xt7t4b2x6m10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x6m10/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/26 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing February 6, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing February 6, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7t4b2x6m10 section xt7t4b2x6m10 , TWEQ'i‘I'; -
- . ,3 gflo ,1? Alf-2,3,, A .:. Vol.35,, in,“ 1,: l . : “3.0,. ”133,." I.. " ' I") . aha/u”: ___‘, ~__%' ‘ . *3 «any; “45,51”: LE
' Vol. 1, No. 26 Federal Works Agency, U. 3. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator February 6, 1940
. . C O
Carmody Llnks Housmg Conference on Children in a Democracy
0 O O

» and National Defense Asks Expanded Public Housrng Program
. .

1n DetrOIt SPEECh More than 500 delegates, from every section of the country, met in

. Washington for the White House Conference on Children in a Democracy,

Speaking at Detroit recently, be- from January 18 to 20. Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, was Chair-

7 ‘ " fore housing officials from 10 Mid' man, and Katharine F. Lenroot, Chief of the Childi‘enls Bureau, served as

western States, John M. Carmody, Executive Secretary.

A FWA Administrator, stated: “anQSt' At sessions held on January 19 the Conference approved a General Report,

- ment in housing is the biggest step in incorporating the reports and recommendations of 11 committees which had
national defense.” ,, been working for some months on

There is a demand for at 193513 - various child—welfare problems.
~ ‘ 4,000,000 new low—cost homes, Mr. ROOSCVCIt Praises Work Of The report of the Conference Com—

‘ . Carmody stated. In order to meet “11" H C it ‘ - _ “ ' ' ” -

: this, “the COODeration ofmooygoouos, “3 ”use 0“ “ence 23:?“:1.Sigrilitotlfiéagliiooif.
inclu ding 131110110 officials, private Addressing a general session of the “a matter not only of the design of the

‘ bankers, labor organizations. manu— Conference on Children in a Democ- structure itself but also of the char-

. facturers 0f materials, contractors, racy, meeting in the East Room of the acter of the immediate surroundings,

, and public—spirited citizens Will be White House on January 19, Presi- and of the planning of whole neigh—

' necessary.” dent Roosevelt discussed the Confer— borhoods for mutual protection and
Mr. Carmody’s address, given at ence Report and commented extempo— advantage for young and old.
’ the Detroit—Leland Hotel January 22, raneously on the various recommen- The Committee emphasized its sup—
was part Of the 5—day program 0f the dations. References to housing, and port of the slum clearance and low—
_' . Regional Conference 011 HOUSng' Ad- the relationship between good hous— rent housing program by advocating
f . ministration and Management. The ing and child welfare, were frequent. expansion of this work in the first of
, conference was conducted by NAHO The President emphasized the tre- its eight recommendations.
, in cooperation With the Detroit HOUS— mendous proportion of underprivi— The recommendations, as adopted
. ing Commission and the United leged children in the country. “You by the Conference, follow:

I States Housing AUthOI‘ity. Carl L. tell us that more than half the chil- l. The Federal Government should
Bradt, Director—secretary 0f the De— dren of America live in families that continue and expand its program of
tI‘Oit Housing Commission, was in do not have enough money to provide promoting slum clearance and new

,7 charge of local arrangements. adequate shelter . . .” housing for low—income groups
Among the leaders in the public He also strongly endorsed that sec— through further authorization of Fed-
housing field who appeared at the tion of the Conference Report which eral loans and appropriations for
conference were Coleman Woodbury, called attention to the need “for con— Federal grants to local housing au—
Director of NAHO; Ernest J. Bohn, tinuing and expanding public and pri— thorities.

