xt7t1g0hvd2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hvd2x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-03-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  5, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  5, 1948 1948 1948-03-05 2013 true xt7t1g0hvd2x section xt7t1g0hvd2x The Kentucky ECernel

Win The SEC

Registration To Be





15-C- lasses



xf? r







New Campus Party

Movement Starting




Fight Against



SuKy Begins
May Day Plans



21-sta- rting













Last Winter






Pow-plac- ed




Radio station WLEX. of Lexington, is broadcasting a series of five
shows originating at the University
station. WBKY. said Elmer Sulzer,
director of radio at the University.
The programs, which began o n
Monday, are "The Checkerboard
Contributions to student relief
Show," "Dick Pigman." "Book Chatter." the "WBKY Players," and totaled $1250 according to figures
"Martha Ncfl," and are heard at released by Prof. John Kuiper on
9:45 p.m Monday through Friday. Wednesday.
Sorority giving to the annual
'World Student Service Fund drive
was still topped by Chi Delts with a
contribution of $240. Leading fra-- :
ternity contributing based on per
capita giving, was Zeta Beta Tau
Officials of the Veterans Adwith a gift of (68.00.
ministration announced ThursHarold Friedly, chairman of the
day that all veterans who have
drive, announced that the deadline
children and wish to claim them
for organizational giving is 5 p.m.
a s dependents for additional
Monday. He rtated that winners
subsistence recently granted by
of the WSSF plaques will be anCongress, must submit proof of
nounced early in the week after per
their dejjendency.
capita computations have been
A copy of the child's birth
certificate may be submitted to made.
the Veteran's Personnel Office,
Zeta Tau Alpha has given $29.75;
Room 204, Administration
Delta Zeta, $44.05; SAE. $24.50; Al- -i
pha Gamma Delta, $67-- ; Kappa
Kappa Gamma, $56; Pi Kappa Al




Proficiency Exams
To Be Next Week
All students in the College of
Arts and Sciences wishing to
take the foreign language proficiency examinations during the
week of March 8 must report
immediately to Room 128,
HalL to register for the examination. Dr. M. M. White,
chairman of the Foreign Language Proficiency Examination
Board announced.
Mc-V- ey




ROTC, Band

Plan Parade
The University Band and ROTC
cadet corps will participate in the
Lexington celebration of Army Day,
to be held Tuesday, April 6.
The band and the ROTC members
will join a parade immediately after
a ceremony on the courthouse lawn.

G. T. Mackenzie,


dant of the corps, has been designated as marshal for the parade,
which is sponsored by the American
Legion Man of War Post No. 8.
On Monday afternoon, April 5,
the ROTC will be reviewed by Acting President Leo M. Chamberlain
who will introduce the speaker, a
visiting army officer, yet to be
Open house will be held after the
review and 450 Boy Scouts from the
Lexington area will be the guests
of the corps. Displayed there will
be an Air Force exhibit, modern
Signal Corps equipment, and the
latest infantry arms.

College Of Pharmacy
Fraternity Honors

Pledges At Dinner
Initiation ceremonies
for 12
pledges of Upsilon chapter of Kappa
Psi. pharmaceutical fraternity at
the College of Pharmacy in Louis-vili- e,
were held Tuesday at the
Hotel, Louisville.
Following the initiation a dinner
was held in honor of the new members. Guests at the dinner were
Dean Earl P. Slone, Dean Emeritus
Gordon L. Curry, Prof. M. Jonge-warfaculty advisor. Prof. Jesse
Y. Hubbard, and Mrs. Mary E. Dilly,
former registrar of the college.
The fraternity was granted its
charter in 1909 at the Louisville
College of Pharmacy, which became
affiliated with the University last
June. The chapter has increased its
membership to 42 from the eight
during World War II.

