xt7t1g0hv17s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hv17s/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1985 Volume 9 -- Number 33 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball coaches Sutton, Eddie players Ransdell, Bill Mullins, Noah assistant coaches Garber, Chip Claiborne, Jerry University of Kentucky Football (1985) University of Kentucky Baseball (1985) statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  "June 29, 1985" text The Cats' Pause,  "June 29, 1985" 1985 1985 2012 true xt7t1g0hv17s section xt7t1g0hv17s Good News For UK Fans. WHAS Is Back
/argaret I. King Library - North
University^] Kentucky Lexington,
The" Cats' Pause
Sutton Signs With Nike
A Chat With Chip Garber
Conversation With Coaeh liallum
 Murphy Named Assistant For Kentucky Lady Kats
Donna Murphy, the first Kentucky "Miss Basketball" and a former assistant coach at Florida, has joined Coach Terry Hall's staff as new assistant coach for the Kentucky Lady Kats. Athletics Director Cliff Hagan announced June 18th. Murphy, 27, had been assistant to former Lady Kats' head coach Debbie Yaw the past > eai at Florida.
A native of Newport, Ky., Murphy had a brilliant high school career at Newport Public, where she was honored as the state's first Miss Basketball" in 1976. She then went on to star at Morehead State University, where she earned All-America honors while virtually rewriting the record books of both MSU and the Ohio Valley Conference. After graduating in 1980, she was the first forward drafted in the now-defunct Women's Basketball League, and played for one
Bowling Green Product
year with the St. Louis Streaks.
Murphy then continued her education at the University of Cincinnati, where she was a graduate assistant coach in basketball and women's track. After one year at UC, she returned to Morehead, where she was an assistant in basketball while completing her Master's degree in higher education. Murphy then was an assistant for two years at Memphis State before accepting a postition at Florida.
"I am extremely pleased that Donna Murphy is joining the Lady Kats basketball program." said Coach Hall. "I feel like I have just recruiKd a superstar. She is an experienced coach and recruiter, an accomplished player, and ..". _?>uncirtg young woman. I know she will make an immediate impact on our program with her ideas and talents."
Murphy said returning to Kentucky fulfills a long-time personal goal.
"I always hoped that one day I could come back to work in Kentucky, but I didn't think it would be soon," she said. "I am very aware of the program at Kentucky, having grown up in the state. And no matter where you go in the country, you hear people talk about Kentucky basketball. I consider it a great honor to become part of such a respected program. I'm also glad to finally get a chance to work with Coach Hall."
Murphy says she hopes she will be as successful coaching in the state as she was while playing. "I know a lot of people remember me as a player," she said. "I just hope I can gain similar respect as a coach now."
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22 ISecorid Class Postage Paid ai li?xington. Kentucky 4fiil and additional mailing offices Dellar Signs UK Baseball Deal I'miversirv of Kentucky baseball Coach Keith IMfcfci&KWi has jumnounced the signing of Tom IWtar a pitching standout from Bowling Green, to a national letter-of-intent. A righthander who failed to give up an earned run during his senior season at Bowling Green High Seheel, Dellar could be the top pitching prospect In the sate this year. Simpson Sign Three To Golf Scholarships UK's men's golf eoaeh Tom Simpson has signed three players for the upcoming season: Steve Fleseh of Beeehwood, Kentucky; Olen Grant of Charleston, South Carolina andjunior-college transfer Gary Emmons, Emmons, a transfer from Palm Beach Junior College (PL) finished second, three shots back in this year's National Junior College Championship in Leigh, Florida, He fired rounds of 10,71,1% and 69, In his last 16 rounds of college competition, IS scores have been between 67-73, Emmons other score was a 76, Said Simpson, ""Other than Russ Cochran. , he's the best player I've ever had since I've been here. Emmons is sound everywhere." Freshmen-to-be Fleseh and Grant also have outstanding junior golf resumes. Last week Grant captured the South Carolina Junior Amateur tournament with scores of 663031. He was alls last year's slate prep champion. "'He's an outstanding young man." said Simpson about Grant. "He wilt be able to help us out immediately.'''' Fleseh, whose