xt7t4b2x474n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x474n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-11-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1928 1928 1928-11-09 2012 true xt7t4b2x474n section xt7t4b2x474n Best Copy Available P.





MAGAZINE Phi Mu Alpha Holds
Pledging Exercises
IS PROPOSED BY Phi Mu Alphn, nntioiml honorary













9, 1028

British Women Debaters Will
University Debating Team



Columbia Law Student BLUE
Wins Al Smith Prize





Rudolph Peterson, Columbia University Law School student and Marmusicnl fraternity, llicld its nnnunl
CHI pledging Sunday nffcernoon, November
garet Green, member of the last grad4, during the Intermission of the .Schuating class at the College of St. Elizubert Centennrv nroernm bv the Phil- abeth, Morris county, N. J., won the
Men's Professional Journalistic harmonic orchestra. The pledges in
.two Sl.OOO firft prizes for the best Gnmage Takes 27 Wildcats on
Jaunt to Montgomery; Port-woo- d
essays on "Why Alfred Smith Should
clude: David Young, of Lexington;
Fraternity Vole to Sponsor
Only Casualty
I Re
Elected Presidnt."
Raymond Uoberts, of Lexington; Ray
Humorous Publication
The prizes wore offcrd by Mrs.
Mays, of Hopkinsvillc; Ned Lee, of
James W. Gerard, wife of the treas- KENTUCKY HOPES FOR
Mnysvillc; WnlteT OivonH, of Lex500 SUBSCRIBERS
urer of the Democratic National Comington; Eldon Durand,
NEEDED FOR SUCCESS and Lawrence Alexander,ofofLouisville;
mittor, through the College League
E. Smith.
for Alfred
Both Lines Average 190 Pounds;
Mugnzino Would Be Similar to
Mr. Richard Weaver and Miss DorRed Backfield Is Heavier
Others Published by Larger
othy Chit of the University repreThan Blue
sented this section In the national
(By Waymnn Thomnsson)
The University is going to have a
comic magazine.
Twenty-seve- n
Wildcats were whist
At a meeting of the Kentucky chapling "Alabama Bound" through their
ter, Sigma Delta Chi, international Ralph Fletcher Seymour Will
whiskers last night as they boarded a
Address Students Monday at
special car for Montgomery whore
yesterday afternoon, plans were made
7:30 o'Clock on "The Art of
they will attempt to stem the rush of
the publication once n month of a
the Mayans."
the Crimson Tide in Crampton Bowl
college comic mngnzinc provided the
With the exception of Al
President of Chautauqua Insti- Portwood the squad was in good constudent body exhibits sufficient interRalph Fletcher Seymour, distinest in the proposed publication to as- guished publisher and artist who is
tution Will Address Third dition.
sure its sponsors at least 500 sub- hero as a visiting instructor to the
General Convocation of UniWith their backs to the wall Satscriptions.
versity Thursday Morning.
department of art of the University,
urday, the Wildcats will be clawing
The Men's debating team of the i Miss Sharp, tho second member of lege of Arts and Sen n l; and Rich-anThe first edition will be published will lecture Monday evening at 7:30 University will nieot the English Wo- - tho do'.r'ng torn, hna chosen the lard Weaver, sophomon.
nlso en
back at the tormentors who have
as soon as Sigma Delta Chi has this o'clock at The Guignol theater, ac- irons iohiiMng tram in a contest to- - nteraiy lit id
The third general convocation of crushed them for five consecutive
her lite work, is he rolled in tho Arts and Sciences Col
assurance and is able to assemble the cording to an announcement by Miss i Icl.t at . i0 o'clock, in the auditor-- 1 has oimtnlmiid to "Punch" and "The lege. Mr. Weaver is a graduate of the University will be held at 10 o'- years since 1922 when Kentucky dematerial. If the response of the stu- Anno Callihan, of the department of iiini of the Henry Clay high school. Spectator."
University clock Thursday morning, November feated Alabama G to 0 in Lexington
the Lincoln Mcmorinl
dent body to this proposal is made art.
15 in the Men's gymnnsium.
Dr. Ar- after a brilliant
Miss Lockhart is the second child of Academy, Harrngate, Tenn.
run to a
The subject' of the debate is "Resolv-- ,
quickly enough the editors plan a
thur Eugene Bestor, president of the
The subject of Mr. Seymour's talk ed, that centralization of government Capt. Murry Lockhart, R. N.f of
This is the third international de- Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, touchdown by Bruce Fuller.
December edition.
they will be fighting to maintain a