Student Relief Fund Hits
$1250; TrWelts Lead -

Vets Must Prove
Dependency Claim

Law School

Tuesday was named
the recipient of a $25,000 grant by
Ui General Education Board.
Launched four years ago. the
program is designed to develop a
training program in public administration under which the Universities of Kentucky. Alabama and
Tennessee exchange students and
credit at the graduate level of study.
T.V.A. Cooperates
The program is one of the few
operating regional projects in the
fitld of higher education in the
south and in the nation.
with the universities are the
Tennessee Valley Authority, state
and local governmental agencies,
and other federal agencies located
in the southern region.
Educational features of the project are administered by a Joint
committee representing the three
universities and other agencies and
by an educational director operating
from the Bureau of Public Administration at the University of Alabama. James W. Martin, distinguished professor of economics and
director of the Bureau of Business
Research here has been the representative on the committee the past
four years. He will be succeeded
by Dr. Gladys Kammerer, associate
professor of Political Science.
Nine college and university graduates are currently studying under
one-yefellowships granted by the
program to become experts in the
field of public administration in
the South. They enrolled as students of the University of Tennes
see for the Winter quarter and are
scheduled to be here for the Spring
quarter to complete their one year
of training.





The Southern Regional Training
Program in Public Administration,
project of the
University and two other southern

22-2- 3.


students who
have been accepted for medical
school are asked to report to
the office of Dr. R. S. Allen in
the Biological Sciences Building. Biographical data is being
collected for a Kernel story.

Exchange Students

qusr-nounc- ed

22-2- 3.

Kappa Delta,





and Sigma Chi, $62.
Special gifts include donations by
Phalanx, $10; Westminster Fellow-

ship, $14.
Gene Desk ins. head of silicita-tion- s,
said that figures are not complete. Many of the groups have not
contributed their total pledge, he
Howdy Stephenson reported good
attendance at the WSSF benefit
game played Saturday night in
Alumni gym between the WAA gar-sit- y

basketball team and the Women's varsity of Nazareth College,
Louisville. The Troupers performed
at half-tim- e.
Faculty solicitations under Jean
Welch have reached most members
of the staff this week. Full figures
on faculty giving will be released
in next week's Kernel.



Mary Jo Ridley, above, freshman home economics major
from Beaver Dam, has been selected cover girl for the March
issue of Modern Miss, promotional magazine of the Simplicity Pattern Company. She was
elected by popular vote of 1500
delegates to the National
Club Congress, held last December in Chicago.


