xt7t1g0hxf6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxf6v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1979 1979 1979-09-18 2020 true xt7t1g0hxf6v section xt7t1g0hxf6v Vol. LXXII. No. 23 K 2 r 2 l l'niversity of Kentucky
Tuesday. September IB. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
f —M_
b ' Phyll' ‘
Brown rings ts.
Al' t m u s ra II
I 0 ca p y .. N
By THOMAS CLARK waiting for Brown and Ali to fly in on ahelicopter. which “n . . . . . I‘ "I ' - We
Entertainment Pdltor Mrs. Brown said has been nicknamed “I heIWild Iurkey." , ,N, \ ' , h 2” A , I W
and DALE MORTON [here were severaljokes about students cuttingclasses.and ,. =17.“ It N ’II- , . . I: . I . . fl; ‘ ‘I
Staff “rltet the candidate‘s wife invited the student body to the . I ,. . « . ' I ; 4* a, . a II III-’- , III 1,, "' . .
Governor‘s Mansion in Frankfort if her husband wins the f III ”I. ”I ~ ’ IIN / .5 III . .' ft ' .
John Y. Brown..lr..l)emocratic gubernatorialcandidate. Nil“ 6 election. I . II 1 ' «3‘15 , W i‘ " iI‘ i '_ mi I
said yesterday he expects "a super turn-out of college Both the candidate and his wife encouraged students to f III I" .. ‘ . VIII ’1 :2‘,_-.I ;
students"tn the November election and toldacrowd of UK register to vote In the election. . ‘2. a; i , III ' ' I . I If; f/ II
students that he hopes to make the state and the University In a short address to the audience, IIIrown said the state gr» “I,“ ,w i}, a; I»? )4;
things "you can be proud of. " . . has: been in last place longenough, lfl mIelected. | promtIsIe . II-IJI. 1321;” g iflz” ’49? ‘1' )3 ,I . gift IIIII
Brown was introduced by former heavyweight boxmg )0“ ii hi1“? 1" state and '4 t‘hherSitI.‘ )0” it be PTOUd 0t~ fit) 1% , . ,- I,III/ W III
champion Muhammad Ali. who told the crowd that he is Brown also promised that if he is elected governor. UK hwwij IS," a , . \ i I}; L Ii ‘ '1' / .
campaigning for Brown because he represents "truth and would win NCAA championships in football and it, ”(gram fit/974% . . .\ ,4 ¢, I .. . gm
people." basketball. He did not reveal his strategy. however. ”’l/gzfis. a}; .. h ' g "
A crowd of about l500 gathered at the Student (‘enter “TOW“ tOid reporters IV‘hiie walking th his helicopterthat ' .. V t ' Bi DAV") MAY’NARD/Ke’rnel 5"" .
Patio to hear Ali and Brown. Also present were Brown's he “35 "WIN pleased”with the afternoon'sturnout. Healso or 3.2:» s- «cow Q i it . .- . . I s
wife. Phyllis George Brown. and state Auditor George said he is unsure astowho he would supportloIr presidentif “23% "vii: .¥ ~. ”I 27"? ’3“ f o». t “I K
Atkins, Brown's campaign chairman. who dropped out 01 heIwere elected “I‘m not looking(at anyone) right now. he *3 III/.3 at es /:- 5 its , .III it? I I I;
the Democratic primary last spring to support Brown, said. , . . . . “It :- v. W “5;: s “I; “if; :t.
Ali. a native of Louisville “which means Louisville is In theIl976 Presidentialelcctton. (iov. Julian (arroll was II High Li? 3% g v .» _ a r‘ W’ ...g
the Greatest" said he did not usually campaign for 0116 Of Jimmy ( arter’s early SihPPOitCTS and Kentucky W35 N j. first 5' ’ 9’ . ( ,W'I “3%" .“i'i . .
