xt7t1g0hxb18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxb18/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2014-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, July 2014 text LinQ magazine, July 2014 2014 2014-07 2019 true xt7t1g0hxb18 section xt7t1g0hxb18 J’ \
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 Cover photo by Eric
Shock, 2014 Fairness
Awards in Lexington, KY.
Friday, lune 20, 2014
) 3 ' 3
That 8 What I m Talkln About
Helena shares her personal experience and opinions
about same-sex marriage.
Imperlal Court of Kentucky
The Imperial Court celebrates His Most Imperial
Majesty, Emperor 33, Tim “Pappaw” Logsdon & Her
Most Imperial Majesty, Empress 33, Christina Puse.
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Editor—in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Marc K. Blevins to educate, enhance and empower the community about
Photography GLBTQQIA issues.
Brian Hawkins, Eric Shock, Katie Decker
Calendar Coordinator GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Chad Hundley Paul Brown, President
Circulation Ginger Moore~Minder, Vice President
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Kay Garner Paul Holland, Secretary
Iacob Boyd, Treasurer
3 LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Robert Abreu, At Large
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The Marc Blevins, At Large
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions Donovan Jefferson, At Large
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
GLSO Staff
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to Chad Hundley, Office Manager
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center
(859.253.3233). All submissions may be edited for length. GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO 859.253.3233, wwwglsoorg
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Office hours are:
Tuesday—Friday 1pm—5pm

E That’s What I’m ' ’
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T alkln About
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it again now that we’re recognized in a few in their right minds would ever go to the

By Helena Handbasket states. mall to get married?” Well, now we know.
Gay marriage, gay marriage, gay We didn’t jump though all of the hoops We would! . ‘

marriage. That is all I have heard married folks usually do. Instead, we opted Our little ceremony was lovely. It lasted all
lately. Gay marriage. I agree that it is a very for a little flight to St. Paul/Minneapolis, of 15 minutes. She asked if we wanted to and t
important issue and I also agree that now is Minnesota for our second nuptials. We lived we each said “I do” then we gave each other t
the time to confront the “powers that be” to there for over four years and so we knew back our rings, signed a few more papers 3
ensure equality and fairness. If politicians our way around. Plus, we could get the 3 and voila, we were oflicially married! We t
take a vow to represent ALL of the people (or maybe 5) day waiting period waived if each wore faded jeans and white shirts. We I
in their jurisdiction, then we certainly can’t we went before a judge with a good expla— immediately went out to the amusement I
be left out of that discussion. That being nation on why we needed to expedite the park that is in the center of the mall and we ‘
said, gay marriage is not the only issue that process (and no, Helena is not pregnant). rode the roller coaster to celebrate. 1
stands between us and equality. When gay The judge was sweet as she could be and Here is the best part of this article. The ‘
marriage equality is passed in Kentucky was incredibly supportive. She posed for world hasn’t come to an end. No one 1
V (keeping a positive attitude that it will), a picture with us before we left. Her will- stopped having babies or getting married ‘
there will still be other issues that Will ingness to help us out certainly impressed because we got married. As a matter of I
require us to step up and speak out. me. We applied for our license afterward. fact, I can’t find one thing that is different - i
I’m one of those who understand the need The public servants there were so friendly in the world since we did this, not even 1
for Kentucky to pass marriage equality. I and an older, jovial gentleman seemed very in our own home. We have been living , 1
recently tied the knot, myself. Oh, don’t get willing to share in our joy of the moment together for 23 years and life has just gone i
too excited. I’ve been with my other half by making jokes. on as usual. Which leads me to believe, if A
for 23 years now and we had a wonderful Afterfinishingthepaperwork,weproceeded this were legal in Kentucky, I don’t think 1
wedding in November of 1992, ofliciated to the wedding chapel to exchange the rings anyone will suffer because of it. Life goes 1
by Kelly Flood at the Unitarian Universalist (the same rings that we have been wearing on as usual. And life is good. 1
church on Clays Mill. It was a lovely cere- now for 22 years). When we lived in St. Paul, 1
mony and we were surrounded by about we resided about 15 minutes away from i
50 of our favorite friends and loved ones. the Mall of America. Each time we would 0 ‘
Of course, we knew that it wasn’t legal. go there, we would walk by the “Chapel of Send comments or suggestions to: 2
We thought it might be a good idea to do Love” Wedding Chapel and wonder “who helenahandbasketKY@gmail.com l


