xt7t1g0hx99d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hx99d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1999 text GLSO News, June 1999 1999 1999-06 2019 true xt7t1g0hx99d section xt7t1g0hx99d flit. ~e i i i... . 7
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:2 it; Vol. 14 JUNE 1999 N0. 6
”t 53,5 A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
flit" t i::::2::s:..::i:7i:iezmi KW CW
‘~.:" I" i ’2 '5 i ~ ’7? ‘ - n n
i; E5 t "it: ”355 also need volunteers on that day so if gflNq OZKZ!
P . ' Picnic you could help out, give Kelly a call. The Pride celebrations for
Louisville and Lexington will soar
The Pride Picnic, the largest AC: out with the music of all three fully inclu-
queer pot luck in Kentucky and our ACT-OUT is producing Beyond sive choruses 0f Kentucky. The
best attended pride event, will be Therapy, 3 comedy written by LGXithh Men's ChOiUS. Voices Of
Sunday, June 13 at Windy Knoll Christopher Durang and directed by Keniuckiana (Louisville's community
Farm, noon ‘0 4. rain 0' shine. Homer Tracy. it will be presented chorus) and SisterSound are com—
(Directions on page 5) Parking may Thursday, Friday and Saturday bining their talents for the first time to
be tight, so plan to come with friends. nights, June 31 4, and 5 at the down- perform concerts in bOTh cities. on
Bring a diSh ‘0 share USihQ this town Lexington Public Library at 8 June 5th at the CW0" Center in
division as a guide. it you have a PM. Tickets are $7 and are available Louisville and June 12m at at the
favorite item you want to make that by calling 255-5459) and at the door. Singletary Center for the Arts in
doesn't fit this "St. 90 for it. Free parking can be found behind the Lexington, more than 100 voices Wi“
A—H SALAD OR BREAD Library in their parking structure. "Sing Out!" Both concerts begin at
l-R MAlN DlSH (can be veggie) Beyond Therapy is a hilarious 8pm. Tickets are available from cho-
S'Z DESSERT look at “relationships and how psy- TUS members or by calling 606—257-
Cold soft drinks and water will be chology and psychobabble hinder 4929
sold by GLSO to cover the costs of and help us", and is one of Durang's The choruses, all members of
the picnic. Please do not bring alco— most endearing works. Bisexual GALA (the Gay and Lesbian
hoi. There are lots of expenses to Bruce (David Morrison) looks for the Association 0' Choruses) Wi" 00m-
putting on this event: renting sound "perfect partner" in an innocent bine for 4 selections as well as pre-
equipmeni, tables, Doria ponies, buy— Prudence (Crystle Martin), much to sent individual 3815- The Lexington
ing paper plates and forks, 60- YOU the disapproval of his male lover, Bob Pride events continue on page 3
can help by spending some money (C.T. Reeves). Other cast members
on COld drinks rattle tickets, t-shirts, include BUZZ CofnielsonI Shannon
or other pride items. Christy, and Bill Chandler. Sponsor of the Month
In addition t0 great 700d. we plan Profits from the productions sup-
to provide a variety of local talent and port the Pride Center. For more infer-
a drag race open to all competitors. mation, or to volunteer, contact Dave /) 1’ \ ,
Entertainment starts at 12:30 so bring Morrison at (606) 379-9409 or email 5 \UL/ Ll . e; ULTS’ZiLL/Il
a lawn chair or blanket to make YOUF at terpbear@aoi.com‘ Come cele- _ ‘1 T 1 L
self comfortable. There is covered brate the beginning of Pride month by 1/, ) 1/25.; , C 1.1 (.10 t. (I t
space in 0859 Of rain. attending this great play.
It you can donate a rattle item or _

