xt7t1g0hxc55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxc55/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1995 Vol.66 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1995 Vol.66 No.9 1995 1995 2019 true xt7t1g0hxc55 section xt7t1g0hxc55 _ _ j , (:Epkmfl . fl , l '
' if "\“‘ .. > I“ ’
I ‘ Q 1" "‘7. 2;.“ 3"" ‘W ‘ l ,; .
" :4: " Mead (fr—‘1 \ o' ‘ £4? ‘ 33 September, 1995 ,2 E R: -
‘ if i“; B , am ’ Volume 66. Number 9 mi 5' 32C:
' ' Septemberu-15 ' i T g 5 5 E m .
women’s ‘ ‘2 . THE KIENTU 2M
‘éSSOClationFallsemi . : N i v ' 5 91 E 5.3 Fn I
Will-3mm! xeCUtive Inn, Padur ' 1 E .1: ‘ x 2 k x ‘V '
Roam Sept be . l ("3 . \ \ cf :9 (21,3) § "3
..:““.I.“FIC.. _.|..l\.‘ .. em I 17 - 20 ' fi 6 a m :3
M SNPA Convention, ‘ ‘ 3‘12 in § 3”
. -u.\.|‘-.-\tc: Broadmoor Resort, A a 340 3ft: I
Colorado Springs ..’ ' g a w
NNASEPtembfl'ZO-B ‘ k 1 \ ) m  
onvention, Radisson B d I ’I 1'
. HMSWMM oar commits to full-time News B
septemberzé 1 DFSPite a downturn in mi: inth U reau ,/ ,'
G7 p.111, (ET) - KP A P995 in use of the Kentucky oConunonwealm, mgv “EWSpapemacro the / I
Fen-illmagnal Public NE: ABSSOClat‘ion's unique if l‘enfllgzenglglitlyas and countyhavecutdienewsliole glimmtandeossible OptiOna] A\
, in Cen ureau se ' Elm". '3' service P5 0 l
for them, mag?“ KPA/xps Board olvm'fiee’cfo“; “Yaflable to some press asso- $332033? "seam” OP'Y'W‘ afflfig ocnal’lfe *
» halve“rmfitudmirroring.the ““3?” In one, d152,? “‘d' Gm“ lackmn stmun-imp in "
a: N ti OctOber 8 - 14 when open on a full-time theKP A fixated within Board took action 01:03: :3: Nashville,
a Onal Newspaw wak :1“ . I t duties OfflOE,assign- lowing mpics: - FacultY'ln-ResidenCe _ac-
£33,,” August tzlieasio; came atthe member newszgrér‘smirfi 3y Clipping Service—autho- fgfifigfia pr§§°sai from the
4 Boar ' - . , . u - ' . . sm ~ _
‘ WMMWM L'Emmevngmdsm mums-mm timesabiiiiifis. .
gf from Board menbers to help co agenaes, mvonng press company in purchasin “3.: ill-residence programtobegin
:\\§J/ Whalidsmgmme m.n988.heanngs,mais men . . 8 mthewmmeroflggs -
\ bureau. and 9mm” riews events in 1&3."mgmserm' - u‘eeXP'essionfl‘a'a'lealsxlwth
12‘ . s new map H mm: 23:: and mg m» - ma , News {wommbev'ml i
3*." our bleo ~ “30 theUnim r a five-week '
._ Mpg-WM“? whattodo with damn: mwmem W‘ ing Green/tl’VamggglVifl. Ship“ Kentuckymwslgpem
‘ reau. Those options included or nd rt bureaus Convention Center as site 2; ThePl’Ogl'amwouldbefunded
~ 7 Octobers making the service available Wl'Dcoduonesgoha ants, and those the1996 KentuckyPressAsso. by the 19“de lOumalism
p .m. (CI‘) _ KP A on a pad-time basis with no . vepioblems get- elation Summer Co _ FOimdahonand modeled simi- .
Cube-mom Public om duties; making it ““3 was 0' 00mins news m . .“V°““°“- my to the Slicoessful -
F°"“m 5‘ timebu maintain Pm’ eve"““lll‘lankfort” - °°“"°"“°“ Will be held terns - KlFm-
‘ , f r ngletary Center . t tlierespoii- ex . ' ”“1 KPA 'l'liursdayand pn'da 1“? Mam-
. «4 or the Arts, UK, LEXington sibimy of editing and design- “acutive director David 1'. and 21- Proposed “333m20 “331 COntingency Fund - '
och ing ’tIh'he Kenmy Pie-‘35; end- such?“ Emmy. m3 dude a tour of the Co ”In. “CW 8 ”PM“ mm P‘“ :-
. _ be! 12 m8 . e five-year-old cult fOlin-gas temdeltdlffi- plant and a r _ rvetle precldent Suave Lowerytoes.
KPA Fall Advertising mm; or making it full-time. no r WWW” to cover Corvette Museu I . on at the 1
.. ' ,meIHummm 1“? KPA News Bureau Jfie'm‘mmfiw city mmmw'mg “named on Pages
.‘ oliday Inn, Louisville mfmmAufit, 1990, as a gave all ms m“ m 0 n ti '
~- ‘ . e” A President based. 8 reponer d -
j KPA I:Omobu- 12 DaVId Hawpe's list of pro- "A? Fifiankfon . n u, "9 e u 03 t I on '
. , . .all News Editorial {med My member services. news ° MY designed, KPA to h .
. Seminar, Hurstboume t“wa’me‘xsmdinitiallytogive signmenpapetsrs me spedfic as- OSt fa" semlnars for ad ’
