xt7t4b2x461b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t4b2x461b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1981-04-may5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-04-may5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-04-may5. 1981 1981-04-may5. 2011 true xt7t4b2x461b section xt7t4b2x461b 

   ;ifnUt s  of tr,-- Mee-ting of the Eoarcd of Irustees of the University
of Kentucky, 1ues1ay, tay S, 1931.

    'n -2 University of Kentucky Board    of  -ruste e a met in regular
statusory session on Tuesday, Ma.y 5, loci at 2 par. (Eastern  Daylight
Time) in the Eoard Room on the loth floor of tha Patterson Cffice
Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members answering the
call  of  the roll:  ar. William E. Sturgill, Chairman, tMr. William R.
Black, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mtrs. BEtty Pace  Clark,  Mrr.
A. lbert G.  Clay, Profcssor Cpal Skaggs Conley, t1r. Tracy Farmer, Mrs.
Edytnhe Jones Hayes, Mrs. Sally Hermiansdorfcr, tMr. W. Terry !IcBrayer,
Mr .  Robert  T. NMcCowan, 1Mir. A. Stevens Miles, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr.
Homer Wi. Ramsey, Mar. Brad Sturgeon, Mr. W. B. Terry, Professor Wtiliam
F. Wagner, and Professor Constance P. W;ilsor.. Absent from the meeting
were:  Or.  Thomas  B. Kessinger   and  Mr . William  T.  Young.   The
University   administration  was  represented  by  President  Ctis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Jack  C.  Blanton,  Peter  P.  Bosomworth,
Donald  B.  Clapp,  Lewis W. Cochran, Raymond R. Hornback, Charles I.
Wethington, and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Art Gallaher, Vice President-
Designate;  Dr.  Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School and
Coordinator of Research; and Mr.  John C.   Darsie,  General  Counsel.
Representatives of the various news media were in attendance.

      A. Mleeting Opened

    Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
Following  the  invocation pronounced   by  Mrs.  Hermansdorfer,   the
Secretary called the roll. A quorum being present, the meeting was
declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:12 p.m.

    B.  Minutes Approved

    The Minutes of the April 7, 1981 meeting of the Board of Trustees
were approved without objection.

    C.   Meeting Dates Established

    Mr. Sturgill called attention to the schedule of meetings of the
Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee as established for
fiscal year 1981-82 (see copy at the end of the Minutes) and requested
the members to mark their calendars accordingly.

    It was also agreed that the June 1981 meeting of the Executive
Committee should be changed to a full Board meeting and the date
changed from June 9 to June 23.

    D.   Council of Supervisors Appointment

    Mr. Sturgill noted there was a vacancy in the Trustee membership
on the Council of Supervisors, University Hospital, and appointed Mr.
Tracy Farmer as a Trustee member for a three-year term beginning July
1, 1981 and ending June 30, 1984.


    E.   President' s Report to the Trusteas ( PR 1 )

    President  Sinclet.ry reviewed severa' items in his monthly report
to tae Trustecs, calling particular attention to th-- four   recipients
of  the  l 96  University  of Kentucky   Research  Foundation   Faculty
Resecarcn hards.   He  said  the  four  professors  were   present and
indicated  his  pleasure  in  introducing  Professor  Dennis   B. Egli,
Department  of  Agronomy;  Professor  Daniel  Nelson,   Department   of
Political Science; Professor Gerald A. Rosenthal, School of Biological
Sciences, and Professor Steven W. Yates, Department of Chemistry.   The
introduction was followed by a round of applause.

    President Singletary also called attention to the appointment of
Dr. John Michael Brooks as the Academic Ombudsman for 1931-62; the
114th commencement exercise scheduled for 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 9;
the selection of Dr. Ernest J. Midileton as a Fellow in the American
Council on Education Fellows Program in Academic Administration; and
the recent accomplishment of tne University   Debate  Team.   President
Singletary noted that Jeff Jones, a member of the debate team, had
been named the top speaker of the National Intercollegiate Debate
Tournament and said he considered this to be another landmark for the
debate program which continues to be a very successful and outstanding
enterprise at this institution.

    Upon the recommendation of President Singletary, the Chairman
received the report and ordered it filed.