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Crossings Lexington ’» ‘~T"‘T"‘“_T‘;
By Christina P use With a show enti— l “jigglwmag ,_ I I: I Vigil-’W!
‘ reetings everyone! The Imperial tled “Pride Show: a ’ 3g”
GCourt of Kentucky is so excited Celebrating Diversity.” \ I A) I I I
to announce the beginning of Reign 33 This was the first show , _, .« * $1
this year. Earlier this month, Coronation to kick off Reign 33 To” ,
33 was held at the Hilton Hotel in down- for the year. It was a 8 a
town Lexington on June lst. His Imperial pleasure to be able t ..:’ f. _:
Majesty, Emperor 32, Patrick Thompson 8: to party with our :1 __ ”I,” I "
HerImperial Majesty, Empress 22&32, I.D. community and raise . /’ I I I ‘5
Vaughn officially stepped down from their money for our local ,4 , 1 ~ - “Q
monarch positions and passed the torch charities! 5% 9:71
onto the new monarchs of Kentucky, His Coming up for the ,. ‘7:- l 2, 7
Most Imperial Majesty, Emperor 33, Tim month of Iuly, we “E; {I l ,2 l A , ,
“Pappaw” Logsdon 81 Her Most Imperial will be out and about I g [A , I. , y, I !
Majesty, Empress 33, Christina Puse. Since within the community -. ' t i I ' .2 Y: _ .. -_ , . g ‘ ”I
. Coronation, Reign 33 has already been to remind everyone of . : , _ I I :,
hard at work Planning more ways to raise our event for the 4th I ' , _ , NC?
‘ money for our local charities. On Iune 20th, of Iuly. You are invited l , I I _ , -, ”wall!!!
the ICK attended the Lexington Fairness to walk with us in the , _' I?) ~M»I.-..rfv"wnnv1: w:hrrwn'iwmm
Awards Dinner. Not only did we have a 4th of Iuly parade which Above’ Hi5 M0“ Imp "W Maia” E "15;: [31:32:31]: figeézg; 22:5: 21::
great time, we were very excited to see so will be held at 2pm that If you haven’t already, please find us on
manypeople within our communityrecog- day. We will be meeting at the Herald Facebook under The Imperial Court of
nized for all of their hard work and dedica— Leader at 1:30pm. We are teaming up with Kentucky or Visit www.imperialcourtken-
tion. Congratulations Lexington Fairness Lexington Fairness for the walk within the tuckyorg for further updates on our events
and to the recipients of the awards! parade. After the parade has ended, we will coming up for July. As of now, we would
On June 28th, the ICK also attended the be heading to Crossings Lexington for our like to thank each and every one of you for
annual Lexington Pride Festival for GLSO. Independence Day show at 5pm. We look your love and support! See you all soon!
Early in the evening, an event was held at forward to seeing everyone! W

 2014 L ' '
exmgton Falrness Awards
By Glenn Means III, MPA banning gay marriage in to many organizations in Fairness Award was awarded
he 7th Annual Kentucky violates the US the Lexington community to Bob Morgan. Morgan has
TLexin gt 0 n Fairness constitution. Conway took a including the American been an active voice in the
Awards Dinner was held at stand for the LGBT commu- Cancer Society, AVOL, LGBT Lexington community
the Grand Reserve on June nity and without hesitance GLSO, the Imperial Court and helped gather 100 years
20th, 201 4 where award re cip- voiced his concern. He was of Kentucky, IustFundKY of Lexington queer history
ients were honored for their most quoted for his line and Lexington Fairness. that was exhibited at Morlan
committed efforts towards where he stated that he would Tarpley and Burnham were Gallery. Morgan has helped
progressing lesbian, gay, not “defend discrimination.” both presidents of the Gay make many names come
bisexual, and transgender In remarks, Conway said he Service Organization and to life and help the LGBT
(LGBT) equality and fairness. “led from [his] gut,” and that traveled throughout the state community celebrate their
This years awards included “it was the right thing to do.” speaking to several colleges wonderful LGBT commu-
the Ally for Fairness Awards, The Ally for Fairness Award to bring awareness to others nity history.
Jennifer Cross en Out for was awarded to AIDS activist about being gay and not Some past recipients of
Fairness Award, Fairness Leslie Beatty whose works living in the closet. Fairness Awards include
Leadership Award, and the range from volunteering The Iennifer Crossen Out for Continued 0" nextpage
Ernesto Scorsone Political and being an avid finan- ,I/ -
Leadership Award. cial support of lust FundKY, /,, d
The sold out crowdwas enter— Moveable Feast and AVOL‘ fl ‘ ’/
tained by comedian Leslie One Of the many noted 1 .. .~ ” wfiyw»
' Iordan, and singer Deanna eflorts include her running ,
D ell aCi opp a. a photo campaign for World fiflmf W! ‘ . .
Among the worthy award AIDS Day in 2013' Alf,“ WW 7 I) .
recipients included current The Jonathan Baker Fairness [fig a '
Attorney General Iack Leadership Award was 3 I ..
Conway who received the awarded to three hono— 443‘ I _H 5
Ernest Scorsone Political rees that included philan- ‘ '
Leadership Award. Attorney thropist and businessman E
General Jack Conway was Brandl Skirvin, former EKU ‘ .
honored for his courageous professor Doug Burnham, E F ' —
leadership in declining to andhis sisterBelindaTarpley- 3‘ , , .;
appeal the US District Court Sottung. Skirvin has not only _. IEXI N
Judge Heyburn’s ruling been an active voice in the I f 0 i8 '.
holding that the Kentucky LGBT community but he 1 _. . ,
Constitutions amendment continually has contributed Above, KentuckyAttamey General accepts the Ernesto ScorsonePolitical Leadership Award.

