xt7t4b2x6p5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x6p5f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1985 1985 1985-12-13 2020 true xt7t4b2x6p5f section xt7t4b2x6p5f , I I ; I
' e19- it“? . “”3 Y7:v~h-~fi ""95 ' *3 .15" .3 W ' «£83,571; _1#&%‘ ; ' “’ "i‘i‘i {new ”.3 7' ' ' " .-,, ""775 . -
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258 U S °
. . servrcemen ., .
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die in plane crash T... ' ,. --- ~
\\ I V n Liv I' .I AA“)
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in Newfoundland -. ks; \ Nth /A\V// \\\V/ v/ \v ,
t \' ‘t I o / \ / / _ '-‘
I I ‘ \ “ I “ “/, . v t. '.l." 'V 1‘
, “CHARLES CAMPBELL Canadian Transport Minister Don -' I. . ".- it
Associated Press Mazankowski said the plane climbed I... ; 'l .It -; .5."
no higher than 1,000 feet before ‘ p Ii .5!
GANDER. Newfoundland » A DC‘ crashing. i '1 t. y ‘ .. ‘1 . 5in
8 charter full of US. soldiers return- « . ‘1 . ." . . ;
ing from the Middle East crashed TranSport Canada spokesman / . ‘ ~I '5’.- '. )3.
and exploded yesterday near Gan- Bruce RCld. returning from a heli— ’ t ' ‘I _' ,: .. f
der International Airport, killing all Copter tour over the site. said there I: '.I '. . . IzIfIzIIIi
'— 258 aboard and scattering gifts and was no suggestion that the plane ex— . '." 4 - .
weapons across snowcovered ploded in flight, t .‘ I,II I: . ".‘l"
woods. . . t . t -. _
Families and friends learned of “Where 1t came d0Wh~ 1t obviously " ‘- . i t ‘. . . .
the disaster as they assembled for a explOded 0n ImpaCIIt. Everything in . l. i I. .. i . . .' .
brass-band welcome at the head- theareais charred. hesaid. ~ I? ‘ I-."I - i.
quarters of the 101st Airborne Divi- , Thel anadian government sent 15 ' I ‘i . a; ‘ . ..I*
sion at Fort Campbell. Kv. investigators to theIscene. according . ' . .I ,
Cause of the 6:45 am. .5315 am to Dave (haven. of ( anada s Acc1dent . . \._ III . I--I ._ . I
EST) crash remained under investi- SafetyBureIau. ‘ “I ; ‘ z '. '
gation. but the White House said At PIortItampbell. base CO’T‘mand‘ I ; ’ i ~ I7 _
preliminary reports showed no indi» er Maj. (yen Burton l) Patrick told ‘2 a .. _ .' ‘3-
cation of sabotage or an in-flight ex- a news conference 3” Arm-V team ' 7 I . .' '
plosion in history's eighth-worst avi» would help transfer remains from . .~ ’j I. . - _'
ationdisaster Newfoundland to Dover Air Force I. s. I /k ‘." _ ,I.‘ . .I '.
Base in Delaware. where identlflca' .1 -. . .' . .
The charred cockpit mice and tion of the bodies could take up to a . I f I .- .
flight recorders were recovered and week A temporary morgue was es- If ‘. I . -. »
will be taken to Ottawa for analysis. tablished at the airport. Boag said ._ I . .~ .. _- .
said Peter Boag of the Canadian In Washington. White House 3 . .« , t. , '. . I . .‘
Aviation Safety Board. who was di- spokesman Larry Speakes said ini. I . ., -. I _‘ ‘I :
rectingtheinvestigation. tial reports indicate “no evidence of . -‘ -. . "I .‘
sabotage‘or an explosion in flight 5 . .‘ i . ~
The charter flight operated by HN°HIN°IIGS'~ » -_ . .‘ _ ,I .
