xt7t1g0hxd44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxd44/data/mets.xml Kentucky Grand Temple of Kentucky. 1919 Call Number: HS2259.U54 G51 Tray 0078 books  English Frankfort, Kentucky: Roberts Printing Co.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten (organization publications) Grand Temple of Kentucky -- Periodicals Sisters of the Mysterious Ten -- Periodicals Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs -- Periodicals African American women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs -- Periodicals Proceedings of the ... Annual Session of the Grand Temple and Juveniles of Kentucky, 1919 text Proceedings of the ... Annual Session of the Grand Temple and Juveniles of Kentucky, 1919 1919 1919 2020 true xt7t1g0hxd44 section xt7t1g0hxd44  




as? THE
Féfifi Aflfifiai Sessiafi 0f theSia‘ie Granfi Témpie : '


Grand Temple of Kentucky

Incomor-ted Actual 11. I911 ,

Held in Primétqthy” August. 11 t0 175;:1919 .1 . -


E. B Brown, Mary F Chatman am}
i" ‘ “ija A Watkmq ’ "












Fifth Annual Session of the State Grand Temple . '



Grand Temple of Kentn'cky

Incorporated August 11, 1911

(Held-in Princeton, Ky., August 11 to 15, 1919

E. B. Brown, Mary F. Chatman Rosa A. Watkins


Mrs. Nellie M. Haggard, C. P. __-_-- . --_- Mrs. Mary B. Fos’ton. D. G. P.

Miss E. B. Brown, C. S. ___..------- “D--- Mrs. M. F. Chatma'n, A. C. S.
Mrs. L. T. Evans, G. T. .____ -___- g“--. Mrs. Jennie L. Poole, Chr. C. B. M.
Di. A. C. McIntyre, C. M; E. .__.--_ ....4. Han. L. R. Diggs, C. Atty.


MrsDE. A. H. Watkins _________________ Mrs. M. E. Hardridge, D. N. c c.
Mrs. Icla L. Garnett, N. G. S.









-————<.W.‘__,_-_.I _..._._.-__,..._.


State Grand Officers 1919-1920.

MRS. NELLIE M. I-IAGGARD, G. P ....... \Vinchester

MRS. MARY B. FOSTON, D. G. P ........... Owensboro
MISS E. B. BROWN, Gr. Sec ....................... Covington
MRS. M. E. CHATIWAN, Asst. Gr. Sec ....... Louisville
MRS. L. T. EVANS, Gr. Treas ............................... Paris
MRS. ALICE ‘GOODLOE, Gr. Chaplain-...PerryVille
DR. A. C. MCINTYRE, G. M. E ................... Louisville
HON. L. R. Diggs, Gr. Atty ........................... Frankfort

PROF. \V. H. HUMPHREY, Gr. Aud ......... Maysville


MRS. JENNIE L. POOLE, Chairman....I-Iopkinsville

MRS. BESSIE H. BALLARD ______________________ Lexington.
MRS. SUSIE E. TARDIF ________________________________ Stanford
MRS. NANNIE L. FIELDS .......................... Covington
MISS ANNA C. GOWDY ..................... 1 ...... Springfield


MRS. CLARINE LIVAS, Eastern .................. Carlisle

MRS. CORA RICHARDSON, Central ........ Louisville
MRS. SUSAN N. CARR, Western .............. Henderson

MISS MATTIE‘ V. BURTON, Gr. Org _______ Louisville






Grand Pr'









1 MRS. MARY B. FOSTO‘N, Deputy Grand Princess





PRINCETON, KY., AUGUST 11—15, 1919.


Princeton, Ky., August 12, 1919.

