xt7t1g0hxm03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxm03/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1939-03-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 13, 1939 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 13, 1939 1939 1939-03-13 2020 true xt7t1g0hxm03 section xt7t1g0hxm03  





March 13, 1939

The University Senate met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
Monday, March 13, 1939. President McVey presided.

The minutes of the meeting of February 13 were read and approved.

President McVey announced to the Senate the change in the dates
for the approaching spring vacation, in order that this vaCation may
coincide with the meeting of the K. E. A. It is now scheduled to begin
Thursday morning, April 13 at 8 o'clock and to and Monday morning. April
17, at 8 o'clock.

The Curriculum Committee reported as follows:
"The Curriculum Committee recommends the approval of the
following requests for nercourses, drOpping of courses. and changes

in courses:

Political Science:


Political Science 154. County Government. 3 credits
Political Science 177. Principles of Public Administran
tion. 3 credits.

New Course:
Political Science l77a,b. Principles of Public Adminisw
tration. 3 credits each.



Journalism 1a. Reporting. 3 credits. Journalism lb.
Reporting. 3 credits.

Journalism 11. AdVanced Reporting 3 credits;

Journalism 120a. Seminar in Public Opinion. 2 credits.

Journalism 120b. Seminar in Public Opinion. 2 credits.

Changes in Courses:

Journalism 105. Law of the Press. 2 credits (reduced
from 3 credits).

Journalism 106. Influence of the Newspaper. 3 credits.
(Change in title and description).

Journalism 107. Editorial Writing. 2 credits (reduced
from 3 credits).

Journalism 112. Critical Writing for the Press. 3 credits.
(Change to permit offering in regular term in addition

to summer term.)

Journalism 123. Feature Writing. 3 credits. (Change of

number from 12.)


























Minutes of the University Senate r March 13, 1939

New Courses:


Journalism 2a. Introduction to Journalism. 1 credit.

A course of lectures and readings designed to introduce
prerjournalism majors to the opportunities in journalism
and advertising, the qualifications and training implicit
in journalism as a profession, and the field of journa115m
tic publiCation in all of its branches.

Journalism 2b. Introduction to Journalism. 1 credit. A
survey of leading newspapers and other publications with
emphasis upon reading and analysis to acquaint prerjournar
lism majors with the best in American journalism.

Journalism 10a. Survey of Journalism. 3 credits. A general E
noneprofessional course covering neWSpaper organization and ;
problems of interest to newspaper readers. Lectures and ‘fli‘
practice in the style of writing employed by the press. t¥’~

Journalism 10b. Survey of Journalism. 3 credits. A cons
tinuation of Journalism 10a.

Journalism 20a. News Reporting. 3 credits. Instruction
and practice in news gathering, news evaluation, and news
writing. Examination of the reporter's place in the news=
paper organization and study of the news methods of leading
American newspapers. Regular assignments for Kentucky
newspapers. Prerequisities 2a,b.


Journalism 20b. News Reporting. 3 credits. A continuar
tion of Journalism 20a with emphasis on specialized reports
ing such as society, sports weather, and science. Prerequi= I
site 20a.

Journalism 120. Seminar in Public Opinion. 3 credits. A AR
study of the relationship of the press in its several depart”
ments to public opinion; free publicity; newspaper campaigns
and crusades with emphasis upon developing social service
campaigns; propaganda; influence of politics on the press;
financial control; and ithics, principles. and standards.

Journalism 127. Reporting Public Affairs. 2 credits. Ilr= I
struction and practice in reporting the news originating in
courts and other public institutions and the news of politics,
finance. and labor."

On recommendation of the Committee, theziovc report was approved.

the attention of the Senate to the fact that the members of the Curricur
lum Committee were appointed for one year only and that as a year had “Hi
expired since the appointment of the first chairman, it was time for the
election of another person to this position. It was moved by Dean Evans
and seconded that Professor John Kuiper be elected Chairman of the

Dean Boyd moved as a substitute

Professor Trimble, as Chairman of the Curriculum Committee, called ;

Curriculum Committee for the next year.





Minutes of the University Senate e March 13, 1939

motion that the regulation passed last year governing the election
of the Curriculum Committee be modified in its entirety, so that
the member ship of the Curriculum Committee shall be named by the


On motion by Professor Trimble,
on this substitute motion by secret ballot.
Senate the motion was lost.

the Senate voted to pass

By the vote of the

The original motion by Dean Evans was

then approved by the Senate. providing for the election of Professor
Kuiper as Chairman of the Curriculum Committee for next year.

Dean Jones presented a report on the Student Loan Fund in which
he nointed out that the Fund now has $35,000 in cash awaiting investe

available for loans.

The Fund is now set up as an endowment with only the income

Loans are made to juniors and seniors who are

residents of Kentuckyo

On motion by Dean Evans, the Senate voted
to commend Dean Jones for his work in administering the student loans
and collections, and for bringing a report to the Senate.

