xt7t4b2x4821 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x4821/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1923 yearbooks ukyrbk1923 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian text The Kentuckian 1923 1923 2012 true xt7t4b2x4821 section xt7t4b2x4821   University Archives Margaret !. King Library - North
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506   FOREWORD
In the following pages we have attempted to present a record of one year of our lives as students of the University of Kentucky.
Soon our college days will be over and we, like many who have gone before us, will be looked upon as alumni, and the things we have done will be called "tradition." If, then, in the years which are to come, when memory is fast failing us, this book will aid in bringing back fond remembrances, in recalling old faces and friendships, and happy experiences of the days which sped while we were at U.K., long grown dim with the passing of years, our effort shall not have been entirely in vain and we shall have justified the faith.
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mmUm jjuttorpo tutttttg-tltm pYZBtwts volume txurtito-four of
Sit? $K?niurktan
ffar Hook of toe ItniwrHtig of ICmturku,  DEDICATION
In appreciation of her high principles of right living and right thinking, of her fervid desire for the promotion of the highest ideals of university life, of her patience and self-sacrifice in the betterment of the institution, but principally because of the marked influence she has exerted upon the student body by her gentleness and charm of personality, this, the
twenty-fourth volume of the
is dedicated Sn iJUmnrtam
Judge William Thornton Lafferty
Who, in 1908, seeing an opportunity to serve his state by training young men for the legal profession, accepted the call to establish the College of Law at the University of Kentucky. During the fourteen years of its existence under Judge Lafferty's guidance it has taken its place among the leading law colleges of the South.
It is fitting and appropriate that we pay, in this small way, our tribute of respect to the memory of our beloved Dean. He was more than a teacher, he was a devoted, fatherly adviser to each and every student, keeping daily before them the highest ideals of a good lawyer and patriotic citizen. He is gone, yet his memory is warm in the hearts of each of us; and the highest tribute which we can pay to that memory would be, not the printed page or marble shaft, but by living up to those high principles of citizenship and professional conduct which he so sincerely kept before us.
Student Body of the Law College. judge william t. lafferty  m
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the chemistry building
IS   }NE of the most prominent figures in university life and in Southern education is Dean Paul Prentice Boyd, of the College of Arts and Sciences. He was born February 26, 1877, at Camerson, West Virginia.   He was graduated from Oberlin College in 1898 and received a master's degree from Cornell in 1905, returning in 1911 for a degree in philosophy.
In 1912 he came to the University as professor of mathematics. The following year he was made head of that department. During this time he was president of the Interstate Oratorical Association and the Kentucky Mathematical Association.
In 1917 Dean A. M. Miller, of the College of Arts and Sciences, resigned, and the Board of Trustees, upon recommendation, appointed Professor Boyd as dean pro tern. In the same year Judge Henry Barker retired, leaving the university without a president, and Dean Boyd was made acting president until such a time as the board should elect President Barker's successor. He ably served in this capacity until Doctor McVey assumed charge; since that time he has filled the position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1919 he was made president of the Kentucky Academy of Science.
Through the instrumentality of Dean Boyd, in December, 1921, a chapter of Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific fraternity, was installed at the University. The election of Dean Boyd as president of the local chapter is a partial recognition of the great service he rendered in procuring it.
During the past summer Professor Boyd, in collaboration with Professors Reese and Davis, wrote and published, "A Course in Analytics". This book is now in use at the University, and is proving very satisfactory. Dean Boyd has been for years a frequent contributor to well known educational magazines and quarterlies. The fact that his name is found listed in "Who's Who in America", "American Men of Science", and "Who's Who in After-War Education" attests his prominence.