Arrow All Of Miami 93"th mem- Federal Aviation Administration Beam me up . _» . ‘ ‘
bers Of the 101st Airborne who were spokesman Vedder Steed in Atlanta. , ~‘ . - - = ‘ ‘ -.
being rotated home after six months Ga. said Am,“ Air was among . . . -. ‘ g .
service m the multi-national peace- more than 4m airlines whose opera» Rufus Howard of Nicholosvtlle, sits on top of a steel structure foundation of a new condominium complex being built on . I . .' I. . . ‘I .
keeping force in Egypt's Sinai penin- tions were the subject of a 1984 FAA recentlv while he helps position another steel beam for the Moont Tabor Road near Lokewew Plow. . ' ;9- ‘.~ .,
sula probe f ' I_ . ' .:
Today an unlucky Friday the 13th for state ’ s drunk drivers ” ' ‘ °"‘
By \"l-INDYSl‘S \\ SMITH the usual eight to it). who will be paa mg" because it is so c10sc to the hol- not going to help the problem ' said If people insist on drinking and he more police officers enforcing ' . . ' ' :
Staff Writer trolling the streets on the lookout for iday season. which is one of the Sgt Richard (mi; of the state police driving. then they must be made them 2' I _ *
those people who are senseless heaviest drinkingperiods department in Frankfort aware that the police mean bust "i think this program will plant ‘ ,- l .
Today may turn out to be the un» enough to drink and drive." said “Also. somebody had a sense of Larimore said drunk driving re- ness.hesaid something in people's minds to be - ' ». . V
luckiest Friday the 13th of the year Bob Larimore. a police officer for humor when they picked l-‘riday the lated deaths can be curtailed in two Caulllnb especially at this time of ’ i' - g ..
for anyone who dares to drink and the lxxingtonrli‘ayette t'rban (‘ounty 13th as the. day to have it this year." ways education and enforcement ()tto said that because of the pub the year." said Mary Brinkman. ad ‘ _ '
drive. Police Department he said .. . . . . . _ , licity of the program. people will user of Boosting Alcohol ('tlnst‘ltllb‘ .- » ' . -
Kentucky State POth‘ are working LJSt year during 'D—Day'." police "D“hklhg and driving th be it tThlbd‘mw Em)”: .b} ”he [hemlffi‘t probably be more cautious about ness. Concerning the Health of l'nl' ~ ' '_
with local agencies in an extensive officers from 58 Kentucky police de- deadly combination." Larimore p0 ice epar m”? 5 fl .. 086 u 't drinking and driving tonight. But he verSitv Students "There are ‘ t ~
. . .. . _ - . . , . . .. . . , make people think [\AIU‘. Laiimore . - - . _ .
statewide effort to enforce D-Day partments made 28:) arrests for dl‘lv said. If people cant believe this. said “We're not ., . . g hopes that people Wlll still consider already enough crazy drivers out » .. . - _'
-. .. . . . saying dont diink. .. . - .
0" Drunk Driving mg under theinfluence then hopefully by the D-Day on but what we want to em hasize I“ if the dangers of drunk driving after there anyway - - , -
More than 2.000 police Wlll patrol "Friday the liith Will he a very un- Drunk Driving‘ effort we can stop vou dodrink be re' ”Mtge ‘ ‘ the program is over Stanley Abell. an lnlt'f‘l'l for BAt‘- ' .
the streets from 4 P m. to 5 am . lucky day for drunk drivers in Ken- them beforeitis too late." ‘ ' ”pt ‘ (‘Ht'S. said he think> thl> etthrt 15 d ’ . .' ;,' '.
looking fordrunk drivers tucky'."larim0r9 said "Drunk driving is a serious 0t- "The more drinks you have. the The drunk driving standards of ar- good idea “When somebody gets be- . --
”I“ Lexington there M“ be 20 or He said Kentucky 90““? chose this fense and until we make the popula» greater tendency vou have to be irv rest will not be any different than hind the wheel he is not only endan ' ' ‘ f ’ . >
more police officers. compared to time to have “D-Day on Drunk Driv- tion aware of this problem. we‘re respnhg-thlet"hesthd, usual. Larimore said There will just gering himself. but others as well ' ‘ . i , . .
. ~ ‘~ _ . ~~ \\ . C ‘ 4 I A
UK roup §l tag.— see . .
s . \cx - \ ex1 g on p ans mg marc
takes trip ir7" $3 a ‘ \N ‘ - ' * -
~ .~ \ . t \ . . - . . I . . .
Al L. . 253. 1 1. $9 \ Campus, City pool efforts for commemorative celebration a; s : *
y . ts\£: cgss . . a a
to [lg an '~ y ‘7 \‘fi; ” ’ ~ \K.\§E‘7‘\§ ByS.-\ll.;\.l.\ .\lI.r\l.l-..\ll’.\Tl unity and brotherhood have been PartiCipants will be "inspired by . . ' {.1 ,
h I :‘Q fi’ . -\\\ Senior Staff Writer planned for the preceding Sunday King's life and reminded of the lnl‘ .I ; ' - :I‘ . L .. t;
, I§§htfi :' . A \\ \ 0 J 19 th Le _ gto m The holiday is ”not for bliliCkS and portance of continuing to work to- 4. ‘ " f.
