xt7t4b2x6p61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x6p61/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1985 1985 1985-09-18 2020 true xt7t4b2x6p61 section xt7t4b2x6p61 hm
VOmem ‘ - - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ “r 5557’ 77 it!" “9’? e245. ' .. '
is ‘ 3",; . “WW "I. - ~ f; AWflWy, Lexington.me a“), i“ Ma“: j’ ”in Wednesday, September i8, 1985 . . .
' ' ‘i/ a w‘ is” at: ’* term” 7" . ' ' ‘
BO (1 fT t V 3 3
ar 0 1118 CBS appro BS iennium ll get 1 I.
géltgll‘llf'l\:h[l‘:;" ( ARAS bring UK (3105:1333 to "5 goal Of M01}; lence and a million each year lUl' ttfll\ \fipQuav .. try: - \tl' _ .' 'y‘, I‘ . 1', f . it",
‘ " in a com re ensive universit ' wi - l -, . V. ' ‘ ” . i ,
nagmnalrefiognmon» ’ “Until 80 percent of the faculty who are now iii? ffrgfdgnfo‘femsilepficfl‘fj}, ‘ ‘:;.t'”;;~‘ . » . . .1.-
‘ ‘ ' ‘ l H t .' - -’ 4 lt‘ Util'fiicv liiiz'i-if ".i f . .-"l. _L
dThfeffi‘j'R‘l (’ém’lm ’“tirdf’ The add"‘°"a' funds “"l come demorallzed . . .also have a chance, then we’re academic equipment. includingu so rc-por' iii iv... N“. ' .- r ;..
a. op ‘ , s ‘lennlum reques or partly from money generated by the . . . . ,, million super computer illlt‘l' sldli' }. : ..i,_i V... .~ . M, ' . .‘ i . ,5 g.‘ 3‘
3332.4 mlglon ln stzilte “finding for University 7 517.7 million the first never gomg [0 be a great lnStlIUIlOn. l‘ l" v; :f , ' ' ff 3 , '5'; g'fiui'
1986'87 54. i . - , . ' ' ‘ . . ' . uni... lti .t'. ..t ‘ . .'3 b ‘ 2- 'ii. v“l
mun orlhjiunggailgnmsggg 3’; 35;; :11 rgrggfgniggfeggygggg Constance Wilson, James 0. King, pram or . i . . . ‘ V1,; (,7;-
faculty and staff salary increaseS- million in 1986-87 and $13.4 million in 301"“ 0‘ TWSleeS member mfli‘figflrfi'dhgfilsw‘: fix: :"r’girli'i ' ' . 5 3',” .
The Board also. approved 198188 will pay for the remainder — — nue bond financing to gurcliasc [,' in My,“ ,. . . . , iii...
gU1d1‘llmt5‘l0r ‘lhe POSSlble dlSPOSl- if the request is approved by the equipment but said the cone uteri-s l-il.ili> toil: 11ml: lw- Iii-.4 h . IL. ,-.' “-
, lion of linlversltyowned real estate Council on Higher Education. the Singletary also announced that 52 But Board member and UK pro- a necessary addition to the [Blnt‘l'sll ~' in llulhtwl it 'v‘, .V _. . V. ' ’ ‘
all“ accepted .the “"31 rt3l>0rt of an governor and the legislature. million of the $4 million UK has in lessor Constance Wilson said the ty's research capabilities ’ ”mm” i...\i-.' L _ . ‘ . .' ~ 7: ‘ I" ..‘ a"
at hoc committee created to study reserve will be distributed among more was not enough to correct 0, ’pMJMI“ ”my ' _ ' . '1" . pig,-
the transfer Of an energy research The request PTOVldeS a 5 percent the Chancellors for salary increases L'K'S meliCIenCles. “Until 80 per- In other action. the Board passed ”mmminflfm “of,“ r .3 . ‘ _;‘ ‘1
iontract held by the Instltute for faculty and staff salary increase in based on merit. Although the $2 mil. cent of the faculty who are now de- specific guidelines for the possible want. ,, J”. H . ',',i . y , _ i .i ’-~ 1",: ,‘
Mining?“ Minerals Research. ,. each of the two years and 5281 ml lion will not furnish acrosynelboard morallzed also have a chance, sale, lease or trade of l'nlversity (”Minoan “3,. W. _- .. ,. _ _ J.
