xt7t1g0hxf58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxf58/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1979 1979 1979-10-15 2020 true xt7t1g0hxf58 section xt7t1g0hxf58 .gs‘fi
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Vol. LXXII. No. 42 , 1,. University of Kentucky
Monday. October IS. 1979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
# —
By BOB COCHRANE remained stable. By 1978. that score had dipped to community colleges has created a' associate dean for research and quality in high schools. Schools no
' Stanwnt" When scores are plotted, any l7.9. While there are some indications larger pool of candidates." development. the University‘s longer operate for the purpose of
\ student scoring from I to I5 on the that the I979 figures might signal a Jim Black. counselor at Bryan academic standards do not suffer education but for socialization. lfyou
While educators debate the reasons ACT test is one standard deviation turn-around. the decline that has Station High School. supports this because of the lenient requirements. want schools to produce scholars you '
~ and ramifications of declining college below the mean. and those scoring 26 existed for nearly two decades has idea. “More people take the test than “There is a lot of seif-screeningthat cannot have an egalitarian system.“
entrance exam scores. figures show to 36 are one standard deviation above concerned parents and educators. ever before." he said. “There are so goes on.“ Dunn said. “The word gets High school courses should be kept .
that current UK students‘ scores are the mean. In I971. twice as many UK Reporting the yearly drop in ACT many positions open in so many around and basically people know fairly universal and broad. Rose said,
significantly lower than scores of ten students scored in the upper category scores has become a media event each colleges today that some people who which schools are demanding and so students can compete on the same
years ago. as in the lower. But. by I976 the total fall as the first scores are tallied. Many don‘t plan on going to college willtake which ones aren‘t. By and large. we get level. This oppOses the trend inthe last
The decline is almost camouflaged number of low scorers increased and people point to the scores as evidence the test. just to see what turns up." the upper crust of Kentucky high decade to allow students to take more
by the overall average; the l97l passed the high scoring students. of a failing educational system. What turns up at UK by state law school graduates." elective classes and focus on specific
composite score of 21.7 dropped to In 1978. there were 2| low-scoring Researchers and educators cite two is aseat inclass forany student who Dr. Harriet Rose. director of UK‘s subject areas.
20.2 by 1978. A closer look at the students attending UK for every l7 explanations forthelowerscores.both graduates from a Kentucky high Counseling and Testing Center. is “A student may take a course such
breakdown of entrance exam scores high scoring students. ofwhich may have someimpactonthe school. Out-of—state requirements are more critical of the educational as Appalachian Folklore for an -
i reveaisadisturbingfact:UKissteadily Although yearly scores have data. Bob Elliot. statistician for a “C“ average and an ACT ranking system.“The increased volume of test English credit. but on the college .
losing its high-scoring students and fluctuated nationwide. the trend has American College Testing in Iowa above 50 percent. although some takers don't make up enough boards the questions will still be on
gaining low-scoring students. been edging down since 1962. That City. said. “I‘m very cautious about colleges. such as architecture and population to make that much Shakespeare and Milton.“ she said. V . V
The number of UK students whose year. the national com ositescore was assi nin reasons for the decline. It allied health. have stricter standards. difference,“ she said. Some educators find this criticis .
P 8 8 _ m
I scores are average. however. has 20.2. could be simply that the growth of According to Keller Dunn. UK‘s “It comes down to diminishing Continued on p.“ 5 _
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. t , ‘ . It.” . =. ‘1 W .- . 1‘. .‘V‘J. . ,. if r By STEVE MASSEY First. we‘ve got to change this the second highest per capita debt in -
-. . t i . .VVV-"i «th ' - I. f -. ~ ii a « Vt » M e Assomate Editor system and take the politics out of it. the country.How would you go about .
. I .t fly. I .. . of ”V13“ It 5;, 21 i ; -. t . And the best place to start is with the alleviating this debt? - .