    F.   Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

    After noting that the personnel changes in PR 2, Recommendations
of the President, were routine appointments and/or staff changes,
President Singletary recommmended it be approved. On motion by Mr.
Black, seconded by Mrs. Hermansdorfer and passed, PR 2 was approved
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    G.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

    President Singletary said that due to budgetary restrictions, a
determination was reached at the time of the resignation of Mr. Edward
Carter as Budget Director to consolidate two offices, the Office for
Policy and Operations Analysis and the Budget Office, into one, the
Office for Planning and Budget. The consolidated offices, which will
be continued in the area of the Vice President for Administration,
will be directed by Dr. Peter Fitzgerald, who is being named Associate
Vice  President  of  Administration  for   Planning  and  Budget.    Dr.
Fitzgerald has been at the University of Kentucky since 1976 and is
the Director of the Office for Policy and Operations Analysis. He has
been serving as Acting Budget Director since February. President
Singletary pointed out that Dr. Fitzgerald's appointment to the
combined   position  will   result  in  the  elimination   of  a  senior
administrative position and in significant budgetary savings.

    President Singletary called attention to two other personnel
changes in PR 3 associated with the consolidation of the two offices
under  Dr.  Fitzgerald.   Ms. Karen Combs is being appointed Associate
Budget Director and Ms. Joan McCauley, Associate Director for Policy
Analysis, and expressed satisfaction in the promotion of these two
very bright and able young women.


    President   Singletary  said  h e was p1 e   bse  to  recomem rn- the
-ppointtmcnt  of  Dr.  Fitz;Brald  _s presentcd  in  PR   3.   He  tLen
introduced  Dr.  Fitz:eral6  ans asKe hbi: to sttnd zfnl be recognizes.
Cn vacation by Governor Chaniler, seconded  by  Mrs.  Hayes  and passed
unanimously,   Dr.  Peter  Fitzgerald  was  appointee  Associate  Vice
President of Adrrministration for Planning and Budget.  (See PR 3 at the
end of tne 1*inutes.)

    H..  1960-8l Budget Revisions (PR 4)

    The  budget  revisions  recommended  in  PR  4 being of a routine
nature,  President Singletary recommended approval.   On motion by hlr.
Terry,  seconded  by Mr.   huiles  and passed,   the  budget  revisions
recommended in PR 4 were authorized and approved.   (See PR  4 at   the
end of the Minutes.)

    I.   Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 5)

    Without  discussion,  on motion by Mr. McBrayer, seconded by mr.
Homer Ramsey and passed, the President was authorized to confer upon
each individual recommended on the list provided the degree to which
he or she is entitled upon certification by the Dean of Admissions and
Registrar   that  the  individual  has  satisfactorily   completed  all
requirements for the degree for which application has been made and as
approved  by  the  University  Senate.    (See PR   5 at the end of the

    J.   Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 6)

    Without  discussion,  hr.  McBrayer moved    that  the  degrees and
certificates specified in PR 6 be awarded to the persons named upon
certification that the requirements for those degrees or certificates
have been satisfactorily completed. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Homer Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 6 at the end of the

    K.   Patent Assignments (PR 7)

    Noting   that  the  recommendations  regarding   the  three patent
assignments in PR 7 were routine in nature, President Singletary
recommended  approval.    On  motion  by Mr.   Black,  seconded  by Mr.
Sturgeon and passed, PR 7 was approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the

    L.   FUND Board Appointment (PR 8)

    Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr. Terry
moved that the Board of Trustees approve the reappointment of Dr.
Irvin E. Lunger as a member of the FUND Board of Directors for a two-
year term ending June 30, 1983. Mr. Terry's motion was seconded by
Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 8 at the end of
the Minutes.)


- - _

    I    Appoi.ntments to the Council of Supervisors (PR 9)

    President   Sin glet-ry scid i5   was pleased   to  recommend  for
membership on the Council of Supervisors, University    HoSpital, the
following  strong  slate  which  x,-E  submitted to him; by a Nominating
Committee of the Council of Supervisors:

         fir.  Al  Smith, public  member, for a three-year term,
    effective July 1, 1981 through June 30, 19E4,

         or. Robert L. Johnson, public member, for c three-year
    term, effective July 1, 1961 through June 30, 19 4,

         fir.  Jack Boehm,  public member, for a three-year term,
    effective July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1984.