Since coming to the University, Dean Boyd has introduced a number of innovations that have looked toward better scholarship and conduct of the University. He is a man of breadth, widely acquainted with educational problems, firm in decisions, but possessed of a rare sympathy in the handling of students that wins not only esteem, but love. dean paul p. boyd _
Dean And
JREDERICK PAUL ANDERSON, the head, heart, and soul of the Engineering College, is responsible for one of our JjjOsHal state's best productsthe Kentucky engineer. This man of undying interest and boundless enthusiasm conceived, founded and built up to its present efficiency the University of Kentucky's Engineering College. He sends each year into the commercial world a group of men trained not only in the technique of their profession, but in principles of right thinking, love of truth, and human engineering. Most of all, he instills into his students some of his own wonderful personality, so that they go forth full of the spirit of uplift, energy, and enthusiasm that spells success.
Engineers are the builders of the world.   It is to the engineer that humanity looks for protection against the elements, for safe transportation on land and sea, and for the production of many necessities of life. If this be true, then how much greater than the engineer is his maker? Dean Anderson is a maker of engineers. 21 Dean Cooper
HE College of Agriculture is fortunate in having such an able and corn-
attracted by the opportunities offered the scientific agriculturist. In 1908 he received the degree of B.S. in Agriculture from the University of Minnesota.
Since leaving college, his time and energy have been devoted to the pursuance of farm management and economic research, and the training of young men and women so that positions of leadership and responsibility in agriculture might be competently
Many notable achievements have been attained by Dean Cooper. While he was in college his membership was enrolled in Acacia, Alpha Zeta, and Sigma Xi fraternities, while in the world of agricultural science he is prominent. He is a member of several organizations of national reputation, among which are the American Farm Management Association and the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
In 1914 he was made director of the North Dakota Experiment Station, which position he held until coming to Kentucky. Although he has been in this state but a few years, numerous agricultural organizations of Kentucky have enrolled him as a member. He has made a great many friends here, and is fully imbued with the Southern spirit.
He came to Kentucky in January, 1918, to assume the duties of director of the Experiment Station and dean of the College of Agriculture. As a result of his excellent leadership these institutions have grown in efficiency and reputation. He has succeeded admirably in organizing agricultural interests here, and in arousing an unusual awakening toward the possibilities of scientific agriculture in Kentucky.
Established 1SS9
Officers_Rodman Wiley, 'OC, President; Marguerite Mclaughlin, '00, Vice-President; Herbert Graham, '10, Secretary-Treasurer. Executive Committee, Headley Shouse, '19; Wayland Rhoads, '15; Geo. H. Wilson, '04; Wm. H. Townsond, '12; W. C. Wilson, '13; Chas. I. Dawson, Ex. Alumni Trustees J. I. Lyle.'OO; H. P. Ingels, '05; W. H. Grady, "05. Directory of Alumni
Akron, Ohio.President, W. F. Clarke, '10; Secretary, W. M. Harrison, '12. Ashlakd, Ky.President, Mrs. Mar}- Elliott Flanery, ex; Vice-President, Arthur T. Bryson, '13;
Secretary, Thomas Burchett, '21 ; Treasurer, John W. Woods, '96. Birmingham, Ala.President, J. M. Sprague, '07; Vice-President, S. C. Ebbert, '11; Secretary,
E. J. Kohn, '12; Treasurer, A. B. Haswell, '11. Bowling Green, Ky.President, Virgil J. Pritchett, '18; Secretary-Treasurer, Chas. A. Louder-milk, ex.
Buffalo, N. Y.President, Dr. P. L. Blumenthal, '09; Vice-President, L. U. Mihvard, ex; Secretary-Treasurer, Gilbert Frankel, '19. Carrollton, Ky.President, Grover C. Routt, '11; Vice-President, Clay Tharp, ex; Secretary,
Marie Becker, '17; Treasurer, W. F. O'Donnell, ex. Chicago, III.President, Charles K. Dunn, '16; Vice-President, C. S. Rollings, '15; Secretary-Treasurer, J. R. Watkins, '15. Cincinnati, Ohio.President, Mrs. Clara Mattie Studer, '13; Vice-President, R. E. Hundley, '16;
Secretary-Treasurer, Adele Slade, '21. Cleveland, Ohio.President, H. Tyler Watts, '14.; Secretary-Treasurer, O. L. Day, 'n. Denver, Colo.President, J. A. Brittain, '18.