The fifth annual session of the State Grand Temple, Sis-

ters 'of the Mysterious Ten and Juveniles, was called to order ‘

at 12 o’clock in the Shepherd St. Baptist Church by Grand
Princess Sister Nellie Mance Haggard. The Grand Temple
was opened in order with singing, “'VVe Praise Thee, Oh God.”
Followed with prayer by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Good—

Roll of officers were called, all officers responding to their
names save Sister Letitia Ranels, Caleb; Sister Callie Dun-
can, Messenger; Sister Sallie Clelland, Sen'ior Marshal, and
Sister Elizabeth Thomas, Jr. Marshal.

Sister Myrtle Humphrey, of Calhoun, was appointed
Caleb; Sister Myrtle Tolliver, of Madisonville, Messenger;

Sister Annie Swannigan, of Louisville, Senior Marshal, and

Sister Mary Burnside, of Lexington, Junior Marshal.

Grand Princess gave a few encouraging remarks, which
were enjoyed by the delgation.




. Call of the Grand Temple was read by Grand Secretary
Sister E. B. Brown.

The following committees were appointed:

On Rules——Sisters Willina Cantrill, Lizzie Goff, Ella
Scott, Matilda Johnson and Emma Green.

On Finance—Sisters Martha V. Webster, Josie Taylor,
Roxie Conors, Estelle Jarmon, Eliza Arnett, Katie Carter and
James T. Hilliard.

On Grand Officers’ Report—Sisters R. A. Watkins, Ethel
Jones, SusanCarr, Mattie V. Burton, Blanche Hutsell, Mary
A. Lilly and Sue Lizzie Weathers.

On Credentials—~Sisters Louisa B. Jones, Clarine Livas,
Edna Bridges, Dismuse Flowers, Emma Tinsley, Lillie Ma-
son, Nannie Wyatt and Lucy Jackson. ' -

The committees were given recess in which to prepare
their reports.

The Grand Princess asked that all delegates that had
never attended the session before be escorted to the front.
Forty—three new delegates came forward, after which they
were introduced to the Grand Temple.

Sisters Tardiff and Fields were asked by the Grand Prin-
cess to 'go over to the brothers and ask what time the joint
meeting would be. They reported back that the brothers had
dismissed, but were informed that the meeting would be held
at the hall at 2:30 P. M..

The report of the Committee on Rules was read and
adopted as a whole. (See report.)

Sister E. B. Brown asked that the secretary of each com-
mittee come forward and receive the committees and instruct-
ed them to write on one side of‘the paper, as it would give the
Compiling Committee less trouble.

Motion by Sister Bessie Ballard and seconded by Sister



Mary A. Lilly that w. adjourn to meet at 2:30 P. M. Dis-

’ missed by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe.

E. B. BROWN, Grand Secretary; 1
MARY F. CHATMAN, Asst. Grand Sec.


Princeton, Ky August 12, 1919.

The Grand Temple was called to order at 2:30 P. M. with
Grand Princess Sister Nellie Mance Haggard in the chair.
Opened in regular form with singing, “Assembled in Thy
Courts Once More.” Followed with prayer by Grand Chap-
lain Sister Alice Goodloe. The Grand Princess stated that we
would do no other business as we were to meet with the
brothers in joint session to hear the reports.

Brothers E. E. Underwood, S. L. Barker and Wm. Calibert
came as a committee from the ‘Grand Lodge to invite the

Grand Temple to meet 'in joint session to hear the reports of
the Grand Officers. A rising vote of thanks was turned the'

committee for the invitation. We at once proceeded to march
over to the Grand Lodge, headed by Grand Chaplain and
Joshua followed by the Grand Princess and'the delegation.

Promptly at 3 :40 P. M. Grand Master Bro. W. H. Ballard
called the Grand Lodge and Grand Temple to order. Grand
Chaplain Rev. Bigbee read twenty—six verses of 37th Psalm.
Song led by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe, “Just Think
of His Goodness to You.” Followed with prayer by G. C.
Bro. Bigbee. Song led by Rev. Stoner, “And Are We Yet
Alive.” ‘ '

We then had a few remarks by G. M. Bro. W. H. Ballard,
after which he presented the gavel to P. N. G. P. Sister Martha
V. Webster to preside over the meeting. Sister Webster made
a few remarks and thanked Bro. Ballard for the honor con-
ferred in allowing her to preside over the meeting.




