xt7t1g0hx94g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hx94g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1912-09-26 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 2, September 26, 1912 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 2, September 26, 1912 1912 1912-09-26 2015 true xt7t1g0hx94g section xt7t1g0hx94g *""’··—·  » aw.
E Q. .
. University of Kentucky
  ....-_.;___ ,___ 2;:; ;;;:;;; ;:;_-:;___:___—i Y 1__‘;:-ss- _ s-
V°l· V LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 26, l9l2 Ng, z
FOOT BALL H` h h T TE ‘ ‘
t 12 Sc 00] S A Expcrnmem Ftclds Y. M. C. A.
— UNIVERSITY — . RE(;Ep·r]gN
":*~:"‘°”:'m’:;:°”IT:;:'¤•¥ W'*l• ¤•:'•“t:' •m• u»ttv••·•t•y rn•••n»••t ln Amt rmmt •m•t• r•m• r• ••
! ng Game of Football tn U"s_ _._
s Iqvld Put lundlnq Into wm", Nmnrysn tm", sy ,1’• lxtond Farm 0••r••••- lv•ry on nm., enum', asn.-Ihr ’•'_
l ll°ll”l' *"•¤¤••‘ W•• l'••*¤••· °°“"*¥ *• ”*"• •” "'•"••°'°"· PM mom Rohm Nd d an non mon mac voted, as 1. w.
Tha Nm'! lllt Wlfm NYI IN fill- Th, nm tooth"] Quad the ·s.·°¤ Tymugh an c°.o’".q¤t of up DlYl•l¤¤ W A8l'0¤0mY li UD X33}!     ;l·mlPl°.| ll
l¤! ¤D0¤ UB two ¥'••v•¤l-lV• l¤|¢¤••— wu ptqoq on gw;] new gnupg., Federal governmut, tho •¤t•a•l0¤ do E”°'ll“'l“ st‘tl°'· hu ”°‘”" "”* Hm
Alll°lll°°° all N‘ll°ll‘l”"l’l’*”¤uY afternoon between the Lexington High Dl!'%¤•¤¢ of UD O0ll•I•0f A8|'l¢¤l¢\¤¤ P°llll°llll’ wll°ll° ll° ll°ll l°°°ll l°ll °"' qq., plum., *h°|%|n tm, menu,.
Q Wm! UN ¢h|¤1Dl0¤•l¤lD ¤¤¤l¥ Wl?-bill 5,;;,00; mgm md ty pgggm qu., of Stow Unlv•r•lty, tho ono hundmd °”l d*” l°°H“K °'°" *b° '*”l°°"Y wss hsm WJ- bsssmun, dsssmtss
tho ¤llpofBo•ton and New York, and of Ksmssk, Ushsmsy me manu md uhm, counts,. of the sus., nd with the view of locttilus ID ¢¤v•!’l- in nosnltmmus vines nd I- I
l>•f0N |¤l¤! dill DMG billed W10! tn · ytctm-y gm- mn QQ;] yp; . of private subscribers the entire sys- m°¤* “°ld ““" U*°"°· A ¤*°"° u*°" ass", which mu. · wry pass, mm
wlll clash for the supreme honors. mom M s so 0_ um of smcslsun] hmmsmum md ough examination of the locality and scheme mma on the porch md an
Thus with the pualng of the national The {sums 0, the nm, ns an snsnsim in Kontucky is to bs the •oll will be neoeusry, and Prot. sunk; md twmmed many J.
p••t.lm• and with the approach of the ssssstkmsl smstyqnd rs. d Anus chnssd md s snum of ·gr|cu't¤nl Roberts wlll make another trip to Pa- haunt
cold, bleak days of autumn the fm ds,. of msn school HG nuns s sms mstmcum ss slsbonu, ·nd cxuudye ducah and other points ln the Jack- A. me was- udud may nn
ii must. turn elsewhere to chase away wud pus www so no Pnlhmm ss the Dunst common school syswm •on Purchase ln a few days, after given memmcumn up baring their
E the dreary hours. end md nn the mn buns of me sm, bs uns". so mst pncucsuy which doflnlte arrangements wlll b• nm". with progressive com"'.-
E HIDPIIY, lum, II lt thlt w0 D10'} ncld to the High school wl The eyory f·r¤1¢r|¤ the st·t° ml, Igcoiyo m8d€. tion tho ltmnlen &·"y mad, ·°.
