xt7t1g0hxb0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hxb0p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1988 text GLSO News, February 1988 1988 1988-02 2019 true xt7t1g0hxb0p section xt7t1g0hxb0p g E g Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
presidential candidate Bruce Babbitt has also
Kentucky is one of the twenty-one states expressed his support of the federal gay
and territories which will hold presidential rights bill.
preference primaries or caucuses on March 8. Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis
‘ This date has been dubbed "Super Tuesday" has perhaps the most confusing record
due to the large number of delegates being concerning gay and lesbian rights. Dukakis
chosen for both the Democratic and Republican pledged support of the recently defeated
National Conventions. Massachusetts Gay Rights Bill, but according
For Democrats, several of the nationally to some gay and lesbian organizations in
recognized candidates deserve consideration by Massachusetts exerted very little effort to
lesbian and gay voters. Four of the leading persuade legislators to back the bill. Dukakis
Democratic contenders sent their must also contend with his executive order
representatives to the October 10th Convention several years ago which banned gay people
of the National Association of Gay 8 Lesbian from being foster parents in Massachusetts,
Democratic Clubs. Representatives of Senator even if they had previously been deemed
Paul Simon (IL), Sen. Albert Gore Jr. (TN), qualified. This policy also had the effect of
Rep. Richard Gephardt (MO), and the Rev. banning Massachusetts gays and lesbians from
Jesse Jackson vigorously pledged their adoption since foster parent status is required
candidates' support for programs to fight of potential adopting parents in Massachusetts.
AIDS. Their support for programs promoting None of the Republican presidential
gay civil rights was also pledged, but with candidates have voiced support of gay and
somewhat less enthusiasm. lesbian issues. At the extreme, candidate Pat
Sen. Simon became the first presidential Robertson, a former 700 Club minister, has
candidate, and the eighth Senator, to stated II| have no intention of giving the
co-sponsor the federal gay rights bill in streets of America to radical homosexuals,
Congress. An aide to Simon stated that the drug pushers and organized crime.“
Senator ”has come face to face with the reality Kentucky has a closed type of primary
of why this bill is needed in a way that he system, which means registered Democrats and
hadn't before." Republicans vote only in their respective
The Rev. Jackson has demonstrated his primaries. Registered Independents may not
solidarity with the gay rights movement most vote in either the Democratic or Republican
clearly of all the candidates. Jackson primaries. To vote in Kentucky you must be
addressed the October 11th March on at least 18 years of age, a US citizen, and
Washington where he stated "We are together have lived in the state for 30 days.
today to say we insist on legal protection Registration is required. The deadline for
under the laws for every American . . . for registering to vote in the March 8th
women‘s rights, for the rights of sexual Presidential Preference Primary is February
preference." Jackson recently established a 8th, so don't delay. You may register at the
Gay/Lesbian Desk at his national campaign Voter Registration Office of the County Clerk,
headquarters to advise him on lesbian and gay 162 East Main Street, Room 131 from 8:30 am
issues. Gay activist Randy Miller, hired to to l1:00 pm, Monday through Friday. For more
head the Desk, stated that Jackson advocates information, or to verify your registration
a presidential order banning discrimination on status, call that office at 255-7563 or
the basis of sexual orientation in federal and 253-3021. If you have moved since the last
military employment, and is a proponent of the time you voted you may have to register
federal gay rights bill. again.

El Please send me a free introductory
issue of the GLSO News and information WHAT'S HAPPENING IN FEBRUARY?
on GLSO.
This month is full of opportunities for
E] I'd like t9 become a voting Member Of Lexington's gays and lesbians to meet in a
GLSO entitling me to free home delivery variety of settings. So instead of sitting at
_c();fL;1C1)ef_________GLStCi)Newsh:nd disgunfiitsgt home watching TV and asking "How do i meet
unc ons. y annu em er- 7n -
ship fee of $10 is enclosed. istolmebody. ., get out and do something about
. . GLSO sponsors several meetings this
El idon't “Sh to become a voting Member month. The monthly Forum is held the second
“t please send me the M M d f the m th at 8 m The to ic this
each month.- The annual charge of $5 on ay' 0 on p '. p .
is enclosed. month 15 the_March on Washington, and Will
include videos from the March. The Speaker's
Bureau meets at 7 pm on the 16th.
