xt7t4b2x6h7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x6h7v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-09-24 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 2, September 24, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 2, September 24, 1914 1914 1914-09-24 2015 true xt7t4b2x6h7v section xt7t4b2x6h7v ._’4*"°° |B*`o\d_
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Unnversity of Kentucky
10 • \ • 1 ~• \ N i I 1
n 5 .
......4.. 1WIIdc•t• Put Through Herd Praetleel .-—-- -..e- -._. 1
gtght Hundr•d s`ud•nQ·’ i.cu|gy:‘ Durmd wddd ddd Ar. llmpreulve Ceromonlta Mlrk Occ}- Profellcrl N0f‘W0¤d Ind BIT? lr¢lA|| PII! Members Requested to Be
1 Numb". Ind cmum In At- 1 Ht. 1 •Ion—Pr••Id•nt Darker Maku 1 cute; Qg gag; Mme, ¥ Pr•••M—Oth•r• lnvltde-4:45.
E   | Ineplrlng 8p••ch. t
tendnnce.   __________ ?   TI L H f M1- The Glee (`lub will hold its initial
· . 1e ‘o ege 0 nes and Metallur— [tt 1
—-- gm: UP NOT YET ANNOUNCED The nr11t(-1111pg|11e1·v|oe of the year gy 011p11ed ne doors laet week with mw ng 0 the year in Chapel Friday
V Thd Umvdrdny Cafeteria, usmtd ___ was held at Bmw University Wedmsl 1 - afternoon at 4:45. The plan or me
Ha1l'»1 was thrown Open to the student;   nh U18 \` "dC8[ {Bam Hhhphlg up day lncrning and was attended by u several changes HYUOIIK {ll? [`lI’Of(·¥SSOI‘S. mppting 18 to pprfnct d perrnurnent Or'
body Monday dndmddm dt fm",} in good form, Coach Hrumage ls not Inga numbe-r of Students lrof. Harry Draper hasten, a grad- gdnmdudn ddd ddmnd md work for
d.d1ddk' wml dn 1m,0rmd1 rdcdpddnliworrylng ln the least over the out- The Services were dpened with unte of Pennsylvania State, and mr the yan
e _ which was for the purpose of Interest': come of next Saturdays contest with Scripltural read and Praler b¥ Rev E Biveru you- Professor of Mining and All old members am urged to be
h md dn dwddmd 1d ddd new pmjddtl Wilmington. The game will start the J Caswell and President H S   l lno Surveying. rselgned tn June to present and an ndw men who are gdb
V`;   Opening marks   cu‘rninatl0n1   rolling for the State footballers ker delivered an addrxs of 'wokcomo accept'- position   the Illinois Pd in the aft of song are inVltQd {Q
  of d schdmd fostered by Prddlddntdand from all appearance State ls to to md dwdams President Barker Ml¤¤¤··` md Mechwlcs I““m“t€· come. Mr. Harlowe F. Dean, bggsu-
;   S,     Dgan Anna J_5bB representw   one     strongest gave tile returnitdg boys   girls l Trot.       well   c0n[antO' “’lll be the director in
l Hdmmdm and under ddmdddmddn fdrlteams that ever cavdrted on Stoll I nv U d l °" thu w°'k· “" he has had Charge rlnurgo. Mr. Dean directed the club
| ,Fleld, wa · Kme ng °·“ *° d wom mn me of the practlcal mlners' course at this 1. .1 to
m0re_than two ye,,_1.,_ for the erecttony campus and Patterson Han were mm 11 do our and put our an excellent 01-.
ogla suitable b11t1dt11g got- 11 dtntng hall; No *1*%******** “¤€’*¤P h¤¤ b¢€¤ d8¢ld¤d gmveyardd to mm when they were on »*':"°"¤"Y f°l' ¤<”'°l'¤l Y6¤l‘¤· 1;;1111m110,1_ prom the 1,,0,;,,111 dddddk
1 ‘ .