' “g , ' _ i " 7 ._ . f It IN; ’59.?" . ,. ,1 . i Republican gubernatorial governor. ”We do awaywiththeCHE A: Well. you can‘t alleviate adebt
i t __ , _ . y '; ' j . ”3. .57“? ‘ \, candidate Louie Nunn granted a and set up a full-time professional that‘s a mortgage on your future. V «
. . 4 . __ .. I y .. ~ a...” I y, , w . .. _ t personal interview with the Kernel educator‘s board. then they (the There is a group headed by ‘
7. I III ”I. it- . III? .. :‘t, as. . mm (2345‘ ., .. I“ ., Friday. The following questions and professmnal educators) would plan Commissioner of Finance Albert
. , w E? , I m ”.f I) . __ “W“? new???” .. . answers are taken verbatim from the education it would give us Christian that is studying the state
5 . 3'4. 77% _Iiw"! a I. Nfifizffi/WMMW” “.V/Wngflmm‘WW“ ' ’VV” " interview. continuity. it could break the debt. V .
. . , »-: Y .. ,. _ $2.1: .. 4;; WWW .. ~ . , , ~ - . fragmentation Idem n the dew .0 become
. :IIII‘IIW. ' . Q: As a part of depoliticizing 0 any greater ever than IO percent ofthe
I ‘_ g, DAV”) (mtg/Kermtgtm education in Kentucky, you have be e‘ :tlo annual income of the people of this
Cllmblng to the top PTOPO-Wd the Ippointment of school state I want to keep it at that figure
superintendents as well as a full-time i ‘ or below.
Joel Stewart, No.32 of West Virginia, goes up in an touchdown in the fourth quarter. The extra point was state educational council which will I i I'm going to guard the state debt by
_ attempt to block the extra point followingUK‘s second good and the C.“ won Saturday night‘s game14-3. recommend and oversee school related working to encourage savings which .
J protects. Do you see these cuts down on inflation. ,
. . :tppointrrliieptsI as a contradiction :0 This way. we can find out what we You know.all that's desired may not
' Freshman art rback/ d C t to wm “P" oo w. .
qu 6 ea 8 a S A What I want to do IS to turn the could work not only with the general might not be able to have because we .
politiCians out of schools. Here in overall scheme but we could see that can‘t afford II. We have to live within
By TOM LEACH down and threw 9 vards to F l “B th ft entucky. the governor is the most the schools are all brought u to at. our means.
Reporter Wilson. From that poiht. HenrycoVVuini Shawon([gonngeagiVifrinVCVzrrciZViVJVeelluvilVec'i: my?” (“any “use” gf‘Ver"°r.s' Thisis myconcept. p p V
. do virtually no wrong. standin' there iumpin‘ and waving his 0mg h: IgsgIsIIotut an ,thns her public “V5 "0‘ a program that le going to ,. -» e» g. ‘ -
it was(pardon the ChChCiyour basic “Well. the first play I was nervous. hands and I ~an hint and hit him with th V ‘t - V 25:16: ere ecanget “15m “P0” anything CXCt'Pt takingthe ., $VV
storybook setting. Freshmen but after that l was alright.“ Henry it.“a smiling Henrv eXpIained. thetwoshmtisln n ”romlseffihal POWer Way from the governor and 7’ . V
quarterback comes Off the bench to admitted. “But coach had already said “I felt like just going in there (the :35 w ere cf 2:” the "met- turning it over to the profeSSiOFtat = V
lead the home teamto VtCtOFY- Andthe if you make a mistake. whatever you end zone) and Picking him up and O..:rVn0V:V)OVV;r:nvIV :drnthrdaVish (for educators that's the big keypoint. :. m V V
. a 4 . . . . c o s. ' - « . r... , > . _.. ,
performdnge turned m byIKentucky 5 do. don 1 be upset with yourself. That's everybodyjust divin‘on mm but [said lgawvers The . hIwnIta stud‘ deyIIze The mechanics of how i. s worked out , k as t .e .
lerry Henry should earn himanOsoar Part of the game and it‘s gonna go something might happen and he might d V 'V V A . ~. Ve e ‘5 ”“53 give us the continuity m the ‘ V' ' .
forthe best actor role inaheroic role. away. And it went away and we et hurt sol 'ust r ”a C ucational system "5 purely a necessity of professional negotiations; a V ’
. Henry. a 6i l82-pound Knoxville. blew‘em out.“ g ‘ J an 0 ' political thing. So when the governor stop the fragmentation and eliminate i V V VV . V
Tenn. native thr w . Henry‘s second TD ass cameinthe gets in office. he appomts the CounCil - , - ~ - - -. .