Name: The Gayline always needs new members,
—— and the Training Session for volunteers is the
28th. The Gayline operates every Wednesday,
Address: Thursday, and Friday from 8 to 11 pm.
Cards and Games will be on the 1st, 2nd, and
llth Friday. GLSO's Coffeehouse 8 Dance
City, St, Zip: Committee meets on the 10th and the 211th.
Come out and join us!
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 11471 Lexington's two gay-oriented religious
Lexington, KY 40575 organizations have four meetings this month.
Dignity meets on the 2nd for its Liturgy
service. Their Rap Session and Program
GLSO News is published monthly by the Meeting are the 11th and 25th, respectively.
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. See the Dignity Page for more information.
ld.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services interweave meets on the 17th of February with
Organization), Box 111171, Lexington, KY £10575 its Program Meeting.
Steve Savage, Editor Of special interest to women is the
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar Lesbian Potluck on the 111th. Gay/Lesbian AA
Laura Joans, Asst Editor for the meets every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
Esmerelda Collective (Women's News) The support group for HIV positive persons is
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist meeting every Tuesday evening. AVOL holds
Additional Contributors: Dave, Christine meetings the 2nd Sunday afternoon of the
Maier, Debbie, Dennis, SJB, Craig, AVOL, month, and ICBE Shows are the lst and llth
Stonewall Union, The Advocate, NGLTF, Sunday evenings in February.
LLDEF, Ars Femina, UK; Typists: Dave, interested? If not, stay home and watch
Craig, Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesetting: TV! Otherwise we hope to see you at some of
Matt; Layout: Dave, Daniel, Dennis, Craig, the activities this month. For more
Gerry; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Barry; Folding information check the Calendar and the
8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Gerry, Craig. Directory in the GLSO News or call the
Gayline at 231-0335.
Views or o inions ex ressed in GLSO News are
those of the author;J and do not necessarily vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'vvvvvvvvvvv.
represent those of the GLSO Board of COFFEEHOUSE 8 DANCE
Directors. Submissions are welcome. All COMMITTEE WELCOMES YOU!
submissions become the property of GLSO and
must indicate the full name and address of the We understand some of you thought the
author. Anonymous submissions are not Coffeehouse 8 Dance planning committee was 3
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the closed group. That's not true at all! The
right to alter any submissions (including Holidays are over and it's time to start
advertising) to meet publishing requirements. planning some new entertainment for the
Spring C 8 D's and even start thinking about
The placement of advertising in GLSO News Gay Pride Week. Please join us at our next
does NOT denote a person's sexual orientation meeting on February 10th. Call 231-7985 and
nor a business's customer preference. ask Esmerelda for directions.

. While many communities across the "disease-which-has-no-cure" was in their midst
3 country are being forced to face the hard and they could not ignore it. Nor could they
t realities of dealing humanely with Persons With separate themselves from the tragic responses
t AIDS (PWAs) and often falling short of the of others who have evicted, fired, refused to
t mark, a small ray of hope has pierced treat, and otherwise discriminated against
Lexington recently. One local church has PWAs.
5 faced the issue head on and its early response In a discussion after the sermon, the
1 appears to be thoughtful, compassionate and church response was somber and thoughtful.