overall GPA in high school was a \% was last year's Kentucky "'Junior Player of the "Sfear." ""Steve can definitely step in and help us out immediately," said Simpson. ""He's a fine individual.'" Freshman Wildcat golfer Bill Lundeen has been named the 19&S SECs Freshman Goiter f the 'Vtear.. Playing in the SEC Tourauweot at tfoe Turtle Paint golf course (ALA), Lumfcen^ who finished Ifeth in the tourney, posted scores f WfoZ&fo (302)1 on the 7,115 yaud course. ""He's the type of young mm that twwargas into a whole lot Of ttoubte." noted UK's coach about Lundeens g^fing ability.. "He deserved the 'Freshman of the Tfcaa? It was a vamimam "He has great control for a young pitcher," Madison said. "I expect him to contribute in a very positive way as a freshman." Dellar, who narrowed his choices to Kentucky and Vanderbilt before deciding on UK, compiled a 27-4 record during his final two seasons at Bowling Green High. As a senior, he struck out 113, walked 15 and gave up only 12 hits in 65 innings. He was named All-District and All-Semistate and was chosen to play on the West All-Star team. Dellar was a high school teammate of Doug Sutton, who signed with the Bat Cats two weeks ago. His Bowlling Green coach was Steve Long, who played American Legion baseball with UK's Madison. Real Elected ToKy\ Hall Of Fame OSCAR L COMBS Editor and Publisher NICK NICHOLAS Staff Writer TODD HALLL1M Staff Writer J.C DUMAS Prep Editor BOB GIBBONn National Recruiting Columnist LARRY VAUGHT Columnist BOB WATKINS Columnist DANNY McKENZIE E olumnist MEL HOLBROOK Columnist RICK BOLUS Kentucky Basketball Recruiting JAMIE VAUGHT Contributing Columnist JACK MAIDEN Sport Hobby Columnist DONNA COMBS Business Manager DON COFFEY Composition Coordinator GARY CROMWELL Staff Photographer CLARENCE MILLER, JR Staff Photographer WANDA HOOKER Circulation Coordinator DAN KRUECKEBERG Crossword Puzzle Editor Published Weekly: Sept. 3 - April 7 Monthly: May.June.July. August Representative WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY 2625 Regency- Road Lexington. Kentucky 44)50.* Subscription Price $25.00 per year in USA $35.00 per year in Canada Phone: JTa-.**-* Postmaster: Send Address changes to THE CATS* PAUSE. P.O. Box 7297. 1 cxinaton. Kcnracky *052jl Cats' Pause Publisher Welcome Bach WHAS Thank heavens there's finally some good news coming out of the University these days. After all the problems of recent weeks, the best omen is the return of Kentucky basketball and football to the airwaves of 50,000-watt clear channel WHAS Radio in Louisville. That controversy was negotiated to a successful conclusion, thanks to officials at WHAS, The Kentucky Network, Radio Station WAVG and the University of Kentucky. When all the dust settled, WAVG Radio (which was awarded an exclusive one-year contract in Louisville earlier this spring) agreed to share the Wildcats with WHAS this coming season. Basically, WAVG was persuaded with the ultimate persuasion, in other words money, big money. No one in an official capacity is saying, but reports are that WHAS and the Kentucky Network coughed up some $350,000 to WAVG in return for WAVG permitting WHAS to share the broadcasts this fall and winter. The big loser in this deal was the University of Louisville which had been on a run in duels with UK in recent months. A clause in Louisville's current contract with WHAS says that if UK broadcasts should ever be discontinued on the station, that UL games would be given top priority and remain No. 1 in the future, a postion previously held by UK. So you can imagine the excitement on the Cardinal campus when news broke a couple months ago that UK was moving from WHAS to WAVG, a station which basically doesn't extend its signal beyond Jefferson County. The move enraged Wildcats fans everywhere. At first, some high-up UK officials downplayed the importance of WHAS to UK, at least until Governor Martha Layne Collins reportedly became involved and ordered that UK, WHAS and Kentucky Network officials meet and work out a solution. There are conflicting reports on just how the crisis was solved. Some say the governor was the turning force and others point to UK vice-president Ray Hornback (the UK official who first gave approval for the network to switch from WHAS to WAVG), as the key figure in getting the games back on WHAS. Who is to blame in this episode is hard to identify. People have pointed accusing fingers to UK's administration (President Otis Singletary and Dr. Hornback), to Kentucky Network officials, to WHAS officials and even to UL's strong desire to