xt7t1g0hvd3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hvd3h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1947-06-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1947 1947 1947-06-27 2013 true xt7t1g0hvd3h section xt7t1g0hvd3h The Kentucecy Kernel

No Kernel

Next Week

Slightly Cloudy

Continued Warm




New Tobacco Leaf
Developed At UK

Rurley Crossed
With German
Cigar Type

A new type



3.0 Standings
Are Released
By University



expert to comtheir requirements for
graduation at the close of the
rummer quarter and who have
not at a previous time mad- for degrees are requested to dr so today, Friday,
June 27. This app'ies also to
graduate students v ho expect to
cnmrlete their requirements for
graduate degrees. All applicaAll seniors who



For Quarter








Dr. Valleau


The only known producer of the
new strain is W. J. Salmon of New
York City, who harvested 70 acres
from Mereworth farm last year.
Mereworth. which has grown the to-

3.0 for

spring quar

ter work was made by 104 students,
Of this number 16 were from the
College cf Commerce, 12 from the
College of Agriculture and Homo
Economics, 20 from the College of
Engineering. 50 from the College of
Arts and Sciences, none from the
College of Law, and six from th-College of Education.
They are as follows:
College of Agric'.ilturc:
senior, Greensburg;
C. Buckner,
Robert H. Camenisch, senior, Stanford; William B. Cropper, junior,
Lexington; Saul D. Coins, senior,
Manchester; Paul M. Hanna, junior,
Stanford; James D. Kemp, junior,
Pickett; Robert S. Koch, senLouis
ior, Hamilton;
freshman, Harrodsburg;
Charles M. Martin, senior, Winchester; Ann F. Park, freshman,



standing of


Opera Season
Opens June 29




development were marketed as bur
ley. it was suggested at the ACP
hearing, because it does not fit in
with popular cigarette blending formulas.
To prevent the new type from being sold except by direct negotiations between producers and manufacturers, the Agriculture department will establish marketing regulations for the tobacco.

More Scheduled

Dr. Jonah W. D. Skiles was named
professor of ancient languages and
head of the department of ancient
languages at the University at the
last quarterly meeting-othe Board
of trustees. He replaces .Dr. T.: T.
Jones, who has been given a change
of occupation. The appointment became effective June 16.
Dr. Skiles was formerly chairman
of the ancient languages at Northwestern State college. Natchitoches.
La. He received the doctor of philosophy degree from the University
of Chicago in the department of
Latin, and has taught classical lan
guages in both secondary and higher
education. From 1939 to 1945, he
was professor and head of the de
partment of Greek and Latin at
Westminster college. A native Kentuckian, Dr.- Skiles
taught Latin at Louisville Male high
school for several years, and was
visiting professor of Latin at Western Kentucky State Teachers col
lege in the summer of 1935.


This will cover

S9 00.

the rental cf rap and gewn.
diploma fee, the Kentuckian and
yenior dues. Candidates for advanced degrees will be charged









Monday, August 21.
Maurice F. Seay.
Dean of the I'niversity

Should Submit
Address Changes

No Classes

July Fourth
No classes will meet and all campus offices will close on both July
4 and 5, according to an announcement from Dr. H. L. Donovan's office.

The holiday was granted for Saturday, too, inasmuch as offices are
normally open for only half a day on

de-O- ne




Tennis Courts Areas
To Be Cleared

Action has been initiated to clear
the tennis courts in the rear of the
University training school and in
readying courts II and 12 in the
Downing courts area, according to
Claude S. Sprowls, SGA president
nd author of a resolution directed
to University officials to increase intramural conveniences.
The physical education department, as a result of the resolution,
is preparing a survey of the campus
to further develop intramural ad-









Institute on family
by the University
through its several departments
working in the field of the family,
will be held on the University cam- pus July 7. 8 and 9. it was an- nounced by the institute steering

three-da- y

Specialists in the field of the fam- both from out of the state and
University staff, are scheduled to
in the the program.
Principal speakers at general ses- will be Ernest Burgess, chair- man of the department of sociology
the University of Chicago, and
Mrs. Fanny Belle Bogie, Chi Ome- Clifford R. Adams, professor of psy- ga housemother for six years, died chology at Pennsylvania State col- last Friday at her daughters home lege. Much of the institute's work
ill be done in sectional meetings
in Mt. Sterling, after a week-lon- g
illness following a heart attack. The under three general topics: "The
funeral was held in Mt. Sterling
Partnership." "Parents and
Children," and "Family Problems."
Mrs. Bogie, a native of Mt. SterTheme of the Institute, first such
ling, resigned her post as house- tvpe of servicp attempted by the
will be "Achieving a
mother in June. 1945.