; dignified. Several members expressed gratitude for the
| The scene was set when a newly hired courage with which Mark and the minister had
; employee of Lexington's Unitarian Universalist faced the challenge. One man acknowledged
Church learned a co-worker has AIDS. Mark that while he did not quite share the full
, Black, a long-time church member, was extent of Blanchard's sentiments, he felt he
a diagnosed as having AIDS several years ago. had grown a great deal (and implied he was
, In an attempt to keep his life as "normally" willing to grow more). A suggestion arose
. open and honest as possible, Mark long ago that the church‘s committee on social justice
1 decided to respond directly to questions about might engage in some high-visibility community
a his lack of regular employment. Several education work. Another member volunteered
. members of the UU church community knew to fill the vacant position until a permanent
about Mark's condition and had dealt with it employee could be found. Mark's mother
5 privately. thanked the congregation for their acceptance
. When the new employee learned of Mark's and support.
I illness, however, she was forced to deal with One member commented the church
a the reality of AIDS in her own life. As Mark should be grateful for the employee's honesty
. explained, his co-worker initially responded in in explaining her resignation because it
. an accepting manner, but fear grounded in provided the opportunity to confront the
1 ignorance overcame her and she soon issue. A plea was raised that people should
resigned. She did so without malice, avoid singling out Mark as the focus of their
3 explained her apprehensions, and quietly response, but rather realize many others in
\ departed. Mark suspects the opinion of her the community are equally vulnerable.
. family persuaded her to resign. Interestingly, no one suggested Mark
5 After the resignation, Mark and church should leave the church or discontinue his
5 minister David Blanchard decided the entire volunteer work in the church office while
a church should know exactly why the employee physically able. Rather, reflections seemed to
1 left. They agreed this approach would avoid revolve around how the church would live up
the explosion of rumors, fear and ignorance to its ideals of compassion and equality, how
1 which other communities have experienced. the staff shortage would be resolved - with
f Ironically, the crisis arose on the Mark's role in the church unchanged - and
a weekend of the celebration of Martin Luther what might be the best way to share with the
3 King's birthday. At the Sunday service, the rest of Kentucky the lessons of human dignity
a minister reminded the congregation of King's and responsibility the church had gained from
dedicated struggle to end oppression of one this experience.
person by another through ignorance and While the full extent of the Unitarian
' prejudice. He also presented the resignation Church's response remains to be realized, the
within the context of the UU philosophy of beginning was certainly one of promise. As
respect and caring for all people regardless of the members struggle to respond, both
personal differences. individually and as a community, Lexington
a Blanchard explained what had transpired has an example to follow. We all have reason
3 in the preceding days and challenged the to be proud of minister David Blanchard, Mark
a congregation to confront their fears and Black, and the members of Lexington's
t ignorance, and perhaps apathy, about AIDS. Unitarian Universalist Church. They are
a They must, he told them, recognize the people who make a sincere effort to live up to
t their ideals.
i a

 I worry about that last misunderstanding
for Dignity. Our membership fee is $25. A
significant number of people, predominantly
women, cannot afford $25. Membership in
I - Dignity across the US is overwhelmingly male.
Even in Lexington where one of the smallest
chapters in the country is a leader of among
all Dignity/USA chapters when discussing
women's concerns, we have no women
members. But we have lots of women friends.
PO Baggy/[PEXINGT9(§ | list our membership as 8 men, with 7 women
' ' exmgton, 40593 friends highlighting our involvement of women.
In fact without the combined efforts of women
269-8417 and men here, there would be no Dignity.
It's time we as a chapter and as a continental
group examined this more closely.
FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT I'm open to suggestions. If you have
some let me know. I do not like separatism
Recently, a wonderful friend of mine but I understand its existence.
suggested that one of our rap sessions focus l hOpe to see you at Dignity soon.
on the topic separatism. She then proceeded in peace, Keith
to check it out with some of her friends.
