xt7t1g0hv12v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7t1g0hv12v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-04-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1923 1923 1923-04-20 2012 true xt7t1g0hv12v section xt7t1g0hv12v STROLLER ISSUE

The Kentucky Kernel


No. 27









Oscar Wilde Presents Comedy of


Manners, Visualizing Eng-

land in 1890.

Play is Intensely
ping and Entertain-

Large Number of Students Gather to Begin Work on



to Close Friday Night
at Final Dinner





"Lady Windermere's Fan," the well
known play by Oscar Wilde, is a
comey of manners, and is a striking
and vivid picture of fashionable English life in the period of 1890. The
plot of the play is woven about ta
lovely fan, and is intensely interesting from all standpoints.
The play opens with the presentation of the fan to Lady Windermere
by her 'husband on he 21st birthday; during the day several people call
on Lady Windermere, among them
After a long strenuous rehearsal in Mechanical Hall the cast of the 1923 Stroller play paused for a moment to
Lord Darlington, an ardent admirer,
pioture snapped for publication.
whom she discourages at every turn; have its
the Duchess of Berwick with her
Reading from left to right, bottom row Mary Lyons, Frances Smith, Lucille Stillwell, Virginia Shively, Earl M.
daughter, Lady Agatha Carlisle, also Heavrin, Mary Peterson; second row Mary Stofer, Pauline Park, Eleanor Mo'rse, Jeanette Lampert, Ida Kenney
calls and during the course of the con- - Risque, John Burks; third row James Chapman, William G. Finn, William Tate and John Walsh.
versation, the gossipy old Duchess in
forms Lady Windermere that Windermere is the subject of conversation
for everyone, because of his intimate
relatidns with an adventuress who
has recently come ,to London.
Annual Production to be OpenFirst Night Will Be University
To make matters worse, that evenNight
ed Out of Town.
ing Lord Windermere insists that his
wife invites Mrs. Erlynne to her party,
The seat sale for the three perand when she positively refuses to
formances of "Lady "WinderThe first production of Oscar
have the woman in her home, Lord
"Lady Windermere's Fan" is
mere's Fan," opened at the LexWilde's play, "Lady WinderWindermere invites her on his own
Fourteenth Production of
ington Drug Wednesday at noon
mere's Fan" will be given at
initiative, even though his wife threatDramatic Club.
and the sale, especially for the
ens to insult her if she comes
Maysville Tuesday night and the
first night, which will ibe known
In the face of all this Mrs. Erylnne
alumni and former students are
as University night, has been
accepts, and although Lady Windervery large. It will be a gala
endeavoring to make the trip
mere makes no public demonstration,
Dates For 1923 Production Are
event from the point of attendsuccessful. Miss Bottie Bar(Continued on page 8.)
April 26, 27 and
ance and parties have been made
bour has written to 50 citizens
up ranging in size from 12 to 48.
of Maysville to enlist their inThe sale for Friday night has
"Richlieu" in 1910; "Brown of Har
terest and has contributed daily
also been good and a large
vard" in 1911; "The Virginian" in
publicity to the three papers.
crowd is expected for Saturday
1912; "The Lost Paradise" in 1913;
afternoon when rt is hoped that
After presenting
the play
the many club women from near"The
Widow" in 1914;
three times in Lexington, the
by towns will attend the perfor"Charley's Aunt" in 1915; "Father and
Stars of Previous Productions
cast will go on its third annual
the Boys" in 1916; "The Lion and the
Take Principal Roles ; New
Eastern Kemtucky trip and in adThe Stroller managers 'have