. politicans. He was supporting Brown. he said. because they the first state Carter “Oh 0” election night. Kentucky is 3i“) i‘tiiw 3.» - g i “stay ' viii: I£I.;II IQ". 3..-
are old friends and added his support “can't be bought.“ regarded as a testing ground for the two parties Since the “fix I: "I .‘ .t» 3&3 -«:I.‘
Much ofwhat Ali saidwas lost in chants of“:\-li, A-li. A-ti" election is held one year before the presidential IbaIliot-I ”if 'I.,/’& _; 3"3‘ 49"“‘3":
and he was later beseiged by autograph hounds. After leaving l'K yesterday. Brown \I'ISItCId the L'niverSity ' {we .5 . I ob’ "s-fii fig}?-
Mrs, Brown and Atkins kidded with the crowd while 0i LOUISH“e and Kentucky State ihi‘erSitI- The Maln Event "WK-D , \ . NI 3,? I '2,ng ‘1:
. is“ .. it I ff :; ‘ffiw N“
Sponsored by Placement Sewtce i s: “of: i ye; '; , at»
n 1 Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Y. Brown,Jr.. can?“ “I! fife A ‘ : « i
J b h nt seminars start ton/ ht tram“ s. .
0 u former heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali. at a _. “at.” . 6 i i .K
rally yesterday at the Student (‘enter patio. At right. Q, ’5" £fi.‘fi I . i 5“
7- - . - » students climb treesto etabetter view oftheevent while i“ W . ' 9 1‘- ‘ i i i ' - i at i 9‘33 i ' ~
By TAMARA MORRIS Iontght s seminar is directed understanding of the Placement . . g .. ' I . 'Q. .. eg_ . . .
RCPOh" toward students in technological Service and to give them an below, BrownsIheltcopteIr, known athldI TurkeyJeaves - ’ “ ~‘= I . s I, .
fields. specifically in the areas of opportunity to talk to employers in a crowd of waving admirers after the brief appearance. x . ,. I i
The first ofthree Job hunt seminars. engineering. math, chemistry and their field," said Lyn Hurst. assistant i ., . .
sponsored by the UK Placement science director at L‘K‘s Placement Service. l ,~- "s.
Service. will be held tonight in the "The Purpose of the seminars is for Representatives from Texas I i ““‘W‘ '
Commerce Auditorium at 7 p rn students to have a better Instruments. General Telephone and , -.‘ , _ . . _, ._ . I“
Food Manufacturing Company will I iii - .
be present at the seminar to talk to i t i
0 ay’fim‘i students about resume writing and i I , .
l i interview techniques. I g _
Hurst said similar seminars have i
I been held in the past for separate .‘ - "
local colleges. but this is the first year it has =‘
i been opened to the Ifniversity. She .
A3011 rw'o oozes PERSONS WERE EVAfl'ATED FROM A . said the seminars were opened to [he
LEXINGTON neighborhood yesterday following the rupture of a natural gasIlirte . I'niyersity to create a greaterappeal to ‘ ~ B DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel SI."
A construction crew working on sewer installations in the 600 block of North I students as a whole. 3 I - t
I Addison apparently snagged the line late yesterday afternoon i A seminar for agriculture majors in V .
I Seven fire department units were sent to the scene as workers tried to shut off the . . .
I gas .‘so lnIl'drlh “we reported the areas of agriculture economics. . . ;
business with agriculture firms. ‘;
agronomy and forestry will be held on 2 .
State ‘ Sept. 25Iat Seat Auditorium located in I I .I I
the Agricultural Selence Budding t .
A RECOMMENDATION REQl'lRlNG FOREIGN owxcns of Kentucky horih- Students mil have the chance "\ “g , '-
farmland or mineral rights to register their property With the state will be to talk With representatives from '“”~"” 7 -"I .
considered by the Jomt Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources today Southern States. FCdCfai Landbank 0f 0 ‘ I 'I'
The bill would reqUtre that at the time of initial purchase or transfer of land or . Louisville and US. Department of ' 'If
mineral rights. registration and disclosure ofthe actual owners must be madeto the Agriculture 7. Soil Conservation. “5:7 a, I;
local county property valuation administrator, The last seminar, which is for I, . of ' .
Foreign owners who already haye land in Kentucky. would be given one year business majors in the areas of I ,V y 5‘. II ,—‘ W I
from the effectne date of the law to register. accounting. marketing sales. ' fir II . I ,_ ”I” 1‘. .II .i'f’fi": [If
_ insurance. retailand personnel. will be . ”if“ ' ,I I if“. a 1 i ’7'” ' ”a iii/III. " .734 uN’I’II
natlon held Oct. 2 at the Commerce Building. ' {fig éwgffi 3%; .533. :I'I'I'I. , "I” g Q is. .. ' I' ; I: I'v
g- v. -. A.