Evansvili.e, Ind.President, Frederick L. Schneiter, '04; Vice-President, W. Lee Smith, '16; Secretary-Treasurer, Edward E. Hardin, '20.
Frankfort, Ky.-President, Silas T. Wilson, '22; Vice-President, Carolyn Lutkemeier, '16; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. L. D. Stucker, ex; Corresponding Secretary, David Estill, '07.
Hickman, Ky.President, C. P. Mabry, '20; Vice-President, Inez Luten, '09; Secretary, Lillian Coffey, ex; Treasurer, Mary Hardy Ligon, ex.
Huntington, W. Va.President, Ira M. Nickell, '15; Vice-President, Lelia May Graves, '99; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. P. A. Vallandingham, '00.
La Grange, Ky.President, Richard L. Duncan, '19; Vice-President, James R. Clark, ex; Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. Crawford, '17; Corresponding Secretary, Myrtle Smith, '18.
Lebanon, Ky.President, Clyde D. Harrison, '18; Vice-President, Roy C. Bateman, ex; Secretary-Treasurer, Susan Spalding, ex.
Lexington, Ky. (Alumna;)President, Nancy Innes, '17; Vice-President, Mrs. Maurice Weil, '09; Secretary-Treasurer, Margaret E. McCIure, '20.
Lexington, Ky. (Alumni)President, W. D. Hamilton, '14; Vice-President, Marguerite McLaughlin, '03; Secretary, Ed. S. Dabney, '20; Treasurer, J. White Guyn, ex.
Louisville, Ky.President, J. T. Pride, Jr., ex; Vice-President, R. C. Mayhall, ex; Secretary, Mrs. Albert Krieger, '06.
Mayfield, Ky.President, B. H. Mitchell, '16; Secretary-Treasurer, R. B. Hays, '17.
New York, N. Y.President, J. I. Lyle, '96; Vice-President, H. H. Lowry, '09; Secretary, Carroll G. Taylor, '10; Treasurer, J. E. Boiling, '15
Owensboro, Ky.President, R. M. Holland, '08; Vice-President, J. O. Lewis, '11; Secretary-Treasurer, Josie Lacer Hays, '16.
Paducah, Ky.President, Carl H. Denker, '19; Vice-President, Giltner Segenfelter, ex; Secretary, Florence Brown, ex; Treasurer, Harold Hummel, ex.
Philadelphia, Pa.President, II. Berkley Hedges, '14; Vice-President, G. C. Lewis, '13; Secretary-Treasurer, Roy S. Clarke, ex.
Pineville, Ky.President, Presley T. Atkins, ex; Secretary, Fannie Leman, ex; Treasurer, R. L. Maddox, '09.
Pittsburg, Pa.President, J. Madison Graves, '00; Secretary-Treasurer, H. Lee Moore, '11.
Raleigh, N. C.President, Lecoq H. Nelson, '16; Secretary, Roy H. Thomas, '13.
Richmond, Ky.Vice-President, James Park, '15; Treasurer, Hart Perry, ex.
Schenectady, N. Y.President, R. C. Wilson, ex; Vice-President, L. C. Hardesty, '12; Secretary-Treasurer, S. D. Fendley, '22.
Somerset, Ky.President, Prof. V. D. Roberts, '05; Vice-President, M. A. Dodson, '04.; Secretary-Treasurer, Blanche Kennedy, ex.
Washington, D. CPresident, Jesse I. Miller, '12; Secretary, Harry B. DeAtley, '12; Treasurer, Philip M. Riefkin, '06.
Winchester, Ky.President, Davis D. Crabb, ex; Vice-President, Mrs. Dudley Plumer, '03; Secretary-Treasurer, Marcus C. Redwine, '19.
 29 Senior ClaSvS
William G. Finn President
Ann H. Hickman L. C. Davidson Vice-President Treasurer
Julia Willis Secretary
Elizabeth Hume Historian
Laura G. Hubbard Prophet
Leonard Fielder Poet
Harrison Brailsford Orator
Irene McNamara
Henry Taylor Grumbler
Katherine Conroy Editor 1023 Kentuckian
Charles D. Graham Business Manager 1023 Kentuckian, Permanent Secretary
30  I
Senior Class
Casper Acree, B.S. in Agr...................Erlanger, Ky.