.» Hotel, Louisville ‘ 3A member newspapers News], °’ ”9““ 0‘ the editorial d - - ’
,, an malflnployeeinFi-ank. volv ureau.WIthoutthein- an CerUlatlon Staffs
. 195cm“, 13 _ 1‘ Off, the heart of state . Vern- m: gist“?! KPA staff F ll 1
:“r ~' sedated Press ' .H'E"? ' "‘PSOn added. a “’i lbeabusy time for thou theme
'~ f , Cl'm'ag‘fls Editors Fall KPA Sponsorth 2 giggmbablxmdumthe figmky “eWSpaper staffs activist: in “may“. 0‘ :
. U Oliventlon, Winston cand'd “mall“ the near fu- . three"'li’comlllgSielllinars news ' against ,
a I ate forums lure to make u more "spew being planned to help advgr- 1995 335965;“ late 1994 and ,
’ 9’? I Odour 13 - 15 A Tile.K°'}mCl‘y Press srve ”0 members needs with- “Fingr Circulation and edito- its w'atchdo 2|fo re-smcmrgd '
., Kentucky News 5500311911 Is sponsoring 0‘,“ mlymg 50 “mm on indi- nal departments. enforcemeft girls and 5mm "
; , .. l’lictographers twopublicforumswith the "dual alssIguments frOm . ""99 fa" seminars are regulations 0 me federal
'_._ V‘ Assocration Convention two gubernatorial cam“- newspapers." liemgplannedinoctober two A150 ' m , .
Galt House Lo ' ' ' dates. I“ll‘epafit ear the ‘“ Louisville and -' - or? 9 program 3’9 ' '" |
V _ , UISVllle B Y I News . a third In representan
', The first forum is ureaugafhefed variouscourt bexmgmn- Business Buves “f the Boiler . ‘
., i ' 090M115 :hedulod for TueSday’ ficords in Frankfort and OCtober 12, at the Hurst- tuclty Attorneeauénrd thc'Ken- ’ '
:-“, _ National Press Pt- 26 In the ReCital Hall goaCed thoseon KPA'sbulletin boume Lane Holiday Inn, ad- fice discussin y . gnoral 5 Of‘ ' ‘
,~-‘ ‘ Fhomgraphers :meUKSinsletary Center "d System, CommonNet_ mums staffs will gather from that are bein 3 Kim“ scams '7"
. Finns Short Course, ortheAmmmndwm A “my this spring on “mucky newspapers for a advertism 3° "WWW“ 3. ‘ ’
Gait House, Louisville be “Why, Oct. 9 at the the News Bureau showed the ha"my of seminars on mi- news g “gum” and how . . ‘
.’- f . Information Age Park Re- semcetobevaluab|etom_ OHS laws related to the new so _ papers S Ould roact, The is w _ .
-, .. . source be! ne . - 5' "““af mncludes With - ,. -
r Gemini-25.27 . ,WSWPel'S, €5peCIally paper Industry. lcrnoon se ‘ annf r‘ '
R: . Al’ Fall Convention, Cent-tin Paducah. games! Will the [host-“5d 'l'lieseminarbegins witha Greene KPASSge’rn by Klm 7" *'
'l'i-"J, Indianapolis 30th forums begin an 9W3 Bureau service being Pmtafionbysuesmckkm 591,0“ {mm “9”“ COUH- = .- ~
"2'; -. p.m., local time, coverage of legislative 995. OfflleKentuckyHumnRjghm federal la scum." Stat“ and 1‘." .
r; t-' Odober 2‘ Panelists for the [£39 Slons. Commission, updating news- paper advvevrsti 3“?“ng news. f, a ', ’
i: KP A Fall Circulation 2‘8”“ forum are Lisa h Many members noted, P‘Pasoncomplyingwithted- A150 on Osclrogb'e ‘ ‘
.137. '. Seminar, Holiday Inn Eamahan' Harlan Daily 0 '2'"! “‘3' Clits ‘in-{igws eral Homing and Urban De- HUTSlboume H tell'lZ,atthe ‘ ' t.
3:, ‘~ North, Lexington an'Pfise; Gene Clabes, spa? 0' commuting more“ "°‘°l:’“‘e“t (HUD) laws. lmnceCenter 3i Kand C0“- 2'
‘ .... mm“ WMfiII- on ocal news coVerage af_ Shackleton heads up the Hu- Editorial Divisioe' PA News _ <.
, Continued on Page 2 Conflnued on p “fiend ‘f’e 0‘ the service. - “la“ Rights Commission am- in a h "d n ’5 59mm" ' .
8305 W h . . lo . . _ 8 a aysemlnar f
ll Mwspl‘lnt prices § .l’l overseeing comPllance "‘8 on the] , ocusp
With HUD regulatiOns. Al-I alest technology in
. Continued on Page 3 '
, ' . . ' ‘ I V“. 'V‘ “5 x4,’2;*.-,-/‘\3:-,- 91:9?! Linn"; r-"»‘“~~~-~-' ‘ | ‘
" . " . 0. ‘.’ C ‘. .'. Ni“: ‘3" i I“ .Ll’vf‘f-V’H-I.‘ ‘ .‘.‘: 3 “V ‘ :7‘5" 5 _;4~"'-'.L. , . " ~ '
' . ‘ ”x; 4 " @515; . , N3” ., xx." 4:,2 -,,:7--;g.s .. - a - . - - .
' - (9» 93310”, 35¢“ fr ‘_ “37“;‘3 , '. “ 5" I"; ‘ v » .T . *
I . \r >. A