Actors Prominent.
Mouse" in 1917; "Mice and Men" in
two ideals for the production
dition to showing at Middles-bor- o
1918; "Under
Cover" an 1919; "The
this year, 'and one is that it
on April 30, Pineville, May
"Lady Windermere's
Climbers" in 1920; "The Admirable
shall be the best ever and the
1, and
in- its cast the nalmes af new Stroller
Harlan, May 2. Miss
Crichton" in 1921; "The Thirteenth
other that the audience will be
Margie McLaughlin has taken
eligibles as well as mrre experienced
in 1922.
comfortable and satisfied and
careof the Middlesburg pubfor this purpose fihey have done
That, in short is the history of the
stars all of which have been chosen
licity; Miss Kitty Conroy has
thier best to give a first class
Strollers: But there is a far greater
for their respective parts with great
written to Pineville the Strollers
production and have hung curhistory, 'beneath the titles of the findiscrimination.
have 'been most successful in
tains around the auditi'rium from
ished productions presented above a
Miss Frances Smith, Who will be
the past and as this their first
the edge of the balcony. The
much deeper, more profound history
time that Harlan is ito be includremembered for her cliarnrng porsound of the speakers voices
with a touch of human appeal if we
ed in the circuit they 'hope for
will he clearer and the aud'ence
trayal of the lead in "Tha
take a look into the archives of the
an unprecedented success.
more comfortable.
Chair" last year, has hsen awarded
Stroller dramatic club of the University.
one of the two leads in the play as
Lady Windermere.
-- KIn a manuscript left to the organiMiss Eleanor Morse, a senior, who
zation by that
' has taken leading parts in the Strollmemlber, who had every interest of the
At a meeting of the Tennis Club
ers each year has been rSji the secAt a meeting of the Philosophian club at heart, Leo Sandmann, we find held recently the following ofiicers
end lead as Mrs Erlyne, an adventurLiterary Society held Monday night an accurate account of the early be- were elected; President, Charles Spill-maess.
ginning of a dramatic club on the
Vice president, Eugenia O'Hara,
Miss Mary Lyons w 10 w it ever be at Patterson Hall, the following mem- campus of the University of Kentuc
Dewy Welsh. Those who
bers for the forthcoming year were We find that the club really begins in
remembered for her able interpretawish to play on the University courts
tion of Rosalie in "The Thirteenth elected: Elizabeth Wheeler, president; 1909, despite the fact that the club was are expected to
pay their dues of $1.00
Chair," is taking the part of Lady Marion Parsons, vice president; Row-en- a not really organized until December. with which
money the courts are kept
1910, because it was in that year that
LouCoates, secretary-treasurein playing condition. Professor Dow-in- g
Miss Licil.e Stillwcli, :i new StrollProfessor MacKenzie gathered togethwill also receive dues from any one
literary critic; Lucille
eligible, as the Duchess of Ber- ise Carson,
er a group of students interested in desiring membership.
Bush, sergeant-at-armwick, a comedy role
the drama and studied it from a pracKThe society voted that the next
skillful handling, which she enacts
tical standpoint.
much interest
meeting which will be held May 7,
Noe will speak at the
with great ability.
by his students that
was manifested
Virginia Shivelcy as Lady will be an open meeting to which all the next year or the fall of 1910, they joint meeting of the V. M. C. A. and
Y. W. C. A., at Patterson Hall, Sunbe invited.
(Continued on page 5)
Numerous committees were appointed.
day night, April 22, at 6:30.
(Continued from Page 3)



