xt7t4b2x4732 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x4732/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-12-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  1, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  1, 1928 1928 1928-12-01 2012 true xt7t4b2x4732 section xt7t4b2x4732 Best Copy Available

The Council DID













1, 1928



Fire Damages Men's Gymnasium; Loss Estimated at $8,000 BRILLIANT


Herald Reporter,
and Former U. K. Student

Ollie James,





MEN FIGHTING BLAZE, Annual Finance Campaign of
Organization Will Take Place
Firemen Are Required to Force
December 3; Opens With DinDoors to Gain Entrance
ner in Cafeteria.
to Building
Fire of unknown origin swept the
Men's gymnasium
morning causing a loss estimated at
36,000 to tho building with small dam
Oliic James, for
age to equipment.
mer student at the University, now
a Herald reporter, discovered tho fire
as he was returning from work and
turned in an alarm at 3:12 Tuesday
morning. The loss is covered by. insurance.
Five lines of hose woro laid after
firemen had forced the doers and gain
ed entrance to the building. Heavy
clouds of smoke hindered work in the
basement, but the fire was under control within an hour after tho alarm
had been answered. - Although the
blaze was first thought to have been
of incendiary origin, investigation
later proved this theory to be without
foundation. However no definite cause
for the fire has been advanced by Fire
Chief Shely, who traced tho blazes
from two rooms in the basement as it
spread burning down heavy beams
and joists and making the basketball
court unsafe. The two dances which
were planned to be held in the gymnasium Saturday will be held downtown, and the basketball practice will
continue, University athletic officials
having accepted the invitation tc
make use of the gymnasium at the
new Henry Clay high school.
Equipment Not Damaged
Equipment had been packed for the
varsity football team's trip to TennesSmoke
see and was not damaged.
injured upstairs offices, but to no
great extent. Blankets and uniforms
kept in the downstairs lockers were
partially impaired by water and
smoke. The larger part of the equip-mewas carried from the building
before any harm was done.
M. J. Crutcher, superintendent
buildings and grounds, said that new
placed unsupports would have to be
der the new floor to replace the damaged ones, and that the building would
have to be rewired.
President McVey expressed his appreciation for the prompt action taken
by Mr. James in turning in the alarm,
in the following letter:
My Dear Mr. James:
I want to express to you my appreciation of your promptness in
reporting the fire in the gymnasium building. If you had not reported it at the time the loss would
have been very much greater. I
much appreciate your assistance
and help.
Sincerely yours,

Pass Resolution on
Death of Instructor
Members of tho faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences last Monday issued a resolution in memory of
DeWitt 0. Streyffeler, of the mathematics department, whoso death occurred November 21. The resolution
"We, the members of the Faculty of
Arts and Sciences of tbo University
of Kentucky, wish to voice our deep
sorrow at the untimely death of our
young colleague and friend, Mr.
0. Streyffeler, and to record the
high esteem in which he was held not
only as a moat promising young schol-a- r
and teacher, but as a Christian
gentleman of the highest chapter
and most lovable spirit.
"We ako desire to express to his
heartbroken bride and to his sorrowing parents and family, our deep sympathy in their sore bereavement and
our gratitude that they have the
remembrance of his gentle,
unselfish, noble life."
Committee on Resolutions.


Will Hear

Eminent Physician
Dr. John W. Trawick, eminent Louisville physician, will address the
Pre-Md- ll
society at the December
meeting to be held at 7:30 o'clock
Thursday night, December 6, in tho
physics lecture room of tho Civil and
Dr. Trawick will
Physics building.
speak oa "The Christian Ideals of
MediclM," and this talk will bo a part
of the vocational guldanco program
sponsored by the University Y. M. C.
A. Because of this, all
studenU and others interested in this
field are requested to attend.



The Canpus book storo and University postoffice are now settled in their
locations in the basement of McVoy
kali aii art Qf for twinM.