whew students would be ddd to dtd 1.1. by oem. emmm, but lt as my their mmm H h md th rot- Em Dl=·¤€¤¤··r Ms r··¤ls···*l°¤¤¤l‘€ of m¤·¤Y Y°"m**l`;this University, has accepted the chair The Agricultural Society has joined
g ture, well located on the campus i'or‘ sd1dctdd’ although ..3111. Bdudy dddmdi hrozrums by his renderings. ave alvgcgwd by Prot E.11t°11_ {hug y1·_ mth the management of The IDEA
’ the accommodation of both students td have the dau dt cent",. dcollo solo. B9|'¢€¤B€» {Nm J0€€lY¤·1Tgehnf, who cgmg tp ug lat yegr from and will be given 1; page each week O
Q and f‘*°““Y· It i” °°“"°m°“m" ‘“" The pmcqcc 1111,11 been goin; on {ut; B°'·h M"- HB"' Md M'; B'“m}}§¥8_' Columbia University, will have charge The society had planned to publish a,
1 . ranged to accommodate about two and mrtousty for the tut week and t110? **9*** ¤°°°mP¤¤i°d °¤ UW NNW W10! the work formerly handled by Pro!. Journal, but since they were enema
s hundred persons at one time. lt Will Squad 18111 11,18 t,.tm_ Coach Brumag€` MSB Frances G°*¤°‘· °¤° °Y tm m°°tl Dissenger. During the put summer one page tree ot cost, the wet- w .
1 1 Y 9 lll
1 be run on a sanitary basis and whole- had had dvd", one budding ddd the talented pianists among the students. M1._ Tabor vutted mvdml of the mg to cooperate.
. some food will be served at the reas· UNO L0d11ng.. Msn is td duddddd dn After Lieutenant Arthur Under- 1111-88 dnthmcitd c0111°1.1“ tn Pdunsyb The Mdchmdcdl and Ewcmcdl Dd
. enable rate of three dollars a week, dvd', Stoll meld 0 wood made the announcements for the yuh pdrtmem occupies d like pdsmdn most
while meal tickets can be obtained by Ndthtdg ts known of the strength Otl l'9¤l¤l¤d€l` °l' the “’°°k· the °¥€l'°*¤°**· 1 The position vacated by Prot. Barr of last Fall and continues same in
li those who do not desire regular meals. the w11m1ugt0n eleven. Last year. j which “’°"€ l"`“ld°d °"€*' bY P"°’· C-   will be fllled by Mr. J. W. Reed, of The IDEA. The "Ag." page was start-
Capt. A. E. Wells, formerly of C0- comms hte when the Wudcat, had? R- M**‘*`ll°'· dean °f the '“°¤· W°"° °°“‘ Jenkins. Mr. Reed was formerly ln- ed last Spring, but on account or e
Iumbia Military Academy, or Colum- 111811, claws sharp. they proved my cluded with the offering of benedic-lspectm. of Mme, tm. the C0m011dd1_10u mtsuddersmddtng ddd Mundial ddddd
b'u. Tenn., has charge of the cafeteria. plckmg, but they mmm ..pd11.. d ddd tion by Doctor Caswell. _C0d_1 C0_ mms wds dmdpdd
HE *“ ** man °f W*d*’ °"l’°"*°°°*’ ln the p1-me on state, lg as pmcucgtty 1161-.1 "` "D ° ° ' ‘ '   During the past week Prof. Norwood The IDEA expects to gave space to
management ot such establishments wm that the Ohtomt vm stm the;     Prof. Barr were called to the each department ln the University
“"d k"°“’“ “'°“ h°“' *° d°*1 wml “*“‘ home bpyg a 1-utmng good` game, l IN Y M C A CONTEST Gratz load mine in Owen county, and by so doing put out tt t-eat (:1111.;.1;.1
d¤¤t¤· and hmm th°i*` ¤°°d’· _...—.•..-—-—   . • • O where the surface plant was destroyed paper
The program of music was:       Central Kentucky Collegee Sollcltlngdby flre, notwithstanding the fact that H. F. Bryant was selected to edit
Violin S°|°_Ml’· Ch8·l’l°¤ H6l`Z· j Mpmbere for Association ‘le·ad mining ls not under Prof \lor the a
1 · 1 . l - grlcultural news, and will be as.
Plano Selectlon—Mlss Minnie (Tra-!   &   Th [ d It   1 1 U 1 1\\0Od`S jurisdiction. he and Professor slsted by others in the department.
mer. il. esuexeo rnnsyvana n—r
1 _ 1 llarr desired to render any possible as- Mr. Bryant has had m l i
{ Plano Selection — Miss Frances` ¤•¤l-lll W•d¤••Q•Y it N°°¤ it $*¤*°1v°rBhy’ ('eorgmown College' Stalwslstattce The Bureau of Mines' car in news writing and prol;i;e;x$§;u;Ihi:
’ 1 " Ul ·i,C lUl· , -1. H
(,e1g€]_ Hall for Both Tumi- tu‘;l;’f°'i\f;'Sl€ em"' d   Wrsiguxeu trom Terre Haute, Ind., was also on assistance to the journal.