Thi-teen- th

Sec-trea- s.





The stadium campaign is onl It
was launched Wednesday night at a
workers' dinner in the girls' gymnasium by a selected group of about 120
of the most enthusiastic and representative men and women on the
campus. Into their hands was placed
the financing of the greatest enterprise
ever undertaken by the University of
Kentucky students, however, the responsibility does not rest solely upon
the leader's of the campaign but upon
evefry student in the University.
The dinner began af 6:15 by the
singing of a stanza of America, followed
by a short prayer iby Dean
Melcher. A light,
was quickly and efficiently served by
several University boys, after which
the instructions for the drive began,
Major Webb, Professor of Physics,
The first speaker was
Herbert :Graham, arlunjni secretary.
He stated the object of the campaign
the raising of $25,000 among the
students for their allotted part of the
amount required for the building of a
stadium, a basketball
and for the student loan. "This," he
said, "is, comparatively speaiking, a
very small sum. It is the cost of
running the University for a week
and an infintesimal part of the amount
spent in a year by students on pleasure alone." He impressed upon the
workers the vital importance of the
success of the drive its (importance
not only to the University but to the
(Continued on Page Four)




Entire Organization Unite To
Make Forthcoming Production a Success.
The work of the Stroller play is
shown when the story is presented by
an excellent cast working hard behind
the footlights for the entertainment
of the audience after weeks and weeks
of hard practice but all the workers
that have contributed to the finished
product do not appear and very seldom is the carpenter, the property man,
the electrician, the stage manager, the
business manager, publicity staff, direc
tor or president seen on the stage or
known to the publi cor student body.
This year a staff composed of President Heavrin, Director Burks, Stage
Manager G. K. Smith, Business Manager John Albright; Secretary Kitty
CoHroy, and members Bill Tate, Mary
Peterson, Ann Hickman, Bettie Barbour, Helen King, have worked out
the difficulties of the year's work and
regular reports have been made. A
rehearsal schedule has been publish-- d
weekly by Jimmie Chapman. It takes
hard work on the part of the designers of the scenery and stage setting
(Continued on page 5)