replace the Wildcats as the powerful station's number one sports team. Probably, each deserves a little of the blame. WHAS Radio may have publicly showed its fault most because WHAS's program director, Sandy Gamblin, recently resigned and some insiders claim his resignation was a direct result of WHAS originally losing the games. The important thing today, however, is that WHAS is back on the Wildcat network as the flagship station. Equally important, hopefully, is a valuable lesson that all concerned has learned from this experience. If there is a message, it is one that the University of Kentucky should get off its hind seat and begin promoting Wildcats sports not only in Louisville, but throughout the state and show their appreciation to WHAS with improved public relations in the future. While Wildcat sports are very important to WHAS, the 50,000-watt clear channel station is even more important to Kentucky and UK officials should never forget this. Speaking of battles with UL, one cannot fail to mention the huge state grant lost to Louisville a few weeks ago which involves $4.5 million annually in state coal research funds. Directly, the loss does not affect UK sports. Indirectly, yes. It affects UK because one of the Wildcats' best supporters over the years has been the coal fields of Eastern and Western Kentucky. The decision by state energy secretary George Evans (a strong UK supporter himself) was made with the blessing of Governor Collins and it sent shock waves from border to border in the Commonwealth. Those close to the scene insist that the Collins administration has become extremely dissatisified with many administrative decisions at the University in recent months and that recent state actions is a means of getting the attention of both the university and people who support UK. Coming on the heals of that decision was a recommendation last week that the UK Dental School be closed and that all future dental education be done at the University of Louisville. The same group also proposes to remove the Jefferson Community College and all other community colleges away from UK control. Yes, hard times are knocking for UK administrators. Back on the sports front, UK basketball coach Eddie Sutton recently decided to adopt Nike shoes for his basketball players at Kentucky, switching from Converse which had shoed up Wildcat teams for the past 55 years or so. The decision to switch was hot news in Kentucky and even around the nation for the past two months with stories claiming that Sutton could reap as much as $300,000 per year from a new contract. According to a source close to the situation, the Nike deal will actually provide Sutton with about $125,000 per year. Sutton, according to reports, will make a donation to the university and involve his assistants in proceeds from the shoe deal. In the past, Kentucky coaches have not had contracts for shoes, but were paid to conduct clinics for Converse. The change did not come without sharp criticism from some corners. The university student newspaper, The Kernel, ripped Sutton up one side and down the other for allegedly breaking a long UK tradition. The editorial wondered aloud if Joe B. Hall Wildcat Lodge might be changed to Eddie Sutton Wildcat Lodge and that Rupp Arena might someday be known as Sutton Arena. Sutton said he had talked with players, alumni and others before his decision and they indicated to him that they had no preference, according to Sutton. In one newspaper article, Sutton said Nike (which had a contract with Sutton with a year remaining from his Arkansas days) told Sutton they would have released him from the deal had Sutton insisted, but Sutton said he wouldn't feel good about that. In a compromise of sorts, Wildcat senior starting guard Roger Harden will be permitted to wear Converse this season. His father, Al, is promotions director for Converse and his top assignment this spring was . . . you guessed it ... to sign Sutton to a Converse contract. HERE AND THERE . . . Football coach Jerry Claiborne and his staff were all smiles two weeks ago as almost 500 youngsters (a record) turned out for the Wildcat Football Camp. It shows what a winning program with class will do for a football camp in this state . . . Remember the Couch family of Knott County, the one which produced so many great basketball players in the fiftiesi and sixties? Well, there's another great athlete on the way. He's 6-2, 220-pound Joey Couch of Paints-ville, a junior-to-be and it looks like he's going to be some kind of a FOOTBALL player. He's the son of former Carr Creek