A HI'SBAND AND WIFE TEAM FROM IHE notsttot BALLET sought Whinney. McAlpins. UK Personnel g, . ,. ti? , I; ‘ {5‘ ‘ ‘ .' ‘ r '3 V f NI" '51; ' “ MW‘“ if 5-,: ,
political asylum in the l nited States yesterday. federal offiCials confirmed. and Southern Life Insurance will be ‘ ‘ h .1 ‘d . ‘ if? "I'IfIt/ if at} i ' “iffy ’v”. fa. “I I'. N ,i ("1; ,‘4 " - ".I
It is the second such defection during the Soviets troupe's ['8 tour. present to talk to students. t - t ' - , V ‘ A? i.‘ a It , 573, . " i/éfi i, _ kl I; fix *5 _ f/fi‘sf‘fmr . ”-1 . '
The couple was being interviewed in l.os AIngeles. said Verne Jervis of theIIl S “The seminars are geared toward "I ' " ’ 'I " .II‘I 'MIIW“, » ' . -~'~ mm" “in i ‘i'
. LnItIgnasIrIntlIoIrIiIirIi :CaiiZiiilciiatigiiintfnrgtiC-ii:ifaesohliiegisri 5:10:65 fedIcrIai OiilCIlai- seniors who will be graduating in f I; . 2 I4.” ”is .. . N ”W- ...,s; ‘tI
Angdés‘“ ‘ '“ ' p p d H‘ e 0”“) ”mm m December. May or next August.“ said i: j I“ My; .. Iflfiafim , ._ Ti
Radio station KNX of Ios Angeles identified the couple as leontd and Hurst. buranyonerIthtSinterestedis V ' ’ “fig” "24...; a w mm . N E g K S t’.
Valentina Koslov Both are principal dancers With the company. welcome to attend. By GM“ LA: D Ri/ and tall '
The defection occurred before other BolshOi members boarded a charter airliner I ' ‘-
at Los Angeles lnterational Airport for their return to Moscow The troupe In taday Slab market ?
completed its I S tour in Los Angeles Sunday night, {.7
I I I I i;
...... Engineering accounting best fields )
' its AIR (‘ANADAJET rtvttvt; “25.000 FEETwith42personsaboard lost I 7-? '
'82:};antes-22:21:23:I:’I‘I?ICI:'::I:§(I1II3 :pf‘iidiigp/tiii sz'”b::e;‘:;:::;::'::: By '"M CAGEY professional fields. The most active chose to participate in lI' K 's open,Iwhere they can be found. what
slightly inyiircd ‘ g ' 3 p ' ‘ ' Reporter fields for Bachelor of Science degree recrUttment program. Jones pomted qualifications are needed and at what is
\ The, I)(‘-9 “as 0m the North Atlantic ll mmum mm a midday “Ighl from recruitment interViews last year were: out that some fields were possibly not salIary they begin. II;
Boston to Yarmouth and Halifax. Nova Scotia. when the pilot noticed the plane Second ofa 0"" part “'1“ represented at all stmply because In the past several years, cntry- t».
was dcpressuriling. the alrllnc said Mechanical Engineering . . . . . . . . 196 employers did not know about the level professional openings have been 2
“The pilot noticed that the tail cone was missmg after they landed," said Jack Engineering and accounting 3" Electrical Engineering . . . . . . . . . . I79 program. highCSt in engineeringv computer a.
. Campbell. program. director tn the control tower at Logan. probably the two bCSt JOb markCt Business Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . .90 Jones said a complete list Of last sciences. allied health and socml I’t
hCidS for COIICSC graduates at thiStimC. Chemical Engineering . . . . . . . . . . .90 year‘s recruitment statistics. together service fields." Kcttcrcr said. “I think :
NIGERIA HAS TOLD Oll. COMPANIES it is conSIdcnng raisingihc Priceoi according to HarryJoncstdifeciorthc Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...84 with information about this year‘s that pretty well holds true for the :1
some of It\ crude oil above the $23,50—a-barrel OPEC ceiling. industry sources said UK Placement Office. Computer Science . I I I I . I I . I I . I .65 plans. is available in the UK present also." ii. I .
yesterday Experts say such a move could trigger another round of oil price He was quick to add. howcvflI that Placement Office. The employment picture in central :
mica“ h d I l l d l h I. s . S d the availability 0i certain I” Moderately active fields include: John Kettcrer. supervisor at the Kentucky is slightly different. Ketterer
We ...... ...... ...... ,
v. ' ’ ‘ substantially. even during a Single Economics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 of the Kentucky Bureau for locally in the socml serVioe. computer . .