G. M. Bro. W. H. Ballard was presented and made his

Sixth annual report, which was very encouraging. Grand

Princess Sister Nellie Mance Haggard was next introduced,
who read her report, which was very interesting and inspir—
ing. The reports of Deputy Grand Master Bro. G. T. Halli-
burton and Vice Grand Princess Sister Mary B. Foston were
read Grand Secretary Bro. H. C. Russell passed his printed

Song, “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound.”

Grand Secretary Sister E. B. Brown said since the G. S.
Bro. Russell passed his reports she would follow suit and
asked that our reports be passed.

Song, “Shine On Us,” led by Sister Frances Wells.

Sister Brown then calledthe attention of the delegates to
several items on the report.

Grand Treasurer Sister Louisa T. Evans was introduced
and read her report.

Bro. H. C. Russell asked that we stand and sing, “Glory
Glory, Halleujah. ”

Report of Grand Board of Managers of Gland Lodge was
read by Bro. H. C. Russell. Sister Jennie L. Poole,_Chairman
of G. B. of M. read her report and afterward introduced Sister
BeSsie Ballard, Secretary of the Board, to make her report.'
The Secretary only read recommendation of the Board, as the
chairman had made the report. We then had reports from the
following, after having been introduced: Grand Auditor Bro.
W. H Humphrey, Grand Attorney Bro. L. R. Diggs and
Grand Medical Examiner Dr. A. C. McIntyre, who stated that
he had approv ed of 232 applicants and rejected 26. Approved
of 189 Juveniles.

Song, “Together Let Us Sweetly Live,” led by G. C. Bro.
Bigbee. After benediction by G. C. Bro. Bigbee the Grand
Temple adjourned to meet at 8 P. M. in the Pilgrim Chapel
to hear. the welcome address.

E. B. BROWN, Grand Secretary; ' ‘
MARY F. CHATMAN, Asst. [Grand Sec.






Princeton, Ky., August 12, 1919.

The Grand Temple assembled in Pilgrim Chapel at 8 P.
M. to hear the welcome address. Program:

Song .................................................................. “Lead Kindly Light”
Invocation .......................................................................... Rev. David
Song ................................ “Joy to the World, the Lord Is Come”
Welcome on behalf of the citizens ........................ Dr. L. H. Sloss
Response .......................................................... G. M. W. H. Ballard
Solo ............................................................... . ...... Miss Alvey Dodson

Welcome on behalf of Emerald Temple No. 81——
Mrs. Mattie McGoodWin

Response ........................................................ Mrs. Nannie L. Fields
Solo ....................................................... : ............... M iSS Ella B. Brown
Oration .......................................................... Miss Leona Thompson
Welcome on behalf of Pride Lodge ...... Prof. Sulby McGo-odwin'
Response ................................................................ Bro. Hiram Smith
Song .............................................................................................. Choir
Welcome on behalf of the church ..... L ........................ Rev. Stoner
Response ................................................................ Rev. C. M. Bigbee
Song .......................... “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”
Benediction .......................................................... Rev. C. M. Bigbee


Princeton, Ky., August 13, 1919.

The Grand Temple was called to order at 9 A. M. with
Grand Princess Sister Nellie Mance‘ Haggard in the chair.
The meeting was Opened in regular order with Grand Chap-
lain Sister Alice Goodloe reading part of the 4th chap. of Phil.
Led in singing, “Take the Name of Jesus With You.” Fol—
lowed with prayer by Grand Chaplain. The sum of $1.35 was
collected for fines from‘the following sisters having been late:
Sisters Eva Williams, Amy Davis, E. H. Watkins,‘ Lena


Rhodes, Emma Green, Dismuse Flowers, Lillie Mason, Mary
'B. Foston, Mary Jones and Myrtle Humphrey. Minutes of. the
afternoon session were read and adopted. Minutes of the night
session were read and adopted.