Song-Mies Elizabeth Byers. T1 h T hl 1 1 y yan an emu ° °g€S’ the ground. Two deaths resulted
pt S 1 1 __M1 B *9 cow 9* an at etc comm V are entered in a contest in an effort . “""`       ’ V
am) €°°'· on Bs Judith °“"d· trom the hre, these men being over-
Pidnd S010_Mids Lois Budd". tees have made arrangement with the to em.011 the largest percentage of come by gases at the two foot I 11-C. W. Bally,
_ 1St0t0 Hallto satapart d 1 h C 1 1 ‘ “V° T -·omy Toplcsw-1~1. F neu:
vocdt b010__L80 _1_ Stmdmtmd m“““$°m°“'~° stu ents n t e ol ege Y. M..C. A. { d 38,1,4 [ h d · -
The Untvarstty Commtttw wu: t“’° ¤¤l¤l¤s *“bl°° f°" Mm UW V"' work before 7 o’clock Friday evening. Q U W 00 · I ` TM ”°°l°lY th9¤ had 8 88¤6l‘¤l dis-
President and Mm. sm", Mr. we ““’ “" ""°“'““““ ‘°‘“"" TM °°"'*‘B' °¤°"°° >’“'°’°°’ ’“°""l UNION RECEPTION i°°"i°" °f °h° `°“'°'" °“° "°"" "“°°‘
Mrs. Hywel owes, protester we '"“‘”‘““ “""°“ "“° °“°“ "°°" "" ***8 °° ‘° °'°'°°* Md **‘m°°t °'•*'>’l SATURDAY NIt—HT?"°" ““d “ """" """“‘° “"°“ “‘“‘
Mm Gm1S_ Dem Amd _1_ ddmmdd runsod for previous Wildcat toms student at Transylvania and many at __ ' i*l¤*‘***l°¤ wlll °<>¤¤tlt¤t¢ s nrozmm for
Dean O. A. Much". Deans W1 T. LM- and upon every occasion proper re- State w(,1·t1 we111·g11g 11 tug by dark ta"` Third Floor Alumni Hall, 7:30 p. m. I the new Y¤tlll‘<’·
muy, dh 1,. Anderson, wd E. Rowe. CI sults were obtained. The athletes re- 01·1,11111g_ Reports ,,1-0 tt, bt. tmtdt, dumé s`||dQ|‘\[| uwmd, Q The tryout for the inter-society de-
J. Norwood. A. M. Mmdr, A. S1 Mac- celve the food needed to keep them ln to State Student Su.,-t,ta1.1. of tht. yi ....... _ 1 hello will be held ln October and every
._ kddztd ddddph Kddddl ldddtdndm Ad U`lillllllK and become better acquainted M_ ty A_ 1n Kdutuctm me M_ Tdn.111·` I dmle °P;¤l¤1Ktl’•¢¢*;tl<;l ot the l nton11,101,11_,0,. of 111,, ducted, ts requested td
O mm Underwood. with each other. at L011t"m,,_ · ""‘“'y °° ° Y "' " Md ln ***8   get busy on his speech. The question
pdmmmdd of Wdmddd University Every member or otghey tum Headquarters dw ddw bdmd dd Sovlety room on the third Door or theyd ..Rdsd1t,t_d_ that md Monroe ddd
(dub; M". C- J- Nm_wddd'prdd1ddnt; should arrange to take his meal; at mused for the lttrdndylvdldd Ydudg ·~\l¤mhi Hall. Saturday night, at 7;:10% [1.1111, bhddld be dbddddddd by (hd
Mm Hywdt Dudes. Mm wdddm up the tralnlns tsblo durlns tho football \len's cnrlstum Endeavor nn the old D  1 d 1 h I 1 A ""“**" S‘“'€“·"
Seddon Morrison Coded Libr rd. _1 oung men s u ents o t e nat tn- _ _,_•____i  
isljtlilfsfljs.!ll`;l;“;:raK;?l:;.   gat`? Arm] 1,, Eyr 110 dt, A1. lt B 111 l°00lll thst will io t·o:venl;1:p:; (tht; mm am mviwd to °°m° and °uj°y
' ' ' ‘ ' ' “ · “ ‘ “ ms "·‘“K· " “ _ , the evening with the society members. DAVID BARROW Jr.
M,,|ct1,_11·_ M1·B_ Lyulan Ch1t1k1t,y_ May udyd workers In that organlzatlon. l\ea| K_ Pm H [ 1 ·
V 1 h ` i Mddowdny who was elected drdslddml to rs meet ng was held on lust $@11, ch1_K•y. .14,15
Ser ing at opening wore. hlsle The Bottle! Committee was com- -..111,110y utsht mth ,0,8,..1 m,mb,1.d
speck, Jessie Acker, Lois Bartlett, posed ot Chrlstlue Hopkins. Carleton or me Orgamzlmon Iam ml" has al-\pn·eent and an opening xrogrann was Drowned on Llk. Michigan
Elizabeth rms, nuuuem Moore, u1.,w.,1, settler amor, Annabel umu- "°‘“" """“" "‘“""'"‘ "‘° ""‘"'“ “'°"‘l W.1110,011 0,, 10110,,. I `”""° “""‘° °‘"°'·
. , . _ · l .