         Mr. Thomas A. Ranieri, student member, for a one-year
    term effective, July 1, 1961 through June 30, 1982,

         Dr.  John Thompson,   medical staff member, for a three-
    year term, effective July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1984.

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr.
Farmer, seconded by Professor Conley and passed unanimously, PR 9 was
approved. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

    N.   Student Fees (PR 10)

    President   Singletary pointed   out that PR    10 contained   two
recommendations, the first being the proposed increase in the Student
Activity Fee of $1.00 per full-time student, per semester. He said
the $1.00 increase comes with the recommendation of the Student
Association and will be used to expand its services to the campus.
The proposed fee will be made available to Student Association as a
part of its University funds, and expenditures will be administered
and approved by the appropriate University officials. The fee will be
for 1981-82 only, and an evaluation will be made near the end of that
year  before  any  decision  is made   for  future years.    President
Singletary urged approval of this recommendation, along with Item 2,
the confirmation of the Fee Schedule as adopted by the Council on
Higher Education.

    The Chairman then recognized Mr. Sturgeon, Student Trustee, who
moved approval of PR 10, and then read the following statement in
support of the proposed increase in the Student Activity Fee:

         PR 10, point I., proposes to include a special Student
     Association fee as an increase in the 1981-82 fee schedule.
     Because of a greater need for student services and programs,
     and considering the current insufficient level of funding
     available to meet those needs, the Student Association
     requests $1.00 per full-time student, per semester.

         With   advice  and  consent  from  the  Student  Affairs
     division of the University, the Association will be able to
     respond more effectively to specific problems of our student
     community. If enrollment projections are accurate, this new
     money  will  amount to about $17,000 in the fall of 1981.   A



    tentative breakdown of this money  into gsneral   categories
    suggests   one-fourth   for   assistance  to other   student
    organizations, one-fourth for Firect communicztion with   the
    student body, including semesterly opinion surveys on campus
    issues end -roposed Student Association   projects,  another
    quarter  for political and educational programming ano major
    Co-sponsorships, thus, and in effect,  relieving  this   task
    from  fund-raised  monies  in our 150 account for endeavors
    that must be independent of  the  University,  such  as  our
    student   lobby,   future   interventions  against  utility
    companies requesting rate-hikes,  and  standardized  teacher
    evaluations.  The last quarter of the new appropriation will
    remain for student Senate appropriations and to offset added
    costs due to inflation.

         Today's  recommendation  represents  the  culmination of
     three years of discussion with University administrators,
     opinion  surveys  of  the  student body,  and   research  of
     comparable student groups around the nation.    This   action
     also illustrates the unified and cohesive efforts of several
     years of UK student  leaders  striving  for  continuity  and
     harmony within the Student Association as we improve our

         In support of this proposal is a survey of the student
    body  that  was  conducted  this  semester.   One   thousand
    students were randomly sampled and as of today 535 responses
    have been received with 71.6% in favor, 26.6% against, and
    1.5% either indifferent or not responding.

         One might deduct from these results that even though
     students by and large are considered cynical and apathetic,
     they are optimistic that we, as a collective force, have the
     potential to influence the decision-making process, and to
     improve our own lives in some way.

         If this recommendation is approved today, next spring an
     evaluation of this special fee will hopefully reflect the
     development and growth that is necessary for the Student
     Association  to  maintain  a  position of    viability   and
     effectiveness on the students' behalf.

     Mr. Sturgeon then introduced Mr. Britt Brockman, the newly elected
President of Student Association who served as Vice Chairman during

    Mr.   Sturgill  thanked  Mr.  Sturgeon  for  his  statement.   Mr.
Sturgeon's motion that the increase in Student Activity Fee and the
confirmation  of  the 1981-82 Fee Schedule be approved was seconded by
Mr. Black and passed without dissent.   (See PR 10 at the  end   of  the

    0.   University of Kentucky Development Building (PR 11)

    President Singletary introduced Mrs. William B. Sturgill, a guest
at the meeting, and then announced plans for the construction of a new
building  on  campus.    He indicated his pleasure in recommending that
the Board of Trustees formally accept a gift of     $400,000  from   Mr.