Their replies were not encouraging, but she DICNITY PROGRAM MEETING
said she'd still like to do a rap session on
separatism. So would I. Come join us for a panel discussion on
By and large men and women are sexual ethics at our program meeting. Based
socialized differently. This applies to lesbians on a study done of Dignity nationwide, the
and gay men probably as much as it does to results tell a lot about ourselves. We'll also
the rest of society. look at a recommendation to be sent to
Another friend of mine who is Dignity/National at the 1989 San Francisco
heterosexual asked me why gay men weren't Convention. It should be interesting and fun.
aware of feminist issues? I had to agree that See the Calendar for time, dates, and location.
her question was indeed valid. _ I
Gay men, as a rule, are not feminists, FEBRUARY DIGNITY CALENDAR
but we should be. Above all, feminism tells
us that women, and people in general, should Tuesday 2nd 7:30 Liturgy at Don's,
be allowed to pursue their wishes, choices, 299-14058
and goals freely - without worry of any form Thursday 11th 7:30 Rap Session -
of discrimination. Whether it be a housewife Topic: Relationships-
or astronaut, president or nurse, dressed in a Part 3, at Keith's,
tie or a skirt or both, being assertive or 269-8017
passive, being alone or in a relationship - Thursday 25th 7:30 Program Meeting -
women and men have the right to make their Topic: Sexual Ethics.
own choices. at Keith's, 269-81l17
It mystifies me, too, why many gay men,
why many lesbians, why anyone cannot
support that right to equal choice. But then DICNITY MEMBERSHIP
I realize this philosophy of living is not taught
to most people. Interested in becoming a member? For
Perhaps the worst kind of discrimination only $25 ($20 students, $145 couples] you can
is subtle: setting a higher expectation for join Dignity and support a wonderful
boys in school and life, television programs organization. In addition to the national
laughing and winking at alcoholism in men and mailing, you'll be supporting AIDS education
dramatizing it in women (see LA Law - Cuzak and outreach, general education on lesbian and
gets drunk and it's a joke, yet Grace has a gay issues, and a continued presence in the
"drinking" problem), and failing to understand the GLSO News. Monthly installments are
women's economics. available. For more info, call or write Dignity
(269-81417) Box 198”, Lexington, KY, l£0593.

' V
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a '9 Available February 1 , 1988 : W
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Y 3. VV

AVOL UPDATE "Lesbian Safety and AIDS" casts doubt
upon prevailing medical wisdoms. After
The AIDS Volunteers of Lexington extensive interviews with AIDS foundations in
(AVOL) continue to help our community deal San Francisco and New York, and discussions
with AIDS through education and support. with virologists at the Center for Disease
New brochures have arrived from the San Control, Chiaramonte discovered that claims of
Francisco AIDS Foundation and are available at lesbian safety from AIDS are based on E
the AVOL booth set up every Saturday night clinical data whatsoever. "In fact," she
at The Bar. Free condoms are also offered at states, "I was told by the CDC that the
the booth to encourage their widespread use in Federal Government plans fl studies of lesbian
central Kentucky. A "housing committee" has risk in the foreseeable future, and as I say in
been appointed to investigate both the need the article, luntil cellular scientists believe
and regulations surrounding the establishment that lesbians even exist, our existence, simply
of an AIDS care facility in Lexington. Fund put, is at risk.‘ "
raising events continue to provide the Drawing upon published scientific data
resources necessary for the newest material, on the sexual behaviors of lesbians,
information, and possible future facility. The Chiaramonte points out that it is possible both
Sea; berl‘ZEftit 2ightentat1i_\;1ely8 schedvtviledh ffor the prevale(nfce and amount of tseatainl sexual
: pm, e . t , at e ar. atc or activities or example, tri a ism , in
publicity downtown to confirm the date. combination with exposure to sero-positive
February lu-ZISt has been designated partners, could put lesbians at risk for the
"National Condom Week '88" (NCW) and is disease, as such activities may involve
being promoted locally by AVOL. NCW is exchange of body fluids or tissue trauma.
intended to increase the proportion of sexually Visibilities is a bimonthly magazine for
active people who use condoms correctly and lesbians. For information, write PO Box 1258,
consistently. It's no coincidence NCW begins Department SU, Peter Stuyvesant Station, New
on Valentine's Day (VD), a perfect holiday to York, NY 10009-1258.
launch condom related activities. In addition
to the re ular availabilit of condoms and
informationgat the Saturdayynight booth, AVOL WW9VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
hopes to offer copies of "Condom Sense,“ a ”V 'V
comprehensive but fun tabloid which provides ”V NATIONAL .9
education about condoms. Some booth v. V.
volunteers will also be in wearing special
T-shirts to promote condo?n use. :: CONDOM ::
"Lesbian Safety and AIDS: the Very v. .'