- h} reslcent (ltls A 'Slngetary Sdld lion to improve l-hs non-compet- increases, Singletary said the move then were never gomg to be a great property in Fayette County Jack ‘mii pint i-llulo . _,; .; y, . .1. -.l " ' 1.2V:
‘1 t to funding plan. proyldlng for a 16.8 ltlve salaries, which Singletary may stop “the raiders all over the institution.”she said Blanton, vice chancellor for admin (“mm m”. ,1” '1 a _ y _ . . f y ,'
‘ ‘ percent Im‘rt‘abe in 1986-87 and an called 'jthe most. critical problem country (who) are taking our best Also included in the request is $2.1 istration, stressed that no land l.\ “spark".wni. ' "I. x
‘ :; additional 4.2 percent in 1987-88. Wlll confronting the UniverSlty. faculty.“ million for nine centers of excel- currently for sale and the guidelines ' . ”I I,” ‘ i _ ' f I l _‘ .1. .
,. Anonymous donor
‘ "' T. ’4 ' “ 3‘:- . 3' is” .-. -» a '."
E 43,. 7,..ng i t $5 . l l . ‘l . .1 1 t ..
4",; 3‘3”" ' ,i'. . ; .. .'
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'1‘ ., presen 5 ml lon .
,_ , "' ~ * its; « t UK t - i: .
W1._,..-x;,.~._ . V; y = ‘- '1 i. -. . '. .
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‘3 . V I .4 3 ' m“ h" , O 3 3 3 3“ ' ’3‘“ Staffreports ninrgll‘ iii ixw <4." .i :r i ' ' . -,-'
3 32, '1‘“ 1‘" ‘ur ~ .' ‘ i is?“ (‘f'nlt‘l‘ Multiri it. -' ' '- . ‘ ‘ ' "i ‘ '
he: .. .3 - a . . With the hel of Gov Martha W W . . ., A . _ . _ - ' -
A,‘ b _ 1 V4 p i. , I . .
1 ”f’t '3 ~ I' ‘3‘" .. "r .. ;‘~ tiff»: Layne Collim. President ()tls A Sin mm: chimps-c ., , , y ' ' _r i
D .. , x , ‘0 ,. n.” ‘ . . . . .
" . r l ,.<" l M . , “‘33 . g $3 {3 , 13:7; gletary yesterday announced (inc cwmi “any, . . .. _ . . s ' - ~ ..
g’.‘ N . 'I' . ‘i “i 4 , ‘ of, if not the finest gifts of its Klml mm pullout-:- -, ,,: : ' ' i ' .‘ i ,
>"’:‘:. ‘ “ h ‘ 2. “ . s . if , if“ to the UK Equine Research l-‘ounda “my some ;-, , . , c ,, ; i. .. .i. . - _. ' _ ‘,
. a5. V! , u . .
3-. r 5'3 - l u i ”A" l 3:. tim‘ ult'lili‘} mini 1' ' - ' ‘ I a
.g i 3‘ - ' H .3? I “x . The $5 million gft, from a donor The go mjmi“ 5 s _ I ,I.‘ ».
3 » . f 'A _ VP‘ 5 A ' who asked to remain anonymous, \M'hi,1_,\gllni Li“; - , ,- .1 ~ ,- ‘ ._ fi‘
' a, :Nw...‘ ‘. . |-. x . é‘i - ”iii. 3' . 'i will become part of the foundation's ”any; \[dfizl A, _ -.. . . .
000...: ”r ~ . = ' ._ . . . :1~§L§i»§.:3i' ‘ 1‘ ' ' . endowment for future program at pit-lo: .i- -. ; ._ , . y . ' _ ‘
:.....:....00 v ammo-53 a“ I 313— ‘3‘» ‘t [he Equine Research Center now center Mini: .' v " i s " V . - 3 . .