 Page2-TheKentuckyPress-September,1995 --
People and Papers in the News
F1. Joe Vanderhoof, gen- pers Inc., parent company Of 111., has joined the Mayfield Holly Sanger, former ad- personal column.
eral manager of the Ashland the Dailylndependentandthe Messenger as a staff writer. vertisingmanager fortheDaily Rick Baker, former editor
Daily Independentforthepast Free Press. Vanderhoof, an Schaumburg graduated from News in Rhinelander, Wisc., of the Georgetown News and
three years, has been named Ashland native, began his Western Kentucky University has been named classified ad- Times,and morerecentlyacity
publisher 0f the 25,800—circu- newspaper career in 1975 in with a degree in speech and vertising manager for the hall reporter for the Somerset
lation Mankato (MN) Free theDaily Independent’ scircu- mass communications and is Bowling Green Daily News. Commonwealth Journal, has
Press. The appointment was lation department. pursuing a master’s degree at The Wayne County Out- been named managing editor
announced by Richard Myers, Paul Schaumburg, former Murray State Universityin or- look has added two new staff of the Barbourville Mountain
president and chief executive on-airpersonality forradio sta- ganizationalcommunications. members — Vicki Cross and Advocate. Baker has served as
officer of Ottaway Newspa- tionsinBentonandMetropolis, Morehead native Kay Dennise Gillespie.Crossjoins editor of a weekly newspaper
Hedrick has joined the theOutlookasadvertising as- in Show Low, Ariz., and was
Manchester Enterprise as ad- sistant to Melinda Jones and publicinformation officer with
m K t k p vertising manager. Hedrick is Gillespie has been added to the Cabinet for Human Re-
6 CH UC y 116% a graduate of Morehead State theOutlook's composition de- sources in Frankfort from 1984
University with a B.A. in jour- partrnent. to 1988. Baker replaces David
nalism. Betty Berryman, pub- Cole who has been named
numb“ .mwgfi Dim“ 14 Lisa Hurst, news team lisher of the Winchester Sun publicrelationsdirectorforthe
’ WPI—WMWW 5mm Simpson, pubs“ Week member of the Cynthiana and president of the Kentucky Knox County School System.
( :ggmfimfi Democrat, recently photo- Press Association in 1986, has From getting to chat with
gnztwr‘gcmmrm District ls-A graphed all historical markers been named to the Board of UK basketball players to
' ' ’ ' Tom Caudill. Lexington Herald- in Harrison County and pre- Directors of PAGE Co-op. watching John Michael Mont-
officm and Dim“ Leader sented a print of the markers PAGE is a member-owned gomeryfilmavideoinGarrard
Kentucky pm. Association W“ 15-3 to the Cynthiana historical purchasing cooperative, de— County, Scarlett Husbands
. museum. The print will be on signed to help independent says her experience as an in-
. Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice and , _
President Times display at the museum. and pnvately-owned group tern at the Garrard County
‘ 0°th Abema'thouham En Landmark Community newspaperstopurchase news- News was "a greatexperience."
,‘ , d El Slate “Lug. NewspapersLouisvillemarket paper supplies on a Husbands is a senior at the
$33.5“: Ashlan d Daily Russ Powell, Ashland Daily regional sales rep Dee volume-based discount sys— University of Kentucky, ma-
Independent ' Independent Matasich has received addi- fem. joring in Journalism. Her
tional duties as assistant to Danna Estridge, news re- intemship was one of 12 is-
" pm Mac... Jay P “179' P‘d‘mhs‘m LCNI advertising director porterat the PinevilleSun, has sued by the Kentucky
Steve Lowery, Kentucky Standard Chip Hut chem“ Princeton Times Bonnie Gray. Matasich willbe left the newspaper to return to Journalism Foundation.
bade, ’ assisting Gray in serving and Eastern Kentucky University __.___—______
Vi“ M49!“ developing national advertis- to complete work on a Obituaries
Gene q‘be" W“ Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune ing accounts for LCNI. bachelor's degree in journal-
”‘W’P'Pm Courier Shelbyville Sentinel News ism.
' Tum reporter Kevin Eigelbach Melissa Dozier-Lewis, BROWN
may than”, APP‘hCNIn $3303“ng Kenn“: found himself a ”victim" of a public relations director at