' year. The best strategy, he suggested. is Mctallurigical Engineering . . . . . . .43 Manpower Services. said that “many science and allied health fields. . I
.5 . . weather to sclectaprogram onthe basis ofyour Mining Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . .34 of the professional-level positions Kettcrer also supported an earlier
. own interests. not on the basis of what Mathematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 statewide and national have a regular, observation by Jones that most I‘ q
' ' LEXINGTON WEATHER WILL BE PARTH' not!“ with a 20 percent a fluctuating job market might Chemistry .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 sometimes very active. turnover rate.“ available job openings “never get i
,. chance of rain today and highs WIII be in the near XOy lows will be the mid 50s indicate at any given time. Physical Therapy... I I I I . . . . _ . I .25 He continued by explaining that publicly announced." A IOt 0f
. _ ‘ Iomorrow will be mostly sunny and pleasant with the highs in the “Os Jones said UK‘S tally of recruitment Job Bank centers m all major “recruitment" is done, according to ‘
' i ' , ‘ interview opportunities in 1978-79 is Again. this breakdown is only an metropolitan areas nationwide offera Kettercr. by the “active applicant who I - - -.
. . - .. Compiled from AP dummy” an approximate index of general approximate index. influenced by the coast-to-coast pool of resources of job develops his own job contacts beyond . . .
. __—______—________ recruitment activity in different number and types of employers who information. which tell what jobs are those of an employment ICI'VICC- .
t ~~va-—~...¢‘g.¢¢c ' I' ‘ 'I‘“‘""Ov90¢~*-'Oooao'--.maogw-v4"" ...‘;-.....,.-,.‘.....- “""0-‘*'-I’"I'*‘r‘ ‘ ‘---‘-~---~l
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______——————————————————————————-——-——-——-—-—-————— l
. i
‘ ‘
KhNTUCKY Debbie McDaniel Jay Foam 5"" Mimi Mm (imn Thom-I (“lurk (in! Linden i
hit/or in Hue! ('ampui tiluur Term Young Paul Mann kmeriuinmeni Editor I )Im rm 0/ Phuiugraphi
Annuale ulnar lit“ New .
. e I (‘1', Willa Lisa Donn-rd “My Mche John ('Iay David Maynard .._-
Muriuginx [fill/w filimrml hluvr (ii/ii Editors Spurn h'tlliur Photo Manager
' 0 . l & t Ir'lan Rickard “
ed ltorla s comm” s 4iiiilunl Spur/i lit/Hm .3
i t I:
W .‘l
/ _ .
‘ What about education? .:
L '7/ h ld’tb stat’ 'm' stm t
OUISVI 6, BITS S OH I? 6 e 8 pr! 6 II'lVe en 3 , ..
item: No provision is made in UK‘s l980-82 This money comes in additiontothe $22.4 millionthe as Carroll‘s “pet project.“ (it is also one of the pet this increased local financing seems imperative. .
. biennial budget for new or expanded academic General Assembly decided to spend on the project. projects of Louisville Courier Journal— Times owner On the other hand. the government has no business
’ ' programs. President Otis Singletary says there isn't The governor has also announced he would support Barry Bingtham. Jr.) . . . . participating in the renovation ofthe Seelbach Hotel '
enough money to pay faculty members competitive a $2 million loan to a pair of Louisville businessmen in addition to a performing. hall. ltthii include in downtown Lou15v1lle. . .
salaries and improve the L‘niversity‘s academic attempting to renovate a hotel in Louisville's core ifa seven renovated buildingsthatWIllcontain offices and Lou15v1lle businessmen Gil Wittenberg and Roger
program. committee of legislators approved it. These classroom space for the private Lomsville School of Davis have already secured loans of $8.5 million from ‘
item: The new student center at Murray State appropriations would raise to $57 milliontheamount Art and an art gallery; a 600-car parking garage; a Louisville financial institutions. a $5 million grant
University can‘t be furnished because some the state government has spent on downtown landscaped pedestrian arcade and elevated pedestrian from the federal government and a promise from the
unidentified bureaucrat in the state Department of Louisville projects during Carroll's term. walkways. Louisville city government to pass along $2 million in ‘
Finance deleted $500,000 from the school‘s budget. To be sure. it is vitally important that state The center will. of course. be open to all federal grants.