The following committees were appointed:

On Mileage and Per Diem—Sisters M. E. Allen, Flora B.
Moore, Mamie D. Seals, Charlotte Powell, Hallie Hammonds,
Alice V. Haines, Carrie Redd and Mamie E. Mimms.

' On State and Country—Sisters Carrie Gibson, Mary H.
French, Georgia Possy, Della Perry, Mary Lizzie Williams,
Mary Jones, L. S. Morton and Eula H. Bone.

On Courtesy—Sisters Sarah M. Smith, Clara B. Sharp,
Esther Calbert, Blanche Cranshaw, Georgia Ann Watts, Ru—
mania Flournard, Henrietta Taylor, Mattie Gardener, Sallie
Hollins and Lucy Hayden.

On Resolutions—Sisters Virgie McGill, Josie Wilson, D.
L. Hughes, Nannie Bell, Myrtle Thurman and Emma Scott.

On Grievance—Sisters Emma Coleman, Fannie Brown,
Alice Graves, Etta Cooksey, Mary B. Price, Mollie Crider,
Nannie Lee and Frances Wells.

On Condolence—Sisters Belle Bullitt, Nannie Anderson,
Emma Givens, M. H. Roach, Beatrice Golden, Annie Wells,
Fannie Hines and Mattie Campbell.

On Temple Returns—Sisters Mary A. Crow, Fannie Clay-
brook, Candis Mimms, Alvin Pointer, Leona Mills, Adella
Davis, Amy Davie and \Villie Watkins.

On Greetings—Sisters Cinderella \Nensom, Estella H.
Wilson, Letitia \Villiams, Annie Couch, Nellie Cruise, Lula
Fuel, Boboline Robinson and Georgia Jackson.

\Ne were then given ten minutes recess in order that the
committees might prepare their reports. Committee on Fi-
nance made a partial report, having collected $362.77, On mo-
tion by Sister Maria Bloch, carried,-that the partial report be
received. The organist being absent, the Grand Princess ap-
pointed Sisters Blanche Hutsel, Lillie Mason and Charlotte
Powell to preside at the organ. Communication from Star of
West Temple No. 13 was read sending greetings, wishing the





Grand Temple a prosperous session and endorsing the re
election of the Grand Secretaries. On motion by Sister Mary
B. Foston, carried, that the communicationbe received. Com:
mittee on Credentials made a partial report. On motion by
Sister Mattie V. Burton, carried, that partial report be

Discussion arose concerning delegates representing and
voting for more than one Temple or Juvenile. Quite a number
spoke on the matter. On motion by Sister Cora Richardson,
carried, that the Temples elect three delegates and Royal
House one and they must be separate. Amendment to the
motion by Sister Nannie L. Fields, carried, that each Grand
Lodge officer, each Past Grand Lodge officer and each repre~
sentative be allowed one vote no matter how many they are

Joined in singing, “Just Think of His Goodness to You.
Benediction by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe.

Adjourned to meet at 2 P. M.

E. B. BROWN, Grand Secretary;
MARY F. CHATMAN, Asst. Grand Sec.


Princeton, Ky., August 13, 1919.

The Grand Temple was called to order at 2:05 P. M. with
Grand Princess Sister Nellie Mance Haggard in the chair.
The Grand Temple was opened in regular order with Grand
Chaplain Sister Alice Goodl-oe reading 34th Pslam. Led in
singing, ‘fJust Think of His Goodnes to You.” Followed with
prayer by Grand Chaplain. Minutes of the morning session
were read and adopted. Forty-five cents was collected for fines
from the following sisters having been late: Sisters Blanche