To See Dr. Allen


! Three Schools

t PCTlfitPt


Pre-Me- d

Graduate Aid

Final examinations for the Win- - rry
ter quarter will be held Mar.
and registration and classificatian
for the Spring quarter will be Ma,
the Registrars office a n- - ter iu Mar- for the Spring
Dr. Maurice
p- - Sea
ean and registrar,
The examination schedule for aU
nounced Thursday. There will be
except the Law College is a?
23t i
this quarter.
" this Junior will Knlm en-Inmeeting
first hour on any cycle starting on :"lolle,?
either Monday or Wednesday.
in the College
mm - dm
m.;ino- first, hour m, including
any cycle starting on either Tues- - ifw' Building.
All Students will
a. m.:
day or Thursday,
classes meeting second hour on any
clas- cycle starting on either. Monday or
pjn.; classes
Schedule books giving the sched-surtimeeting second hour on any cycle
the Spring quarter
on either Tuesday or Thurs- - ule of classes
p.m.; classes meeting are now available for distribution
seventh hour on any day. 5 p.m, :m the offices of the various deans.Veterans can pick up their ccrr,
njt tor nir,ht
' 7 in
tification cards, mhich are necessary
M"r- - 16Clas,ses,I"fet"
to register, at Memorial Hall at the
Photo By Mack Hughea
on any cycle starting Umes
ven m
from the train on
University President H. L. Donovan waves good-by- e
on either Monday or Wednesday,
New student. Including fresh-hou- r
which he left Lexington last week. Dr. Donovan left Washington, D.C.
9:50 ajn.; classes meeting third
by plane Wednesday for Westover Field. Mass., and departed for
on any cycle storting on either m"Land uppercUssmpn. wffl first
Germany yesterday.
Tuesday or Thursday,
classes meeting fourth hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday ori
p.m.; classes
Classes will begin on Wednesday,
meeting fourth hour on any cycle Mar. 24. and Mar. 27 is the last day
starting on either Tuesday or a student may enter an organized
pjn.; classes meet-- ! class.
The registration schedule for aU
lng eighth and ninth hours, 5 pm.
Iii case of conflict, classes meeting students is as follows:
the eighth hour take precedence, MondaT forPtl(M,n, Mar. 22 -- W
over classes meeting the ninth through ' Z.
T through V.
hour), and for night classes, 7
through S.
Wednesday. Mar. 17 C lasses through Q.
meeting sixth hour on any cycle
starting on either Monday o r
!Jr,J Ties Is
ough I.
a.m.; clas.ses through U
Miscellaneous, G through
A move to inaugurate a new
any cycle Z30.-3- .meeting sixth hour on
campus party was begun Monday
starting on either Tuesday or z- - 3
a.m.; classes) Tuesday forenoon. Mar. IS D night at a meeting led by Ellis
meeting fifth hour on any cycle through F,
A through B, Foster, Independent Association
a field day in connection
starting on either Monday or
Miscellaneous, A through Z, president, in the Student Union with thefor
annual May Day Festival
p.m.; classes
on May 8. are being considered by
meeting fifth hour on any cycle
The objective of the meeting, ac
Tucsday afternoon. Mar.
on either Tuesday or Thurs- - (StUdent Union Building only) New cording to Foster, was to begin a SUKy, student Pep
Billy Mac Rhoads, president, said
day. 3:4:50 pjn, and classes meet- - iStUdents.
miscellane-In- g movement open to ail students, and this week.
10th hour on any day, 5 pm.
cutting across the social ties which
ous A through Z.
His program was outlined in a
In case of conflict, classes meet- - veterans mav pick up certification have dominated campus politics in letter to heads of various campus
lng on any cycle starting on either cards at Memorial Hall at times
the past.
who were asked to
or Wednesday, take prece- - ideated:
give him their opinion of the plan.
aence over classes starting on eitner
Monday forenoon W through Z,
The new organization, probably to Rhoads said the group would there
Tuesday or Thursday.
be of
R be known as the
Party, is a possibility that "it
T through V.
greater interest to the student body
' will seek support from ail students to enlarge
before Monday, except on written
the program and enable
Interested in the selection of SGA
permission from the Registrar, the
Monday afternoon G through I, candidates "based, not on social individual organizations to partici-a
knnouncement stated.
fully by incorporating
and miscellaneous, Q status, but on leadership qualifica- pate more into the program."
Law College Examinations
field day
tions of its supporters," Foster said.
examination schedule for the through Z,
This, he said, would enable the
Winter quarter for the College of Tuesday forenoon C through P. Asked about the political position organizations to take part in a comA through B,
Law has been announced by the
and of the new party, Foster stated that petitive program of races, jumps,
dean's office as follows:
a progressive program for greater and other track and field activities.
Thursday, Mar. 11, morning Con- - TursdT afternoon
Miscellane-trsct- s student participation in
Program To Include Parade
lous A through z, li30-3:2II and HI.
is being formulated.
The tentative program includes
Friday, Mar. 1!, morning Con- Although the movement was in- the parade through Lexington fol
stitutional law II; afternoon, pri- invitations
Hold stigated bytoIndependents,100 students lowed Field.judging of the floats on
vate corporations i and 11.
more than
went out
The afternoon program
Saturday, Mar. 13, morning
compiled "withwhose
such events as
Meeting out anynames werebeing paid to their wouldd be devoted tosack races and
Pleading I; afternoon, credit trans- races,
actions (suretyship).
to relays for both men and women
final meeting for the Winter social affiliation," according
Mondav. Mar. 15. morning Do- groups in addition to the, men's
mestic relations; afternoon, conflict Quarter of the American Society of Foster.
Civil Engineers was held Tuesday
of laws.
The new organization will meet competition in other track and field
Tuesday. Mar. 16. morning Trial afternoon,
again at 7 o'clock Monday night in
Coronation of the May Queen and
Graduating seniors were honored, the
procedures I. and administrative
SUB. The meeting
and the traditional presentation of will be open to all interested stud- possibly a King would end the afterlaw.
noon's celebration. The traditional
gifts was made by the Junior class. ents.
Wednesday. Mar. 17, morning
Day Dance
Torts III. and landlord and tenant;
j. w. Scott was the master of "The sucess of the new organiza- May (Continued onwould be held at
Page Four)
afternoon, legal bibliography.
ceremonies. The graduating seniors tion will depend entirely upon the
and their gifts are Barbara E. Dyche, sincere Interest of those participatCombs,
Association rolling pin; Thomas R.S.Galloway, ing," Foster said. party
is no
The Independent
chair; Bobby M. Halpern. chewing longer operating as a political orScholarship
tobacco; James W. Dalton, sun ganization.
Foster said. He stated
The Kentucky Aberdeen - Angus glasses; Lewis P. Matthews,
that the intent of the new organiCooperative
Association light; George O. Miller, freight zation was to nominate the best
has announced a 75 scholarship for train: Earl W. Nelson, truck; Car-- a candidates possible, regardless o f
member of the livestock judging lolyn E. Steele, box of Duz; Elvin M.
team of the College of Agriculture Sanders, oil truck; Fred A. Wesley, any social affiliation.
and Home Economics. Members of dump truck; George E. Jones, black
tlic team receive intensive instruc- - address book; Pat H. Carigan, har-tio- n Visual Course Offered
blade; Wm.
in the selection of livestock. monies and hack-saLast year the Kentucky team B. Drake, set of Jacks; Paul S.
Bath County and Owingsville city
first in judging cattle at the ell Jr., record of "Filipino Baby."
school teachers will be students in
International Livestock Exposition
The assembly also presented Miss an Extension Department course in
Teams from 29 states took part in Dyche with a silver charm bracelet "Visual Teaching" to be presented
the contest.
in appreciation of her work as sec- - during the next 12 weeks in Owingsretary.
ville. The course will be taught by
The program was concluded by Gordon God bey, assistant in the deWI FY 10
partment and audio-visuphotograpWng
15-1- 7,