 ¢ c The video festival begins Tues. »
7; ., , . » » '- Pflflflly MDV‘C‘ June 15 with Billy's Hollywood Screen .
$65),“ = lnterweav e and the W om en' 5 Kiss. This independent film written
LESBifiN Spirituality Group of the UU Church and directed by Tommy O'Haver ‘
ERVICE ’ are planning a series of videos for SPOOfS those ,19503 melodramatic '
V ORG. »- ... pride month. On Tuesday, June 8 and romances Stem”? Doris Day. Only 5
_ - ~' A generator Wednesday June 9, from 7 to 9 we will ”VS time, the lead '3 gay photographer ‘
“- Leadnsm“ be showing three videos that make up Billy, who has a crush on a sexually (
v the Women and Spirituality Series. amblguous new boy I" town ' 5
These films will be of particular inter— _ On the 22nd_the festival turns to '
est to pagans, feminists, and anyone ffggffi1??:Zew'tgggiec::£:fi:fl
. l , . r
The GLSO News :1”:ng tzkgzwnrgigxrbtout the mod- director Deepa Mehta wrote and <
Vol.14 Issue 5 w: aifi’stan with the first two films directed this excellent film, which tells ,
‘ Published Monthly by 7 on Tuesday. Goddess Remembered the story of the relationship that devel—
- weaves together the work of archaeol- ops between two women, sisters-in-
, . ogists such as Marita Gombutus, and law trapped In loveless ”times: If
‘ The Lexmgton Gay art historian Merlin Stone with contem- 2:61:32“; gigs; “Sign wfclilrrtlys ‘
- ' ' ‘ ora leaders in the women’s 5 iritu- ’ . ’ ‘
* Lesbzan Servzce glity rymovement to exa minep how Mehta filmed this one in Engllsh. . l
Organization ancient goddess centered cultures the [123:3figgginzgfigggizsz ;
ma have functioned. The Burnl'n
‘ 321 Second St- Tirrilles looks at the “witch burning£2 the gay best friend Of a Straight i
7 years of the European Inquisition woman. The Obj?” of My Affection ‘
Editors: through the eyes of historians and the- jfigsfiigni'gegocgnfifil h: a woman .
' ologians (Starhawk, Matthew Fox). _ gay best ‘
Mary Crone Although it is not specified in this film friend and roommate played by Paul i
Peter Taylor lesbigaytrans people as well as Fiudd. We hope you'll join us Tuesday '
Davina Warner women in general were targeted by nights at the UU Church for this Video
the witch trials throughout Europe. festival. Best of all, us free.
Layout Editor: On Wednesday night, June 9,we Remember, these titlesloan change, ‘
will see the third in the series, Full depend'"9 ”9°" ava"ab' 'ty 0‘ V'de°s‘ ‘
Charlie Perkins . . . .
Clrcle, which examines present day . -
goddess beliefs and practices. A num- GLS 0 Board El“ “(ms ‘
GLSO Annual Dues ber of authors, social activists, and In June, five positions on the ‘
and Newsletter: $15 teachers are filmed in discussion GLSO Board will be open and an elec- .
Dues and Newsletter for about why earth based spirituality is of tion will be held at the picnic. The cur— '
Couples: $20 particular importance at this time. We rent members of the Board who are
will have an hour for discussing all running for another term are Peter
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are three films on this evening. Taylor, Kelly O'Ferrell, and Terry
”“389 0f the alithOiS and don’t necessarily On the remaining tuesday nights Mullins. Other individuals running are
represent those of the GLSO Board. in June, Interweave will show gay Campbell Welsh, who is now serving
SubmiSSionS are welcome and become the themed videos at 7:00 in one of the air the last months of a position left open,
property 0f ihe GLSQ The staff reserves conditioned classrooms. We will put and Jeremy Farmer who has been
the right 10 ed" SmeiSSionS and advenise- up a sign on the front door giving leading the Discussion Group. If any— .
merits 35 W9” as the fight 10 NileCt any SUb- directions to the room in case you one else is interested, they should call
missions or advertisements. arrive late. Terry at (H)255-5469 or (w)252-2867.