{ mn hem of the srkiircn looms umn f0,·w,,·d pu, W., uged frqququtly by stmt pot-sous! l¤•tr¤cti¤¤ md ¢¤¤- "' "ll ‘l’°“‘ ll“°°l‘ °l °ll‘°’° °“"'l' qustutsuoes, sms uns was ntmty u·—
the noone and bids falr to surpass in- both smss sud mashed in some mn sum ssstsuncs ment tlelds wlll be located ln Ken- mused by the reception commmus
tereat shown for the national pastime. sod ssdsuus Esch tum wu Wm Evsry county is to have an mum;. tacky, each representing a particular comhuns of Mts. Juliet Game., Ml-.
Enthusiasm wlll not be lacking this sused for being omsldeym both bu"-, mn] instructor 0,. nom; mch umm soll area. One of two fields to be Sun"' M". Hans, M". ummm?
Year, although the scores may be ·nd slmssms,. me gmk, wu mum- of twelve counties will have a supepllocated west of the Tennesooo rlv•r md Mu. william-, who took camumt
somewhat larger than lu former years. sssmss It wss 'msssssd by sms visor to whom moss mnt. sewn; wlll be lu Graves county for the each M" student would most may
But be this as lt may, who can alt sblyosm people me sspsrvlsors will muon, through "Barrenn" type of soil, and another Omen, both new md Old md mu
qulottu his seat when the battle rages Both mms In mm of the short Ons of the thus [nun dlyjsioug mw ln some location not yet selected, to smh new gin should and mm, on
»°l‘l°*°'* °" "°’*"°*” "’° "“° °“*l’“”* time lu wtuen they hare ass to min, wines tus work has been aivmea, to wnwwnt the tlmbvred ven who would mess to sm, sus svm,
*l"‘* ’“" 'lll °°"” ‘°"“’· showed up well ma ma mt- to plgy me otteetor or izxmsttm st the cot- _ in the choice ef ¤1<>¤¤¤<>¤ for ¢¤e¤<> was
TM     0f tm   mn       Im work     of Amculture of   U¤|'°"ity'       abc,-lou I- In   ·0”•"• pnrlsf the Isunhh “°\vs'
  ylll be Saturday •!¤•rr•·-on at. 8:30, Hes". st suns, but md Osman md U, wm_ mmswy, qt. yu-tw, gs. Moss ~•·v• two ctmdltlom. viz. (1) presided OW} by Miss Mcchcsmyr
_   Qtatnllnon up against tb• |tnvna,q,,,•,, st ham .0,, qs, mn 8ds00I‘,ps,.m,s¤, bad; and .“t,,t·m,_ super. Whether the son is typical or a cer~!Miss Gsmnmw Miss Acker and Min
s ‘ ¥·....,,,, nmn ·»iary»i‘tle college on Stoll sssm, 'ss sspsds", soucssbks Smith vtss me work of me whok, gum tain kind of land prevailing tht·ongh!Smck, Wu me scene of much {HUF
'l°lll‘ tt. center and Clark at quarter-back Demonstrations and experiments U18! D¤l't 0f the ¤*¤*¤¢ (2) ¤€€f>¤¤lbll·tm,_
lllll° M°ll"lll° °K$ll°gllll°“ “lw‘” probably did the best work for the will be on the farmers own home HY to the l0¢¤U°¤- EMU ef ***69** *‘*· This ,.s(.sp,i,,¤ hss been the greatest
puts up a good game against the Wlld- F•mshmen_ The tmc follows: l places. and the county agents wlll! perlment tlelds wlll contain about. 20!suc(_oss of its kind given in the ms .
