xt7t1g0hvd5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hvd5p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-12-31  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 31, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 31, 1946 1946 1946-12-31 2013 true xt7t1g0hvd5p section xt7t1g0hvd5p The KenTUCEOf








Music Fraternities
Present Musicale

ODK Will Present
Kentuckian Queen
Beauty Named

Marian Slater, Alpha Delta Pi; and
Joan Ruby, Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Music By Jimmie Wilber
The presentation of the 1947 KenMusic for the dance will be furtuckian queen will highlight the nished by clarinetist Jimmie Wilber
Omicron Delta
and his WLW orchestra from Cindance to be held next Saturday cinnati. Featured with the band is a
night. February 8, In the Bluegrass vnra trin Mbit .Tpan and Hett-room oi tne student union uuiiaing. Oecrge Dudley, ODK dance chair-Th- e
women comprising the group man- - emphasized this week that the
from which the Kentuckian fcampus ' orchestra specializes In good dancing
ne f the ODK
yearbook queen will be chosen are: muE1- - nd- Cpal Pearl Hall. Alpha Delta Pi. of i members believing that the Stan
Fleminesbuig; Grace HufTaker. Jew- - Kenton dance last Saturday night
ell Hall of Louisville; Martha Sue was 100 crowded, tickeu for next
Crorbv. KaDDB Delt of Parinr.nh- - wee s anair wm De umitea to law.
Amy Price, Independent of Ashland;
The 1500 dance tickets will go on
Angela Meisch Blair, Delta Delta Isale Monday morning and sales will
Delta of Sanford. Fla., and Evelyn extend through next Friday
Patterson hall, Milton. They noon. They may be obtained from
were chosen by a selection board , the booth in the Union from 10 a m..
from an original field of 31.
to 5 p.m., and from individual ODK
Semi-Form- al







Plummer Speaks
To Lafayette Group
Dr- -

Dr. Niel Plummer. head of the
Journalism deoartment. sDoke on
"NewsDaDer Errors" at an assemblv
of Lafayette high school students.
i ne program was arrangea oy
Quill and Scroll, high school
Inalism honorary.


Board Of Trustees
Lists Staff Changes

guages, on leave for the year 1946-4returning to full time duty ef
fective January 1, because conditions
in France were such that he had to
return to this country before com
pleting his work for the doctorate.
George W. Boyd,
instructor in English; Merwin E.
Potter, professor of physical edu
cation, who has been on military
leave since July, 1941, remaining in
the regular Army.
College of Agriculture ' and Home
Economics appointments included
Anne Caudill, assistant home demonstration agent, Boone county;
Lyda Sutherland, field agent in
Club work, replacing Ruth Latimer;
Ruth Harralson. home demonstration agent In Hopkins county; Russell D. Williamson, assistant county
agent, Estill county; Paul Lester,
area farm labor assistant, January
through June; Bernard E. Whitt,
area farm labor assistant, January
through June: Edgar L. Thompson,
assistant county agent, Madison
county; Algernon W. Rowland, assistant county agent, Grayson county; Louise Craig, home demonstration agent, Pulaski county.

C. Robert, visiting professor of history for the summer quarter to
take the place of Prof. Tom Clark
who will be on leave; Mrs. Jacqueline Clark, reappointed instructor In
winter quarter; James
Woodall, reappointed instructor in
English, winter quarter; Mrs. Georgia Myers, reappointed parttime instructor in English: W. C. Gibbs,
visiting assistant professor of history, reappointed for the months of


January. February and March; William C. Steele, instructor in geography, February through June.

Leaves of absenc Henry Beaumont,, associate professor of psyLeaves of absence Eleanor
chology, leave of absence continued
through the spring quarter because Trigg county, demonstration agent,
who had been on
of illness: Blaine W. Schick, assisbecause of illness,
tant professor of Romance Lan- - leaveduties Dec. 1, 1946. returned to
(Continued on Page Three)