News Express U “malty ' “ ky car crash recently. Actually, Knox County Hospital, has James W. Brown, fermer
1 Eigelbach was;u a lwilling par- been named features editor of 5CP0rt§Wlllm f0: thriidlfllilelsgue
0m Adve - mo“ ticipantinave 'c eextrication the Laurel News-Leader. ouner- 0‘1"“ a m“
' William mm“ mm“ he'd“ 1932:23ng County class put on by the Shelbyville Lewis previously worked as a cinnati Post, died A“8“5t 15 1h
' m 2 News FireDepartment. Eigelbach lay reporter at the Corbin Times- Louisville. He was 75-
.? Jed Dillingham. Dawson Springs insidethecarwhilefirefighters Tribune and the London Brown worked m the GI
.. W News Editorial Division used the jaws of life to p0p Sentinel-Echo. sports department from 1946
I°hh ”91‘0“! “11”“ Week open the door. ”It was a little David L., Smith, former g) 1963 be“; e moving to the
Districtlt . . scary, especially when they circulation mana er of the incinnati 05f, rom WhiCh
Tm Mien, MCLw‘I County fmfifl?fg;ohcmn said they might have to cut off Owensboro MesEenger-ln- he retired. Among his duties
New New, Express ' my leg to get me out," quirer, has been appointed attheCourier-Joumal wascov-
Md ‘ Eigelbach reported. president, chief executive of- erase . 0f Universfly of
Charlie Pom“ anmn Journalism Education Barry Danowski has ficer of the Thomson ‘LOUISWHQ athletics. The fam-
Fwo rite ' Dr. Ron Wolfe, Eastern Kentucky joined the staff of the Fulton Newspapers Corporation In- "Y requests that memonalgifts
UNVGSWY Leader as sports editor. diana Strategic Marketing bemadetotheShelbyvilleBap—
Dbtrlct 5 Cum“ Cum]. Danowski previously worked Group. Smith has been group “5‘ ChWCh-
. David Greer, Etizabethtown News Jon mm“, m d Km 6mm part-time at the Padth Sun publisher of Thomson News- —————___
; EMF“! WY“: “mm an d Combs ’ and the Mayfield Messenger. papers” Independent Group, ,
; Carol Moore has been based in Tampa, Fla. @ORIHB Mead
a. 3:32;:st mm]. Kentucky 1"... Am“... named advertising director of Rebecca Ray, who gradu-
gvs Courermll Kentucky Press Service Staff “‘9 hawk! Ehm- ated '3‘ May from the Continued from Page 1
, 1': Ed Maltrean, secretary of UmversrtyofMissouri-Colum-
‘ i pm 7 David '1‘. Thompson, Execmive theKPA AssociatesBoard and bin withadegreeinjoumalism, November 2.3
' . Kan-y wmudr, (mum. Camry Dim former chairman of the KPA has been named assistant edi- KPA ”(pg Board Fall
- News WHW‘M: Mine- Adva'tisingDivisiothasbeen tor of the Kentucky Standard R c be” nd
. ' ; mum’s.” “mm I: named director of community in Bardstown. Smith wasa re- egjfi’sfi?parf
. maul.“ New. Reba M’hmh/Ms-W relations at Kentucky Educa- porter on the Columbia
.{ O u k ’ M coodmm tionalTelevision.Mastreanhas Missourian and also worked January 25 - 25, 1996
— ‘ 9.0m“, seem” been with KET as director of fortheSrnithville(Mo.)Demo— KPA Winter Convention,
_ . " m 1°41 Buffy Johnson, Bookkeeping public information since leav- crat Herald. Radisson Plaza,
:- Marty m! A hem New, Animnt ing the Lexington Herald Randy Patrick, editor of ' n
. i i 5W P?! immTW: “Wins Leader's advertising depart~ theJessamineJoumal,has won Lexmgto
‘ ment in the late 19805. two writing awardsin Repub- March 4 - 8, 1996
. ,- « ~ mgmm mm“ / mmfly’cumg Kristie Dunbarhasjoined lic Newspapers' journalism Newspapers in Education
'. ' ,. En ' “m“ qu Peyton, M.“ ”In" the Prowdence Journal Enter— contest. Patrick won awards Week
. j W m “chum prise staff as front desk forbestgeneral news story for
. ... g M 13 um. Stomp,Clipping mum... receptionist and is in training coverage of a devastating June 20 - 21, 1996
f 'g ‘ Glenn Gny'mm Em,” Carol Payton, Clipping Assistant as an advertising sales repre— storm that hit Jessamine KPA Summer Convention,
. ' 4‘ .- Pfl" ’ ‘ I ' ' f " Holly 568"” Clipping A’W‘ sentative. ‘ , . . , County. in M'Yr and for best Bowling Green
".1‘ .I. I ' "' I} 'til 'r.‘;r
".Vf“ W»———-—-—,—-—~—"‘ r 3: -~ www- - ...c....-......... -..............,,“ a: I, , ,
:'.v‘.‘).'.-“~J*‘ ,, ""‘I ‘. _ 1",: . "4 ‘1‘ ‘ ! u, ‘ . \ . g _ . u‘ . .’,. ' l
:tw J‘ i. :1 7"‘4‘13’5: . ”.1 «A‘- l " . '. ‘ , ‘ ‘1 J .y . ' L ‘ \ .;
1&153512 $h..i:t‘".‘f;5.' .LTI‘QL-Iy .L. ‘r ' i: .5”? ‘ .7 ' i; . i ., - . " a ‘ d 1‘ . ' , I