cit-!. wd l0V¢¤’¤ of U10 831110 Wlll 86% 4% .· <~" ` visit them an pggulgrly, spending their! acres, and their object is to tletermlnelmry O', K· S. Us and the Y. sv- C. A-
“’°l" m°“"Yl“ “'°"U* ln thm the lumd llllgll sdll l' l’“l"“°"· entire time traveling thfwgh U¤€lT' by "°“*l““°‘l °"l’"ll“€“l me ll°ll°lllll`.is to be congratulated upon the en-
ollo ol the ”l“°ll‘ Lowery l   ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Duncan 0WY\ €0¤¤Yl€9· Whlle the Success (lll! ples lll llllll S0ll' lllll best and most l thusiasm with which their Invitation
Om. coaches hsvsbegn working hud Left End. the govsmmsm and Statemainggtnedleconomical means to supply these de-!w“ accomod-
t with the new men, as well as the old C°ll°°llll°ll ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Yllllllg Mllcllllly and Operated dgmgngtrgtlgn rg;-ms hast flciencles, and the best. cropping sys.-: Ws
l ones, in the few weeks that they have l‘°ll· lll“°kl°· been {amy gmufymg it hss not besnt mm to keep me S0;] permanently {ep! `
z had the squad on the held- atwrllllltlng lllylllls '`''`'''```'``'`''``'`A`` Klcll so great as the agricultural experts in!tile. ln addition to this. experiments! PAN HELLENIC REcEPT'°N·
t° llolmd lt lnm all “ggll°“l"° °l`"°” Lell Gllalllll charge of the work in Kentucky think? wlll be made to determine the best; " ‘’’' ’
ll°ll the llllsl struggle- scrimmage has Rlley ``'`'°.`'`''`'`'`' Gl Rl Sllllllll it should be made and this new and! varieties of crops for the various   O“° ml the llllelllelll llllmllls given at
not been ensured in very long, so the C°lll°ll· elaborate plan has been devised sms; gums N,m.ssemsd’ and me best { Patterson Hall for some time was a
men are just getting over the llrst lllllllllllll ‘‘‘‘‘`''°' ` ```'`````'` Bllllllll funds provided for it after much hard! methods of cultivation of these crops.»ll°°°pll°ll glvllll S“‘“"‘l“Y l’lll€llll°°ll’
“°l`€“°“· whlcll ls the natural """s& Rlglll (llllllllll work and planning during the last sev-; No buildings will be erected on thejllllom `l lllllll ll· DY lll° Pall llellclllc A"
quence thatever vlsltsthose who may Ollllley · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`'``‘‘‘`‘`‘` Glllllly eral months, and it will pmt-ttesttyheitts beyond inexpensive barns toTS<>*‘*¤¤°¤ *0****** new gills
be &thl°ll°°llY l“°ll“€d· ‘ Rlglll lllllcllllll supersede the demonstration farmaccommodate implements, etc. ! ll‘°lll‘lllll" °ll lll° llllllellléllcy °l lllll
The bunch of Wildcats that chase Mccllllwcll '''''''''`'''''``''` lllllw method of instructing fanners. t A number of supervisors wlll bei“l*"llh"'· the almlll “l“ l‘*`l‘l ln the pl"'
out on Stoll Field Saturday afternoon, Rllllll End' For several months those in charge! placed ln charge of these tlelds. each I l°llS· llllllllll “l°ll‘~` “l°‘l" bealllllul wllll
will probably be something like this: ! ll°llg“ ''‘``'`'```` W` lvl Cllllllll' lcll of this work for the State and Na-! supervisor looking after such a num·!gll°°ll"llll llllll ll°W°llll· TM llll° pl°‘ll°°
Of course, ..Brick.. Chsmbsrs wm col Quarterback. mmm mvemmems have been (_m_eml_   ber of mms as may he possible und": were banked with shrubs and the table
CUDY Ulf? DWG! D0¤lll0¤. RB mel`? ls nodes (lll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll °l°lll”“ ly and quietly perfecting the Plans for  the facilities for travel in the various [ llllml lllllllllll llllllllll was sllllllllll ‘l“"l“$
¤0 0€¤l·€¤` lll Kentucky who 0011ld dlB· um lllllllll the new system of teaching scientific! sections of the State. These super-Illw alll°llll°°ll· was llll°°llll’l°ll Wllll °°`