Last Fairy Tale," is the culmination of a six v. v.
month investigation of media and medical W V.
community assurances that lesbians, as a W J, J4 \, v.
group, are at almost no risk for getting AIDS. V. .- g’ ‘5' 5
Author Lee Chiaramonte, in the January 1988 ' . ‘ T v.
issue of Visibilities, says, "In order to believe v. .‘ , _ _. _ / V.
that lesbians are not at risk for AIDS, or that V. i ‘ V.
. \
those who already have been Infected are 0' ‘ \- I ' V.
merely incidental victims, I would have to *m/‘i N— ‘51—? ‘k ‘
know and agree with the standards by which '9 fig, ?§4%J (2- ”V
we are judged to be safe. Meaning, I would W ’k‘.-fit-."L-". W
have to believe that lesbians, unlike v. '9
straight women, can get sgven years worth of ”V v.
honest answers from t eir lovers about _
forgotten past lives." 33"”. FEBRUARY 14 21 V.

lbt LAMBDA LEGAL DEFENSE Last month GLSO News reported the
ter PUBLISHES NEW GENERAL—INTEREST Names Project Quilt would be displayed June 3
in BOOKLET 0N LEGAL PROBLEMS OF AIDS in Cincinnati as part of a national tour.
'nS Subsequently, however, the Names Project
356 Lambda Legal Defense and Education dropped Cincinnati from the tour. The gay
0f Fund (LLDEF), established 15 years ago as and lesbian organizations in Cincinnati
m the nation's first gay and lesbian legal rights apparently were waiting for one of the other
he organization and now a leader in combating groups to volunteer sponsorship for the Quilt's
he AIDS-related discrimination in the U.S., has appearance. The deadline for applications
an announced the publication of a new booklet on passed before anyone realized a stalemate
in the legal problems associated with AIDS. existed.
eve Entitled ”Living with AIDS: A Guide to Some Cincinnati organizations have
)ly the Legal Problems of People with AIDS", the applied to return the city to the list of tour
booklet was written by Trudy Hayden, 3 stops but a response is still pending. GLSO
ata specialist on privacy and discrimination issues, News will keep you updated on the Quilt's
IS, and was funded in part by a grant from New nearest destination.
)th York State's AIDS Institute.
Jal "Living with AIDS", Lambda's first
in publication on AIDS written for the general
ve reader, explains common legal problems ASK AUNT MARY
he confronting people with AIDS and others
ve affected by the disease. Its twelve chapters
cover access to medical services, Dear Aunt Mary: Help! I'm a wreck, my
tor confidentiality of medical records, insurance, lover is nearly hysterical and my daughter is
.8, financial aid, housing, employment and blissfully unaware of any problem whatsoever!
ew education. The last chapter, "Where to go for The problem is, my daughter knows I am gay
help," lists more than sixty organizations, but has no idea I have a lover! How do I
agencies, and groups in New York State introduce my lover to my daughter?
' providing AIDS-related assistance and referral Basket Case
' "Living with AIDS” is the third Dear Case: Introduce your daughter and
l publication offered by LLDEF on the subject of lover to each other as slowly and with as little
I AIDS. It joins the newly revised and expanded pressure as possible. How about something
, edition of the AIDS Legal Guide, edited by like, "Amy, a friend of mine is going to join
Lambda's Legal Director, Abby R. Rubenfeld, us when we go out for pizza tonight." 00 to
i and the monthly newsletter, AIDS Update. Show-Biz and give your daughter lots of
l ” 'Living with AIDS' significantly tokens for all the games. She‘ll hardly notice
i enhances our publications program,” said your lover as she runs around playing all the
I LLDEF's Executive Director, Thomas B. games, so none of you should feel much
Stoddard. ”It proves concise but full pressure.