 : . ~25": , s
Men's Chorus is“ proud to' present M ‘ Tolstalt gathering some women ,. MonthlyEvgnts-fl .
selections from "Naked Man,"acycle together, Ginger is organizing a FirstSundayCourt'hiiféiatkai‘

. . . . . ,5, ,, ., . . , ._,_,g,t}3§
of songs depicting gay lives and socrai event for Friday, June 4th. Secondfffuas‘day;iPeFLAG;3?:365'1i2‘354 ;
experiences composed by Robert She is planning to meet anybody Secondi‘ridaymccumeihght .
Seely and Philip Littrell for the San interested at Topp 2’s at 6:00 for din- ForMCCmtocallTomasaeersm
Francisco Gay Men's Chorus. ner and then go to the play Beyond ‘ “r ,.
SisterSound will be singing Therapytogether. If you are interest- Interweave
some favorites from previous con- ed in the play only, join us about 7:30 Interweave is hosting a series of
certs including Big Legged Woman, for the short walk to the Library. videos on Tuesday nights in June
Marie, and Change of Heart. We may plan to go together to See page 2 for details, We are also
the Wishing Chair, Mother Jane, planning a potluck lunch at the UU
fizide Reading Therapy Sisters concert June 16 if Church after the service (about
Local writers are invited to read there is interest. We hope that this 12:15) on June 20.
their work at the Third Annual will be a way for lesbians to meet .
Working Class Kitchen Pride new people, to form friendships GLSO Discussion Group
Reading on Sunday, June 20th. across differences, and to have a The GLSO discussion support
Joseph Beth Cate will open for us at great time together. Call Ginger for group is starting up again in June,
8:30, readings will start at 8:45. more information (389-7698) We meet every Wednesday night at .
Admission is $6-$10, sliding scale, 7:30 at the Pride Center, 387 Waller .
which includes desert and coffee. MCC Ave. This is a lively group that any-
There will be a cash bar available. The Metropolitan Community one can join at any time. We have a ‘
Call Kelly at 277-6168 if you are Church is having a Mammoth Yard lot of fun talking about everything
interested in reading or for details. Sale on Saturday, June 12 from 9 am under the sun...and moon.
‘ to 3 pm. We will be in the parking j
Social Concepts area in front of the Church which is Carnegie Songwriter Series ,
Some women in town are starting located at 387 Waller Ave, next to Announcing a concert series .
a social activity group for women imperial Plaza. Our Pride Service will devoted to presenting local and "
which they hope will grow into some— be on Sunday, June 27 at 11 :30. national songwriters in an informal ‘
thing more. For example, they see a setting. The first concert will be held 3
need for a support system for women seer/935 9%de Wednesday, June 16 at 7:30 pm. at
1 WhO are lUSt coming out or perhaps Be who you want ‘0 be, bring the Carnegie Center for Literacy and
just leaving their first relationship. WhO YOU want 10 bring to the Gala Learning, 251 W, 2nd St. $5 suggest- ,
They envision a mentoring program Pride Prom, Sunday, June 13, from 8 ed donation at the door.
for women to help each other pm to midnight. Sponsored by RSlC Hosted by Lexington’s own
through the rough spots. &.Eb°”y ma'e' Th's fabu'qus ”9'“ \Mshing Chair, the show will begin
B if st rt th h t t‘ _ Will be at YATS (in South Hill Station _ i i M th l
u era a. ’ elf ope oslm under Laser Quest). That is at 200 Mt“ the popular oca 9'0”” 0 or i
ulate interest in domg actlwtles Bolivar, between S.Upper and 3. Jane, and Will be followed by The i
together such as movies, a“ shows, Broadway. Admission is $15 which Therapy Sisters, from Austin, TX-
POtlUCkS, 0' J'USt hanging OUt and includes food and open bar. Tickets Known for their sparkling wit and ;
watching TV- “Social Concepts" is available at the door. Vote for Prom solid musicianship, The Therapy
the name at this time, but as a group King & Queen, watch a little Drag, Sisters, Lisa Rogers and Maureen l
develops, their focus can determine take prom [moms and dance the McLean,areazany and eclectic dUO, l
a name. night away. whose tunes inspire laughter right l
' newsconflnuod on pagel l