. . e Short touchdown After managing one first down.that . . , P _ H' , the necessrty for in fighting Within the , .g .
paSSes to Jim Campbell and Chris first drive stalled and the Wildcats fourth period.a5ix-yard fl'p to 19"“ .0" iIgher Education. The members educational system itself by giving ’V V VV- :
. Jones to givethe Wildcatstheir second were forced to punt. However. by this completingIa H. play. 80-yard “Y“ are hVS people, and they determine everybody (teachers. administrators -_ ' '
win in five outings. a 14-3 clipping of time, Henry had already made an In assessmg his performanceagainst What we do with our money » and citizens) an “1me j“ .
Ole Miss. interesting discovery Ole Miss, Henry was a bit hesitant. whether we put ‘I '" faculty salaries or In the meantime. what we're going _ _ V ’5: , :
Head coach Fran Curci inserted “When I came to the sidelines I said “I'll have to see how much my coaches ‘" bU‘idmgs or Wha"?V°t ‘0 do w‘ih ”- to have to do is come up with adequate V (V *fi: ' V
Henry intothe line-up atthe beginning there really ain‘t no difference holler at me'VV he said laughing. Em Igovernor dominates all higher funds for salaries to pay the faculty . f5?” V
of the second quarter, a move which (between this game and high school). For theIevening. Henry completed e :EdVVOVTV . members. There‘s something like a '5 t 3‘}: . ‘ “Va .V». W..." :
was not as spontaneous as many may The only difference is that they‘re (the three-of-nine passes for l7 yards and d in you moveddown m secondary percent annual turnover (of faculty saw” V " .
have thought. players) bigger. stronger and faster ,, one interception plus the two an e ementary eIIucation, and what members) at UK 7 that is too much. w W '. .
“I had made up my mindlwas going continued Henry, V ' touchdowns. SuoperiVnVieV-Vndehnzi ng' pquT: inrtavet a We‘ve got to have people that are & VVV V V I, . . .
. .. , . , I we ion , . > - . . s *. i ,'
to play (Juan) Portela the first quarter I said this game is really not as Eventhough he knew early in the who runs on a political platform dedicated tothe Lmversny. WCVVC 80V ‘“ W 5
and Terry In the second. regardless of tough as I thought it was. So I just week that he would get to play against There isn‘t any commuity in an to pay them enough money so that : s _ . ..
he SVVuaVVon' V dVdm tellIany” Of my Said l m gonna imagine myself Playing the Rebels. Henry did not Portrav the educational system. they re saVVSVVed arid WV” qVVVV worrying LOUIE 3' NUNN
coaches or any of the kids. Curet at home m Knoxville withm ld h' h . - . about where they re gorng to make the . ‘
divulged. h I .. y 0 Vs eternal optomist. Then you have fragmentation most money and start worrying about 0' When s eakin to the Kentuck V
, . .. SC 00 teammates. I always think the worst can within the educational system What - V p 7 y V
But those are the only two Sherlock Holmes couldn‘t have happen so if the worst does ha en l ou‘ve at is th C II ' , _ whatthey can contribute toUKand all Press Association earlier this summer. ,-
.. . quarterbacks we have and we‘re going made a better deduction and. on the expected it If the best ha ensz't‘V y d f'gh ' e o eges coming Vn the other SCVVOOVSVO makethemthetop you “id “Personal attacks I"
_ . to need both for the whole season." second series. Henry engineered a 10 surprise tone “ pp V V S a :20 leVgt [tang among thzmsellves. school. meaningless; they serve no purpose.“ '
, 5 On his first Play from scrimmage. Play. 7I-yard drive resultinginthe first Kentucky fans are hoping those whophaie filinVidiinr'iiVVVei an bcoifegfis QV The CHE‘ “Inc" Is meeting "I“ Would you contend that your ‘
., , Henry fumbled the snap and then fell TD pass. a two-yard toss to split end surprises are a weekly occurence for (available)pmone V gumgra o {Vhe week. WI“ be discussing the financing criticisms of Brown — calling him a ’ ‘ ~ *
on it. but he came back on second Campbell. Terry Henry. colle es endu cytan hc rest ~0 1th 0f the Proposed pharmacy school at high stakes gambler and. more I
,. g pg ingw ateveris e t‘ UK as wellasthe primary care unit for recently, equating Brown With New -. ‘ .