K Shares


W To Z


University Programs




Winter Quarter
Finals Coming
March 15-1- 7

And Colder;
High Of 32




Partly Cloudy

Six Honored Cadets
Plan To Join Army
Six of the seven Distinguished
Military students of the year, have
already applied for commissions in
the Regular Army, Col. G. T. Mackenzie. ROTC head, announced.
They are Dalton B. Caldwell,
Leonard L. Preston, James S. Tucker,
and John E. Walden II, who chose
the infantry, and William N.
and William A. Toombs who
chose the Air Force.
Cor-net- te

Dean Opposes
Bar Exam Bill
Evans of the UniDean
versity College of Law expressed
opposition this week to a bill which
would eliminate bar examinations
for law school graduates. The bill
was scheduled for the House floor
Tuesday afternoon.
Approximately 100 University law
students went to Frankfort Monday
night to seek passage of the bill, introduced In the General Assembly
by Rep. Earl Ashcraft, Irvine, former
University law student.
Opposition Explained
In discussing the bill. Dean Evans
said the measure would put too
much responsibility on teachers in
law schools. He said the present
system of bar examinations furnished a desirable opportunity for
review of the prospective lawyer's
A. E.


Business World
Grows Tighter
For Women
Coeds' Convocation
Opens Conference

Material Sought
For UK History
The Library is trying to locate some material pertaining
to the administration of the

such as schedule
books, schedules of classes, etc.,
dated previous to 1913.
Prof. Ezra A. Gillis, head of
the Bureau of Source Materials
in Higher Education, announced
that the Library is trying to
compile a comprehensive
of the Unuiversity,
that some pertinent material is
Anyone having such material
is asked to contact Prof. Gillis
at the Library.
his-to- ry

Opportunities for the collese wo-man graduate in the business world
'are becoming increasingly "tighter"
despite the fact that there still is
'a normal tumnvpr in mnst fiplri: rfn
to marriage and o'her factors. Miss
Mary E. Campbell, job editor of

Glamour magazine told
coeds Monday.
conSpeaking at an
vocation opening the fourth annual
Vocational and Job Conference.
she said, "employment conditions
are far tighter than one year ago
land show little indication of becom- -;
lng better." She attributed the
in general to "economic jit
ters" and said it is true of all fields.
More Applicants
"There are three times more applicants for every job than there
have been at any time in recent
years," Miss Campbell explained.