Page Two

Electric and Manufac .surprise to their friends. Mr, Land ie
He an engineer with the Carey-Ree- d
Comreturned to the University in Scptcin pany and is on construction work at
bcr, 1921, as acting dean of Engineer Richmond, Ky., where they are now
ing and is now assistant dean. Mrs. living.
Freeman was formerly Mis Shcrlic
Editor Alum! Secretary
H, McKce is principal of
Mrs. Pratt
Freeman, of Omaha, Neb. They have
Russell Cave School. Recently a no one daughter. Jane Sherlie. Residence
"Am now
under the
erroneously her position address, 1020 Fincastlc Road.
tice stated
Ray Allen and guest, Mr. and Mrs.
caption of erection engineer. Until
H. A. Hoeing, Mr. and Mrs. C A.
Another "lost" but now found is further notice please send the Kernel
Johns, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lawson, R.
Thos. Marshall Smith, who is Profess to 710 Old Southern Building, Boston,
The law office of Hardin & Hardi or of Chemistry, New York Univer Mass." Henry J. Beam (with the
Louisville, April 20. Annual
II. Gucrrant and guest, Max Powell
and guest, J. Bert Siege and guest, i now suite 510 Old State Bank Bldg. sity, New York City.
E. A. banquet,
Conveyor Company
Herbert Masters and guest, C. H. D. Evansvule, Ind. The firm is com
of Cincinnati, O.)
Birmingham, April 20. Annual
Osborne, H. A. Nelson, S. D. Saund posed of Henry T. Hardin '14 an
"There is not one thing I can think
Dr. G. Davis Buckser is doing spe- of as much as the University and the
dinner for Juniors.
ers, Herbert Graham, J. R. Watkins Edward E. Hardin '20. Paul E. Ashby
'22 is associated with them.
cial work in the biological laboratory students. I wish every day I was
and Chas. K. Dunn.
Saturday Regular) dinner, Dix- The club will continue its monthly
of the Prince of Monaco, and reports there and expect to be in Lexington
Recently added to the "active list that he is much pleased with the inati for the Commencement in June." C
luncheons in the Marshall Field Grill
ieland Inn.
is the name of O. L. Mullikin ex, who tution and its surroundings.
April 30.
on the third Monday of each month.
He will V. Watson,
Community Service,
is principal of the high school at Pike
Monday Regular) evening meet- return from France about September Northfork, W. Va.
villc, Ky.
"I think we must have a
Hail Detroit!
Somerset, May 4. (First Fri- organization and with the prop"I am leaving here (University of
"The Detroit Alumni Club has been
day Regular!) evening meeting
well represented in these columns by Missouri) and wish to have my Ker
The class secretary is T. C. Carroll, FIRST. I was in Chicago last month
New York, May 8. (Second
the Secretary, Charles E. Planck, than nel sent to my home address. I am
Tuesday Regular) .stag luncheon
which there is no whicher. Planck for everything that it takes to make who is also county attarney of Bullitt and saw several Kentucky alumni and
at the Harvard Club.
felt the urge of spring last "week and 'Kentucky' a better and bigger Uni county and is living at Shepherdsville, I take this opportunity of mentionKy.
He is one of the "regulars" ing that we have a real live wire and
Philadelphia, Mayl2. (Second
down to Cynthiana for vcrsity." Robert Lee Waters
Saturday Regular) evening meet
Consequently I have Route 1, Baxter Ave. Sta., Louisville among the active members of the As- active man in Chas. K. Dunn. Best
three days.
ing at home of member.
wishes for the University and organtaken out the old typewriter and pol- Ky.
Hiter H. Lowry, who has just been ization of alumni." W. I. Moore, Pi
Buffalo, May 12. (Second SatA copy of an able discussion on
ished up the letter 'I.'
elected treasurer of the New York Kappa Alpha House, West Lafayette,
urday Regular) luncheon at El- "While in Ann Arbor recently, I "American Citizenship" delivered be Alumni Club,
served last year as vice- - Ind.
licott Club.
fore the Rotary Club of Pawhuska,
had an interesting conversation with
Lexington, May 12. (Second
Oklahoma, reached this office recent president of that organization.
Professor Henry Anderson, '97, who
has been with the Western Electric
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
is head of the College of Engineering, ly. This address was by Henry Dun
12:30, .Lafayette Hotel.
and was inspired by the re Company ever since he received his
University of Michigan. He has been can
degree, located in Chicago until 1920,
Chicago, May 21. (Third Mon- twenty-thre- e
years port of the American Bar Association
in Ann Arbor for
day Regular) luncheon at Mar- ONE YEAR $2.00.
Committee on American Citizenship and since that time has been telephone
and has seen many of his former stu
engineer with the company at their
Herbert Graham,
shall Field's Grill.
dents rise to stardom. Notably among Mr. Duncan is a member of the law New York plant, 463
West street.
firm of Murphey & Duncan, Triangle