" O a the University Hospital. Do you favor York society who frequent such / 3 - '
_.. construction of these buildings? nightclubs as Xenon and Studiti 54 - --
'. Kennedy‘s remarks centered aroundthe gubernatorial several days. A: They are needed but I think that '5 personal ltt'dfl? ‘ ‘
. MPEVUV' d d J Y Results from 64 of the state‘s 67 counties gave the Board (of Trustees) here at UK M NO. ahd it! me tell you why. .
‘ . , campus 3' every stan ar . Iohn . Brown is a leader for Carter 366 delegates. Kennedy IOI. a slate supported needs to establish its priorities and While he was up in Washington and EV
. 1. CLARENCE TILLMAN m“ h 21:43:25.3 KIenInedy salid. He has great dreams for by organized labor l9. and 27 uncommitted. ln pass those priorities on to the CHE. New York and those other places. I 1 '. .
.I notifie . sop IomorIe. has y n is peop e. and “he has the ability to addition. Kennedy seemed certain to pick up the ”6 If these priorities are teachers‘ was here in KentUCky meeting with ‘V .
~. 6 hISkeiblicoaeh Joe Hall that he ts leavingthe make those dreams come true. delegates from Broward County where he made his ' ' ' ' ' Vt
. - team and UK. See story on page '7. Kennedy also commented on the nation‘s energy strongest showing salaries. the Board needs to look at It people and discussmg WVVh them th
I and InflIllon problems. saying the Unm Sums can ' and see where we are in relation to issues and finding out what their
local deal with inflation without destroying the social and world benchmark Iinstitutions. And 'f we problemstere. ”V VV V
LEXINGTON METRO POLICE L1 . economic Progress made in the past three decades. have to bring the salaries Up and The potnt that I want to make. and V’s ' V
. ' 3 L“ MORGAN m killed .n" hon?“ and voicing his support of coal. Two roe sown UNION ENERGY sacrifice those buildings. we do that this is totally missed by the press. is a? -
.‘ I. Morgan 35 was director of a 'roa.:1e;;pd dVVteV . He quipped that he was happy to see many SPECIALISTS haveroiced serious doubts over the until we get to a level that we can where he (Brown) goes and what he a: _
. . detect patterns of criminal condpucty gne 0 important deCision-makers in the crowd “since I am SCOPC' Sftety "Id. envrronmental COMNUWCCS 0f the obtain the excellence in education. does Mid thC friends that he chooses. i“
. . Mom“ and his wife. Nancy.V died of smoke about to make one." . . country: Ilmhttlous Storm POW" program after Q; So you would put teachers' that is his business. But if I‘m herein iii -
inhalation shortly before midnight Friday whenafire B :ndIhe alsdoIIIyIiokedf that his onlyIreservaItion about VSViiavrisetOUriigVe but praise for nuclear power in the and“ “my. commmon? Kentucky. working with people on it. ' T
‘ » broke out in the living room oftheir suburb.“ home. r W“ a“ ' '9' °' “mm.“ 's m" ' "mm. a n‘ . . A: In certain situations. Now.every health care. roads and energy 3! '
. .u : Mrs Mor n 3‘ was _ . . young man running on the basis of a famous family Unless the program is radically altered. they say. b h . h h . f 3 .