the political sense of the ton Lockhart, the head of a well bate in which the University teams
of the
It is felt that the University has will be "Art Etching.'' Mayans and the people."
N. Y., will address the student body creditable place in the Southern Conknown Scottish lowland family, and a have participated.
Mr. Symour
The first was held
been long in need of a comic maga- Process of
The English team consists of Miss great nephew of the distinguished between the University and Oxford on the subject, "Essentials of Leader- ference, an organization in which they
zine. Although sporadic publications spent last winter in Mexico where Nancy Samuel, daughter of Rt. Hon.
and biographer of Scott. College debating team, December 3, ship."
have been made a poor doormat for
have appeared at times in the past, he made a study of the Mayan civil- Sir Herbert Samuel, G. C. D., who was She has traveled frequently on the
Dr. Bestor received his A. B. degree other Southern teams to walk over
none of them were permanent and ization with particular attention to appointed
at the University of Chicago in 1901, without notice.
High Commissioner for continent, but this is the first time
Perhaps Alabama
Mnyan art.
most of them were dubious in characThe British debaters will have their and was awarded his LL. D. degree scheduled Kentucky between the WisIn 1925 Miss Samuel at-- , she has visited in America,
According to Mr. Seymour the May- Palestine.
ter. It remained for Sigma Delta Chi,
Kentucky team, choice between the affirmative and by Colgate University in 1919. After consin and Georgia Tech games so
tended Somcrvillc College, Oxford
The members of the
therefore, to start the project which ans were much farther advanced than University, where she studied for the who are being coaihed by W. R. negative sides. The audience will fol- holding a position as professor of pol- the Tide would have time to ebb a
from all present indications will be an other civilizations in America at this School of Politics, Philosophy, and Sutherland, are: Clifford Amyx, Lex- - low their usual custom of acting as itical science in Franklin College, he while luring a quiet
beoutstanding success and spread the period and the race had taken a de- Economics: Miss Samuels has travel-- 1 ington, a graduate of Lexington high judges.
was first a member and later a direc- tween the two games. Kentucky ha3
McVcy is chairman tor of the extension division of the won over Carson-Newmafame of the University to all the col- cided step foward in architecture, ed extensively, and has been closely school, and a freshman in the Arts
Mrs. Frank L.
mathematics and astronomy.
lege world.
associated with national and interna- and Sciences College; William Pearce, of the committee for receiving the University of Chicago. Since 1915, ton and Lee, and Centre. The team
possessed too, a very good literature.
Large Edition Planned
Dr. Bestor has been president of the has lost to Northwestern and Vander- North Dakota, freshman in the Col- - visiting debaters.
tional politics.
The proposed publication will con- The Mayans are thought to have
Chautauqua Institution.
bilt, two of the most powerful teams
tain between 30 and 40 pages, replete been the" root stock from which the
Among the organizations to which in the country, by one touchdown
with pictures, poems and puns, and Incas in Peru and the Toltecs in Mexthe speaker belongs arc: Lake Placid margins, Northwestern winning 7 to 0
ico were descended.
will bo decorated with a
Foundation; Near and Vanderbilt 14 to 7.
Club Educational
cover. It will be along the same lines
"At Uxmal," Mr. Seymour said,
East, Inc.; League for Political Edu
'Cats Have Strong Line
as the comic magazines published by "one finds the purest and highest decation; American Historic Association
If this proves anything it must
the larger universities of the country. velopment of the Mayan civilization."
A mass meeting for all girls inter- - for Adult Education; Delta Upsilon;
All of the fraternity pledges on the
Kentucky has one of th"
According to Sigma Delta Chi, the
ested in rifle will be held Monday Phi Beta Kappa; City Club, Town prove that in
Mr. Seymour's
the country, because
best lines
new publication will not be started on through Mexico many interesting pic- campus are invited to attend a smoker
night, November 12, at 7:15 o'clock in Hall Club, and Quill Club.
in Dicker hall at 7:30 o'clock, Tuesday
Northwestern are the only
