xt7t1g0hw74v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hw74v/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 3, February 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 3, February 15, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7t1g0hw74v section xt7t1g0hw74v   — _
· ‘h
· · 
T° E-dit°": The ` Application for en- yl.
news in this Bulletin THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY to as amd class It
is prepared for the _   matter at the post
press and is released EQ _     office at Lexington, `;
for publication on       KY-, P€¤di¤9. Undef i
receiph Tri____   ii ”·%:» Act of July 16, 1894.  
February 15, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. No. 3 1
The carrier Engineering Corpora- The debating teams selected before ln regard to the securing oi passage M Sgcrgtalgu;}9g3t;°g‘E1ig;;lt?1;1;;Sh; _W%‘§gii“S€§i?§Li"§J Fsuuiim fO(;;uat§° Wl
tion held its annual convention in New Christmas by the Henry Clay Law of the Extension Bill, known as House I_6£uI_}1e(i’ from tha Yi M. C. A. vLmm_ 3 Student Of the Tjnivérsigy of KB; i
York, January 25 and 2G,=1ttl1G Hotel SOCNW GY UW ·G¤11€se Of Law. U¤iV€¤`· Bm 294; Senate Bm 96* HOW bgfmfa teer convention held in January at tucky, is at present in the London
MCAIDHL Several gmdmues Oi the COL sity Of Kentucky, are preparing for the Legislature, Doctor McVey, pres1- Northneid, Mass, He was attendevd patrol and is one oi tho aviators who ‘
regs ot Mechanical and Electrical En- the forthcoming meeting with cinoin. dent ¤f the University of Kentucky, lzxvilillckn If~.hM<>tt, 1;. E. Spears, R. P. ilissteach right over the English capi- .
gineering, University ot Kentucky, are nati teams on a date yet to be decided, Said! "H€1`€i0f01”B U18 Siam of K€¤· Cwmilii B1;;5)0gi%V§g?1;H§’;;;§€3;;' r2id;_SDr°L€°t its DGODIB {mm Gmmuu
. connected with this Brin-J. I. Lyle, One team is preparing to entertain WCRY h9~S ¤DD1`0DTi8t€d only $18,000 tatgves of Caulldéh England m1dFI_a¤c€ Captém Fulham was graduated from
*35, ti·o;,_Sni-oi- nntl general manager; the CiHCi1111€tti l>0YS WBBH U1€Y (201119 my tha ¤¤rrr1¤s of ¤¤r1¤¤lt¤¤¤~>>¤¤¤- and 768 delegates, the University of Kentucky, June, ,
L. L' Lewis, ,07, Secmmyy and dGS1D__ here, the other team to be guests Og sion w0x‘k th1‘Ol1gh0l1lL the SUNG, Wl1GI1 Probably the greatest session of the Zil`•1G, His brothel', Harold Pulliam,  
V ing engineer; Miss Margaret lngels, the boys in Cincinnati. the Federal government requires the ;€;;1v§h;i2nH;Qa;S tE1O(;1;;;OOI;`E§1)?§zt§;1;:;?;];   awgrggiziegzl;;;di$;igEtthi   i}
. . r   ·~ .. · — *1*1; 1)* t 1) 1·_· (1 ; providing of $00,000 annually by the _ *_*~ _ _ < #~   l. _ i ·_ ’ ·* `_ ·j ‘_ ‘ _ 1
and Hmman “‘°’°hHm’ *6 an m um U S Sl} Jem O G USCTISS? is St t t t) the (Hmong in the in their native lands were related by wildcat, is at Boston 111 aviation train-  
New Ygyk Omoo Rcsolveu—that the Constitution of **9 0 mm - (lon Stqigmg {mm moat of um Scum mg i ~
H_ B, Hodges, iii, is with the Phila· the United States he so amended that Smith-Lever VBill, and the difference, Amémm ‘C0u¤mG;’ Chim, Japan, _ -.     .. .- .-s..