' explanations of the legal issues confronting Once the initial introduction has been
I people with AIDS, and it is written in plain accomplished, arrange for the three of you to
. English. Moreover, although the booklet is do something your daughter enjoys: bowling,
. based on federal and New York State law, the shopping or maybe a concert. Gradually
legal information provided is generally relevant spend more and more time together, and my
I anywhere in the U.S." guess is your daughter will figure out the
1 "Living with AIDS” is available at $3.95 nature of your relationship even before you
D per copy, including postage, directly from get around to telling her. Aunt Mary
’ LLDEF at 666 Broadway, New York, NY,
' 10012. If you would like to write to Aunt Mary,
send your letters to: Aunt Mar , c/o GLSO,
p WWWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV PO Box 11ll71, Lexington, KY 11:3575. For a
' VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV persona] reply, include a stamped, 5e|f
VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV addressed envelope. All names are strictly
'W vwvwvvwwwvwvvwvwwwvw confidential-

 — -
, History Week. For many, this week is seen as
p one of the few opportunities for us all to be
made more aware of the valuable role women
fl ’ have played in our history.
To kick off this celebration of women, Ul
.. /' smerelda S 1381.10 I‘ Transylvania University will begin a week of fe
5“ events with a speech by Shirley Chisholm on w.
QT} February 29. In addition to Ms. Chisholm's h(
j , speech, exhibits focusing on women will be 9;
‘4‘“ presented by the Kentucky Humanities ar
f _ Council.. Transylvania Plans to have other fi|
exhibits and panel discussions throughout the "S
_ week. For more information you may contact d(
Delores Roberts at 233-8275. Je
Greetings! Several events which you Midway College will also be participating t“
may be interested in are approaching fast as in the celebration with a conference on March "F
February opens with Women's History Week 5. For more information on the conference wi
(see following article.) The February you may call sue-uni. Mi
Coffeehouse and Dance will be fun since Women's History Week is a very special '81
committee members are threatening a rendition time for women to reflect on what we have bl
of "Know Your Valentine"lsimi|ar to the clone and can continue to do to take our pr
Newlywed Game). UK's Women Writer's rightful place in history. It is also a in
Conference is in the planning and will be April reminder to all of us that women's recognition “C
6th-9th. (Contact the Office of Continuing is something that we have had to fight for. th
Education for Women at UK.) It's also time to Our history has often been hidden and ignored ab
start planning to attend the Georgia Womyn's and there are many people who find little H(
Music Festival over Memorial Day Weekend. value in exploring it. For these reasons, our
This is a relaxing three days of womyn's music support of events offered during this time is fil
and comedy that shouldn't be missed. so very important. I hope you will all get a wc
Next month we will focus on the subject chance to attend some of the local events held Tl
of lesbian separatism. Contributions are this very special week. If you know some la!
welcome. March will be the last month I will uninformed sexist persons who think all women of
coordinate this section of the GLSO News as l have spent their lives just shopping and d0
am preparing to join my long lost girlfriend in housecleaning - do them a favor and take them
Atlanta. I say "coordinate" because there are along. Maybe they'll learn something: “Vl
many women who contribute to the writing of ' in1
this column. Thanks to Skeeter, Teresa, WOMEN'S DAY St:
Debbie, Penny, Kathy R., Kathy 0., Dana, By: Christine M. Maier [30
Melanie, Terri, Janette, Christine, and Laura. Wi
Esmerelda does need someone to continue to Today I skimmed an article concerned 6X
act as coordinator for the articles eaclii month. with courageuthe inspiring drama of fe'
Please call me if you're interested. That's it. a bright and charming lady, badly burned. th‘
Maybe l'll see you in the "hot seat" at the Her face was scarred,
February Coffeehouse 8 Dance. but still she found true love. Ke
Laura Of
The facing page displayed a Maybelline C0
WOMEN'S HISTORY WEEK CELEBRATED advertisement explaining how to catch ”V
your man. A model looked out, just thirteen,
From grade school to college we are her eyelids and her outfit dyed to match.