I ‘5 K t Vk Mfd'V ' ' nurse in the University Of name.” more densely populated areas of European Russia tu . as ‘9 stand on ".5 own bottom. programs. t at s ows my potnt o :‘ . -.
V, ‘ 7:4: yFi Lmélcm‘" ”“9"“ “'d- may soon reach the limits of their "ecological Lets put It this Way: If you can‘t get Interest. . . . . ~
IV. ' - of th i’o V" VV' "mPm'FVdS-nurdwthcau" nation capacity" to cope with new nuclear power stations. people here With the expertise we The PCOPIC have gottodecrdethatif V _
. .V -. . discucsuVehciVi? iiVeVinundei Investigation. but wouldbe . The two energy specialists cited problems of delays desire until you get a primary care they‘re going to live in New York. . .
. . . . I | con erence today. PRESIDENT CARTER h id . In the development of “fast breeder“ reactors. center. then we need to do the center John Y. ( Brown) is their man because , ‘
V .' .- state esterda S Ed e a statewide Iiead technical reliability and safety. and increased danger first and then bring the people in. But. he spends his time up there; but if they .
. . , ( ykmocryIIovg Ien, ward MI.hKenneldyin Floridas of aecrdents in transporting nuclear fuel shipments. if we're going to continue to lose (the people) are going to live in .
' ., - . ic ar caucuses wit t . . . . '
. ‘, Isms. EDWARD KENNEDY. D-Mass.. received votes still to be cyounted. VVVO use VVVOCVVVV 0V weather ""YW‘Y "“t “V" 8°”! ‘0 hm ‘0 “mm” ”‘m L°‘"‘ Nun“ '5 the" . ~
. y I .. . i I‘ll share of cheers from the partisan. 3.500-metnber Still to be tallied were ballots for I“ delegates in decide if that‘s 0‘" only 3P“th- man. . V '
‘ , iI . 3°“ , “ the Kentucky Stlte Fairgrounds in populous Dade County. which includes Miami. and BIG ILUE SKIES and a little warmer weather 0:"th buildings are buflt.aorneof And you tlik aboutgambiing. Well, ' ,- .
‘ : Wt'V'tkls'thIy nIlht- for60deiegatesin PaImBeachCount .Part officilh today. with hi ha in theu r60‘s.MoItl sunn and the flnanein 1! Id hrou ifi were to ooutsideand bet 525.000
. Am MM . . y y y s we y y gou comet git g
. ripe rig on I of John Y. Brown. most or said a final delegate count might not be availabe for mild tomorrow. highs again in the upper 60‘s. mt. bonds. Currently. the state m that a fly would fly off of something. V .
. _ . . debt Is running at aboutSIJ billion- Continued on page 5
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KENTUCKY Debbie Men-bl Mat Green M M.- Thouu Clerk Jo... (1., 6-,, km g l
Editor in (‘lliej SM 51-, new Mew Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Dirertm 0/ Photography ‘4 '
, 1 Associate Editors Chi! McGee 'i,
I I Cut Wt Kirby suwa- Cynthi- DcMIm- Iii-a Melted David Maynard it
K2 21 ”MM! “170' lb Do.“ (0!" 54'7”” Alli-"0'" Assistant Sports Editor Photo Manager :t'
Editorial Editor Entertainment Editor
Jay Fo-m is
cditorialsfiacommonts “W W .......... .. i
Special Edition: Editor 1
- I
Rednecks mar Bi Blue 5 game
The Wildcats won [4-3 Saturday butthe students in tenseness among students worsened; hotdogs were .T MeNTm g: I
\ Section 2l0 lost in their attempt to peacefully enjoy hurled at WKQQ‘s Q-bird. ice. whole drinks and W 3
. the game. hotdog containers were tossed onto students in lower CHAPPAQUlDVlCK , l.