 '~ 1
a l
i - i
l The Kentucky Press - September, 1995 - Page 3
to meet Sept. 14-15 ”W
Members of the West Kentucky _
i Press Association willbemeeting Sep- 3 OCTOBER 8 ’4 m
i- tember 14 - 15 at the Executive Inn in
' Paducah for that group's annual Fall I
' Conference. p17 /
Friday's program features Joe by v W» ‘
Hedges, former information and pub- ng G ”x 2 “\ _ .
lic services director at Murray Stats W / (a \c (l 5. C4”) {‘ c ,
University, discussing his various e) C} ‘ [t .1? s Q‘ Q .9, ) / \-\,\_’ ,
periences, including the tragic MS > V e , Ti]: §\. ‘~ / ' L ‘9
cheerleader van crash, while in char; '3 _ .. ’. r \i is j \\ \\ \ ANCIAL U “‘x “
of media relations at the universit‘ , ' ;' ¥(‘ I 3.3 x , ‘TZK'S‘Q‘ FIN L : / C‘ l“
Joining Hedges will bePauI Isom, als x ’ K/V ; ’ t; 3.5 § S??? Q 791%»;7” : , ~»\_, _,,
formerly with MurrayState. Together, ‘ 'i' ' o E 123:}; ‘5 Kg \ \‘Q \\ fw i é, f ’3 0R“) NEW/
they will discuss changes they faced '. gig/f .2ng i {its 1“ 3- / f? ( t .5 / f 5.: , ‘~
movingfromnewspaperworktoteach- . ’ L/ f. E9?“ {Ski-C: 1“ v3, / C in!) [fig flf/
ing college journalism. *-~ ,5 4 : i;~f:*fif:ff . ) . \ Q. 1(’ [L75 ,5 i; '
Bob Adams, ofWestern Kentucky . . ~ :g ; _,_ f {3, I; 7/ ’ ( - ‘ i Wt ,1 .5 7 '51 5‘ ‘
University,and Bob McCaughey,Mur- L ; . . ‘ / V ’ A!“ U\l://V‘ :\r ‘
ray State University, will talk about . \Nfl. ‘ Are A:
placement procedures for their jour- " ’ l/I" {V3915 9/
nalism students and Ken McManus, u _ 3_¢ ,1 k QC—L\\r§ "
Paducah Sun writing coach, will give - ' ' 1 i ‘ . \ _ J _
hints on spicing up news stories. _\ ' ;__3 _ . - . (5 \ O
Thursday'sactivitiesarelimitedto /OQ; ///\ W 1:0.0‘ .
a social gathering in the hospitality SQ// , g P 3, V w . (£0
suite and a possible excursion to the i747?7>>>4K/§// 1' , b? w :4; .
thatactivity will notbecoordinatled by WV / , i” , .— u
E WKPA.. . . M ‘ - f; p ' AM ‘5?" j} ; ;%/é /
3. Registration begins at 9 am. (Cen- . -
gaggflmg‘xggsggmfigg National Newspaper Week - -October 8- 1 4
by calling (502) 443-8000. Media kits, including cartoons, news releases, editorials and a letter from President Bill Clinton are available
Th [’39 KPA seminars from the Kentucky Press Association to member newspapers. Supplies are limited on a first-come, first-served
O n tap for OCtOber basis by calling Sue Cammack at 800-264-5721.
meme“ K PA seeki n candidates for Vice reSIdent
electronic transfer of pages, electronic 9 p
lmfi;fi:§fif$ conducted by Nominations and letters of appli- tion/ Kentucky Press Service Board of ship of the Kentucky Press Association
James Morris and Steve Martin of the cation arebeingaccepted untilOctober Directors. Following action by the during theBusiness Session on Friday,
Danville Advocate Messenger. 13 for the office of vice president of the Board of Directors, the indiVidual Will January 26, 1996 for approval.
; Both October 12 seminars will be Keng’cbigiss “glam“ ‘0' 1995' WW“
from 10 am. until 2:30 .m. (Eastern , “X . ”‘9’“ ' may “mimic
time). The Advertising Sfminar willbe any individual who meets the criteria c LAS SI Fl E Ds paper advertising 0,- have agency ex-
at the Hurstboume Holiday Inn, just set forth m th? .KPA By—Laws for that perience in buying print media. The
across Interstate 64 from the Hurst- pOSItIOH..Addlh(.)nally,lhleldualSln- Advertising Account Executive - IPA is locatedin Springfield,lll.,and
boume Hotel and Conference Center, terested m holding office m the Ken— neededimmediatelyforadailynews- represents more than 600 newspa-
site for the News Editorial Division ltucky Pfress fissoaation may Smelta paperinCentralKentuckylfyou are pers. Duties will include selling to
1 session. engAaPlgp lanorn ti- 'Th 1 a self-starter, have sales experience agencies and advertisers around the '
More information will be mailed . .y- ws Sta." e on y and are readvto makeacareer move, state, creating new advertising op-
personeligible for election to the office ‘ . . . . . .
500" to Kentucky newspapers. . . send resume to. A. Laurence, The portunities, developing sales strate-
- . of Vice PreSldent are those who are , , . _ .
The Fall senunar 595510115 wrap UP . . . Winchester Sun, PO. Box 4300, Win- gies and networking With other press
October 26 at the Holiday Inn North in currently servmg as elected directors, h KY 403924300 . ti Th' . ‘. ti
Lexington. those who have been elected to service C 95‘9“ " ' ”Sana ons. 'fhls atnew p0: 0‘"
That day, the KPA Circulation Di- on the new board, provided they have . . w“ glreat grow - PO em: I x?
vision will be hostin a half-da of previously served as either an elected Circulation managers needed for a lent sa ary commisswn an bene its ‘
g . y ra in director'orthose rsons rowm and ve successful news package.$end resumeand salary his-
programs geared at marketing and 0 ppo ted ' P“ g g . 1')’ . . . . .
romoting the newspaper increasing who have served three consecutive paper organization With'small and tory to: DaVid L. Bennett,lllinoisl’ress .
fin leco saleS' and understandin years as an appointed director." medium—Sized papers in several Association, 701 South Grand Av- '
Sgtal r pylations and forms 8 Nominations must be sent, along southern statesfareeradvancement, enue West, Springfield, IL, 62704.
PO [missed on the program are Joe with a letter of interest or reasons for excellentcompensation and top ben-
Mitchell of the Lexington Herald- suggestion, to: David T. Thompson, efits will reward the circulation pro- CIRCULATION MANAGER posi- . ,
Ieader,discussingmarketingandpro- Kentucky Press Assooation, 101 Con- fessionals for their effort. lndividu- tion open at The News-Enterprise,
motingthenewspaper; Mike Reynolds, sumer Lane, Frankfort, KY, 4060l- als witha history of success and com- l7,0(X)—circulation daily in Elizabeth-
of the Louisville Courier Joumal on A" nominees consenting *0 "1f: mitrnent to excellence are needed in town, KY. Paper has solid long-term
increasing single copy sales; and KP A nonunation and agreeing '0 servehif several of our newspaperoperations. circulation strategy,two-year history
past president and National Newspa~ elected W‘" be Interv'ewed by t e Respond in confidence by sending a of growth and outstanding customer
per Association postal chairman Max Nominating Committee once ",has resume to KPAPG, 101 Consumer service. Looking for someone withat
Heafiidiscussingvariousissuesreiated been téeteamned that the nominee Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601. least several years' management ex-
to the U5. postal service. meets y- , w requirements. perience, sound judgment, desire to
Information abouttheKPA Cimu- the fi°"°.“"“$ (“€3an Plfim' Energetic newspaperdisplay adver- work in Total Quality Management
lation Division Seminar willbemailed Oglmmfiiu Enrottee m we thing sales manager needed for the (TQM) environmait. Contact: Mike
later misnmiinomxenmckynews m mzfiméxak P ' “j: Wit Illinois Press Associationad service. Anders, Publisher, (502) 769-1200,
P‘P‘n y Mustbeexpen'enced in selling news Extension 200.
r - ' ' w 5.