Tisrysllltx-rier, slight; 0;-;;;:11-11 Kt;/u1. d,.1._ Mtu,110 tyrdmdt. wd Mute Lou"' tlhltll hlll bo d0|lt* thls school sesslonl what · youd work?-couch. 1 Msmbu battaltqn,
een u van. etty cons. u a au Mlehot. ’_""`°'**"—‘_‘ \ .. ..l
1 PATR0NIld OUR ADVEn.1.1•u" The Vshw of l Ul·•l‘¤'Y T"U¤*¤¥· I parnomzl ou! ADVKRTIOIIIG

 •·-   `
_) 9 \ \ ` ` •
.. ll·Il·. Il)l·.A .
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures (lo Whcrc the G0’s Go. l
“°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °"""'°"5°
Mc At Admission I0c
FIR8T·CLA88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPEH Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. ‘
          l`•‘*<>l\l\|0¤l was lltloptell llskln; lll.-         ‘
» ~-- s w w :lt|ll#·tll· :llltlloI‘ltl•·s of tho lllll\'(‘l‘!ill\`
lhe ll|l\lIlI)U‘Il\(‘lll ot th•- .\ mp ¤<·-· mm <>¤ uw tml mul =·~#l~l COMET VISIBLE.
v z ‘* H S · . . , , .
hMm` spared to Umm') ‘ l D urday will hrlnz out some lntere-sting: ( '>¤l*‘h N•‘“*\¥`l lll hill “m`k~ _ ___ i___
"°"‘°· S"""’ """""’ '“""“ """' """g.l..,..-. 'l`ll|‘l\l\lll\lllH|)[)I'l‘I"l{ll(‘1~\(l\P (-nm. Obmvmry cpm on Tmday and   S
they dtd not like the hlll the llrst half Th? l,mWm“)_ Squad is in umm 3 Cmurh S“_wm_t is making tu mw ,I.m“_ Thuruny mah".
m Hm l‘r°’"'m “’°`°k'*?" mt"`] as mmw mul),. fm. H", ,,l,,,mn¤ game but th,. ¤}`l\`llllll\ lt foothull teuln of whll·h sho __, __ for every OCC8Si0D.
|"""'l‘“""Y “h““'“· Ih°r°’* mp lmmt mpm] ny the mam. new mm, wm h,. mln h»» proud. l)l\I`lll}{ tho Nllll uml A <‘0mPt is now vlslblv and <’Z·lI\ lw Color fB8$··*g\.IBI’3II·
Some Say they liked it ben"' wml?. wstwl. Rodman, Vest, |,;lll, t‘orn and wld of yvsterday afternoon (`OH(‘ll #— ¥‘ll at the olmervlltlwy on '|‘llt-ntlny feed $3t]§f3Qt()fy,
qlwhlly the m8.¥l8K€'¤N‘UY must {PSY mn Purkvr are all new material who wm ` Sgpwgrt had hill bqyg out in full foroo 0I` 'l`h\1l'8d8.Y Illillitl Hi €H('ll 0`¢‘l0('k. ulnslst On ArrOw•,’
U"` Imbuc ° week M two long"` and l,,. on {hp Hm. Saturdnyn hp,m,.S Ahn putting them through their paces ns |’l`of. H. H. l)(l\\’lllIl;.{ wlll be ill ('lHll`§f’     up
'h"" “ l"`°°"°°"Y p°rf°°t “"d°”m"d` ·.,ty,_ llplqgpx zprfms and ppak_ on illilllllll no mln were falling. of the observatory and wl·ll·ollws ull °
lng will have been arrlvvd lat. ll` mw Il und mat Nur to mm? who desire to vip". me mum`! Cluett, Peabody & C0., Inc. Mahon
lt' NQ . _` ‘ . V ~~···r ’ ' ‘ .