Director, Cleveland Housing Author— vate housing programs, if families of 2. The Federal Government should
, - itY; Thomas P. Danahey, President, the lowest income groups are to live give attention to rural areas where
Detroit Housing Commission; Hon. in dwellings suitable for the rearing half of the Nation’s children live.
. E. J. Jeffl‘ieso M33701; City of Detroit; of children.” Federal housing programs for rural
Bleeker Marquette, Consultant to the “We still have much to do,” the areas should be adapted to rural con-
_ Cincinnati Housing Authority; and President declared. “Too many chil— ditions and should include grants and
. . B. J. Hovde, Administrator of the dren are still living finder'conditions ~loans for construction of new homes
Pittsburgh Housing Authority, and that must be corrected if our democ— and repair of substandard dwellings
USHA special Consultant in charge racy is to develop , Wants ‘ Eggsb ire their condition warrants, as-

of Management Review Division. capacity.” 5 M k“ A $37 ,;.éRYt301itinued on next page)

_ ' 1


 sistance in providing safe water sup- through educational and informa—
ply and sanitation and encourage- tional methods. I Current Housing Literature l
ment Of QlGCtl“lfi0atl0n- The Report Committee consisted of:
3. State and municipal govern- Home, Folks, Chm-Tm“, TRAINING.FOR.RECREATIQN, by porothy I.
mentS ShOUId enaCt legiSIation '50 PFO- C. Anderson Aldrich, M. D., Clinton W. Are- Sébng33.Umvermy Of Chlcago Pless’ 1939' _
Vlde loans and grants fOl" public hOUS- son, Chester I. Barnard, Frank G. Boudreau, The story of the WPA recreation program, 1935 to . .
ing and to authorize cooperation with M. D., William Clayton Bower, William G- tigh’Abchx’néofiitlytafigligigtglitmtéogiiigths22?ti: iii-e
the Federal Government in housing cam Grace L‘ Cfme’ Mrs' saidie 0” Dun" i?“§§§§i°leé’§t‘t,"?€E’2iii£‘i3§e£§t§§.ii,°§p§3fi.i"§.‘ifi§"’$
programs. be“? Me's- Ketherme Bummer Flehfere We &;1:;:f".e;:..z.i:‘r.a at;ize'e'esriiiidzstl’r‘:use
. _ , _ Friend Dunn, Ben G. Graham, William Hod— and analysis of What recreation programs and leaders
4- Better hOUSIDg’ for famlhes 0t son Fred K. Hoehler Rabbi Edward L. “"8 lil‘e'y “be i“ the future: Bibliography‘
moderate income should be promoted Israel, Hugh R. Jackson: Charles S. Johnson, thytitfiigeggitfisoinbyhigsggbiéligs? gig?) ‘i’a’luie‘li‘fifiut"
by safeguarding credit for housing ReV- George Johnson, Jacob Kepecs, Rev. Ch’cm’
eeeeeeee ee low-interest eeeee rs“ t“tEageggariiaféfii‘r:flWe rentale
and . long-term amortization, ' thus Ham; P..Ra.iiiey, ,Floyd W. Reeves, T‘elix J: 1940, pp. 250—259. ‘ . ' ..
serv1ng to Stlmmate private budding Underwood, M. D., C.—E. A. Winslow. ti‘fiisd-lfngtiétEIYSls 0f UbHA financml and admin”—
and home ownership; by encouraging
cooperative effort of industry and 7 u ' ' 7’ ' '
labor to reduce building costs; and It S In Again—Out Agaln for smlth Famlly
‘ by, encouragement “01.151118“ 0001391“ When They Seek Admissmn to Newark Preject 2 ‘
, atives and other agenc1es in which 3 ‘
the motive of profit is subordinated to The Smith family, of Newark, N. J ., The housing people were as tickled
that of social usefulness. is going to live in a USHA—aided proj— as he was. “You’re in, all right,” ‘
5. Adequate regulatory laws should ect, after all. But it was touch and they assured him. “Now go home
be enacted, and they should be go for a while. If you think that and get some rest.”
enforced by competent inspection “tenant selection” is a dry business, So John did. It was a great ‘ ‘
departments in every city. Such de— listen to their story. world—a new family and a new home,
partments should have budgets suffi- When John Smith (as we’d better all in one day. I
cient f01" enforcement of laws and call him) applied for admission to the The next morning he arrived at
regulations concerning DYODer con— new project, the people at the office work walking on air. Hardly had
struction, maintenance, repair and of the Newark housing authority he entered the door when the boss
management of dwellings, and demo— shook their heads. “Too much in- rushed up and congratulated him. . .
lition of buildings when necessary. come,” they told him. They ex— “Great stuff, John!” he roared. ‘
Local governments should modernize plained that they’d set a local limit “Always wanted twins myself. From ’
their building, sanitary, zoning and for tenant incomes, that tenants were now on your pay goes up 25 percent.” ‘
housing codes to conform to present not supposed to earn more than four John’s elated grin froze on his face. ‘
knowledge of sanitary and other re- times their rent, even though the Fed- Grabbing a pencil, he figured desper— V
quirements, and to eliminate needless eral law permitted slightly higher ately on the back of an envelope. 1
cost. incomes. Over and over again he multiplied, (
6. Public assistance budgets should “Your family is too small—just the divided, and subtracted—but it was '
include provision for housing ade— wife and child,” they pointed out. no use. His income was 1300 high! .
quate f01‘ family 11€€ClS- In each com- “Oh, if that’s it, I think it’ll be all Miserably he dragged himself to , J
munity rent allowances should be right,” John told them, brightening the telephone and called the Newark ‘
based on the rental cost of such hous- up. “In a couple of weeks my wife housing authority office. “l’m really ' ’
ing. is going to have a baby.” out this time,” he faltered. “I just '
7. Continuous research by public The housing people were very . . . I just,” he swallowed hard, “I ‘ i
and private agencies should be part sorry, but even one more baby just got a raise!” E
of housing programs. Appropria- wouldn’t quite give him the right But we told you the story had a ‘ E
tions should be made for this purpose sized family. “Three or more minor happy ending. The housing people g
to governmental agencies participat- dependents,” they quoted to him. did their own figuring. And, since g
ing in housing. Research by private So John Smith was out of the proj- John’s income was only $8.50 a year
groups should also be encouraged. ect. He went away pretty disap- over the local maximum (and still E
8. Since support of an enlightened pointed. below the Federal requirements), ,.
public opinion is essential in housing But ten days later the miracle hap— they decided to grant an exception. i
as in every other socially important pened. John rushed straight from So the Smiths (all five of them) " ‘
field, citizen committees should be the hospital, all the way across New- will live in the USHA-aided project
organized in communities to promote ark, to the housing authority office. in Newark, after all. And their story . .
public interest and understanding. “I’m in!” he shouted. “We’ve got should prove t0 GVBI‘YODG that “tenant
Housing facts and problems should be TWINS . . . that is, I mean, two selection” is not dull routine but a 7
made widely known to the public more minor dependents!” perpetually exciting adventure. 5