Should Be Ready
Within Two Weeks

The University student directory,
STRAY GREEKS . . . meet every including the names of the 6,000 UK
Wednesday at 7:15 p.m., room 206, students enrolled in the fall quarter,
is expected to be readv for distribu- KENTUCKY ENGINEER . . staff tion within twn weeks, according to
meeting mesaay, d p.m., room ax Howard Stephenson, president of the
of the Quadrangle.
'student Government Association.
B.S.U . . . meeting Friday at 7 Stephenson explained that first typ- p. m. in room iz, bub.
) inH
difficulties and later the un- PHI U . . . meeting Monday at availability of printing facilities has
5 p. m. in the Home Ec. building. ' delaved issuance of
the annual pub- PHALANX . . . will meet in the location.
Bowl on Tuesdav at 12.
WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP . ! Guarantee of delivery by the last
Sundav night at Maxwell Street of next week was eiven yesterday by
Presbterian church. Supper 6:30, the Printer, Stephenson said. The
Evensong 7:00. Forum 7:30. Dr. i directories will be distributed as
C. C. Ross will lead the last in!80011 after receipt as possible, he
the series of discussions on Court- - ' stated. Distribution usually is made
in room 127 of the Union.
iship and Marriage.
directory of
open house, Friday night, for students traditionally contains such
all University
students. Maxwell information, in addition to names,
Street Presbyterian church.
as a list of the Board of Trustees;
administrative departments and
a program on jts student probureaus with the name, address and
ject, "About the College We Help home telephone number of the person
Support in India," at 6 p.m. Thurs- in charge; sororities; fraternities;
day in the SUB. All Methodist stu- men's and women's residence halls;
dents cordially invited.
and student organizations with their
HOME EC CLUB . . . will meet presidents.
Monday night in the Home Ec build-in- a.
Name, home address, college of
A valentine party will be held.
STUDENT GOVERNMENT AS- - the University enrolled in. class,
Lexington address, and Lexington
. will
meet Monday February 3 at 6 p. m. telephone number of student is
m room ws of the Ptfp.'
pre-t-tn- ts



student accompanist for the


versity Women's Glee Club, accompanist for Tau Sigma, modern dance
group, and a member of Cwens,
Alpha Lambda Delta, and the Pit
kin club.
Miss Jean Kesler. of Louisville,
soprano, is a junior, music major.
She is a soloist with the University
Choristers and with the First Presbyterian church choir. She will be
accompanied by Miss Stone.
The program will conclude with
an organ number by Mr. Perry
Goggin Parrigin, a senior music major, o Paintsville. Ky. He graduated from the Paintsville high
school and from the Ora M. Preston Music Studio of that city and
has specialized in the field of organ
since entering the University. He
is a member of Phi Mu Alpha
fraternity and of the Men's Glee
Club, for whom he has acted as
student accompanist. Mr. Parrigan
is a member of the American Guild
of Organists and the organist for
the Episcopal Church of the Good

And The Bells
Will Ring, Ring, Ring

bells, bells, belli the ringing of the bells. . . .
Edgar Allen Poe and others who
have complained about the ringing
of bells will have to take a back seat
In the dispute about the clanging
which emits each quarter hour from
the bells in Memorial hall tower.
According to Clyde Lilly, chief
clerk In the Department of Maintenance and Operations, which installed
the bells, they will continue to ring
each quarter hour unless the depart-


100 Piece


Instructed to the contrary.

Any complaints about them must
be turned in to Dr. Donovan, Lilly

Missing Coed
Returns Home

SX Sponsored

Contest Thursday
The second annual best dressed
man and woman students contest,
sponsored by Sigma, Chi fraternity,
will be held at 7 P. M. Thursday
February 6, in Memorial Hall.
The contestants, one nominated
by each sorority and fraternity on
the campus and two selected by the
Independent association, will wear
informal evening clothes. Entries
will be judged on the styling, lateness of fashion, and the appropri
ateness of the apparel worn.
The prizes, which will be displayed
by the Graves-Co- x
clothing store
next week, have been donated by
Lexington merchants. These prizes
include cashmere sweaters, record
albums, slacks, blouses, and perfume.
Judges Are Fashion Experts
Judges for the annual contest will
include William Rose, fashion editor
of "Pic" magazine, and Mrs. Reed
Wilson, Lexington, president of the
Central Kentucky Woman's club.
The third judge will be a fashion
editor of "Mademoiselle" magazine
but arragnements for this vacancy
on the three-judg- e
board had not
been completed
judges will also speak both before