Hutsel, Clarine Livas, Mary Lizzie Williams and Louisa T.
Evans. Committee on Grievance reported, (see report). Com—
mittee on Condolence reported, (see report. Committee on
State and Country reported, (see report). Committee on Res—
olutions reported, (see report). Sisters Bessie Ballard and
Annie Gowdy were appointed to escort Dr. E. E. Underwood
and Senator Catlet in. Sister Ballard introduced Dr. Under—
wood, who then introduced Senator Catlet. He then made a
few interesting remarks. A rising vote of thanks was turned
him for his remarks. Grand Princess received word that a
committee from the Grand Lodge was at the door. Sister An—
nie Gowdy introduced the committee to the Grand Temple,
which composed the following brothers: G. W. Sai’fell, Dr.
A. C. McIntyre, Henry Alien, Ed. Davis, Ad. Hocker, Ed.
Glass and Hiram Smith. Bro. G. W... Saffell stated that they
came to bring greetings from the Grand Lodge, and his re-
marks very interesting and encouraging. We also had
remarks from the other members of the committee. Response
by Sister Martha V. Webster. A rising vote of'thanks was
turned the committee.

”We then went into memorial services.

Song .................................................. “God ‘Nill Take Care of You”
Paper .................................................................. Sister Mary A. Lilly
Solo ...................................................................... Sister Clarine Livas
Remarks....------.......3 .......................................... Sister Frances Wells
Song ............. . ............ “What Are They Doing in Heaven Today”

Remarks by Sisters Cora Richardson and Lizzie Goff.
Song ............................................................................ “Rock of Ages”

Remarks by the following Sisters:
Mattie V. Burton, Mary B. Foston and Martha V. Webster

Song .................................................................... “Walk in the Light”

Remarks by the following sisters:

Sisters Jennie L. Uoole, Nannie Bell, Cinderella Newsom,

' Nannie Anderson, M. H. Roach, Henrietta Taylor, Ma-
tilda Johnson, Beulah Cranshaw and E. B. Brown, Who
recited a poem in memory of the deceased.




Song led by Grand Princess:
”God Has Promised to Provide for You”

Dismissed by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe to
meet at 9 A. M. Thursday morning.

E. B. BROWN, Grand Secretary;
MARY F. CHATMAN, Asst. Grand Sec.


Princeton, Ky, August 14, 1919.

The Grand Temple was called to order at 9 A. M. with
Grand Princess Sister Nellie Mance Haggard in the chair. The
meeting was opened in regular order with Grand Chaplain
reading part of the 5th chapter of Matthew. Led in singing,
“Where Jesus is ’Tis Heaven There.” Followed with prayer
by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe. $1.05 was collected
for fines from the following sisters having been late: Sisters
Mary E. Mimms, M. H. Roach, Sallie Hollins, Emma Givens,
Mary Jones, Celia Tinsley, Cinderella Newsom, Lena Rhodes
and Amy Davie. Minutes of the afternoon session were read
and adopted. Central Deputy Sister Cora Richardson read _
her report, which was adopted, (see report). Western Dep—
uty Sister Ada Pullen read her report, which was adopted,
(see report). Committee on Greetings reported, (see report).
On motion by Sister Martha V. Webster, carried, that we go
into the election of officers.

Grand Secretary Sister Brown asked to make her report in
detail as her report at the joint session was merely to report
the financial and numerical strength of the Grand Temple.
The request being granted, Sister Brown prefaced her report
with some very timely remarks.

On motion by Sister E. B. Brown, carried, that Sister
Martha V. Webster preside over the meeting while electing



officers, also that she install the officers. The following tellers
were appointed: Sisters R. B. Flournoy, Blanche Hutsel,
VVillina Cantril, Clarine Livas and Mamie D. Seals. Sister
Webster, Acting Grand Princess, stated nominations were in
order for Grand Princess. On motion by Sister Cora Rich—
ardson, carried that the rules be suspended and all elected offi—
cers be re—elected by acclamation and Secretary cast the ballot.
On motion by Sister Emma Tinsley, carried that we elect an .
attorney. On motion by Sister Bessie Ballard, carried, that
Bro. L. R. Diggs be our Attorney. On motion by Sister Susie
Tardiff, carried, that Sister Estelle Jarmon be assistant install—
ing officer.