 from the first drop. As they like to Matt. The two men are forced to con- or watch tor signs in your favorite
remind us all, “ if you’re not part of front their hopes, fears and past rela— restaurants.
the problem, you‘re not part of the tionship baggage while they struggle Movable Feast is in great need
Family!" An open mick session is with the question, “Do i really wanta of volunteers over the next few
scheduled for 9:30. Songwriters may boyfriend?". There will be three months. They generally have quite a
sign up for open mic at the event. For shows in June, Friday 18, Saturday few people from UK many of whom
more information call (606) 254-4175 19, and Sat. 26. Show time is 8:30 have left for the summer. There is a
or visit us on the web at www.ter- pm at The Bar in Lexington. Tickets particular need for cooks and deliv-
rakin.oom. are $6.00 which includes admission ery drivers. Drivers show up about
to the Bar. Tickets are available at 5:15, pack up 5 or 6 dinners and
so, I MET THIS GUY... the door. The play is directed by deliver them in a particular area of
An original gay romantic come- Shannon Christy and stars C,T. town. The entire process takes only
dy So, I Met This Guy..., by Dave Reaves, Sataysha Edwards and about an hour and once you have
Morrison will be presented at The David Alan Morrison. learned a route it is an easy task.
Bar Complex on Friday and Call 252—2867 to volunteer.
Saturday, June 18 & 19 at 9:00 PM. ”PIM“€ FCA‘t
The night will kick off at 8:30 with Local area restaurants have Entaztar’rzzz o/tge yaw;
show tunes by Gershwin, Sondheim agreed to share their profits for one The sixth annual "Bluegrass
and other favorites sung by local tal- night as a fund raiser for Movable Regional Entertainer of the Year" will
ents C.T. Reaves and Crystle Martin. Feast. Dining Out for Life will be on be held on Sunday, June 6, 8 pm in
So, I Met This Guy... is a hilari- Thursday June 17 and will help fund the Ballroom of the Radisson Plaza
ous look at Helen, a would-be their hot meals program. For a com— Hotel. Advanced tickets may be pur-
romance writer, as she relives the plete list of participating restaurants, chased by calling Donnie Royse at ,
tale of how she united Chase and contact Movable Feast after June 1 (606) 321—205.
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GLSO Page 4

 _ _. Ei fit AVi ual Volunteer :
t®%0@£}@®6/@%®A@imfl©\jioo gAwartis Banquet
The eighth annual Volunteer _
VOLUNTEER OF THE VEAR Awards Banquet will be on Sunday,
June 27 at Ed and Fred’s Desert
AWARDS BANQUET Moon. The price has been lowered l
to $20 to make this event accessible
to a greater number of people.
Contact Terry (255-5469) for tickets. '
SUNDAY, )VNE 27 One way we are cutting costs is
by not purchasing trophies for the ‘
5 PM COCKTA‘LS 6 PM DINNER groups to present to their Volunteer
of the Year. We are now asking that
ED AND FRED, S DESERT MOON each group that presents an award, ‘
purchase an award that seems
appropriate to them. This way there
after dinner speaker will be a variety of awards ranging ,
from gift certificates to tiaras. Our
CATHY RENNA community is imaginative and at
times even OUTlandish so we
. . believe this will add some spice to
y entertainment provrded by the dime, ‘
. This year we are honored to
Anomer Nate anb SisterSovmb have as our after-dinner speaker,
Cathy Renna, Director of Community
Relations for the Gay and Lesbian ,
o . Alliance Against Defamation ,
Lzlmaim@éy.@® $5 @9 @fiacapaéngi’ (GLAAD). Cathy started out volun-
teering tor GLAAD nine years ago.
Summer Dcablines articles, announcements, and advertisements She is a dynamic speaker and will
need to get to GLSO by June 17 and by July 17 for the next 2 issues. Please share her experiences with us.