a "small scale with intentions of de- tures were filmed and these were com- night, November 13.
The girls' glee club will sing two Vandy and
the Women's gymnasium.
two teams to score on Kentucky this
veloping," but will be "bigger and bined into a movie of 2,000 feet, which
Miss Helen Skinner, assistant di- numbers at the convocation, according
better college humor" from the first will be shown during the course of his pointed a president, Joseph Lilly, the Registrar Issues Official Rating rector of physical education, will give to Prof. Carl A. Lampert, conductor. season and Kentucky's
committee to arrange
could not be much of a threat when it
propose to equal lecture Monday night.
edition. Its editors
of Women Students for Final a general talk on rifle marksmanship,
program. The committee is composed
averages only 160 pounds, the heavor surpass the well known Colgate
and outline the program of this sport
Term of 1927-2- 8
"The audience will be sure to enjoy of the following men: G. L. DeMevcr.
iest back weighing 165 pounds. B.r
Banter, Cornell Widow, Kansas
for the coming year. A different plan Omicron
these," Mr. Seymour says "as the jciarke Pennington,
Robert Porter.
tackle a'.
Texas Ranger, Brown Jug, camera
in coaching has been adopted this
caueht the natives in their Bert Helsburg, Guthrie Crowe and INDEPENDENT GROUP
Illinois in 1926, has contributed muih
Harvard Lampoon, and so on.
Instead of the girls on the
everyday Edward Barcley.
most characteristic poses of
to the development of the Wildcat
HAS BEST AVERAGE rifle squad having charge of the
It is believed that every student in life and pictures all the vividness of
The purpose of the smoker is for
lino which includes five sophomores,
the University will subscribe to the theirlives.
acquaint- Alpha Delta Theta Tops Soror- classes, the men orj the varsity rifle
the pledges to become better
Trieber and Nowack at ends, Brown
magazine, but at least 500 of them
team will coach the beginning classes.
Omicron Delta Kappa, national honFollowing Mr. Seymour's lecture ed and to promote good fellowship.
and Thompson and Forquer
ities With 1.84; Kappa
must indicate that they will do so be-- - there will be an exhibition of his etch- This is the first time anything on this
If sufficient interest is shown in orary campus leaders fraternity, in- at tackle,
Captain Dees at center
fore the work will be continued. With ings and water colors now on display
Delta Second
rifle, matches will be held with other itiated five faculty members into the
order has been attempted by the
Drury at tackle are the only two
this in view, there will be placed in at the art center.
colleges early in the spring semester. organization
at a dinner Monday and
pledges as an organization.
veterans among the line candidates.
the mailbox of every student in the
Women students of tho University Miss Elizabeth Skinner, rifle mana night at 5:30 o'clock at the home of Whether these green linemen can play
Thursday afternoon a special exUniversity a card whereon one may
made an average standing of 1.5G7 ger, has announced tnat an gins wno President Frank L. McVey.
hibition of the artist's work will bo
against such experienced stars as
signify one's intentions of subscribing given together with a tea in honor of
do not attend the meeting Monday
These men, R. D. Mclntyre, of the
during the second semester of tho night will be ineligible to enroll in
Earl Smith, 'Bama end; "iUolcy"
for one year to the publication. Prices Mr. and Mrs. Seymour. The public
Commerce College; L. C. Robinson, Smith, tackle; "Babe" Pearce, center,
according to an an- the classes.
year 1927-192for single copies will be 25 cents, but and the student body, and faculty in
of the geology department; Maj. B. D. and Hagler
and Skidmore, guards, to
nouncement made from the office of
the subscription price has not yet particular are invited to attend all of
Spalding, military department, L. J. stop John Suther and "Earnie" Hicks,
been decided on as it is undetermined these events.
Horlacher, of the College of Agricul- two of the best ball carriers in the
Theater's Second Offering to Be the registrar. The standing of the
whether it will be published eight or
ture, and Dean E. C. Freeman, of the South, is questionable.
independent group, which was 1.613,
"The Cassilis' Engagement"
nine months during the school year.
College of Engineering, were admitwas slightly higher than the standby St. John Hankin