Resolution offered by Sister Cora Richardson, “That we
ask each Temple in the State to donate $1.00 to erect a monu-
ment for Sister E. G. Balkman. And a committee of five be
appointed to purchase same,” was read. On motion by Sister
Mamie D. Seals, carried, that the resolution be adopted.

Committee on Temple Returns reported, (see report). On
motion by Sister Martha V. \Vebster, carried, that the Grand
Temple provide a way for our Grand Treasurerto go to the
bank. Joined in singing, “You May Look for Me for I’ll Be
There.” Prayer by Grand Chaplain. Adjourned to meet at
2 P. M.

E. B. BROXVN, Grand Secretary;
MARY F. CI‘IATMAN, Asst. Grand Sec.


Princeton, Ky, August 14, 1919.

The Grand Temple was called to order at 2:05 P. M. with
Grand Princess Sister Nellie Mance Haggard in the chair. The
meeting was opened in regular order with singing, “Just Think
of His Goodness to You.” Followed with prayer by Grand -
Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe. Grand Princess received word





that a brother was at the door Wishing to be admitted. Sister
Susie Tardiff was asked to go out and escort the brother in.
She then introduced Bro. David, who came to notify us that
the National Grand Master would visit the Grand Temple at
2:30, and asked that we get the name of every sister, What
they paid and where they are from in order that they may
try'and get reduced rates as they have only 176 certificates.
Minutes of the morning session were read and adopted. Sis-
ters Ada Pullen'and R. A. Watkins were appointed to go after
the National Grand Master. Dr. E. E. Underwood introduced
the N. G. M., Bro. Jamison, who made a very lengthy but
interesting address, bringing greetings from the National
Grand Lodge. Joined in singing, “\Ve praise Thee, Oh God.”
Response by Sister Martha V. \Vebster, P. N. G. P.

Committee on Grand Officers reported, (see report). Com—
mittee on Mileage and Per Diem reported, (see report). Com-
mittee on Courtesy reponted, (see report). Credential Com—
mittee made a final report, (see report). Finance Committee
made a final report, (see report). Sisters Mary B. Price, Mary
French and Lucy Hayden were appointed Committee on Juve-
nile Records. Committee on Revising the Constitution re—~
ported. It was suggested by Sister Martha V. W'ebster that
we make the changes and adopt as we go along. On motion
and second, Article 10 was adopted as revised in allowing the
officers six consecutive terms. On motion and second, Article
13 was adopted as revised, “Allowing any member of the Or-
der, male or female, to the floor of the Grand Temple upon
the Quarterly pass, then in use.” On motion and second, the
clause referring to the Grand Temple issuing charters was-
stricken out. Motion and seconded that the Assistant Secre—
tary resume the responsibilities of the Grand Secretary in case
of sickness, disability, death, etc., during year and hold same
until the meeting of the Grand Temple. On motion and sec—
ond that in case of the death of a member of a subordinate
Temple, all members must wear black skirts, white waist, with
soft collar, black tie and black hat. The amount of sick dues
remain the same and amount to be paid be left with each Tem—
ple. On motion by Sister Bessie Ballard, carried that the re—



port of the Committee on Constitution be received and adopted
a? revised. Joined in singing, “Jesus the Light of the World.”
Prayer by Grand Chaplain Sister Alice Goodloe. Adjourned
to meet Friday morning at 9 A. M.