Dl¤€`€ him- H9 lh OM? of ¥h€ ¤l<>¤t ¢‘0Yl· Tlllllley ``‘'''''`''``'`'`*'`'''' lllllol agriculture to every farmer in thef vlsors will also advise the farmers of·l°lls allll gll°°ll·
sistent men that ever wore the Blue l°‘lll‘l’““l‘· State and recently the Dl¤¤¤ “'°l‘€lthe various localities when their serv-! lllllllll s°ll°lllly at lllllllllllsllll lllllll llllll
Mid Whlw for MW of 8i8l€`¤ *68mB- Allelldell " ''''`'``'``'`````` lllllylllll tlaally completed, the funds provlded,!ttps are requested, and teams and lls ll~ll°l°' lll llllllllllllllll pllllselll lllld llll
While immediately to his right and Rllllll lllllll and some ofthe agricultural expettwtabur will be provided by contract lll`l’ll°B‘llllll‘ll°ll lll tllll llllllellllllg lllle
left respectively may be found Smith ll°l°ll°°_vall Melon l""‘l"g'°“· for the work have already been se-!wlth local people. thus avoiding the!Wlll‘lll glllleled me "llllllllg llllll llellllllll
and Heinrich. lf they play these posl· lllllllllle-`Bllllll€ll' vlllllllllllell cured, Dr. Fred Mutchler_ of Bowling! expense or buying and malntalninzlllg glleslll Hm l‘ll° Alllllll Xl l)°llll'
tions of guard lt wlll be their first as lllllll°`k°lll)€ll`K8'Bw(lll’ Geollllemwll Green, will have charge of one of the! teams on the rlelds. lS°ll°llly wu llwllllsclllllll by Mllls
such. but they both possess the spirit Time °ll Q“‘*"“’”‘—S"V°¤ wd °¤¢· mms, divisions mm which me work! As sn m“su.s_u0“ of some 0, thsanna Wallis and Miss Iva Belle Bore-
wd Bl¤ml¥l¤ lllllt €¤¤l>l6 0¤·¢·‘ l0 do hall mllllll"' of the whole State has been divided,lNsu|tg that may be expected from,l“*'¥ 'll0 Ktlntm Kat pa tlantnu Soror-
l.l1l¤g=l· "__ "` —" !several other experts in work of thlsl thpgp (wps.,-gm,.m maids me mttowtnglllll bl' Mlsh Mantis lllaylor wd lllss
Downing wlll play at left tackle. He E. DUNN sort are now being considered and! tigures from an experiment field alqlllally Rlllllllll lllll Alllllll llllllllllll lklllll
was one of the guards on last year‘s ll --—— others will be placed ln the tield as` Nutty inpmptt qt t,0m10n_ Ky,_ arelS°ll°'llY by Mlllll Klllll llllllllll llllll lllllll
team, and altlioutzlt light, his work was Chuan President of the Henry Clay rapidly as suitable men can he fountl`given_ showing thc yields in cropstl/wlll lllbllll llllll lllll lllllls Ol lllllllll
marvelous. lle is an aggressive tnan Soclety at State. and secured. after the soll was treated by State ex- l lllllla °l°"""lY “'¤¤`¢* Feprcscntetl by
and knows the game, so with "fllp" -—— 'l‘he tncthod oloperatlon of thc new M.,-ts; {I, wt]! tho tiret year of the Mlsll llilllllllllllllll lllllwllllll mul lllllll
lt1 this position anti .Iohnson at right '|‘he Henry (‘lay Law Society of Systetn is us follows: The l·lxtcnslon ,.\‘,,»mm·tttS_ the tintrcatctl ground lllllllllll lllllll
tackle, we hid you allay all fears as! State llnlvcrsity held its tirst tncetini: Invision will agree to furnish u cer save a vleld of H bushels ot` 4‘0l`ll l>·‘¤‘_ lllllll lllll llllllllll lllllsllll lllllly_ llllllllllll
l`¢‘llttt¤_ ztntl l`ll l»t»~h··l> i-.M‘tmeut. was chosen vloe-l regular com-se in wading uma from be the guest of her daughter' at {mt- which are intelligible to the audience,
—- —--~ ~-—--1-—-· 1 Dfesldent. The other oflloers elected. their regular college work, and that muon Hall ` but at times ""'st be able t° make lm
lla were W. C. Cross, of Louisville, treas-l they form such companionsshlps and ` extended speech that wm be em’€rt°m`
w Il I * " * 1 h mi t tn
C blly OUT woolens   urer; Miss Jennie White of L0ulgvll1e,: associations as would be of actual Mi P H D f O b K mg and D Quant to em W 6 3 °
. - - 1 s o ean, 0 wens oro, ., . .