"t ' \ .‘ . h an. - 9 X1“ h (‘0 mu- not for whites but for peop e." Par- ward a 'ust and fair society and .'- ,' . i ‘z ,5» g ‘
Shakespeare S plays Q \U’ ‘\ § \\ . nity Will have a. chance to Tell"? ker said. “We hope to involve people peaceful vlorldfhe said .. l, . ' L'. . ‘ '
pg 9.. \\ x. \ ‘ \s \ Martin LUth?F King Jr 5 dream 0t of all ethnic groups and social Susan Bean. an executive member . ; . ..‘ I.
fOCUS Of StUdy \ mg..\‘ \I \\\\\\\‘\\\ o‘ equality and JUSttt‘“ classes " of the Student Government Assoc1a . ' .
. ‘ . . . e ‘ g ‘ \I‘f‘fi .' . After years 0t effort h." the Kthg A commisston. which was appomt- tion. said SGA members will partiCi- 7- ' ' ‘ - . ‘
BF‘Mt(llf‘h‘l‘t:(()x k - ‘ V. .I‘ family. the federal government has ed by Gov Martha Layne (‘ollins pate in the events “\‘(iA felt it was I . . . ' , i“ I1
ContributingWriter . I. . .__ , x K \. ' :StAbhsfhfid a bnattlllznal hOhda." t“ and includes Parker. has planned a something we should address. and ' '- . - - . * ' .‘ '
' --i " I»; v ." onoro ing‘s ir ay. nit m rch nd ceremonv to com- w ‘r t "n to nco r e ver 'one “- ‘ 4 ’ ' .‘
Later this month nine UK students "!&“‘\ \ l A The holiday will serve as a time lrherhloraéte Kinag in Lexington toebeea Sh if it e u ag e 3 V . A; i ‘ t
and Lexington residents will embark ‘ for Americans ”to reflect 0" the The march will begin at 3 pm "I believe it will give students an " " '. 3 ' " - “
on a spectacular journey back to the "n" M“ mmcmw‘ principles 0t ”C131 equality and “0” Jan. 19 at Memorial Coliseum with opportunity to show where they I - .- .' ’5 ' ‘.
timeof Shakespeare. ford. Canada. for eight years. he has Tourists will travel by private violent social change that King pro- the route depending on the weather stand _._ that thev believe In the > . I . ..
The English department. in coop guided the England tour only once. firstclass motor coach during their moted." said William C. Parker. The ceremony that will directly fol— things Dr King dreamed of and that I . " - " - .i
eration with the community educa- Kenneth Cherry. director of the stay in England. vicechancellor for minority affairs. low the march includes two speak- they would like to partiCipate m A . V ‘
tion department. is sponsoring a trip UK University Press. traveled to the Davis said the trip offers a “spe- The actual national holiday is set ers who are native Lexington min- making the dreams a reality.“ shc . - . '-
to Stratford. England that will serve Canadian Shakespeare festival with cial mixture of personally selected for Jam 20 during which time there isters. said. ' . . -
as a backdrop for viewing the Brit Davis. activities andfree time." will be a statewide recognition for All organizations and individuals . _ ' . .
ish theater atit's best. Davis is an “excellent tour “The pace of the tour is managed King at Frankfort. are encouraged to participate in the Organizations and individuals that I‘ - . . . - t t .
Kenneth Davis. a UK English pro guide." Cherry said. “He brought to give everyone the best time and a in Lexington. however. activities march. said Robert ZumwmkjeI nce plan to participate should pick up a ' . . '
fessor. Wlll be the host for the trip. more to those plays than we could most memorable one. he said. that will center around the theme of chancellor for student affairs “0‘“qu P8364 . .
which lasts from Dec. 26to Jan. 1 have ever gotten on our own. He has The trip which is already booked. . . .
Davis said he has a great love for the ability to make you aware of costs about $1.300. The cost includes 0 o . ‘ ‘
theaterandShakespeare. what the author it trying to do in the air fare. meals. hotel reservations Library Open later for finals ‘ ‘ ' .
