xt7t4b2x4z22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x4z22/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-09-30 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 30, 1983, no. 415 text The Green Bean, September 30, 1983, no. 415 1983 1983-09-30 2014 true xt7t4b2x4z22 section xt7t4b2x4z22 U I Y C0/S7 }
9-30-83 NQ mj *
Oct. l~2 Kentucky Writers' Conference l
Oct. 3, 10 Living Systems Seminars A
. Oct. 6 LSO Brown Bag Luncheon
Oct. 7, lh Gallery Series
I Oct. 12 "Teaching Librarians to Teach" Workshop ‘ V
(details in GB #4lh)
Oct. 13 The Lindsay String Quartet l
_ Oct. l2·l-4+ KLA Annual Conference p
Oct. 17 V ACTS Meeting (
Oct. 18 I Bibliographic Instruction Workshop at U. of Cincinnati Y
Next Green Bean Issue: Friday, October lie. ·
Deadline for inclusion: 10 a.m., Tuesday, October ll. I
Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by phone after the
deadline (7-163l).
Contributors: Perry Bratcher, Karmen Crowther, Faith Hardetcs, Cheryl Jones,
Gail Kennedy, Cecil Madison, Sandee McAninch, Liz Pogue, Libby Potts, Ann
Short, Gerry Webb, Paul Willis, and Rob Aken (editor)

 . —l~ _
Reactions to the Space Task Force Report T
All staff are encouraged to submit written resp0nses——any comments or
additional suggestions——to the King Library Space Task Force Report,
Please send these to Gail Kennedy in Acquisitions no later than Friday,
g October 2l. The Task Force will then review all the staff comments before
the next faculty meeting.
Five copies of the final report are on one—day reserve at King Circulation. C
Ask for the report by the name "Space Task Force." .
Reminder-—Journal Routing Service `
The journal routing service renewal forms were due back to Gail Kennedy in
V Acquisitions by September 23. If you mis-sed the "Green Bean" issue in which
the form appeared, you may get a copy from Gail or Alan Schaplowsky. V
Senate Library Committee _
If you have an agenda topic you would like the Senate Library Committee to
consider, please notify Cheryl Jones in the Law Library (7—83£+7). ‘
ACTS will meet Monday, October l7, at 9:30 a.m. in the King North Gallery.
Gail Kennedy will present the report of the Space Utilization Committee.
Copies of the report will be sent to departments for routing before the
meeting. Copies are also on reserve at Circulation. Please try to read
the report before the meeting. T
The Nominations Committee is inthe process of making a ballot for the
Executive Committee l983—8i+. We hope to send it out the first week of
The next noon brown bag luncheon will be held Thursday, October 6, in the
conference room on the 3rd floor of King South. Jean Baugh, Fayette County
Extension Agent, will present "Dealing with Conflicts: Family and Work."
Come show your support for LSO on October 6.
BRS Training Session
A BRS introductory computer search training session has been scheduled in
lexington on November l0. It will be held in the Old Student Center, room
206, University of Kentucky from 9 a.m. to A p.m. Cost for the session is
$70. To register, call BRS at 800-833-4707. For local information, contact
Karmen Crowther, King Reference (7-283l).

 . -2-
KLA Children's and Young Adult Services Section Workshops
Caroline Feller Bauer--Presentor
Storytelling Workshop (This workshop will develop creative storytelling.)
A October lh, lO:3O a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Booktalking (This workshop will cover innovative booktalks.)
October lh, h p.m. to 6 p.m.
These free workshops will be held at Louisville's Ramada Inn. For more
information, contact Coordinator Lucy Marx, Louisville Free Public Library,
hth and York Streets, louisville, KY hO203.
Kl.A l983 Annual Conference I
This year's KIA Annual Conference will be held at Louisville's Ramada Inn
October l2 through October lh. Pre-registration runs through October 5:
V Full Conference
KLA Member (Pre-registration) --—$20.00
KLA Member (On-site) —-——————-——— $30.00
Non-meuber- ----—--- —— - -—-—--—--- $hO . OO
One Day Registration
KLA Member ——-——-—-~———-—— ·-— —--—- $l5. OO
Non-member —-————--—- - ----——-— -— -$3O . O0
This year's theme is "Librarians Unite." The varied agenda includes the
Pre—conferences (October 12)*
Manage Your Time- —Marcia Anderson
Cata oging of Microcomputer Software-—Nancy Olson
SOLJLNET: OCLC Acquisitions Project
*Fees and deadlines vary; see Rob Aken or another KLA member for details,
Conference Sessions
October l3
Teaching Librarians to Teach- -Joan Ormondroyd
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives: Local Records Program
for Kentucky- —lou Bellardo; Kentucky Library Network: Update--William
New Output Standards for Public Libraries--Nancy M. Bolt
GODORT: Kentucky State Depository System Update--Kathy Pratt
October lh
This Way To Books-—Caroline Feller Bauer
Microcomputers, the Library Media Specialist and the Curriculum--Joanne
1*/brchandising Your Library's Collection—·—Que Bronson
Librarians and the Law-—Wesley Gilmer, Jr., and George R. Rawlinfis