No Comment Made

and after

the contest Thursday



Re-Admissi- on

Notre Dame
All women living

in the




Coach Adol)h Kupp and his hoop hcro
in terms of the Fightin' Irish, however, until i'.t..i teaiuie is
will then direct their thoughts toward the 'Bama lxs. I
go in iniud, too. "1 i lanlut!
country has the
as No. I game in the nation this week.
Ed Lander, former 'Cat bask? er
who scouted th elrish against M;
State opines the "greatest basketball game in history" if bot'.i
teams maintain th ecalibre of bull
exhibited this far.
Four Stations Ti Broadcast
Almost 7.500 fans wul jam Lc.is-ville- 's


UK Student Body
By Counties, States
And Other Countries




Mildred Long Accepts
Blue Cross Position

Six Groups Appear

Koffee Club Hears
Louisville Authoress


Student Researcher Unearths
Campus Rules, Regulations




Members Reported
Improving Steadily


Three members of the University
faculty suffering from various illnesses during recent weeks were all
reported yesterday to be improving
Mrs. Albert Wilson Server, associate professor In the Department
of Romance languages, was dismissed from the Good Samaritan
hospital last week and has been recuperating in her home this week.
She is expected to resume her classes Monday.
Dr. L. L. Dantzler. head of the
English Department, and Dr. W. R.
Allen, professor in zoology, were
admitted to the Good Samaritan
last week, and both were reported
to be showing satisiactory improve- lment this week.

regent admitted that "there has
been dissatisfaction among some
Students were required to work of the students," adding that ''there
and they were arranged into two will always be some young men who
divisions, one compensated and the do not love work, however light
other uncompensated, according to or pleasant you may make it.v
a report of Regent J. B. Bowman
It was claimed in the report
to the Governor o Kentucky, dated that work on the farm had been
28, 1868.
Those who profitable both to the students and
elected to receive pay were re- the college, but this was not the
quired to work not less than four opinion of President Patterson in a
hours a day for six days a week, report to the Board of Visitors In
for which they received from five 1879.
to ten cents an hour. This labor
"The experience ,of this College,"
was performed either on the farm he wrote, "is that of all Agricus.
or in the
ltural Colleges throughout the coun
In the uncompensated division, try, that) compensated labor is profall other students were compelled to itable only to the student. The
work two hours a cay for five majority of those who work for
days a week in the Ornamental compensation are unused to farm
Grounds and Gardens. Each stu- labor; many of them never had a
dent, upon admission, was free to plough or a hoe in their hands."
In other phases of college life,
select whichever division he pre
ferred. "In this respect the system likewise, the student of 80 years
report ago was under strict discipline. The
is entirely voluntary," the
catalog for the school year 1865-6- 6
statea, aim precmuco an i.
outlined the compulsory military




training program. "The exercises,"
it read, "will be made attractive
and valuable as a means of physical development, as well as of collegiate discipline."
A number of the students were
organized into clubs through which
they were able to live "comfortably and substantially upon one
dollar and a half per week." The
were under "the military regime," and "a regular system of inspection and police is
maintained by an orderly in each
building," the report stated.
The student of that early day
was expected to abide by a rigid
standard of conduct, according to
the 1865-6- 6 catalog. Among other
club-hous- es

things, regulations required:
"That he be diligent in study;
punctual in his attendance upon
worship, recitations, examinations,
and all other University exercises. . .
"That he attend no exhibitions of
immoral tendency: no race-fielbartheatre, circus, billiard-salood,


room, or





And Blade
Pledges Nine

6,547-stude- nt


Baxter Melton


The purpose of this compulsory
labor system was
it afforded needy students an opportunity to finance their education, in whole or in part; and secondly, it sought to dignify labor
in the minds of the students. Even
if a student did have the means
to defray his expenses. Regent Bowman believed that he should work
in nrrier Hint, hp mav leftrn in
respect and honor the divine law
of Labor."
As to what the students themselves thought of the system, the



KciiiiH'kVs cae Luvorting in the next three das has .in all
ta nt significance, (or Saturday's Wildcat - Notre Dame meet in ;
in Louisville may mean the national title, the Cats' Mimh1.iv ni ;!:i
siaii aainst Alabama in.Tiiscultxwa will match the .Southeast! i n