eon-(diti- on


"With the turnover remaining about

Dean Taylor
Is Honored

normal, it is becoming increasingly
difficult for women to break into
many vocational fields."
Citing some reasons for current
conditions, the women's job expert
pointed out that "Industry is clean-D- r.
William S. Taylor, dean, of ing out its ranks to varying extents
the College of Education, has been of 'bodies' taken in during the war."
elected vice president of the Amer- - The "bodies." she explained, are
ican Association of colleges ior those people without serious
Education, a newly estab- - tions in the business they are
organization 0 1 institutions ployed in. Another class of
sons being "cleaned out" by indus-Th- e
in teacher preparation.
University educator's election try are those who are in jobs out
th their experience,
came during a three-da- y
is this latter type of worker
conference at Atlantic City. The
new organization represents a mer- - which is "flooding the field."
of tha American Association of cording to Miss Campbell. "They
Teachers Colleges, the National As- - re making it tough on the beginner
sociation of Teacher Education In- - since they are willing to work at a
salary despite hav-tistitutions and the National Associa- of Colleges and Departments ing had experience." In a similar,
of Education. It has a membership category is the
experience in
of 260 colleges and universities and w h o had
it is estimated that 75 percent of all government offices, she added,
the teachers entering the profession
will be covered by the organization.
tors also are handi-Th- e
AACTE will become one of capped in choosing between experi-th- e
departments of the National ence and education by the fact that
Education Association. Dean Taylor the calibre of college girls seeking
was one of the leading candidates employment is the highest it has '
for the presidency of N.E.A. last been in the last 10 years. On the
summer, losing the election by a few other hand, one of the things hurt- - '
votes in final balloting, and has long jng the chance education has over
been prominent in national educa- - experience i s the fantastic back- grounds which many applicants
tional activities.
come out of college with. A possible
explanation for this is that thore
was a
demand in scien- -i
tine fields."
Although opportunities for women
in business and professional fields
are somewhat limited, the college
j graduate should
not be discouraged.
"We feel that no other profession
Miss Campbell declared. "There are
is put under the burden of spending
The "Best Band in Dixie" will always opportunities in the field for
three years getting an academic de- attend the final game of the South which you can display a valuable
gree in proof of their ability and eastern Conference Tournament in aptitude. The important thing is to
then having a board determine whe- Louisville Saturday. ODK announced find, the job in which you fit.
ther he is to be allowed to practice
alyze yourself, analyze the job. find
the profession." the student leaders
The trip is part of ODK's Athletic out where your interests and
funds for which are ob- - tudes coincide. If the basic elements
examination is no tained by allotting part of the tally, you are on the right road,
A three-da- y
proof, no way to determine whether money received from the annual A second test that the college airl
a person has the qualifications of a tag sales conducted at the football might apply to determine the right
to try part-tim- e
or summer
lawyer. So many unpredictable and eames.
work in the field."
temporary factors enter into the exGeorge Barker, president of ODK.
tra examination requirement that we said that final arrangements hadj
the general employment
feci it is unfair. Such an examination
- picture for women is not as good as
made with the athletic deonly proves an ability to cram a lot been
partment ana trail. J. rrinui, uu
jt might be. there are "terrific short- of isolated facts into your head and director.
ages in some fields, she said.
then repeat them before a board. On
service, teaching, library work,
the other hand, the law school facul
public health, nursing and journal- -'
ty gives evidence of a student's f'lll j
ism are some of these "unhostile"
preparation for the profession by
granting him a degree after three
Many Interviews
years of intensive instruction and inOver 500 appointments for inter- dividual observation.
ews w i t h representatives of 24
William C. Martin was elected
editor of the Kentucky Engineer for ctcmn'e?
1948-4- 9
at a meeting last week.
Wednesday aIternoon. Mrs. rjoro-hofficers elected were Grover Evans laculty adtisor. estimated.
The Kentuckian beauty queen and C.Other
editor; ..Thls te undouDedly the ma t
her five attendants were special Omar T. Smith,Jr.. associate
business manager; successfui year we have had." she
guests of Joyland Casino for the
Thomas Prather, Bob Wharton. said -- We have been literally
dance Monday night.
Virginia Strat- - 'swamped with applicants."
The six beauty queen candidates Robert Buckner.
uuyic dmhci.
More Men
who will attend the "command per- lord, assistant eauors;Bell
and Ger
More men than women applied.
formance" are Mrs. Pat Poe, Fawp feature editor; Jack
manag- - sne reported, which indicated th;it
ald Thomas,
Gray. Evelyn Ewing, Frances White,
advertising the former
"career conference"
Nancy Shinnick, and Sue Allen.
sec - theme had been replaced by the
Miss Christine Cook. Mardi Gras manager; William Dunavant.
- idea of practical job opportunities.
dance queen, will also be a guest retary, and Robert Wassum. photogThe conference, now in its fourth
for the performance.
year, is sponsored by Omicron Delta
Kappa, junior and senior men's
and leadership society,
and Mortar Board, senior women'
M3ry Ke.tu
scholastic honorary.
Dosker and John AnggeUs are
of the eveat.