 , .3 . .
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press - September, 1995 . :
fo I he W311 Chats and J. mes at News you Can use
By 'gn Ballard you can make the photos and FTC final rules on "Talking About Freedom insurance and real estate in— ‘-
Gen a1 Manager, otherillustrationsalittlecloser . . . , dustries~ 1
Lebanon Enterprise together. You can cutdown on telemarketmg ’nC/Ude Pm,“ Ad Series _ black and . health insurance cover- 5
the little filler ads — things newspaper concerns Wm‘e'gducat‘}?“al'.P“bhc 5"" age. l

Strange things have been that say something like "Give The Federal Trade Com- Vice a 5’ eac . “k";g a pro- '. poverty's revolving door ?
happening in the newspaper blood" or Subscribe now” — mission issue final rules Au- vocativquuestAon re ated to a the dynamics of economic :
industryoverthepastyearand that are used to fill up space. gust 16 to ' regulate current ”St mendment ls. well-being, poverty 1991 to
a half, and some of them are Still other newspapers telemarketing sales calls. The sue,.T ll . A 1993. ' f
having an effect on The Leba- have had to cut back produc- final version of the rules, that T h at, 3. boutFreedom .' 1990 to 1994 population 3
nonEnterprise,aswellasother tion. I have heard of one take effect December 31, 1995, ea; c, s Guide _ a 20-page estimates- ,1
newspapers. newspaper in Kentucky that include all of the concerns ex- teac er sdguilde that newspa- at 1993 annual survey of ?