Missing page(s)


    Fir. Ramsey moved adomtion of the proposed revision to the Code of
Student Conduct as recommencec in SCCR I.  hiis motion was seconded  by
Firs.  Hayes anj passe6 w;it-out dissent.  (Se: SOCF 1 at tne end of the

    S.   Introduction of Dr. Richard Furst

    Dr. Richard Furst, newly appointed Dean of the College of Business
and Economics, was present at the meeting and introduced by President

    T.   Meeting Adjourned

    After determining there was no further business to come before the
meeting, on motion duly made,    seconded  and  carried,   the meeting
adjourned at 3:02 p.m.

                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Betty Pace Clark
                   Board of Trustees

    (Schedule  of Meeting Dates; PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,   and
11; and FCR's 1 and 2; and SCCR 1 which follow are official parts of
the Minutes of the Meeting.)


                          AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

The following dates have been established for meetings of the Board of
Trustees and Executive Committee for the 1981-82 fiscal year.

**August 11, 1981

  September 15, 1981*

  October 13, 1981

  November 10, 1981

  December 8, 1981*

  January 26, 1982

  March 2, 1982

  April 6, 1982*

  May 4, 1982*

  June 22, 1982

Executive Committee

Board of Trustees

Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Board of Trustees

Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Executive Committee

*Statutory Meeting

Note: Any Executive Committee meeting may be rescheduled as a full
Board meeting should the nature of quantity of work make this necessary.

**Changed to August 25 and to a Board of Trustees Meeting rather than an
  Executive Committee Meeting.


                                       Office of the President
                                       May 5, 1981

                                       PR 2

   Members, Board of Trustees:


I.       Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes
    Recommendations:    (1)  that approval be given to the appointments
    and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2)
    that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
    approved by the administration be accepted.
    Background:   The  following recommended appointments and/or other
    staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in
    accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the
    University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by
    the appropriate vice president through the President and have his
    Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
    appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
    President or other administrators who are required to report their
    actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations
    requiring Board approval.

                              BOARD ACTION
    A.   Academic Appointments


              College of Arts and Sciences

              Attouch, Hedy, Visiting Professor, Mathematics, 3/1/81
                   through 4/30/81.
              Stiles, Martin, Adjunct Professor, Chemistry,1/1/81 through




         College of Medicine

         Jones, Jerry E., Assistant Professor*, Family Practice,
              7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

         College of Pharmacy

         Tai, Hsin-Hsiung, Professor (with tenure), effective

B.   Administrative Appointments


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Gani,   Joseph,  Professor  (with  tenure),  Statistics,
               effective  3/1/81,   named   Department   Chairman,
               Statistics, 3/1/81 through 6/30/85.
          Sigelman, Lee Philip, Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Political  Science,   named   Chairman,   Political
               Science, 5/1/81 through 6/30/85.

C.   Joint Appointments


          College of Education

          Cole, Henry P., Professor (with tenure), Educational
               Psychology and Counseling, joint appointment as
               Professor, College of Pharmacy, effective 4/1/81.
          Kifer,   Edward,   Associate  Professor  (with  tenure),
               Educational Psychology    and   Counseling,   joint
               appointment as Associate Professor, College of
               Pharmacy, effective 4/1/81.

*Special Title Series



D.   Reappointments


          College of Agriculture

          Dougherty, Charles T., Associate Professor, Agronomy,
               7/1/81 through 11/30/81.

          College of Engineering

          Akiyama, Tetsuo, Visiting Associate Professor, Chemical
               Engineering, 7/1/81 through 8/15/81.

          Martin Graduate Center for Public Administration

          Berger, Philip K., Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Graduate School, effective 1/1/81.

          College of Law

          Johnston, Gerald P., Associate Professor, 7/1/81 through


          College of Dentistry

          Collier,   Wayne,   Associate   Professor   (part-time),
               Pediatric Dentistry , 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Daugherty, Joe W., Associate Professor (part-time), Oral
               and Maxillofacial Surgery, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Newsome, Oakie G., Associate Professor (part-time),
               Periodontics, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Trinler, Daniel R., Associate Professor (part-time)*,
               Periodontics, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Nursing

          DeSantis,   Lydia   A.,   Associate  Clinical  Professor
                (voluntary), 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Hazzard,   Mary   E.,   Associate   Clinical   Professor
                (voluntary), 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Hudleson,   Irene   M.,   Associate  Clinical  Professor
                (voluntary), 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

*Special Title Series



F.   Tenure


          College of Medicine

          Hyde, Gordon L., Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Surgery, effective 7/1/81.