C... .00....00.§.OQLM 3% A #333" N933 ' I W 3 " , I 33 under construction on campus. 5”" lilili Cllcliit‘llfit‘ L; .“ ”Ii 1" ‘ l ’ -‘
0:"'Oo::"°o:"u:2"'7.'. 5:13 - V ' sletary said at a meeting or the weilll min-ii...» o. 1 i; .. .‘ ,, " . , .'
o . . . ' 0 o . .‘ ' o git. o....'00.:..‘;’r’” ' .x . Boardof'l‘rustees , ' ' ‘ ' I
0 o z 3 ‘ ' ' t z 3 . ' "3.."O::.'..O::..*Q . . (3." .' ‘2' Collins said the gift was a very The win: .«m . 430,3 ~ . T' , 1 ‘
. ‘ o z 3 . 3 ' ' :::. . :::..‘.:::... .1. ~ :4 I .3 '3: ’ important step because ”115 makes igllll‘l'dl‘ '. \l. 'o» ;.i ‘w' ' »« -. I ~.
‘ ' - . : 3 ' ' ~ . . . : .- - . gt....lo::‘.“.‘mr x42.- ’- Kentucky again in the forefront ot man-r vow-om pi. ' , ,
- - . , . : ‘ ‘ ' - . . .: - - . .tz' “Goo::."00“' ‘ ,l -3334“ one of the state's most important in Mtg} iiii'iii mg. ~ .» u . .L . ‘ . '
3 i ‘ - u : 3 3 3 ' ' 0 o . 3 ' ‘ t 0:::...‘.::::..‘. ‘ e ’ ['7‘ , Ja‘fifr , dustries," il‘)il’_{1‘\ liti'l i." lLiI. 11"" ' ‘ “'} " 3‘ . . _~ V . I '
l - . . ‘ 3 ' ' ' ‘ .' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - . .11"°'u¢:2”* T " ' 3 " ' ‘w-n :' ..~.,"-i‘_,~’ “This magnificent gift Wlli nelp U> ll\(‘ pfij-wi 0:; . x A-i . ' . W . ' '
- . . . ' 3 ' ' ‘ ' . 3 3 ' ' ' ' - - . ..::.°"lo::::" '1» ' . £33 reach that goal by providing the il‘lti'lwtlA‘T.\t'l:~t'~ , , '1
- '--.. ‘ u ' '- - f . . . ,
' ' ‘ ‘ ~ . . ‘ ' ' ‘ ' - - u .1. 3 3"':::::::.9::. 3 ' i “1'3 L 3w” 2“ 3/91"»! 35‘3‘1‘33 0 o o in i. ,3 .'
.. .»........::-.-,;-.;.,;.,.... .. 3’ omecoming ac m les ; . , .7
. ., W ..:’.101900.......::: . $3M», .x A". . -, .
Mirror image 9 . . . . -
Nesia Brock, an elementary education freshman purchases 0 her out. The shop is part of the University Bookstore and is 5) WEN'DYSL'SAN SMITH hill-‘1‘ ~- -' "1" -' s 3 i. " 3
. few items in the Sundry Shop. Finance senior Betty Bell rings located behind Commons cafeteria. Stafanter “"1“?“ “3 3* 3"“ f ‘ ' I“ " 2 ’ ‘
- 'illt “H ‘\.t‘ r . A ' , 1"" _' -
The Student Actlvities Board hm in“ pin-o ;' . ~ ‘ _ s .1 '.f '_;
finalized plans for the events snr in» inigi‘l» u 1'! - . r : - . , ,1 ' .
‘ ’ 0 rounding this year's Homecoming. :no Student W ! i., __ . . . ’ ,,_ 1'. .- .
00 or on orums e in to a a. . .
Monica Montgomery SAB home lllt)l‘l\\t‘ltllll >:,..:.;i::. . . 1', ’ H ,,
- - - - coming chairwoman. said at last no (i *;.i-‘li .Kt‘ own-c .ir - - .' -’ , 2 i .-
Academlc Support Seerces series addresses frustrations of women students night‘s board meeting that even it ,_ ,3
. . . . . thing is going according to plan in Tlt‘Kt‘l~ tor '2. \. \llinlmi -. “i .n 3 '._' '- ‘. ,-
liisxxizonLLowAi' "Hallo“ multiple r019 Play and S’OUP 0‘ {Om W1“ WWW? the Wednesdays The next two lectures terviews with the Homecoming zilll go or. Ni. mg g: \-_ . _' .- 4. g
contributing Writer Stress . goals' barriers an.d conflicts that in the series are “Strategies for queen candidates have begun. and dent t‘enli-r "cw” “lim- '1 hi wi*"lr‘i ' ‘ ‘- 1- '3: , V: -
The MS! lecture.“‘Road Blocks [.9 thesestudentsface, Befwsa‘d Dealing With R019 Conflict," pre- students will be able to vote Moll “Ill be at r 1, IL t‘llllt”l “i“ “”l.‘ i' W” ”l 1“" l’ietrowiak initiated a team meeting a step In that direction Normally. at kamikaze-s on the field," he said.