them is Howard Coffin,
Motor Car Company, Gldg., Pawhuska, Okla.
of the Hudson
Mrs. Win. C. Kuykendall, formerly
head of the aircraft division during the
Edgar H. Dunn made quite a suc
Unity of purpose on the part of
was a recent
Professor Anderson i: Roberta Blackburn
recent war.
cess of legal work in Hazard, Ky.,
of all college men and women in Ken
very enthusiastic over the possibili visitor in Lexingtort. She is now liv
tuckv is the surest hope for the
but because of the health of his family
ties of "Kentucky" particularly if she ing in Pikeville, Ky.
moved to St. Petersburg. Fla.. about
"Greater Kentucky" movement.
is liberally represented in the Staite
Oscar L. Corn ex- - is assistant coun four years ago and is practicing law
Business men and editors of news
ty agent for Laurel county, address with offices in the American Bank &
oaoers in Cleveland said the most
"Oliver McAdams ex- - of Taxing ton London, Ky.
significant feature of the recent con
Trust Company building. He is atEmmett Swisshelm ex- - and Beatrice torney for the ban'k and a steamship
of I have seen several times in Ann Ar
vention of Alumni Secretaries
"CX)R the student or prof., the
A superb VENUS outrivals
both students of Medil line and has a very lucrative practice
American colleges and Universities bor. He finishes in medicine next Johnson,
all for perfect peneil work.
School of Northwestern University, outside. His family consists of five
was the "All College Dinner." Plans year, I believe.
17 black degrees
3 copying.
"Bob Arnold, '19, resigned from the were married March 21. Mr. Swiss children.
He is a member of the
were formulated then for a permanent
AsMrieaa Lead
organization of all the college men and American Blower Company and went helm is connected with a newspaper Civitan Club and an ardent and con
Peacil Co.
back to Kentucky, April 1. It is prob at Lima, Ohio.
sistent booster for U. K.
226 Fifth Are.
women hvtng in Cleveland, 15,0UU.
Professor Estill D. Woods
Newton D. Baker, former Secretary able that he will return 'to Detroit
of War, toastmaster at the dinner, after a short vacation, so that our principal of the high school at June
. '14
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Proctor are re
said the destiny of the higher institu Alumni Club will not lose him after tion City, Ky.
tions of learning and so of the coun all.
One of the active members of the ceiving congratulations on the birth
Writ far
Mining Engi Association is Dr. Harry C. Matlack, of a daughter, April 4. This, is the
ho aU it on
try rests in the hand of alumni. In
"Jack Lewis,
Kentucky, during the next tew months neering, (363 Emerson street) breezed
dentist, with offices at the Vin second daughter. She has been named
such an organization is very likely. into the office last week and announc donissa, 19 West Seventh Street, Cin Patrica. Mr. Proctor is District Agent
of the Northwestern Mutual Life InThe aim could only be the common ed that he was from Kentucky. That's cinnati, Ohio.
surance Company, at Paducah, Ky.
all the rating any man needs- with me,
Mrs. Proctor was formerly
so he was soon my guest at the most
exclusive cafeteria in town. I'm that
A card received at this office last Louise Michot, class of '16.
way, hospitable and all that, so bear week reads: "Please note tha,t our new
that in mind, fellows, df you are ever Chicago address is 221 E. Twentieth
Eaat Mala Street
R. L. "Slim" Ehrlich, for several
University Has Strong Appeal to Can in Detroit. Let it be known that I am St., at corner of Prairie Avenue."
years with the State Highway De
didates for Office.
in the city sales office of the American Lyons & Carnahan.
partment of Missouri, is now in bus- PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY
"You have spoken as no other can Blower Company, 1450 David Whit
Fin Aaeortment of
iness fon himself under the firm name
for office in Kentucky that I ney Bldg., Detroit." E. H; Clark, '16.
have heard."
The class secretary is J. O. H. Simrall. of R. L. Ehrlich & Company, concrete
This exchange was between the
For many years Mr. Simrall has been construction, Neosho, Mo.
Student Speaker Pleases
president of the University and J.
connected with the 'Lexington Board
Campbell Cantrill, Democratic canI should have written you ten days of Education: and is now their business
Miss Josie Lacer Hays is teaching
didate for nomination for Governor, ago about the visit of C. M. Clay Por director. He also conducts an active
who addressed the Lexington Alumni ter to Bowling Green, but have been insurance business, office address Mc in the High School at Qwensboro, Ky.,
President McVey out of the state. Mr. Porter made an Clelland building, and residence, 99 and is isecretary-tTeasurSaturday.
of the
Daviess County Alumni Club. Address
and all those present were much en- excellent address here before the Ro- Hampton Court.