lmlf n·4·4·k’n hill, ln your oplnlon. suf- Hm Pqrk mwah] wm do uw wmv     LL._...,....... ..-.   `
""” "" "°‘“"“"“"“ ""“" “"‘“‘° "'°` illl: mlllllllllllllg. ··l-llll..»,··- l.,0l... good OF PENN. COLLEGE EDUCATION SOCIETY
\’l0\l§ lllll lllm you lmrll<·lllllrll· <·nrP¢| M_ WM Tame mw and wm my ~·———-—— CONVENES THURSDAY DR. J. D. KISER
for, do not thlnk the management ls V ' · I Elccwd Had °f Faculty °f w"hm°` ——--·~—- EYE_' EAR, NQSE lnd THROAT
Uchpuungu on me other hand DM- the old men in the havk field. (`l‘\lt¤l1- {on and Jegge,-Icn at $7.ggg Opening Session in Educational Build- spEc|A|_|8-r `·
' ··r llllll l)0\\'lllIl§.{ are to report next · S h
halls that show mst several hundred 8.I.ry' mg cptember 25* ' at Gunn Gmund {P QM"'
·ll~l·k. Their prese>lll·l· means more _____ 7;3q b·c|°ck_ M¤C|e||and Building.
dollars more` Ten the managpmvm power for Ilrt1m3ge`s nmclllnen The For Ul? ¤F(‘O¥Hl time lh lts more than _____*_ OHICQ Ph0|’\¢ 932-X Relldcnce 739-X
“-hat yo" `vnnt     \v"l be S“l)pIied‘ (·();{(·h hayl   b\]“('h \\'Qf‘klng in l\{¢\\`»`u vputury Of history \\vuShingt0n and Th? }·l0ru(·P NIE"`] l’itPrnry Suplpty 7 7 _ l V H rr r—~r" -‘  
lloginnlng today th? ¤•*“° NH ‘l`m mom, and is msmmm me ..pt,p·~ wmvh .lotTorsoll College has gone into Ken- will hold n*‘ °l’€"'"g *"*‘*"“"’" in *h" l
mdude ’:'°hqw:‘lrl;"‘:“;` mugmmi IM: ll-lll, lh,. mlpm l,,·p,lpm_ Shmlld mnkp tllvky to seek u president, llltlllcatlonal llulldlllg, 'l`ll\ll`S(l8)' night,
tures as oe tp sse .0mpa,ny ll   _ ~ I IM- { V lse Ember 25th
u “mm.r_ n .» t selected the Rel. Robert P ·
(my md T‘mP' Maud Norwood N About tlftl-en men will report lll llltyl- ll¤`Pf‘klll!‘ldge, a well-known e·dul·a.' 'l`lllS society is devoted to the in-
(ompgny ln u rattling comedy Skll. {mining table ai Stat? HRH Monday ‘ my and D,-(.a(.her of K€“m(.ky_ m head; tervst of tho School of l‘]dll(‘(-l[l()ll. All    
Dell & Dill. 8 N0! ln C0l\1mb\l** Klllls with this uddmmml priming thcllhp fupulu-_ Today me t,·u,;u.(.S unnn.3 stlltlmts who are interested ln thls·
week` The Three Van Sums in A \\'lllll·ats should retain their good von- im°“¤lY elected W6 R€V· F¥`€‘d€¥`l<‘k W- une °f work are eligible m ’“*"“b*’r' 2      
lllllph Muslculc und (`ll¤l‘€li<’ ill"' muon with less dimcuny thm yearn {mill, I),l)., Ph. I)., president of ('vnv IBM? wd im ’u"K°d to be l"""‘°m at ~
lfwm two girls in u Mass hy them. New blankets for the me»n_ mule. il‘=ll ['¤lVPTRlIY at Dunlllle, Ky__ an hg l l!lr· first meeting. 3 . •     . . 3 l
selves. MBUHFF °"*"`Y d**Y· l" °°mS‘ thing lmlqup ln Kentucky footbull. l"°”id°m· I LH an Om Students HM", meh my-1
adv' hm-,. M-,·l\·,.d ln [tmp for the Opening It is understood that Dr. Hlnitt will   ali! imd intervvt by their l”`*’***‘“<'*‘· 1 `
C0! 0§E‘L 4.;*-1__—__POAGUE (-Olllpll and wom plll on exllllllllon lll ¤<·¤<·l·¤- ¤¤d Um he will be l¤¤¤s¤¤r¤r·   N*““° '"°'“"°"* °"" "**‘“°” °"“ "°"‘| l UC MATINEE IUC 4
4     the window of Lau & Dunn y(_S“_rdm,· ed next June' His salary wm bp : tllally Invited to come und enjoy the;      
____ . 'l`ll(‘ blankets, intended for the use of $7·2"*’ il FPR?. OHS of the largest vol-! |"'°¤"**m of the 9V€“l¤g·
(`OIOIIPI     Poague. [r("8$' [hp playprg bgt“*ggn periods. are of leg? $l\lH.l`l(*‘S |)Kld ln [h(‘ llnltéd S[u[Q§_~ Thé program may be found on the V
um lll the v. M. l. lllslllllll-, died al ,m,-,- l,lu.._ tl-lm 8 white bolder, and Flr. Hmm ls re<=¤g¤lz·»¤ as one of *···¤*<·¤¤ b<>¤¤·¤ ¤¤ the MH <>f ¤¤·<· Edu- uml Enliraly ull. I|n|g|m|ni ‘
his home ln Lexington, Va., after ll ln tht. (·pm(»p ls a large block   he loading educators of the S0utll."'“U°“ Building-   .