At a meeting of the freshman and
senior cabinets of the V. M. C. A. held
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock final
plans were made for the annual finance campaign which will take place
Mondny evening December 3. Officers ;
ind members wer.e enthusiastic over
Mie prospects
of tho success of the
:ampaign and already over 100 students have offered their assistance in
the drive.
In outlining the purposes of the Y.
M. C. A. for the coming year the
ollowing budget was presented to the
memberfs of both cabinets:
and telegraph, ? 25.00;
printing and stationery, $75.00: post
ige, $100; magazines, papers, records,
itc, for reading room, $60.00; table
repairs and supplies, $75.00; confer.
ences and speakers, Slou; socials,
?160; Bible discussion program $00.00;
"Y" publication, $40.00; social service,
25.00; traveling expenses, $100; em
ployment secretary, $637; extension
vork, $25.00; Southern Y. M. C. A.
raduate school, $50.00" Southern
$100; missions,
'.50.00; state Y. M. C. A. $30.00;
$100; total $1,852.
his amount to be expended by the association, $1,000 is expected to come
150 from trie
from the students,
jame room and $800 from the facul
ty. Only two-thirof the money re
vived from the faculty members goes
to the treasury of the Y. M. C. A.
of the amount goes
to the local Y. W. C. A.
Probably one of the biggest fea
tures of the "Y" program for the
year is the bringing of a convocation
speaker for the University.
speaker this year will be Dr. Charles
ChiGilkey, from the University of
cago, who will speak in Lexington the
ariy part of the second semester. The
Pitkin Club, the only student luncheon
club on the campus, is also sponsored
by the Y. M. C. A., as are the various
socials held during the year.
The campaign will open with a din
ner at the University cafeteria, after
which the workers will leave in pairs
to canvass the various fraternities
and rooming houses.

Police Court Fines
U. K. Stadium Guard
For Striking Youth
Guy Chinn, guard at the University
football stadium,, was fined $25 and
costs in police court Tuesday morning
on n charge of breach of the peace for
boy in the head
striking a
vith a stick after the youth had slip
football game beped in to see the
tween the University of Kentucky r.nd
V. M. I. on November 17.
John Y. Brown Brown, Mr. Chinn's
attorney, stated that the case would
be appealed to the circuit court. Mr.
Chinn had his choice of two alternatives, that of taking a $10 and costs
fine from which no appeal could be
made, or a $25 and costs fine with
permit to make an appeal. After a
conference with S. A. Boles, director
of athletics, the young attorney an.
nounced the case would be appealed.
Shelby Sayre, tho boy who 'was
struck, was reprimanded by Judge
Bullock for trying to enter the stadium without paying.

Ike Ott,
Flies Here for Vkit


Lieut. Ike Ott, former Wildcat football player, now stationed at Maxwell
field, Montgomery. Ala., with the 22nd
Observation squad, United States air
corps, flew to Lexington Tuesday.
Lieut. L. M. Bawsell, also stationed at
Maxwell field accompanied Lieutenant
Ott on the flight. From here the
filers went to Louisville where they
will leave for Nashville, Birmingham
and on to Montgomery.
Ott was a student in the University
in 1920 and is a member of the Pi
Kappa Alpha social fraternity.



Due to the Thanksgiving holiday
regular Kernel was scheduled
to appear on the campus this week.
But due to the fact that the Stu-deCouncil resolution was passed
and the Council wasted to get the
resolution before the student body
before tho dances Saturday, this
extra edition was Issued. Since all
of The Kernel staff did not remain
in Lexington over the aeUday, we
were not able to gather enough
new news to fill the extra. Some
of the news la this edition appear
ed in the last edition of The

WHEREAS: The constant infraction of the United
States Prohibition Act by a minority is encroaching upon the
social rights of the majority and endangering the future of
the reputation of the University and the provision for social
life of the students, and
WHEREAS: The Men's Student Council was granted,
by the Constitution ratified by the University Senate, the
power of punishing the infringement on good conduct by
students; the said Council now deems itself obliged to the
majority to exert that authority in the management of University functions, and
WHEREAS: Omicron Delta Kappa, Campus leaders'
honorary fraternity, advocates and supports such action of
the Men's Student Council :
BE IT RESOLVED : By the power granted to the Men's
Student Council by its constitution that it does hereby ordain
and establish a court composed of members of the said Council, and for the purpose of administering the punishments of
reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the University, of
any student under the influence of intoxicating liquors at
any University of Kentucky function.
Appeal from this
Court shall be only to the University Senate.
AND : This resolution shall be published in the student
newspaper and shall serve as notice and warning to all above
mentioned offenders.
(Signed) James R. Hestor, President.