Agricultural Society; Y. M. C. A.; Fat Stock Judging Team (4); Hoot and Horn Club.
Casper finished last semester and landed right square into a hatchery located near Knoxville, Tenn., where he is serving as manager.   His friendship is valued highly by members of Alpha Gamma Rho.
Edith Alexander, B.S. in H.E.................Paducah, Ky.
* T 0
Paducah Club, Secretary (1); Agricultural Society, Secretary (2), Vice-President (3), President (4); Home Economics Club; Y. W. C. A.
A Western Kentucky four-year girl. How much that tells without further comment! Edith is a member of the honorary home economics fraternity, which shows her proficiency in her chosen line of endeavor.
John R. Albright, LL.B...................Lexington, Ky.
2 A E
Cadet Lieutenant  (2); Cast  "Admirable Crichton";  Assistant Football Manager
(3) ; Cast "Thirteenth Chair"  (3); Lamp and Cross; Business Manager Strollers
(4) ; Men's Student Council; Pan-Hellenic Council (4).
U. of K. learned Johnny's interesting personality through the parts he took in "The Thirteenth Chair" and "Erminie".   He has been a prominent factor in many student activities.
 Senior Class
Moses Alperin, B.S. in C.E.................Lexington, Ky.
University  Debating Team   (2,  4);  Union  literary  Society  (1,  2); Kentuckian Start (3, 4); University Oratorical Squad (4); Student Chapter A. A. E., Secretary  (4);  Goethals  Engineering- Society  (1,  2);  Student  Chapter A.  S.  C. E., Treasurer  (4);  Secretary  Department of Civil  Engineering  (1,  2,  3,  4); Joint Committee (4); Honor Roll (1, 2, 3, 4). "Mosc" vows that he doesn't believe in love, but is that proof enough that he never will?   He has all the prerequisites of a capital lover, including a ready smile and a willing heart.   And brains! His is a record of "A's", except one "C" from Farquhar, which speaks for itself.
Elizabeth Marshall Allen, A.B...............Maysville, Ky.
Romance Language Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Y. W. C. A.; Philosophian; "Robin Hood" (2); "Mikado" (3); "Erminie" (4); Choral Club (4); Rille Club (4); "Feast of Little Lanterns" (1).
"Little Allen was pushing a pen Chi-O!    Chi-O! Chi-O! Waiting to hear from Bobby again Chi-O!    Chi-O! Chi-O!"
The old song tells on her, we fear, and even "Zemmie's" teasing thrusts about "Jim" and "Joe" cannot dim the happiness we see in her eyes when the South Lime postman appears every morning.
Tolliver R. Anderson, A.B................Hopkinsville, Ky.
T A A; A 2 n
Class Football (1, 2); Class Basketball (2); Class Baseball (1, 2); Legislative Club. Anderson is a student after Dr. Weist's own heart.   Economics is his long suit, and theoretically he has already made millions of dollars according to Roger W. Babson's prescribed recipe.   He is going forth  now  to  test his theory, and may the business principles  he  got  from  Casey Jones remain behind him! enior
William Arthur Anderson, Jr., A.B.............Wickliffe, Ky.
2 X
Rafinesque Botany Club, President (3); Patterson Literary Society; Honor Roll, "High Distinction" (1, 2; 3, 4) ; "Mikado" Chorus (3); "Erminie" Chorus (4); Botanical Society of America (4).
Anderson speaks the language of the flowers, and the beautiful little things that spring up out of the earth arc all his friends. He knows them all by three Latin names. It seems strange that with all this on his mind he should yet have time to devote hours to the trivial pastimes, but he does, and the secret of it is a "Riddell."