star E. A. Couch . . . If you're like most folks, you're baffled why a shoe manufacturer would give a college coach literally thousands of dollars each year for a school to wear its company's shoes. One shoe rep from Tennessee told us the reason why and gave an example of a university in a nearby state a few years ago. The rep said that particular college had been wearing one brand of shoes for several years, then suddenly changed to another brand. The very next year, the shoe company which originally supplied the college shoes witnessed an 80 percent drop in sales throughout retail outlets in that particular state. Obviously, the new company enjoyed record sales in that state. The story reminds us of Saturday morning television commercials. Kids buy what their idols or favorite cartoon characters promote and when a basketball star wears a certain brand of shoes, then every kid in the state wants to wear those particular shoes . . . No one will admit it publicly and even a couple insiders deny it, but Al Harden's popularity with his company's top brass apparently has dropped considerably after losing the "Kentucky Sweepstakes" . . . The feeling around the UK football offices this summer has been one of guarded optimism, but the staff is working as hard as it did after the 0-10-1 campaign. Many believe this could be the second best Wildcat team in more than thirty years, second only to the 10-1 mark in 1977. Bill Ransdell continues to work hard and shows the confidence to become a bonafide star in the star-studded Southeastern Conference. In fact, many believe that Ransdell will be the league's top quarterback this fall . . . It's back on the road time for UK basketball recruiters as the major summer camps swing into full action around the country. We'll have a round-up of the early camps in the July issue of TCP . . . Frank Seale, the UK football alumnus who has published basketball and football calenders for UK since the days of the late Bernie Shively, will not be publishing basketball calenders in the future. Coach Eddie Sutton has switched to Cawood Ledford to print those calenders for basketball. Seal will continue to publish football calenders for coach Jerry Claiborne and women's basketball calenders for coach Terry Hall at UK ... A Nashville newspaper sent a three-man team to [Continued On Page 22] &7ie (oats/ &aa&e> ^un& 29,1986 Ransdell Works From Dawn To Dusk QB's Summer Offers No Vacation With more than two months until Kentucky's 1985 opener, Wildcat quarterback Bill Ransdell seems ready to take on UK's initial test -- the Bowling Green Falcons of the Mid-American Conference. Like most of Coach Jerry Claiborne's crew, the native of Elizabethtown has been working hard toward the September 14th encounter by lifting weights and keeping in shape. But this summer holds many different identities for Bill Ransdell. Like what? Let's see, there's Bill Ransdell the football player. Check. Bill Ransdell, the college student. Check. And there's Bill Ransdell the car salesman. Check. Let me see if I've got this right, a football player, a student and a car salesman all rolled into one 6-foot-1, 205-pound person? Check. Nick Nicholas Cats' Pause Columnist During the heated summer months, besides throwing the pigskin and pumping iron at Shively Sports Center, Ransdell is also taking six credit hours and is working as a salesman for a Lexington auto dealership. "Yeah, it keeps me pretty busy," said Ransdell in a recent interview. "I've got school in the mornings and then I work a little bit in the afternoons and workout toward the evenings. I'm staying pretty busy with all that. "It gets kind of tough sometimes, but it's something to do." Handling tough situations is nothing new to Ransdell. After redshirting in 1982, he came off the bench late in the year his freshman season several times to add spark to an inconsistent offensive attack. Last year he completed 148 of 266 passes, including 11 touchdown aerials to lead Kentucky to the Hall of Fame Bowl, which it won in dramatic fashion over a talented Wisconsin club. When it comes time to start fall practice this season, however, Ransdell will probably feel pressure like no UK quarterback has in a long, long time. After leading a team to a 9-3 slate UK fans are expecting greater and better things from their beloved Wildcats this year. Admittedly, Ransdell felt the pressure after a loss to LSU last season but noted that he regained it two games later in helping guide the Cats to an easy 31-7 victory against North Texas State. In the fans' eyes the quarterback, besides