i` doipnin ofhee of the Carrier Corpora- Congress may give the President about $$000, has Ueéii t¤k€¤ frvm Syria, Armenia, India, Ceylon and DOQTGR FQRTUNE ()?EN5_;
' ' {ion and 11, T, Thornton, *14, is with power to restrict the privilege of free €XP°l`lm€¤i 5€¤ti0¤ funds which in Lrbgrm A SERIES GF LEGTURES,
the Buffalo Forge Company, a co-0rdi- speech when in time oi? invasion, re- YCHUW WBTG ¤€€d€d ill 0‘d1G1‘ places; _: _ ————·
nated company. R. L. Jones, ’12, is bellion or public peril, the safety ot Y0? lHSl3H11ce, in erection of farm build-   _ }{°?€ Ri1”ft;$‘*B&3’S twlas th?] Sub"
_ ‘ V"` ri ***1 ll..‘GS. .,. { ,
with the Chicago oince of the Carrier the public demands it," ings and enlargement oi experiment . , "° » "‘° i ;_:··rt·- Z- Vk~·*i‘ ‘1     13%-E bg
· _ _ _ _ ·· -4 ,9 • _A_ ’_ i- · .i UGS 21 GV
‘ (;oi·pomtion_ 0, K, Dyer, ’04, J. J. rln a Cempctitive contest, eight men v¤¤‘k along ¤g¤¢¤1¤}r¤1_1¤¤¤S» Whlch The changing of the definition of o, nin(igf)l<`eb1·uary  tiiinllie Y, 1Vf_yC; A»
Yager, *07, and E. H. Clark, ’l6, are `;;’r$hi;€Ct°d& to ¤¤§S¤t¤t€ two teams is h¤mD€l°1¤g both d“’i$l°“$ Of WOT}? Cfédiii S0 that it will stand for 3 hours rooms, University of 1{entnoky,
also connected with the Buffalo Forge The am_€a{j_1’ {inch tW° a1t¥nat°S· The request for the direct appropria- W01‘li il Weeli for one semester is now V The series of addresses tgughing
_ p` Company. $(:05; Ed, Iqfglgéiu . gixigh   MOH Of $62,000 has been made to take under discussion at the University of fllndahleiltal principles 0f civilization
Mechanical aaa vm Pritchett and iam mn; csrs of we   proper- M as »~ }t2“§§§§itg.$;.§§2SC2?1Z@t“§§°Z§’Z.Z“aIi§ ESLESdi¥€2vZlS§§°“‘i¥a€E§§¥“°§"°§°§
W_ H_ Dicks, representing. Henry flllléllilatés. C- H. DiHk€!` and Vance I`?_i;11t·(’f this &§P0I`9PgiatiOI{· the Sgam Science and will be voted on by the willicontinue weekly for eigxht xyeell;s,'
L, Doherty and Company, bankmg and Qual €S· M 1€°8“° $ 8 ·00 anndgly nom University Senate at its next meet- Other phases of new world oiviiizamm
_ _ . The students of the College ot Law Federal funds under the Smith-Lever ~u ,· D ., , . , . . .
cugmaermg firm, Of New York City, _ Y _ W _ 1 g, nat octoi Boltune will consider are;
_ _ ._ H adloumed l‘·01`k Th¤I`Sd¤Y» F€bl'¤&l’Y blu pasbed by Congress m Nur but This work may be divided in various "The State Our Relation to it·"
was =¤ Vlslm at Mechilnml He ”‘ 14, and spent the any in Frankfort if the alpprcrriativn is not made by ways between oiass exercises and Z *·Ma1ang and Usin Mon   ··s · { {
gently, Mr, Dicks presented the ¤l>- attending the sessions of the Legisla- the L€giSl¤¤11"€ W6 will Mt set the hours stut1y· 2 hours laboratory and and Its Obligatiois·" Sxrnusegizeitz
pmuuniss with his company to the ture. visiting the capital and the $1?0·000· Whicll is Whj>UY {Or ¤~B1‘i· 1 hour outside work, or three hours of and Recreationsw "l{eligious rnstitn.
