xt7t7659db8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t7659db8x/data/mets.xml Durrett, Reuben T. (Reuben Thomas), 1824-1913. 1897.  books b92-46-26947314 English J.P. Morton, printers, : Lousville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Kentucky History To 1792. Bryant's Station (Ky.) Siege, 1782. Blue Licks, Battle of the, Ky., 1782. Indians of North America Wars 1775-1783. Indians of North America Kentucky. Filson Club.Scott, Elizabeth Slaughter Bassett. Stanton, Henry Thompson, 1834-1898. Ranck, George Washington, 1841-1900. Young, Bennett Henderson, 1843-1919. Bryant's Station and the memorial proceedings held on its site under the auspices of the Lexington chapter, D.A.R., August the 18th, 1896, in honor of its heroic mothers and daughters  / prepared for publication by Reuben T. Durrett. text Bryant's Station and the memorial proceedings held on its site under the auspices of the Lexington chapter, D.A.R., August the 18th, 1896, in honor of its heroic mothers and daughters  / prepared for publication by Reuben T. Durrett. 1897 1897. 2002 true xt7t7659db8x section xt7t7659db8x 





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THIS twelfth number of The Filson Club publications is
    the first of the series to partake of a miscellaneous
character. All the others, The Life and Writings of John
Filson, The Wilderness Road, The Pioneer Press of Ken-
tucky, The Life and Times of Judge Caleb. Wallace, The
Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Church, The Political
Beginnings of Kentucky, The Centenary of Kentucky,
The Centenary of Louisville, The Political Club, The Life
and Writings of Constantine Samuel Rafinesque, and The
History of Transylvania University, are monographs.
While, however, the present number has the appearance
of a miscellany, it is hardly any thing but a monograph
when Bryant's or Bryan's Station is considered the
subject. It was the siege of this station which gave its
female inhabitants the opportunity to immortalize them-
selves by going to the spring for water, and it was this
act of the women and girls which led to the monument
over the spring they had made famous. When the monu-
ment had been finished, its unveiling by those who had
originated it naturally followed, and hence the commem-
orative ceremonies on the i8th, which make up the prin-



cipal matter of this publication. In this sense, therefore,
the seemingly separate articles are parts of one whole,
and really make but a monograph on the subject of
Bryant's or Bryan's Station and the memorial services
   There has been no attempt in this publication to recon-
cile differences of opinion as to the name of the famous
station on the Elkhorn, nor as to the date at which it
was besieged by the Indians. This difference of opinion
is of modern origin and harmless in character. For ninety
years our historians uniformly called the station Bryant's,
and for a period yet longer gave the date of the begin-
ning of its siege as the l5th of August, 1782. When the
Canadian Archives were opened to the public in I88I,
and the Virginia Calendar began to be published in
1875, contemporary accounts of the siege were made
accessible, which induced some writers to change the date
from the x5th to the i6th, and the name from Bryant's
to Bryan's. In making these changes, however, they seem
to have lost sight of the fact that their newly discovered
authorities were not uniform. Some of them gave one
date and name and some another, which made them pre-
sent a difficulty to be gotten over only by a guess as to
which might be right. They enabled no one to be more
certain of the right date or name than he was before he





saw them. Nor is it likely that reasoning persons will
ever be able to satisfy themselves beyond a doubt whether
the right name of the Station was Bryan or Bryant, nor
whether the siege began on the i5th or i6th. Fortunately
both names and both dates are good enough, and rest
upon ample authority for their use. In this publication,
therefore, the different articles are given as the authors
prepared them, with their own choice of the name of the
station and date of the siege. The editor of this volume,
however, with the same liberty accorded to others, adheres
to the name and date with which he has been familiar
all of his life.
   An historic sketch of the Lexington Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution occupies a place in
this publication, as it should. The patriotic ladies of this
organization, many of whom are members of The Filson
Club, were the first to conceive the thought of honoring
the memory of the brave women of Bryant's Station.
These heroines had been neglected while one hundred
and fourteen years glided silently over their unknown
graves. Their act in going outside of the protecting walls
of the fort to secure water from a spring surrounded by
savages ranked them among the bravest celebrities of the
world, and yet no one thought of honoring their memory
with a monument until the Lexington Chapter of the