'Bama Has Good Backs
A name for the new Kentucky comted to the fraternity for their loyalty
ing of the sorority group which was
Both lines will average 190 pounds,
ic magazine has not been chosen, and
to the University and their recognized
Engagement," by St. 1.521.
"The Cassilis'
Members of Political Science abilities.
but Alabama's backfield will
those who have suggestions as to tiIn the sororities, Alpha Delta Theta
John Hanklin. English playwright of
Department Get Data on
Kentucky's 10 pounds to tho
A complete program for the i'rater-nit- v
tles may address them to O. K.
wide renutation. has been announced ranked highest with a standing of
Election Psychology
. Barnes, care of The Kernel office.
will be announced in The Kernel man. Kentucky's backs averaging 160
by The Guignol theater as its next 1.84, and Kappa Delta and Alpha Xi
suitable prize will be given to the
in the near future. The purposes of pounds and 'Bama's, 170. The teams
Delta came second and third with
Members of the SuKy circle, cam- presentation, to open December 10.
of seem to be more evenly matched than
When Lexington voters went to the
student submitting an acceptable ti- pus pep organization, will sell tickets
The play deals with high English standings of 1.588 and 1.58G, respec voting precincts Wednesday to cast the fraternity include a number
they have ever been during six years
projects rquiring leadership.
Friday and Saturday on the campus society and ranks along with Oscar tively. The statistics follow:
oallots some of tnom may have
of conflict in the conference and the
1 567
gridgraph of tho football game Wild's "Lady Windemere's Fan." It 742 Women Students
for the
noticea BrouPs of students displaying
Capital City should witness one of the
1 521 !
young 297 Fraternity Women
between Kentucky and Alabama which is the story of a high-bor- n
best games in the South outside of
1.613 an unusual inierusu in m
man's infatuation for a low cast Lon- 445 Independent Women
will be shown in the Men's gymnasA special
If curiosity should have promp
Atlanta this Saturday.
ium, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'- don girl who has a "perfectly impos- 183 Freshman Women
inquire of their purpose,
train of Kentucky rooters will leave
1.552 ted them
sible Mamma." The aristocratic Mrs. 175 Sophomore Women
they would haVe learned that the
Lexington for Montgomery today.
Noted Lyric Tenor Will InauThe tickets will be 25 cents if they Cassilis is, of course, bitterly opposed 184 Junior Women
were mmbers of the political University Hospital Fund to Be
Thursday afternoon the 'Cats went
1.727 students
gurate Twelfth Annual Artist are presented with the athletic book but shrewd enough to know that open 152 Senior Women
Increased by Morning
science department of the University
through a peppy one hour practice
at the door. The price o:' admission opposition would only fan the flames 44 Women Living in Boarding
November 22
election-da- y
who were studying
session before boarding the train at
for those who do not have athletic of her son's love. The cunning and
Portwood was still hob3 o'clock.
to prevent 148 Women Living in Fraternity
With Tito Schipa, world renowned books will be 50 cents, and a portion craftiness of her schemes
The students were stationed at the
the Univer bling around but he may get in the
The Women's club of
will go to the fund the marriage form a basis for the
lyric tenor as the headliner, the 12th nf tho
polls to observe the voters' attitude, sity will give the second ot a series game Saturday to work his old jinx
Knoxville plot of this highly amusing comedy 232 Women Living in Residence
annual artist concert series sponsui-c- d that will send the band to
station in life, and his interest in the of morninc nicture shows at the on Alabama. The Atom gained more
game drama.
by Miss Anna Chandler Goff, di- for the
election as well as the electioneers' Strand theater Saturday morning at last year than any other back gained
Try-out- s
for the cast have been held 335 Women Living with RelaCollege of Thanksgiving day.
rector of tho
efforts to influence his vote. They 9:30 o'clock, for the benefit of the all season.
In coming to the gridgraph the stu all this week at the campus theater
Music, will open at Woodland auditoUniversity
were also on the lookout for heated student hospital fund.
goon game, and the characters have been tenta...