519 Frederica St.
meeting over the tary Club, saying practically everycouraged after the
Tuesday, 19 June, to Saturday, 1 Sep- prospect for educational advancement thing he should have said, and nothing
in Kentucky. Other gubernatorial he should not have said. In fact, he
T. J. Barr was acting secreary.
Second half begau 25 July.
candidates will be called on to address pleased everybody.
Bessie T. Conkwright,
who has
We also had a For several years Professor Barr was
the local alumni in the next few weeks. nice little round table conference af State Inspector of Mines with head been with the Leader ever since she
Opportunities to work for higher
The school program in Kentucky is terward with eight or ten graduates quarters at the University of Ken graduated, is now a general reporter
degrees and the A. B. degree in the
receiving .more attention from candi- of University of Kentucky who live tucky. After that he was superintend with that organization. She is a freoceanic climate of the San Francisco
dates for office than ever before, here." W. J. Craig, '01, Western ent of the Kentucky Block Cannel quent visitor in the alumn ioffice alpeninsula.
of the University have taken State Normal School, Bowling Green, Coal Company, at Cannel City, Ky., ways looking for a chance to boost U.
Courses in the regular academic and
the lead in promoting the whole gen- Ky.
He is now professor of K. Residence address 152 E. High
until 1921.
scientific brances, and in law.
eral program.
mining engineering at the Universiy street.
Information from office 26.
of Kentucky. Residence address, 251
Eliza M. Piggott, ano'tber member
Cambridge Crowd Grows.
Stone Ave., Lexington, Ky.
of the class in newspaper work, has
"I should have written you long be
Howard A. Hoeing has been con- been with the Herald ever since grad
Attendance of Women Adds to Picas fore but never seem to get round to it. nected with the U. S. Engineering De- uating and is now state editor. She is
We have several at Cambridge from partment
ure of Meeting.
practically ever since he always a loyal booster and served reIn Chicago Saturday evening at the Kentucky: Jim Dixon '20, Fats Thomp graduated and is now in the U. S. cently on the nominating committee
Edgewater Hotel nearly two score son '21 (with Armstrong Cork and Engineer's office, 537 South Dearborn for officers of the Alumni Association.
former Kentuckians gathered to cele Insulation Company), Eger Murphree Street .Chicago, III. Mrs. Hoeing was Residence address 139 N Upper St.
in Tech., Olivia Sweeney
brate the annual meeting of the Alum 20 and Hershel Auxier
and is a very
who was a
ni Club of that city. News of hap Johnson
active worker for the University. She
penings on the campus and plans for Brady M. Stewart '22. Law, Buck- - helped in the organization of the KenMargaret Woll was a visitor on the
the future were greeted with great en- Elliott '19 (who has been at Illinois tucky Women's Club of Chicago. Mr. campus last week. She has been with
Fountain Pen Pc
thusiasm. Alumni of the University for the last two years), in Agriculture, and Mrs. Hoeing reside at 1401 Olive the American Red Cross ever since
is at Rad- - Ovenue.
there have become the centre of south and Margaret Long
graduating and is now field represen
ern societies.
Flemen C. Taylor, for sometime re- tative in the Washington Division,
We are planning to have a meeting ported "lost," is
This was the first meeting in several
at the with her district in Western Kentucky.
years when women were present. This to form a Boston club soon after the City Engineer's office, St. Louis, Mo.
Permanent address Hawesville, Ky.
The Kernels are
feature will be continued for the wives spring vacation.
they keep everywonderful
of members and for their friends.
Professor W. E. Freeman, "Buddie,"
J. Rufus Watkins 'IS was elected one interested. We have been passing
Mrs. Robert Clark, formerly Mary
president of the club; Phil Kaufman '01 thm around to those who don't get is secretary of the class and can be Lou Ingles, is living near Lexington,
vice president, and W. T. Woodson, them. I ran down to Yale a few days found at the old stand Mechanical Ky., address R. R. D.
Among those ago and had a short visit with Donald Hall, University of Kentucky, Lex'14, secretary-treasureJohn March Land and Julia B.
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wood- Dinning, who is making good there." ington. From 1920 to 1921, he was
of Richmond, were married in
Roll) Raible '21, Divinity Hall, Har- granted leave of absence to take charge New
son, Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, Mr. and
Albany, Ind., March 3, 1923. It
of the Department of Education of the was an elopement
Mrs. C. H. Gullin, Mr. and Mrs. W. vard University, Cambridge, Mass.
and a great sur- Wcstinghouse