Daughters of the American Revolution undertook it. Now
that the work has been done, and a monument so simple
and yet so appropriate is seen at the famous spring, the
wonder is that some one had not thought of it before.
If any one, however, did think of it before it was only a
thought, and the honor of conception and execution belongs
to the Lexington Chapter of the Daughters of the Ameri-
can Revolution. The undertaking originally derived en-
couragement from some excellent articles in the Lexington
Transcript, written by the Honorable James H. Mulligan
and his accomplished wife, both members of The Filson
Club. nevertheless it is not too much to say that the
Chapter singly and alone began the work and prosecuted
it to completion.
    The addresses delivered by the speakers at the memorial
celebration on the i8th present the story of Bryant's Sta-
tion more elaborately and more authentically than it has
ever been presented before. It is the new historic matter
contained in these addresses which entitles the proceed-
ings at Bryant's Station to recognition as a Filson Club
publication. The Filson Club was organized for the pur-
pose of collecting, preserving, and publishing original his-
toric matter, and this kind of matter is abundantly found
in these addresses. They really make up a new chapter
in Kentucky history, and their authors are all members
of The Filson Club.



                       Preface.                       Vii

   There was nevertheless something beyond these ad-
dresses that was wanted to complete the story of Bryant's
Station. This was an account of the Battle of the Blue
Licks which followed the siege and which was really the
closing.scene in the bloody drama. This want was sup-
plied by the paper prepared by Colonel Bennett H. Young
and. read before The Filson Club. It is embraced in this
publication. and completes the history of the most remark-
able siege and the most disastrous battle with the Indians
that ever occurred in Kentucky.

                                     R. T. DURRET-IT,

 This page in the original text is blank.



i. The Lexington Chapter, D. A. R., with a list of its officers
    and members, and the memorial proceedings at the un-
    veiling of the monument erected to the memory of the
    heroic mothers and daughters of Bryan's or Bryant's
    Station. By Mrs. Elizabeth Slaughter Bassett Scott, . .  1

2. The first act in the Siege of Bryant's Station, embracing
    the memorial proceedings there on the i8th, a list of the
    inhabitants of the Station when the siege began, and a
    list of the brave mothers and daughters who went to the
    spring for water. By Reuben T. Durrett, LL. D.. . . 15

3. The Women of Bryant's Station-an original poem. By
     Major Henry T. Stanton.     . . . .     . . . . .       62

4. The story of Bryan's or Bryant's Station, embracing its full
     history from  its beginning to its end.  By Professor
     George WV. Ranck. .    .  .  .  .  .  .   . . . . . 69

5. The Battle of the Blue Licks, embracing its full history,
     with an apjendix containing a list of Kentuckians en-
     gaged. By Colonel Bennett H. Young .     . . . . .     3

6. An historic sketch of The Filson Club, with a list of its
     officers and  members, alphabetically  arranged.  By
     Reuben T. Durrett, LL. D..    . . . . . . . . . 233

7. Index, .   .  .




          Oist Ln   iChapr o th                               Io al Al m e o Fs

Officers of the Lexington Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo.lution; all members of The Filson Club.


   The Siege of Bryan's Station.


      Swrw7.3( IA L":iVo C4j D. A. R and Meuu0 of' t" -Vam ab.

IN response to a call from Miss Elizabeth Shelby Kin-
    kead, a number of ladies met with her, in Lexington,
Kentucky, on the afternoon of September i9, i89i, for
the purpose of organizing a society, the aim and object
of which should be the promotion of patriotism, and the
preserving and upholding of American liberty. The result
of this meeting was the foundation of the Lexington Chap-
ter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
   The first officers were:
      Regent  . . . .   . Miss Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead.
      Registra .  . . . . Miss Eleanor Talbott Kinkead.
      Secretary,  . . . . Mrs. Isabella Milligan Coleman.
      Treasurer.   .M.         Mary Lovell Sayre.
    The charter members were:
      Miss Bessie Damall.  Miss Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead.
      Miss Mary Carty Ranck. Miss Eleanor Talbott Kinkead.
      Miss Mary McClellan..  Miss Lizzie Agnes Lyle.