direct f|'0|11 the |11|l|5   secretary, and Stonewall Jackson, ori value to them. The teacher who stlm- B y y S°m° time nmmng mid um be Nmcm
, _ , i,. . was the guest of Misses Edith and Ada bemd against him·"
el I mlnatlng t he l·| Arlington, orator. l ulatles a student and causes him to do 1 V I k
middle man'; profit   After the NHUIET class otflcerg had; things is the one who is the but {med Dea" “°"€"°· (1**38 ¤¤¢ ww · At the Glow of Du Puwrsmys m_
‘ All arments made ill been elected the nominations for man-l to train the mind of the child or of ¤U'¤€UV° ¤dd¤‘€¤¤, M"- J· I- Mme? d°‘
h g ijl 1 Byers of the different athletic teamr man and woman. Miss Ruby Tuck"' ° graduate of me lighted me ¤¤¤€mblY bY $D€¤·kl¤B from
ere i' was held. lt is customary for the; In conclusion, he stated the prlncl- Louisvmo Gms High Sch°°]’ has eu` three WXL8 which he had °h°¤°“· The
P d F Junior class to elect and asslstant·p¤l bélléflw. which 0¤9 might derive tered the Freshman class at State mon distinct text °f his diS°°m`°°°
    I manager for football, baseball, basket. ` from an active membership in a lltler- ° ° ° was quits m¢t¤r>¤v¤*¢¤¤ in smmmem
ball and track teams. The one eleetedary society, such as the development Miss Elizabeth Eldddge was me **8 well **8 lm service to tho 'p“k°"·
` one yeah will ¤6l'V€ 88 ¤SSi8¤u1t manager ln his Q of social life, of a taste for good lltgr- 8¤€¤i of MNB Adeline Short. at Putter- lt was, ln substance, "lf the rock could
> Junior year and In hls Senior year he ary works, and of a more thorough wu H°"· S““d“Y· ¤l*€¤k· “’h“t mY°l¤"l“ mum ll ““f°ld
’ WE also make (lap} · becomes manager. Three football as- knowledge of the proceedings which ' ‘ * W SWUKKUUK h“m¤·"‘kl¤d· The mck
I to Order.   slstants were elected, one of which will should govern all well regulated public The Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority which UBS V·’h°¥`° uw hand of God we
l become manager next season, Theselmeetlngs and assemblies. will entertain with a. tea Thursday it 9-*- me hour of Cl`€¤·U°¤ and hu lun
*_—**·—· ··———·-—·—   Wéfe Thomas Robinson, of Mlddles-I After Prof. N0e’s address, the so- afternoon from 4 until 6 at the home d0¤‘m¤¤t W¤l€hl¤8 010 mlShlY 0h¤¤80¤
¤ bore; E. T. Blaker, of Hartwell, 0,, clety entered into a short, business of Mrs. J. T. C. Noe, on Linden Walk. {hit h¤V€ taken Dllwe in the m"m\‘
|   and George W. Gayle, of Flint, Mich. session, In which it ruled that the so- • • • ·¥¤°m umu W9 hlmd that m'·d° it
lh Robert A. Norris, of Whltlesvllle, was clety meet on Monday night of each Mts, AUM, Edwards will Spgnd me` °h°°s€“ t° luwrmpt its *“t°m’·t’·l ’1“m'
  t rhvsén basketball manager, Virgil A, week at *1 o’c1ock and close at 8:30 wwkeud with friends in Falmoumnber, surely has untold wisdom sleep-
.lTIA1exa¤der, of Cloverport, track mm. o‘(·loek_ Ky_ ilng behind its mlnd’s eye which shall
I I   BEN`. Bild J0¤€Dh R. Wall, of Cayce,} Due to the absence of Miss Mamie · · * t€V£·l' Pelfltllll U18 B»€0!‘€l of 8- IYIUYO
Ml 4 baseball manager. ’l`hIs election is   <‘aples, who was selected as secretary Mrs. RQ L, Shannon from Shelbyj l°“g“€·"
if ·   l only a primary and these names willlfor this year, Miss Elizabeth Bedinger vmcr Ky., is the guest of her daughwml Mr. \V. H. Townsend refused to
?   i have to go before the Athletic Assocla-I was elected to this ofllec, and the pres- Mis. Jane Shannon. at Pmwrlou Hu".! choose a text, but said he cared rather
I by J tlon of the University and be con-ildent appointed as the committee on _ _ _ lto talk of matters in general or as lt
4   1 flrrned. {programs, Miss liartlctt, C. H, Rloh- The Alpha Gamma Dena Summyl were, to browse In the pasturelands of
    The ofllcers, managers and captains I ardson and J. H. Payne. wm Hmwmm Friday mwmn at mo. thought. Mr. Townsend, therefore,
[E for the teams of 1912-13 are: director All programs of the meetings were A g lspokc of the penalties exacted on hlm
r` of athletlcs F R Qw etland a lst ordered to be posted on tl I ll tl lhome of M"' EA L. mms" `tl t f th to ltl t th
., I ., .. . . c. ; ss - . te lu e n ia reuse cu vae e expres-
· t· . _ . _ t _ . ' ° ' a .
