xt7t4b2x5k7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x5k7f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1991 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1991 image University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1991 1991 1991 2015 true xt7t4b2x5k7f section xt7t4b2x5k7f {  ‘            _, ”.A   lr . ‘  
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T Sept. 7 MIAMI (OHIO) 8:00 ET     ‘ VV V Vg  >   , __ . .
i Sept. 21 at Indiana 2:00 ET   "4-_ ` ‘ V  V   _ V  T 4  _  ·   _ " V Ti {
Sept. 28 KENT STATE 8:00 ET TV  V . ··  ·AIa .   V     1 VV . V _
, Oct. 5 OLE Mtss am ET ____ __ ,T.   . »   -  VV I
. Oct. 12 at Miss. State 2:30 ET    ” ·  " _  S ’    ·—·   a‘·.A VV    A   ;V
¤ 0¤¢- 19 LSU 8=00ET  1  #-   . A .       ; -·  ~ ..~-  
i Oct. 26 at G€0I’gi2l 1:00 ET    ·. j VV_V     ` V      W   TV;TV  *
Nov. 2 CINCINNATI (HC) 1:00 ET   ¤  T ...      _V     _ j     V  V
I NOV. 9 at Vanderbilt 2;()() ET “ _  "      V V  »·~.·-:V*jg·g·y ····  *         ... .1 
g DATE OPPONENT RESULT   VV   T V   VT.T,.T   ....   V
g Sept. 1 CENT. MICHIGAN wz0-17 _   E     V‘_V/ gi} “é§aV,Vr°°tba|IVc¤a°h
l Sept. 8 at RI.|[gEI‘S L 8-24 , . `-1 ,   V _ . V V V
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ept- 2 at 0. HP0 ina L 13-16 . " VV   _ fr     {V       V   ` A . . . ·' V V A
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V Oct. 20 at LSU L 20-30 · —V‘A·‘.   ;. I   _.__ ;;V’     L;  I   
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Nov. 10 VANDERBILT w 28-21 .V.V [  `VVVT    VjVj_._g;;V·,cjjV.;ViV.§;f.—;1V    
Nov. 17 FLORIDA L 15-47   _.-‘. i I .,’_ T   \_ _<-.·5g_¥T»§_‘4Tl=;·itz?.;T> ,1``   ~·P S   :;j,;*`£*1
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  l99l llll Football Media """"" ‘"'°""*"°"
Q •
  Guido Table ol tlontonts
bw     Fliigmlientucky Football Media Guide is
° Media Policies ......................................... 2 Nutter Training Facility ........................ 132 published by the University nt Kentucky
1 Primary Media List ................................... 4 CATS ................................................... 134 Athletics Association, C_M_ Newton,
t l UK Radio/Television Networks ................ 6 Commonwealth Stadium ..................... 136 Directon
, Lexington/Kentucky Maps ........................ 8 Commonwealth Stadium Records ........ 138
1 Hotel/Airline/Taxi Directory .................... 9 Fieldhouse ........................................... 139 Editor Iggy Hgward
A UK Campus Map ................................... 10 Strength and Conditioning ................... 140 Graphics/Design By Design
1, l99l UUTLUUK Health and Equipment ......................... 141 Carin Hahn Lovell and
y Prospectus ............................................. 12 Lexington/Kentucky Profiles ................. 142 Randy Lovell, with
Depth Chart ........................................... 1 6 l"$T0nY[ TRADITIDN Host Communications
Y Spring Review ...................................... 17 History of UK Football ......................... 144 Printing
. Alphabetical Roster ............................... 18 UK Football Glossary ........................... 148 Covet Deslgn Bl0d8€11 & Rullmatb
 .1 Numerical Roster ................................... 20 Retired jerseys ..................................... 151 _ _ _ Pam tttottsott
tx Column Notes ............,..............,........... 21 All-Americans ...................................... 152 E·t·tor·¤' Assotoots 1sttAshtsv» torso
1 lggl cuncnnsl PLAYERS All—Southeastern Conference _______________ 1 53 Baxfelr $¤¤t1Y Boykon,
. Bill Curry ............................................... 24 Academic Honor Roll .......................... 154 Clms Cam°r°"’ Butch
l Q 84 A with Curry .................................. 28 UK Honor Roll .................................... 156 C2): Susan Hazzard,
  Billy Reed Column ................................ 30 ln the Pros ........................................... 158 Photo ra h E Vdogerst UK
Assistant Coaches .................................. 31 Former Greats Statistics ....................... 160 g p Y Psofo Sgxtzs Action
1 Graduate Assistant Coaches ................... 36 Bowl Games ........................................ 163 Sports 0fAme1ftca
( Football Support Staff ............................ 37 UK in the Polls .................................... 166 (Indy Mdtowny
  Player Biographies ................................ 40 UK on Television/Homecoming ........... 168 Chris tongs Ant),
 ` Freshmen Signee Biographies ................ 87 REGURDS Boyanowskey Gay