“It's exciting for me getting to in- play." and tickets to four plays. > ‘ ,_
troduce other people to great theater Before departure. Davis will pre- . I
and the visible heritage of En- pare the tourists by providing back— IArInong ttgzaplays the gran: 3‘“ Sta” r*‘l’m‘t‘i The library WI!" C1059 as normally $3.3 Vim a... ., '5‘ . ,1 ' . . .
gland " Davis said “For me it‘s ground information on the life and Vl-e“ are espeares ~ 0“ SChederd at midnight todav and l" “533*" it "‘ " ’3‘.“ '
' ‘ ' Like It" and Charles Dickens' . - '. . ‘ ‘ ‘ -
more fun than going alone." times of Shakespeare “Nicholas Nickleby .. The M l. King Library Will extend p m On Saturday. I II win-ovate m . . . .
Davis, along with his wife. will During the trip. the group will _ ‘ 1t5 hours during tlnalS week to ac Be innin Sundav the circulation -. on til 1M and: in“ I *
guide the group in a walking tour of have the opportunity to experience The group “'1" stay at the Re- commodate Stl’dems “no need a deSkg m cigose at {1:45 m but the 1 ' ~ ‘ m d m. P" ' i
“Shakespeare's London.“ a trip to Christmas spirit.English style. brandt hotel. Wh'd‘ ts “"9““ walk- quiet place tostudy late at night . w I p. ‘ ,. _ ‘mnumwl ,
~ - - - . in distance of the Victoria and Al- study room on the first floor will re .I
Canterbury and Stratford-upon-Avon The tourists Will partimpate in a 8 main nunti12 a m Hughes said t
and a backstage tour of the National Christmas carol sing and visit the bertmuseums. The extended hours will start this ope ' " . .
Theater in London. place where St. Thomas a‘ Becket Information for this story also was Sunday night. according to Alice Hughes said the library extends on. u and a dd! m
Although Davis has led tours to was murdered on the anniversary of gathered by Staff Writer Brad Coo- Hughes of the library's circulation the hours each semester during fi» 31“ ... _ , mm. '-
the Shakespeare festival in Strat- his death. per. desk. rials week for students'convenience I o. ”a “a“... i” alb-
2" 00"- of m M
; 1' ' ‘
UK law school graduate to run for governor; campaign Will focus on attempts to legalize marjuana .3: 3.2:. u", my»
in c ungu- a ”,6
By DANNY PIGMAN efforts toward the legalization of could be made if it were legal be- his gubernatorial platform. he also drug off the market. Paraquat is a I .7 . . ‘ w“. I.
Contributing Writer marijuana. cameit's being made now." plans to pardon everyone who has herbicide spray. which causes con— IRIIII‘QJE’ .2. : ~.~—.---— ,.1I,‘I
A tax on legalized marijuana Galbraith said he will commit his ever been arrested for the sale or gestioninthelungsdlesaid. ham- ' " ‘“’ vi
Lexington attorney Gatewood coujd mean billions of dollars to the services to getting the federal gov- possession of the drug. Marijuana “doesn‘t grow danger-
Galbraith is making plans to be the state economy and could be med for emment to make the legalization of Although he said about 20 percent om. but if they tthe government» ‘
next governorof Kentucky. programs such as care of the elder marijuanaadecisionofthestatos of his caseload involves people with have to make it dangerom. they‘re
Galbraith. who made an unsuc- in public health services 5mg “When the federal government drugproblems. either legalorphysi- goingto." __
casful bid for secretary of agricul- abuse centers and mental health fa- makes it a choice of the states. it cal. “the time is right for ending the ln rupome to health reports ' ' , . t3
ture in the last election. has built his cilitia. said Galbraith. a UK College will be more fair." he said. “Ken- regulatiom that make the possession about the detrimental effects of .3 "mien is
reputation on attempts to legalize ofuiw graduate. tucky could be the first to legalize of marijuana punishable by time in marijuana, Galbraith agrees that 1“” 5"" r “We .3)
marijuana and make Kentucky the “’l‘here‘s no doubt that Kentucky marijmna and putataxonit." jail." the drug is not totally harmless. But "may -' g “I :1
leading produceroftheplant. is among the leaders of marijuana Galbraith said he hopes to remove He said the we of paraquat on he considers it relatively innocuou «‘i “if "*‘3- '
Galbraith. a graduate of the UK both in terms of quantity and qual- the myths and negative connotations marijuana shows the extent the gov- compared to legal M in society. ' 1'
Colleseot LBW. has concentrated his ity," he said. “Billions of dollars mmmdlns minim. As part of eminent Will 80 Ward keepins the meanwmntu“ ““‘~ "" ‘ " ,

 I l i \ .
