purposes au-
thorized by the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund. In the performances
of its duty, this committee shall review the status of the Medical Services
Account, for which purpose the Board shall have provided to the committee
summary statements of the account showing deposits, expenditures and com-
mitrnents by major categories.

     Section 2. Other committees of the Fund, the members of which may
or may not consist of Directors, may be authorized by the Board from time
to time as either standing or ad hoc committees.  Unless otherwise provided,
the members of such other committees shall be appointed by the Chairman
of the Board to serve for one year. The Chairman shall designate a chairman
and a secretary of each committee so appointed.

     Section 3. The report of all committees shall be made to the Chairman
of the Board and be transmitted by him to the Board of Directors.

                             ARTICLE IV


     Section 1. No contract shall be entered into by any officer or agent of
the Fund which shall be binding on the Fund unless and until it is approved or
confirmed by the Board of Directors. Funds resulting from gifts or grants
will be received only when acceptance is approved by the Board of Trustees of
the University.



                              ARTICLE V


     Section 1. These by-laws may be amended, revised, or repealed at any
regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors by a vote of the majority
of all of the Directors, provided notice of such proposed amendments, change,
or repeal shall have been given in the call for such meeting.

     Mr. Hobson stated that these were the usual by-laws found in most cor-
porations. President Dickey recommended that they be approved.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the by-laws as recom-
mended and approved by the Board of Directors of the Fund, December 13,
1960, were authorized approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

     L. Acceptance, PhysicianO Services Plan, Approved by the Board of
Directors of the Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the Uni-
versity Medical Center Reported.

     President Dickey stated that he had received the following letter from
Mr. Robert P. Hobson, Chairman, Board of Directors of the Fund for Advance-
ment of Education and Research in the University Medical Center, and he
desired to have the letter received.

                                             December 15, 1960
      Frank G. Dickey, President
      University of Kentucky
      Lexington, Kentucky

      Dear President Dickey:

           As requested in your letter of September 22, we have examined
      the Physiciansv Services Plan as submitted to us and have given
      careful consideration to your proposal that the Fund receive and use
      monies and perform certain other functions in accordance with the
      provisions of the Plan.

          It is our conclusion that the functions and responsibilities which
      you propose the Fund undertake are within the purposes of the Fund
      as set forth in our Articles of Incorporation, and subject to conditions
      set forth in the following paragraph of this letter, we accept your
      proposal. In so agreeing, we assure that any monies transmitted to
      the Fund under the Plan will be used exclusively for purposes pursuant
      to Article VIII of the Plan and in accordance with determinations made
      in the manner specified in Articles VIII and X of the Plan. With
      respect to the establishment of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the
      Fund pursuant to Article X of the Plan, we further agree to provide
      in the By-Laws of the Fund for establishment and duties of such
      Committee in a manner consistent with the Plan.



     Our acceptance of your proposal and our assurances relative
thereto are predicted on the following conditions:

    a)  That in the relationship created, between the Fund and
         the University, the Fund does not assume directly or
         indirectly any responsibility or powers with respect
         to the Plan, its operation and enforcement, other than
         expressly provided in the Plan:

    b) That it is clearly understood that the Plan does not con-
         fer directly or indirectly upon the Fund any authority
         or responsibility with respect to either the professional
         activities of physicians in the Medical Center or the
         patient care program of the Medical Center; and

    c)  That any amendment or modification of the Plan which
         alters ,,he duties and powers of the Fund under the Plan
         be submitted fio and accepted by the Fund prior to being
         made effective.

    With respect to implementing the Plan, the Fund will authorize
the Medical Center to receive as Trustee for th.e Fund all monies col-
lected under the Plan and will direct that these be paid over to the
Fund by deposit to a restricted account, designated as the Medical
Services Account of the Fund, to be established and maintained by
the Treasurer of the University of Kentucky, provided that the
University Board of Trustees by resolution grants prior approval
of such receipt of such monies by the Medical Center, and by the
Fund, and of the establislhment of such account.

    It is proposed that the University at appropriate intervals there-
after notify the Fund in writing of projected needs for expenditures
frorr the Medical Services Account in accordance with Article VIII
subsection (a) of the Plan. From time to time upon receiving such
notification with. appropriate documentation, the Fund will by letter
authorize the University to make withdrawals of funds from the
Medical Services Account in a manner consistent with projected
requirements and availability of funds in the Account.  Similarly,
it is proposed that from time to time at appropriate intervals the
Fund will authorize withdrawals from the Account for expenditures
pursuant to Article VIII subsection fb) of the Plan.

    For its information and records, under the proposed arranges
ments, the Fund would require. from the Treasurer of the University
monthly statements of the Medical Services Account, showing deposits,
and withdrawals and balances carried forward and remaining in the

                                      Sincerely yours,

                         (Signed)    Robert P. Hobson
                                      Chairman, Board of Directors
                                      The Fund for Advancement of
                                      Education and Research in the
                                      University of Kentucky Medical



     M. Designation of University Treasurer to Serve as Fiscal Agent, Medical
Center Fund, Approved.

     President Dickey submitted the following letter:

                                            December 15, 1960

     Frank G. Dickey, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky
                                  Re: Designation of University Treasurer
                                      to serve as fiscal agent of the Fund
     Dear President Dickey:

          At the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of The
     Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University
     of Kentucky Medical Center on December 13, 1960, the Board adopted
     By-Laws containing provisions for the designation, subject to the
     approval of the Board of Trustees of the University, of the Treasurer
     of the University as the fiscal agent of the Fund. These provisions
     are set forth in Article III, Section 6, of the By-Laws, a copy of which
     is enclosed.