 "- U ;:3|. .
1: : l3 3 Continued from previous page
H ‘T\ V\ F
i 5 ‘ t Lexin ton Ma or im Gra ,
{- 13333 «if 3\ is“ 9 g Y I Y
‘ g3" $3.318: k former Lexington Vice
,. it ‘ \ “923’ ’ ‘ 4 ~
. ”WY ' \ 33. x 4 4‘ Mayor Isabel Yates, Iackson
.‘Z'I‘: ’1 l ‘I E i \\
\. «g , ,_ , .5; WE Cofer, Mary Crone, State
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3., {ii , %I ’4 - L / Senator Kathy Stein, and
3 . ' . yr 3 j 3 ~ 5 .
" , i ,, -. fl ’ , ' "" Pastor Bill Kincaid.
:; . , a; {1% g - W 3
‘ {3'1 3;: I W, g“ ' 4, The Fairness Awards are
’ 5r- ' z ‘ :— ‘ XIN ~ .
3,. 1-,, EXQN; TgN ; . .. a tribute to the leadership
-\«‘ fairness jg; irne'3.3 33
'1! ,g; L exhibited by the LGBT
" ‘ - community in Kentucky
_. ‘ ‘ ' and serve as a fundraiser for
\ , the group’s bullying preven-
, ’ tion program, Project
, , ' ' - Speak Out. The event also
3 3 3 _ " Sill; included the premiere of
3 3 ' " , _£ a Video celebrating the
a; : work of Lexington Fairness
“k ,_ and its allies in passing
m a I
the Fairness Ordinance in
. I I EXI N TON L . t fifl
.. exm on een ears a 0.
j I I _3 :3 g Y g
I I _, f CI i r ”/6 S 5 Chairman Roy Harrison
followed with remarks
\ \3 on the importance of the
, ’3’]: '32s“ “ 3. r. “T:
{ l/f/igé 3 3 successes the LGBT move—
3 we ’ 33;?» 1‘ fill ment has had, as well as a
‘ ' H .17". 4 4—5, ,. .
3 x3131 \: an (4-3., ,3 7y 5;; gigs; renewed call to action to
y— g h . s y," .« a
\ . W. {saw-l: , ix .
3 fit, a; , 351,1? , wt, Pkg-3H,, contlnue the struggle for
3 3 3,; 2‘3 ”t (§\ ~ human dlgnity.
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' x_3,,3 9., 1‘ 5 Photos by Eric Shock and Katie
_ ’ . ,. n _ " 1 t I Decker.
-. 4 42f
1_ » EXI N TO N Top Iefi,fiiends and colleagues meet andgreet
, it: during the event. Top right, attendees smile
. ”i“ g , . V V for the camera. Center, the talent kicks it up
. ’ ‘( :5' n 3, l a notch as guests are entertained by a perfor—
' If G I r 3“" e S S mance. Bottom, as the night goes on, the .
' 4‘ . community continues to smile and celebrate
3 ~ iv" during the eveningfestivtties.