 l \,
ere s at . at onnects . . . i V"? .3
. " 3 ,3 ‘, a. j.
(One ”f the W)“ ”WWW"; and 61/ “me ., , . .. ”hmlm’if’ttif“ /’ . f ,. .
housing campaigns in the country is be— .**.’.w«’t:**l:fi§/ , ',;§§”z%h’t» w...“ 1 .; 3 ;’,
' ‘ . Index. A recent feature of the news- ‘ffi,hfi}:fli§@tflfg. fifiztfiilfirm . 'f' 5W4“
papems fight to start; a public housing .M’ifirzfifihfit‘éfi’fiziwfltfimw,‘tfifzigfigtiatifl” 4“.
program in Noq-fol/c is the front page fifigfilfi/fiflfi/Wfimfl 1 3.1 . 3 ,- x
story here reproduced in part.) . .sfi/tjr‘W/tI/‘Wh’tfymm N i; w :1 M" , .. _ 3‘ ! g g '
0h Lawd, W e Gotta ~* ”rt u; 3. . >2 ; i g‘ I“?
Glt Outa Thls Hole , MW ‘2 is”. 3 g
- - ‘fi.*.;: 3 7 ‘ W'tWWWMiZ“ ' ‘ . V 7 ,,,,Mu,~,, ‘ ,
Slum Dweller In the Hovel That Also I . ”,4 ‘ ., , L f - fit ‘ ' ' 1 ,,.:‘»
Houses the Mad In One of Norfolk’s . 3. _, m, 2%ng 3 3 . . . 3 ,3
Mansmns. ,' ' ' ' :zitii’a ' ' ' . 3 . 95:1 '
(By Ellis M. James) ,I . , as”: _‘ _ 3 . 3 , I '11 .
Sixty families in Titustown have W ,3, ., _ .‘ ' "