On motion by Dean Funkhouser,
the Board of Trustees the granting of the honorary degree of Doctor

of Laws to each of the following persons:

William James Hutchins

Stanley Formnn Reeds but PreSenT~

Lena Madesin Phillips
These names had been presented to the Senate for its consideration at

its previous meeting on February 13.

the Senate voted to recommend to


.1- 'i'a
(iaC-‘V'ee, h0\ 3WXVuyK. 13.

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the follow~
ing revised and new curricula in Journalism were approved by the Senate:

Changes in Requirements for Degree 2: A.B. in Journalism.


leading to the degree 6f A.B. in Journalism are outlined below.

Three sequences



of Advertising Sequence and changes in present two sequences).

First Semester
Matriculation Lectures
Journalism 2a
English la
Modern Foreign Language
Physical or Biol. Science
Psychology 2a
History 5a
Physical Education
Military Science 1a

Hygiene 1

Journalism 20a

English 3a

Modern Foreign Language
Biol. or Physical Science
Economics 1

Physical Education
Military Science 6a




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Second Semester

Journalism 2b 1
English lb 3
Mod. Foreign Language 3
Phys. or Biol. Science 3

Psychology 2b 3
History 5b 3
Physical Education .7
Military Science lb 1.3
Journalism 20b 3
English 3b 3

Modern Foreign Language 3
Biol. or Physical Sci. 3
Journalism 21 or Soc.SciB
Physical Education .7
Military Science 6b l.§
























Minutes of the University Senate a March 13. 1939
iii First 8 hostel Junior Second Semester
in _..._.__...._
' Hi:
»'| .
{fi' Journalism 104a 3 Journalism 104b 3
lg; Journalism 105 2 Journalism 123 3
[3 'Electives _l9:lgw “Electives ‘ Bell
KP 15=17 15=17
ill £13123.
“1‘ Journalism 90a 1 Journalism 90b 1
U' Journalism 107 2 Journalism 106 3
} Journalism 108 3 Journalism 127 2
fl ‘Electives 9511‘ 'Elootlvos _~ellw
I i: 1 =17 1.w17

L1; Minimum credits required for degree: 130

.91: 'Electives not included in the recommended list below must be approved by the
1:1; Department of Journalism and the Dean.



|:‘ First Semester Freshman Second Semester


ll : (This is the same as the freshman year in the General Sequence)









; Ewen
(This is the same as the sophomore year in the General Sequence with the
one exception that a choice is allowed between English 3a,b and Sociology 1,2)
Junior ‘ ‘
; Journalism 102 3 Journalism 103 3 i
E Journalism 164a 3 Journalism 104b 3 ;
; Journalism 105 2 Journalism 123 3 H
‘ Sociology 112 3 Sociology 101 3 All“
Political Science 52 3 'Electives 3&3 ‘MJ-
1 ‘Electives 163 __ 15=l7
15»17 5
H Journalism 903 1 Journalism 90b 1 ' '
1 Journalism 107 2 Journalism 106 3 ‘
{'3 ; Journalism 108 3 Journalism 127 2 2
Tn¢_ 1 Political Science 80 3 Psychology 5 3 i
" x Sociology 3 Political Science (Elec.) 3 f
f ’Electives 3=5 ‘Electives ._3?§r
15°17 15=l7-


Minimum credits required for degree: 130
'Eleetives not included in the recommended list below must be approved by
the Denertment of Journalism and the Dean.







Minutes of the University Senate a March 13, 1939



First Semester Freshman Second Semester


(This is the same as the freshman year in the General Sequence with the one
exception that a choice is allowed between History 5a.b and political science.)





Journalism 20a 3 Journalism 20b 3
English 3a 3 English 3b 3
Modern Foreign Language 3 Modern Foreign Language 3
Biol. or Physical Science 3 Biol. or Physical Science 3
Art 30a or 61a 2=3 Art 61a or 30a 3=2
Physical Education .7 Physical Education 07
Military Science 6a 1.5 Military Science 6b 1. _M~
Hygiene 1 _w l , 16.2sl7.2
Journalism 104a 3 Journalism 104b 3
Journalism 105 2 Journalism 103 3
Journalism 123 3 Economics 1 3
Art 29 2 Psychology 5 3
“Electives 56] “Electives __ °‘~._
15~17 15u17
Journalism 90a 1 Journalism 90b 1
Journalism 108 3 Journalism 106 3
Journalism 114 3 Journalism 115 3
Economics 140 3 ’Electives 8°10
'Electives 5°? .._. 15°17

Minimum credits required for degree: 130

'Electives not included in the recommended list below must be approved by the
Department of Journalism and the Dean.