t l99l UPPUNENTS individual Records ............................... 170 gwan, C_w_ pack
_ Miami (Ohio)/Indiana ............................ 90 Team Records ...................................... 174 gporrs, Chuck porry
` _ Kent/Ole Miss ........................................ 91 NCAA/SEC Records ............................. 177 Printing Post Printing
' Mississippi State/LSU ............................. 92 Career Leaders ..................................... 1 78 Company, (Minster
 ` Georgia/Cincinnati ................................ 93 Season Leaders .................................... 181 Ohio)
 g Vanderbilt/Florida .................................. 94 Longest Plays ....................................... 182
Tennessee/Other SEC Schools ................ 95 100—Yard Rushers ................................ 183 IBUUT THE GUVER
Y ’91 Series Scores .................................... 97 200—Yard Passers/Receivers ................. 1 84 Tho 1991 Wildcats Football Motlln Guide
· l99II SEASIIN lll REVIEW 300-Tackle Club .................................. 185 Covor ts oo ossortmoht of photographs hy
, The Year in Review ............................. 100 Opponent Game Highs .......,............... 186 Dortd C°Yle and Ae*1°" SP°"t$ ot Aroortoo
`· Game Totals/Central Michigan ............ 102 Year-by-Year Records ...........,.,.,,,.,,,,,,, 187 as to tho sights and l]¤PPe"l¤85 on tt UK
1, Rutgers/Indiana .................................... 103 UK vs. All Opponents .......................... 188 F°°lba" G“m° Dar '" the Bl“°g'ass·
`.  North Carolina/Ole Miss ...................... 104 UK vs. All Conferences ........................ 189
, Mississippi State/LSU ........................... 105 All-Time Series Results ........................ 190
Georgia/Vanderbilt .............................. 106 All-Time Coaching Records ................. 192 mm Pnnsznsul scnnnuhn
Floridaflennessee ................................ 107 UK Assistant Coaches .......................... 193 A 9 F .d F h n nt
 · Final Statistics ...................................... 108 Wildcats Lettermen .............................. 194 ug ' N ay Cf:] men elm 0
 __ Team Game-by-Game Stats ................. 110 All-Time Game Results ........................ 197 Ang tn Saturday tgt Flsgghmen Practice
· Individual Game-by Game Stats .......... 112 ' (Shorts)
1 Defensive Game-by-Game Stats .......... 1 1 1 Ang 14, Wednesday Varsity Reports to
Superlatives ......................................... 1 13 |Mpgn•|¤n"t|¤ pun"; NUMBERS Campus
rt ’90 Senior Biographies ......................... 1 14 Area Code (606) Aug 15, Thursday UK Football Media Day
‘t Honors ................................................ 1 16 A Aug 16, Friday 1st Varsity Practice
U tt Hlilstory of thedSEC ................................ 1 18 UK Athlelles Department ·-·-·····-· 257'8000 Aug 20, Tuesday 1st Practice in full pads
 . A -Time Stan ings .............................. 1 19 _ Au 28, Wednesday 1st Day of Classes
tt 190 Team StatisticswwwMmmm-tmmt120 CATS .......................................... 2571897 Au; 29,_|_hurSday 1991Kick0fflunch€0n
  ’90 Individual Statistics ,..,..........,...,..... 121 Football Office ........................... 257-3611 Sept 3, Tuesday 1st Weekly Press
t New Divisional Format ........................ 122 tohohooh
X     pl’€SS BOX ...................................258·2888 Sept 4, Wednesday 1st SEC Weekly
 “ University of Kentucky ........................ 124 UK Sports Communications ....... 257-3838 T°l°°°"f°Er°"F°` _
. Charles Wethington ............................. 126 Ssvt ’» Sotordov UK rs M·¤·o· <0h··>>
V . CM.   SID FAX ..................................... 258-4310 Sept 8, Sunday 1stCurrySunday
  UKAA Aotmthtstrottvo Stott  ·- ---.-.-...-. 1 8 Ticket Office . ....... . ................... 257-1818 T°l°°°"f°r°"°°
` Head Coaches ..................... MJISQLQW 59 Klll
l UKAA Support Staff ....................... tt:,tt1,3,Q,tt   W _
, l.¢¤l¤§!·L>r:, J entrlcky 40506

 I /
  ‘""“ ""°'"‘°"°" Govering Kentucky ”
Football in l99I  
    T he 1991 edition of Kentucky Football is a source of information for the media l
covering the Wildcats this fall. Additional information is available upon l
€EN5RAh:NhO?MAlIlON request, including press releases, photographs, film clips and slides. Contact the UK
rgifttlgge lggslg O"' y' Sports Communications Office at (606) 257-383t3 for additional needs. Please take a '
Enrollment: 23,000 moment to review pages two and three of this publication to help answer any l __
president; Charles wethingtoh questions regarding media services and policies.  