I Students cheered when police finally ran up the areas. on . i
steps and “took care of“ the two people who Singlc- No one threw bottles, luckily. ;
handedly distracted attention from the fight on the Most students were unaware of the incident; they :
field to their fight in the stands. probably only saw the turning heads and voices I ‘3

If they were looking for attention, they got it. yelling, Flghl‘ fish“: A'ly‘m‘,‘ a large number or . '5
Settling disputes with fists. however. should not be the people gather. real or imagined "159'“ 98““ tempers f-g‘ .’ 6
answer for college students and should never take to flare. The dangerousness ofthe situation Saturday W . _ I.
place on the narrow footage of the benches in the can nothe overlooked. _ _ . /‘T g I“ 0/;- : ‘3\ I ;
football stadium. Luckily, no oneIwas hurt. However. the Imeldent is ”a ‘ I ”fie-Q / .
The two people may have drank too much one more administrators and police Will Cite as )I ‘ § 7 I ,
“antifreeze,“ they may have misinterpreted each reasons for tighter security at football and basketball . . ll / I . I:
other‘s playful joking or pcrphaps the two people games. Although its not fair to label all of us rowdy ‘ l l \\ I, I. .
involved were just looking for someone to trade and irresponSible. people usually remember bad ) V ' \"I ‘
punches with. inCidents and forget the good ones. . , , / x . I .
Almost everyone who goes to the home football I‘ 3/ '
No matter what the reason. their free-for-all on the games acts in a reasonable. adult manner. We are I. {5‘ I, . I, .
slippery aluminum benches demonstratedthe domino adults. not children. and most of us act like it, too. , — k , (fiflfi _ ‘ ya). ‘\ «I . . l
theory; as they shoved each other they also shoved Instead of giving in to that desire to Punch someone. (a .. ”3.4 Cir. ll ‘5 l I, if
students standing beside them. As people nearby settle the problem outside the stadium or ignore the . E i] I") \ ~ / ' . 3
stood onthe benches fora better look.fallingstudents harassment. ll ’ . - ' ) (IE I I ’ \ 415- ,/ ; I
caused a chain reaction and in a few minutes people Those students who tried to break up the fight . \‘ .IJ\ . . J _ ’ . - \IX—r' I I'
were piling onto the fighters. loosingtheir footingand should be commended; let's keep our problems in \ A o 6‘} Q i‘.:.;\;‘; , i" ' .‘
slipping or fallingdown the levels ontoother students. house and out of the hands of police if possible. \g ‘- ‘J P 1‘9 by T .\ . -.
Clothes were ruined by spilled drinks. tempers There‘s no reasonwhystudentscan‘tgotothefootball . V "ii .% ‘ . .
flared and the friendly atmosphere was temporarily games and enjoy them without worrying what is going -. . "i “
destroyed. After police accosted the fighters. the to fall on them next V7 people, hotdogs or cokes. WW“
I I —-—————-————-———————————————————————————————-——— ‘I
Column/st sees Sowets I. -
fl. f d t t etters to t e Itor
. . . _ I. . . . _ I. - but we loved it. There were nice people that. Even if it ha ened. I seriously difficult to understand the ra in if 'I
, A , secret report from Brm’h Slam “I“ presumany be Closed ll'lh RUde and 'ncorrBCt to be met and good times to be had. if doubt that thEi‘i “lives were controversy surrounding the tourgofg ‘3,
intelligence back in I973 quoted the deployment 0f the proposed MX» In response to the Oct. l0 opinion you only let them havea chance. Next threatened.” man who represents unity and .3;
tselliiiegt leagguIE-egplcéagreélEI‘I‘z‘IIefi 23%;?I‘I23:232120:I“I‘S':I°I::f 203:3? by Kentuckian Sports Editors Chris time don‘t be so negative. FinallIy, they said the WVU fans understanding." l was disappointed ,1 f
Communist leaders in Prague that billion public works ro'ectinNevada Cameron and AnneCharleIs,weIwould A R b' and the" attitudes were disgusting. that there “.5 notImore controversy i l I
detente was a ruseintended I0 Ieadtoa [and Utah ~ P J - like to take up for West Virginia. The Ann OIIWI)“ Well. the manyIpeoplIe I know at WVU and critical discussion of his visit and . a; ’i .
