xt7t4b2x6s2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x6s2b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 2007 2007 2007-01-31 2020 true xt7t4b2x6s2b section xt7t4b2x6s2b \\"\\’\\’.1\\’KE RN E1.(‘()M


lANL ‘ARY 11, 211117


See PAGE 6



1111‘, St .111)l..\l(\|lll’Sl‘R.\l‘l-.(i\

1’\RI 3111-;


eased to gain
top students

[21/11111'1 \11/1 [1111 11 1111'111111/ 11111'\ IN 11
1111111111111 111111‘1 Inuit/11411111111 (AW 111m
1111‘. \1 [11111]! 1111/11

By Juliann Vachon
1113;1'1,11dkyker'wl: 11

[K \\111 \11'1\et1111ee11 Ke11111e111}\ 111p
~1111le11t~ 111 the «1.111' 111-1111111 111;;11 \eh11111
11) 111\\ er111: the .\(‘I wore t1eeexM1r) 111
411.1111} 1111 1111e 111 1\\11 11e\\ .1e.11le1111e

1111' 11e\\ l’111111xt .11111 1:1.1gxl1111 $111111»
.11\ pruetarnx were .1e.1te1l 111 1.11xe the
11\e1.1ll .1..111e1111. 1111.11111 111 the \1111le11tx .11
1 11.1 111.11111 g:11.1l111 l K\ 11111 211 “ink
111-.1 1'1.111. {ix \1111111.'~111.111 1.1} 111.11111111

l K 111111“ 111111111'.1\e1he11111\1'1\111'\
.11er.1ee \( l M111; .1: 21 11} .1111.1et111_e
“1111.11111” \11111ei1t~ e.1111111;_' .1 211111 .1111111‘
1111 the \(‘| 111.11 111111111 11111er\\1\e le.1\e the
\t.1te 1113411 .111 .1..1111‘1111. \1'1111l;11\h111 111111
11111111 \('I \t.11111.11'1l\. 111.11111111 1.1111

"\\e ‘.11\e t1111111.111_\ 1\'e11tt1e111.111\ 11.1111
.11‘1- .111e.11l_\ \1111111-111111.‘ .1e.111ei111e.111_\ 111
collegex .11111 111\11111111111\ 11tttx111e the \tg1te."
I 1\ 1‘tt‘\ltlt'ltt 1 1:1" 11‘111111‘1111111’ Kt‘t'lk‘1 111

1’11'111111Mt1 \111111311tx 11.111 111 .111 \("l'
\L1‘t’1; 111 :\ 111 1'\t‘tt .1[11‘1} 1111 .1 “1101.113
~11111 11111'1111711111111e111the1.111.111e111111er
\1t_\ \\1l| .111111111.1111.1ll§. .111111} the 1'1.1_1:\111]'1
5111111111\111}‘1111\l‘1111\'111\ \\1111\1e111L‘ .1 :1“ '11
.‘T 111 the \(‘l .11111.111.1\e 1.3111111111.1t11e
1111111 \111111‘1(11'\

lhe 1111e \e.11 \111111.11\11111. M11111 1\
e1\er1111111|l-t1111e. 111‘xt )e.11‘ I'K \tudentM
is 11111111 $151.11 Studenh 1.11111 111.1111111111 .1
1 1 ('11‘\ 111.1; he 1‘ltg1111e 1111 .111111111111.11
\1'11111.11\11111~ .111e1 their 111~t ~\e.11‘

»~ Scholarship







Childcare tops Work

By Megan Vazmma

lhtee11111111‘.1te.-\ 111.11 1111'111‘11111
t‘t‘\111‘11\1‘l11lh.' 1.111 “1111. hte \111\e_\
Ptt‘w’ttlml 5‘11\\t|‘11‘1‘1111‘11‘}Ct‘ 1‘C11Cili\
1111 1111'11111‘1e'1xtt) 111.1111\111e1 11111‘le

t111111111ttee \\.1~ 111 111111 11111 the re
\ttlllkL'\ 11 111111111 1.11.1' 1.11 111111.11111111x
111w 1111 the 11111'1111'1111111 1.11111111x .11111
1111111.-|111\;1tt.1i 11111111111. M1111 1,.1111.1
M11111“. 11:1’1'1'111 1111 “11111 lite .11
1 1\ .11111 111.111 111 the (111111 1.111
(11111111111111 lhe111111111111e1- .1l\11e\
.11111111'11 111.11‘11m1111i1t\ 11111111111141".-
1111111111-1's 111.11 \\111111lx\11111.1tl'1\'

"lhe 111‘111111~.11\ \\1ll he 11111111 111
111111 11111111 .11111
1111\11111' 1111\‘11'\1k‘\1.“
|\11[11‘e\ \111’11

lhe (1111.1 ( .11e ('111111111ttee .1|\11
requested e111e1ee11.\ 11.111. 1111 1.1111
1111 \1111.1111111\l1|1e11 .11'1‘e111.1r1‘.1h'\r

£111111‘x 1111\1111'\\1,'\

L‘1\\‘ \\ 111‘ l\

\lllt't \\.1\ 1111.11.11i.111|e. 1\ 111.11 1\ 111

1e1e11 111'11111'11111 1111111111'1 ..11111111\e\.