constantly told of the contributions men have
made to our history, but little credit is given The victim, thirty-nine, and now possessed
to women. Quite often women only get a few by two fine kids, a house and husband Kirk,
pages of recognition in a text of several had shared her hard-won lesson: that the best (39'
hundred pages. In an effort to rectify this of life was earned with W"
lack of vision on the part of historians, patience, pain and work. C3
feminists have pushed to have the efforts of Th
women brought to the forefront. To this end, And glancing slantwise out, surveying all:
February 29 - March 6, 1988 marks Women‘s the doe-eyed prepubescent glamour doll. Le‘
— _

The Women's Studies Program at the NEWS
University of Kentucky is sponsoring a film
festival entitled "Portraits in Film: Black Many thanks to John LaMar Cole, and
Women by Black Women." The program will be our his and hers Santas, for donating their
held on Monday, February 1, 1988 from 7:00 - time and talent for GLSO's December
9:30 pm at Arts Place, 161 North Mill Street Coffeehouse 8 Christmas Party. John had an
and is free and open to the public. Three appreciative audience in our piano bar, which
films will be featured in this program: concluded with a group of carolers encircling
"Storme: The Lady of the Jewel Box", a the piano and singing with great enthusiasm.
documentary of an impersonator in the famous Having pictures taken with Santa was another
Jewel Box Revue; "Illusions", a drama about popular activity, especially with the
two women in the Hollywood of the 1900's; and 2-Santas-for-1 combo pose. The biggest
"Fanny's Film", a documentary about a maid response, however, came when we turned on
with a life of her own. Following the films, the dance music and everyone got a chance to
Michelle Parkerson, director of "Storme", will cut loose. In fact, we were so impressed with
lecture and participate in a discussion about everyone's obvious desire to dance that for
black women's filmmaking. Parkerson has the January Coffeehouse we simply offered
produced several award-winning films, four continuous hours of dance music for your
including "But Then, She's Betty Carter" and enjoyment - yes, you were the entertainment,
"Gotta Make that Journey: Sweet Honey in and it was great fun! Look for us to have
the Rock." She is currently at work on a film more nights of just dancing in the future, and
about the poet Audre Lord and is teaching at let us know if that's what you like.
Howard University. For the February Coffeehouse, we'll be
Michelle Parkerson commented on her having the GLSO Valentine's Day Dance on
films "I am interested in what other black February 19th. We'll open the doors at 8:30
women artists have done, in what they do. pm to give you a little time to visit and catch
Through their work they give the world a up with your friends before the entertainment
larger sense of a political self, a larger sense begins at 9:30. For this occasion, we will be
of who women are, what we do, and how we presenting something akin to "The Newlywed
do what we do." Game" which we are calling "Know Your
About her own "Storme" she said: Valentine." Four couples will be selected from
"When you see how the Jewel Box transformed the crowd at 9:25, and the game will run from
into art those aspects of women that are 9:30 to 10:00, so be sure to arrive early and
standardized and exploited, then you have a enter your names in the hopper. All couples,
politically fascinating study in how we deal regardless of how long together, are welcome
with stereotypes. And it says human to enter. The cost is 50 cents per couple for
existence is not defined as strictly male or each entry slip, and you can enter as often as
female. A tremendous creation grows out of you like. We're looking forward to seeing how
those freed energies." well you know your valentine. Following the
This program is sponsored by the game at 10:00, you'll have 3 hours to dance to
Kentucky Humanities Council, the University your heart's content, or si