shift in the balance of power And after that what" Will the flmClC was "0‘ only TUdC. It was ccount “I reshmnn are far from disgusting. It‘s a shame of parts of his message. The Popedoes ’ Ia“; l
“Trust us comrades " the report Russians be willingito discuss real and incorrect. ' ’ ' G il W I he Cameron and Charles had such aIbad not represent unity and understanding “ ’ .'
quoted Brezhnev as saying “and by meaningfularms control in SALTIII" . West Virginians are not C. “I 'I weekend, but their generalizations to some Catholics nor toImany non- .II
1985 as a consequence of what we are Or will they regard the MK as ivin' inhospitable, compared to some ofthe ommun ““0““ freshman that WVU is inhospitable and Catholics. It would be disastrous to {I
now‘achieving with detente we will superioriu"to the United Statesg thui students on the UK campus. AIll West K II Ak unproud are completely off base. Im religious strength and religious .{ l
have achieved most ofour o'bjwives forcing them In Sm] am‘nher gm)" firgima Umchfsny fans did not He YI It“ I II honored to attend UK. but lets not freedom lnthc u.s.irhedid. Religious
in Western Europe. We will have which we inturn will have to match" Iverbally harass the UKIfans. We sat 0" cu "I" "3 man condemn WVU because of two strength and freedom are nurtured by 'I'.
, consolidated our position. A decisive The prospect is‘a sad one but there in the WVU student section, wearing . people‘s weekend experience. religious diveIrSIty. not by religious ;
shift in the correlation of forces willbe seems no alternative. Some 50.000 our UK shirts grid cheering, for the L'kes WVU unity. The editorial does not “Fm to
such that come I985. we willbeableto Cuban troops are now in Africa. The entire game w“ out bemg harassed. . - . - D'Vid.D°dd show anyIunderstanding that religious 3
exert our will wherever we need to .. Soviet I‘n'on 4 I t I . l . The WVU students wereIamused by us Im writing in response to the letter . Electrical Engineering junior freedom in the US means not only f; .
_.—__*;_ ‘ . . ’ l '5 ,m CTVCnlngI on a truy and we had a friendly rivalry. from Chris Cameron and Anne freedom of religion but also freedom g ;
ggst'IlIIgIs‘iIilfiség afghflmslfrresidhgrit As for pride. we believe that the Charles that stated that West Virginia . . . from religion. Isit“hogwash“for non- V ' l
, by tom braden Carter back down from hi§sillv public WVU fans showed their pride for their University was inhospitable and had Rellglous hlstory Christians and for non-believers to be 5‘ I
expressions of alarm about the Soviet team. TheirI fans cheered the WYU no pride. I disagree. I live in West . . . taxed to erect Christian altars and to it 7
b tt 1' ‘ 4 C b Th I l team onduringthewholegame.unlike Virginia and many of my friends The editorial of Friday, September have religious holidays and y f.-
~———————-— a a ions m u a. er? ‘5 egitimate the UK fans who cheered only on the attend WVU. I was at WVU last 28 in the Kernel on the visit of Pope Observances? Should non-believers be 3 ;
When the report was handed to IconcTIrnIabout [he 59V'el'599950’ed big plays. weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed John Paul II disappointed and taxed. through lack of taxation of a. i"
Henry Kissinger and to other officials "Fa. in“): o submarine fac‘lmes 0" We love UK and are glad we chose myself. I don‘t feel that WVU and UK depressed me because of the lack of religious property. to benefit religious } . .
in the Nixon administration, they I it '5 éhn ' . to come here. but we do not feel that hospitality and pride are that much understanding of religious history and ideas and beliefs that are antithetical ii .
decided to dismiss "I Kissinger B n sII on. it appears that Mr. Lexington is the greatest place in the different Sure they may have been of religious freedom which it showed. to those that they hold? Should I be Iii ,
reasoned that the source of the report, ”Elm“ meant exactly what he said world. UK fans should take cheering verbally harassed. but we're not all Referring to the violence in forced to state a belief in God when it . .