The Lexington Chatter D. A4. R.

   Mrs. Mary Gratz Morton. Mrs. Isabella Milligan Coleman.
   Mrs. Maria C. Lyle.   Mrs. Laura Russell Hawkins.
   Mrs. Laura Stone Kinkead. Mrs. Barton Shelby Kinkead.
   Mrs. Mary Lovell Sayre. Mrs Lavinia Heradon Morgan.

   For some months the Chapter held very pleasant and
profitable meetings, with a comparatively small member-
ship. In i 894-'95, however, an increased interest was
manifested, and at every meeting new names were pre-
sented for membership. Now, in i896, the Chapter is a
strong and influential body, having the second largest
membership in the State, and is doing work that is felt
in the community in a most desirable and wholesome
    It has invariably responded to calls of a patriotic char-
acter. It contributed to the fund for the portrait of the
wife of President Harrison; it sent money and relics to be
melted into the Liberty Bell, and it has recently forwarded
a generous contribution to the suffering Armenians.  It
has placed in each of the public schools of Lexington a
large likeness of our country's first President, and is ever
aiming to instill into the youth of this place a pride and
love of country, and a reverence for the American flag
above every other emblem on earth.
    Among the notable and successful undertakings in the
 history of the Chapter was the reception given to the



A4nd Their Memoial Work.


Mexican Veterans on the evening of June Io, i896. The
following was said of it by one of the daily papers:

   "The club rooms looked their gayest to honor the occasion.
Flags, of course, were everywhere. High aloft hung the familiar
shield-across the stars the legend 'Welcome,' across the stripes
the dates 'I1846-1896.' Flowers, luxuriant and profuse, decked the
mantels and piano, and a generous table held the tea service. The
Regent, Miss Clay, assisted by a large number of the Daughters,
constituted the receiving committee. At five o'clock the strains of
the band came floating up the street, heralding the approach of the
honored guests. Very imposing did they look, preceded by the
Drum Major, twirling his silver mace, and making a spectacle
interesting and impressive. The Veterans entered the room two
and two, headed by the President of the Association, Major
Tufts, of Illinois, and Colonel McFadin, of Indiana.  Each was
presented individually to the circle of ladies awaiting them. The
hour that followed was one of the most animated those precincts
had ever known. The gray-haired guests most highly appreciated
their gracious hostesses. While they were discussing coffee, sand-
wiches, etc., a male quartette sang the old-fashioned but always
lovely 'Robin Adair,' 'Annie Laurie,' and ' My Old Kentucky Home.'
There were both pleasure and pathos in the scene. At the close of
the reception Colonel Tufts moved that the hearty thanks of the
Veterans be tendered the Daughters for their charming hospitality;
it was enthusiastically seconded, and after the applause had subsided,
Mr. Perrin, of Illinois, made a speech, in which he paid an eloquent
tribute to the hospitality and beauty of Kentucky women. At last
the afternoon, ever to be remembered, was over, and the guests
regretfully departed, after the entire company had joined in singing
' My Old Kentucky Home."'


4The Lexingtox Chapter D. A. R.