.11111 1111.1111.11 1-1w1111111-1 .1111! 1e1er1.11\

l'he (X11ee1 \11\.1111e1:.e11t .11111
1’1‘111ew11111 1).".1'111111111'111 (\11111111111‘.‘
presented 11\ 1'e111111111111111.1111111x .11111111
e1111.1111111g the .11.11|.111ii1t\ 111 1111111
111.1111111 .11111 111111111‘111111111‘\ 1111 1.11131'!
.111\.1r1een1e111 .11111 1111111-w11111.11 1le\ei

|’e1111_\ ('11\. .1\\111.1.1te 11.. 1111-1;
111-111111 11111.11'111.1111111 1.1111 .11111111.111 111
111.11 111111111tttee. M1111 thete .1111 \111111
1111‘11111111 .11111 11111}: 1111111 xtetnl K 1.111
1.111' \11.11.1\ 1111111111111‘ 1111111111‘11'x 1111
131111111: .1 (1111) 11111\111111e111teih.1i111
1e111x11111~ .11111 1111111111: .1 .1111111111e1
111.111\1-1\1.e~111111.11 111111.11 .11.111.111le

[111111111111e\111e\\e1l .1111111111 111
terext 111 the e\}1.111\11111 111 the 11111
1111111'e e1111..1111111 1‘e11e11tx 111 the
\\1.1r|11-111e\111\e\ .11111 the 11111111111111
11111.1..1111111 1’111g1'.1111('111111111111'1' 1111111
111 111-11111111111 the 111\t .11111 111111111111



1111 11111111-1-11\ 1111~p11.1l 1e
\L'1\Cll .1 11C“ .lttthlllJtlxt‘ 1.1\1
\11\ entl‘et. “111111 “.111 itlttdetl
11111.11'1 11_\ K11111'\.M111l Shell}
\l.11’11111. emergene} tr.111x;1111t
1 K (11111111111

111.111.1fe'1'1' .11 1111‘
\11‘1111.11( k‘lllk‘l'
lhe .11xt111111/e1l

511111.511'11L‘11vk8111et (1111‘
l 1\'\ 1\e111111"11_\ (‘11111111111K

1111x1111.1l 11.1\ .1 11e'.\ 1111e 1le
x1et1e1l “1111 the 1111.11.111‘11' 11.1



PHOTOS 1311 Ethan HESS


I: .1 I; 1 7'1'

Custom ambulance at UK
designed around children

By Shannon Mason

11.11. 1:.1xter11 .1111! S1111the.1\te1'11
K111111111) 11 1x 1111-11111} .1111h11
1.111ee 111 11~ 151w 111 \e1‘\e the

" I he .111111111.111. e
1111111111111.“ \l.1111111 M1111 "It
\\.1\ 111-netted 11_\ 11111\e\ It
1‘..1\1le~1e11e11h1 11\. 1111 11. '

llte “111 he
11~111§1 the .111111111.111ee 11C\1L'ttt“11
11 111 meet the 111-eds 1'11 1111.111
11.1t1e11tM \111111111 1111'
t1..11~111~1' 111.1111 111.1


ll‘-L‘ii ‘.\

tttttxe~ 111111

111. 111.1.‘\
11111 \1‘\

”111' .‘1111'11'3511‘1

11‘.1‘1h..11 111111111. :.11

1.111111 1\11\e1111111\ 11111‘.111\111111

11.1111.'\.11111.11il1hei1 111111111-11

, > Ambulance

possible benefits


\1111111\ 111.11 .1111.11l.11\111t.11‘11111\‘
‘. 11.11 1111' the
1h.- .11\1 \\.1\ 1let.‘1’111111e1l 111 .11xt 111-1

.1e1ht1111111.1111111-1er.11ltt.111 111

11111111111 111-1‘ 11111\e1\11\
.slt' 11.l\\'1‘\ .1111111IL‘\11‘11.1111‘111.11.'.111'
11111111111111 111111111 tt.111\1et \1\ 11111111..
\t‘ttk‘fla‘t 11‘ .1 \[tt‘tlw' t‘t .11‘1‘1‘11111'1‘1‘
.11111 11111 11111 111.111.1e 11t11et 1111x~1111e

\ekett 111 [1\\ !”

x11111111\ 1110\1111‘ \1‘1111) \I‘li 11; 1311111.:

111111. 11111.1111

1lentx1=1111111.111111\ .11111\1.111

' lhe 1111111111111‘1-\
\111111 1. 11111'111111 1111.11111 1.1111111 .1111!
M1111 11111\\\1:1111111 11111-1111111’
1111111) .111.1l\\1\ 1111 the 1111111'
l’l.11111111};.l11111ee1.11111 1’11i;.\ \11.1l}

"111v e\11111.11e.11111111‘1'1'11he1 11111
.111- \1111 11111111111;


\ll1‘iIL'\‘\i 11


11111101 11111 111\\. \.\e

1111 33.11111'1111: 1111111-

~ Work Life

.1, .«1- .. ., a.
..1.& 1‘1..-
..,...1I.1 .. 1.111.