then-check- s

Registration Total

Mc-Clu- er




Pilot Flying Training
Exams To Re Held
At ROTC Camps

ROTC Cadets Go To Camp
To Learn Latest Tactics

Specialists In Family Field
To Hold Institute At UK
life, sponsored



micro-nificati- on


Missouri Dean
Speaks Here

Student Veterans

and Registrar

An electron microscope, loaned to of particle size and shape, analysis
the University by the Keeneland of materials, detection of impuri- Foundation, was officially dedicated ties and the study of molecular
Wednesday night at a ceremony t in .structure.
Theoretically, scientists say, the
the' Biological Sciences building.
Dr. H. L. Donovan accepted the power of the electron microscope
loan for' the University after its should allcw observation of objects
nresentation by Dr. Fred M. Ran- - of atomic dimensions. However, the
kin, chairman of the Keeneland practical form of the instrument is
not yet perfected to such a degree.
The microscope was demonstrated In its present development, the new
at a reception following the dedi- - machine can go more than 50 times
further than the best imaginable
Examination of the world of atoms light microscope,
In metallurgy the electron
by the light and simple optical mag- principle of the conven- - scope is used in the analysis of eres,
tional microscope has progressed to. studies of processing, and examina-- a
''barrier," according to scientists tion of fine surface details. In the
at the University of Kentucky, be- - bacteriological field it is used for
yond which only a new type research viewing and photographing bacteria
tool is effective the electron micro- - and viruses too small to be seen
with ordinary microscopes, for
of the relatively few such termining the size and shape of
instruments in' the country, and the virus and bacteriophage particles.
only one within a radius of 300 miles, for studying the interaction between
has been obtained by the University bacteriophage and bacterium, tor
for furthering scientific research into studying bacterial structure, flag-- a
world whose existence has only ella and ether details never before
been surmised on the basis of pre- - visible and for studying the effects of
antibiotics on bacteria, according to
vious investigation with
UK research scientists.
ful microscopes.
Serologists use the microscope to
Purchased at a cost of $15,000 by
the' Keeneland foundation for the study intimately the reaction
tween antigens and antibodies. The
of scientific research
in Kentucky and' loaned to the state zoologist and botanist find use for
university as the "natural center" the instrument in the study of the
of such activity, the electron micro- - more delicate structures of animals
scope is the latest and most power- - and plants.
Specimens the size of a pin point
ful instrument of its type developed
are magnified to look like cigarette
by modern science.
Numerous applications in science, butts through the use of the electron
medicine and industry have been microscope. A further idea cf the
found for the electron microscope, performance cf the instrument is the
In the chemical field, the instrument fact that its magnification is so
(Continued on Page Three)
is effectively used in determination