MSU officials say they don‘t know how the student government lend its support to the arts. The cultural Kentuckians. But it will primarily servethe rsidents of The problem is that Wittenberg and Davis have '
center can be finished. life of Kentuckians has for too long been ignored. the Louisville area. Because ofthis. it is reasonableto found that the Seelbach. which has been closed for
item: Children in Kentucky who are both deaf and And it is equally important that the state expect the people of Jefferson County to share a many years. has deteriorated further than they _,
retarded can‘t attend school. The Kentucky School government be interested in the health of downtown significant portion of the project‘s cost. Relatively expected. They could renovate the building with the
for the Deaf in Danville isn‘t equipped to handle Louisville. the state‘s largest city. The metropolitan small contributions from each of the 60-odd financial guaranteesthey currently have. they say.but
mentally handicapped children. But a school official Louisville area is the home of about a fourth of the munic1palities in Jefferson County would the building wouldn‘t betas luxurious as it once was.
says the necessary facilities could easily be built if state‘s population and - as much as Lexingtonians significantly reduce the state‘s payments for the ans This hotel is a private investment; its profits would .
_ someone in Frankfort “took interest“ in the problem. hate to admit it is the key to the state‘s economy. A center. go toWittenberg and Davis. They should seek any
ltem: Gov. Julian Carroll. according to a dying downtown means a dying Louisville. In view of the state‘s role in other projects of this additional financmg from the private sector. , 5
copyrighted story in the Louisville Courier-Journal, But the governor should recognize there are other type around Kentucky A, state. government Taxpayers already have $7 million invested in this .
has decided to authorize the issue of an additional needs ~ education nottheleastamongthem crying contributed about $3 million to the $60 million total project. if it is such a bad risk that private lenders are
$121, million in state bonds forthe construction ofthe for the state‘s attention. cost of Lexington Center. for example —- and the unwilling to take a chance on it. the state certainly 5
Kentucky Center forthe Arts in downtown Louisville. An aide described the Kentucky Center forthe Arts state‘s limited resources and almost unlimited needs. shouldn‘t jeopardize the citizens‘ money. t.
Major media event . i
’ ' Letters to the Editor
John Y. Green, Muhammad Eli . .
' ' ' sex). God knows. there are hundreds music. .
ma ke ca m p US ca I I I pa lg n VlSlt RA roommate woes of other reasons and I‘m sure you have 1,
Upon returning to Kirwan Tower your own. But the fact is. Joe. as Doug Hoffman .
, _ . from Louisville on the 9th. I was told painful as it might be. that being gay is Business Administration senior “
By CARY WILLIS dressed in campaign posters . . . Aha! ELI: Thank you. Phyllis. 000d by my roomamte that 1 had to move biologically wrong! Tell me - how
HeiieAli‘Flchgchlo‘l‘i! l :2:rii‘sfigrildai‘rjiiZSrZSIigdggii”enlist?i A2“: out of my room and into another many dogs. cats. or other animals for Cheek thesaurus '
we ""9"“ , our ,9 ularli' scheduled . ~ 1 . c - apparent Y- . . ' P0 ' ics. u room. Why? Because l‘m one of the that matter. have you seen trying to . '
newspaperpto hringgi'ou this special Muhammad Eli. theretrredthree-time Ahm here t9 campaign for someone dying breed of students formally “do it“ (as you put it) with the same thaitd {i530 3,1133? (htiaat:tati:mehrii;
report _ boxing champion. W1” be who Ah think w'“ be the greatest known as a “resident advisor sex? Probably none and that‘s because commentar' on homosexualit (
accompanying Green on this brief govennah ever for the state of roommate.“ they follow the rules of nature as K I S y 14 L' l ‘d yh T
campaign StOPt and what a smart Kentucky. And one day. Ahm gonna Resident advisors (RAs) are on all everything should including man So “tame. CPL ). inco n sai t at t
. , , , . ~ - - - . - ~ ost gay men do not find the female
CRL’MBCAKE: Good afternoon. 80mm move by Green. (The word be Vice presrdentofthe United States. floors 0f the dorms and arethe heads 35 you can 3“ the mind plays a organs repulsive. (it is only the :
This is Walter Crumbcake. Right now. commentary .appears on the screen.) and 19h? Green 5 gonna be preSident. of the floors. They work for the powerful role in man‘s decisions and thought of touching them that makes '
Kentucky gubernatorial candidate 1 mean. how many gubernatorial And 9”” anybodylgonna ““0"! him Residence Hall Life Department. it is life. Therefore it stands to reason that us nauseous)" l was puzzled by that
John Y. Green.Jr. is preparing to land . :38? anybo‘ithtncsf‘t the/yr; it?“ the considered opinion of the “heads“ the minds of gays are messed up one statement until I checked out
at the University of Kentucky for a StaffCO/ h 0 mCSS'WlC me ”5t n am of reSidence hall life that RAs should way or another. Please don‘t get me “nauseous“ in a thesaurus and found
brief political rally. and is to be umn t e greatest. .( TOWd roars. Green have rooms to themselves 7— a point wrong. Joe. I‘m not trying to convert that it means “sickening. loathsome
». accompanied by two specral guests. takcethtlSie podium.) ' that i don‘t dispute. However. to let you to being straight. (you‘re beyond and disgusting.“ l think l understand .