the coach, is looked upon as either the hero or the goat of the game, depending if a team wins or loses. "Well, you know nothing is really ever fair if you look at it," said Ransdell, shrugging off the pressure initiated by Big Blue fans. "The fans are going to do that, though. After last year that's their prerogative. They can do that. Warns Against Excessive Optimism Completed 148 Of266Attempts In '85 "You just try not to really think about it. I mean, you just go out and play your type of game. You start worrying about that kind of stuff, and people start talking about this and that and how big a team is and how fans are expecting this and that. . .you get caught up in it." It's been a long time since Kentucky has had three consecutive winning seasons. Under the coaching of Paul "Bear" Bryant and Blanton Collier, who succeeded Bryant in 1954, Kentucky compiled an 11-year record (1946-1956) of 79-33-6. In those seasons there was not one losing campaign. Since then, UK has never had three straight winning seasons. However, a winning mark this year would mean three straight slates above .500. "Nothing is ever easy," Ransdell said. "I don't care who you're playing because on anv given day, any team can beat any other team." Ransdell's perceptive view is pretty accurate. Last season the then-No. 1 ranked Nebraska Cornhuskers probably took Syracuse lightly. They paid for it as they were thumped 17-9 by the Orangemen. SEC power Georgia did a complete nose dive when it lost to instate rival Georgia Tech. It's like David versus Goliath: no matter how big or small an opponent might be there's always that chance of an upset. With 'David-type' football teams, compared to Kentucky, visiting Commonwealth Stadium this year -- Bowling Green, Tulane, Cincinnati and East Tenn. State--there could be a tendency for the fahTand the players to already put these games in the win column. But like Ransdell said nothing is ever easy. Coming off a great season, like Kentucky did, will sometimes lead teams to think about their past instead of the future. In other words, an emotional letdown. It's a possibility that Ransdell and his teammates hope won't happen. "I'd say there's that chance," warned Ransdell. "That's just something we're going to have to work on and not let happen. There could be a letdown, but I think we need to use that as a motivational factor, to try and be as good, if not better than that ('84) team. Each team has its own personality --different players and everything. We just need to all stick together and shoot for that again, because that's what you play for." After its first three games Kentucky hosts Clemson and Mississippi State before traveling to LSU and Georgia. That's a tough assignment for anyone. Said Ransdell, "It's going to be a pretty tough one ('85 schedule). We drop Rutgers and we pick up Clemson. We've got Mississippi State again; they beat us to death (physically'MS didbut UK won 17-13) down there last year. So, those are two back-to-back games that we need to come out of healthy going into LSU and Georgia on the road." Having a winning season and earning a trip to a bowl game takes a lot of dedication and skill, sprinkled in with a little luck. It would be nice if Ransdell and Kentucky could participate on a third straight winner and postseason squad. Though, that's easier said than done. "It would mean a lot to me," noted Ransdell about a third straight bowl appearance. "Right now we're not really talking about bowls at all. . .we want to win that first game against Bowling Green. I'm sure we'd like to go again and play in another one, but right now we're working to play Bowling Green." + + + Looking over the SEC football schedule it appears that two conference front runners - Auburn and Alabama -- have to visit some fierce and unforgiving SEC sites this year. For instance: Alabama is at Georgia and LSU; Auburn is at Tennessee and Georgia. . .Even though LSU and Georgia's SEC road schedule is not as tough as the Crimson Tide and the War Eagles', their non-conference slate has some pretty interesting foes. LSU is scheduled to play North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Notre Dame in South Bend. Coach Vince Dooley's Bulldogs must face Clemson in its den, which is probably one of the toughest places to play in the nation, and face last year's Gator Bowl champs South Carolina in Athens. . .With all the tough competition inside and outside the conference, the upcoming season may be the most competitive in SEC play in recent history. f^7ie< (/a/a/ (09 He fore Only 6,000 Al Rupp