Dean Evans said the crux of the
Issue is the delay in issuing grades
after the students have taken the
test. He said that the report of
grades should be given as soon as
possible and should state whether
the applicant will be recommended
to the Court of Appeals for admis
sion to the bar.
Dean Evans stated that the chair
man of the Bar Examiners had told
him that he "thought it could be
done" to grade the state bar exami
nations in June, the month in whicn
they are given, and let the prospective lawyers know immediately whether they had passed the examination or not.
He stated that he thought the law
students had a valid argument in objecting to the delay In grading the
papers. "So far as I know," he stated," all professions require an examination of their members. There is
absolutely no reason why we should
exempt lawyers."
Wednesday the biU was amended
to include graduates of all schools in
the state rather than Just the accredited ones as it originally read.
Dean Evans said that he was opposed to any "divorce" between the
schools, courts and bar associations.
No Proor
The students' stand Is that their
professors are better able to Junte
their ability after three years observation in law school than a state
committee is after three days of exa-


em-lish- ed







Best Band
To Appear




apti-Proje- ct,


So-Ic- lal

Engineer Publication
Names Martin Editor



Queens Are Feted

SGA Gives Democrats Club

Constitution Its Approval

Approval of the constitution of a
campus Young Democrats Club was
given by the Student Government
Association Assembly Monday night.
The meeting was the next to last
for the present administration,
headed by Claude Sprowls. Election
of an SGA president and a number
of assemblymen is scheduled for
April 1.
The constitution of the Democrat
organization said it is "an organization interested in political affairs,
more specifically in the Democratic

Pep Rally To Follow
Saturday SEC Game

blymen voted the most outstanding
in SGA. Selection was made by secret ballot and will be announced
A pep rally will be held in the
at an SGA banquet that brings to a
Kentucky Hotel lobby in Louisville
close SGA Week March
SGA Week is planned. Sprowls following the final game of the
said, to better acquaint students Southeastern Conference basketball
with the purposes and activities of tournament Saturday night. Billy
Mac Rhodes, president of SuKyj
the organization.
Letter Sweaters
Coach Adolph Rupp. the team,
A resolution
cheerleaders, and the University's
stand against the wearing of
schools "Best Band In Dixie" will be present
other than the University was unan- at the event, he said.
for the NCAA is planA send-of- f
imously adopted at Monday night's
Awards Planned
meeting. This resolution was the ned for 4:20 p.m. Tuesday. March
Approval for the sending of a final action on a bill introduced in 16 at the Union Station, where each
delegate to the World Forum at Tu- the Assembly some weeks ago re- player will be introduced to the
with commending a
la ne University on April
law be crowd.
expenses paid by SGA, was voted passed. The committee appointed
"We would like to ee the students
by the group.
to consider this recommendation
turn out and show the team we. too.
Two loving cups will be purchased found that SGA had no power to think they're No. 1 in the nation,"'
'Rhodes said.
for presentation to the two assem enforce such a law.
14-1- 7,