Three weeks from today the UniUniversity
will go to Louisville to play for the versity will observe its Founders
Notre Dame game tomorrow night, Day with a convocation in Memorial
Frank J. Prindl, band director, has hall at which Dr. John Tigert,
president of the University of Florstated.
Aided by Suky funds, this is the ida, will be the speaker.
As a part of its contribution to
first trip of the basketball season
the observation of Founders Day,
for the group.
It is also the first time this sea- The Kentucky Kernel will present
son that the whole band has been a number of features portraying
together to play for a game. Be- various phases of the life and growth
cause of the seating shortage in of the University,
Reporter Sam Brents, in his in- Alumni gym, the band had to be
varsity band vestigations, has come across some
divided into a
concert group. Mr. of the early regulations for stu
and a
dents. Here are some of those rules
Prindl explained.
of particular interest to today's



dence units who are planning
to attend tomorrow night's Notre
Dame game In Louisville must
have permission from their parents to sign out for the game,
the dean of women's office an'
nounced yesterday.
In addition, a place to spend
Saturday night must have been
already definitely obtained if the
girl is not returning to Lexington after the game. The usual
Saturday night deadline of 12:30
will not be strictly observed, but
if a late arrival from the game is
expected, complete arrangements
must be made before the girl
leaves the dormitory Saturday.


Band In Dixie'
Goes To Game


Cats Meet Irish In Louisville,
Bama There Monday Nigit




lventucKv otre uame
Is Nation Net Headliner






Those contestants entered and the
organization thy represent are: Al"No comment," was the verdict pha Gamma Rho, Paul Sturgill;
Only one of Kentucky's 120 counof Dean of Women
Sarah B. Alpha Sigma Phi, Bill J. Daniels; ties is not represented in the stuAlpha Tau Omega, Dave Graham; dent body of the University for the
Holmes' office at press time yesterday on the attempt of parents of Delta Chi, Jack C. Crawford; Delta winter
quarter, a geographical
Rachel Johnson, University fresh- Tau Delta, Jack McNeal; Kappa breakdown of enrollment discloses.
man who disappeared from the cam Alpha, Williard Carmlchael; Kappa , Thlrtv-nin- p
Sigma. Johnny McKenzie; Lambda j countries, and one United States
pus this week, to have her
Chi Alpha, Tommy Caughlin; Phi possession also have students study-Delto UK.
Theta, Julian Fortney; Phi , ing at uk this term.
When called by a reporter, Dean
Tops in the number of enrollees
Holmes stated that she would call Sigma Kappa. Jim Mack Strother
Pi Kappa Alpha, Phil Pearce; Phi is Fayette county with 1.510. The
back later. After a two-hoKappa Tau, Bill Chandler; Sigma perennial runner-uJefferson, has
the dean was again telephoned, and Alpha Epsilon, Clayton Cruise; Sig474. Kenton, Franklin, and Harlan
again no Information was given ma
Phi Epsilon, Jim Ed A be 11; Sigma follow In that order with 171, 168,
about the case which had made
Nu, George Rice; Triangle, Gerald and 103, respectively.
front page news for several days. Dobson;
and Zeta Beta Tau, James
Lyon is the only county in the
Miss Johnson, who disappeared Levin.
state without a student at the Unifrom Patterson hall Sunday night,
returned to her home In Vance-bur- g
Alpha Delta Pi, Bernice Button;
Kentuckians comprise 5,880 of the
late Tuesday night. The
girl arrived in a condition Alpha Gamma Delta. Jean Johndescribed by her mother, Mrs. Sam- son; Alpha Xi Delta, Emogene Gre- states account for 667, nine come
uel Johnson, as "near collapse," gory: Chi Omega, Judy Johnson; from foreign countries; one student
according to reports in Lexington Delta Delta Delta, Betsy Morris; is from the Panama Canal zone.
enOhio leads in
Delta Zeta. Peake Shehan; Kappa
rollment with 111. West Virginia
Kap, Alpha Theta. Libby Reynolds;
She was brought home by
pa Delta. Geraldine Duean; Kappa has 80 and New York has 68.
27, Vanceburg, with whom "ie
with UK stuleft the University dormitory Sun- Kappa Gamma. Peggy Berryman; dents are countries
the Netherlands, Puerto
Sigma Delta Tau, Allene
Zeta Tau Alpha. Doris Rico, France. Cuba, Costa Rica, and
Her parents have said that they Beck, and Independents, Amy Price. Canada.
will try to have the girl's marriage
Bob Warner
to Lee, kept a secret since October are in charge ofand Bill Benjamin
this year's contest.
26, when it took place in Flemings-bur- g,
Marian Slater, Alpha Delta Pi,
annulled as soon as possible.
and Jim Jackson, Sigma Nu, were
Frank P. Boone, county clerk of the winners last year.
Mildred Long, editor of The KerFleming county, said that the counel last year, has accepted a pople came to his home after ofsition as public relations director
fice hours on October 26 and that
with Blue Cross Service, Inc.
he went with them to his offices
community hospital service, in LouAll-Campand issued them a marriage liisville.
cense. Lee gave his age as 25 and
Miss Long formerly worked for
Miss Johnson gave her age at 21,
Mrs. Karlow Dean, Professor R.
Boone said.
D. Mclntyre of the College of Com- the United Press bureau in LouisThe county clerk then took the merce, and Jack Bryden of the ville.
couple to the home of the Rev. Transylvania College music departT. H. Alderson, Christian minis- ment have been named judges for
ter In Flemingsburg,
and they the
Sing to be held In
were "married shortly after 8 Memorial Hall, February 19.
to The sing, which is being sponsorp.m.," Boone said. Witnesses
Dorothy Park Clark, (Mrs. Edthe ceremony were a Mr. and Mrs. ed by ODK, Mortar Board, Phi Beta,
Connell, whom Lee today identi- and Phi Mu Alpha, is open to all fra- ward R. Clark), Louisville, authorfied as Mr. and Mrs. Marshall ternities, sororities, and Independent ess, will speak at the Koffee club,
4 p. m., Thursday, In the Union
Connell, a brother-in-laand sis- organizations.
building on, "Murder on My Type
ter from Cincinnati.
more than 12 groups have sub- writer.
Boone said that Lee indicated on mitted applications before the entry
Mrs. Clark, who collaborated with
the license that he had been mar- deadline, February 5, tryouts will be Mrs. Sam McMeeken on the book,
ried and divorced.
held in Memorial Hall, 7 P. M. "Louisville, the Gateway City," reLexington police said that Ra- February 12. The three best men's, cently completed her first mystery
chel called a roommate at the
and women's groups will be selected novel, "Roll, Jordan, RolL"
on Page Four),
to appear in the final sing.
All students are invited to attend.