   The next public event celebrated was the Centennial
of Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the
United States. Through the request of the Chapter all
of the newspapers published the address.  All citizens
were asked to display the American flag on this anniver-
sary, and in the evening public exercises were held, at
which Mr. James Livingstone kindly read Washington's
Address. Mr. Rogers Clay made an appropriate speech,
and several vocalists rendered beautiful patriotic selections.
   But the occasion concerning which this Chapter feels
the deepest pride and satisfaction is the unveiling of the
memorial wall around the spring immortalized by the brave
act of women at Bryan's Station. Early in the life of
the Chapter the plan so long in developing was discussed.
But the time was not ripe; and it was not until I894 that
active steps were taken to mark the spot so famous in
Kentucky history. In January, I896, a committee con-
sisting of Mrs. J. R. Morton, Mrs. Wallace Shelby, Mrs.
John Morgan, and Miss Fannie Todd was appointed to
receive designs and specifications for the purpose of erect-
ing a suitable monument After much deliberation and
many meetings the design agreed upon was an octagonal
wall, five feet in height and twelve feet in diameter, to
be built of enduring stone around the spring from which
the heroic women carried water into the-fort during the



And Tker Memorial Work.

fierce siege of bloodthirsty savages who surrounded it.
Much care and trouble did the Chapter and the various
committees incur in the perfecting of all the details con-
nected with the work. Finally, on the i8th of August,
I896, the memorial wall had been completed and the
ceremonies of unveiling took place, vith an attendance of
citizens and impressiveness of services fully up to the
fondest hopes of the most zealous Daughter.
   The Chapter had extended invitations to the Governor
of the State, to many of the State officials, to the Presi-
dent-General of the Daughters of the American Revolution,
to the Regents of every State, to the Regent and officers of
every Chapter in Kentucky, as well as to the Mayor and
all citizens of Lexington to be present at the ceremonies.
    Bryan's Station is situated about five miles from the
city of Lexington, and all along the road the farm-houses
and toll-gates were gaily decorated wvith flags. An almost
endless procession of carriages passed for a long time
before the appointed hour. The large audience gathered
showed the deep interest taken by the community in the
    A platform had been erected on the crest of the hill
 overlooking the spring, and upon it sat the distinguished
 speakers who were to take part in the dedicatory services,
 and the officers of the Chapter. The memorial wall around




The Lexigox Chapter D. A. R.

the spring was in full view from the platform. Promptly
at four o'clock Miss Lucretia H. 'Clay, Regent of the Lex-
ington Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo-
lution and member of the Filson Club, called the meeting
to order and said:

   " Our well-known and honored townsman, Doctor Lyman
Beecher Todd, will open the exercises with prayer. Doctor Todd
is much interested in Bryan's Station, and indeed has a personal
interest, because his grandfather, Colonel Levi Todd, was the com-
mander of the first party that came to the relief of the besieged
station in 1782. No one more appropriate could ask a blessing
upon our memorial work, and Doctor Todd will now open our
proceedings with prayer."

                      MWw.w of aS fix CW .

    "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
    "0 thou eternal, immortal, and invisible God! we praise
Thee; we worship Thee; we acknowledge Thee to be the only
living and true God; God over all, blessed forever! Thou hast
been our dwelling-place in all generations. Thou reignest in the
heavens and doest Thy will among the children of men. We would
give thanks unto Thee, and would praise Thee at all times; but we



     Member of The Filson Club.

 This page in the original text is blank.


4xd Ther Memorws Work.


would espeially desire to do so on this occasion -on this memorial
occasion, when, assembled in Thy name and invoking Thy blessing,
we now would consecrate and dedicate forever these memorial
stones erected around this famous spring by loyal and reverential
hearts and loving hands to the memory of the patriotic, brave, and
heroic women and girls who, one hundred and fourteen years ago,
braved greatest danger-went out of the fort on yonder hill and
passed within a few feet of where they knew five hundred savages
with rifles in their hands lay concealed in ambush, came to this
spring, filled their vessels with water for the famished garrison, and
with Thy ever watchful eye over them, and Thy protecting arms
around them, returned to the fort in safety. Their feet faltered
not, their hearts failed not, their cheeks blanched with no fear, for
their trust was in Thee, in Thee alone, 0 our God! For this now
we thank Thee and bless and praise Thy great and holy name, 0
our God! WVe thank Thee for the family Bibles they brought with
them as their most precious treasures to their wilderness homes.
We thank Thee for the family altars set up in those log cabin
homes, from which morning and evening sacrifice went up as a
sweet incense unto Thee. For this Christian civilization, bequeathed
as a precious legacy unto us, their descendants, we thank Thee.
We do sincerely thank Thee that Thou didst put it into the hearts
of these Thy servants, the Lexington Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution, thus to desire and determine to perpetu-
ate the memory of the heroic deed of our ancestors-those noble
women ! And wilt Thou greatly bless them and all gathered here to
participate in these memorial services in their efforts to promote the
love of God and country to coming generations And now, 0 our
God ! we do sincerely invoke Thy special blessing upon the descend-
ants of these heroic women, wherever they are, scattered over our
broad land: and when they shall hear what we have done this even-