We havethis live report fromlrving L. candidates have the most famous KentuckE'hll‘miiiiHrviijny' folr movfrom the RA? have roommates and then. that). 1." JUSt telling you that your what Lincoln meant now: he was .t .
Rane‘ person in the world to help out in the and I‘m in it to win. Aid thar‘iir'iizrd after waiting two weeks, telllng usthat mind cr‘"‘;i use some help. Truthfully. trying to say that the thought of '
RAVI‘NE: Good afternoon; this is campaign? Not onlythat. but since Eli is right. he is the greatest (Crowd we have to move. well. thatsaporntl I pitv 4“ . touching female organs makes most -
lrving L. Ravine in Lexington, We‘re is black. that looks good in his appeal cheers.) And I don‘t really have dispute. . . NF " where did I put that baseball gay men “nauseous." " .
live here at the University of to minority voters . . . And now. the anything at all to say of any Asa result oftheirtardiness. l have bat’.’:.' In turn. I suppose this would mean ..
Kentucky. There are about. oh. |500 green jackass is coming into view . . . significance (Crowd cheers ) been inconvenienced. Now it is too that females whose organs are being :
students here and . . . oh , . . Now we Oh. and out pops the candidate with And I ho. e UK wins their t f't late to choose my roommate. It Is '90 R" Kues contemplated by “nauseous“gay men i
see. a woman. i believe it‘s Mrs. Green Eli. They‘re floating down now . . . Uh football ariies (Crowd roar?) omit; late to choose my room. I must again 200k)” senior WOUid be “nauseated.” Right? i
__. . . . and she's walking around the huh.(Crowdcheerswildly.)Thcpolice all the gbasketball ames (C wd pack and unpack my belongings. i ; '
- crowd. shaking the hands of excited are clearing out an area . . . screams uncontrollabgly) And lrolike must contact everyone who has my 0“ price hikes Barbara Gardner .5 i
males. Wait. she‘s going to the And a Jazz Band is picking up on students mothers apple pie old phone numberand addresstandinform MIK Library 5““ t‘ ,
podium. l believe she‘s going to make “My Old Kentucky Home“ in an eo Ie the Americanfla blacks - h them Of my forced migration. . Most of us at UK remember the _ t. f
an announcement. updated. more student-oriented Peoptc. oor eo le basegb ll dtrtitcl I went to mice my discontent w'th PTOtCStS by the lranian students last Store Shghted? i l
(Camera switches to shot of Phyllis version. And as the two men land. we gabiies‘ p EstreciEill‘y littie agabliesc the ”091° 0f reSidence hall life. It was fall. They advocated the violent . . f .
Porge Green at podium). can see Green waving at the crowd. (Standin ovation) Thank f ' explained to me that RAs need rooms overthrow of the Shah and the lfound yourarticle comparinglocal t' '
MRS GREEN: Good afternoon. The throng is surging toward him —— comin 8“. i youh or by themselves 50 they can carry 0Ut installation of a government headed record shops to be b0th informative .
everyone. John Y. and Muhammad no waita minute.thethrongis surging wondegrful us" gore? (to see sue a the." J°b5 more effiCiently. A 800d by the Ayatollah Khomeini. and timely. Unfortunately it was also i .