Child Care Commmee' 1 -
Employee Educatlon Program Commrt

tee ‘1

Career Advancement and Prntessmn
Development Commmee


S. Carolina

By Kenny Colston

11. .5111111211111111'13 .111“

l K's1‘11111x11'e.1111 Rexe.11.h (11111
pus 1\ 1mm}: 11\ e\e.‘utl\e 1111111111 111
rexetu‘eh .11111 .1-~1x'1.1t1‘ \11‘e PR‘th‘CHI
111 1111111111111 11e\e11111111e111.

1111111 l'.1111\. e\e11111\e 11111-11111
~1r11e \11111 3111”. 1. 1.1111113: .1 1111\1111111
.11 the l 1111111~11_\ 111 81111111 (‘.11111111.1
.1\ 1111‘ t1ltt‘1lt‘t 1'1 llx 111I11‘\1\l.t RU

|’.11'11M 1\|111 \\.1~ the [111-\1111-111 .11111
(111111 K111111111.) 111-11111111119 1111
l KKK-1111111111511 11111111.1t111 ;‘111er.1111.
11.1w e\1et1\1\e e\11e1'1e11.e 111 111~.-.1..~1\1
1_\ 1e~e.1t'1'h 11.1110. 11.1\111§_' 1.111111111111
the 1111\etx1tx 111 lli111111\
11.1111 111 31‘1‘11.1111l vetting .11111e~11le111
.11111('1‘(11111111-111\\.1\1.11el 111\.‘1\1
t) Re\e.111h 1’.1:11 (11111 He
earned ht\ 11..1\tei\ 111 1111\11113m .111
titlllt\11.1111‘11 .11111 .1 11.11'11111111K 111 Mm
.1111111111~111.1111111 .11 \1.1te
l 111\ei~11\

( u1'1e1111_\ \11e 1'1e\111e11111! 1.11
11111111. 1111\1-11111111e111 l 1111 111111111 .11111
\111111111\tr.111\e \t.1tt 11111.1'1 1111.1
(‘.11‘11e111e1 .11e 1111111111: 111‘ 1’11111M 1111
t1e~1111.111 11111-11111 11.1x1x

Heilet I\ 1111'1M‘e111e 111x11.1111111~ 111
11111114111; 11e\\ .1111111.11111‘\ 1111111‘1'11111
\11’e.1111 1.11111111~ ‘Ahtle ()11’t1e111e1 1x
111.111.1g1111.~ the 11.11 11111.11 11111-1.1t11111\

Heller M1111 11111111113: \\.1\ 1lete1r
111111111 1111 111-1111.1111'11111 11111141111;
1111‘ 11‘111.1.1*111et1t 11.111.

"“1' 11.1\t‘ 1.11‘1‘1111'1‘. 1‘1'111‘11' ltl\t11c
1('11i.t~11e.111:1 11111111115: 111 11111111 111.11
11111'U11e11e1 M1111

(1111111. \1.1'1‘1111. the .11111134
[111-~11‘1e11t :111 1.~\e.1:..11 .11 (‘11l1ixtre.1111.
e‘xt‘rexxed M11111“ .11 l'.1111~' departurt

1111 .- 111.111.»

.‘ 11 1 1» :111!\\1'\‘.\h

1e~e.11. h

t]\‘\\ lt1\\.1

111111111 (‘11111


1:1.1ti!tt11e 11‘!

‘Iit '1‘11‘1‘

1K.\il1'11 1’.1r1.~ the
1' t .\(‘

:'.‘."‘1 111111\:'\ R‘1
$134111». ‘,\"1 g .11111131'x (11111117
:.1t.‘1e11.11‘.t\ '1. ‘1 1111\1 (111131111 Ser-
‘ l1.-~111..11.e .11111 le\e|
1 K 1e~1‘.11.11 1‘1‘11-
. 11: 1111.11.1111111- \1111111
\...=:11111111: 1111111111111
117 1111:1111:-.-1111;_'.
1).\1'.‘1\.‘ 1)-11_.'111\\ilk
111131311 111 \.1_'r=.111111re.

( ‘7'11'? 31"”.
11‘. ( 1'1
1311.1' .1111! 1 ‘ ,‘1 1111'!:. (‘11 e1".-
1" 1’111’" :.' 1'19. '1
11.11\ 111131.51. 11.1.
\1111‘111\..1‘ '11.1' 1'.ti1.\

13.11 111111.11 \1tr


11; 1.



l 1\
'.'11 1'1‘r\



1‘1‘.’ I.'\.

‘1‘111 ~11111-311111‘

Mayor calls for city maintenance

Newberry tells citizens its time
to take off 'rose—colored glasses

By Alice Haymond

a‘aw‘.“ ddkyke'w

,\l.1\111 11111 \.‘\\111‘1'1‘\ 11'111e111/ex the 111.111\ \111“ .11111

expenxne1111111111111x111 11'11115111111

He 111111“ the 1-r1\111111111e111.1l 1’11111'1111111 \een. \ 1.1.11
1:1‘11111:the111\'\111111l.1te11\\.1te11lr.1111.1ee\\\1e111.he M111“ \
\eu ('1r.111 R11.11l Tlt'k“.1\ .111 111111114111 .11111 he 111111111. 111.-