mono-gramm- ed



� Pape Two


The Kentucky Kernel


Dangerous Intersection


. . M .mncrinff Kdilnr
Nrw Fditor
R.vVi iton
At. Mnir. Editor
I In fn Deisj
Asst. News Editor
Ami. Sports Editor
Tom Dti!
Rusty Russell
C.iorce Barkii .... Business Manager
Adv. Manager
Dirn Stuiik
Copy Desk
Nancy Caskin, Joa Cook
Sports Reporters
Entered at the Poat Offle at Lexington, rHimtY SaundtM, Ailln Tfrhitne,
Kentucky, aa second clan matter under
Kent Hollincsworth, bos To win
Vat Ad at March ,
Stanley 1. Scmili, Charles Whaliy,
Simpson F. Lawson. Maky Poarra
Armstrong, Paul R. Broorshire, Ed
Charijs Chapman, KoKentucky Intercollegiate Prrm Association ward Carter,
la Maurfn Curtis, Charles R. De
Lexington Board of Commerra
Spain, Frank Dornheim, Freida Fair.
Keatucky Press Association
Lou Ann Flecf., Mary Powell Geicer,
national Editorial Association
Helen Henry, Janey Jameson, Henry
'You never take me anywhere!'
Maloney, Virginia Minshall, Lilar lian Ann Pardue, Bihl Phillips, Frkd
rom watiowju.
National Advertising Senrice, Inc. Sifvfrs, Donald B. Towles, Monte.
R. Tussfy, F. Ford Waller, Mary V.
CtUf Pmttdtttn Metmrmtmlirt
Wild. Ann Vaccihn. Jfanne Vance.
sab FaAacMca
Trnrmt - aMTea to aL(
Sit Warren. Mary Hfifn Daify,
Simpson F. I'.awson. Cil Mark
Advertising Solicitors
Cassidy, and EDITOR, THE KERNEL:
versal military training, civil rights,
II M One Tear StMiY Mori.an. f MMi
f S On Qaarter
your feature news storv of last atomic control, student cooperatives.
Andv Tirihaf.
week reported the SGA meeting at and international and national
the NSA issue was voted upon dent scholarship,
by secret ballot. I would like to
It is a sad commentary on our
know what right any representative SGA that it rejects a proposal with-bohas to vote secretly upon any out even giving it a chance.
issue? The- - members of SGA are
Engaged: Jimmy Berry nd Mary supposed to represent the various
By Helen Dorr jtnd Pat Quinn
groups which elected them. Their
we at
last Anne Rose.
The soring-lik- e
Editor, the Kernel:
week-en- d
not supposed
convinced the ADPis that
More constant twosomes: Charlie vot
It is with genuine regret that I
learn that
Student Government
Briggs; Mar,
Irwin and
Association has failed to ratify the
still have hopes that Jo Ann Marsh '" Carver and Jack Enders; Loo- then may we not know how our constitution of th National Student
representative voted on NSA the Association . . . feel sure
ise Swinford and Ioug Ross.
didn't hurt the horse.
that UK
issue of the
The Lambda CMS came up with Overneardow 6bout two nam.
a good chance We can't
a different party in the form of a K
say "Thank God for Arkansas" in
inctort r
I know that Roberts Rules Of this ca herauv tho TTnivArsitv f
LSL-Lr'flot of plnnings be,
We predict
.. !f"
Order specify that the secret ballot Arkansas jomed NSA several weeks
Iore Jung three we could name.
I didn't may be used by majority decision of ag0. Better luck next time.
Excuse of the week
The Alpha Xis varied their tea ,.
a body but it further states that this
with an exploding punch bowl but .
It'a vour turn method is "rarely if ever used by
we don't think they did it on pur- - to jjj
"he advance. It's Leap legislaUve bodies." I believe that the
All libraries on the campus con- rvt in
miaelinn ff ticincr
P"Year I
a total of 406,765 books in
ar-.n.r .thte. tained
"Bugs" Barter gave a birthday
official tabulation.
ty,a MO. V. 4V,.
KQf June, the . last year
thof" W..
erU is wearing Frank Benton's KA
, junn vr.mu.r1- - .
T ..
up 10 .mub ume
Mnu mjs uir
key. Is this a new way of being pany lor
fa unethica! even though it may be
24,000 volumes were added. Last
tie Inn. A pinning is predicted be- - , .
pinned or what?
I'fll r t C A ft iAalctaiAH
One girt has been crying in dis
so- I further believe
was re- - called representativesthat those to Checked out a toUl of 105,600 books,
part tvro weeks Another Zeta turn-oappointment for the
who elected
smce sne louna out mat Meaiey coraea iasi wcckciiu
i uic num.
ballot should be re- lXThAti
ling wasn i telling uie trutn wnen ciuo.
called by their respective groups for of elUsibiiity explTea durinB a semes- he told her that lie was half Chi- - Skeeter Hall and Camllle Lamb
may be allowed to finish the
have been seeing a lot of each other; iorutuae u
Sleto a