llrief illness, on the Sth of Septélllbvl`. The wlndcw dlsplay lg u very attract- H9 h8·¤ ¤€|'V€d RB Dl‘€SidGIlt Of Parsons   »'
Ile wal-; respected, honored and Io\‘··‘ ·~··¤··=¤ ···· = Mw ··-· f§" "Q§.. "‘ ‘f“"j." “j“; ‘;" “` l. '> S¤¤P'¤¢* i A
• · _' i _ _ __ I x l olll st-ons ll. |‘L{l`1l(llH¢*( `roln Q ·, , · _
COR S- UMESTONE AND COLFAX illlll hlllluldlnl., ot bllllllglllltl, will that msmuuun in wu, Th? UPM ll Bllydes and R€[?3}Yb, Pennants and POSt€l°S, '
lllllke il (Pull) \\'lll<'ll ('llll well represent , l ` Fg hing Tackle .
  1 Near he relllulned to gel hls Zllllsters ll ` \ { l
K. k d C 1 C the Inl\'€!'SllY. (I ITT I [ qhk I f M _ , _ _ _ _
gn gg Q3 Q_   ___ _ *•_ el. < . lu . c llvss orlvd llllll w  Speclal Prlces on Gymnnlum Eqtupment, Eutman Kodak: l
. . . heave thl· work two weeks before the- i; ' ,
Anthraclte and Bntumlnous   mnmmmm ll . ‘"d S“""|'°‘· T°V‘· l [
  Y ,l`llf‘ following ls the (70lll!\'ll[l.€€ that Q I I46-l48 WEST MAIN ST. LEXINC,TON_ KY_ l "
, K k V Alumni °f D°"°"‘l"**l°"a' $°h°°' t'killllllli‘ll Professor Iiutt for the Alas-M
Lexlngtorh - entuc 3 W°“'d Rum"' A”"“*' c°'““‘· t•·r’s degree: Professor Ross l’rol`es· — — .
‘ ’ ’ _~ ' S . y Y- . S _ l  ;-_.•-_-.1t-- - -—A A ` `lr V "`W "`”_“‘“‘ {
W S GRIFFING .·.—l... l...ll..,.lt... |ll·l‘llll|.l   l"'_ l""`_"""’ i Y"?““““°' ""“‘. "
• • A .......l..·l lll ·l·l·l....l·ll-....l.. l`lll\•*l'· I'Q“‘_ "' '“I""""" "' T""‘“‘°'f"“· “""; . ‘ L
The S““it“"Y G"°°°" `“*` """"'“ """ ""”   """ " ...:ll):::?.:...,.mm hmmm in wm   &   I ··
Ph   llllll‘lll*Ull lll the l'lll)t'lllX llotel, All l ' . l ,,3
one ·. I. .l · ·. { . .. "’°*" ohm- V l  
com sl Umumm and Virgiml A". llllllll tn (het toplt o (Ull\t*l`hd[l0ll NOTICE To PURCHABERS it
uns the \'\\'(‘llt‘lll |H`()S|I¢'('lS whlvh th•~ OF VARMTY HANDBOOK •
lr.•.•..•••-•••••••••••••••’• t‘rlms0n football t(*lilll hus thls y•·llr. · I td · ·'
_ r——· · Ilt'()l'|)()l`ll ll. , V,
i cleanlng Prenlng, Altering § lt Mw at¢·l·’ wl·l··· \||H\|lllll()\1E lll the he lllllll next week _
· l'·` I ll- -·l ·l .‘ · * . . · .
bm 8* Lim. Pho". 1972* lll ttul ut l ltll l•*llllUllB w th %tut~ L. L. HALL,   North lllmestunc Lexington, Ky.