Kentucky All-Stars Topple Hoosiers, 93-85 Marshall County graduate Barry Goheen started the second half hot, and his Kentucky All-Star teammates eventually followed suit in Kentucky's 93-85 victory over the Indiana All-Stars June 15 before an estimated 6,000 fans at Rupp Arena in Lexington. The game was the first in the annual two-game series between the top graduating seniors in the two states. The second game was scheduled for last Saturday, the 22nd, at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis. Goheen, who will attend Vanderbilt University, scored Kentucky's first nine points of the second half, and scored 15 of his 18 points after halftime. Despite that spurt, however, Kentucky led by only 54-52 with 14:09 to play. Later, Indiana pulled to within 64-61 with 8:23 left on a free throw by Bellmont High center Kip Jones. The 6-foot-7 Jones, who will play colleg-iately at Purdue, led the losers with 21 points. But Kentucky proceeded to secure the game by outscoring Indiana 13-4 to establish a 77-65 lead with 4:40 to play. Louisville Seneca guard Keith Williams executed two three-point plays during that period en route to a game-high, 26-point performance. The 6-5 Williams will attend the University of Louisville. Tony Kimbro, Kentucky's Mr. Basketball and a teammate of Williams' at Seneca, contributed 17 points before fouling out with 53 seconds to play. Jones hit eight of 11 shots and grabbed 13 rebounds for Indiana. Reed Craft-ton, a 5-9 guard from Lawrence North, hit 7 of 13 shots and scored 18 points for the Hoosiers. Crafton was a last minute addition to Indiana's starting lineup because of an injury to a teammate. The Kentucky win narrowed Indiana's advantage in the series to 46-28. The series began in 1940. Vanderbilt -Bound Barry Goheen Keith Williams Drives Past Jeff Grose INDIANA (35) Nam*............mln fg-a ft-a rb a pf tp Jeff Oliphant......27 0-3 2-2 5 0 2 2 Lefon Bowens..... 14 0-6 2-2 1 0 5 2 Kip Jones..........24 8-11 5-10 13 0 5 21 Reed Crafton......31 7-13 4-5 1 8 2 18 Jeff Grose........33 7-14 1-2 5 0 0 15 Jay Teagle........14 2-5 0-0 5 0 2 4 Tony Patterson .... 26 6-20 3-4 11 0 4 15 Billy Butts........16 2-4 0-0 1 22 4 Todd Graf........15 1-4 2-3 4 0 1 4 Team 3 Totals 200 33-80 19-28 49 5 23 85 KENTUCKY (93) Nam*............min fg-a R-a rb a pf tp Tony Kimbro...... 27 8-12 1-2 4 2 5 17 Barry Goheen.....33 5-11 8-8 3 2 1 18 Mike Scott........30 6-9 1-3 11 1 5 13 Keith Williams.....36 12-25 2-4 10 1 4 26 Jeff Griffin........32 2-5 6-6 4 1 2 10 Frank Kornet......7 0-1 0-0 1 0 1 0 Wendall Quarles... 7 2-2 0-0 0 1 1 4 Derrick Wilson.....8 0-1 0-0 3 11 0 Obrey Gritton.....11 0-0 0-0 0 01 0 Chip Rupp........4 2-2 1-1 1 0 0 5 George Kimbrough 3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 Don Hanson......2 0-0 0-0 0 00 0 Team 4 Totals 200 37-61 19-24 41 9 21 93 Indiana........ .................. 40-4585 Kentucky.........................45-4893 Field-goal shooting: Indiana. 41.3; Kentucky, 54.4. Free-throw shooting: Indiana, 67.9; Kentucky, 79.2. Technicals: None. Turnovers: Indiana. 14; Kentucky, 19 Officials: Dave Bair, Thomas Hickey. Robert MGrath. Attendance: 6.000, 1985 Edition Of The Kentucky All-Stars A Skying Mike Scott &7i& (oats' Stout Miffed About Prep Series NCAA Trying To Clean Up Corruptions People and things. Lexington and the state's support for the Kentucky-Indiana all-star basketball game at Rupp Arena last week was typical. Poor. "I was very disappointed really," game director George Stout said of the 6,000 attendance. "Television and the newspapers were on top of it this year, but people just don't turn out. I don't understand it." Here are some theories. ^ For the first time since 1978 neither the Kentucky or Indiana boys teams had a UK signee. When the Sweet 16 is over Kentucky fans seem to have had their fill of roundball. Indiana is more populus, has more schools. v Pride. "Maybe Indiana has more pride in their basketball than we do," Stout said. "It seems that we just don't get any support from the town where the (Kentucky-Indiana) game is played." Stout reported that the smaller schools in Kentucky support the series better than the larger ones. Bob Watkins Cab* Pause Columnist "This vear Bardstown Bethlehem sold more tickets to the game than any school," he said. "They had the (Karen) Carrico girl and people just seem more willing to get out and support their kids. It was the same when they had Jimmy Crawford (1983) a few years ago." Stout said, while the Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation board must decide, he expects the Kentucky-Indiana