 From the Bear’s Den , , ,, - ,—
By Scott B. Perry . , ' 1 $2 .
The 2014 Kentucky Bourbon Bears Annual Big Baskets of the 29’“ '
Bluegrass Charity Auction was a big success. Thls years event 3 ., 2 235 ‘ 2 $9
raised over $6,400.00, breaking all previous records. "lhe i ‘ ' 2k a};
_ _-_____________ “A" #—
profits from the event will be split between the students Gay j:
l - 1'“ v 37‘"! l ’
Straight Alliance part of the GLSO and Lexington Fairness. g ‘ 4.5,.-. ’3'“: " ' ‘

. x z " .2, fig“ 5..“ ' A . . . 3:" '
Followmg are some photos from the event that was held on 1 y ‘ *3. ' ‘1‘ 553;}; 7* ~ A}? ;
Frlday, May 16th at the Campbell House Inn. , {gal . m. WiJEéxtm
Special Thanks to Alex with Femme Fatal for providing our . 2
entertainment for the event and our models (gay and straight) I"
that donated their time to help us exceed our goal. '
Also, the Kentucky Bourbon Bears membership drive is June +2”
and the KBB will have a booth at Pride. . l 3? ~ '

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Around the Librar issin a e
y: K g K t
. '7 7* avoiding Lissa and trying to pretend up, and would be particularly recom-
i 3 ' i that nothing ever happened between mended to teens or young adults
“a f them. The story focuses on Lissa’s who are in the process of coming to
l Km efforts to deal with her sense of loss terms with their own sexual identity
i I KM i and confusion, find new meaning and figuring out how it may aflect
' and new friends, and struggle to the significant relationships in their
. ' : discover and accept her own sexu- lives. The book does include some n:
L i J“ m ality. The story also features several negative language (including a few ‘
BY Kristine Nowak significant subplots that show other homophobic slurs), but more gener— ..
issing Kate, by Lauren Myracle, characters of all ages trying to find ally presents a compelling portrait
Ktells the story of sixteen-year- love and positive interpersonal rela— of a young woman coming to accept
old Lissa, who is dealing with the tionships, whatever their life circum— herself and find positive ways to
aftermath of kissing her best friend, stances. The book is written in simple work towards what she wants from
Kate, at a party. Kate has been Lissa’s but evocative language and skill— life. This book is in the Young Adult
best friend since they were twelve fully interweaves Lissa’s story with section of the GLSO Library. Come
and Lissa adores and idolizes Kate. flashbacks of her past with Kate. It is check it out!
However, since they kissed, Kate is recommended for ages fourteen and o
. Are you 50 years of age or older AND LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, or transgender) or someone who is attracted to or has had an intimate
or sexual relationship with someone of your same sex or gender?
The Gay and Lesbian Services Organization and the Institute for Multigenerational I
Health at the University of Washington need your help With a ground—breaking project. Our J
goal is to understand the aging and health needs of our communities for generations to come.
You can enter a raffle awarding a $100.00 VISA Gift Certificate to three randomly selected
individuals by completing the raffle participation form. To enter the raffle and request a
questionnaire visit http://CaringAndAgingorg/raffle, email AgePride@uW.edu, or call
1-800-558-8703. You are eligible for the raffle regardless of Whether you complete a
questionnaire or not. Please keep in mind your participation in the project is completely
voluntary. If you have any questions about the project, please contact us at 1-800-558-8703
or visit our website at CaringAndAging.org. Voice your needs!
daring and Aging with Ends
AgePride@uw.edu - CaringAndAging.0rg - 1—800-558-8703