111 t“ t 1.‘ 1"11‘ t\111111.11‘1
(\1111111t(11r '111

:11. 11111-115

11.11 \tr.1111~

men the 1111\1111111111'111, 1 11\ 111.1111'e11.111.1‘ .11111
He .11M1 11:111111 111.111'. 11.1111111111115 e111111:1111111
I1‘\1111_111111.1‘tt'1'1111‘11.1\1/e11 the 1111111111411111 111 1‘1‘11111111/1111'

1~x11e~ \1_".\1\‘11\ 1111111121111.~ ‘;:~‘ :‘11111111112


.11111111-.11111_e '.\1tl111111111e111\
111.1111 11\ 111 1.11111- 1111 1111r ruse111l111e11e|.1\\1\.111111le.11
“111111111 11.111 11e\\\111~~1." \e\\1\‘1‘1'\ M1111


111\ 11‘1111111e111.11 1x111ex \11111.1\ 1.11111 11x11 111-1111111; the
. .!\ 1111.111.111111111;1r11\111e\\.11e1 1111.1::t\ h.1\1~ 4111\11111111111


111' \Iiti

1111‘ 1 1’\ 11.1\ M111lle1.111e111111x11111111t 111.1111 1 1111‘\ 111.11
11,1. 111111.111'111111‘1 11‘.111\\.~.ter \11 \1'g11t1.11111n~ 1111 the 11111
.1111111111 111.11 .1!1ee.1111111 .1re 11110111111 \1‘\\ herr} 1111e~ not

He th’MTtthi these ph‘i‘h‘tlh .11111 \111111' 111 the . :11. \
1111:11111111111 .11 h1x ttrxt 51.11.1111 the Merged (111\err1111ei1t
Addre“ 1.1~t 11111111

Newborn M1111 he hopes lA‘x1ng111n's strong 11111111111111
t_\ \pll’li 11111 help 1n 111ntr11n11n11 and .111e\1.11111e thexe

\111 1111111 \111.111111'1111e111 the re111e1h.11 1-1111nx utll he.11nl)
111.11 then .1111 .11111111: \111111.1111l 111111 the emh “I” he Signif-

so wnuews sum
Lenngtnn Mavnr .11111 Newberrv sneaks on the c11y's act11evernet1ts¢1111111111115111;11‘1.131.131
State of the Merged Government Address at Henry Clay High School 111311119111 Newberry

took office Dec 3‘. .
See Address on page 3

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: ‘. 7 '15 Advertising: 2512872




By Linda C


lay is a /‘


it you din:




’0 get the duet/22.2579 c’tec‘t five
days? rating
the most rim/tent; it; ‘ . ltrt . ’ ~

tlllW ti’ittirnitttw it i. get ten
mixes ittit; slitlett'nt w itty": :. ll“ "‘ ~
Gemini (May 21-June 21) 't " -"" -.

love. you lt' lax. tit: Mimi»...

an) out thi:

PAGE 21 Wednesday, January 3t, 3007

uveku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution




























HGI‘GSCGPQBV Cancer (June 22

W {mm ‘? PM .

iy’ \ l’

Cal“ it ‘l‘ws-

Blam- tilvtl ’t‘”t."-t't ll'ti'l: '
Leo (July 23-A

l" t H


'0 is the easresi lldl (7



Aries (March 21-April19)— ‘3. . . 2'81: ' .
lay is a 5 >t iii in :mwi'n: t at Virgo (Allg. 23vSept. 22) ~—
your tititttttses t t- {lo} Nut it”. - ,- fi‘ ‘. n ‘ ..
Pitiiet‘ts net“. itzt la't‘w t‘w‘ w P ’

aet‘teti - m j»' w '

'aurus (April 20-May 20) '1 , ’ " it 1

‘lthSéii \Yllil'tlfljli' .i?tttitit"1i: 'I'nt

“Mill? in 't m Wimp . (Ht Libra (Sept.


n r r»

l “

l‘.1}tt""'tl\llll" ‘1.

tan: ”in r " . ” 3 ~.

Tt‘ tt‘. .inti act itiwrlt;




Scorpio (Oct.


-July 22) —~ 't:

»‘ t .
Twirl ,i t..l‘y

ug.22l% 51"“

Oct. 22) -- ' in

Nov. zit '


;' otitaiti it; Did mt lust get a llltllltt‘
t ' o! same" it not asl. to: uni:
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ~—
tl t.s t6 'ioii lt iw plenty oi
m t. t‘s that s' not the tittthle'ti
‘t'o. 1,1“ ‘lliilllltl tittiugttt, maybe it
a ll ('31: fliii a «out, make sure you


, l

"‘ t‘ mat Mil

(‘Z'apricorn (Dec. ZZ-Jan. 19) —~

. Resist the at it it
fit», w ”w J .r-l even .t 3 into
n “at i lll’ll it. 1w: fxitt
, i . .
. tn : t‘f y: t. . l .t‘ '

ini‘ivt xl‘tttw lit'

Aquariiis (Jan. 20—Feb. 18) w I.
lJyv .i ' ‘~-i.,t pittiw ltis‘» '~


.il‘ttiitiltl t‘..?
an; ‘. .’y a Net lllt‘ i?“
'z'. - 12 ’ t‘t to? this tit‘wt“

" ;‘ s1! "innit ,. wtK
b. 19-March 20) .. 7:

T‘isces (Fe





Sponsored By:





Restaurant and lotiiiui

Mo luclid the.




