xt7t4b2x4z47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x4z47/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-03-18 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 18, 1988, no. 523 text The Green Bean, March 18, 1988, no. 523 1988 1988-03-18 2014 true xt7t4b2x4z47 section xt7t4b2x4z47 Number 523 L March 18, 1988
I with this issue of the gg, the format will change. The calendar,
rather than taking up the entire front page, will be assimilated
into the news items and will consist only of library and
University related events.
Please let me know of your response to this tentative change.
The joint spring meeting of the KLA Academic Section/Kentucky
Chapter of ACRL will be held April 7-8 at the Seelbach Hotel in _
Louisville. The conference theme is "Academic Libraries in the
Search for Excellence." The keynote speaker for the conference,
Malcolm Getz, Director of Vanderbilt University Libraries, will
speak on the topic "Excellence in Libraries: Volumes, Bytes, and
Efficiency" at 10:30 a.m. on April 7.
Other featured speakers include Lester Pourciau, Director of
Libraries, Memphis State University, and David Farrell, Associate
Dean for Collection Development, Indiana University Libraries. _
The library van will be going to KLA on April 7 and 8 if there
are enough interested people. The van will go and return each
day. If you are interested in taking the van to KLA, please let
Carol Ranta in the Director's Office (7-3801) know by March 31.
"Marketing Your Library and Yourself" will be the theme of the
spring joint meeting of the Kentucky Chapter of Special Libraries
Association and the Special Libraries Section of KLA April 28-29
at the Seelbach Hotel in Louisville.
Kaycee Hale, founder and executive director of the Fashion
Research Centers at the Fashion Institute of Design and
Management in Los Angeles, will present workshops on the
conference theme on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.
1* N 1 · ·
  he cwsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

( For more information, contact Joanne Goode, Mathematics Library,
V at 7-8365, or Janet Stith, Medical Center Library, 233-5727.
‘ a
Last month's meeting of the PC Learners Group on February 28, (
featured a hands-on workshop on advanced DOS techniques conducted
by Bonnie Cox.
The March meeting will feature a discussion of batch files led by
Gary Stottlemyer who will demonstrate how these grouped commands
in DOS can increase our efficiency in using computers. ' {
On Thursday, April 26, the subject will be public domain software
-— the many types of software programs that are available at
little or no cost to users.
If you have questions regarding either the March or April
meeting, call Christie Robinson at 7-1060, or Gary Stottlemyer at
7-8349. (Submitted by Christie Robinson.) `
In connection with National Library Awareness week, April 17-23,
the Staff Development Committee, will present three showings of
the film "Slow Fires: On the Preservation of the Human Reoord."
This film documents the steady loss of the printed record through
the deterioration of paper. _The film is narrated by Robert -
MacNeil and is designed to raise awareness of this problem in
library users in general, in addition to librarians and
historians. _
The film will be shown in the Peal Gallery, King Library-North,
on April 11 at 1:30 p.m., April 13 at 10:00 a.m. and April 19 at
12:30 p.m. (Submitted by Joanne Goode.)
The library has sent $175.00 to Romelia Hogan, Karen Cobb's
mother, for the church building fund in Karen‘s name. This
amount included a donation of $25.00 from the Library Staff
Organization and donations from individuals within the library.
(Submitted by Kathy Martin.)
The School of Business Administration of Miami University,
Oxford, Ohio, will be offering a middle management and an
advanced management program for library administrators on July
17-22, 1988.