 Summer Parties M d Eas
% " ; Ranada’s Recommendations
a ’ ‘
g; , E» . #1 - Choose Your Spot
1% .5 A Before you start, remember that you’ve got to carry everything to your chosen
‘ .. ,5 ' . spot. Opt for paper and plastic to lighten the load (and recycle!). You want to
impress your guests, not have an Ironman Marathon workout.
, By Ramada West_Rfley #2 - Keep It Simple and Easy, Yet Elegant and Flavorful
‘ Whether you’re running to the supermarket to pick up some imported cheese
‘ ummer is here and
.i _ and smoked meats or you’re cooking your favorite creation, remember that the
nothing says summer
foods you pick should be simple and easily moved. The possibilities are still
more to me than being
endless. Make a summertime chilled soup and bring in a thermos. Wraps and
outside, noshing and
' , quiches can be a great option and can be served cold.
cocktails! I dont know about
you, but I’ve been on quite a #3 -Temperature, Temperature, Temperature!
few picnics or outdoor parties Remember while packing up the cooler, chill everything thoroughly and toss
in my life. So, I’ve learned a in plenty of ice. To be safe, food shouldn’t sit outdoors for more than 1 hour
few things through trial and while on ice or ice packs. Food borne illnesses can quickly set in if food is below
error. Whether you’re having temperature for very long.
a atio ar , oin boatin , . ,
p p ty g g g #4 - Ambiance and Mood Is Everything
or having a quiet date at the . . _ .
People eat With their eyes long before they take a bit, so accessorize and go all
Arboretum, food and drink
outwith nice tablecloths or picnic blankets. Flowers and plants are an even
are in order and can make or ) .
better special touch. Don’t forget the lighting, especially if its in the evening.
break the event. Here are a
:- Votive or floating candles in a fishbowl are perfect for this.
I few tips for your next outdoor
5 party that will truly make the #5 - It’s All About The Essentials
f event a success! Pack the Essentials and make sure you’re fully equipped for your event. Here’s a
reliable list of things you will need for your outdoor event:
0 - Picnic basket or cooler - Corkscrew
. Bottled water (tip: you can freeze . Tablecloth or Blanket
overnight and use as an ice pack) . Decorative centerpiece (a homemade
. Outdoor dinnerware and Flatware or beautiful dessert is perfect)
plastic silverware . Sunscreen
. Napkins . Bug spray or citronella candles
. Glassware . Trash bags
LinQ n

 LG 3' I 'Q Perspecti es Wanted
has also highlighted a differ- using a focus group explo- from July 20-August 20th
BY Dani Rosenkrantz ence in beliefs and patterns ration as the foundation for with a goal of recruiting at
Dr. Kristen Mark, Ph.D., of desire between men and scale development to use least 20 LGBTQ and straight
an Assistant Professor women and has suggested the real life experiences of individuals, respectively, for
of Sexual Health Promotion, the necessity of under- diverse individuals to help each group. Participants will
and members of her Sexual standing the object of desire, create the scale. Additionally, be entered to win a $40 gift
Health Promotion Lab are explaining that desire fluc— the focus group data will also card and enjoy free refresh-
seeking LGBTQ partici- tuations may be more reliant be used to answer research ments! If interested in
pants for focus groups to on what is being desired questions about sexual desire participating, please contact
learn more about sexual than on an innate sponta- in general within this popu— the focus group coordi-
desire and relationships! neous feeling. Only a few lation, since so little is known nator Dani Rosenkrantz at
Why sexual desire? In past studies have explored experi- at present. Since traditionally dani.rose@uky.edu. To find
research, sexual desire ences including lesbian, gay, this research has been more out more about the Sexual
has been associated with bisexual, transgender, and focused on straight cisgender Health Promotion Lab, visit
romantic love, relationship queer identified populations, populations, Dr. Mark their website at http://www.
satisfaction, sexual satisfac- leaving the literature at risk and her team are aiming kristenmark.com/research/
tion, and other important for heterosexist generaliza- to include many LGBTQ shp-labl. The team is excited
interpersonal phenomena, tions. The purpose of their perspectives to broaden to learn from you!
while the absence of this study is to create an object of understanding to be inclu—
feeling has often been sexual desire measurement sive of diverse gender and
suggested as asignal of rela- scale for use with diverse sexual identities. The team V
tionship problems. Research gender and sexual identities, will be running focus groups
R’ght’ “former M155 .2! ~‘- "a 1-, ~ , *- 2, , 1*" 3‘
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of Story at the GLSO’s 5 '7 ‘ . ,5. i
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A '
n Impromptu Educatlon
By Bobbie Thompson can say “Actually she was born a woman Alana. As I approached the young ladies
~aka Alana’s Spouse— with a man’s body and she prefers femi- one said to the others “That’s a man in a
f I say Laverne Cox, Carmen Carrera, nine pronouns like she or her.” I loved dress.”
Ilanet Mock, 0r Buck Angel, most these little educational sessions. Theywere I politely tapped the young lady on the
folks I know will ask, “Who is that?” wonderful because when Alana arrived shoulder and said “No, honey, that’s atrans
That’s because trans men and women during visiting hours, my “students” woman.” Then I asked “Are you familiar
,4, are just not very well known in with trans women?” She casu—
central Kentucky. .‘ _ ' WT”; , ally replied “No.” I elected to
As the spouse of a trans woman, ‘ 7 ,‘ 1%”: In“, § L", . fi’ use that moment as a learning
. » ._ ,~ ""1
I want to do whatever I can to . e ‘ ‘ v in? ,g . opportunity and I handed her
bring up the subject and educate , ‘ @ff; 3 3%. * . r ; one of our bookmarks that
people whenever possible. I see it Laverne Cox, Carmen Carma, jam Mack and Buck Angelarefoumfthe mostvisible read “These books are a good
aawdenannnnen n Onennnabe $2";ifTiffviiiifi'iiiii’ii’lZ233$$222%ZZEZJZ‘SJZJ‘i’ZZOZE‘ZIZE?$222333 place an learning than
willing to talk about the unique trans women are not men in
position life affords me. would know how to address her properly dresses.”
On February 28, 2014, I had knee replace- because they had already been “educated” After a few more words, she apologized
ment surgery at a local hospital. I’d say as to the proper pronouns to use with a and said the key phrase “I didn’t know any
“hello” and make general small talk with transwoman. better.” I replied “That’s OK because in the
the hospital staff when they visited my Of course, I kept a copy of each of our beginning I thought Alana was simply a
room. Then, I’d ask the question, “Are you books on mybedside hospital tray. Several man in a dress, too, until I learned the
.4 familiar with trans issues?” folks picked them up and took interest. A difference. Now, you know better and if
Usually the answer would be “Not really.” few even said, “Now that I’ve met a trans you ever hear anyone else say, “That’s a
k That would be my opportunity, so then woman, I really need to read these books man in a dress,” you can tell them there is
I’d say, “Well, my spouse is transgender to learn more.” More proof that a little adiiference.
and will be here soon.” Questions would education opens the mind and interest in After our exchange, I turned and walked
always follow, which I found wonderful. further education. away I was happy that I’d had another
Questions shows the education is working. Another opportunity I’ve had to educate impromptu opportunity to educate. Even
These staff took interest and formed more on the subject of transgender issues was when it’s just one person at a time.
questions as an indication of interest. during a shopping trip at Fayette Mall.
One of the first questions would usually Alana and I were shopping with friends. I
be “So was your spouse born a man or a was walking a few steps behind the others 0
woman?” I love that question because I whenIsaw several young ladies looking at