F.   Promotions


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Billings, Dwight B., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), Sociology, to Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Sociology, effective 7/1/81.
          Chapman, James P., from Assistant Adjunct Professor,
               Classical Languages and Literatures to Associate
               Adjunct    Professor,   Classical   Languages   and
               Literatures, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Ettensohn, Frank B., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), Geology, to Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Geology, effective 7/1/81.

          College of Business and Economics

          Holmes, James R., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), Accounting, to Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Accounting, effective 7/1/81.

          College of Engineering

          Seybert, Andrew F., from Assistant Professor (without
                tenure),  Mechanical  Engineering,   to   Associate
                Professor (with tenure), Mechanical Engineering,
                effective 7/1/81.
          Yamanis,   John,   from   Assistant Professor    (without
                tenure),   Chemical   Engineering,   to   Associate
                Professor   (with  tenure),  Chemical  Engineering,
                effective 7/1/81.

*Special Title Series



    College of Fine Arts

    Collins, Georgia C., from Assistant Professor (without
          tenure), Art Education: Curriculum and Instruction,
          to   Associate   Professor    (with   tenure),   Art
          Education: Curriculum and Instruction, effective
    Montgomery, Patricia, from Assistant Professor* (without
          tenure), Music, to Associate Professor*, (with
          tenure), Music, effective 7/1/81.
    Wang, Cecilia Hoe-Mee Chu, from Assistant Professor*
          (without tenure),  Music,  to  Associate   Professor
          (with tenure), Music, effective 7/1/81.

     College of Law

     Fortune, William H., from Associate Professor (with
          tenure), to Professor (with tenure), effective
     Garvey, John H., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
          to Professor (with tenure), effective 7/1/81.
     Rogers, John M., from Assistant Professor (without
          tenure), to Associate Professor (with tenure),
          effective 7/1/81.


     College of Dentistry

     Drummond, James F., from Associate Professor, (with
          tenure), Oral Pathology and Associate Professor,
          Oral Biology, to Professor (with tenure), Oral
          Pathology, and Professor, Oral Biology, effective

     College of Medicine

     Barkley, Mary E., from Assistant Professor (without
          tenure),  Biochemistry,    to  Associate   Professor
          (with tenure), Biochemistry, effective 7/1/81.
     Guthrie, Gordon P., from Assistant Professor (without
          tenure), Medicine, to Associate Professor (with
          tenure), Medicine, effective 7/1/81.

*Special Title Series



         Hager, W. David, from Assistant Clinical Professor
               (voluntary),   Obstetrics   and   Gynecology,    to
               Associate     Clinical    Professor     (voluntary),
               Obstetrics and Gynecology 4/1/81 through 6/30/82.
         Ott,   Cobern  E.,  from  Assistant  Professor  (without
               tenure), Physiology and Biophysics, to Associate
               Professor (with tenure), Physiology and Biophysics,
               effective 6/1/81.
          Reddy, Chandupatla P., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), Medicine, to Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Medicine, effective 7/1/81.
          Roszman, Thomas L., from Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Pathology, to Professor (with tenure),
               Pathology, effective 7/1/81.
          Weber, Frederick L., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), Medicine, to Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Medicine, effective 7/1/81.
          Wright, Ballard D., from Associate Professor (with
               tenure),   Anesthesiology,   to   Professor    (with
               tenure), Anesthesiology, effective 7/1/81.

          Medical Center Library

          Stith, Janet B., from Librarian II (with tenure), to
               Librarian I (with tenure), effective 7/1/81.

G.   Change


          College of Nursing

          Hendrix, Melva Jo, from Professor* (with tenure), to
               Clinical Professor (voluntary) (without tenure),
               1/13/81 through 6/30/82.

H.   Retirements


          College of Agriculture

          Chaplin, Carl E., Associate Professor, Horticulture,
               after 32 consecutive years of service, effective
          Dutt, Ray H., Professor (with tenure), Animal Sciences,
               after 31 consecutive years of service, effective

*Special Title Series



    College of Arts and Sciences

    Cone, Carl B., Professor (with tenure), History, after
         34 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/81.
    Grimes, Homer L., Stores Supervisor, Chemistry, after
          26.5  consecutive  years of   service,   effective
          7/1/8 1.