Perhaps the trend having went from publishing once a pressed by the newspaper in- pers can lap mate and dlsmb' manufacturers
the biggest effect is the cost of week to once every two weeks dustry. ute $133“ ers. » 1992 cehsus of retail 5
newsprint. becauseitcouldn'tbuyenough One of the important re- F 1:] fall, The Freedom trade' 3

Newsprint is the type of newsprint at any price. quirements in the final rules is ?W so W1” lau‘PCha series ’lJS. exports and imports
paper that newspapers are And thoseofusinthebusi- aprohibition on callingaper- o pUth service ads to . - ' l

- , com lement the nnt ad and mothers who receive ‘
printed on. It’s what you re ness have all heard of son once he or she has re- ed p . P . food stamps fertility and ;.
holding in your hands right newspapers that have simply quested not to be called again. ucational campaign. . - -' h - - . '

. . . . . . . The News r Assoc1a- SOCio-econOi'rucc aractenstics, 1
now. quit publishing at all for the This prohibitioncomplements . . pape . . - ' l
. . . . tion of American Foundation characteristics 0f the for-

The industry has been hit same reason. So have a lot of existing rules enforced by the . . . h eign-bom population. j
hard over the past 15 to 18 smaller print shops. Federal Communications :5 parltnenng w". The Free— l
monthsbyincreasesinthecost TheEnterpriseisn’tinany Commission. However, the om ‘orum to distributethe NN A k. 't 3!
of newsprint. danger of shutting down or FTC penalty is up to $10,000 materials. For information, see ’79 I QMS '3

Thiscost of newsprint has goingtoonceeverytwo weeks. per violation, while the FCC cpntact Gwendolyn 10’“ at for fOUNdatlon aUCtIOHS
gone up64percent since Janu- Landmark is a big company, imposesa$500penaltyforeach ( 03) 648-1000. The National Newspaper
ary 1994. And the paper mills and it can get the newsprint it violation. Newspapers will , Foundation is seeking items

' that make newsprint have al- needs. It’s just a question of need to be diligent in compli- K N P A Flying S h or t for its live and silent auctions
ready told the newspaper how much Landmark has to ance under the "do—not—call" Course set for Oct. 13- 14 during the NNA Convention,
industry that there will be an- pay. provision. The Kentucky News Pho— September 20 - 23 in St. Paul,
other 10 percent increase in What’s that mean for The Otherprovisionsaffecting tographers Association has Minn.

September. Enterprise? newspapers include: scheduled its fall Flying Short Proceeds from the auc-

In gasoline terms, that For the moment, just that ’ upon making a Course for October 13—14 at tions will beused for the many ‘
would be like paying $1.64 a we and the folks at Landmark telemarketing call, "promptly" the (Salt House in Louisville. educational projects including ‘
gallon now if you paid $1 a are keeping an eye on the situ- disclose the name of the news— In addition, the National Press journalist grants-in-aid issued
gallon in January 1994 - and ation — a close eye. And, like paper and that the purpose of Photographers Association by the foundation through the
knowmg you were gomg tobe any blood business should do, the call is to sell a product or Flying Short Course stops in National Newspaper Associa-
paying $1.80 a gallon next we’replayingalotof"whatif” service; Louisville on October 15. The tion.
month. games depending on what ‘ disclosures related to agenda includesCathaleen NNA is seeking auction