members of the class of *18, and hopes P‘*¤{“"““‘”B§· TM MVS Wem ¤°Cf>m· C? mrifl iX*"“S*°“ “""1*· The €X“¤‘ drawing or shop work. For iecturo or tions? "Education and cultures-
» to set at least two of the class to enter ggnigduto mukmrt by uw faculty Of if? Mi? _p1a$;; ,& burdéu °_n um Y<‘>0it&ti011 COHYSG, Crédit may not ex- —-—-i———· _
{ are employ or his company immsdi- 9 ° age' C§,`;;;SQ§’d1l€h; pQ2§§g;°0§"lf§; QQXIQEQ," mi {hit ““m*’€" 0* h*;“l`S 3 lmk °f KENTUCKY GIRLS GET
1 ·—·*"""*—* Z ° HC ' ' ` ‘
,( stely after commencement. Hem? L- UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR sion Bill will relieve the situation and S BC was Or www mus. MID'SESSI0N DEGR'EES‘ _
· > ' ";_'
I; Doherty and C°mp°my Own and C0? ENTERS FEDERAL SERVICE $§;;;§;Bd;£;iOiQ?d Work of th? ex` COLONEL BAIN PREDICTS Miss Emma Holton, Frankfort, who
trol several of the l3.l‘g€St public ' l HAPPY ENDING QF WAR_ receive? ghe degree of bachelor of
;.nt,i.1i,ty.c.omnanies_,in_the c0u¤t1‘Y_· Ml`- . Q p   _ p   A —————- 3T S, a t _e University of Kentucky,
-  A. W. Davies, of the class of '17,$s iu§;;!;tg?ri!€   '“NEGRG'L¥FE*`I»· " ¤”"’*i ’· ‘·~G'*l°~~’r¤“~roi €€Gl‘§GruT3’5.r”·%l;:¤ u · r J  -   lr  ·v `T ·.,, , __ ,_ _,__-_   l  + . - -
I H ' ' •
with the Toledo Railways and Light sity or Kentucky, resigned February WEATHERFOR S SUBJECT §;“‘;;;;;{’fqE?1;SlL{§;V°1;;léy°fK‘;’;tu°kY  '°"’“°h m°d‘ _
1,t tk · “—_ , *· , * *“*“y »p’°‘ . . ·
, Company, controlled by the D°h€l”tY Yogi zéisyup 1&;;°"g;:;t;°;§i;cg)i;“ W, D_ Weatherford Nashville, Ten. seating an optimistic view or the out- MHS Ed1th Dean, Owensboro, who
company. . ' . ` nessee will address tudents ot the Come ¤f Um W0I`1dW¤T- received MY d€S1‘€6 in Gducativn at
, 1 · . ¤ _ .
____ prgiletghglnggljzrsiiheiHwa;lglafiulgteg University Of Kentucky in Chapel. Colonel Bam touched upon many the close of the iirst semester, has
J_ H_ Mustard, iu Charge Og Empioy. abroad Several yegrs and iaigr f€_ Tuesday, February 191 ·In the evening gliéeadt/El happeluings noted in his long gee? if-zgchingbat Midway since the
mem or enginesug e·a¤¤=»¤=S M me med to me ¤¤¤e~S¤y to tech. if iii S{$‘“i,"i,y K9 2i,‘;;,S*Z,‘i,“?.§§“;§; $.21,t£‘;°2ii£..;“Oi`€.iil2“§§“§;§§§;?$‘; xiiiiss tZ?§’“A$if;mma Cyanm
Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- g1;;;a¤S’;ilgE9’ Of the Kappa Kaplm Ligér in {hg, `SO,,th_¥·   Tha Subjgctgis gambling and domestic and civic con. who has been teaching at Mayslick
turing Company, talked to the senior Y' partionim-1y interesting bgcaugg Og ditlons surrounding the life of tho several weeks, returned to the Uni- _
class, College of Mechanical and Elec- . rapid migration of negroes to the M01`¤10HS· H9 predicted that out of VBTSUY U10 last week of December,
trical Engineering, February 11. Mr. CLASSES OPEN A WEEK North and alarming scarcity or is- the World war would come a great wok her examinations and received
Mustard is desirous of setting a num- LATER, NEXT SEPTEMBER borers in the South. llwfcllant marine and aeroplane serv- h€1" d€81`€€ iu education.
ber of men from the 1918 class to Students ot Hamilton, Sayre, Tran- we fully developed cotton industry —--—····—·· _
»   ·~ · i 2, ·_ · d d *' WILL C NTINUE T .