' _‘ ~. , ' i‘ “\Pfi‘lt‘il l” he tlet‘i‘e Battles will lie ti pla) team matches on Sun cluh" Phil“ ”“Wl‘f'wlhf‘ ”(TN ‘5 Monday where the players hashed such meetings only the captains "This year. everybody has their own
. '. _ tic tought against table tennis “1".“- Hlt‘dma" 54‘“ ““9 “Wk littlllillt’d “ll“ lllt‘ l 51 1 \- m" “1”" out problems. talking heart-to-heart talk However. on Monday a lot of personality Everybody is quiet and
I - _' firi'upv‘ill Ull"""‘~“”l“»“ 1“ lht'm‘“ end my” team could come here and "18} he rcqtiireii to hold at least 0"“ about subjects ranging from offen- players saidtheir piece doesn‘tsay much "
. ,. ‘ . . .. Me m“, a lot oi good players. llltinc-Xt \iecould gothere sanctionedtournament siye strategies to team fellowship “After the meeting. eyeryone was There is a marked difference the
‘ ' \l'tl .\roii Friedman. L‘llll‘ president “0.2mm”! nghl- the “lib “I“ lX' ”UN WNW‘lt‘l‘ \W ht'lltt‘d <'”” The players say they want to es- a lot closer in practice," defensive players say, in the team‘s attitude
: .‘ 7 ,' . Hat \\t‘ also haw a couple oi new torniing the team. he said (her the Heath manager ot the Student t‘en- tablish a positiyehmental attitude in back 'I‘ony Mayes said. "Lots of this week and their mentality this
~ ' - h . I 1 "MN" "m” “W ““mmg and 1mm 1,10“ 1f“? “@fié‘fi‘gb {11.18"}?er “.““ my. “in“. “(mm '."”‘ in}. "I” am. time for Saturday‘s game against times in practice. no one ever says time last week
‘ - . . ' an; \M- h.l\t'l‘ t seen the i-unipet: Utml‘tl‘ 0“ d psi-((911 l. at “l l ESE" P115 ('dlllt‘llmllll vl“l“"‘””*‘m~ hl‘l Tulane much. But rMondayr everybody was “Last week it seemed like it was
,. . ' tron. but we kriov. we can put mgr-tit. lldlt’ ”W “P “W PM)?“ Thlh 101 that \iasiit l \l l \ sanctioned. Team excitement was the missing fired up ~ kind of lakey." Tesar said. “It was
V ‘4 “ l - .. t'l'dltl‘t‘ll.‘ t-é‘ttltllt‘dl'l ”1‘” ”Hm“ "9“ members to gain F'"“‘l”.“”‘~“*“‘ ingredient last Saturday, Claiborne At least twice yesterday. it was like we were just doing it last week
. ’f .‘ . _~ , [.-,.u.dnm, mm the 1 RI.“ “mm s'pilh on titre team by 1working their ”tic it like to do that ugli'lll this said during the Wildcat press con. mentioned that maybe the Wildcats to please each other. This time
‘ l I '. '3' . “ V I "H”.if‘m‘ “(h my Immi in?” \‘Llillillll u::$:,:n‘:n}:$fw H“ pm” year! ”thing “1‘“ “mm“, " "mm" ference yesterday. lacked the "rahrah" leaders it had we're doing it for ourselves to get
V ' ' ‘ .itile eniiis .ssiiciation con .ic cit . » ’- ~ ” -‘ ”W” " "Ul'm‘ ‘ ’ . ‘ - . “ x . list ‘ a ' everybod 'elsefiredu "
' . several other groups last semester tlt‘l‘l. yull‘ intercollegiate “WP?“ (Ither Planned actiiities include "95:19 illfiggghfguzwfggnigt{gird h )9“ ' 3 p