7ishe Lex-ington Cha/'Ier D. A'. R.

ing, and shall tell it to their children under their own vines and fig
trees, may they with us, praising and thanking God, as we do now,
declare that the God of those grand, brave pioneer mothers shall be
their God; that they whom we honor were their ancestors, and
we who honor them are their kindred, and our home is their dear
old Kentucky home forever. Make us worthy of them, what they
were and what they did for us. And, as we go forth from this ever
and forever hallowed spring-hallowed by the sacred memories of a
noble race-may we be inspired to become more faithful servants of
the living God, to a loftier patriotism, to be a purer people and
better citizens. Amen."

   At the close of Doctor Todd's invocation the children
of the Washington and Lafayette Chapter of Children of
the American Revolution sang the national song, "Amer-
ica." The Regent then made the following address of

   " In the name of the Lexington Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution, I bid you welcome to the site of Bry-
an's Station, and to our memorial exercises in behalf of those
who made it famous. I feel almost inspired to deliver an address
myself on this occasion, but, unfortunately, I am not gifted with
eloquence, and must leave speaking to those better prepared.
Before I retire, however, to give place to the distinguished speak-
ers on the platform, I wish to state that the names on the Bry-
an's Station Memorial are those of persons who were associated
with the station. It gives me great pleasure now to introduce to
you Colonel Reuben T. Durrett, of Louisville.  He is personally
known to many present, and to all his name is familiar as the
founder and President of The Filson Club, of which the whole



A4d Their Memoria Work.

State has just cause to be proud. The subject of the address he
will now deliver is 'The First Act in the Siege of Bryan's
   Colonel Durrett then delivered an address highly fin-
ished in style and remarkable for the original historic and
biographic matter it contained.  It was confined to the
first act or stage in the siege of Bryan's Station, because,
as he stated, it was at the beginning of the siege that the
women of the station performed the act which made them
immortal, and because there was a blank in Kentucky
history concerning these females which he wanted filled.
He gave the names of twenty-five of the women and girls
who went to the spring for water during the siege, not
one of whom had ever appeared in any of our histories.
He also corrected names and dates in our history, and
gave a new coloring to events which may do away with
some important errors of long standing. His address was
purely historic.
    Following Colonel Durrett's address the band played
 "The Star Spangled Banner."     The Regent then pre-
 sented Major Henry T. Stanton. the poet-laureate of
 Kentucky, with the following remarks:
    "I feel that it is a privilege to introduce Major Henry T.
 Stanton, who will read an original poem written especially for
 this occasion. You are doubtless familiar with many of his beau-
 tiful poems, and will now listen to one never heard before."



The Lexington Chapter D. A. R.