. e—mail material to Marycrone@aol.com or snail mail it to Mary Crone (1630 The highlight of the banquet is
Ashwood Rd. 40502). Calender information and mailing label corrections the presentation of the Wasson
should be sent to Peter@QX.NET. It is sometimes possible to get items into Award for the outstanding volunteer
the news after the deadline, but articles received first will be given priority. of our community for 1999 and the

Rainbow Community Service Award
for the group that has contributed
LIFEPRINTS most to our community. Nominations I
PHOTOGRAPHY _ tor the Wasson Award are Crissy }
Sexton, Carolyn Bratt, Mark L

* HANDCOLOR‘NG Johnson, Bill Chandler, Keith Lovan,
c on site photography I and Michael Thompson. Nomina- .

murmur-J“ v unique, creative portraiture tions for the Rainbow Award include
The Lexington Men’s Chorus, _

Cheryl Aic'ar," Tina 0" _ Lexington Fairness, and Movable

Photographic Artist Bus. Representative . . .

Twenty years experience Lex Phone “59633 Feast. Nominations Will be accepted

by Terry (255-5469) until June 5. .
GLSO Page 5

 Lexington Men’s Chorus
Voices of Kentuckiana and
Siste rSo nd
W - %
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June 5, 1999 a June 12, 1999
8:00 pm 8:00 pm
“m" concerts 5""9‘9tw
Center Center for
Lou1sv111e the Arts
Contact Tickets:
Vo1ces of Sing1etary
Kentucmana PRIDE center
GLSO Page 6 '