E. B. BROXVN, Grand Secretary;
MARY F. CHATMAN, Asst. Grand Sec._

Princeton, Ky., August 15, 1919.
The Grand Temple was called to order at 9:15 A. M. with

Grand Princess Sister Nellie M. Haggard in the chair. The

meeting was opened in regular order with Grand Chaplain
Sister Alice Goodloe reading lst Cor., 13th chap. Led in
singing, “Let Jesus come Into Your Heart.” Followed with
prayer by Grand Chaplain. Sister Cinderella Newsom paid
a fine of 10 cents for being late. Minutes of the afternoon

, session were read. On motion by Sister Cinderella Newsom

that the minutes be adopted. Amendment to the motion by
Sister Jennie L. Poole, “That each member absenting herself
from a funeral of a member, unless she is ill herself or there
is illness in her family, shall be fined the sum of $1.00. Should
a member attend the funeral not attired in full uniform, she
shall be fined the sum of. $1.00." Amendment to the amend-
ment by Sister Mamie D. Seals, “That all members who do
not turn out without a lawful excuse be fined $1.00.” Amend-
ment to the amendment carried. On motion by Sister R. A.
Watkins, carried, that this same committee have the consti—
tutions printed.

Resolution offered by Sister Jennie L. Poole: “Resolved,
that, in the event a Temple finds it necessary to pay the quar-
terly premiums of a member, that the said member shall make
the Temple paying the premiums on her policy the sole bene—
ficiary. Should (the said member express her unwillingness to
comply with the said terms, the Temple of which she is a
member shall not under any circumstances be permitted to
pay the said quarterly premiums.” '




On motion by Sister Ada Pullen, carried, that the resolu-
tion be adopted. Amendment to the motion by Sister Martha
Webster that the relatives be required to go before a notary
public and relinquish all claims on the policies. Amend-
ment to amendment carried.

Committee on Juvenile Records reported, (see report). On
motion by Sister Mamie Gardener that at the next session
which will be held. at Standford, that one night be set aside
to render a program to be given to the Peedee hall for their
building. Amendment to the motion by Sister Cinderella
News-om to help all that Would be in distress. Amendment to
the motion carried. Sister M. H. Roach made an appeal to
the Grand Temple for a collection to help them on their build-
ing. A collection of $17.36 was raised. On motion by Sister
Mattie V. Burton that the Grand Temple furnish the remain—
ing amount to make out $20.00.

Sister \Villina Cantrill presented the banner to Sister
Maria Bloch for Golden Crown Juveniles having brought in
the largest membership since the last quarter.

On motion by Sister Cora Richardson, carried, that the
Finance Committee be paid $1.00 a way for services. On
motion by Sister Nannie L. Fields, carried, that the Grand
Temple turn Mr. Dodson a vote of thanks for his kindness in
entertaining the Grand Temple officers. On motion by Sister
Cora Richardson, carried, that we go into the installation of
officers. The installing officers, Sisters Martha V. \Vebster
and Estelle Jarnion, assistant, installed the following officers:

Grand Princess ............................ Nellie Mance Haggard
Vice Grand Princess .............................. Mary B. Foston
Grand Secretary ............................................ E. B. Brown
Assistant Grand Secretary ................ Mary F. Chavtman
Grand Treasurer .................................... Louisa T. Evans
Grand Chaplain ......... - ................................... Alice Goodloe

Grand Board of Managers—Sisters Jennie L. Poole,_
Annie Gowdy, Bessie Ballard, Susie Tardif and
Nannie L. Fields. '

Grand Attorney ................................................ L. R. Diggs


Grand Auditor ...................................... \V. H. Humphrey
Grand Medical Examiner ................ Dr. A. C. McIntyre '

The Grand Princess appointed the following officers:

Outside Gate Keeper .......................... Sister Lannie Lee
Caleb .......................................... Sister Myrtle Humphrey
Joshua .................................................... Sister Belle Bulli‘tt
Messenger ...................................... Sister \Villina Cantrill
Senior Marshal .................................. Sister Alice Haines
Junior Marshal .................................. Sister Mary French
\Vestern Deputy .................................... Sister Susan Carr
Central Deputy ............................ Sister Cora Richardson
Eastern Deputy ................................ Sister Clarine Livas
State Organizer ........................ Sister Mattie V. Burton

Grand Councilors—Sisters Belle Hughes, Carrie Gib—
son and Clara Sharp.