' . . but no matches “my, scheduled trim 'the top priority" {or the clulr weekly (‘tllllpt‘tllllill among club freshrrian punter Jay Tesar The "Mists" ************** "UlSls"
‘1- ' 4. . ,. ' 'l‘his .seiiiestei' the chili is selecting it lhl‘ .‘t'dr ”9 ill-S” speaks highly 0’ lllt‘llllK‘l'N V‘W'h'l‘tl ““51”” tor players “came Up With a lot of 800d * i
‘ \ .. ‘ _ i inc-player team and uttering chal the Seaton t‘enter's assistance to the less (’\p(‘l'l(‘llt't‘ll players and trips to things. that they hadn't mentioned WILDCAT LODGE *
' " t . ‘ ‘- - lenges titan) group that ‘.\lil play t'llll‘ area table tennis tout iiainents before .. ‘ ¥
. i . . ' 'l‘hc clutV nim meets weekly in the . Kath} [(059 ictuh gports dit‘ector .\nyone wishing turther lllftll‘lll‘d' ¥ LITTLE SISTER *
', f y . .' .s'eaton i enter utilizing tour squash at t'K has been Just great in an. tion concerning tth‘ l'K'l'l't' me} at The players 5““ have "0"“? 9’“ *
- ' courts troin T-lir each \iednesda) siiering our questions atid accomo lt‘nd "10 N’EUldl‘ L'llth meeting l0~ plaining just why they lacked inten- * RUSH"
" ‘ . night The club also has two courts dating m] Moori- .said wry. night at the Seatoii renter squash sity in the 30.26 loss to Bowling¥ *
.~ - ’ ' 't’~t‘l‘\t‘tl troni .‘ ii on ~\‘iinda} .it 'iit‘ultllll men be here without the courts "" ""“lill'l l‘l‘“‘l”“”l “1 Green Some said they overlooked wed- Sept. ‘8 .k
. . ‘ .. ‘ " . " '(ir 'rmins but this tune is lil‘lltl.” r‘ri ,s‘eatorii‘eiitct“.s help " 2m"‘331 the Mid-American Conference's Fal» * 8:00 p.111. - 10:00 p.m. G1 "'19
. . . j - ' _ -H_ ,,__.. . . 7-- _,-___.____________ * Wildcat Lodge *
. . " " :i-‘V'i'ccm .. ~ ..
. . . .- K r 2| 4444444‘4444444
_ _ _ Asthma? e ,“ .
' ‘, . Editor in chief '10 9' 0'05 d
, . . 2 00 Managing Editor Socho DeVroomen 0-0
' . . a n s News Editor Fron Stewart
I V I . I V E r Editorial Editor Alexander Crouch f O r .
. ' Spor'g Edi00r WlllleHlO" t h o u g h t
N I I I Arts Editor Gory Pierce _ . .' '
. . g If h h . | | h ' d specioipmiflnidno, Scott Word mformoldrscussron groups for women
- ‘_ h yOU 0V9 OSl mo (pOFlICU or y l 6 km Photo Editor Breck Smither Roadblocks go Success-Barriers to Goal Settings
. .. g . t at comes on during or right otter exercrs- “vim, Paulo Anderson Nikki Folks. Ph.D.
, ._ - , ing), you can earn $200 by portICIpoting in o . Advertising Manager LtndoCollins Staff Psychologist, UK and Coordinator of
' . medical study at the University of Kentucky l P'°"‘""‘°" M°"°9°' Rh°"d° O'N‘m Outreach Service
‘ I ' ‘ - 'm :Noon Wednesdo Se t. 18
. ' - MedlCCl center' YOU must be male and be" The Kentucky Kernel is [‘Jbrtshed on class days during the academic year t'PI e ' St a n, CenteryRm P1 19
. _ 1' . 1 tween the ages of 18 and 40. For more infor- MW“ WSW” ace. $103.. Bog lunch .