?;?$?$i}$?e??1?i?;??¤?;r°ig g$§?$;$  giEliot?*¥§";i?t;§,i5§““;;t.’;’ “’“l;;§· $3%E‘¥i¤?$“.§¥.5§°§§€l2§£‘iHT*§.,;2,‘;;i 3E.m.§£t?;$ tlI*;&Eo1§?;lti;;ll(l§etgr;;ii ° ...."E‘“ ‘”°“" P
, in June, The Westinghouse is one-of third Monday Ofpthe m;1th’ glgsggad Oi erford, lwho is a highly successful the f&Shi0H8lble 400 and the common ·R-   HHH}. of Utica, Who will be
the largest electrical manufacturing . worker in Y. M. C. A. 4000. and said, 111¤ideuta1ly,that Presi- smduated this semestei from the Cole
1-ii-ms in the world. A number of men gl; i?;;;l;s;;C;rj£;§ptgtaitiggilggugf ... · dent Wi1son’s old hat will be worth lege of Agriculture, will continue his
from the University of Kentucky have __ ‘ “ ‘ , ' more in the future than the Kaiser’s work in the University, and C. C,
gong there immediately after gmdw ;E?d1lt€;;£;Y,5`€bFH&YY 6.. 'lllgis action 37 STUDENTS ENTER UNlVERS‘TY· hmmag In Couciusiou, the Spoa1;oi· Brown, also a bachelor of agriculture.
ating. Thé Opportunities Offered me d st I n V eczause sgrgcu ura stu- ————-—- ggljd that aftgr thg wai- ··domooi~noy will go to the University of Illinois to
bu ll OOd_ _ en S a"’a?‘S m SS t G rst Wwk of Thirty-seven students matriculated will come over the hill, carr ng Specialize in cow testing. Mr. Brown
excepu il Y g school to attend the State Fair W l · · - '
____,__ wm be Continued no later in Juke H2; at the University of kentucky, Feb- wounded autocracy in its arms? matriculated from Williamstown. "
Ensign Frgdgrigk Amigo of the 1 ruary 3 and 4. Ot these 13 went to the .-—;-— ————-—-—-——
‘ United States Navy talked to the  gggugigz Jrggyloéinljy 81:322;:;; gogégc <>@ Aim ¤¤;1 S<>1¤¤g¤‘;>» 10htO gh? COMMITTEE APPOINTED APPLY T0 ROYDEN FOR.
· · · · oeeo g‘c1ture, t -
. seniors at Mechanical Hall, February returning home fm, its Observanm is g V *1 l _ 0 B ° _ FOR THRIFT STAMP SALE, DRAFT INFORMATION.
12. Ensign Amigo addressed the bat- expected in the mum to be made up WSG Of Lalo 6 to mv C·0U68*} of MB 11 -—-——-
[align, February 15, as did also Lien- ' Ehtailicil ¤;¤<1 {Electrical €¤S11i€F1`i3§. A thrift and Saving Stamp campaign University oi Kentucky graduates
tenant J. Ray Duncan, ’12, on leave ·** 0 3 6 Sglla COYPS Saw C°» 0 9 as e, war eoonomy measure will bg who are called to service under the
or absence from the Navy at present. STUDENTS STUDY STOCK C°u°g° Of Mines and Metallurgy and 1auncne<1 in the University next week. selective draft should write to Capt-
Lieutenant Duncan has just finished ON KENTUCKY ESTATES l *0 thc COHBEB Of Civil E¤gi¤€°?i¤K· Pleas will be made to every member N. H. Royden, commandant at Uni-
au intensive training course of two »-~——-———— or the tsonity and to the students of versity, for information regarding ap-
‘ k . i t t ni .