Forty-fiv- e
years of almost continu
ous service to the University will be
climaxed on June 30 for Dr. T. T.
Jones, retiring dean of men. as hu
administrative colleagues and friends
throughout the University honor him
with a testimonial dinner.
Preliminary plans for the occasion
marking the effective date of the
dean's change of work to
an emeritus status in accordance
with policies of the UK board of
trustees, were announced Saturday
by the arrangements committee.
The testimonial dinner will - held
In the Student Union building Monday, June 30. Tickets are still available at the offices of the dean of
women. University personnel director, and the social director. The
committee requests that reservations
be made by tonight. The general
public, as well as faculty members,
Dean Kirwan
Dean Jones
and others connected with the University, are invited to attend the
Members of the arrangements
are Dean Sarah B.
Holmes, chairman; Vice President
Leo M. Chamberlain. Dean Maunce
F. Seay. Dr. A. D. Kirwan. Dr. Lyl;
veterans who submit
Two public lectures on the general Croft. Prof. Louis Clifton. Dr. J. S.
changes of address to the veterans
Mrs. Dorothy Evans.
indicate topic of movements for presented Chambers. Moores. Miss Marsaret
Miss Maple
whether the changes are temporary tional revision
King. E. G.
N. Peak.
or permanent, VA officials said Wednesday and Thursday in Frazee- R. W. Wild, Sulzer. BartShively.
and Bernie
hall under the auspices of the detoday.
Dean Jones
be "retired" ofIncases of permanent changes of Pa"me.nt pf political science. Dr- ficially on Julywill Succeeding him
address, so specifying will speed up Amry vanaenooscn. neaa o. u.c uas dean of men is Albert D. "Ah"
the transfer of the veterans' records pdl LlllCllt ailllUUlltCU Uiov "tea.
hisDean William L. Bradshaw of the Kirwan. associate professor of
to the regional office having Juristory and former football coach.
diction over the areas in which they University of Missouri was the guest Taking over the direction of the
speaker. Lecture topics were "The
will be located.
department of ancient languages is
Trainees who are going on short Movement for a New Constitution
Dr. Jonah W. D.
in Missouri," and "The New Constivacations
and have subsistence
during their tution of Missouri."
checks due to arrive
A native of Manchester. Dr. Jones
absence, should submit a change' Dean Bradshaw was a leader in has been associated with the Uniwith the notation that the movement for constitutional re- versity in eight different capacities
of address
it is only temporary so that
vision in Missouri, and also was a since his graduation from the inwill be forwarded.
member of the convention which stitution in 1902. His original apSlightly less than half of the Wordl drafted Missouri's new constitution. pointment slightly more than 45
War II veterans in Ohio, Michigan,
In his lecture Wednesday after- years ago was as an instructor in
and Kentucky who have applied for noon Dr. Bradshaw stated that it languages and since that time he
benefits takes a long time to amend a coneducation or
succeded to positions as asprovided by the government actu- stitution through the convention has
professor. 1904; acting proally have entered into any type of process. The Missouri voters in No- sistant 1908 professor and head (
training program. VA has reported. vember, 1942, were supposed to the department of Latin. 1909:
Of Kentucky's 270,000 World War answer the question: "Shall a conof the departm
II veterans, 95,769 have made appli- vention be called to revise and of ancient head
languages, 1918; acting
cation and have been approved for amend the constitution?" After the dean of men. 1922; acting dean of
training, while 38.147 have entered question had been presented to the the graduate school, 1932; and dean
into training courses.
geneial assembly and to the secre- of men, 1933.
tary of state, without action, the A. D. "Ab" Kirwan, 'Cat football
movement for a convention was coach from 1938-4- 5,
assumed ".he pobacked by Dr. C. F. Chute, director sition of dean of men at the Uniof the Governmental Research Instiversity. June 18. succeeding the re3,879
tute, St. Louis, who enlisted the tiring dean of men, T. T. Jones.
Dean Kirwan, recently awarded a
Final enrollment figures for the aid of Dr. Bradshaw. It was finally
first term of summer school released agreed that the meeting should be Ph.D. from Duke University, atoffice called by President Franc L.
yesterday by the registrar's
tended the University of Kentucky
receiving his AB in
of Westminster college. Thus from 1922-2indicate a new high of 3.879 stu
registered to surpass all pre the movement was ostensibly started 1926. From there he went to Male
became somewhat high school in Louisville, where he
records for a summer term.
out state and
The existing record was 3.595 es identified with Westminster college. coached from 1932-3In 1938 he
tablished in the first term of sum
A KicmifirAnt
fact in the votine. assumed duties as head football
mer quarter last year. Additional
,v,i.h authorized a constitutional mentor at UK, teaching history at
students are expected to enroll later convenuon by a vote of apprcxim- - various times, when not called by
lor special snon courses in me oi- - ately tnree to two was tnat gener-leg- gridiron duties.
of Education and Agriculture ally speaking, the measure, carried
Before coming to the University,
ana xiome economics w uuusi mc in those counties with fairly laige he attended Butler College in 1932.