In support of the action that was taken by the Men's Student
Council concerning the violation of the Eighteenth Amendment by some
students on our compu3, Omicron Delta Kappa, national honorary campus
leaders fraternity, passed the following resolution insonjunction with
the one passed by the Student Council.
WHEREAS: The constant violation of the Eighteenth-- H
by a minority of the students is encroaching upon the
of the majority
WHEREAS: "The Men's Student Council has resolved to exercise
its authority to reprimand, expel or suspend such violators
BE IT RESOLVED: By Omicron Delta Kappa, hon6rary campus
leaders fraternity; that we heartily commend the action of the Men's
Student Council and unanimously pledge our support and
Henry Maddox, President.

The Kernel desires at this its earliest opportunity, to express its
appreciation of the very gratifying position which was taken by the
Council of the University i in acceeding to the request made
by The Kernel through its editorial columns and by personal
appearance of its editor before the Council, that the holiday period incident to Thanksgiving season be so extended as to give students who
desired to attend the annual Kentucky-Tennesse- e
football game at
Knoxville, opportunity to do so without incurring the demerit of one-tenof dne credit from standings of such students as either left for
Knoxville before the prescribed holiday limit or returned to classes
after the concluding limit had expired.
The Kernel realized that in making this request it was asking for
a privilege that hitherto had never been granted by University authorities.
But by reason of the fact that the time elapsing between the
beginning of the holiday period and its conclusion would be too brief
to make the trip, and the additional fact that the student body desires
to establish upon this campus a more unified exhibition of university
spirit, it believed that the Council would at least give the petition
a friendly hearing.
This it did by extending the resumption of class
period until the fifth hour Friday following the game.
The Kernel makes bold to say that it believes the thinking class
of students who respect the rules of the institution will also appreciate
this unusual concession in that it will neither be abused nor will the
University Council have an occasion to regret its action. Indeed The
Kernel desires rbove all things, as far as it lies within its powers, to
create a better spirit of cooperation between University authorities
charged with the duty of administering its academic affairs and the
student body.
It is indeed a positive pleasure to record here this evidence of
what it believes will result in a better understanding between the
students and the governing body.
But in this connection, we hereby
seriously call upon the student body to show its appreciation of this
by the uniform determination not
admirable evidence of
to abuse it .
There will be many occasions in the future when the student
body will have opportunity forcefully to emphasize its appreciation by
further acts of cooperation with those charged with the grave duty
of handling both the University's discipline and its administrative
To this end Tho Kernel pledges anew its
the authorities of tho University and the student body, and hopes
opportunity will present itself many times to justify its pledge.

Those who are acquainted with the history of student government
on the campus of the University since its inception find in the action
taken by the Men's Student Council relative to the conduct of students
at social functions much cause for hope that this msy be the beginning
of a more definite and active administration in affairs of student government.
Since student government was adopted on the casspus this lias
been tho first time that a student administrative body has tuken a
decisive stand. Formerly student organizations entrusted with governing power have preferred to let tasks, particularly disagreeable tasks,
devolve on administrative bodies composed of faculty members.
Tho Kernel is happy to note that in this instance the Men's Student
Council has determined to handle a matter In which that body must
deal directly with the students.
The Kernel trusts that the Council
will provo itself worthy of the stand that it has taken.
Indeed, the
Council must prove itself worthy of Us trust, else hope for a true
government will have to be abandoued.