PFLAG Central Kentucky Meeting Company Q:
PFLAG Central Kentucky meet- the Fayette County Schools will A SOCial Justice
ings are held 6:30 to 8:30pm the address LGBTQ issues and services
second Tuesday of the month at St. within the public school system. Tlleatre
Michael’s Episcopal Church (2025 October 14 a couple will share BY Theo Meacham
Bellefonte Drive in Lexington). their personal journey in loving, Imagine a place where young
Typically, we have a program the respecting and supporting their gay people are encouraged to share
first half, followed by our support son. their lives and their stories
group. We welcome members of the November 11 our speaker is Derek through theatre.
LGBTQ community, their families, Penwell, minister, professor, writer, Founded in 2012, Company Q
friends and allies. activist, and head of Kentucky Faith provides such a safe place. A social
July 8 we will be showing the award- Leaders for Fairness. justice theatre ensemble focusing 11
winning film, Prayers for Bobby, (PFLAG is not is not a religious on LGBTQIA+ youth ages 14—22,
the difficult true story of a religious or church-affiliated organization; Company Q explores relevant
mother’s struggle to accept her gay however, we recognize that faith issues in the lives of young adults
son — a story both heartbreaking and faith leaders have a significant and strives to educate the commu-
and inspiring. impact at a personal and societal nities in which we live. Through
August 12 we will hear from local level.) improvisation and devising, we
writer Wynn Malone, author of We welcome LGBTQS, their family turn our discussions into original
Finding the Grain. She will discuss members, friends and allies. PFLAG theatrical work.
the modern history oflesbian fiction meetings are a safe, confidential Company Q will be launching
writing, focusing on the role of setting where all are accepted and an annual fund in early June. To
family and straight friends in stories. respected. give to Company Q’s annual fund,
September 9 a representative from