series to move back to Louisville next summer. "I feel the game ought to be in Lexington. But maybe if it's in Louisville at least more Indiana people will come." Stout added that he does not believe Kentuckians appreciate what the summer series means in terms of humanitarianism. "I don't think people in Kentucky or the Lions (Clubs) realize how important the money is," he said. "It goes for research and believe me, it touches everybody one way or another, in the whole world." Stout, who receives no compensation for his directorship, contributed four weeks of his time and drove 6,434 miles promoting the game. "It looks like we managed to sell only one ticket for every mile I travelled," he said. Fast Eddie Kentucky basketball coach Eddie Sutton, whose busy schedule prohibited his making all but a few appearances around the Commonwealth this summer, was willing to make time available to new University of Arkansas coach Nolan Richardson and his summer basketball camp in Fayetteville. Sutton wanted to work a deal (recoup his losses) with Richardson, try and dispense with 2,000 basketballs and Tee-shirts he had autographed last year for his summer basketball camps at UA. "He was sitting there with 2,000 basketballs and shirts and it looked like a way of getting rid of them," an official at Arkansas said last week. "Obviously, the new coach (Richardson) wasn't much interested (in Sutton's offer)." Arkansas officials vetoed the proposal anyway. And as of last week the balls and shirts were being made available to state charities. They were being given away. "At least he can get a tax write-off on them," the official said. Footnote: Arkansas basketball fans, according to sports information director Rick Schaeffer, "basically reacted to losing Sutton by wishing him well. People here are sentimental and fiercely loyal and coach Sutton was wonderful while he was here. But now people are saying 'let's move on, see what Nolan can do.' " Schaeffer added, "I feel that Nolan will win a national championship here. Within the next three years we'll be right in contention." UK films According to the UK sports information office, after Sutton watched Wildcat game films from last season, he said, "We'll have a good basketball team. We face a tough schedule, but I've always enjoyed the challenge of playing the top teams. I'm looking forward to it." The coach calls Kenny Walker "truly one of the most exciting players I've ever seen." 'Yes' on Propositions 3 and 6 On cheating and other corruptions in college athletics the NCAA held a special meeting in New Orleans earlier this month and some significant cleanup legislation was on the agenda. At the top was an item called Proposition 3 which, if adopted, would put teeth into the NCAA's enforcement powers. For example: if a school is found guilty of a major violation such as the one Georgia was "scolded" for last month, the new penalty could be as much as two years probation, a one-year termination of recruiting, dismissal of the recruiter himself, a one year ban from postseason play and no television appearances. "There are a lot of people to whom simple probation doesn't mean anything," NCAA Councilman Lewis A. Cryer, commissioner of the Pacific Coast Athletic Association, said. If a school is found to be a repeat offender, under Proposition 3 the institution could be ordered to dismiss its coaches and suspend recruiting in that sport for up to 2 years. Sounds fair doesn't it? Another piece of legislation, called Proposition 6, strikes me as ironic. It calls for a school's athletic budget to be controlled by the institution rather than "outside interests," and to be monitored under normal budget procedures. Isn't that reflective of just how independent (and answerable to no one) college athletic departments have become? Letters In a column a few weeks ago I suggested that UK officialdom has not been attentive enough to its former basketball lettermen. From Frankfort, Ky. Bill Ayer wrote..."I would like to correct you on one point. For at least the last 3 years the (UK) basketball media guide has carried a special section listing former players who have completed their careers under Coach (Joe B.) Hall, the year they finished, where they are from, where they are now and what they are doing. "While I know that might not have been as frequent as we would like, it was available to all media in the Commonwealth for their use at any time. Maybe they should have used it more." Comment: A section called "Success Academic & Athletics does indeed appear in the 1984-85 media guide. But there