At Phoenix Hotel PRAISE U. K. BAND Kentucky Line Holds Orange

First Cadet Hop

Will Be Today

The first of a series of cadet
hops given under the auspices of
the University R. O. T. C. will bo
held this afternoon at tho Phoenix hotel due to tho condition
of the Men's gymnnsium after tho
fire. Music for the danco will be
furnished by the Rythm Kings orchestra. Season tickets for tho
five dances are on sale by members of the advanced military department nt $1.50. The following
dates have been submitted for
future cadet hops: January 12,
February 2, March 2, and April 13.

White Terrors to
No Score
Officials of Transylvania and
Georgetown college Pay Tribute to University's Musical RUIN SOUTHERN TITLE

The following letters have been re
ceived by President McVey and Elmer
buizer, instructor of music at the Uni
versity, from Transylvania University
nnu Georgetown College praising the
spirit which prompted the University
to offer its band for the Georgetown-Centr- e
football game, November 24.
Lexington, Ky.,
Nov. 19. 1928.
Mr. Elmer Sulzer,
University of Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
On behalf of Transylvania Collece.
and especially on behalf of tho foot- balf team, the Transylvania Athletic
committee wishes to express our deep
appreciation for the fine service your
band rendered at our game last Fri"The Tightwad." Robert Keith day. We appreciate more than we
Production, Is Probable Choice can tell the generous spirit that
for Presentation; Plan More prompted the University of Kentucky
Try-out- s.
to offer us the magnificent services of
this splendid organization as a token
Strollers, student dramatic organi- of goodwill. We sincerely hope that
zation, has ordered three new plays, this is but the beginning of a better
"Second Childhood," by Zellah Cov- understanding and a finer spirit of
between these two instiington and Jules Simonson; "The
"Square Crook," by James P. Judge, tutions.
Will you please express to your
which, with the "Butter and Egg
Man, by George S. Kaufman, will be band our appreciation of their fine
"The service. You certainly have a magfor production.
Let us assure
Tightwad," with a cast of five women nificent organization.
you that our very best wishes go with
and six men, is under serious considerthe boys in all their future activities.
ation and in all probability will be the
It i3 a great work they are doing for
play presented.
ses- - their Alma Mater and for our great
There will be another try-oj sion for all persons
who were unable i Commonwealth.
Sincerely yours,
to try out at the regular time. Any
one interested in trying out will call
Chairman Athletic Committee,,
Frank Davidson at 6035 or 4494, or
Transylvania College.
Louis McDannald at 4651.
In the next two or three weeks i President Frank L. McVey,
there will be a reading of the play de- - j University of Kentucky.
cidodjgpon and an explanation of the My Dear President McVey:
On behalf of Georgetown College
characters. All Stroller eligible who
intend to try out for the play must and especially our athletic department
come to tho reading. The date and I wish to thank you and the Univertime of this meeting will be announced sity of Kentucky for your kindness in
in The Kernel. Rehearsals for the giving us the use of your University
play will start at the beginning of band at the Transylvania game last
Friday afternoon. It added much to
next semester.
The Lexington presentation prob- the occasion, helped to swell our crowd
ably will be given April 4, 5 and 6 in and was an exhibition of good fellowThe Guignol theater. Strollers will ship which I am sure will do all of us
go on their annual spring tour with good. I greatly appreciate and thank
the production before presenting the you for the generous spirit which
prompted it. Will you please convey
play in Lexington.
on behalf of Georgetown
to your
At a meeting of Strollers last Mon- College band appreciation.
day evening a committee was appointVery turly your,
ed by Bob Thompson, president, to
and buy an electric sign made
President Georgetown College.
with the word, "Strollers." This sign
will be used at dances given through- President Frank L. McVey,
out the year by Strollers and it will University of Kentucky.
be taken on the trip to be used out-ai- My Dear President McVey:
In the absence of Dr. Macartney
the theaters in which the play is
The committee to see from his office, I am sending you this
about the sign is composed of Frank note of thanks and appreciation for
Davidson, James Thompson and Don your fine spirit in tendering the servForman.
ices of your University band for the
Transylvania - Georgetown
game. They gave us some excellent
music, and we prize the wholesome
spirit that exists between Transylvania and the University of Ken-Youmost sincerely,