W. S. Anderson, B.S. in Agr.................Lexington, Ky.
"W. S." has the distinction of being the best dancer in the Alpha Gamma Rho lodge, and he makes quite a hit with the ladies upon all occasions; particularly at pink teas. "What would we do without our social A,g. men and the alarming influence they exert in all thingsespecially the popularity contest?
Dewey C. Antrobus, B.S. in C.E..............Williamstown, Ky.
Charles Schwab Engineering Society (1, 2); Student Chapter A. S. C. E.  (3, 4); Joint Committee (4).
"Pinkie" comes from Williamstown and cannot understand how anyone can miss seeing it on the way to Cincinnati, as there is a big water tank right near the town. He was not originally a member of our class, but he decided to cast his lot with and be one of the "lucky thirteen" Civils of the Class of '23.
'IT Senior Class
Allie F. Arnold, B.S. in M.E.................Falmouth, Ky;
t b n
Goethals Engineering Society,  Secretary and Treasurer  (2,  4); Student Chapter A. I. E. E. (4); Student Chapter A. S. M. E. (4).
"Shorty" is a husky farmer boy from Falmouth. The tillers of the soil lost a good man when "Shorty" decided to enter the engineering profession. He is one of the bost-natured and best-liked boys in our class, and also one of the steadiest in his work in the class room. There is no reason why success on the outside should not come his way.
Easton Jackson Asher, A.B.................Lexington, Ky.
Class Basketball   (1,  2,  3);  Class Baseball  (1,  2,  3);  Glee  Club  (2,  4); Band (2, 3, 4); English Club.
Asher is one of the members of the M. M. C. (Married Men's Club), but he is a good student and always finds time to be sociable and a good all-round fellow.
Robert Raymond Arnold, B.S. in Agr..............Morgan, Ky.
Class Basketball (1, 2, 3), Captain (3); Class Baseball (1, 2, 3); Class Football (2, 3); Y. M. C. A.; Delegate State Conference; Hoof and Horn Club.
In the Ag. College he is well known for the good records he has made in ."judging cattle and stock. He has never taken any of the trips to the national shows, but he has made it possible for others to go. enior
Lloyd B. Averitt, A.B. . ,..................Carrollton, Ky.
e x
Lloyd's love for Theta Chi has not kept him from becoming a strong friend for A. T. O., even to the point that he advocates it for the rest of the family. He knocks the "profs" for "A's" before they realize it, and when they regain consciousness Lloyd is smilingly bowing his way out with the little "A" tucked snugly away.
Ruby Miller Barlow, B.S. in H. E...............Barlow, Ky.
"Home Ec's her specialty.
The lab's her second home; About this fascinating place It's her delight to roam."
William Paul Ballinger, B.S. in M.E............West Point, Ky.
IB n
Triangle; a. S. M. B.; a. I. E. E.; a. a. E.; Goothals Engineering Society; Radio Club.
Men may come and men may go, but "Dook" sleeps on forever. Two years ago Ballinger was considered one of the best men in the class. Of late he has had rather rough ging, which all goes to show that a reputation is a hard mount to ride.
 Senior Class
Arthur James Bradshaw, A.B................Somerset, Ky.
* k t
Pu-Ky Circle, Treasurer '20  (2); President (2).
Without "Teener" the Su-Ky Circle and Phi Kappa Tau simply could not have existed. Dependable and good-natured, this dignified senior has more than made his presence felt upon the campus. We predict that although he has been well protected against Cupid's arrows, some day a dart will pierce his armor which will be well-nigh fatal.
Elise Bohannon......................Louisville, Ky.
k k v; i t o
Don't send balsaam or heart's ease to Elise, just let George do it. As a well trained Home Ec, Elise has promise for the making of a happy home if she doesn't let "Another Nash" Interfere.
Rohert Haynes Barr, B.S. in Chemistry...........Owcnsboio, Ky.
Y. M. C. A.; Blue Ridge Delegate (2); A. A. E.; Goethals Engineering Society (1, 2); Pre-Mcd. Society (2, 4); President Pre-Med. Society (3, 4); President Pre-Med. Society (4); Class Football (1, 2, 3); Class Basketball (1, 2, 3); "Robin Hood"; Pan-Hellenic Council (3); Class Baseball (1, 2).