 932/?7'2 E 7 left after the 2nd blinking yellow light Unitarian Church Service followed
999 onto N. Cleveland Rd. The farm is by lnterweave Potluck Lunch.
flat gt A‘EL'IZE. 1/2 mile on the left. (See Page 1)
June 20, Sunday 8:30
lung 2 Wed. 7 pm w 8 pm - Midnight Working Class Kitchen presents the
Fairness meeting and rally, pride PRIDE PROM sponsored by RSlC& 3rd Annual Gay Pride Reading at
Center, 387 Waller. Ebony Male. at YATS, 200 Bolivar Joseph Beth Cafe. Admis:$6-$10
(South Hill Station) Admis: $15 at sliding scale (see page 3)
tune a 4 & 5 —Thurs. Fri. 8 Sat. door-includes food & open bar.
ACTOUT presents Beyond Therapy (Page 3) W 10 am
at Downtown Lexington Public RSIC sponsors a GLBT Volleyball
Library's Theatre. Thurs at 7pm, Fri M 7:30 pm Tournament at Dunbar Comm.
& Sat at 8pm. Admis: $7 (See Pg 1) Carnegie Songwriter Series. Center, 545 N. Upper. Registration
Vlflshing Chair hosting Mother Jane by Mon, June 2tst. Admis: $75 per
lune 9 _ Fri. 5 pm and Therapy Sisters at Carnegie team, that's $12.50 per person for a
SOCIAL CONCEPTS invites you to Center, 251 W. 2nd St. (see page 3) team of 6 or $9.38 for a team of 8.
join us for dinner at Topp2’s, 120 3. (Free ‘0 watch) For info or ‘0 regis-
Upper at 6pm. We will then go to M1191 9:00 pm ter: Mark Johnson 252-2371, Tom
Beyond Therapy together. (page 3) BAR COMPLEX presents “DRAGing Collins 502-564-6539, John Moses
in the Year 2000..." Turnabout 1999 294—0901.Trophies, a plaque, T-shirts
!!!ne § _ Sltn. all day in the Guilded Cage Showroom at and other prizes will be awarded.
KING'S ISLAND red shirt day the Bar. Door opens at 8:30pm,
showtime at 9:30pm. Admis: $4 5lune 27- Sun. 11:30
mm: 5- Sun. 9 pm (benefit for Fairness) Metropolitan Community Church's
TOPP 2's is holding a Drag Benefit Pride Service, 385 Waller Ave.
for the GLSO/Pride Center. Ticket W
are $3 at the door. Performers MOVEABLE FEAST benefits when W2 pm
include Tiffany Andrews, Cassie you go Dining Out For Life. Plan to RAINBOW BOWLING LEAGUE and
Carlisle, Karen Kolette. Raffle. dine out at a participating restaurant TlTl will be hosting a Scotch
which has agreed to donate a por- Doubles No-Tap Bowling Compe-
the B 9 15 22 5 29 7 pm-9 pm tion of that day‘s receipts to tition at Southland Lanes Admis:
UU CHURCH & lNTERWEAVE pre- Moveable Feast. (See page 4) List $12 (Free to watch). This event is a
sent a film series at the UU Church of Restaurants available-2522867 fund-raiser for the RBL, TlTI and
every Tues in June and on Wed the Lexington Fairness. Prizes for team
gm Admission is free (See pg 2) ,lune1g, 19, 2Q 8:30 pm competition and raffle. (See pg 12)
“So I met this guy...", a one act play,
“mg 12 - Sat. 8 pm presented at the Bar on Fri. 18, Sat, June 27 - Sun.
“SING OUTg"; Lexington Men‘s 19, and Sat 26. Admission $6 1999 VOLUNTEER AWARDS BAN-
Chorus will be joined by SisterSound includes admission to Bar. (see pg 4) OUEl’ at Ed & Fred's Desert Moon.
and Voices of Kentuckiana in pertor— Arrive at 5pm for cocktails, dinner at
mance at The Singletary Center. m- Sat. 9 am 6pm. Admis: $20 After dinner
Admission $12. (See Pg 1) FRONTRUNNERS Fun Run/Walk speaker, Cathy Renna, GLAAD.
‘ Beginning at the UK Arboretum and Entertainment by SisterSound and
lung 13 _ fill". 12 noon- 4 pm then moving onto the streets of Another Note. (See Page 5)
GLSO PRIDE PICNIC at Windy Lexington. Info Keith at 254-6850.
Knoll Farm, 3263 N. Cleveland Rd. July 310") Fairness and GLSO ‘0
Free. Drive out Vlflnchester Rd, turn M 10:45 & 12 noon march in4th of July ParadelEl
GLSO Page 7