 A The fee for the middle management program is $675 and that for %
the advanced management program is $725. The fees include {
instructional materials, lodging and most meals.
A brochure describing the programs in detail is available in the
gg office, 204 King Library South, or from Christie
Robinson,7-1060. ?
Karen Elaine Cobb
9 November 1957 ; 21 February 1988 I
On Saturday, 27 February, 1988, the mortal remains of Karen Cobb 3
were laid to rest in her native soil, not far from the Wilson Dam 1
on the Tennessee River, in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Though the
trees were bare, the day of her homegoing was unseasonably warm, 2
giving the lie to late winter as only the lower valley of the `
Tennessee can do. The sky was an embracing canopy of blue and ‘
white, a magnificence of creation that is almost a commonplace in ,
that region of the country. A throng of people -- Karen's large i
and loving family, scores of friends and acquaintances -—
gathered at the little church that had nurtured her in youth, to
express profound grief and to say farewell.
Karen Elaine Cobb, a faculty member with appointment in the j
Reference Department of the Margaret I King Library, was taken
abruptly from the university community in circumstances that we `
cannot comprehend. She leaves behind her a record of performance _
and service that will not be easily replicated. Karen was a 1980 Y
graduate of Talladega College, the historically black institution I
in the Alabama foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. After a
year as an elementary—school librarian in Muscle Shoals, Karen
came to Lexington in June 1981. She obtained employment as a _1
staff assistant in the Circulation Department of King Library,
and impressed all with her poise and composure at that frantic
and demanding service point. During the latter part of her work Q
there, she was a fellowship student in the College of Library and I
Information Science, having been recruited and encouraged by" ?
library staff who recognized her great potential. As part of her '?
studies, she completed a practicum in the Law Library and ‘
subsequently considered combining her library degree with law
school, a career option she never entirely abandoned. Awarded `
her Master of Science in Library Science in December, 1984, she
began her professional appointment in Reference in February 1985, l
and worked there until her tragic death. .  
Karen quickly matured into a reliable provider of information and 1
interpreter of library collections, mastering the bibliographical
tools of her trade, including the then—new LS/2000 online
_ catalog. Her pedagogical interests had ample exercise as she

 learned the skill of teaching library use to students in classes
ranging from freshman composition to graduate seminars. She
developed her own trademark style of providing individual ·
attention to students who wanted and would profit by it, even
though this required many extra hours of her. (One of those she
tutored in this way was All—American Kenny Walker. when I
pressed her for details of her conversations with Kenny —-
basketball fanatic that I am -— I was hoping for new insight into
the Georgetown game and the like. I will never forget Karen's
answer: "Basketball's the one thing I won't talk with Kenny about‘
—— he has plenty of outlets for that.")
Karen participated in a variety of projects outside the library,
serving as faculty adviser to the Black Graduate and Professional
Students Association, one of the planners for the Martin Luther
King Cultural Center, and a resident adviser in the Freshman
Summer Program. In the Reference Department, she was given
responsibility for managing our fee-based Computer Search Service
and for articulating and responding to the special needs of
handicapped users of the library. In fulfilling both tasks she `
acquired confidence with various new technologies. She became a
leader in introducing applications of microcomputing within the
library system. The special expertise she was developing gave
her new personal opportunities as well: at the time of her death,
she was contemplating leaving academe for the world of commerce,
to do business as an information consultant, but she had, at the
same time, a deep commitment to the mission of the university.
we will never know what Karen would eventually have chosen; we _
are assured that she would have done it well. Such were her
Those of us who knew Karen are left with memories. I will
remember her working late into the evening at the library,
finishing up a report or reading in the voluminous literature of
librarianship. (There was always a new book on Karen's desk —— a .
practical manual on some aspect of her job, often something more
theoretical, for Karen was building a firm philosophy of library ·
service.) Another of her late evenings she spent mounting an
exhibit in the library to commemorate the birthday of Martin
Luther King, Jr. That is a special memory for me because I had .
lent her some artifacts for her display cases, and the occasion
was one of the few times when she and I shared our experiences of
growing up, in the not—so—deep South, during the civil-rights
revolution. °
Karen's roots add another dimension to her tragic loss. On the
Sunday of her death, the Herald—Leader began an ambitious series
of articles on the real state of relations between the races in
Lexington. Karen Cobb played a very significant role in
. fostering better relations between black and white in the
university setting. She never directly referred to this role

 ‘ ski  » V» wrath., or
with me, but it was clear that it was an important one to her and
one that she willingly shouldered. Soon after she started in
Reference, I found this note in our suggestion box:
As a black student, I feel ill—at ease with
some of the staff when I need help. I was
very happy last week when Ms. Cobb so
graciously assisted me, relieving me of the
feeling of being helpless.
Thanks for Ms. Cobb & I shall point her out to
other black UK students who've experienced my
feelings ... nothing personal, but it is a
fact of life. Get more Karen Cobbs.
I believe the writer of that note would have said something very
different after three more years of Karen‘s influence, if indeed
he felt moved to comment at all. Her impact here —— in the
library, on this campus —— was at once subtle and dramatic and
will remain a lasting contribution. `
One of Karen Cobb's many facets was an interest in writing. It
saddens me that I never asked to see the plays she wrote for the
summer students she lived with in the dormitories, or the poetry
she sometimes referred to. The first bellelettristic effort of
hers that I read, in fact, were some lines of verse included in
the program for her funeral. I close these inadequate remarks of
mine with her own words, which had become so wrenchingly
self—reflexive with her death: .—_ °
Keep us guessing
swhy you left so suddenly
Swelling our eyes with tears,
And our hearts with sorrow.
Leaving us to find endings,
To unfinished conversations
About us, about you,
About love, about life,
About a sister
with eyes the color
of a sunset
Dipped in honey!
who was torn
Away like the
Last page of a novel.
"Periit corpus, sed nomen in ore est.
Vale collega et amice, et in pace
requiescat animus tuus."
(Contributed by Brad Grissom.)