   After the applause which greeted his appearance had
subsided, Major Stanton read an original poem, written for
the occasion, entitled "The Women of Bryan's Station."
It was very beautiful, and thoroughly enjoyed by all. The
Regent then announced that to Miss Mary B. Bryan, the
great-great-granddaughter of William Bryan (the first set-
tler of the station), had fallen the honor of unveiling the
memorial. While the strains of " My Old Kentucky Home "
filled the air, Miss Bryan gracefully removed the covering
and disclosed to view the memorial work which was the
result of so much time, labor, and expense, and which was
the realization of a long-cherished design by the Chapter.
Nor was there one present who did not feel the deepest
gratification and pleasure in the form which the memorial
had assumed, for it was not only satisfactory from an
architectural standpoint, but was eminently useful in pre-
serving and protecting the waters of the spring-thus
proving a lasting benefit to all the surrounding country.
The ceremony of unveiling concluded, Mr. George W.
Ranck was introduced by the Regent with the following

   "Mr. George W. Ranck will now deliver an historic address.
Mr. Ranck is too well known to need an introduction to a Lexington
audience, but it gives me pleasure to present him to the strangers
who are with us to-day."



Sad Thdr Memorial Work.


   It was late when Mr. Ranck took the stand, and he
only read some extracts from his elaborate address cover-
ing the whole history of Bryan's Station.
   The Regent then closed the memorial exercises with
the following words of thanks:
    "In the name of the Lexington Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution, I thank the distinguished speakers who
have made these exercises at Bryan's Station a memorable event
in the history of Kentucky, and I also thank the patriotic men
.and women who have assembled here in such numbers to witness
the exercises."
    In the evening a brilliant reception was given by the
Chapter, in Lexington, to the distinguished guests. The
entertainment lasted until a late hour, and the speakers
of the day found themselves in the midst of an array of
beauty and wit, at the reception, of which they spoke in
the most laudatory terms.
    Thus closed the celebration of the most important event
in the history of the Lexington Chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution. The officers at the time of
the celebration were:

       Regent, . . . . Miss Lucretia Hart Clay.
       Vice-Regent,   .   M.  Isabella Milligan Coleman.
       Registrar,  .   . Mrm. Maria C. Lyle.
       Secretary,   . . M. Elizabeth Slaughter Bassett Scott
       Treasurer,  .      Miss Mary B. Bryan.


The Lexington Chap/er D. A. R.

   The members of the Chanter are as follows, alphabet-
ically arranged:

               Akers, Mrs. Katherine Blair.
               Alexander, Mrs. Lucy Fullerton.
               Anderson, Mrs. Dovie Blythe.
               Apperson, Mrs. Margaret Thomas.
               Bassett, Miss Emma Latham.
               Bassett, Miss Anna Whitney.
               Bassett, Mrs. Martha Kenney.
               Boswell, Mrs. Hannah Moore.
               Boswell, Miss Mary.
               Bryan, Miss Mary B.
               Brown, Miss Mattie Wingfield.
               Burgin, Mrs. Sallie Johnstone.
               Cary, Mrs. Theodora Sydney Sayre Bell.
               Casey, Mrs. Sybil Foote.
               Clay, Miss Lucretia Hart.
               Clay, Mrs. Lucie Chenault.
               Clay, Mrs. Josephine Russell.
               Clay, Mrs. Anna Gratz.
               Clav. Miss Miriam.
               Colcamp, Mrs. Emma Forsythe.
               Coleman, Mrs. Isabella Milligan.
               Des Cognets, Mrs. Anna Russell
               De Long, Mrs. Ida C.
               Edwards, Mrs. Lutie Kall.
               Emmal, Mrs. Annie Prewitt.
               Estill, Miss Martha Rodes.
               Graves, Mrs. Adeline.
               Greene, Miss Nanci Lewis.


,And Their Memorial Work.