•• •• I nlll~rslty should be resunled, und al Seeretruy \'_ M_ (‘_ A, v
— l
'· i
A ll

• if T H E I D E A 3
· ` l--;-ww-  ""*""""*"' ‘··—··*····——•——·#·——————————----——·—- —·r ~.·.-.—......—-
. J {
{   {strhrtedofslmllarroadwaysonothcr,+•••••••••·••••••• +••••+••+++•••••·•
j. ' " "` lparts of the farm for the convenlence 0 Q     4 • *
l [     l l VI} me public in vlnmng the varlmm   " * ‘•' 9 O O 0 0 0 O 4 Q 4 4 gl.; 4. 4 4 Q :v+A•N¢T•€qI;qy:»IF• 4 4 4
l hs Q; C   l I .$ .$ `blllldlngs. 4 ....-....
Adjolnmg me greenhouse on th": Ile Pauw llnlverslty is soon to have  
WANTEI —-E l I -
"` " "—‘""* ‘‘‘‘ ‘ rt ‘ cast side is a two-acre tract. of landla [mw $100*000 gymm"°lum· Abmlt ‘ r It )t VM; Zfudgns hg mera! nl
·¤· s o rea e . , , -
      rum"- hy., |••1 gnd 9.;., ¢,“g|,_:on which an overhead Irrigauon ,,y,,}$‘l7·000 has been pledged hy alumnl in lim and (`ouma urrayll ven
‘H_m has bpm Installed fm, _x pri _ boards, students and friends and the g ' ’ ry '°" °m°n‘
      FAIR lst, Jas. B. Hudson .......... $15.00y ~ <» D» m·.n· FRANK \V· TUTTLE Mum 125 E
‘ 2...., uml.; sms ............ 10.00 ml r>··r¤o¤e¤· Thh system is used for °""”""""°" wm h°'"" '” ”°°” “” ""` 0 ll s ’ ° `
V ¤ {the lrrl ation of the land durln $T;‘ml0 drmerdrd by um "“”l°°“· lr. A nxwe lh
Ml", v.|u.b|• Pr°m|um· Olvan to -ll'(l, B.   Hancock . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00. ‘ K g
annum. and num .° com- dmugh permdll raised. Work will then be rushed to
”• lst Wayland Rhoads $ Gm, ____•_•_•_____ completlon. The required $75,000 has      
There were various premiums of- 2nd, Phil E. Richards .,.,..,,, 3,00 ,   bien pmpumuy assumd by the        
fered for the bent judging or llve stock 3rd, W. D. Sutton ............. 2.00l     A umm athletic board' wm'.!] has l
by students and farm boys at the Stats Farm"- Qgygv com I l1l*‘*lR**.000. provided the citizens sul-rs Pgézeyégtwsnxz  
Fl", hu week About thirty student! lst, R. Wmmms   5·00` Luge crowd Frau", wnh Many New of Greencastle will raise $3,000, Thlst Ph 365 U WAIT
l wlll be easily secured it is believed.| °"°
competed for these premiums, which 2nd, H. Helm ................. 3.001 Members.—Te Jeln Home , p pp
aggregated $200 ln money and a $50 3rd, D. Robertson ............. 2.001 Eccncmlct The athletic directors hom m have}
silver cup. $126 was otered by Com- Sweepstakes for Students. l ,..__ the building rmdy for Occupatmul   I   I
mlsslcn ot Agriculture, .1. w. Newman, lst, w. J. Harris ............. $25.00] The Agricultural Society opened its Tn spring ° wm b° °"° M "‘°,
$30 by D. H. Ewlngs’ Sons, Loulsvllle, 2nd, P. E. Richards. season very ausplclously last Monday dma gymmmmms in the Bmw Of lull   1 T  
' I
and $30 by J. B. Bowles, Bardstown, 3rd, W. D. Sutton. evening with a record-breaking attend- mul" { l _
Ky. A cup valued at $50 was offered Sweepstakes for Farmer Boys. ance present. The president, John T. At 3 conference between Hywgll 127 Cheapslde
for the best judging of saddle horses P. E. Edwards, Versailles, Ky. . 425.00 McDonald, made the address or wel- D&vi,.,,,_ business manage, of State H°“'*‘ R 0-**1- 1** 8 0-m· l’l1*>¤e **04-X
by ll'|6 AUl€!’l¤8!l Saddle Horse Breed- ......._*.•.•...—.. como to the society, after which the University and representatives of l0_Y ..1-.1.;-—-—
ers' Association. It was won by W, J,     regular business sesslon was held. ca; insurance ,,,g,,nci0s_ the rewriting
Harris, a student from Nolan, West       Twenty-four new names were added of the $360,000 lnsuranca on the   You  
Virginia. The premiums awarded to `to the roster ot the society. It is rec- various bu"dmg8_ which was written The but _ i
-· students and farm boys were as fol- Ngw lngtltuugn Rgumly completed ommended that all new students, and May 10_ for one year, to cove,. B period wh _t I. mm: °° :°°d