March 25 Gallery Series: "Irish Music" : Concert : ‘
Dr. Ron Pen, School of Music.
Sanders—Brown Lunch Series: "Caregiving for
Alzheimer's Disease Patients: The Role of
Time" : Lecture : Dr. John F. wilson,
. Department of Behavioral Science.
April]. · Gallery Series: "women's Oral History" :
Lecture : Pam Goldman.
$25,800-$35,800 Assistant
STAFF TRANSFERS Librarian; $28,600—$39,800, ·
Associate Librarian. Deadline:
Gracie Hale S p e c i a 1 April 10, 1988.
Collections to Online
Cauubghm. Head, Chemistry Library.
University of California at
| @_ySTAFF...WELCOMEABOARDl Berkeley. Salary:
$31,008-$44,676. Deadline:
Mark Cave..Agriculture Library. May l, 1988.
Sharon Miller...Reference.
Diana Tolzin.. Acquisitions. GEORGIA
` Director of Instructional 1
E OPPORTUNITIES ..Support Services . Emory
University. Salary: $35,000
Library Technician VI, grade minimum. Deadline: May 1,
10. Medical Center Library, 1988.
Interlibrary Loan Dept. For
information call Winn Theirl, Director of Collection
233-6565. Development. Emory University.
Salary: $37,500 minimum.
CALIFORNIA Deadline: May 1, 1988. *
Head, Music Cataloging Section. ILLINOIS
Stanford University. Salary:
$28,600-$39,800, Associate Head, Circulation and Binding.
Librarian; $32,600—$48,100, University of Illinois,
Librarian. Deadline: April 1, Urbana—Champaign. Salary:
1988. $25,000 minimum. Deadline:
May 16, 1988.
Assistant to Deputy Director of
Libraries. Stanford
· Ur1ixre1:s.it;y. S€i1é1IY'A

 Architecture and Art Librarian. Serials Catalog Librarian.
University of Illinois, University of Oregon. Salary:
' Urbana•Champaign. Salary: $19,000. Deadline: April 15,
$26,000 minimum. Deadline: 1988.
May 1, 1988.
Documents and Public Affairs
Assistant Law Librarian(s). Librarian. University of
One and possibly, two Oregon. Salary: $19,000.
positions. University of DemHine: AprLL15,1988.
- Illinois, Urbana—Champaign.
Salary: $20,000 minimum. Orientalia Bibliographer.
Deadline: May 15, 1988. University of Oregon. Salary:
$23,000—$27,000. Deadline:
NEW MEXICO May 1, 1988.
Public Access Automation THMS
Librarian. University of New
Mexico . Salary: $20 , 000 Associate University Librarian.
ndnimum. Deadline: May 15, Rice University. Salary:
1988. competitive and commensurate
with qualifications and
· NEW YORK experience. Deadline: March
31, 1988.
.Preservation Librarian.
University of Albany, State
University of New York. PRODUCTION STAFF
Salary: $22,000 minimum.
Deadline: March 21, 1988. Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox
Typist/proofreader: Carol Ranta ‘
Assistant Director, University Printer: Cecil Madison
Libraries, Graduate Library for
Public Affairs and Policy.
University of Albany, State
University of New York.
Salary: $30,000 minimum +
$2,000 stipend for duration of “
appointment. Deadline: April
8, 1988.
Head, Technical Services.
Columbia University. Salary: ‘
$28,500—$38,475 — Librarian II;
$31,500-$45,675 - Librarian
III. Deadline: none given.
Catalog Librarian. University
of Oregon. Salary: $19,000.
Deadline: April 15, 1988.