Kernel Writer

Tells Biblical

Story of Extra

(By Beecher Adams)
Now on the morn of the second day,
when the sun had appeared over the
tents of Israel, the basso profundo
voice of the prophet Glanz spake unto
the children of Moses in a loud voice,
"Hearken unto me, ye imps of the
devil, (for such was his epithets hurl,
ed on the office of tho Great Kernel)
ye have labored hard for many moons,
ye have fasted with worthy endurance. The hour of the turkey slaughter draweth nigh, and I say unto you
this day cease your labors, let the
student body go to the devil and the
Kernel will not appear." So saying,
he went in pursuit of tiie Greeks and
happiness while ye children of the
devil clapped their little hands glee
fully and rejoiced until the mom ox
the next day.
But when the sun had once more
peeped over the blackening horizon
the voice of the most hight spake over
the telephone, saying, "Let there be a
Kernel, yea, even unto the extent of
four pages." And there is a Kernel,
smeared with the slave blood of the
reporters, and dedicated to tho proposition that not all men are created
Now when tho prophet Glanz heard
the commands of the most high, ho
was busy tripping tho light fantastic
with the maidens of the Greeks, and
(Continued oa Pag



Upon hearing of the action taken by
the Men's Student Council and Oml
cton Delta Kappa, concerning the
action of some students on the campus
at social functions, Scabbard and
Blade, honorary military fraternity
passed a resolution upholding the
action and pledging their support to
the resolution adopted by tbi Councjjl.

Hack and Mnck Fail to Carry
Team on Journey to Dixie
(By Wnyman Thomnsson)

Shields - Wntkins
Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29.
Down in a little Tennessse hollow among the hill 15,000 fans
today crowded Shields-Watk:field, shouting thanks and curs s
alike as the Volunteer touch
down terrors, Hackman and Mc- Ever, ever threatened Kentuc
ky's distant goal, but never came
closer that 8 yards to that last
thin white line, while Tennessee
was being eliminated from the
race for the championship of
the Southern Conference by a 0
to 0 tie. Coach Harry Gamage
and his Wildcats were announcing their promotion to the front
ranks of the Conference and
Kentucky finally has been recognized after a decade of setbacks.