‘ , . . . _ _ thud i toss {VW’L‘JI‘ pad 0' Lexington Ky 405M Mailed subscription rates
-. . motion and on opporntment call. 233 5046 WWW P Sgupmw
-' " . ‘ The Kernel .« nm ~..». ’1' Srnpps Howard Web Co 534 Buckmon Street r
. ‘ Shepherdsutm Kr 12%.“ .._ m tun
. (1.30 lo 430 p-m dally) Correspondent» s'i' ci .1 be addressed to the Kontucky Kornol Room QlO :
Journn‘ s" BUIW'N‘ l't‘werstty oi Kentucky Lexington Ky 4050600423 % ’Ib I ‘
. Psi-rm my :5 2st" ~
. ~ by---» — - l airman
~ . QBrdieStra
_‘ ‘ i The ‘lslr'rs u; Imp/m Ih-Iru Mum-iii N‘Ulllll like In m- A group for people interested in meeting other peo- Sepoooommi,,...._..w.. m... rob.7Ciomm Dole Soprano $o|0isi
. . ,prr-ss- 'llltlr silicon arrililurlp fur ull Ilu- Ilmughtlirl wm- ple. The first meeting of the semester will be 2“er Lagrange". Guest Conductor
‘ . . . . ' . 70 m L‘ V
- . » rrru uml .s'lllfi/HDI'I lll' rm-cuml rlwrlmu N‘Hh llur Irugu‘ Wednesday September 25 at 5:00 p.m., 412 Rose Barber
4 _ . ' -. ' Inn’s lrl‘uur (Ir'urlrlrrrlui' sish-I‘Jilumyv I nu I.) Hill. Street. Supper will be free followed by O presento- 0‘" ‘agfig‘f'man ""0”“ ”W” F“.2:/3an::vntDIMclhno l'umpel
. '~ tion by Pat Donridge on the film, "The Toughest Job Berber merrier
’ t» , .. - - rm «w» 'i
- -. ~ You ll Ever Love . Coll 2576598 for more infomotion 8“ 5’ Wag”,
‘. and to let us know it you plan to attend by Sept. Nov.15Aotor~Rtisqririv0i M010"
. ‘. 23rd Brahms Mr.11RobortPritctiord Flute
‘ . ‘ . . , , ~ ngtl\(‘40" Elaine Humphreys Harp
‘ _ , . . [pririglitaprrrs‘prrt Hanson
. - Shuvhann
° - '. - . Procrastinators Anonymous 832:" Joseph Bober
. _ '1 ‘ 50 FREE COPIES 1" 80(l', by popular demand this group is designed for uteri AP" "39'0""? 2°" (“’"dUC'O'
~ . ' . .' g _ those mliL‘ put off studying or taking care of other Kilo
if U l " '. 8'7 X 11 White 20# bond -\. “*‘om'nl‘ .05k Ol‘d Will help them learn to manage A limited number ot 'iLl‘G'S are available to U K students upon presento
~ . . . Oneoriquial . one ”3,1 . '- . their turn? and to become more achieving and 5005- lion elevatidoted tuli hotel 0 cord
.. ‘ . .0 » . .. .- w I" 'L “\J '9' tied with the” performance. Tickets WI” b9 distributed on the Thursday and Friday ‘Whlle supply lasts)
‘I _ , g .‘ . _ .32. FEE: $10U.K. Student & s,°" prior to each pertorirmiite Distribution oi tickets tor the next perlormonce
_ . ‘ ‘ . . -. . 7 $25 Non-Student will tokeploce on Ttiursdoy September l9ondFriday September 20 I985
.' . i . : , ‘ l . 0 j‘ .
_ g . . , _ _. .. '. klnkO S 401 S. Lime (no: DAVE-fhund‘lvr 2-4 s“Pt- ‘9-0d-24 STUDENTCENTER10:00o.m.-4:00p.m.BOXOtflco
; ‘ .-' , -‘ . 253- 1 360 SIX Seniom cousoc or rm: Aim 0:00o.m. . 12:00 p.m.
; ~ . .. . v. . . . Register in Rm. 201 Frozee Hall 204 Dean's Office 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
_ > , We Specialize In Your
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Gory "on.