1119 Di

ltxtra's Dayna l)e\on \xel
coined hah} No. 3. son (‘ole.
with lilthh) Brent Moelleken on
lanuar} 5 "The lii'st time I was
so intimidated." Devon. also
moiii to l7-month~old limmi.
tells l's. ‘

"I look back and [mum
seems like she \\ as this age tor a
second. So no“ ton itist enjo)
e\ei‘) little thing the) do " l;\en
napping. adds Benin. ‘0' "l curl
in) bod} around (‘ole's atid he
loVes it." And she still makes
time for her cosmetic surgeon
husband. 46. “We had sushi the
other night hectiuse I couldn‘t
hate it while i was pregnant."
she stos. "It was so tun.”

Ugly Betty Hunk Opens Up
About Family

"There‘s something: to he
said toi lt;t\|llj.' a lone ltislit!‘\
Willi someone." l‘el} Betti ~s
l‘.l'lC Mahius tells l's oi the ser
etc! to his success will his \\itc
ol neai'l} a )cat. intei'toi design
er In Slicinian \\lill \\liom he
has .l son. .\la\lield. ‘ nonths
The couple dated lot (He \eat's
heloie time the knot. hut haw
know} each other since high
\\ itool

‘I can‘t tltink ot an_\tlttn§.'
that‘s more romantic than heme
\\itlt someone _\oti deeph trust
sats ilic at tot. ii (l; \l‘lll\k'. the
s\\cct ecsttties he enes ltet
.loii‘t httrt

"l tonic (tonic in the lllltltllk'
oi the nitrht tit-in \mt‘k. so i go
lip and kiss the halt} kiss t‘i_\

\\ilc .iinl httiic lici some leaf lie

s.ij»s "'\\e llL'ltl icztllt ltat’d lot

tinze togetnet .is a 'etlilplk'.” \nd

your daily dose of entertainment, popcultureandlun Kernel ‘ 9'

Love Lives

Extra cohost's special delivery,
Ugly Betty star’s beautiful family


heini.I on a hit show is great.
adds Malnus. "but so is being
able to sta) home \\ith _\our son
oit the weekend and haxe him
grim his Inst teeth or sit up tor
the tirst tiine."

Julie Bowen — Ready (or

“He's been atria/mg." sl,\
miunits-pregnant Boston legal
star (and lrequent l.ost guest)
Julie Bovren tells l's ol how her
htthh). reald)\ like. "You can‘t
name )our child Stigai“ But I
hate a \ei'_\ prepp) tamil}. so it
“I” he something.v reall}. staid
and boring; in the end."

Josh Sweats It Out With

\\ant to knou the secret ol
llii\\ soitgsti'ess l'ct'gte. ll. atid
l as \eeas~ .losh l)uhaine|. .i-l.
keep their hot hodies .’ ()n .ldllltr
at} l" in Santa Monica. (‘alitorv
nia. the couple oi more than tuo
)cat's motixated each otliei
throueli arm and ah e\eicises.
tiieti tan stairs hetot‘c sealing
then siteat session \‘~llli a hug.
"'l'lic} lo\e doing normal llilll:.’\
like \\orkin;.' out and scenic
mot ies.” say a pal. ‘llte_\ det_\
the split odds h} not getting.'

caught tip in Holl} wood "

Heidi ck Seal Read) tor

“it‘s a great “at to start oil
the _\C;ii‘." llcltlt Klllttt tells [Is
01' her hushand Seal‘s noiniiia
tion tor his l’ursuit oi Happy
ness song. ":\ Father's Way"
The award went to Prince's
Happy Feet tutie. but the l’roiect
Riiii\\a_\ host. 33. stos it hardly

“lint al\\a}s proud ol‘ him."
she gushes oi' the singer. ~13.
"It‘s a heatittl‘ttl song." So ho\\
have the} been ~toggling the ad
dition ol son Johan. 2 months.
\\']Ih their hartds alread} lull
\Vllh son Henr}. It» months. and
daughter Lent. 2‘.‘

"It gets easier because )ou
kiiou more about \xhat‘s hap
petting." says Kluni. ".lohan is
an e\tretttel_‘. easy child. limit}
was a little colicky. so this one is
real!) etis} ” So is three enough
litt' no“ .’ "I think so.” she sa_\s.
"But tort ne\ei’ knovx ‘”

Mark & Rhea — Parenting

.\l.u‘k \Mililherg didn‘t score
best supporting actor. but he
tells is it‘s not stopping him
li'om aiming: high on his current
protect. "I “am to pcriect'par
enthood." sins the Departed
costar. 15. \tlio has a daughter.
l-‘lla. .4. and a lllrmntllllvultl son.
Michael. \Hll] ittodel Rhea
l)utham. 28. ".\l_\ daughter
lo\es ltci little hi‘othcr. she itisi
doesn't ktiou ltet own strength
'I he lines are hie. so \ou‘\e got
to look out toi hint But he's










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Continued from page i

A similar. renewable scholar-
ship is ayailable to students who
score a 23 on the ACT and haye a
3.3 cumulatiye high school GPA.
Recipients of the Proyost Scholar—
ship can receive up to $1.500 per
year for four years. Like the Flag-
ship Scholars. Provost Scholars will
not have to apply for the scholar~

Combined. the two academic
excellence scholarships will pro»
yide 915 students with SI .4 million
in aid when fully implemented in
Int I.