Joined in singing, “Just Think of His Goodness to You.”
On motion by Sister Mary F. Chatman that we give the in—
stalling officers their pay.

The following sisters were appointed to purchase the mon-
ument for Sister E. G. Balkman, P. G. P.: Sisters Cora Rich-
ardson, Frances Wells, Mary F. Chatman, Annie Swanningan
and Emma Tinsley.

All joined in singing, “A Charge to Keep I have.”
There being no further business, the fifth annual session.
of the State Grand Temple adjourned sine die.

E. B. BROWN, Grand Secretary;
MARY F. CHATMAN, Asst. Grand Sec.






Put thou thy trust in God,

In duty’s path go on, n

Fix on His Words thy steadfast eye,
So shall thy work be done.

Two years ago when elected by you in the beautiful city of Har-
risburg, Kentucky, as your State Grand Princess, 1 accepted the office
with a deep sense of responsibility, fully aware of my obligation to
the beautiful order of the S. M. T., I have endeavored under the guid-
ance of our Heavenly Father to prove myself worthy of the trust you
have reposed in me.

Through the supreme loving kindness of our Heavenly Father
we are inestimably privileged to meet in our Fifth Annual Session.
We have gathered in this beautiful city of Princeton, Ky., with the
beautiful skies over head in our Fifth Convocation to the Grand officers
and representatives. It is, indeed, a pleasure to me to extend to each
and every one of you a cordial welcome to this, our Gnand Session, to
aid in the great work of the intellectual, moral and religious culture
of the organization. Maylwe come as the representatives of the
larger part of the S. M. T. to report the work of the past two years
well done, and take on fresh courage for the work that yet lies before
us, and as the pioneers went forth more than a century ago inspired
and encouraged, may we return to our homes full of holy zeal and
with the determination never to give up the struggle until victory is
perched upon our banners. In this spirit I greet you, my Sisters, and
bid you welcome to this the Fifth Annual Session of our State Grand
Temple. I trust this session may be an inspiration to, you and we
trust that you have come to help us make this Grand Session one
long to be remembered.


Seldom do we meet Without missing the familiar faces of some
one who has met with us from year to year and joined hearts and voices
in our services. In the midst of our joy a gloom o-f_sadness was cast
over the Grand Temple, caused by the death of our sister and Ex-
State Grand Princess, Sister Edmonia Balkman. Sister Balkiman was


present in the organization of the Grand Temple and was elected our
first State Grand Princess. She served us four years, but our Heaven
ly Father, who doeth all things for the best, summoned her from
labor to reward. Instead of traveling in the interest of the Grand
Temple she was called to give an account of her stewardship to Him
who has watched over and provided for our work these past five
years. It was with profoundest sorrow we heard of the loss by death
of our beloved Princess and co-worker, Sister Edmonia G. Balkman.
She was tenderly loved by all and her loss is deeply mourned by the
entire Grand Temple.

Sister, thou wast mild and lovely,
Gentle as a summer breeze,
Pleasant as the air of evening,
When it floats among the trees.
Peaceful be thy silent slumber,
Peaceful in the grave so low.
Thou no more shall join our number,
Thou no more our song shall know.
Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled,
Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tears are shed.

We are doing well, sisters. Let us continue. No secret order in
the State has had so phenomenal a growth as our, but the receiving
of thousands of members and the disbursing of thousands of dollars
is not the true measure of the growth of any society and especially
the Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, wh‘clse foundation stones are Justice,
Mercy and Truth. The future success of the order is a problem of
leadership. We, as Sisters of the Mysterious Tens, need the Clalebs
and Joshuas to conduct us safely into the Canaan of Wisdom and