Arts (duo,
' ' Md I
useum EX 1 l S OWCQSES 5 BW ea 9] a all '
J , ,
ll. 3‘: , 2&3 (W; 9?, ‘5‘; 7%: ?‘(““.§l“t‘ H'::lvl“_\ . l ', ‘_’ ‘ ' 5r! ’lll‘ malls ut the Decatur the museum ‘li s like you can set- . . I I ; _
-x- 53-} “if" . 1% n, '. 5,» ’ 5 30m“ uiingt “l5" 'I 5 ‘ ;===-' 'lllli r- The other halt shUMs the sadness and depression in the I 3 ' ’ '
nk l.” I «(I‘m _ f3 S . I . . i ' r: llt‘t'illL’ ihe- slaw-s The art (smut \ Law II , =I‘, I‘
re t , I‘ “(It 3 . ,- Jartlng drilI‘I-‘Idm'nb’. ”NI “it‘d I*I’ ' A "m \lilil. A) a gunle while =
t‘s ' ’ . Depression WU‘Iu-d .5 boom trim, - ~- ~ ,5 ' 1,3 'i,o- .m, t'xpt‘thR' mural in lutdz'lur tn the \HA Deal A.” =“ " ' . '
't r 5 k; k a”. [he works Progress \(inlmh'rlm'm 1 l f - o-Khilui ’In-Ir i~ “so a \all Deren ’ ‘ ' '
- ‘ 3 ' ‘ I 3“ ‘ t of former President Franklii, — " '5? 32" Him Aim M5 used A} u l ,( . t " ‘ .
ei u. " =‘ I ,..I.’=’xx par . . . I , . I ,' I ' ,. I I (like walnut i-urrenll} on displa) a! ,I -. '. 3
’ j, 45" < == . , :‘II‘, D. iItogsrexelthNeuI [mil IlhoI-I\I.-Ir\ ~ - II= .I I I-IiiSThII IlIhIr more i look at my, muwuni (0k? d [K Law I. , I! It .. ,I
E. ‘9." g 0.98 t e)? “I! Lgrr‘imfl ,d h‘ . I ‘I .4 ll; ”$an g: uui ”f '1 . \(‘nnol graduate is mm head of phu» j -’ 7:, l. '. ,.
Re i I :A [BKIAri Museum. features mam m r = .. - - 5~ ' t‘ . II"! ‘I-ItILI :1 If’ldf P982} 5(.gr.iph_. al thr- \an transiscu MU< : .i l ' ‘-
re ,. . :I II . t ese19305w0rks .- = 5 I I =_ I IIruIIiI Ii 1» .rmt slum wun; ul WWW m Mm! of these . '51; II. ,I
d. I 1 , Thered Zr: about ‘5’ Il’llllI‘l‘ l““"' I “I ‘I “FIN" ‘ :ffllgiiid") pli‘lurt'k Ai-ri- lukt‘i‘. lll hwirgeiuwn. ' '.' 5' '- III
, Ings an amngs «in (hp u) lll Ytii- ‘“ ' ' ‘ " "' ' 1'“ 1 5’7 Kn 5i1‘i.’lli‘l‘t~t -5 :I .'
3 I 1.}: L'“ exhibit. The PM“ ‘M‘H‘ ”51251155511 ' ‘ “ "" ‘5'“ ‘iwff .;t. rat, w on display 'V ‘1; “.1 3‘
t!“ . . brou t to Kenlur'k\ trnm Vim-dun , =15 ,y w , ,= _ 'I ".. ‘5‘ =',:
r 1;“, v I I ..=, . - .lil LAN, lllt l‘L \ri Mu I, A. 1' - .‘3
he ‘ ‘ ”wit-:5 .. 5 " t m 19:13 by the form” 5“" dim“! " ' . ; we I i‘hiltt ml wun i= ”mm m iiw i (‘nlt‘l’ tor the f5”: 1 l.‘ «i.
oe Ii- 5 " . =. ”75’? mtgflfifiuwl th nk h I -I‘5 1 ‘5-t! (my all an V“ 1' ’i'” ""7"" "i “'1‘" “”991 :11"? "-'.A'il
~ ., _‘2‘5 ”5ng ‘ ‘ . l “:3 me “my I . , , I,I II 1 II ’5; _I I I ”,1 l II 5 \mn . = IlIvI.I_-. i \
IS 3 ‘ Minn 0f the best pieces from the (insult: A H! i t H i U .-I {all}: ',=I~- -'
. " E 3:: "' . 5‘3 2* Collection," said William Hi-ixni-m-x , ,,, = 3‘,‘ =I I: . I=I'.I .