At almost any time of the day this moustached (we think that's what it is) individual may be seen following his master about the campus. We think the advertisement for Victor Records applies better here than the "Mary had a little lamb" version.
"The time I've lost in wooing (says Haynes) In watching and pursuing The light that lies In woman's eyes Has been my heart's undoing." Senior CI
John Early Burks, Jr...................Cave City, Ky.
Lamp and Cross; Su-Ky Circle; Class Football (1); Kentuckian Staff (2); Pan-Hellenic Council (2); Cast, "Admirable Crichton"; Director, Strollers (3, 4); Tau Beta Pi Scholarship (3); A. S. M. B.; A. I. B. B.
"Johnny" is one of our leading business men. An engineer isn't expected to know much about anything in this world except engineering, but "Johnny" surprised us all considerably. He is a Kappa Alpha, a ladies' man, and a fine manager.
Elizabeth Cheek Brown, A.B................Lexington, Ky.
T. W. C. A.; Glee Club;  Stroller Eligible; Women's League; History Club.
To "Betty" there's always one moment of supreme happinessthat of "getting oven". We can imagine her in pinafore days and see her now as the same "Betty". With all there's a charm and a bit of irresistibility about her which endears her to us, and we shan't forget her.
Harrison Dudley Brailsford, B.S. in M.E.
Louisville, Ky.
Keys; Mystic Thirteen; Class Orator (3, 4); Secretary A. I. E. B.; Strollers; Pan-Hellenic Council (4); Goethals Engineering Society, President (1); Radio Club, Vice-President (2); Assistant Art Editor Kentuckian (3); Clerk Senior Court (4); A. S. M. E.
Now, Harry is the Senior Mechanicals' pet fool; but for fear some of those uneducated A.B.'s will not understand, I will have to term him "Wamba," the jester; for Harry is nobody's fool. Harry, when you read this, please remember that "remarks from you are neither solicited nor desired".
 Senior CI
Eari.e Wray Baughman, B.S. in M.E. . . .
k a; ! m a
Stanford, Ky.
Glee Club (1, 2, 3, 4), President (4); Su-Ky Saxophone Sextette (2, 3, 4); Cast, "Mikado"; Cast, "The Two Vagabonds".
It was ever so, music and lovethe two are inseparable. Thus it is with Earle. A perfect lover, a charming voice, and brains enougli to pass; what more could any man wish? Ah, "gwan", "Ger-aldiue"we were only kidding.
Tommie Bronston, A.B...................Lexington, Ky.
Kentucky is a wild and woolly state, but from it has come to us one unschooled in rustic ways, upon whose features is always stamped an inevitable smilethat is "Tommie".
Reynolds T. Bell, B.S. in Agr.................. Paris, Ky.
a r P; a z
Class Football (3); Student Council (4).
As quiet as the Sphinx is this handsome lad, who might well be mentioned as timber for successor to Rodolph Valentino or the Arrow Collar man. As an Ag., Bell is right there, but he falls a bit short of a well-rounded farmer inasmuch as we have not heard much about a "Mrs." for his farmstead, yet. Senior CI
Mary Barnard, A.B................'......Island, Ky.
A *
W. S. G. A. Second Vice-President; English Club; Athletic  Association;  Woman's  Executive Council.
History  Club;   Y. W. C. A.
We don't know what kind of a sweetheart Mary makes, but she is a very congenial classmate. Some day those bright eyes are sure to arouse- some dreamer from his dreams, and Mary will be alone no more,
Dan R. Bauch, A.B......................London, Ky.
Boots and Saddles; Class Basketball and Football; Varsity Football Squad (3); Band (1, 2, 3); Lieutenant H. O. T. C.  (3); Major (4).
There must be a "girl back home" for Dan, and we believe that he has ever remained true to her during the four strenuous years of a co-ed university education. However, something has been his inspiration. We are sure of that, because without it he could not have accomplished the things that he has and gained the place in student affairs which he now holds.