6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 6:00 pm Social Concepts 9:00 am Frontrunrlers
(Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal Dimer (ToppZ’s) (Arboretum)
7 :00 pm MCC Study (Pride Center) 7:00 pm Beyond Therapy 7:00 pm Beyond Therapy
Group 7100 pm Beyond Therapy (Library Theatre) (Library Theatre)
PRIDE M ON T“ 7:00 pm Fairness Meeting (Library Theatre ) ' 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
FOR DETAILS ON PRIDE EVENTS. SgoRallyéprfififmgA E , ,
SEE SEPARATE PRIDE CALENDAR ' pm fly 5 “m -' W, J" "i’
. .9 .’~ '
6 SUNDAY 7 MONDAY 8 9 10 11 12 I ' ' - 1
RED SHIRT DAY 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm UU/Interweave 6:00 pm Frontrunncrs 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
(King’s Island) Film Series (UU Church) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum)
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm MCC Study (Pride Center) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 1
11:30 am LMCC Group 8:00 pm SING OUT! _ ‘
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 7:00 pm UU/lnterweave Men’s Chorus and ‘ R
Center) Film Series (UU Church) SisterSound e S all I an
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Singletary Center)
rehearsal °
tbzl GLSO Drag Benefit 1 5 5 7 8' leeStone
(To 025) i o
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ‘ Lexrngton, Ky. :
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 700 pm UU/lnterweave 6:00 pm Frontrunners All Day: Dining Out for Life 7‘30 Pm Gay/[3503“ AA, 9100 am “minim“ Fun 9 2 5 3 -00 1 4 ‘
11:30 am LMCC Film Series (,UU Church) (Woodland Park) Movable Feast Benefit 830 Pm Play “50 1 me‘ ”“5 Run/Walk (“beret“) ‘
12:00 noorl -4:00 pm 7:00 pm MCC Study Grp 811% 1 ” (Bar Complex) 730 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA, 1 g
‘ GLSO Pride Picnic 7:30 pm Wish Chair/ 8:30 pm Play “So I met this . 1
: (Windy Knoll Farm) Mother Jane Concert Buy? (Bar Complex) featurlng the famous ‘
( 8:00 pm Pride Prom (Camagie Center)
1 Yats 810091“ GarmesbianAA Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
‘1 9:30 pm Dragging 2000 .
l m Comm) servrng blueberry
{ 20 21 22 23 25 26
i 10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm UU/lntem'eave 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners DUCkWhCat pancakes,
i 11:30 am LMCC Film Series (UU Church) (Woodland Park) (Arboretum) -
1‘ 12:00 noon Interweave 7:00 pm MCCStudyGroup 10:00 am GLBT Vollyball eggs bencdlct arnold,
1 Potluck (UU Church) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Tournament (Dunbar -
1 6:00pm Dignity (Pride Commandant“) . Spanish omelettes
Center) , , 3 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
i 8:;0 on;I gag Pride Reading 01§33fi¥723§$é§3 8:30 pm Play “So 1 met this gourmet desserts,
osep 6 Cafe AND /OR CORRECTIONS guy...” (Bar Complex)
1 273-9649
1 27 23 29 30 All of our breads and
10:45 am C : .‘ ' : - : '
l aw,“ ”MAW W113i woo“; desserts are baked dally
, anc 700 pm MCC smdfioup MOVEABLE FEAST EVERY DAY . k. h
j. 2:00 pm Rainbow Bowling 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA CALL 252-2867 In 0111' ltC CH
j (Southland Lanes)
5:00 pm Volunteer Awards ,
Banquet (Ed & Fred’s) ‘
[ Free Eventng Parking

in association with
. National Entertainer of the Year ‘
“Bf ’ [7
as"? ’ZQZEZZ fiyLO/ZQ
Eats zta has '1
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Lexington, K'y. -
For information on tickets or a - lications alease call 606 321—2053
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(:Lso Page 10

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 GOSSIP REDEFINED You do as your parents taught ‘
by Heinerre E Jones you, keep a straight face, quietly fill PRI'E B‘Wlluc ‘
your mouth with more salad. and act r

Loud talk in a restaurant is disre- as if you heard "0t a word. A” the In celebration of Pride and in t
spectful to others. On the other while you are poised to hear whatev— support of the efforts of the Lexington v
hand, attentively listening to the loud er else that woman has in mind for Fairness 99 Campaign, the Rainbow v
talk is considered meddling. But, the intended victim. League, the Thoroughbred a
both are perfectly acceptable if you 7 Every single word is mentally Invitational Tournament, inc. and r
appear to be distracted while listen- recorded and remains unuttered until Lexington Fairness are jointly spon-
ing to someone else’s conversation. you see friends the next day. then soring the inaugural Rainbow City
The secret is not to let the talker see you repeat the entire conversation. Scotch Doubles No-tap Bowling ‘
that you are REALLY interested in You add your own emotions and per- Competition.
what is being said. sonal knowledge about the act of The tournament will be held on t

Think about it for less than a women ‘de-cocking’ women. Sunday, June 27, l999, at Collins f‘
minute and the whole thing will make Overnight you will have managed to Southland- Lanes, 205 Southland t
sense. Give it some deep thought become an expert on the subject. Drive, Lexrngton. The entry fee is F
and the equation won't tally. Loud You tell a few more friends the $12.00 per person. Registration will It
talking (minus) meddling (plus) enhanced version of the story. And begin 200' Bowling should be com- F
unapparent, but attentive listening they tell a few friends their version. pleted by 4:30‘ There Will be cash C
(equals) a listen er with good manners. Eventually the story gets back to the prizes, as well as a chance to win a .