Student Directory




Arrangemtns are under the direc- tion of Dudley, assisted by Tom
Gregory, jack Banahan, George
Pete Spare and Lewis

The following appointments andother staff changes approved by
the executive committee of the University board of trustees has been
In the College of Arts and Sciences appointments included William R. Elliott, Sam J. Allen and
Joseph T. Meers. instructors in
physics for six months; Mary Heath
inand Virginia Baskett, part-tim- e
structors in mathematics, winter
quarter: Theodore K. Dyer. part-time
instructor in mathematics, six
months; Jack B. Goldmann, instructor in history, six months; Joseph


music and
dramatics fraternity, will present
the Sunday afternoon musicale in
Memorial hall at 4 p. m.
The opening numbers will be
sung by Mr. George William Blair,
tenor, of Akron, Ohio, a returned
veteran from the Army Air forces,
and a senior music major at the
University. His accompanist will be
Mr. Perry Goggin Parrigan. Other
participants on the program are:
Miss Barbara Akers, pianist,
Mrs. Sue
Wallace, contralto, daughThomas
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Maurice
Thomas, of Lexington and a senior
music major. Mrs. Wallace is soloist for the First Methodist church,
and the University Choristers. Her
accompanist will be Miss Martha
Jane Stone, of Lexington, who will
also perform as cellist with the
quartet. The other members of the
oboe quartet are Mr. Perry Adams,
oboist. Miss Mary Ann Faulkner,
violist. and Miss Mabel Gumm.
Mr. Adams is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. .R. I. Adams, of Parkersburg,
West Virginia. He received the A. B.
degree in music from the University
of Kentucky in 1943 and the A.M.
degree in music in 1946 and has
studied oboe privately with
teachers. He is a graduate
student assistant in woodwinds in
the music department, president of
the Alpha Gamma chapter of Phi
Mu Alpha, honorary music fraternity, and director of the "Varsity"
(basketball) band.
Miss Faulkner is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner, of
Lexington. She is a sophomore in
the music department, speciaizing
in strine music, and Is a member
i of tne Women s Glee Club
Miss Mabel Gumm is the daugh
! ter
f Mr- - and Mrs- - E- s- Gumm,
of Lexington. She graduated with
high distinction and honors in music from the University in 1944 and
has long been identified with music
circles in Lexington. She acted as
of the University
Symphony Orchestra last season
and is the music correspondent of
The Lexington Herald.
Another soloist on the program
will be Miss Helen Gibson Hutch- craft, pianist, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Winn V. Hutchcraft, Paris.
She Is a junior music major, president of Phi Beta, professional
music and dramatics fraternity,
president of the campus YWCA,
Phi Beta,