Gnthrine Mrs. Mary Thomas.
Hamilton, Mrs. Emma Van Meter.
Hanson, Miss Jennie M.
Harbison, Mrs. Cecilia McClarty.
Hawkins, Mrs. Laura Russell.
Humphreys, Mrs. Mary Taylor.
Johnstone, Mrs. Hermine Cary Gratz.
Kerr, Miss Elizabeth H.
Kinkead, Miss Elizabeth Shelby.
Kinkead, Miss Eleanor Talbott.
Kinkead, Miss James Pindell.
Kinkead, Mrs. Barton Shelby.
Le Compte, Miss Margaret Jane.
Lyle, Mrs. Maria C.
Lyle, Miss Lizzie Agnes.
McClellan, Miss Mary.
McDowell, Miss Madeline.
Massie, Mrs. Lillie Higgins.
Metcalf, Miss Maud.
Milligan, Mrs. Ellen M.
Morgan, Mrs. Lavinia Herndon.
M111orton, Mrs. MiLy Gratz.
Mulligan, Mrs. Genevieve Morgan.
Nuckols, Mrs. Martha Thomas.
Parker, Mrs. Virginia.
Pepper, Miss Belle.
Pepper, Miss Dixie.
Peter, Mrs. Mary McCauley.
Railley, Mrs. Ada Pepper.
Reese, Mrs. Florence Sullivan.
Ross, Mrs. Mary Ranck.


The Lexington Chapter D. A. R.

Sayre, Mrs. Mary Lovell.
Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Skillman.
Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Slaughter Bassett.
Scovell, Mrs. Nancy D.
Shanklin, Mrs. Martha Bryan.
Shanklin, Miss Mary Elizabeth.
Shelby, Mrs. Margaret Bryan.
Shelby, Miss Lucy Goodloe.
Shelby, Miss Alice McDowell.
Short, Mrs. Mary Dudley.
Skinner, Mrs. Julia Leuvir.
Stevenson, Mrs. Fannie Van de Grift.
Strong, Mrs. Isabel Osbourne.
Sweeney, Mrs. Margaret Prewitt.
Swigert, Mrs. Annette Brc/dhead.
Threlkeld, Mrs. Frances Bassett.
Todd, Miss Fannie Swift.
Van Meter, Mrs. Evaline Swope.
Ward, Miss Norm.
Williams, Mrs. Mary Sayre.


 This page in the original text is blank.



    President of The Filson Club.


                       V ADDRESS

              BY REUBEN T. DURRETT, LL. D.,
                   Prtdedi q' for Piw am.

   HE Lexington Chapter of the Daughters of the Amer-
   ican Revolution have honored me with the position of
one of their speakers on this occasion. If any present,
however, expect of me an attempt at oratory or display of
eloquence, they will be disappointed. I am here in the
interest of history, and it is my duty as well as my wish
to deal plainly with facts only. I shall confine what I
have to say to the first act or stage in the siege of Bryant's
Station on the iSth of August, 1782. It was during the
first few hours of this siege that the women of the fort
performed the heroic act which made them and the fort
famous, and to these I propose to direct your attention
on this occasion.


    We have assembled here to-day for an extraordinary
purpose. We propose to commemorate an heroic act per-
formed by some of the pioneer women of Kentucky. The
brave deeds of men, as they well deserved, have been


x6            The First Atd in the Siege

celebrated in every age and clime. From the building of
pyramids and the rearing of monoliths five thousand years
ago until the present time the noble acts of brave men
have been emblazoned on monumental stone.
   When Pericles pronounced his funeral oration over the
Athenians who had lost their lives in the battles of their
country he said, "This whole world is the sepulcher of
illustrious men.'" Women were not specifically included
in this splendid eulogium of the great Grecian orator, and
could not have been with truth. Exceptional gifts, like
those of Sappho and Aspasia in the classic era, Heloise
and Joan of Arc in the middle ages, and Madam Roland
and Florence Nightingale in modern times, enabled their
possessors to rise above the general oblivion of their sex
and to receive from the world its monumental recognition.
Such fortunate heroines have been few, however, and where
one of their names has escaped the effacing fingers of time
millions have been erased forever.
    The world has never dealt justly with woman. Through
 ancient, through medieval, and down deep into modem
 times she has been rated and treated as an inferior being,
 as a creature put into this unequal world not for her own
 benefit but for the benefit of man. Her better day has at
 last dawned, and we now see her, where she should always
 have been, recognized in schools, colleges, and universities,


Of Bryaxt's Statfox.

in the learned professions, and in innumerable business pur-
suits, the avenues to which had been closed against her for
thousands of years. This is but the beginning of the end.
It is the glori