"final" enrollment to near the ad- cities while it failed in most of the summer sessions at the University of
vance prediction of 4,000 students. strictly rural counties.
Louisville during 1934. Id, and 36.
University officials pointed out
After election of delegates, the and Northwestern
that the current figure gave the in- convention met on call of the gov- 1933. "34. 36. and "37.
As an athlete Dean Kirwan played
stitution its first "normal" enroll- ernor September 21, 1943. Following
ment since before the war. Explain- its organization, a total of 377 pro- played one year of freshman and
ing the seemingly strange fact, they posals for the revision of the con- three years of varsity football. He
said there is a near perfect coin- stitution were introduced.
These was also a member of the Univercidence between the present enroll- were referred by the president to one sity track team.
Dean Kirwan is a member of the
ment totoal and the figure repre- of the 20 committees on revision for
Kentucky Bar association, the Kensenting the designed capacity of the its consideration.
tucky Educational association, the
permanent physical
"In my opinion,"
plant. Although built to accommo- said, "the committee Dr. Bradshaw American Football Coaches associawork was the tion, and the Lexington Optimist
date approximately 4.000, there has most valuable phase of the proclub.
net been an enrollment as near this ceedings."
figure as the present one since beDr. Bradshaw in Wednesday's disfore the war. Every registration has
been either much less or greater cussion dealt principally with the
than the designed capacity and en- - iprganization and campaign for au
rcllment next fall is expected to thorizing the convention. Thurs
day's lecture dealt with the changes
be 7.000 or more.
An unofficial breakdown of the in the constitution and emphasized
Headquarters army air forces has
current student body indicates a the campaign for adoption of the
announced plans to conduct qualitotal of 385 freshmen, transfers and new document.
fying examinations fcr flying traintransient students; approximately
Dean Bradshaw was the speaker ing at all
2.591 veterans; and a proportion of
air ROTC encampments
about three men to every woman at a dinner meeting held Wednesday this summer. Later it is planned to
night in the Student Union building. require the examining units to vu.it
institutions annually for th? purple
of classifying second year elementary
ROTC students, according to word
received by UK military science department from 11th air force headquarters.
All ROTC graduates, classified as
More than 160 ROTC cadets re- studies presented by the University a result of these tests and
ported to three summer camps last with its limited facilities. Col. Macfor flight training will be asweek for six weeks of Intensive Kenzie said. Emphasis will be given signed to pilot training classes witharmy training in the latest tactics newest developments in the cadet's out budgetary limitations.
and methods under the supervision particular branch, as well as proThe status of the air ROTC erart-uatof the war department, it was a:v ficiency in all chases of training.
while attending flying school
Infantry training will be divided
nounced by Col. O. T. MacKenzie,
head cf the military science de- into tactical units commanded by will be that of student officers. In
student officers and directed by this connection the air force will
According to government orders, tactical officers of the regular army. make an effort to permit all air
the cadets will proceed directly from Actual demonstrations are scheduled ROTC graduates to remain on active
their homes where they are now on in terrain maneuvers, on tactics and duty for periods from one to thrte
vacation, to the summer training various infantry weapons. Signal years. During this active duty pei i d
camp designed for their branch of corps cadets will supplement classair ROTC graduates will have the
service. The largest group, 105 men room work with practice on radio, opportunity
to apply for a regular
and radar
enrolled in the infantry unit of the telephone,
University cadet corps, will receive under field conditions. Air students commission in the air force, gain extheir training at Ft. George G. will receive ground instruction and perience in their specialty, and advance their flying proficiency.
Meade, ROTC summer camp. Ft. training.
The entire ROTC training proMeade, Md.
Thirty-fiv- e
air corps cadets are gram will be based on a
All-Campscheduled to spend their six weeks week with recreational trips to nearat Langley field. Virginia, and twenty-t- by towns allowed after hours. All
signal corps students will students are scheduled to receive
An all campus sing will be h"l.i
take the summer training course at commissions as second lieutenants
upon the completion of varying at 7 p m.. July 2. in the amphitheater
Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey.
The field training period, required amounts of academic work at the of Memorial hall. It will be the
by the war department as a pre- University. Sixteen infantry cadets second in a series cf programs to
requisite to commission as a re- are to finish all requirements for be presented there this quarter. 1....
serve officer, will consist cf prac- commissioning following the summer Mildred Lewis will direct. Any .ii- who is interested is invited to attend.
tical work covering all theoretical camp training