Best Dressed
Man, Woman

Phi Beta, Phi Mu
Alpha Give Concert

row-left U right: William Byron, William E. Tuttle, Dallas M.
Peyton, Captain Cheek. Da lion B. Caldwell, Dexter E. Mann. Thomas
H. Maxedon.
Second re w, left to riicht: Joseph F. Rice, Robert M. Shearer, Hugo O.
HempeL Charles H. Wills, Carl S. Corbin, Marion R. Taylor, Charles
R. Barker.

Queen Unannounced
The winner of the annual contest
will not be announced until the time
of presentation at the dance, and
the remaining five girls will be her
attendants. The ceremony attending
the crowning of the queen will begin
at approximately 10:30 pm, and will
be presided over by ODK president
Ed Barnes and Kentuckian editor.
Tommy Gish.
The queen is featured In the annual, with full-papictures of the
winner and attendants. Sylvia Maier.
Kappa Alpha Theta. was the 1946
Queen.. Her attendants were Sally
.I .
onmcn, nuppa Aipna m.
ineta; nan-- l
cy Catherine Taylor, Alpha Gamma
Ruth Damron. Delta Zeta;








"That he neither keep in his poss,
session, nor use
a dirk,
bowie-knif- e,
nor any kind of deada

ly weapon. . . .

"That he sign no petition or
other paper to the Board or Executive Committee in regard to the
government of the University, or
to the appointment or dismissal
of Professors or officers; and that
he do not attend or give counten
ance to any meeting to criticise
the government of the University."

Jefferson County Armory ti
see Kentucky trv for Its first ?. in
over Notre Dame In 'hree ysai". ar.-fourth In the
series. Lit tamable thousands more who were un-aeto get tickets will hear the extravaganza by radio, as lour stanoiis
WLEX and WKLX, Lexicon;
WFKY, Frankfort and WAVE Louki-vll- l.
will tarry a play by plav.
Not since 1944 have the Baron's
boys topped the South Benders, turLa.;t
ning the trick that year
season the Irish achieved a 7 decision when George Ratterman, suo
forward, unleashed an 11 point barrage In the last few minute-,- . Notre
Dame had gained a 8
nod the
year before The series began in 192:)
Kentucky edged the Indianan.;
won ft in A row A 7 venr hnsp
ed the first meeting. The game has
been an annual feature sir.ee vns
Most decisive win was the Hcosicr
victory thot year: e'ese
scores and even overtimes have been
th pattern since.
Both Pointed For Game
Both squads are ready, have beer
pointed for the tilt for weeks.
lone los3 was the 1 u; ;cx
by Oklahoma A&M in New Orleans
d;r;r Sircar Bowl festivities.
Now Dame has bowed tv, ; e. Wisconsin nipped the Irish
in ai
overtime, and Purdue scored a 0
succes. The Purdue defeat was avenged by a
shellacking 1;'
Saturday. Meanwhile Notre Dam
11 other starts to ran sechas won
ond to Kentucky in the national
The Rupprrvn's 6
massacre of
Michigan State i3 their nineteritii
win and eighth in a row. In runr.irg
up the string of victories and reaching that top case perch, the X'a's
have tallied 1400 poi.its for an average of 70 per game, have held the
opposition to an average of 37. Notre
Dame has outscored ius foes
or a 9 game average in 13
By comparative scores the Wildcats will rule heavy favorites. s:r.r-they realized a 50 point margin over
Michigan State, rhich Netre Dam-- ;
toppd by only eishtsen. In the.r lat
three outhifs the Irish have loo'.n ri
impressive in bowling over Detvoir.
and Marouttf,
engagements are occasions w here
scores are rver indirvive
anyhow, and the Wildcats are liven
only points by bookmakers.
The visitors are coached by lui
Krause. former Irish grid and ner.
starcaptain of the 1934 ba;t t
tne Notre
point makers ar; suard Kevin O
Shea and forward team cape u:',
Frannie Curran. wo iiave made
the same ii.v teul U averting
better than 11 each i i n
John Kelly has been moved i:o t
a starting forward because of his accurate goal attempts, replacing Ratterman. who staged that railv tna'.
bsted. Kentucky last year Ac cuter is John Brennan. six fcot. i ;ur
inch pivotman, and tflmet m i i n:i
the roster. Rounding out the sta::ri
quintet is guard Leo Banghorst. who
was shifted from cer.ter to . ,ke
room for Brennan. A six. foot, three
(Continued on Page Six)