. only one source of water. It’s an out— Tms IS THE HOUSE that Jack built . . . and it took a lot of it. It’s the home of one

i {1001. water faucet of Norfolk’s best citizens. He is not responsible for Norfolk’s slums. But he should be

7 ” ‘ ' _ interested . . . for his maid lives in the slum below . . .

We found a half-dozen little colored
children getting water there. Two had a rickety . Titustown. The buildings look like big beehives—
hand wagon with leaky tin cans to hold water. A but they’re not nearly as good as beehives. They
little girl carried a small shiny bucket. ' are about 18 or 20 feet square. They have four
Negro people from several blocks around in rooms. Not very big rooms.

‘ Titustown have to carrywater to their homes from ‘ The yard of the Fitchett home was neatly
this outdoor water spigot. Their city water was raked. Shrubs were planted there. A well—kept
long ago shut off. ' fence was around the yard. But of course the

Some of the women have to tote buckets of whole yard was as tiny as you can imagine.
water almost half a mile. “We gotta git outa here. Lawd, I don’t know

. . Sixty famllles—but only one water source. ' where we’re goin’. But we gotta git out of this

Outdoors. Over an iron grill placed above a hole hole.” That’s what Virginia Fitchett said to us
in which stagnant water stands. when we went into her home at 1136 Hannah

We went to visit one of these homes in Titus- Street, Titustown.
town. One of these homes where they have no ' ‘ “Look at that ceiling. See where the water
water—except from that outdoor faucet. The done come through on us? What do we do when
home is at 1136 Hannah Street. It is the home ‘ it rains? We git everything in the house and sets
of K. H. Fitchett, his wife, Virginia; his daughter, it on the floor to catch water. That’s what we
Annie May; and his son, Davie. does.

‘ The house is one of those white, box—like build— “Look here at this crack around the Window.

3 ings you see from the road as you go through ‘ Shove your hand right through it. Window loose.

: . . . a” ~1- ; . You kin shake it. See? Lawd, it gits

, ' , 3.. f» 3; ‘, cold with that window like that.”

i , ' ' ' -M;-M,,;§§a;w«* 3:3; .3 “Where do you get your water

. 3 ' -m: ' '- £31,!“ for drinking and washing?” we asked.
””1... ‘44:?ng ” gm???“ ~ 3 “Where they all gits 1t. Up there

, emf/“:éfifiggfi 3% by the road. Rain or shine, death or

‘ 2:;': ‘Je ”*Eéeew K: Sleknessy that’s Where We g‘l’CS It."
fia%ig§g§ :55 .- ‘fi‘?’2a?§}fxqflflflgé¢%:lj Vll'glllla. PTItChett IS a neat Negro
”gaff“; .~. 3 : : 3’s woman. H81" house IS neat and clean
r .4, '. 4 M - - .
gr; a figggilg 1nSlde- N0 mgS- Just Tough plank
has???» «Egg.% at. fioms. Board walls- N0 wallpaper-
ggaéiifimemt‘gefirfigr‘g Plumbing? Just an old-fashioned