a fee of $15.00, which will cover
the above with the exception of
the Kentuckian and in addition
the cost rf the hoc! to be preserved the candidate. Gradua
ticn fees are payable not later
than the frurth day preceding
the commencement which will be

Electron Microscope
Officially Dedicated

The first of a series of informal
teas being sponsored by the women's
residence halls was held in the
lounge of Patterson hall yesterday.
Faculty, students, and staff mem
bers are invited to the summer teas
which are being sponsored to help
the girls living in the halls to get
together and to know each other
better, Mrs. George Newman, head
resident in Jewell hall said.
' Other teas will be held on these
dates: Boyd, July 2; Jewell, July 10;
And Spanish
Patterson. July 17; Boyd, July 21;
and Jewell, Aug 7.
Mrs. Gertrrude Zemp is in charge
of food and the head resident of Will Be Held
each of the halls is in charge of
arrangements for the teas held in
exams in
her hall. Head residents include, French and Spanish for 'graduate
besides Mrs. Newman, Mrs. W. B. students will be held on the third Kernel
Turner, in Patterson hall and Mrs. floor of Miller hall Saturday morning. July 12, and Monday afternoon, Should Apply Monday
Lewis Harvard in Boyd hall.
August 11. Dr. Hobart Ryland. head
Aryone interested in wor'iing
of the romance language department
on the summer Kernel please
YMCA Sponsors
has announced.
The German exam will be held
report to the Kernel newsroom
Aid Discussion
Monday afternoon, August 11.- in the
of McVey
A discussion on "What About Our
hall Monday afternooa.
Aid to Greece and Turkey?" was
Anyone interested in doing
sponsored by the YMCA last TuesCartoon work, please attend the
Elects Officers
evening. Dr. Amry Vanden-boscday
meeting, also.
the head of the political sci
Theta Sigma Phi, national wo
ence department, was the leader
men's journalism recognition society.
of the discussion.
officers at their last meeting.
William Russell presided as chair- elected elected include
Garnett Gayle, Radio Club To Meet
man of the program committee. Those
president; Tilly Thompson,
Kathrvn Mellenbruch and Sebastian
The University Amateur Radio
Louise Wilson, secretary;
Van Goudaever conducted the mu- Judy Johnson, treasurer;
Martha club will meet Thursday in room
of the program. It Evans, Cub Club organizer;
sical section
and 232 of the engineering quadrangle,
was one in a regular series of per- Cecilia Florence, keeper of archives. according to Betty Peters,
sponsored by the YMCA
ocf the club.
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin of reasurer
during the summer quarter.
the journalism department is the
Plans for the summer will be made
faculty sponsor.
at the meeting.

Housemother Dies



Informal Tea Held"
In Patterson Hall;

Former Chi Omega

tion fee of

Skiles Is Head
Of Ancient


Testimonial Dinner
Will Re Held
In Union

cf the Administration building.
As the crmmencement lists are
made from these cards, it is very
important to file an application
at this time.
Candidates for the bachelor's
degree will be charged a gradua-

Dr. Skiles


to other manufacturers.
The burley Industry would be upset If the new low nicotine content