40 Graduate Students
arguments and indications of election students are urged to attend.
rium Thursday night, November 22, dents will be seeing a
Director Frank C. 30 Special Students
.... .. 2.0 brawls.
tho band to Knox- tively cho.ien.
and helping send
at 8:15 o'clock.
The feature picture for this week Y. W. C. A.
Fowler will be in his office every 18 Smith Hall Students
The information obtained will be will be Gene Stratton Porter's "FrecOther artists on this year's program ville.
afternoon to interview any additional 102 Boyd Hall Students
MacMillen, violinist;
political kles," and any student of the Lex- the
'are Frances
for 112 Patterson Hall Students .... 1.5G4 used by which department of the data
students who desire to try-osoprano;
Gina Pinnera,
parts. The final selections will be Social Fraternities, Including Pledges science the head isof, "How People Act ngton schools will be admitted on are
Hill, baritone, and the Min- Dr.
mice of a child's ticket. Adults
Miss Carrie Meares, National Stu1.84
announced next week.
Alpha Delta Theta (35)
neapolis Symphony orchestra of
at the Polls."
also urged to patronize these ptctures, dent Y. W. C. A. secretary, is the
This play will run a week at the Kappa Delta (25)
conmen with Henri Verbrugghen,
and help increase the fund.
former Romany theater following Alpha Xi Delta (2G)
guest of the University Y. W. C. A.
ductor, and Mieszyclaw Munz, Polish Will Rate Caney Creek Junior which it will be taken on the road. Zeta Tau Alpha (27)
The fund was started 20 years ago,
She is here to assist with the annual
pianist, soloist.
its primary purpose being to help
College According to Uiu
Delta Theta, is in Delta Delta Delta (28)
Dick Carron, Phi
scof which Alico
who are ill. This year the Sat finance campaign
This represents one of the best
charge of tho arrangements.
Chi Omega (30)
versity Standard
urday morning picture shows have Gardner Whittinghill is chairman.
ries ever assembled for a Kentucky
Alpha Gamma Delta (37)
A committee was appointed to make
lovas a means of finanicing
audience and hundreds of music
At a joint meeting of the cabinet
1.400 arrangements for an Arts and Scien been selected
Delta Zeta (29)
muDr. W. D. Funkhouser left yester
the cause, and several pictures will be and advisory board Tuesday afternoon
ers are expected to attend these
Beta Sigma Otnicron (15)
ces senior banquet, to be held before
day for Caney Creek Junior ouege,
Saturday mornings during the at Patterson hall, Miss Meares gave
sical attractions.
county, where he will make an
Christmas, ut a faculty meeting, Mon shown
Miss Maude Van Buskirk, assistant Kappa Kappa Gamma (39)
of the fall semester.
Single tickets for the Schipa con- Knott
a short talk on the national and inHonorary Fraternities
day afternoon, which met in the Sci remainder
insnoftlnn to see how the school business manager of "Letters,' Uni
$3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, and
cert are
ternational phases of religious work
The committee in
In accordance with the Univer. versity literary magazine, announces Mortar Board
Reservations stands
No war tax.
on the campuses
charge is: Miss Margie McLaughlin, W. A. A. INVITES GIRLS
commun- sity rating for junior colleges. Dr. that student subscribers to the pub Phi Beta
should be made at once by
2.141 Dean Sarah Blanding, Prof. F. T. Mc
TO "KID PARTY" TONIGHT world. She also described the student
College of Funkhouser is uean oi me urummw llcation will find their copies in their Theta Sigma Phi
icating with tho Lexington
movement and conferences, particu2.0
Farland, Prof. A. Vandenbosch, Joe
respective boxes at the University Chi Delta Phi
Phi Upsilon Omicron
The W. A. A. will hold its annual larly tfie International
Palmer and Miss Ida Leo Turner.
Dr. Funkhouser went to Wayland postoffice.
De"Kid Party" in the recreation room which is to be held in India in
by train where he was met by a deleof Patterson hall tonight at 7:30 o'- cember.
of Knott county citizens who
Miss Blanding entertained Miss
clock, und all girls are invited to atconducted him the remaining 10 miles
tend. A prize will be given for the Meares with a tea Thursday afterof his journey on mule back.
one will be ad noon at her home for the Y. W. C. A.
uouegc nus nu
cutest couple, and no
Caney Creek Junior
uriiium H Ppnreo. Sydney Schcll, connection with the outside world exmitted unless she is dressed In a "kid cabinet and the advisory board.