"We need to do more to keep
more of Kentucky‘s best and
brightest in the state." Todd said.

Had the scholarship been avail-
able this year. about 12 percent of
UK's freshman class would haye
been eligible for at least the Flag-
ship Scholarship.

In the class. 4% students scored
a 26 or 27. and 731 scored a 28 or
above. said Roger Sugamian. direc-
tor of L'K's office of institutional

Gregory Figgs. director of high
schools for Fayette County Public
Schools. said a fair number of stu~
dents in the county score a 26 or 27
on their ACT scores.

“The new scholarships may ac»
tually encourage students to stay in-
state." Figgs said. “It may make
['K a more attractive option for stu-
dents who would not haye qualified
for academic scholarships in the

However. Figgs said he feels
conflicted about scholarships that
use student’s ACT scores as the ma-
JOI‘ predictor of college success.

”I haye mixed feelings. because
some students w ho may not be able
to make a 26. 27 or 23 on the .s\("I'


Continued from page 1

Swinford said.

Roughly 40 employees turned
out to hear the committees” find»

Megan Co\. research coordi-
nator for the Human [)eyelopment
Institute. was pleased with what
she heard at the forum but wanted


actually flourish when they get to
campus “

Interior design senior ’I‘abitha
MatUskiewic/ agrees with Figgs

“I‘m not a big Ian of standard
ized tests in general." Mumskiewic/
said. “I think sometimes the uni,
yerstly puts too much Ioctts on test
scores and not enough on the skills
students are actually going to need
in the future."

Student opinion \aried relating
to lowering of the ACT score nec-
essary to qualify for an academic

Nursing tumor Jessica DeY-
oung said she qualified for academ-
ic scholarships as an incoming
freshman and thinks a lower ACT
score requtremeiit seems contradie
tory in some ways to the uniyersi»
ty‘s push to become a I‘op Ill re
search unnerstty.

“Low ering the score makes the
pool too big for those who hayc
done really well." DeYoung said.

Ci\il Engineering senior Nick
Aldermeyer said he thinks proyid'
mg scholarship opportunities for
students with a lb and 27 on their
ACT will benetit I'K.

"I think a 26 is still pretty good
for an .»\("I score." Aldermeyer
"Students who are close to
making the cut-off may be tiiore en-
couraged to stay in-state if the nec»
essary score for a scholarship is
lower here."

The Proyost and Flagship
scholars programs complete the
broad-based scholarship initiatiye
aimed at increasing accessibility to
higher education for Kentuckians

“We are committing more than
$3 million to this effort next year
alone and that will grow to more
than $5 million annually in the new
few years." Todd said “I think that
inarguably demonstrates our com
mitment to addressing the issues ot
access and affordability throughout
higher education and our (‘ommoii
wealth "


the committees to continue their
work as well.

”I came tor
the direction that they are plan
ning on going." Cos said “They
had thought about alternatn e or»

intormatiou on

tiotis but still need to put in some
more work,”

The ecommendations present
ed were pieliiiiiriaries and the llr
nah/ed ones are due in May

“There is still more work to do
but we are pleased
progress." Koppes said

with the


Edit” NESS

Alllillltli\\“c\4ll\ t’l . :.



Continued from page i

The ambulance includes such \l'k'clcli lc'.ll‘illc'\ .;s .i
DVD player to comfort and ciiicitaiii oidn clllisllc ii .:Iii'.
a (BPS na\ igation system. "so w c- don" get lost L"‘lli_' to
Ha/ard or l’tkeyillc.” Mariiio said

The ambulance is capable ot tiaiispoitine .i tiiii s:
stretcher, a pediatric c‘t‘ll‘.c'l\!t\ll \llL'Icllc’l oi two iso
lettes. which are small ciic losed licds iiscd tot tiaiispoi!
mg mlants

"II we get a call tor twins we can pick their: iip oi
the same trip.” .\I.itino \iltl






UK Police reports from Jan 23 to Jan 29


Jan 23 Thette‘ a wallet t'oui a lit. trivia 'iitittteti at UK Pitt e Head
(It. titers at l? 2‘5 [3 ”v

Jan [3 Yliel‘. "iv“ .5 tr. tit'ig 'l‘l")".l‘tl a'. Uk Police Headquarters at
l .14 ii I“,

Jan '23 The" .‘ i t‘ “\t‘ 'etiovtee .it ills Poiii e Heailiiiai'tets .it 405

. ite‘vwiz. Ha‘
Jtt't N ”villi to M ifc,ir.‘.t' ”d
Jan 34 The". "ii-'t it ;t “it: mitt-"it! at Lil's Police Heartaiianers at
.103 p ll!