tions shculd be Tiled in room


senior, St. Petersburg. Fla.; Kenneth
Wells, freshman. Branch.
College of Arts and Sciences: Rob
ert Delano Adams, sophomore, Covington; Jeanne Taliaferro Asbury,
sophomore, Augusta: Robert Allen
The Cincinnati Sum.aer Opera Baker, Junior, Hopkinsville; Gray-do- n
D. Bell, freshman, Cynthiana;
association's 1947 season of grand
opera presentations at the roo in Gcraldine Farrar Brock, junior,
Cincinnati will open Sunday, June (Lexington; Clarence Gordon Brown,
Jr., senior, Louisville; John Boyer
"Lohengrin" will be Brown, junior, Lexington; William
heard for the first time in over a Monroe Byron, sophomore, Lexingdecade on the opening night. Rose ton; Lee S. Caldwell, junior, Stur-gi- s;
Bampton, Astrid Varnay, Frederick
Jim Cherry, freshman, Gravel
Jagel and Nicola Moscona, all of Switch; Lchoma Creech, freshman,
the Metropolitan, opera, sing the Rogers; Samuel Edward Crouch,
leading roles. Fausta Cleva directs. Junior, Evarts; Joe Wilson Daugh-ertBizet's "Carmen" is the second
senior, Harrodsburg; Algernon
opera of the season and will be pre- Smith Dickson, senior, Paris; Milsented on Tuesday, July 1, starring dred Ordelle Erd, senior, Lexington;
Bruna Castagna, and Charles Kull-ma- Mary Helen Evins, junior, Frankfort; Jane Garrett, sophomore, LexMarjorie Lawrence, Rose Bamp- ington; Mrs. Norris C. Golben,
ton. Frederick Jagel, Thelma Kaye freshman. Front Royal, Va.; John
and Angelo Pilotto head the cast C. Goodlett, senior, Lawrenceburg;
of over a hundred in the presenta- Casslus Billy Gravitt, Jr., senior,
Lexington; Richard F. Greathouse,
tion of Verdi's "Aida" on Wednesday, Jul7 2. Willfred Pelletier of senior, Wilmore; Robert H. Helton, Jr, frehman, Corbin; Virginia
the Metropolitan conducts.
"The Love of Three Kings," pro- Lee Henry, freshman, Lexington;
duced last season, will again be pre- Harold W. Holtzciaw. sophomore,
sented under the baton of its com Des Moines, Iowa; Charles Owen
poser, Itato Montmesze-oThurs- Hopkins, junior, Paducah: ,. Elson
day, July 3. This opera stars Norina Irving Howard, junior, Paducah;
Greco, Charles Kullman. Virgil Laz-za- ri William Kelvey Hubbell, sophomore,
Lexington; Judy Keen Johnson,
and George Czapliki.
Hizi Koyke, whose "Madame But- junior, Richmond; Murray Ramsey
terfly" attracted the largest audi- King, senior, Bronx, New York;
ence ever to attend the Cincinnati Dorothy Rose Levy, senior, LexingSummer Opera last season, returns ton; Joseph Bernard McNamara,
again in the same role. Nino Scatto-li- junior, Mt. Sterling; Betty L. Mast-ifreshman, Nicholasville; Thomas
plays opposite her.
"II Trovatore" will be the opera Ansel Nevitt, freshman, Louisville:
on Saturdray night, July 5. Rose Harry Meade Palmer, senior, LexBampton. Bruna Castagna. and Kurt ington; Betty Jean Pardo, senior,
Baum are starred in this rousing Lexington; Franz Ernest Ross, spe
cial, Lexington; Oscar Sandus, jun
music drama.
Tickets may be ordered by mail to ior, Brooklyn, N. Y.; James Robert
the Cincinnati Summer Opera, 5th Sherburne, enior, Nicholasville; Alfred Price Shire, senior, Paris; Wiland Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio.
liam Joseph Siemens, sophomore,
Louisville; Stanley C. Skirvin, fresh
man, Newport; Keith V. Slack,
freshman. Louisville; Hubbard
Wright Smith, junior, Paris;
on Page Three)

bacco since 1945, will produce 150
acres this year.
Classed as Type
the tobacco's
classification had no connection with
Mereworth Farm's petition to the
A CP for acreage allotments, the Department of Agriculture said.
At a hearing which has not reported its findings, Salmon testified
that although he was manufacturing cigars and cigarettes from the
tobacco produced at Mereworth,
none of the new type has been sold

Dean Jones To Be Honored;
Kirwan Will Be Successor

Degree Applications
Should Be Made

Make All A's

tobacco, developed by plant pathologist Dr. W. D. Valleau of the University Experiment Statton. won official classification by the Department of Agriculture Tuesday.
Although the new tobacco has the
general appearance of the color,
quality, and length of burley, when
cured, it maynot contain more than
eight-tentof one per cent nicoweight, the departtine, oven-dr- y
ment said.
A widespread
market may be
found among cigar and cigarette
manufacturers wishing to put out
since most cigarette tobacco contains lrom 1.5 to 2 percent of nicotine, it was reported.
Dr. Valleau s tobacco was developed through crossing burley
with low nicotine cigar tobacco from
Germany in experiments he started





Stable Family Life In An Unstable
are expected
throughout the state. The institute
is aimed to benefit all citizens of
the state, layman or professionals,
interested in knowing more about
the modern American family.
Members of the steering commit-iltee for the institute are: Dr. Irwin
T. Sanders, head of the sociology
partment, chairman; Dr. Statie Err
partment, chairman; Dr. Statie Eiik-sioson, head of the home economics
department; Miss Chloe GifTord. as-sistant in University Extension; Mrs.
Sarah B. Holmes, dean of women;
Dr. Frank A. Pattie. head-eleof
the department of phycliology;
Robert E. Nelson, professor cf law;
Dr. E. F. Hartford, college of
cation; Dr. Harold E. Wetzel, head
of the department of ocial work;
Dr. Howard Beers, professor of rural
sceioloiry; and David L. Hatch.
partment of sociology.