Art 29 (Advertising Art) 2

" 68a.b (Graphic Design) 6

Economics 102 (Labor Problems) 3
" 104 (Public Finance) 3

" 105 (Money and Banking) 3
" 140 (Advertising Campaigns) 3

English 108a,b (Principles of Literary Criticism)
" 123a (American Literature Before 1860)
" 123b (American Literature After 1860)
130a,b (Comparative Literature)















Minutes of the University Senate a March 13, 1939

History 40 (History of Kentucky) 2
" lOOa(The Diplomacy and Foreign Policy to 1860) 3
” lOOb(The Diplomacy and Foreign PolicyssSince 1860)3


" 120 (The Twentieth Century) 3

" 147 (The Recent History of the United States) 3 t
Advanced courses in Journalism
Philosophy 21 (Introduction to Philosophy)

" 80 (State Government)

" 165 (World Politics)

" l71a(Early PolitiCal Theory) I

" l7lb(Modern Political Theory) i


Psychology 5 (Psychology of Advertising and Selling)
" 104(Socia1 Psychology)
" 112(Personnel Administration)

SociOIOgy 101 (Social Dependence)
" 103 (Criminology)
" 109 (The Family)
" 112 (Community Organization)

$> knxououc \pxono unuuuououo

Zoology 108a,b (Principles of Zoology)

in courses not open to freshmen, including the major courses. either in the l
field of Social Studies or in that of Literature. Philosophy and the Arts.

Noteze The recommendation means that majors in journalism, who are candim
dates for the A.B. degree. amy choose as their field either one of the two .
mentioned. It does not mean that journalism is classified in both fields '
for students majoring in other departments.

President McVey announced the appointment of the following Committee on V?
University Publications:

E. W. Wiest A. C. McFarlan J
A. E. Bigge C. C. Ross
A. E. Evans H. P. Ryland I
T. D. Clark W. S. Webb )
E. F. Farquhar George A. Roberts '
W. D. Funkhouser Amry Vandenbosch J
J. W. Martin A. J. Meyer 1

J. B. Miner

This committee is to have supervision over publication of books, monographs,
and results of research, financed by funds from the Margaret Voorhies Haggin


President McVey called attention to the Senate to a letter from Professor i%’|
J. D. Williams, who this year served as Chairman of the Schools Division for
the Lexington and Fayette County Community Chest Campaign. The letter pointed
out that the University's quota this year was $3400, and that the contributions,
including $316.95 from student organizations. totaled $4,071.95, the largest
amount subscribed by the University to this date.




Minutes of the University Senate a March 13, 1939

New courses approved by the Senate are as follows:


College 2: Arts and Sciences

Political Science 177a. Principles 3g Public Administration. 3 credits.
A functional study of gOVernmental administration. with emphasis on the theory
and practice of administration, the evolution of administrative organization,
and staff functions of government, including personnel and financial adminis-



Political Science 177b. Public Administration. 3 credits. A continua—
tion of Political Science 177a, with emphasis on the line functions of govern-
ment, including the protection of life and property, judicial administration,
law enforcement, public health, welfare, education, conservation, and business


Note: 177a,b to replace 177, same title, 3 credits.

Journalism 106. Influence of the Newspaper. 3 credits. A course dee
voted to the examination of criticisms of the modern press and an evaluation
of the influence of the press in the twentieth century. Lectures and read«
ings directed toward the evolution of principles for the guidance of members
of the news, editorial, and business staffs of newspapers. (Change of title
and description).



Journalism 107. Editorial Writing. Reduction from 3 to 2 credits.

Journalism 23. Introduction to Journalism. 1 credit. A course of
lectures and readings designed to introduce preejournalism majors to the
opportunities in journalism and advertising, the Qualifications and training
implicit in journalism as a profession, and the field of journalistic publica0
tion in all of its branches.

Journalism Eb. Introduction to Journalism. 1 credit. A survey of
leading newspapers and other publications with emphasis upon reading and
analysis to acquaint preejournalism majors with the best in American journa’



Journalism 10a. Survey 2: Journalism. 3 credits. A general none
professional course covering newspaper organization and problems of interest
to newspaper readers. Lectures and practice in the stule of writing employed
by the press.



Journalism 10b. Survey 2i Journalism. 3 credits. A continuation of
Journalism 10a.



Journalism 20a. News Reporting. 3 credits. Instruction and practice
in news gathering, news evaluation. and news writing. Examination of the
reporter's place in the newspaper organization and study of the news methods
of leading American newspapers. Regular assignments for Kentucky newspapers.
Prerequisites 2a.b.


Journalism 20b. News Reporting. 3 credits. A continuation of Journae
lism 20a with emphasis on specialized reporting such as society. sports,


weather, and science. Prerequisite 20a.
























Minutes of the University Senate” March 13, 1939



JouEngl'Efg 120 Seminar in Public Opinion 3 credits¢ A a
study of the relationship of the Dress in its several departments to “tfn
public opinion; free publicity; newspaper camraignm propaganda; inw T.

fluence of politics on the press; f1nancial control; and ethics. prin=
ciples, and standards.

Journalism 12]. Reporting Public Affairs. 2 credits. InstruCe {

tion and practice in reporting the news originating in courts and other
nublic institutions and the news of politics, finance, and labor.


Note. Courses lOa.b and 20a,b, replace la,b, but will not be open to
freshmen. The net teaching load involved in the changes totals an
increase of one credit. Courses 10a.b are not open to students who exneot
to Specialize in Journalism.




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