Military Society


The University company of Scabbard and Blade, national military
professional society, has been relapse,
activated after a four-yeaccording to Major D. W. Glenn,
faculty advisor.
The reorganization was done by
a cadre of five students who were
pre-wmembers and Major Glenn.
The campus unit, "D" Company,
Regiment, of the national
society, always ranked among the

55-5- 4.



top units in the nation in


pre-w- ar

Men are selected for Scabbard'!
and Blade on the basis of attain
ment in military science, good scholastic standing, potential leadership,
and good character. Candidates
must be voted in by active members. First and second year advanced course ROTC students are
eligible for membership.
The following men have been
pledged: William Blackford, Wil- liara. M. Byron. Hugo O. Hemp'e,
William G. Kendall. Glenn E. Mar
tin, John Roop, Randolph G.
Simpson, Charles Wills, and Bingham E. Willson. All are second
year advanced course ROTC students.
The purpose of Scabbard and Blade
according to the preamble of its
constitution, is 'to prepare ourselves
as educated men to take a more active part and to have a (greater
influence in the military affairs of
the communities in which we may
reside, and above all to spread intelligent information concerning the
military requirements of our country."





53-4- 9.




8T6-3C- 3,

Three UK Alumni


Among 1,864 Chosen

For Regular Army
Three University alumni were
included in the list of 1.864 "hand-pickeofficers sent to Congress
this week by President Truman for
permanent commissions in the regular army.
The three former wartime officers,
all Lexington men, receiving permanent commissions were Chester
D. Silvers. UK "29, major. Judge




81-4- 0:


B. Nichols. UK 37. first
tiutenant Air Corns: and John F.
Gav. first lieutenant, CML.
These officers were among those
selected from the 70,000 officers of
the National Guard, Officers Reserve Corps, and wartime army. All
took special scientific examinations
to determine their eligibility for
commissions under the second regular Army integration program.

74-1- 3-




n-- 1





Snapshots Accepted
Through February 15
Snapshots for the miscellaneous
picture section of the 1947 Kentuckian, University yearbook, will be accepted up to Feb. 15, according to
Tommy Gisn, editor.
The pictures should be limited to
a size not exceeding four by six inches, rather than two by four inches,
as was stated in last week's Kernel,
Gish said.
Pictures should be accompanied
with information describing the subjects in thtm and may be brought or
mailid to the Kentuckian office in


Prof. Wetzel Attends
Chicago Convention

Profesor Harold K Wetzel, hvd
of the social work
is attending the convention oi rhAmerican Association of Sehoo's or
Graduate Work, which mee:s iu
Chicago today and tomorrow
While in Chicago Piofes,oi- - W",- the McVey hall
zel attended meetings oi two
national associations in the fit Id cf
social work held earlier this week.
He attended a conference cf ti e
National Council for Social Wcr'i
Grants totaling $63,300 have been and the annual business nut
approved by the Federal Works ot the National Association oi Sc
Agency for advanced planning of ciai Administration.
three buildings at the University,
Congressman Virgil Chapman an3.
nounced this week.
These grants, which must be reJim Welsh of the A!iculru:
paid when funds are available for college made a 3 standing
construction of the buildings, will quarter. Welsh's name was inadprovide $45,000 for a science build- vertently omitted from the preuou.i
ing, $10,600 for the journalism build- list.
ing, and $17,000 for the proposed
extension to the College of Education.
University officials said this week
A sweater swing wi'I be helrl
that plans of the buildings will be from 6:15 to 8:15 Th'u day lag'i
completed soon.
In the ballroom of the UB.

Three UK Building
Grants Approved




Welsh Also Made

la-.- n

SUB Sweater Swing


� Friday, January 81, 1947

Page Twd




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Idt.orlai Ablation








JTv ,7n v
aa fkic.



Assistant Sews
Assistant Managing
Assistant Sports

Baxtfi Melton



J"y Thompson





Vx'eft.rtKin mnm(Hm.elt, sr. to
rttr XariML. an.
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a Featr indicates allegiance "to that school store all othworn on

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