Jan 23 Mai , . i'ia ise it Greg; Page Atti'tnients at 825 ti in

Jan 25 Aixit‘u’ ‘iitisiitit'ii' .it B a'uiuici |ll at 2 l I a u‘

Jan ?"t PWY "or"

{i t i.'i.i lilit i". .i'. '63“ 'l "i


Jan 2b A clie‘ m it: it .it ills C'ia'irlliir Medical Center at 228
a in

Jan 2b Tl'tlll gt a ism “tins. .II the UK Chandler Medical Center at
334 p Iii

Jan 2,’ Al....l‘;1 .r;t..c...it.i.:i .i: Blaticitiiu ill at. IZZS a t‘:

cidll 2/ i’ltli‘l".il" g: t"

Klimt: clattei‘ B.Jsl'ti?ss 8. Eco lt‘itttith Bldg





Continued from page 1

"We‘re at the point in which
we must act." he said. "And we

But the eny'ironmeni isn‘t
the only housekeeping problem
for Lexmgton. (‘ity maintenance
in general is going downhill.
New berry said.

“Our home » our city 7 is
in a state of disrepair." he said.

He referred specifically to
the lack of upkeep on roads. city
bUildings and the sewage s_\s~
tem. Comparing this city main~
tenancc to maintenance within
indiyidual homes. he said these
efforts haye been delayed due to
lack of funds.

“We'ye all put off paint
jobs. or w'e‘ye postponed replac-
ing that had window until we
have a little more money on
hand." he said. "Unfortunately
LI’UCG (Lexington-Fayette l'rs
ban County Goy'emmenti has
put off far too much needed

Some maintenance concems
that are forefront in the mayor‘s
agenda are the renovation of the

Ky.’s economy behind nation

By Evan Israel


Although the economic outlook in Kentucky is
not as bright as the national outlook. the picture is
rosier for college students and citi/ens of Lexing-
ton. according to experts at the IXth annual licoA
nomic Outlook Conference held yesterday,

The economic situation in Kentucky has been
worse than the country's as a whole for some time.
said Kenneth Troske. economics professor and Dr
rector of UK‘s Center for Business and Iiconoiiiic


“In most years since the mid—‘90s. Kentucky 's
growth has been similar. though slower than the

U S's." Trosk‘e said.

Unemployment since 2004 has risen slightly in
Kentucky. while falling nationwide. a trend Troske
attributes to Kentucky's dependence on manufac~


Automotive manufactures haye been forced to
layoff ”0.000 workers since 2003 because of poor

economic conditions.

The situation is not as bad in [.exmgton.

Troskc said.

“The outlook for Lexington in terms of iob
growth is better than the rest of the state." Troske
said “Lexington is less dependent on manufactur~

ing than the state as a whole."

(joyernment (enter. the ma
haul of New (‘ircle Road and
the completion ot the Newtowii
Pike I;.\tensiou I'hesc goals w ill
be Illllc‘rc‘ttltsllllllll}: and eypenv

Most ol the city's $360 mil-
lion of (iencral Sciyices I‘uiid»

trig comes trom payioil tas.

making the city‘s rc\entlc‘ and
ability to address these problems
dependent upon the local econo
my. This is “a risky situation be
cause of our economy \olatili
ty." Ney berry \dlcl. He platis to
emphasi/e iob creation ettorts
and Ill.t.\lllll/L‘ economic dc\cl
ttplttc‘ltl resources lit ltlc‘rc‘asc‘ lllc
city ~s reyenue.

Despite all thesc problems.
Newbcrry was enthusiastic
about the people he has worked
with and l.C\llI;L'It\II\ upcoming
opportunities. such .is the fill!”
World quuestrian Games In
particular. he has noticed
stronger collaboration and coins
munication within the city coun
cil strice he has taketi oltice

"()ur citi/ens should know
that we bay e a strong group ot
dedicated prolessionals who are
working to make this city a bet
ter place. and l c‘ottslclc't' that to
be \ery good new s." Newberry

His faith in the people ol the


is a good sign,

(Vlttldrc‘ss said

force because
’I'roske said

Ii (‘llll\lll‘\\. l.\c'c, ltIi\ c' llllc'c li‘l lot
the Kentucky long Ierm Policy Research (‘ciitei
said Kentucky needs to emulate states such .is Indi
ana. I'cnnessee. .-\lab.iiiia and .\oitlit aiolina .ill o?
which he calls "peer states“ because Hl the siiiiilai
conditions and limitations they espciieiice

“We hayen't made a lot ol progress lc‘l.tlt\c to
other states." ('hildress said

He said issues such as smoking and obesitx .iic
espensoe and hurt Kentucky ’s econonw, .lllllfllc‘fh
be said the recent smoking bait m Iaycttc ('oiiiit\

"People are beginning to recogiii/e the me
nomic consequences of some til these beha\ tors.“

Kentucky has also had a less productne \\oil.
too few

“Kentucky ranks signiticaiitly below this ii.i
tional ayerage in terms of adults with toui \c‘dl dc
grees." Troskc said

For I'K graduates. the prospects ot liiiding .i
iob will likely be much easier than tot lllflsc' who
are less educated. he said. and that students .it I K
shouldn't be oyerIy concemed about the state's
economic conditions.