; 3%"..wr‘étg 3.3% ”5’3? -:i outhouse, prlvy 01' whatever you call
”5%3e%§m%s§s@¥f§%i§’ «*fiagééfl ) 3 ,-.3., it. Just one of dozens of pr1v1es 1n
THIS IS WHERE THE FITCHETTS LIVE. The house was built a long time ago. The rent is thlS place ' We aSked‘ , .
$10 a month. Toilet facilities are limited to a Chic Sale structure. Sixty families living “We pay $10 a month, Imaglne
in little “beehive” houses like this get water from one spigot. Norfolk slums are costing
the taxpayers $750,000 a year. (Continued on page 4)


 Two More State Housin
Construction Bids A , t' O , d g New USHA Leaflet ShowsWhat
8 001a 1 ns anize - .
s o rg Housmg Means to the Negro
. " . " . h- . . .
Bid openings Definitely Scheduled Thimsitmonih or 194011“ see“. 0 Just oft the GPO presses 1s Publw
organization of two State Assoc1a— . _ ff 1 . ‘
—————‘—,——-— t' f H . ~ A th "t' . Housmg and the N6970, 1 ti 111 a
Local authority and project i Number Date ofbid 10118 O .OUSlllg u 011 ies—one 111 series Of leaflets explaining the USHA .
“mm“ ”“11”“ “1’9”ng Alabama and the other in Virginia. . .
—————————— . . program. It is a conc1se statement .
. The Alabama Assomation was or- , . .
Baltimore (Mafia-1).... 701 2—1440 . r . of the Negro s need for public hous—
“rism “73'“2‘1it—“mw ”2 2* ”#40 ganized January 1'3 at a State-Wide ing in the United States and what is
Bristol mafia-ms"... Me 2‘ 6’40 meeting of local authority members . . ’
Butte (Monteg l ) 225 .5 . 940 “Incl others inteicsted in the 10 1am being done about it.
. 'v if I'mfii 9- ‘74 c , _ J’s ‘ H . . .
Hatticsbuig (Miss. 1 2)l‘ 120 _ b 40 During a da of S )eechespan‘c: dis_ Public hOLlSng means more to the
Helena (Montrfirllm—e 71 340-40 . y I . Negro than a home, the leaflet points
Gary (Indei 1—1),,,..__._‘, 305 24540 cuss10ns devoted to local authority out “It has recognized him as an
01mm“ (NCIl"-n]"'2l-~--—l 272 2"“27’40 problems, the following men were . ' . 1
i . . . . integral part of the American peope
—'—'———'—‘—‘— elected to Important iJOSItions 1n the It has included him in the develop_
' ' ' i new Association: President Frank E. . . .
810‘ Openmgs Tentatlvely SCheduled a . . ’ . ment of its polic1es. It has opened
____,.—..— epam, Chan-man of the Housmg Au— the door of employment in a variety
Local authority and project l Nuiiihei' ‘ Dute ofbid thority Of the Birmingham DlStl‘lCt‘ - - - ‘
number I ornnits opening . . . ’ of occupations—professional, techni-
_._._______.__ Vice Pres1dent, J. S. Hodgson Chair- . . ,, .
l . . ’ cal, skilled, and clerical.
Am“, (simian)... l 275 " 345,49, man of the Housmg Authority of the Copies are available free of charge
liii‘iiiinghaiii (Alan—173),; (ll-'1 3415-40 ' ‘ ~ - . ~ 7- 1‘ _ . . . ’ . 7
Birmingham (Alas-file l ; City‘oféliontgorlrjieiy, Sf?le§u t eas upon application to the Informational
3eA)___,__.,...,,..., 292 3715440 lllel, 901% @3111, 1-, XGCUthe- Service Division of USHA.
Charlotte (N. Cr3r1r l 108 3 15 40 director, Mobile Housing Board;
Famifigfdiijlgq)dfl‘ 210 ‘3- 940 Admn. Secretary, William Nicrosi, Th , A P th Th l: C t
‘ , , 1 Housing Manager, Montgomery. ere S a a onnec s
l‘l'(‘(l(‘l‘lck (Ar/1(l.r‘3"2),,fi_i 50 3rl5fi40 . . . . (Continued fron‘l page 3)
Lexington (I