    Graduate School

    McGurk, Jo M., Administrative Account Clerk, Kentucky
         Geological Survey, after 15.5 consecutive years of
         service, effective 5/15/81.


     University Hospital

     Purser,  Audra, Custodial   Worker VII,   Environmental
          Services, after 15.5 consecutive years of service,
          effective 4/30/81.


     Henderson Community College

     Overfield, Ernest L., Associate Professor, after 20
          consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/81.


     Vice President for Academic Affairs

     Flanery,   June,   Clerk  Assistant  III, Audio Visual
          Services, after 28.5 consecutive years of service,
          effective 6/30/81.

     Vice President for Business Affairs

     Gulley, Doshia L., Disabled, Business Affairs, after 24
          consecutive years of service, effective 3/31/81.
     Kingston,   Sue   W.,   Account  Clerk  III,  Pre-Audit,
          Controllers Division, after 15 consecutive years of
          service, effective 6/30/81.
     McDowell, James E., Supervisor, Physical Plant Division,
          (Note: Retirement approved by Board of Trustees on
          1/27/81 to be rescinded.)

*Special Title Series



I.  Early Retirements


          College of Dentistry

          Phillips,  Mary W., Senior Data Coordinator, after 17.5
               consecutive years of service, effective 6/26/81.

          College of Nursing

          Lane, A. Virginia, Professor, after 21 consecutive years
               of service, effective 6/30/81.


          Vice President for Business Affairs

          Pigg, Tom, Plumber, Physical Plant Division, after 15.5
               consecutive years of service, effective 5/1/81.

E.   Post-Retirement Appointment


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Shah, S. M., Instructor (part-time), Mathematics, 1/1/81
               through 4/30/81.

                    ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

F.  Academic Appointments


          College of Agriculture

          Hill,   Deborah   B.,   Assistant Extension   Professor,
               Forestry, 4/15/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Feldman,   Stanley,   Assistant   Professor,   Political
               Science, 8/16/81 through 6/30/83.
          Milanich, Patricia G., Assistant Professor, Philosophy,
               8/16/81 through 6/30/83.

*Special Title Series



    Rust, Steven, Assistant Professor, Statistics, 8/16/81
          through 6/30/82.

     College of Business and Economics

     Badinelli,     Ralph     D.,     Instructor,    Business
          Administration, 8/16/81 through 6/30/82.
     Berger, Mark Charles, Instructor, Economics, 8/16/81
          through 6/30/82.


     College of Allied Health Professions

     Barron,   Joyce  A.,  Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
          Allied  Health  Education and Research,     5/11/81
          through 6/30/82.
     Bauer, James L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
     Combs, Bob, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
     Couzenza, Toni, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
     Dyer, Jenny, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education And Research, 5/11/81 through
     Hatfield, Wally, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
     Howery,   Nell   S.,  Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
          Physical Therapy, 3/6/81 through 6/30/82.
     Knudsen,   Susan,   Clinical   Instructor   (voluntary),
          Physical Therapy, 3/27/81 through 6/30/82.
     Kursave,   Nancy,   Visiting   Lecturer,  Allied  Health
          Education and Research, 5/11/81 through 6/6/81.
     Mahurin,   Madonna,   Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
          Allied  Health  Education  and Research,    5/11/81
          through 6/30/82.
     Moran, Pamela, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
     Noe, Annis, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
          Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through

*Special Title Series



    Payne, Rose Marie, Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
         Allied  Health Education   and  Research,   5/11/81
         through 6/30/82.
    Reasons, Daniel F., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
         Allied  Health  Education  and Research,    5/11/81
         through 6/30/82.
    Stenken, Sister Marian, Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
         Allied  Health Education   and  Research,   5/11/81
         through 6/30/82.
    Strope, Mary, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
         Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
    Thomas, Suzanne, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
         Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
    Towler, Bob, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
         Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through
    White, Jana, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Allied
         Health Education and Research, 5/11/81 through

    College of Medicine

    Loudermilk, Frank H., Jr., Assistan