3-KWYKWEL Mr. W 13. 1“
Sports Editor
V Assistant Sports Editor
. ‘ §§K§s§s§ems§§§s . . .. . c§ng‘+&tztmw§§awg§f§fi§®ee -»:..». .. “it. .
_ ady a y g .
Nichols, Harding expected back in lineup tonight Since suffering knee injuries ’ - . u
h I i 3" JOHN JURY heshman guard Jodie Whitaker, cent from the free throw line to I .3. .
Assistant Sports Editor a native of Austin, Ind. continues to upset the Lady Kats 87~76. .
‘ deliver excellent play whether start- lU. 16-10 last year, returns all of l
. ' ‘ It shouldn't be any secret that ing or coming off the bench. She is its starters. The Lady Hoosiers are . \. ) ‘
' “ ' Lady Kat coach Terry Hall's main averaging 8.7 points per game, now 3-3, coming off losses on the ‘- .. 3 3
' ‘ ‘ ' concern tonight is not UK's opponent shooting 63.1 percent from the field road to fourth»ranked Southern Cal I V 3, "‘8‘ , “ r’ .
. . ‘ —— the lndiana Lady Hoosiers. and has dealt out 26 assists. and sixth-ranked Long Beach State. ‘ 3 / I ) .‘nt' .. ,, . _
' ‘ “The keys as far as l‘m concerned "She‘s not playing like a freshman Sophomore forward Cindy Bum» / ‘33‘
I, -. . . is whether Leslie and Sandy are at all," Hall said. “She‘s a super garner leads lU with averages of 3 I ' .4 _
' ' ‘ going to play,"shesaid. "‘ athlete.“ ' 3 . 15.2 points and 7.5 rebounds per ,/ ' “ § 1 . ,3,
-' Hall is refering, of course, to two “l'm shooting the ball well, ‘ said game. Junior forward Karna 3 a. 3 .
'~ . . , of the Lady Kats‘ top players, Leslie Whitaker, who was named Indiana's Abram, who averaged 22.9 points 3 V. 3 3
‘ ‘ " ' Nichols and Sandy Harding Both "MISS Basketball" in 1935- “My play last year. is second at 13.3 points y ,. ‘5 '
" ,' f _» suffered twisted knees recently and ‘ hasn't changed very much Since and 4-0 rebounds. _ ‘. \
f .. 1 .‘ have missed a couple of practices high SCh001~ I try 10 80 0“t and “They‘re really a good defensn'e /. l , - ‘ ‘- (‘s/ \ _ ..
I . . 3 - this week. play.“ team. They‘re really perfectionists V, 3
' 1 ' - They are expected to start tonight. Hall is looking for her career win on defense. They don‘t make too
i= ‘, .- 2 Hall said. ‘ ~« I, No. 201 when UK (5-1) takes on IU many mistakes. I think we‘ll have ' . * r
‘ i . “I thought it would hamper my . I" ’ at 7:30 pm. in Memorial Coliseum. trouble running our offense. But it ' ‘3
V U , . lateral movement,“ Nichols said . : Admission is free to all students and we take our time and set picks on WM . - 3
. ~ ' . after practice yesterday. “but it ‘. . v. ,- faculty members. Tickets can be the right people, then we‘ll be al- V 3?: ’ t
, V ‘ i didn‘t." ’ ' purchased by the general public for right,"Nichols said. ‘fi’ 3 . ‘
>3 .V . , Qngtooulgavgeosgirinlléspeedfor (.tobluémll'm SANDY HARDING figmggults and $1 for children 13 “All i know is that [.U always » .. . . p
3' I V ‘ : Harding said. “It‘s hard to go full- point clip. The 4-11 junior is also sec- Although the Lady Kats lead this 81%;, :ugfisgmaveflgdlgfgajgfd ...... first“? " = ”i A ,
.. . speed then make a cut when you ond in stealswithll. interstate rivalry 9-3, IU has won , ',
. . ,1 , . .. , . . , . team. They work the ball around .
. 3 3 . - haveatWisted knee Lady hat 6-1 Junior center Debbie the last two meetings between the well They have good shooters ~
; . ,' Nichols. who leads the Lady Kats Miller leads the team in scoring av- schools. That's all you really have to know .. ' ' . .