That’sahuge increase ina happens in the newsprint in— cost, quantity, etc., that would Curtis,staff photographer, The items from its member news-
short period of time. dustry. need to be made prior to pay- Washington Times; David Papersacross thecountry. Pre-

Acombinationofmorede— I'll keep you posted. merit collection; Leeson, staff photographer, vious auction items have inn
mand and fewer paper nulls ” calling hours will be re Dallas MorningNews;jeffRiv- cluded dinner withcelebrities, ‘
Raffdcoflgmhumiwfllemgeam Board nomination stricted to between 8 am. and ers, assocaite editor/colum- autographed items fromceleb-

. pnceo newspnntwas 9pm.; and, nist, Hartford (CT) Courant; rities, tickets to ma' r s rts
lowerthanitreallyshouldhave ballots to be sent 'retaining records for two and Michael Williamson, staff eVentsorconcertsmeowspFaoper
been for several years, simply . years related to advertising, photographer, The Washing- memorabilia,collector'sitems,
because of low demand and ln early OCtOber scripts, etc., used in ton Post. and numerous items from
oversupply. Forms to nominate district telemarketing; names and ad— Formoreinformation,con- companies and manufacturers

Nievssparig‘rs have re; representatives to the Ken— dresses of customers, with the tact Gary Emord-Netzley or in newspaper communities. g ;
spon.e _ o .e newsprin tucky Press Association /Ken- date. and amount of goods or Cathy Clarke at the Owens- . For information on con—
Situation in various ways. tu k . semcespurchased'namesand boro Messen er In uirer' tnbutin an item to the Na-

. , cyPressSerViceBoardof ' -8 q , , g _

.Somehaveraised theprice Directors will be mailed in last known addresses of cur- Marcella Johnson at the Louis- tional Newspaper Foundation
of smglecopiesofnewspapers early October. rent and former employees ville Courienlournal; Todd auction, call Dennis Schick at
and thecost 0f subscriptions. Five district Board seats that conduct telemarketing, Blevins at the Richmond Reg- the Arkansas Press Associa- ‘

Newspapers often ex- are up for election, with the includingany fictitiousnames ister; Rhonda Simpson at the tion (501) 374-1500 or Diana ' j
change papers. For example, term beginning at the condu_ used by those workers. Appalachian News Express in Kramer at (206) 634-3838. 1 l
wegetotherlandmarkpapers sion of the 1996 KP A Winter A general outline of the Pikeville; or Stan McKinney at 3' 3
léereand uiqygztcomesofm Convention and continuing FTC rules is available by con— the Central Kentucky News Full page ad deal i

‘ nterpnse. s oneso we can tacting theKentucky Press As— ]oumal in Cam bellsville. 1
keep up with issues in other “‘F‘mg" “.md 0f the 1999 sociation at (8(1)) 264»KPA1 or p generates $57,800 ‘

nd fi d 'd Winter meeting. . ‘ Th T ‘ ( Al ) l

- 2252;553:5320" .... ”omens“ MW $81353?sz 0""5“ 3m“ ’"SW’S N.w.:..d‘;sf§n§‘§.‘;on.:'u i

» . . 0 ca, ' ..

TheSpringfield Sun getsa sent to the publisher 9‘ each at (202) 638.4782, new telephone system display advertising sale, offer- l

newspaperinthefivedistncts. The U 5 Ccnsuq Bureau . 4
paper from North Dakota. Afternomimfionsdosem , ' ' ~ mg full pagoadsat$850. about 2
Don’t ask me why. But I've . ' C . f has installed a new telephone one fourth of the contract rate.
. mid-October newspapers Will ampa’gn OCUSGS on ~ d
noted one flung: The cost of . ' . . system, 95'8““! to better Under the promotion,

0 receive a ballot COHSIstmg 0f 15! Amendment values serve calls from the news me— - . ,
buying that paperon thenews— ll . ed he . busmcsses could purchase tht
stand is75cents l’msurethat’s goapzrions “2'31““ to t The Freedom Fonim has d‘a- . , spaccatthe stated rate and the I

r in nse t0 the i ased r 0" 93c 'smCt- producedanewpubljc service EffCCtIVf.‘ immediately, ad would be ublished onl '.

I . “E TheBoard seatsupforelec- - - . llsb he ‘ P ' y l

- cost of newsprint. . . . . campaignand educamm'm" ca ‘ yt "CW5 mod” to the one dav.

4 Other newspapers have up: gcAlude Districts 3, 4, 5, 6 rimlum dedicated to promot- Census Bureau should be News advertising repre-

1' madeanefforttocutthenum- a KPA. 8 “Laws Sh- “lat ing the value of the First made {0 (30]