”It‘s not anything any single student can worry
about Troske said

c‘tl till how

So tat. the .iitibiilance lias llldclc «‘Ki'l 'HH tan in l
. ‘- l‘t ‘ ;
I)cceiiibct and 4‘) this tl‘itltlll \I.ii :iio c. t l ’1‘" ~
"\Vc‘ cctll c'\]‘c‘cl .t lllllc rt\.'t gl'l' _"i'i:‘ l g ‘1',” // ,‘p :1. l"‘ c 1’.“ :7 [1" ‘s y: ‘ l’.l", tiffgl l\"‘
)Ltll" sltc- satcl l . ‘ ' .c N ‘
l‘\ lllk‘ ldll. lll‘s‘ l!|l\l‘ll.tl yiflg‘_,\ I“ .i‘.' 1 . H cliil 4" t. i .y i, i ‘ .y "ti 1 .. sat" \ i‘ I. tail lull! Ail-1:)
tomi/cd aiiibulanc c to its ili l' iiii . . t graftiw
the new .iiiibulaiicc and .t'l o ‘.: imi ‘ Y \ y ‘
llll‘L‘ Al /' ‘3‘ ‘ t i t’ t" ‘ i'H 'i c’d‘ill 3004
|A L
from Soul to Swim isolz; . l‘li 1 'r. w in
~ \S‘ii llt‘ y, . . . .
hospital with out __ ,It . . ii. H [5 _, x A I 321k. 1.. I») m I: 2111,
(ccil. coiiiitiiiiiity iciatioi s' ..: ,
hospital I 5’8 MW" ‘ ' l " [:7 ‘
('c'c‘tl said slic .iItpl ’ , l\ W 2.»: Tim . it» . y i i..
.. i x
and thc compam .ii-ioei‘ ~. . ' ‘ ‘ ’ W . . i
t' V r .' n . .i - ‘ y i
bulaiicc ‘ " ' “ " ‘ ' ‘ ' '
"5l‘c‘clllc.lll\. l\itlii ~ r "’t t '. l ‘
piogiaiiis iii lllr.‘ toziioiii i H s. ' . ~- .5} .1 . “3‘ .‘JC ‘.
\lk‘\lIL'\. (c‘cll s.ilil . l
Kohl’s .ilsii spoiicit'c \ ‘ ls» ._ . 3“ 1' ii ' .r . ‘
lL‘.icltc‘s klcls ltl "\\c.it l'-c' ‘ cl .i'it‘. " il
about pcdestiiaii satcty' l \:.~ .1
’ " . , i
\PUH‘UMi i“ ”k. wmwm ,\ Na. . r : __ h ' coriipiledtromreaorts dtLiK Police Department
"‘ ”‘1‘ slllll‘lll-“lss” ‘\ “ll” " -;. ‘9 'l~ ' Compiled by StafiwnterSean Rose
said l)i Iiiii lillclsc'l.” ‘ : : i,:: " Ir
l I»: ' r * r‘ . ‘ .
attics .tllsl i‘ll\\lc|.1ll :ii .i _‘ i». " 1 i ‘ L l tailsiosew‘kyker'teltom 1
Hospital 'lltc‘y also fii'w'. j‘. i" '. 3
to stay out ot the l’\vtll“\ .irizi-i. .1... i j
litickci said he cll‘l‘li's l.ilc'~ “it my incl .
especially lot this .tllil‘llldllcc'
"It makes .i ticiiiciidoiis .izwiiai' i: u “ l
lliickci said "Iliistsaiiitc l‘lli.‘ wan. :
y .m, 7 W 7 ”Ag_ "SW“. .
city does not stop at the admin
tsti‘ati\c leycl .iiid he cotniiicii‘
. impressed he has sf N 7‘ (3,“!sz Pa sf—yi i xiv {misf- ~ 1? A\ :‘V. .1ch
been with the community spiit l ,‘n\ i i ll rd _— 'l l l 3i :I ll 3 r—il y" t [‘1
duJ_: sin—J" ' ;_i‘ L. .51.);5“ 1..)

ot l.e\iiigtoii

"l'tiless I am iiiisrc-acltiiz' the
mood ot this cllllll‘tlllll’H. I e\
ingtoii is ready to pimide the
support Ilk'cc'ssrll‘. lor iis to re
store the piidc we all want to
base lll out city,”

\c‘y's l\c liy

\cwlicriy hid the ct‘vltllcii
baye agreed i‘l‘ scxeral l'c‘ll‘is
that can restore this pride Ihej.

want to establish a department
within the local goieiiiiiieiit to
address eiiyiioiiiiictital needs to
support the tutuie economy by
olieriug scholarships to high
school students interested iii
pursuing math. science. tccliiiol
ogy and ciigziiec-riiig at
uui\ersities and to iiic tease con;
mutitcation cttorts bctwecn the
go\ erniiieiit atid citt/cns thioucli
new slctters and more .lci.c‘\\';l‘lc‘

“\kc Ii.i\c
long term. otten boring and .il
most always c\pcnsi\c woikf
New berry "Iliit it
means that we liayc a great op
portumty to moyc torwaid be
cause we ha\c a great team iii
place and .i stioiig spirit to out
community "



\s'l lt‘lI‘-.

\ctlcl ctlstt


hay c attended c ollcgc.

l Ill's d \tales .ollcgc or iiiiixersity .lIlil' :ii the obiect oi llk photo-graph
lc Is! i Iehteeii i lb i \l‘i|l\ old in the pltrilrlg'at‘li submitted