Wilna Huffman Brown, A.B................Bloomfield, Ky.
Y. W. C. A.; Horace Mann Literary Society; Philosophian Literary Society; Woman's League; Stroller Eligible; English Club; Tusitalia; Athletic Association.
There are few people at the University who have not noted this energetic little person flitting from place to place with contagious enthusiasm for anything in the way of dramatics and literature. Mr. Grimm would probably call her a "jolly little elf".
 Senior CI
Lawrence S. Burnham, B.S. in Geology .
a t ft
Paducah, Ky.
Basketball   (1,   2,  3,   4);   Baseball   (1,   2.   3,   4),  Captain   (4);  Lamp  and Cross; Mystic Thirteen; Keys; Shaler's Geological Society.
The luster of our brightest stars is often dimmed by a screen of modesty, until they are seen in action. "Dutch" is an all-round athlete and a good student, but so unassuming he will never admit it, which quality makes him the more appreciated.
Dorothy Sacre Blatz, A.B..................Louisville, Ky.
Su-Ky; Kernel Staff, '23; Athletic Association; Y. W.  C. A.; Women's League.
We are sorry for the campus after this year, and for the classes which are to come, for they can never know "Dot" as- we have known her. It Is their misfortune and our good luck to have had her with us these four years. The typical co-ed, the enthusiastic sister of Su-Ky, the winner of Kitten basketball players, and the envy of the campus, "Dot" leaves U. K. with a sad good-bye.
Norman C. Beese, A.B.....................Toledo, Ohio
"As straight as an arrow, Upright as the best; Give him a chance.
And he'll do the rest."
 Senior CI
Reece L. Bryant, B.S. in Agr..................Liberty, Ky.
Agricultural Society; Y. M. C. A.; Western Normal Club.
Reece has not been with us all of the four years, but, just the same, he is wearing the coveted corduroys this year. It is not known to his classmates whether he was a Mellin's Food baby or not, but at any rate he is always in a high state of happiness and good humor.
Sarah Blanding, A.B....................Lexington, Ky.
k k r
Basketball Captain  (4);  Mortar Board;  President  Woman's  Executive Council; Woman's League.
Speaking of all-round good girls, just gaze upon "Sally". She can do anything from pulling down "A's" to dropping the ball in the basket. Sally came to us after she was graduated from New Haven Gym. School, and not only succeeded in becoming established in the Physical Education Department, but in landing her A.B. as well.   Her presence upon the campus will be greatly missed.
William F. Coslow, B.S. in Agr.............. Harrodsburg, Ky.
When the girls lamped this handsome Ag. in 1919, a mighty sigh arose, and it has been arising ever since. This Harrodsburg hero has a physiognomy that would drive Eugene O'Brien into a profound melancholia. "Bill" has been a proficient student among the Ags., and it will take a whaling calamity to keep him from achieving success.
 Senior Class
Oliver Walter Cain, A.B.................Salyersville, Ky.
Member of Henry Clay Law Society; Kentucky Law Journal Staff; Y. M. C. A.; Honor Roll, '21, '22.
Cain, we believe, is the guy of whom it was said that he had one of the few legal minds in the Law Department of the University. With that to start, along with what we have taught him in the last four years, it's a cinch that he's going to amount to something before his grandchildren grow up.
Sarah Katherine Cequin, B.S. in H.E..............Fulton, Ky.
3 T o
W. S. G. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (4); Fulton Club; Philosophian; Agricultural Society; Home Economics Club; Rafinesque Club (3); Woman's League.
At last here is the little woman we have been waiting to write up. When a child, Sarah was taught to be "seen and not heard", and has since then clung to this precept. She is so quiet that if the profs didn't make it compulsory for her to answer to her name at roll call or answer questions, one would never know she was around. Withal, she is a conscientious student and maker of good grades, the kind of a girl U. K. is proud to claim.
Robert Clar, Jr., B.S. in M.E................Louisville, Ky.