Tennessee's grand march, like Sherman's, had extended the length and
breadth of the south and in their wake
lay the trampled hopes of numberless
foes, Vanderbilt, Alabama, Washington and Lee, Ole Miss, and the rest.
Kentucky had bowed to Vandy and to
Coach Neyland's famous
team had been heralded nationally and
Kentucky was slated to lose under an
avalancc of touchdowns flowing from
the achillic heels of a famous pair of
backs who had capered through the
best teams in the South. Thus, Kentucky was rendered powerless by critics as eleven fighting Wildcats trod on
Shields-Watkifield for their annual
Thanksgiving festival for a reputed
"beer keg," the emblem of victory between these traditional rivals.
Kentucky Uses Queer Formation
Captain Dees won the tos3 and Deacon Forquer was kicking off for his
To his front
beloved congregation.
out of the November mist glared the
wild bull, McEver, of Tennessee, and
his henchman, Hackman, the mountain terror, riders of the hills, fierce
touchdown men, who in former days
had galloped through broken fields to
scores on kick-off- s.
Was the Deacon
sane ? The ball was near the sidelines
and Forquer was running in a circle
as ho kicked across the field to deprive
McEver of his chance. Thus, Kentucky had formed a careful plan of
defense and now they were using it to
thwart a champion.
Tennessee's ball. First Hackman,
then McEver, and Witt, and Harner
charging at Kentucky's mighty line,
the pride of the Bluegrass, bragged of
during innumerable sessions in front
of the Lexington Drug. These champions gaining 5 yards, 10, 24, and 21),
but always being stopped ere they
grew dangerous. Hackman passing to
McEver, and McEver to Hackman, and
always, Spicer, Covington, Johnson,
Gilb and Toth batting them to the
ground with only a few Inches and
few fingers keeping Tennessee from
resuming a triumphant march.
Wild Bull McEver Breaks Loose
What excitement, the Wild Bull Mc
Ever in an open field, his subjects
shouting his acclaim and Kentucky's
SuKy Circle, pep organization of doom, Kentuckians
shouting back.
the University will give its first dance He's in the clear," "he is gone," and
of thv year Saturday night, December the Bull jumping, twisting, starting,
1, In the Phoenix hotel ballroom from stopping,
stealing yardage
9 to 12 o'clock. Music will be furnish- brought down by some irate Wildcat.
ed by the University Rythm Kings.
is the second quarter and the ball
The dance was scheduled to bo held is on Kentucky's
line. It is
In the University gymnasium but due third down nnd five to go, Hackman is
swept the gym early passing to McEver, as the Bull has
to the fire which
Tuesday morning, the place of the stolen nround his right end and stands
dance was changed to the Phoenix on his three yard line. The pass is
hotel. A large crowd of University fast and true and Tennessee almost
folk aro expected to bo on hand for has a touchdown, but Spicer is runthis dance which is the first Univer ning madly across thji field.
sity night danco of the school year.
ball is thrown. With two finger tips
to the dance win do the Tall Pine from Lexington tips the
Students are requested to ball to the ground and 15,000 Thanks-givinge1.00.
come early, for the danco will end nt
subside, some in terror, oth12 o'clock.
The half ends, Keners in despair.
tucky 0, tho Volunteers a similar
Kentucky has shown no offense.
Gilb and Covington have been stopped
and the Gamagemen are depending on
their great defensive game to carry
A great
them through unscathed.
Tau Epsilon Pi, local Jewish frato
ternity, which was organized last glory and White band is marchingthen
us it spells "Vols" und
year, Is planning to petition a national "Wildcats,"
then returning ns
fraternity for a charter.
Orange und Whito musicians toot in
Tho fraternity has eight charter
for Tennessee. That battlo was no
members, and tho active members of
tie. "Bromo" Sulzer foamed on to
tho fraternity Include Mitchell Shape, victory. But,
the teams are taking
Ben Green,
New York, president;
field again, and tho Newcastle
Winchester, vice president; Nathan 'the
Deacon, Brothor Forquer is repeating
Swartzman, Buffalo, secretary-treaB-urchis performance at the kickoff.
Samuel Goller, Lexington; and ,
Captain Dees Injured
Morris A. Kinsberg, Lexington.
Tennessee is marching again as the
The following men have been recently pledged: Hyman Rosenberg, third quarter closes, Hackman, Witt,
Lexington; Lou Friedman, WinchesMcEver gaining 2, 4, 12, 24 yards and
ter; Morris Farber, Newport; Hyman again Kentucky is threatened with
Levy, Lexington; Manuel Bloch, Lex- disaster. The ball is on the 11 yard
ington; Nat Cohen, Newport, and
(Continued oh Pig Three)
Walter Kohn, Louisville.



First Dance

At Phoenix Hotel

Tau Epsilon Pi
Petition for
National Charter

� Best Copy


The Kentucky Kernel
Tlio Kentucky Kernel Is the official newspaper of the
students and nlumnl of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by the student body of the University.
Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents n Year Five
Gents the Copy. Entered at Lexington Postofflco as
second class mall matter.



Managing Editor


Mclvina llenvcnridgc




Mannging Editor

Associate Editors:
Wilbur G. Fryc
Loida Keyes
.Inincs Porter
Virginia Urosheor
0. K. Marncs
needier Adams
Nows Editor

Tom nilcy
Jessie Sun

News Editors:

Margaret Cundiff

Boom Uilleler
Emily Hnrdin
AHnn Murphy
Catherine Phelps E. M. Teniplin
Itobort Sharon
Sadie Ann Paritz
Bernicc Bylnnd
Clifford Amyx
.Tnck Robey
Henrietta Sherwood
Wilmn Powell
Morton Walker
Harriet Robertson Nell Clarke
Lois Purcell
Betty Huelctt
BilHe Alsonc
Jim Boucher
fane Calcutt
Martin Glenn
Sara Elvove
Scott Keyes
Jess Laughlin
Ellen Mlnlhan .
Lillian Combs
Kathryn Friend
Margaret Tracy
James Shropshire
University 74
Phone 6800
Carlos Jagoe
Mary Brown