Raymond Auxler, upholding the cept u mall hack which mukes a trip
affirmative, and William H.
once u week to Wayland. Mrs. Alice
negative, ap- - S. G. Lloyd is head of the institution,
ntid Clifford Amyx, the
Y. W. C. A.
peared before tho students of George- and she is attempting to teach the
in a debate, Wcdnes. nntlvcs of the mountains something of
town high school
with a tutor for five years before
(By Sara Elvove)
so- The meeting of the
day afternoon, at 2:00 o'clock.
The University has two Chinese coming to this country. My tutor was
the civilization of the outside worm.
The luro of the Orient, the craving
Th,. n.im also met Thursday morn Mr r.lnvd denends entirely upon the for the beautiful, the vivid, the quaint students on its campus who have Chinese and spoke very good Eng cicty will be postponed from
The University Y. W. C. A. for
o.nn nVlock to debate before intoiosta of the nubile for financial and exotic, which is the churm of the come to America for just this purpose. llsh. My father also speaks It, for until Friday, November lo, on ac mally opened its annual financial cam
count of a conflict with the interna
Sterling high uid.
the students of the Mt.
East, has sent many u man down to Wo had the opportunity of interview-- , he has a creat many American busl tional debate. At that time the meet paign with a supper meetingwith Miss
at the University cafeteria,
I do not find it
school. In this debate, Hugh Jackson
Dr. Funkhouser expects to return to the bcu in ships or to hurbor in some ing one of these students, Lei Liang ness acquaintances.
Sydney Schcll, and Lexington Monday or Tuesday of next picturesque seaport of China, that Chow, of Shanghai, China, whose in- at all hard to understand, although it ing will bo held at 7:30 o'clock and Carrie Meares, secretary of the Southsubstituted for
Dr. G. C. Bassett will address the ern division of student Y. W. C. A.,
civilizaJames Porter spoke in the place of week.
formation concerning modern China requires a little readjustment to un group.
country of age-ol- d
age-ol- d
as the principal speaker. Alice GardWilliam Dysard.
very enlightening.
Mr. Chow derstand English as it is spoken here
Ti.nu ,i.lmti.H wero for tho purpose
ner Whittinghill is chairman of the
"The students who come over here
But it is not tho vision of hustling, who is registered as a freshman in
debaters, who will
finance drive. All of the workers, inNEWMAN CLUB MEETING
pleasuixj-lovin- g
of ..,.l.iirln(
they're not all wealthy, are they
Unit- - the College of Arts and
Kentucky in tho interna
cluding members of the cabinet and
f!hl liitoinntional nro - 'ed States that brings to American came from China only ten months Isn't the trip over and college rather
The regular monthly meeting of the Margaret Lewis, University Y. W. C.
tional debate. The teams are ociiib
the ago. He speaks English admirably, expensive:
fcsstonal journalistic fraternity, will Foil and American
Newman Club will be held Sunday A. secretary, were tho guests of tho
coached by Professor Sutherland.
Chinese Students Not Wealthy
Chin- - although with u very perceptible forhold initiation ceremonies Sunday af- - brains of young China. To the
At this meeting detail
"Oh no they're not all wealthy. morning, November 11, at St. Peter's organization.
ternoon at 3 o'clock in Room 1 In the eso student, America spells opportu- eign accent.
only moderately so. I am not wealthy school on Barr street. This meeting plans were mapped out for the camLearned Engluh rrom lutor
basement of the Science building, nity for higher education. That is why
and paign which will close about the lat"Surelv vou didn't learn to sneak enouirh to return to China for a vaca will follow the 8:30 o'clock mass,
are requested to be pies- - wo see Chinese students in almost
Young and Carl, of Cincinnati, an All members o'clock for u short busl- - every college in the United States to- - Rnc-lixiii such a short time?" we Hon. for Instance. 1 must stay until I all club members are urged to be ter part of the week. This will be tho
present as important business is to be largest drive that the Y. W. has ever
photos tanen lor mc vci. ent at 2:30
nounce that
ess sesiion which will bo held before day. There's a reasou, not an impulse- questioned.
tuckian will be at the Book itoro Mon
(Continued un Pago Sis)
"Oh, no," he explained. "I studied
i Chin li wot wily tfiven to impulIwltUtlon.