%2‘;§.‘i?.’g{‘§§“ 2§.fh$.€Y.‘F';‘Z€tE2’¥§v§i The em Seder mck b··e¤i¤g UNIVERSITY DESIGNATED $$5. ‘.;`.‘3.?§.‘IF§I.’Z Q3 §.‘i,‘2§E}?..‘§°t..*‘ii.£iEi "°T“§é”%’?£‘le£it§"`iL$$6°3S2»€?¤im6¤t. l
_ Academy, Annapolis. When he leaves guthgf Cggigscgl A§§F;l§gg€'bE;:7€t: AS TECHNICAL SCHOOL and saving stamps, to the third series of camps and Cap- n
here will report for duty adogt spend Saturdays visiting various large New regulauons of the Naw desi? E P·Ii·O,§€;;?r£&Fb;i;(}.u]§r’NDO§&;§Oi :Z;i·I;n;1;?g,r?6;1eg;r1di;;at;g Eioezftulglegcgl-
* stock gs;-ms gf {hg State gm- the pm-. nate the University of Kentucky as ‘ ‘ _‘ . .
{DR- `WALKER PRAISES pose of studying representative types 3 technical training $@1001 for €¤Si· have been appointed by Pmsldeut Mc` Physmal exammatwu for the dm"'
` OUR. PRE-MEDICAL COURSE. of um bred Stock The Stock at Hearing units of the Govemmantig naw Vey to direct the work of the cam- is now a prerequisite, and college men
D i ex tdtaliadvanceior
L"` the Kentucky Experiment station is ENDS- paigm The campa gn wm bg Owned M1 eipec 8 .i0 ppy H
Doctor Gertrude Walker, of I;hil1a- inadequate fm. the extensive Study High School graduates, 18 Yams Old gtilréxiagggulg agiineliieigottllge sgtsélsngi se ect ve serv ce.
d6lDhi¤» ¤dd¤`€S5€d the Students 0 t 6 required to give boys gxpgyigugg iu and upward, will register iirst at the
‘ ning, February 11, on the subject of 40 mem During the remainder of the naval recruiting Station at Lexmgom :11;; ua .thG ter, {nessus 0 workers w ON DESIGN 1:*03, THE HOMg_
"W¢¤;¤¤¤ g¤dith€ Midlcag P’°f€§·i°;l· semester they will study sheep, beet After completing their college training a B up can as ‘ M1 G t §_ I N
BB 0I’€ Bg Illllllg GT3 (1l'€S$ OC OT cattle and Swine with regard to their they arg gX3_mi;¤gd· and ;·g-ratgd_ gc. 85 9T Tu G 1 l&m$, O BW
Walker said that the pre-medical characteristics Origimtypg and adapb Cordingto thBj1~abi]ity_ GOVERNMENT ADMONISHES York City, interior decorator and
course arranged by Dr. J. W. Pryor abmty ALL ENGINEERS TO FIGHT, architect, addressed the members of
and now in progress in the University _ _, _ _ , —-——- the Woman’s Club of the University
, was the best of its kind in America. ' ` ` “” ILLITERACY FUND PRGG'RESSES' Doctor Frank L. McVey, president of Kentucky, at its February meeting,
·’ Slides made from a moving picture WARNER SAY';%§~ UEUTENANT "-"‘*" of the University, has received a copy Friday, Sth. The lecture was illus-
tilm called "A VVomau Physician in · Professor T. T. Jones, chairman of of an order of the Secretary of War, trated and was given for the purpose
the Making" was an entertaining ··—·· the illiteracy campaign on the cam- providing for the recalling to college of instructing the audience and in-
feature ofthe lecture. Warner P. Sayres, Covington,. pus of the University of Ken- of engineering students who have en- creasing public appreciation of the
Doctor Walker said that the war formerly a student in the University tucky, through his committee of listed in the army or have been called correct design for the average Ameri-
had created great demand for physi- of Kentucky, who was commissioned students, has succeeded in selling by the draft board since September can home while retaining its indi-
oians, both men and women, and urged second lieutenant at the iirst training the illiteracy button emblem of war 1, 1917. viduality. Miss Williams said that the
o,11 students to consider taking up camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, has on mental darkness, to more than 500 The department desires all students object of education in interior decora- ‘
medicine as a study and life work, not been promoted to a ciptainoy and is persons. The income from the sales in technical colleges to complete their tion is to make homes livable places
only because it presents opportuni- in charge ofthe s0ldiers’ insurance at will go to raise tire State's illiteracy training before entering active serv- by combining the useful with the beau-
ty for service but is remunerative. Camp Zachary Taylor. campaign fund. l ice. tiful.
 ` )<‘   . " A ` ` — V / ·