Ath. Director: C.M. Newton   l
Facult Re .: Vir inia Atwood ` ,
c.mteZ.,ta!,’:aaa{"l.eaSt.ttt GAME SERVICES
Nickname: Wildcats O Ad h C l h S d '
Colors: Blue gt White PRESS B X mission tot e ommonwea t ta ium
Siildlumt C0mm0l1W€HlIl1 The Commonwealth Stadium press box is for sloellhes ls oY oomhlhalloh ohoto Pass ooo oh   I
CBPGCIWZ 57,800 working media only. lt is located on the west side arrhheho· Photographers rhosl Presehl lhelr owh 1 t ·
(Alumni Drive) of the Stadium between the upper credential at the Media Will Call table at Gate 7 to 1 A
FQQTBALL STAFF and lower decks. Entrance to Commonwealth oolellh eh ormoeho· , I
Head Coach; Bill Curr Stadium by the media should be made at Gate 7 ` .
(Georgia Tech, 19gS) (media gate). Two elevators serve the press box MED|A W|LL CALL  
UK R€C0l‘il= 4-7-0 (I st YEHF) elho are located lust lrlsloe Gate 7· Each seat oh Press or photo credentials which have not been l I
Cal‘€€l‘1 61-60-4 (IIYGBFS) Press row ls eoolPPeo Wlth El Power oorler oho hes mailed can be obtained at the Media Will Call l ,
office Ph.: moo 257-3611 eeeess to e telephone ieel<· The photo eleele Whleh table located at Gate 7 on the west side (Alumni 1
Assistant Coaches; is located just below the press box, is accessible Drive) ot Commonwealth Stadium Media Will .1
lohn Cropp, Daryl Dickey, Bill via the press box elevators. Radio and coaches Call will open approximately two hours petore
Glaser, lohn olly, Walter booths are located oh the press ho>< lever kickoff and close 15 minutes after lclcltert. , `
Lewis, hoker phillips, Larry Admittance to the press box is by credentials only. Armbgndg and flip Cards for photographers will ll .
New, Rick Rhoades, Rick Smith also be available at the Media Will Call table. l
    0 Credentials for working media and TELEPHONES .
SEC Record: e_4_n (Sth) photographers lor l.o. Box 729, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 ................................................ (502) 886-4444
P.O. Box 529, Madisonville, KY 42431 ................................................ (502) 821 -6833
P.O. Box 709, Mayfield, KY 42066 ...................................................... (502) 247-5223
P.O. Box 518, Maysville, KY 41056 ..................................................... (606) 564-9091
P.O. Box 579, Middlesboro, KY 40965 ................................................ (606) 248-1010
P.O. Box 1040, Murray, KY 42071 ....................................................... (502) 753-1916
1401 Frederica Street, Owensboro, KY 42301 ...................................... (502) 926-0123
PADUCAH SUN (Ward Willingham, Kevin Stewart)
P.O. Box 2300, Paducah, KY 42002 ..................................................... (502) 443-1771
P.O. Box 99, Richmond, KY 40475 ...................................................... (606) 623-1669
P.O. Box 859, Somerset, KY 42501 ...................................................... (606) 678-8191
P.O. Box 4300, Winchester, KY 40391 ................................................ (606) 744-3123

 Kentucky Football ‘"°"‘° ""°"""°"
Media tlutlets
SPECIALTY PUBLICATIONS K¤N'|'|||i|¢Yl\'|'|||·|‘i'|'|i¥$
THE CATS’ PAUSE (Oscar Combs, Mike Estep)
P.O. Box 7297, Lexington, KY 40522 ................................................... (606) 278-3474 ADMINISTRATION .................. 257-8000
CAWOOD ON KENTUCKY (Cawood Ledford, Tom Wallace) C.M. Newton, Athletics Director
120 Kentucky Avenue, Suite C101, Lexington, KY 40502 ..................... (606) 233-3455 Barbara lsh¤m» Executive Assistant
HOST COMMUNICATIONS (l.D. Rutledge, Ed KrOrrIer) ACADEMICS (CATS) _________________ 2574897
904 North Broadway, Lexington, KY 40505 ......................................... (606) 252-6681 Bob Bradley, Assistant A,D,
Barbara Deniston, Student Development
Mike Haley,Academic Counselor
R A D l O Mike jenkins, Academic Counselor
Sheila Breeding, Skills Coordinator
WVLK-AM/FM (Ralph Hacker, Tom Leach) Ann Sampsom Staff Asslstam
P.O. Box 1559, Lexington, i.o. Box 5037, Lexington, i