W. D. Grote

A. L. Pigman

Wayman Thomasson
Laurence Shropshire
Lawrence Crump
Bill Reop
Hayes Owens
James Somes
Thomas Rose
Vernon Rooks


n"' fj- A,?SlS
H' B' EUls
George Hillen
Rufus Wilson
DamU Veach
Derond Deweese
Charles Duncan
Al Welling
Garrette White

Along about Christmas time The Kernel will move
into its now quarters at McVey hall. With its installation into these minrters n number of improvements
will be ninde In The Kernel plant.
Among other things, we will then possess a new
four-pag- e
printing press and two linotype machines.
This machinery was not bought simply that The Kernel
paper with
might issue its present
greater ease. As financial supporters of "Letters," the
University literary magazine, The Kernel added those
improvements to its plant that it might print this magazine on the campus, thus saving a great deal of trouble
for the editorial staff nnd at the name time cut down
printing expenses of the publication.
Lately there has been prevalent among members of
The Kernel staff the belief that with these new improvements there is open to us the opportunity to change The
Kernel from one of the best college weeklies in the
United States to one of the best college dailies in the
Those In favor of this change have
United States.
pointed out that the great strides being made by tho
University each year warrants this change nnd that
moreover the present weekly paper is far from adequate in furnishing news of all the departments of tho
University, and thnt Tho Kernel cannot meet as It
should, the increasing demnnds being made upon it by
tho student body, to whose service The Kernel is especially dedicated.
It has further been pointed out, perhaps maliciously,
that much of the news contained in The Kernel is "dead"
by the time it reaches the students Friday morning,
nnd that with a daily paper this could be remedied.
We admit the justice of all of these arguments.
There are, however, other matters to be considered. In
the first place The Kernel would need a greater spirit
of cooperation than is at present evidenced by students
and faculty members. In other words, If it is your desire for The Kernel to be first with the news then you
must give the nows first to The Kernel and not to one
of the city papers. Further, we must have the hearty
support of Lexington merchants in order to make the
project a real success. The Kernel will need in par
ticular the wholehearted support of the department of
journalism if we nre to increase our organization as it
must bo increased for the task of giving to the University n paper every day.
The Kernel is confident thnt it could undertake this
step with success should it have the cooperation outlined. We do not, however, want to make the mistake
of being too hasty. We would like, above all, just at
this time, an expression of opinion from each and
every person connected with the University.
Members of The Kernel staff are ready on their
part to make this change, but we must first be convinced thnt it is your desire that we do so and that we
will receive from each individual connected with this
instituton the cooperaton necessary for The Kernel to
take its rightful place among college publications of
tho United States.


An unfortunate occurrence happened at the football
came with V. M. I. last Saturday. One of the guards
employed by the University to keep out the crowd that
is always on hand trying to "slip in," became incensed
nt a young boy who was trying to see the game free,
and struck him on the head with a stick. The boy, according to eye witnesses, had done nothing to warrant
such an attack.

Just ere the cloak of night
Was drawn about the world
And after the sun had sunk to rest,
In solitude
I sat beneath a pine
And listened to a song that
Time after time,
I've heard
When this strange mood
I know not what it is
Comes o'er me.

The guard was taken to the police station where he
was arraigned for trial at a late hour. The boy was
removed to the Good Samaritan hospital where his
wound was treated.
The Kernel feels that such an act is detrimental to
Surely, the youth
tho best interests of the University.
was interested in the University football team and perhaps did not have the price of a ticket, but just the
same, wanted to see the Wildcats battle with V. M. I.

A mood in which the mind slumbers

But the soul awakens
And each note that nature, and
An invisible spirit sends into the world
Is heard,
Yet not is heard,
A strange, strange song
That I have heard before
A very