" 3 .‘ ‘ in rebounding with 8.3 per game. is erage with 17.7 per game and is just Last year, the Lady Hoosiers ' ' ' -
3' i ' . averaging 17.5 points a game. The 6< a shade under Nichols in the re- nipped UK 65454 in Bloomington. __—_.—_— \ ..-
~ ‘ foot senior forward is second on the bounding department at8.2 1nd, “We had that sucker won and. UK senior forward Leslie Nich- J was; W -
. - .- - V‘ , 'V ' squad in assists Wth 28. But what the Lady Hoogjers need we gave it to them,"Hall said. 0'5 leads the Lady K035 in re- ' ‘-"’
. .V _ V, VHarding is the teamleader in aS- to know‘ goes beyond [he veteran N0 years 3510, I-Ulgad :10 shoot 65 bounding (83 per game) and is
. ‘. .. V . Sists (29) and is scoring at a 52. Lady Kats. percent from e be an 80.6 per~ second on the squad in scoring w
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 t , t f l
KENIUCKYKERNEL m, m 13, na- 3
\" ~ ”I " By BRE‘ITHMT will have to rise to the occasion man-toman defense like we play, ,
’1 r ’ Staff Writer “We need a great effort out of one and that could hurt them.‘ he said .
t it I} ‘ or bothofthem,"hesaid “We‘ll try to prepare for the
, \‘ -. Forget Bobby Knight. the Indiana Despite Kansas' size advantage. press.“ Brown said. "but we‘ll Just -
' . Hoosiers or even finals week The Jayhawk coach Larry Brown said it try to play ow‘ game i think Ken- 1
.. ‘ ‘ realtest is yet to come won‘t be an advantage for his team tucky does it well. especially with
. The UK Wildcats take their per- all game three guards“ . ‘ .
feet 50 record to Lawrence. Kan, “Off the bench, Kentucky can get Playing in Kansas' Allen . ield . ' ,
tomorrow night to face the Kansas big in a hurry," he said "We don‘t House. which seats more than 13.000 'I ’ " ' , -’"
. , Jayhawks in a battle of two to 10 havethat sizeoff the bench ' ple. Wlll be a challenge for the ‘ . ‘ , ,
. , . P 990
h ‘ Ji- teams. Tipoff time is scheduled for Sutton said that om- way l'K Wildcats,Sutton said ' 1 ~ ' ' .' *
* 9:05 pm EST. and will be televised would try to counter Kansas size in: “it‘s a tough place to play, he , i. , '
‘ locally by WKYF g, side would be to preSsure Kansas said "The fans are right on top of ’ I . « '
'r ”— ”WB‘“ have [0 play our best game defenswely He said he was hoping you. and they‘re very vocal it s not ‘ ‘ . I
. - I of the year." said L'K coach Eddie UK could “hurt them with our full- a country club type setting. let .\ put “ '. ., I .
Sutton, whose (‘ats are ranked court pressure or halfcourt pres- it that way Believe me we'll beout , 5'. ' i
. eighth in the Kentuchv Kernel top JJIMMAV! urn-10'0““ sure " numbered We'll kind of feel like I, I" 1 Z .- .I ’-
‘ , .\ 20. “This is the best team we've outSide shooters. are Kansas‘ two Custer at his last battle at Big , ‘ .2" 1 f. ~>
. - , seen, and is probably the best team leading scorers. "1 don‘t think Kansas has seen a Horn ” .7I ,, ,'.. ', . '-
. 5 . we‘ll face all during the regular sea- Sutton said that h0w we“ UK re. II f I. II .I.I
- son." bounds will be a major factor of the ' '.;'_ "__., . ‘_ '
r .— _ I The Jayhawks. ranked seventh in game. Against lndiana. UK was out- KENTUCKY _{I’ g. .. 3‘;
f \. \ ~‘ . [I . . the Kornel P0“: Will pose several rebounded 34-24. “and Indiana is not erne 1:17.514: (:1 5-;
L l ‘ ‘ ' ‘ i, problems for UK, mainly their a very big basketball team in com- if“? 3 514'}
‘ height. parison to Kansas " Sutton said. 1 31:1)“: , J
.l . El bthC as .._.,. .,
,. . 73 ‘ - _ N ,’ _, a ‘l ' Two years ago. when UK beat Kansas point guard Cedric Hunter Edltorin “fl“ Sd::aeDeVrooromen . -. .._-.1 2:33:37, i_
. I / f ‘ , . ‘ Kansas 72-50 in Lawrence. the Wild- is the third-leading rebounder for MCM'OMU EdI’O' F St 1 ' I‘iy' '~
t \\ 1 . 3 -, ' cats used their T-foot "'N'in Tow- theJayhawks with 493 game. NOW! Editor ran ewar h .‘I-‘L; '55 _ .I
’ . ’ I y \ , . d , . ers“ Sam Bowie and Melvin Turpin "It'll be hard to get to the boards Editorial Editor A'?’I‘°"der 00“ {-.'- Ii‘ -
. ‘a L . , ‘f ‘ v todommate the Jayhawks inside. against them. but we'll have to use Sports Editor W'H'e “'0" f -‘.- $1." I‘ ~‘i.