KET: Your Partner in Education-—Phil Groshong and Chela Kaplan
Best New Books for Children and Young Adults
The State Department of Education and the School Library Media Center
For Those on the Front Line: Why "Dirty" Words Provoke Outrage- -Stanley
I. Fbur
The Drinking Man's Guide to Dickens——Bill Axton
An Untapped Legacy: Finding Answers in Archives and Manuscripts
For additional information, contact Rob Aken or another KLA member.
Kentucky Writers' Conference ·
The second annual Kentucky Writers' Conference will meet at Centre College
in Danvi.lle, Ky. October l and 2. This open conference offers the following
workshops and discussions:
October l
New Directions in New Plays——Marilee Hebert—Slater
IVbnologues——I*’Ii.chael Smith, Lucinda Gross—Hill and Ann Gavere Kilkelly
Use of History as Basis of Poetry and Fiction——panel discussicn °
Writing and Publishing from a National Perspective--Frank Conroy, NEA
October 2 · ‘
Manuscript workshops in poetry, fiction, and drama
A dialogue on the Writing Process-—Mary Ann Taylor and R.L. Barth
Millard Dunn, Leon Driskell, Joe Ashby Porter, Harriette Arnow
I 'I‘he conference will also include a little magazine and small press display
from Kentucky and its contiguous states.
Bibliographic Instruction
"Bibliographic Instruction: a Librarian/Faculty Partnership," an after-
noon workshop, will be held October l8 at the University of Cincinnati
from l p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Featured speakers are Evan Farber and Barbara
Caruso of Earlham College. The fee is $15.
Living Systems Seminars
October 3 The Formative Influence of Teacher and Institution
upon the Student--Fidelis Tracy
October l0 Literary Chamber Music--RobertpJ. Rabel
The Living Systems Seminars are held in Chemistry-Physics room 137, .7:30-
9:30 p.m. and are open to the public.

Chamber M1sic Society of Central Kentucky
The Lindsay String Quartet will perform October 13 at 8 p.m. in the Recital
Hall of the Center for the Arts. Ticket subscriptions (which cover three
additional concerts by various quartets) are $15 (single) and $45 (family).
The Gallery Series
The following programs will be held at 12:00 noon in the Gallery, King Library
October 7 "The Bible: What Do We Do With It'?"
Lecture by Rabbi William Leffler on the Bible
- and its influence in art, literature, misic
architecture, and archeology.
October 14 "John Sherman Cooper: a Senator and His Constituents"
_ Lecture by Bill Cooper, Modern Political Papers
Department, M.I. King Library
(For more infomation, contact Faith Harders.) '
Serials Cataloger (tenporary contingent upon receipt of Title II-C grant),
University of Alabama Library. Salary: $14,650-$16,000. Deadline: .
October 14, 1983.
Director of Libraries, Cleveland State University. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: November 15, .983.
Documents Librarian, University of Florida Libraries. Salary: $l3,186—
$17,107. Deadline: October 1, 1983.
Social Sciences Reference Librarian, University of Florida Libraries. Salary:
$15,150—$l6,625. Deadline: October 31, 1983.
University Archivist/Department Head, University of Florida Libraries. Salary:
$15,686~$22,19l. Deadline: November 30, 1983.
Archivist, Richard B. Russell Memorial Library, University of Georgia Libraries.
Salary: $14,800   Deadline: October 14, 1983. p
Reference Librarian, Main Library, University of Georgia. Salary: $14,800. A
  Deadline: November 4, 1983. i
Special Collections Technical Services Coordinator, University of Georgia  
Libraries. Salary: $18,000   Deadline: November 15, 1983. j

 -5.. · I
#¤‘\ xw
Instructor or Assistant Professor and Monographic Cataloger, Iowa State
University Library. $15,500 minimum (instructor); $17,500 minimum
(assistant professor). Deadline: Novanber 1, 1983.
Head, Special Collections Department, University of New Mexico General Library.
Salary: $2i+,000   Deadline: November 15, 1983.
Dean of Libraries, Murray State University. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: February 1, 198i+.
Head, Reference Department, Undergraduate Library, SUNY at Buffalo. Salary:
. $20,000   Deadline: not specified.
Humanities Reference Librarian (temporary), University of North Carolina at
‘ Chapel Hill Libraries. Salary: $15,000 minimim. Deadline: November 1, 1983.
Undergraduate Reference Librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Libraries. Salary: $15,000   Deadline: October 15, 1983.
Humanities Cataloger, Princeton University Library. Salary: $16,500  
Deadline: October 28, 1983.
Slavic/ Germanic Cataloger, Princeton University Library. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: October 28, 1983.
Social Sciences Cataloger, Princeton University Library. Salary: $16,500
  Deadline: October 28, 1983.
Head, Circulation Division, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A 6: M University.
Salary: $23,000   Deadline: not specified; opened Septanber 1, 1983. ·
Science and Technology Librarian, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A 8 M
. University. Salary: $15,000   Deadline: not specified; opened October
1, 1983.
Associate Director of Libraries for Technical Processing, Texas Tech University
Libraries. Salary: $30,000   Deadline: November 15, 1983.
Assistant Head, Odegaard Undergraduate Library/Head, Media Center, University
of Washington Libraries. Salary: $27,500 minimim. Deadline: October 31, 1983.
Associate Director of Libraries for Bibliographic Control, University of
Washington Libraries. Salary: not specified. Deadline: October 28, 1983.
Head, Circulation Division, University of Washington Libraries. Salary:
$24,000   Deadline: October 31, 1983.
Head, Processing Control Section, Serials Division, University of Washington
Libraries. Salary: $23,000   Deadline: October 31, 1983.
Reference Librarian/ Bibliographic Instruction Coordinator, University of
Washignton Libraries. Salary: $20,000—$2£:,610. Deadline: October 31, 1983.