a British agent who claimed to have it tIIat meeting in Prague ahd that the lessons from WVU. Next game. let‘s saints here at UK either. Sure they had Northern Ireland as “ . . . more of a wanting to pledge allegiance to my I
attended the Prague meeting. had ‘0‘”! Lnion isIalready ‘55"“3'5 “9" cheer during the whole game and not their ticket reservations overlooked, gang war than anything else . . . " country? i
never previously been tested. Stung: AstIiIrIIWiInston Churchill just after touchdowns. UK could also but mishandling of tickets sometimes without any exposition and Nowthat the Pope has left the US. . _
MOTCOVCFV it was argued, the sort of an? o 5.6”: ‘ ”"5 I” the way they take lessons in partying. Come on occurs here at UK too. A messed up clarification of the issues involved and perhaps the people here will see more V
thing Breyhncv was quoted as saying I: I”; II" It It? 8:“ R£°dv how W'll people, loosen up and “party hearty” hotel reservation does not make West of the historical and religious reasons clearrly what the Pope and his office
was what he might be expected to say I ey e aye m I e dr)‘ for the next game. Virginia inhospitable either. They also for the differences separating the stand for. His views on birth control, ' .
before a group of East Europeans. T B d . So you had some badexperiencesat stated that they were greeted by a Protestant and Catholic communities on woman’s place in the Roman
, Worried that the Soviet leader was 0"" ': ensisanIatiomlly syndicated WVU. Well, we did, too. Everything service station owner with a pistol. is misleading. To say or to hope that Catholic Church. on divorce. on .I '
moving so fast toward an cqumn st. “m“: "“5 week his that could go wrong, went wrong. Well, I have lived in West Virginia for the Pope can“ ...mend at least some marriage for Catholic priests. and on 1
understanding with the West. that co umn "i“ "’9'" on Mondays. WVU might not be a beautiful place [5 years and I‘ve never encountered of the bitterness the opposing sides abortion are not ones which will unite =,.v' j .
the" own interests might b6 sacrificed. have held for each other for so long. .. Catholics. let alone non-Catholics. in i - I.‘
In the retrospect of six years, \I 'S " does not recognize that the office of the U.S. .-
however. the British report seems fl .W the Pope itself is a symbol of the Religious freedom is in danger in t. ;
prophetic. Kissinger‘s recent /} l d differences andareason forpartofthe any country where a church which ’i
Statements on SALTand hiSinsistcncc K ; " bitterness. The religious differences believes that itahas “the”answer. and ;.
uponIa renewed U.S.effort in the arms / A ‘. 4': l- overlay and accentuate the political, amissionto propagatethis answer.isa i '
race indicate that he now realizes the .I . .\ (AI , 2 9:5. / - / social, and ethnic divisions, One of the dominating or “unifying” force. This t.
fa“ . I ' .s-Ifi-lIIE; ,‘l ’ primary reasons for the partition of applies to non-Catholic as well as 5
Unfortunately. it IS no longer ,7 ' § / Northern Ireland from the rest of Catholic religious groups. as the l
possible toarguethatthe SovietUnion , . / ..-.' . II \\ / Ireland was the fear the Protestant problems today in Iran show and as 1
has not been following precisely the HOBO” I ‘6 g: ' ‘3 majority had. and still has. of being past history in other countries has so ‘
course which Brezhnev was said to C . (3/ A :5: ~ united with a country in which the clearly demonstrated. }
33;?“ fonh at that Prague mgeting: P01 FRANK (‘ $15: . \ Roman Catholic Church has so much I
. ‘9 n°8°t|8tl°n5 PTOCCC . the i .n’ - , ¥ influence. Richard Thurston
I UnitedIIStaItIes xiv/iv" bIIe unliIItgy tobbuild CHURCH ON l} “V‘ _ I, , The editorial goes on to say. “It is Entomology professor 5.
up mii any. e ave n a le to ,- , ‘. I. g . . iI
accomplish more in a short time with WERE ' £6 ‘l _ . . (Thad, flf y/ l 3
' detente than was done for years with a . if“ . . t 'i""" ’,. I W 0‘, - k ’ Lane’s allc
policy of confrontation. {$2 "ll