S= ’ “if: 5%?” director oftho mUM‘Ulll ” t " 5W3?!" . ’ Ii 3 ~
I: ‘ Mufwfl“' The works are un pt‘l‘lllallt‘l‘t' hurl, ' ' "— .II‘I' “1,531 ‘. a,“ i,
e cu'ow'" "W W“ from the gl)\t‘lllllit‘ll!_ llt‘lllit'» ~t : .,— I 5' fI.==I‘-I’, I,", I» I‘".‘
ei Part-time student Charlie Wilson admires the New Deal Art ex= 53m The H""““”””"” 'lI‘W‘l 5""? / /"’)\\\ l ' 4,"
hibit, which features efforts by artists who worked under the the e’}"”‘f°‘l‘f"‘“.’;‘ TWMHMWV ”I" . LI ' =~ / ,_I \. \v l l ="_-._I.’-,;I .f-kl'k‘
auspices of the Works Progress Administration, The exhibit will SQXWZTSIQUEPIEET trivia-(l IIIII III n. F E g L a I U P fl %\1 / \i l l .-' lzI
be on display at the UK Art Museum in the Center for the Arts Fed .1 )l ' 4 3- . " ‘3 l ““i 9 (f l l ' " l 1-1": "A"
I em Arts lruiu Ills ,m .. l—— l _, “I I_
through Oct. 27. ' ' Pg ’ l l ,I'- =11 i’.
. ~ A ' I~ -
————-——-—— .;R ; l .= ,
Bes-Type 257-6525 I I : \'--~"i‘:~~ I . = ,. .I
U.K. SGA Senate Meeting l i , F l l 4 ,L \ l . =9
5. 3. 3, , a,
l l *~
W Room 206 StudentCemer 1 33'3" MUMDEROSAI 5 ll 400/ l :-‘
l l I . 5' ‘.. f-."'."
| W00dh5”05 Wednesday. Sept. 18th 7:30 pm. i . . ’ l , z
I Nextto ielembie | 5 l l I-I I , . ._I‘.
Yesterda 's Heroes I l l 1 ‘ 3"}
l ’4’ Area SYLOlgL-sl ‘.,~ I Open to a" UK S'Udents l l I‘ I‘.’ -'-. ' =I
'0 Discounted Athletit ‘u ' I l ' = I , I. 'iI'I:
'f’P Shoesfm N l 1 III I5
I 7.“, Men8Women .N‘" l 1 I . :I - .‘ ‘
_W‘ Save 3070-10.. , ’0". I I II I ,- l .- 'I . .I" I. Ills .I
I.» Irlnsthi-covponto' .., 55-. m = «ester at Ponderosa, when ' '
I ‘3°“°“"°'”""" ‘°‘ v .. m m ggc :5}. ,3 l ‘ 3.
“'f“""""‘ i g3; 53 ,0 . . ~t= an entree. or our all-you- 4 gr I ..
. ,‘tI ', 2’“ , . 4%{2 I II? . .. . I I I , \. HI
CEGENEWC'NEM . 3,33 . mlad bar, your beverage IS -
IARGAIN MAnxfis-szagvmv , 5 = l 3 '. = 5 ~
r" = . w. 11'? g I» > ‘ ' ' -l- ' 5. 1 .‘
$2.503EFOR56vgzl. ; / < l» plus unlimited YEfIllS)! ‘. '..' _~ = =,
tumulllllulfillzl: ,. — g . ii. a ribeye and a gallon of g
' “ =,:-:I é ‘ ,7 . , 'I~ r- I I . I 3 I
5337:5333 - , = =, = .: :ahow us your student I.D.— . =
ii I 5‘“ E . . n ' t, 5 j . = I. ‘
smug: _ . . i, 35m r steak and some serious , ,. = =
. . , ,, I I I III II '1‘" II: — on US' II_I II I I
Imminmfitflfiltlw WALK IN WITH “ZSOAIND g A _, s ;‘
mrsusmsm YI r r ‘ v x ) ~ g I ‘ I’ I' I. I-‘.
.= WALK OLT WI rH iii}: 5 1 01¢. == . . . .
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