lows: lg Vglugblg Agqulglflgn qq also all old students who have not of three years and become enecuve UL; czmu ° · P °}°°
Saddle Horse Trophy. work, availed themselves ot the opportunity upon the payment of another prsmiuml pap ° °n the ak "d°
_ W. J. Harris, Nolan, West Virginia. -— to 00001118 ¤1€¤1b0¤‘¤. do B0 at 0000- tor one year, the new policies to be ln we
‘• Draft and Llght Horaea. ADD!`0Xl¤1¤·¢€lY $12.000 Won Blloni f01' as this promises to be a banner year l dated M of May 10 1914 was enecmdp
lst, W. J. Harris ............... $15.00 improvements on the EXD€!'lm€¤t in the soclety’s history. lTh,, same companies that www the      
  2nd, W.'D. Sutton .............. 10.00 farm last Summer. and as a result the The Agricultural Society will hold lngurgncg in Mgy wg.-8 Elven th., poll-i 3]] w_ Min snub
· 3rd. Phil E. Richards ........... 5.00 Eonorol sDl>0¤·r¤n¢o of the farm has a joint meeting every month with the cies and the Same amount awarded to l
Freshmen Class Draft me Ll nt lheon greatly improved One of the rl lc l ll h n hl ` ` Th° sl°d°"l,' Ph°l°8"Pl'°'
’ 9 { ‘ ‘ omc comm cs K l` s· W ° we l 8 each company obtalns in the new poll-l
Hen", gimprovements is a new greenhouse, p year formed an independent society.1ci“_  
lst, Ben Mahoney ,,,,___,___,_ ;10_00lbuilt for use by the horticultural de·; —L...••--—- . I Benkart 6 Foflch. Proprletera
2nd, mak Johnson ........... 1.00 psrtment in exl>erhnent¤1work.whioh BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Q CLASS ATHLETICS E I B b  
3rd, James H. Williams ........ 5.00 is in charge of Prof. C. W. Mathews.; T0 BE ORGANIZEDl l ag 8 ar er op
__ 107 South Limestone Street
4th, Jadalr Hodges ............ 3.00 head of tho dollorlrnont of llorilcul . .... . Coach Brumage wishes to meet the Oppoliu the Phoenix Hotel Block
Farmer ley; fqr pan gnd ugh; ture. Prot. Frank T. McFarland, of the president of each ofthe four classes in Lexlnggqm Ky_
Hepa", The greenhouse proper is a building Agricultural Department, ln an ad—l his ofllce Monday, September 28th, F|RsT.¢;LAs3 WORK GUARAN-rggg
I lst, P. u. Edwards ......,.,,.. $15,00 of modern type, 29 foot wide and 85 dress to the Agrlcultul-sl scclsty Mon. at 12 yclocg, to mucus, ;.m.,.·.c;aSS `rMArrrr*·~-—~———
, _ eet Me After the Game at
and, Harold Rouse, Versailles. .. 10,00 feet long. furnishing a door space of day evening, announced that he ls or- athlctlcs, The president of each class
` 3rd, Raymond Ingrgm ,_,______ 5_00 nearly 2,500 square feet. It has a con- ganizlng a society for the pursuance is requested to be present, but lf he  
, ahup gnd Hog., crete lloor and foundation and is ot studies ln the ilelds of Natural His- cannot come to send a representative.
lst, W. D. Sutton ,,,,,,,,__,___ $]5_0() steam-heated throughout. tory, Biology and Natural Science. Probable schedules, times of games, where dl a wen md GOOD•
2nd, Jas. H. McConnell ......... 10,00 A Tho service building. or head house. This society wlll be conducted along eligibility ot players, etc., will be Hot Chocohte, C dy md ku
3rd. Wayland Rhoads .......... 5.00 at the north end of the greenhouse the same lines as the Natural His- taken up and dccldsd upon. rms ls ----»-‘.s.—~.._---._.._...
4 V Farmer Boys, Sheep and Hogs. proper. ls o. ono-story brick building tory, Biological and Darwinian Socio very lmportant and it is hoped that
lst, V. L. Rhea ................ $15.00 with basement. and is 26 foot by 33 ties existing ln almost every large every class will be represented at this
Q 2nd, P, E Edwards ___________ 1000 feet in size. The greenhouse was do- agricultural college in the country. meeting. Dr I Edward Gordon
l 3rd, J. B. Hudson ............. 5.00 signed by Anderson and Frankel. and Membership is open to all students of
Beef and Dalry Cattle. cost $8.000. the University, male and female, who     DENTIST
. lst, Phil E. Richards .......... $15.00 S Some te