I   wo S or p ant dlrettor 0f atltletlts, R. S. \\ebl1, lboartl lh the kdut allunal llulldlng. I H l ‘ ‘ sion of his oplnlons, After a few
· 0 C h   " `llmxsident of tll8 H.lhl€‘ll(‘ BBBOt‘l8,tl()[)_!   pl‘(%S(*lll, §(·€|||(*(] {() (·||j()y (hg gyg- IRM Kappa Kappa ('alllma bururnyl ","“"iBceu0(,s ulustraung his point,
` pp' our Ouse ` "I`. (Y. Hedden; captain of the football I slon very much, and it ls the earliest 0'lwltallwd ur wa Monday afwm°°"' I the speaker turned to the table where
Next dum- U, [tHiW_.r¤jl , Hmm ` team, \V. (l. HaI‘I‘la0n; captain 0f { dealt? of l,ll0Bt* who are HOW llllevcalbd ——_ _ D- ,grapes, apples, (cigars and other male
. ~‘ . ' .
btorc lbaseball team, Thomas (lower; man-[in the society that all the students NO FOOTBALL AT COLUMBIA. ldellghts manifested themselves and
W   fager of football tcam, R. E. Mattingly; teliglblc for membership will <·a—·t their ~————- { declared that although there were not
i A ,mansuer of basketball team, Guy Jef-llot with the society at an early date ’l`he attA·m|»t to revlvc football at` tlve thousand present, none should
There are forty eolleges in thcltrles; manager of bashall team, Lee and help to make this a banner year Columbia, where lt was abolished by leave hungry nor would there remain
United States whose heads are Yale, llunt; manager of track team, Fred ln literary society work at dear old faculty edict ln 1906, has again fallod.` twelve baskets at the end. All call lt »
graduates. I Myers. ; State. lt ls said that the attitude of Presldent   a pleasant evening. {
k · I
}·,-·.... ·

{ (Contlnudi frni Page 1.) into plats, ·v•rt••s treatments and, In scrrlerl ranks up-plllng, norcoly
' ITATI UNWIIIITY and `dflferent crops planted on differ- char-go   G  
the funds g1ven'by the State and ns- est vjbm. 1'rms are plot prddrsees Athwarr. the sky; shut out the pale, ,
tion. c|I\i,¤nother wheat, etc., ln the QW round moon; New York S Fashionable Tailor
The amount nqulnd from the coun- year. Experiments are male ‘by And one by one engulf the wmklng Sh0WlI'l¤ 8 complete line of FALL ANI) WINTER SUITINGS
ties is comparatively small and when ohtnglinr crops each year, so that the stars            
‘thls plan was made known there was best, rotation of amps hr that par- Above, llll all ls gloom below-not oo,
‘ a rush for the prlvllegeof being among tlcalsrllocallly ls worked tut. I needed not the maglo speel or moon     M  
the dnt. Madison county and Bender- On the 'Fmrnslde experiment tleld, or naming Evening srnr wlth thee, T0 Measufe U T0 Measure
so count one th first two counties the use Of pnosphat ·a1•ae, ·la d I , -
“ "' ° ‘” " " "" °"° sronr wml sro secu
placed on the roll. ln Madison county thlt rmdsced 3% bushels or com per nesldo me ’ncat,h urs soft, Midsummer PHOENIX HOTEL BLOCK
Mr. Frank Montgomery has already acre in 1909 produced 1% tons of Night,
`beeu p\|¢9d In Qljrgc of the work and clover hay in 19]], and give; promlpg ·-W_ ]•*_ W_ _-_ 7 r_;4_~—·’—-_A" lu a-··"’~__ 1 > N KA 7 H NT, "
negotiations for an especially capable or 40 nnshols or com in 1912. ...-—-————      
{ =man to take charge of the work in -.-----—--—- m1·gn;a·r|uq Lgcrung -= _
{ Henderson county have virtually been s. c. s. s. Mssrmo. oivsu an cnavst. caters ""°l“S"'€Iy t" ,S?“d"'?t"
l completed ___ and FBCUICY of State ilmvcrslty