Eli are ontheir way. They will be flying toward Muhammad . . . requesting RAVWE: ihu ' (h rteen wav:s.)f l pomt. but I was not there to find out Khomeini‘s government. along With incomplete. Bears Wax Record 2 '
in on a giant green jackass. autographs. d' A ' Thw a 3 won er u that. i was there t° find 0‘" why i was the rest of OPEC. has supported the Exchange opened m April at 37' SO' 3, ‘
representing. of course. the (Chants of “Eli. Eli“ rise from the me 13 event. t e “’0’ commen- being moved. after two weeks. with no recent exorbitant oil price hikes. l Limestone on the second floor of the {.
Democratic Party. Then John and crowd. The camera shows the champ tary flames ondiiiiel'scl'reen'.) N’ow we previous warning. 1 Mt With no propose the University initiate a Sqecial Media building. The store i
Muhammad will jump out and float approaching the podium. The crowd Eiglfeslthfgzgss Liamhtinginttttthe satisfying answers to my questions. tuition payment plan forthoselranian offers both used and'sealed albums for
down to the ground in parachutes. goes berserki of baloney JWhich is exact]: 3:18: 3:: Since l‘m a senior. I won't have this students who supported Khomeini. sale or trade. all. priced. below 34‘00' "
has been . _ It looks as though Green problem again. But I would like to This plan would reflect past lranian oil ijgigokeydotliii: ligrrsqbii‘i' £35m!" ;
has made quite an impression onthese vat/tan; anyon; rooming Withhan RA in rice increases and future anticipated g ' t‘ .'
- - t e uturet at you are not ing more i es: -.
7. § // sEt:g:::stn:e;t: titan; truiiiiri‘lfrgf than a signature on your housing First Semester: $1200 Christopher Buxton :
. . . . ‘ ' ~ . 210 University Ave. . r
\r \ this political rally? contract. which says they can move Second Semester. $3000 Lexington l
{‘4‘} . . . lNTERVlEWEE NO. I: Bunch of you wherever they want to. Heed my Third Semester: $8000 '
/( \‘Q1 1' this crap. lt‘s pure hype. warning because. as in my case. you Fourth Semester: $22500 (Editor‘s Note: Bear's Wax was not
fl Q ‘h‘v‘ "' p R AVlNE: Will you vote for John Y. probably won‘t get one from them. The University can do to lranian included in the survey as it deals
A”— Green? students what lran has already doneto almost exclusively in the buying and '
, m TNTERVIEWEE NO. 1: Well. Bill Smith America. Besides. no where else but at selling of used albums. Pricea on new
/. 5’ or“ / maybe. But it seems like beautiful Electrical Engineering senior tltJK can mi: student: receilvc what ii: albums wash: tolhictoi mango:i
may” / / 7v 1- . \ - - ave to 0 er: pre y gir S. a Wt e stop onus: recor sores nn
/ 0 - ”flfl/ . / zaortgeaqgrigixct: ahiiifioii‘fi 3:13;; Anita Bryant fan variety of courses. and especially rock for tyhe near “mint! p
a i 0 , $1318? 32d dno talklof issues. Do we lean hardly believe the commentary
0 ( i z/ / .. ) ee a g amour boy for about gays in last Friday‘s Kernel. It I
,_ . governor’.’
K ~&. _ was gross. uncalled for. and totally L n
a t Q RAVINEI Thank YOU. Sit Mid YO“. inexcusable. That‘s putting it lightly .._. e e rs O I C ‘
. 6 . ma‘am. what do you think of this rally? very lightly! i
// -. .I . . ,‘ O ,/ \ iNTERVlEWEE NO.2.0h.lthink Okayv Joe, so you‘re a {88. Who
5 i ' ' ' ' - ‘r \ i it's lUSt wonderful. it seemed 5° cares? Maybe your own type, but you The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions from the UK
' A ' \\\ informative. i think JohnY.Greenisa must admit that most people find the community for publication on the editorial and opinion pages. . .