Drum Major Band  (*17-'18, '19-'20); John Hays Hammond Engineering Society; Goethals  Engineering  Society;   A. I. E. E.;   A. S. M. E.;   A. A. E.
Some people are born lucky, but "Bob" was not. Just thinkafter he had spent six years of incessant grumbling, punctuated with bursts of oratory, the present Senior Class passed him up for grumbler!   Cheer up!   Nothing is so bad that it could not be worse; he's married. TUCKIAkl
Senior CI
William Gayle Crutchfield, A.B.
. Stamping Ground, Ky.
Pre-Medical Club.
Gayle is one of our pre-meds, and .iust the type for the perfect doctor. Handsome and chivalrous-mannered; in every sense a gentleman. He has long been started on his road to success, and we have no doubt that the journey will soon find completion.
Anna Louise Connor, A.B..................Lexington, Ky.
K A;6 2 *
Editor  "Weekly Bulletin"   (2);  Stroller Eligible  (1); Kernel Staff  (2); Lexington Club; State Press Association (3); Class Secretary (3); Catholic Club; Lanterns  (3),  Secretary-Treasurer  (4); Woman's Executive Council   (4); Secretary-Treasurer Woman's Administrative Council (4); Kentuckian Staff (4); Associated Press Bureau  (4); Woman's League. Anna Louise is a delightful combination of fun and seriousness, admired by those who have noticed her efficiency which lias characterized her leadership in collegiate activities.   Besides these excellent qualities she is a favorite on the dance floor and in all social groups.   She wields a mighty pen and a jazzy foot!
Carroll Sparks Carter, B.S. in E.M.............Lexington, Ky.
Class Football (1, 2); Glee Club (1, 2); "Robin Hood" Cast (2); Norwood Mining Society (3, 4); Union Literary Society (1, 2); R. O. T. C, Second Lieutenant (3), First Lieutenant (4); Lexington Club; Goethals Engineering Society (1, 2); A.  A. E.
Boisterous and a trifle erratic. The miners have large gobs of fun with "Nick". They throw rocks at him. Speaking of throwing things reminds us that he is a singer of no mean ability, and is the originator of the famous "boomerang fraternity pin", and holds the record of the "Jilted Brethren" Club.
 Senior CI
James William Colpitts, B.S. in C.E............Washington, D. C.
s N
Football (1, 2, 3, 4); President A. S. C. B. (4); "K" Association.
"Coly" "was renowned as one of the lightest guards that ever played on the gridiron for good Old Kentucky. He has proved that he is also one of the best. "Coly's" "another Engineer", and proud of it.   He has acquitted himself royally, and here are our heartiest congratulations.
Katherine Conroy, A.B..................Mt. Sterling, Ky.
AAA; 6 2*
Class Secretary (2); Sponsor Company "A", R. O. T. C. (2, 3, 4); Junior Editor Kentuckian (3); Su-Ky Circle (3, 4); Strollers; Cast, "The Admirable Crich-ton" (2); "The Thirteenth Chair" (3); Stroller Secretary (3, 4); Romance Language Club; Kernel Staff (1, 2, 3); Catholic Club; Philosophian Secretary (2); Popularity Contest (3, 4); Editor-in-Chief 1923 Kentuckian (4).
Katherine isn't a vamp. She's just methodical in a feminine way. When she wants something done and a pair of trousers is sitting around, she just smiles in that direction and starts talking. It always works. Don't know how she manages the co-eds so well. Most popular girl in school for three generations. Ten years from now little kids growing up all over the state will say: "Mamma, who was Kitty Conroy?" Mamma will say: "Ask dad; he knows." There are not enough superlatives available to talk about Kitty. This is the fourth time she has been written up for the Kentuckian in an effort to do her justice.
James Paul Cain, B.S. in M.E................Lexington, Ky.
* A e
. Norwood Mining  Society;   Goethals  Engineering  Society;  A.  A. E. One night Paul woke up and found his feet as fiery as his head.   Hence the name, "Hotfoot". Besides being a "Hero", he is also a shark in Chemistry.
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