          Accordingly, it is the purpose of this letter to request such ap-
     proval of the Board of Trustees.  With such approval, it is contem-
     plated that appropriate arrangements will be made between the Fund
     and the Treasurer of the University with respect to the forms, pro-
     cedures nature and frequency of financial reports and related matters
     involved in the operation of the Fund.

                                            Sincerely yours,

                               (Signed)    Robert P. Hobson
                                            Chairman, Board of Directors
                                            The Fund for Advancement of
                                            Education and Research in the
                                            University of Kentucky Medical

     Mr. Hobson explained the purpose and related consideration given by
the Board of Directors of the Fund.  Members being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the University Treasurer was approved and
designated to serve as Fiscal Agent of the Fund for Advancement of Education
and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center.

     N. Operation of Laundry at the University to Be under the Direction and
Supervision of the Department of Business Management and Control.

     President Dickey stated that, at the time the Medical Center was first
envisioned, a laundry was planned as part of the building program. From
time to time, changes have been made in the building schedule, but it appears
now that it will be possible to construct a laundry adjacent to the heating plant
for the Medical Center. In fact, architects are now in the process cf designing
such a plant.



     The President stated further,

     f"One of the policy problems which is connected with the inauguration
 of a new service is that of determining just how it fits into the total operation
 of the University. There are two approachies which could be taken to the
 operation of the laundry. One would be that of making it a total University
 enterprise under the direction of the central University business management
 office; the other would be to make it a Medical Center operation with the
 privilege given for other University work to be done there, but with the man-
 agement under the supervision of the Medical Center. A considerable
 amount of thought and study has been given to this problem by a number of
 persons on our staff. Although there are certain reasons why either of the
 alternatives might be preferred, . wish to recommend to you that the Execu-
 tive Committee of the Board of Trustees assign the operational aspects of
 the laundry to the central University business management office. My reasons
 for making this recommendation stem from the knowledge that any part of
 the University which serves the entire University can be better managed when
 it is not under the direct supervision of one of the component parts of the
 Institution. The second reason lies in the need which will arise to determine
 as accurately as possible the Der unit costs of the laundry operation. It is
 my judgment that such studies can be much better made by the University
 business office which will have access to all records of the users of the laundry.
 Therefore, I should like to recommend that the Board authorize the activation
 of the laundry at such time as it is completed and ready for operation and that
 the management of the laundry be assigned to the Department of Business
 Management and Control."'

      Members of the Committee discussed the problem and recommendation,
and being duly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, directed
that the laundry be a University-operated laundry serving the hospital and
Medical Center and all facets of the University, and that it be under the
direction and supervision of the Department of Business Management and

     0. Extended Programs Restricted Budget Approved.

     President Dickey stated that, at the time the Board of Trustees adopted
the charge of $2. 00 per registrant in Extended Programs, a budget wa's
envisioned but not prepared. He presented a budget for Restricted Account
3391 and recommended its approval.

     Members of the Committee considered the budget and, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried. adopted the budget for the fiscal year 1960-61
as a basis of maximum expenditures for the year. The Board of Trustees
or the Executive Committee was considered free to make such changes as
may from time to time be deemed necessary, the budget to be filed for

     P. Consultive Services Authorized.

     President Dickey submitted a recommendation from Dean William R.
Willard, Vice President for the Medical Center, that Dr. John H. Mabry be
granted permission to serve as consultant in Mental Health for the Southern
Regional Education Board during the calendar year 1961. He stated that



Dr. Mabrv' s time would be limited to about three days for which he would be
paid at the rate of $50.00 per day.

      Members of the Executive Committee received the recommendation,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized Dr. John H.
Mabry to serve as consultant in Mental Health for the Southern Regional
Education Board.

      President Dickey submitted a recommendation from Frank J. Welch,
Dean and Director of the College of Agriculture and Experiment Station, that
Dr. W. D. Valleau be granted permission to serve as a consultant in the
research department of the Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation on a
very limited basis.  President Dickey stated that the consultation service
would not in any wise detract from Dr. Valleau' s work at the University and
might be helpful to his work.  He recommended that approval be given for
the affiliation.

      Upon motion duly made. seconded and carried, Dr. Valleau was approved
to serve as consultant to the research department of Brown and Williamson
Tobacco Corporation on a limited basis.

     President Dickey submitted a. recommendation from Dr. C. C. Carpenter,
Dean of the College of Commerce, that Professor Don M. Soule be granted
permission to do consultive services for the Kroger Company, Cincinnati,
Ohio. He stated that the work would be extended for about four months from
January, 1961, and would be in the nature of the administrationQf research
to be performed by students and other clerical persons on a part-time basis.
The general planning of the research would be performed in the home office
of the Company in Cincinnati.  Dr. Soule would give professional guidance and
supervision of some of the field work.  President Dickey stated that the time
given by Dr. Soule would not interfere with his regular duties and would
require approximately two days per month.  Fees for the entire period would
approximate $600. 00.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Doctor Soule was granted
permission to serve as consultant to the Kroger Company.

     Q. Appointment of Mrs. Anna Halsted, Community Services, Medical
Center, Beferred,

     President Dickey submitted the appointment of Mrs. Anna Halstead,
Community Services, Medical Center, and stated that this employment made
an exception to the Universityv s rule on nepotism.  Dr. James A. Halstead,
husband of Mrs. Anna Halstead, is Assistant to the Vice President for the
Medical Cen