l '. " ., ' ‘ ‘ I Kansas will try to return the favor our quickness," said UK forward Arts gum" Gary Pierce I_1,f‘I‘-I‘-,‘ :5”,
’I’ 5 Q‘ , it a ' ' with two big men 0f their own --» 7~1 Kenny Walker. “We beat Kansas spgclal Prolocts Editor Scott Ward ". {I 1 .I'; "i. .’-.-_.'_~ .1
i - W 5 center Greg Dreiling. averaging 12.9 last year tin-89>. and l thought our Photo Editor JD. VanHoose ;- :31: .
A. ’ . POMS per game and 64 rebounds qurckness was thekeytothegame.“ " '2; 55.,
,.- _. . per game. and 6-11 forward Danny L'K will again start the three- Advlur 90010 Anderson . I ",1;
" Manningiiimand 6.11 guard offense of James Blackmon. Adygnlglng Monogor Linda Collins 1 f f. , fin-i“
. ' Sutton called Manning "a com- Ed Davender and Roger Harden it pfoducflon Mung." Rhonda O'Nan 7:7,] '.
P1919 player and a marvelous pass has used in the first five games. The .’ f 5 ‘. ‘.--'i.. '1
b er He does a great job of getting the three will start along with forwards me “.mudw n.7,.“ ,5 published on (loss days during the academw 190' ‘I ' ('1‘:
) M ballto [)l‘t‘lllng. ' “'lnSton Bennett and Walker. and weekly during the Summer sesmon ‘- . " - '. :31.‘ H",
. . .. . '1 ’th
’ ‘ ‘ Although: Sutton Isaid III)reilingI threvzegcifauggsfwtShiforilegidén‘g‘gi‘ce Third-class postage paid at Lexington Ky 405M Mailed subst' 0' or 'o'e '5. ;. 5 ,1;
' lacks the speed most 0f hlS team . . are $15 per semester $30 per year 1- . ,. . . .5 ,. a,
1 i , . .. , .v , . ~ . , the game begins and the substitutes ...‘- . k:
mates posess. ht is still a solid Len ' ,5 w Cr 53‘ 3 ”MW. 3W9. . 9 . . .1.‘ . ,
P d ter "He's so big. he's like King have a feel for the game. I won t The Kornol .s printed at SUipps Howard eb . . .' _. 3 In t
' i .. - hesitate about putting someone in Shepherdsv-lle KY 40165 ‘ r ._-
’ Kong in there. button said . . .. " -. . :-. _ .1
movacoumsvouuxvom-mommou - the game that has moreSizIe. . Correspondence shamd be addressed ,0 the “"de “mo, p00" 2.0 f , . I .
And 6»; forward Ron Kellogg Because of Kansas Size on the Journalism 9“”de Unwersfly ot Kenmky Lemgm x. 40506 39423 ~. . ‘.
Sophomore guard Ed Davender puts in two of his 20 points he 1174 ppg: and on guard Calvm front line. Sutton said L’K‘s two cen- phone (606l257.287l I. II » ji.
scored in the UK 9289 win over Kansas last year. Thompson ‘151‘. “0”] outstanding ters. Cedric Jenkins and Rob Lock __ -:. . I. " z. . ,
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I“ “ELI-\‘W BEH- tbe Samaritan Counseling. Center. Brandon never planned on leaving day a week at UK. but this will be
Staff Writer liexuigton. will fill in Iiiitil a replace» l'K but vocational advancement his full time position now.
ineiit is found made it necessary H