  As rapidly as the counties are pro The my; that [hg mocks (nyu En. To ll,000 wl,0 mlmd ,,h0 l00,lu,.,, As Bo  E;I'T ` l
vided with the lzrlcultufll ¤¤D6l‘l¥l· glneerlng Society ls a real live body given ln Chapel by Prof. Martin, on Cm" S' Llme and C0] ax
undontl md groups of ten or twelve 3nd ORD RlYVayB be depended on to   Thursday   we can only °x_  
_ '¤|¤ N Dl•0¢d ll¤d°l` \ ¤l¤Bl° ¤llP'°l" have Bomcthlflz d0l¤$ hl! ¤lY¢¤dY tend our sincerest pity and regrets. _
Vl|¤l’ ull! Wm ‘b0D•l’lt¤ \l¤d0l‘ tlll'0¤ season. on the subject, "The Splendor of the
··mg|¤ divisions, through which the On Monday night it UIQ! lll NK\llll·l` Hllmlfl B0dY··H0W to Pl‘9¤°l'V° IV, ls what they all say about tho work
work will be subdivided from the be- semi-monthly session ln the s0clety's was not only didactic, but intensely     dom bv lho
l|¤¤|¤8· 'PBGOG dlVl|l0¥l| SN ¤ll0 dl· room on the first floor of the Civil interesting throughout. The speaker g ’ U
Vision 0f‘•¤I¤I|0¤ \¤•0lll¤¢. UN ¤lllll Building and enjoyed the largest at- mixed his great learning with his de-
worlrovhich hashes vlaood aadsr Dr- tondsnoe ever known to any member ngiurui rumor, and from beginning to Mum near Mm    
Htllcllléf. of B¤Vll¤8 Gl'••¤. llld UN present on that occasion. No regular end he held his entire audience under
farm ¤ll¤l¢¢¤l¤¤t dlVl|l0¤· program had been prepared, but quite his control.
F0? the D1‘¢•¤¤t the Um Bild tlllfd a number of talks were given by The student body feels greatly ln· The Place To Buy B"` by T°°t
named divisions will ba under tha dl- various members or the faculty and domed to President Barker ror his `l'·‘¥ lt-
rect lllv¢l'Vl|l¤¤ of tho axtaaaloa dl· students. The talk of grcaest interest havlng made lt possible for them to Drugs, Statlonery Mogt prompt aflfgnflon given to all
‘TlIf0¤‘0f“th¤' OOIIOQB of A!1'|¢¤lt¤l‘€» was that given by Dean Rowe. He, in hear this excellent lecture, and by the · (`0ll<*#€€ W0l‘l< 0f any laundry in the
but Wltlllll I |l1¤l’l¤ ¢ll¤¢ I-ll0Y Wlll N his own lnlmltable style, told some- presldent’s kindness and generosity, T   t A   I °'ty·
Dl\00d l1¤d6|' |0D¤?|l¤ divlsloa ll¢|•?l¤» thing of the causes of the s0clety's doubtless all present went home feel- 0 e r C   Collemonq made on Honda T
ss the club work under Dr. Muwhler origin, no put history, present and lng that they had heard discussed an _ _ day onli Tnnrsriav and; déllvgrlgguiz
has a1¤·•¢dy‘b••¤ arnnsad. future sims. important subject by a uuont and in- 309 W- M*"‘• "*°" M"' ruosaoy, rnorsooy and ssunnsy,
in tha dlvlslaa of aataaalaa taaclllas After mo rogoior business or tho terestlng sooner.
lwIll‘·be¤iIl·•he extension courses of evening hgd been disposed or tho ----—-————   W- C- w'L$°N·
t•<=h¤i¢•l agricultural iartractiaa. all ··osts·· previously prepared, were ri-is mmaosncms. K_ s_ U_ Mom
t¤• slit varlr an tha farms. the falr brought forth no oooo sgsln the fact -- _
’¤!l1lUlf| Yl¤’0¤Kll0¤t H10 states farm was demonstrated that clvll engineers. The Hlppodrome bill for this week
\Pll¤l.·!\P¤•fl’ l¤•¢lt¤¤¢¤ Illd lll !l¤l· even in the embryo, are connoisseur! comes up to expectations and pleased W. B.  
·ll•r allied work. of things good for the inner man. three big houses Monday. The fact Barber shop
——-—-——··—··· —.-—-——-——— that there are two acts on the blll Shaw loc, Hair Cut wc, Both 25c
(Continued from P 1 ) N D 1- |