Sing To Re Held







� Best Copy Available
Tape Two



Spring Letters
Awarded 45
UK Athletes





By Tom Diskin
Vanderbilt's new basketball coach,
Ten Hornback, is well known in
Kentucky. Last season Hornback
was an assistant to Ed Diddle at
Forty-fiv- e
partici- Western State Teachers in Bowling
athletes who
pated vin the University of Ken- Green. In 1929, he was cage coach
tucky's spring sports program
at Corinth, Ky. high when that
which Included baseball, golf, tennis, quintet won the state championand track have been recommended ship. A few days later, the Corinth
fcr letter awards. Athletic Director team went to Chicago for the NaBernie Shively announced.
tional Interscholastic tourney losing
BasebaLPand track each with 16 to Jenna, Texas, in the
representative!! presented the larg- In the consolation game, Ccrinth
est group of participants for awards, beat St. John's Military Academy
while the tennis team listed seven for third place m the tournament.
members and six Wildcat niblickers
Next, Hornback went to Ludlow,
qualified for monograms.
Ky., high scliool where he coached
The Wildcat golf team, coached until 1939. then he joined "Uncle
by the veteran Lexington Picadome Ed" Diddle's staff at Western State.
course pro Frank Atkins, will go
down as one of the best in WildIt is interesting to watch what
cat history. The 'Cat maskie-me- n
happens when a major athletic job
won 17 matches in 19 starts, lost one, is vacated in some large University.
and recorded a tie with Notre Dame. Usually five or six mm end up in
Five of the six members of the changing positions. Such is the Cecil
golf team were Kentuckians Bill Isbell case.
Dudley Baker, Marvin Lear, Johnny
In February, Coach Isbell left
Owens, and Robert Weaver, all of Purdue to become head mentor for
TjJnnri "Ruririv" the newly formed Baltimore Colts
Lewis, Ashland, completed the list. in the
pre football conThe sixth man, Dale Barnstable, ference. To replace Isbsll, Purdue
hails lrom Antioch, Illinois.
officials signed Army's assistant
Ray Durham, Kentucky's
football coach, Stuart Holcomb, to
mentor, nominated a
contract as head grid
six Kentuckians and one player from master.
Mexico for
Then Army got busy and acquired
awards. The half dozen Kentuckians Johnny Mauer of Tennessee to reincluded Tommy Asbury, Danny place Holcomb. Mauer will help
Eickerson. Eddy Lander, and Elmer Coach Blaik at football and will be
Omar head cage chief at West Point. SevReusch. all of Lexington;
Tatum, Louisville; and Bob Collins, eral weeks later, the Volunteers se- Versailles. Juan Bulzola, the Mexican spitfire, was .the sixth man.
Rollins, Wickliffe; John Tabb, Dorecommended for a monogram.
ver. Johnny Stough, Montgomery,
Baseball List
Ccaoch Harry Lancaster's baseball Ala., and William Thomas, Dearteam started like a Kentucky spring born, Mich., were the only
boys nominated for letters.
cold at first and then closed in a
torrid fashion, winning five of the Track coach Phil Hudson recomlast six games on the schedule. mended 16 men for awards Clay
Fourteen Kentuckians, an Alabaman ton Cruise, Jack Hammond, Bob
and a Michigan athlete rounded out Leininger, Norman Moody, all of
squad. Kentuckians in- Lexington; Craydon Bell, Cynthiana;
cluded on the squad were Cliff Bar- Ned Breathitt, Anthony
ker, Jim Baskett, Tevis Laudeman, Richard Griffith, Paducah; Joe
W. R.
Marion Smith, Willie Allen, all of Robert Gillespie, Clinton;
Lexington; Ralph Beard and Gary Kirchner, Fcrt Knox; Don "Dopey"
Butterman, Louisville; Al Cummins Phelps, Danville; Johnny Meihaus
and Josh Cummins, Brookville and Arthur Welsh, Louisville; Bill
Bob Hatchett, Danville; Kent Hoi Grimme, Fort Thomas; Bob Drury.
Wallace Cleveland. Ohio; and Jim Weber,
wan wan uones, nanaii, iveii Archibold, Ohio.




Dick Raklovits

T'Master Enrolls At UK

After steadily climbing football's
ladder of success for more than a
year, the Kentucky WilcVa.s rea