We all learned the equation dur- woman who originally SpOke 0f 50 \ 50 raffle. ' 2
ing childhood. if a parent told you to ‘decocting’ the butch who now Organizationscan be represent- .‘
“Stop Listeningl“, you would busy shares her home. Of course the loud ed by a team 0f 3” bowlers (3 dou— n
yourself with some other task. The talker doesn’t recognize her own bles partners) Special recognition in h
conversation would then resume, words because she is more con- the form of a plaque will be given to 1
and your parents wouldbeconvinced cerned about the rumor of two the organization that has the best ‘ E
that they had total control of your women who were caught ‘de-caulk- overall score. as a team and the 1
hearing ability. (Researchers are still mg each other in the bathroom 0‘ her name Of the wtnning organization will I
testing the validity of this phenome- favorite restaurant. She is certain be announced at the Pride Dinner, t
non.) As long as you don’t react to that she knows the culprits. Sunday evening. ‘
the words that you supposedly can The restaurant owner denies '"_ SCOtCh Doubles No—tap, f‘
no longer hear, then you will be any knowledge of the rumors, but it knocking down nine pins ( as
rewarded with the towns best known has been 900d for business. The opposed to ten)is scored as a strike
secrets. lunch special for the month is 'De’s and two people bowl each frame as a

By the time you become an Concoction' served with ashake and team in strict rotation. An estab-
adult, the - not listening don't react - a shaggy side salad. “Shed average is NOT required and
technique has been perfected. So, So do your part to support local NO experience in bowling is neces-
when the woman at the next table restaurants. Help yourself to the sary._lf you do "OI have a partner, we
says that she plans to ‘decoct‘ the variety of loud conversations. will find one for you during registra-
butch seated at the back of the Remember to use good manners and tron. All you need to do is bring your—
restaurant, you don't jerk your head keep a low profile so that you can self and have a 900d time bowling.
around to see if the butter knife is hear every single word from the ‘ For further information, call Jim
missing. Nor do you turn around to woman seated at the next table. it is D'CKmSO" at 252'5801 or Steve ,
ask if the 'de-cocking’ could possibly OK to repeat what you hear, informa- Rosenberg at 276-3058 or email
take place after you have finished tlon dissemination is vital to the Steve Rosenberg at LexRainbow@
dessert. (for the puzzled: “decoct— to social conscious of the community. aolcom. We look fonivard to seeing
extract the flavor of by boiling") Intercultural Lesbians! you on Sunday, June 27th at 2100'

Good luck and good bowling.

 In Business have a good time, spend some when we don’t think of celebrating
From time to time, we like to money, and invite friends. The pro— and recording our lives, and we
highlight gay owned and gay friendly prietor is interested in hearing from should. (My Aunt Mary and her lover
businesses in our community. Often the community about what you would Gertrude were together from the
we find out about these businesses like to see happen here. There is a I920’s until l960 when my aunt died
when they advertise with us. Here small stage; would you support and I have not one picture of them
are two businesses that would like to musical 9'0?“ or poetry readings? together.)
have your support. Would you like a place opened after Cheryl has twenty years experi-
, hours? Many things are possible if ence as a photographic artist. She is
TODD 2 S we turn out and make this place suc- particularly proficient at handcoloring
€39) 'y@@fié,@ cessful. So, stop dreaming about a black and white photographs to
l have seen on the internet and place for us and make it happen. See obtain unique effects. They have
heard women talking about the need you there. reasonable rates. Give them a call to
for a place for lesbians to gather, a . . discuss the possibilities. in
bar, a coffee house, or a club. A Lifeprints Lexington, their phone number is
place that is gay friend