Fraternal Pledges

Invited to Smoker





Delta Kappa
Initiates Members of
Faculty at Dinner

Guignol Announces
Next Presentation

Gridgraph Proceeds
Help to Send
Band to Knoxville

Students Visit Polls
Study Electorate

Schipa Will
Lexington Concerts

Benefit Picture at
Strand Saturday

Visits University

Funkhouser Is
Inspection Trip

University Debate
Team Scrimmages

Chinese Student at University
Says China Resents Foreigner

to Have
Financial Drive




� Best Copy




Subscribe Tor




And Help the Association


E. T. Proctor Is Mnde General



KIRK, '24



Wylnnd Rhodes,

Mrs. E. T. Proctor, '16


Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02

W C. Wilson, '04

Walter Hillonmeyer, '13

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04




Each week, down in one corner of this page, we run a list of
names of men and women who in the past have been active in the
Alumni association, but have become lost to us. There are several
different ways in which "lost" Alumni can be located. This method
when it works at all, is the most economical. However, unless wo
of every one of you who read
have the whole-hearte- d
The Kernel each week the method is a complete failure. At the very
best it is a difficult thing to keep from losing large numbers of Alumni
from a list as large as ours. It is a continuous battle to keep the
correct addresses of the members of the association. Read this list
each week and if you know where any of the missing ones are, tell
us the correct address. Each year there are a number of the active
and paid up Alumni who change their addresses without letting us
know about the change. Consequently their copies of The Kernel
If you are changing your address write to us and
are returned.
give us the new one. We want you to have every issue of The Kernel.



The editor of this column knows that the Alumni of the University of Kentucky have been told of the moral victories of our foot-

ball teams so many times that they now are inclined to scoff at the
term. However, we will chance one more statement of the moral
In other columns of this issue of The Kernel will be found a full
account of the football game between Vanderbilt and our own Wildcats. When you have read it through we venture to state that you
will agree with us that it was a moral victory. We went up against
the team that is widely touted as the best team in he South. We did
wha no other team has been able to do this year we stopped them.
Had it not been for the breaks of the game we would have emerged
victorious in the end. As it was, we believe that the 14 to 7 score
is nothing that Alumni and supporters of the Wildcats need be
ashamed of.
It is the writer's firm belief that we are beginning an era of
football equality if not supremacy in the South. When the likely
Southern championship teams are named at the beginning of the season next year, Kentucky will be among those who are counted as
strong contenders. In other words, fellow Kentuckians, we have





The officers of the Alumni association are thankful to all of you
who generously contributed to the Flood Fund that was begun after
this office was so badly damaged last summer. Had it not been for
the hearty support that we received from a great number of you
we would be in a much worse financial condition than we are. As it
is, there is still much that needs doing and to those of you who
have not contributed we wish to announce that we will accept check,
money order, or cash for any amount that you wish to send. Every
little bit will help.

been an active member of the Alumni
association each year for the past
eight years.

They Tell Me





Wilbur Crafts Pickett, LL. B. 1923,
Robert L. Maddox, A. B. 1909, LL.
VB.,.1910, is an attorney and his ad- is an attorney for the United States
Veterans Bureau in Washington. His
dress is National Bank building,
address is 1601 Argonne place, N. W.,
Washington, D. C.
Tarlton Combs Carroll, A..B. 1909,
Charles Robert Gilmore, B. S. 1904,
LL. B. 1910, is an attorney and is
serving as county attorney of Bullitt is an oil and gas producer and is loKentucky. He lives in
cated in Tulsa, Okla., where his adKy.
dress is 323 Tulsa Trust building.
Hugh Wilbur Taylor, B. S. 1906,
James Marlin McCrcight,
is county road engineer for Woodford who has been located in South Africa
Ver- for several years, has returned to the
county, Kentucky, and lives in
sailles, Ky.

Agent For Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
For Tennessee.

E. T. Proctor, who was graduated
from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University wi