, , v \ ‘ helluva great guy. and “0“” make an thought of homosexuality as repulsive Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and tnplc-spaced. f
r / V y) \ , excellent EOVCTNOY- i think it‘s about as I do. and must include the writer‘s signature. address and phone number. UK
. it / ‘ , ' v, ) , / time we elected a man who can really The school newspaper is nowhereto students should include their year and major and University employees
l ‘ it‘d/NU" I ; do something {0' Kentucky. tell everyone about your problems. i should list their position and department. ,
. . ~. V ..‘ I RAViNF-t Thank you. uh. Miss...? suggest YOU StiCk to Johnny Angel‘s. The Kernel may condense or reject contributions. and frequent writers ' .
i i i i h’ ‘{ INTERVIEWEE N0" 23 Um. where you can freely ‘10 0' say may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit for correct spelling.
i V 14 Green. Phyllis POTS: Green. whatever it is that gays do. grammar and clarity. and may delete libelous statements. .
; RAVINE: I thought i recognized Now you may think that l have 8 Contributions should bedelivered to Room 114 Journalhm.Unlveraity
A you. Ha ha . . . Well. this is Irving L. very biased view about gays and I‘d of Kentucky, Lexington. Ky. 40506. .
9‘ Ravine. in Lexington. Kentucky. Back have to agree with you. i am an avid For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK ID before the Kernel
‘ to you. Walter. Anita Bryant fan. will be able to accept the material. "
g \ I l have come to the conclusion that
7 E , gays gotalittle(alot)screwed up while Letters: i
I I t g C"! Willis t' t'“ Managing Edit" of they were 8' owing “P- Their mothers Should be 30 lines or less and no more than 200 words. They should
i i I I 1 the Kernel. Th. column containa N' pampered them too much; they were concern particular issues. concerns or events relevant to the UK . 1 i
i ' - Paws admittedly strange political insights too ugly to get a date; or they‘re just community. ,
. and personal opinions. afraid of having sex (with the opposite . l
- . . _- . i l
. ‘ 1
kit,;jfi.4:.‘:ii f" l ' i
in“? ,' . . I
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. l
l, THI'. KILNTI ( K1 KERNEL. Tuesday. September ll. "79-3
5 PALM auomo —’—*
n I FORTUNE TELLING lhi- Atllllqih Arnie/Jill litlillmlisnl Building. l niierviiy of Kentucky. '
Despite d’fle’ances Iriirigiiiri kt some is puhlnht'd each tlavs do) during the springand tall
by u'“"" MINI \(‘lllt'\l(‘l\ and victim during the \ulllnlt‘l \C\\ltln
. Madame Maria will roll your past llirrd 121m postage paid at lexington Keniueki 405M \uhsdlpllon
1' a n ers rown o pen center for 8 ed D'OMN Ina future luvs marriage liil('\ .Hl‘ llldlll’d Sll tear Sh fill semester 8: lot summer or one cent p"
i and business She will help you with ‘utd’ lltlli llldllt'tl
‘ I 9 your problems and le8 you advicern . Harry Sherman
all problems of life ‘ll/ .rriring llr
, ' - Special Student Rate l Jim ( lowland ‘ U Lynda Wilson
, From ma and AP ‘prth 1’0"“8" Brown Md 4 "‘3":th grant from the state. cology It also viill locus on the $3 00 wtth M ad 1 I" 141.1111,” \fi'r 4illr‘rliiirig mil Mgr
' Joining Sanders and the “This is a grand occasion,“ aging of the kidneys, lungs. cm 335-9021 :.- - -.-_
Democratic gubernatorial candidate on the speaker‘s he said. “The age of (15 is not a cardiovascular system and 403 s, Mun St.
.' nominee John Y. Brown Jr. platform were the elder Brown; time to slow down. but a time other organs. Nicholaavllle, Ky.
shared a speaker‘s platform Sen. Wendell Ford, D-Ky.; to put all the ideas you have
; yesterday with Col. Harland Phyllis George Brown. the formed over the past 65 years K I ‘: d
' Sanders. one of his most candidate‘s wife, and UK into use. to keep you active and ALLERGY’HAY FEVER erne rOSSWOI'
. . outspoken critics. for President Singletary. keep you living.“ SUFFERERS OPPORTUNITY
dedication of the Sanders- Sanders has publicly The elder Brown said the
_ Brown Research Center on endorsed John Y. Brown Jr.‘s only part he played in the TO EARN $50'S100
'1 Aging at UK. opponent. Republican Louie center‘s founding was “to make If you now have. or ant|C|pate havmg. nasal NlTE r
The Sanders-Brown Re- Nunn.and