Alumni Notes

turins Company at Pittsburgh.

Betwixt Us




ex-2- 4,




ex-2- 1,








Stanford University




ex-0- 2







Continued from first page.)
began presenting
playlets in their
class room as laboratory work and
this grew until Professor McKenwe
decided to try them in a real production in a real theatre. The play select
4 was "Richlicu" and the production
was a great success both dramatically
None of the pro-grand financially.
of the play are in exigence and
M the author of the manuscript writes,
"it is only from memory do we write
tome of those who took part and they
are Paul Francis, J. B. Saunders, E. L.
Becker, Roy Porter, A. B. Bluster,
Bessie Haydcn, Eloise Ginn and a
Miss Dean. Thus we have the embryo
of the Stroller Dramatic Club."
Another place in the history, it it
stated, "We had rto encouragement
from the faculty; instead we were oppressed from the beginning, even
some members in a faculty meeting,
called for that punpose threatened to
expel those students who were responsible for this organization. Only
one member of the faculty, at that
time stuck by the students and thit
was Professor E. F. Earquhar, who at
tended the mass meeting as one of us
and who like the rest of us pledged
ourselves to bear the financial loss ol
the next play if there was any. That
season's production, "Brown of Har
vard" and the 1912 .play "The Vir
ginian," were dramatic successes excelling anything that had been pro
duced by amateurs up to that ttme in
About eventy-fiv- e
lars was cleared above all expenses
and we were careful to guard it close
It is evident from the records that
the most successful year the Strollers
had up to this time was the year 1914
and in this year several lasting pre
11 was at
cedents were established.
this time that the idea of Amateur
Night was conceived. To prevent Uni
versity students from becoming impli
cated in disastrous Hallowe'en stunts
which was customary in Lexington
among students at that time Presi
dent Barker decided to give a recep
ttoa to all students and members of
the acuity on that night. The reception included dancing, refreshments,
fortune telling and games and they
lasted until one o'clock in the morning,
thinking that by this time it would be
too late and the students would be too
tired to indulge in any pranks. At this
juncture the author of this history
conceived the idea of consulting with
officials and offering Stroller services
on this night and while doing this
Professor Melcher suggested Amateur
Night and ever since the custom has
clung to the University and it is one
of the most pleasing evenings of the
It might be interesting to know that,
up tc
the btroliers had no pin
or emblem by which thev tngrht be
designated and it was finally decided
to vote on through. The author of


the history was the successful contestant in the design for a pin which is
the present pin worn by the Strollers.
The history goes on down giving details of each play and the members of
the casts and the towns which were
visited. "Charley's Aunt" was one of
the most successful productions up
to this time in the history. It was in
this play that many Stroller stars who
long upheld the honor and glory of
the organization first took part.
It was in the 1917 production "The
Lion and the Mouse," when Mamie
Miller Woods and "Frizzy" first swept
Kentucky audiences off their feet
with their rare interpretations
capability as young Thespians. Then
later in"Under Covcr"Lucy Young and
Gus Gay came into the limelight. With
the "Climbers" came Mary Elizabeth
Downing, Milton Revill and Herndon
Evans. These people, Strollers will
never forget.
The, Strollers are doing greater
things this year Chan they have done
previously their talent is multiple
compared to former years and the
executive and business organization
is unquestionably remarkable in its ef
It has been an honor to be
a Stroller it will always continue to
be an honor. To have taken part in
a Stroller cast means to hve created
something which will never die, to
have given to ttoe University a touch
of refinement and culture which comes
only thru the production of the drama.
This time next year "Lady Winder
mere's Fan" will be history and will
be entered on the records as those
other 13 plays wim'ch 'have gone before.
Are you going to miss the chance of
seeing the best play the Strollers of
the University have ever presented to
a Lexington audience since their es
tablishment on the campus fourteen
years ago?
University night is the evening of
April 26 (Thursday) in- Wjoodland
Auditorium at 8:15 o'clock.
-- K-

Will Present (Opera Yearly. "Pinafore" to be Given Next Year.
There will be a meeting of all the
cast and chorus of Erminie Monday
afternoon at 3:30 in the music room,
the purpose of which is to collect all
the musical talent of the University
and to form an organization which
will be run along parallel h'nes with
the Strollers. The "Kentucky Lyres"
a name which has been suggested for
the organization, will give an opera
every year. The opera which has
been chosen for next year is Pinafore,
and practice of the chorusses will be
started as soon as the organization is
formed. So come Monday afternoon
for only those who come out and support the organization will be eligible
for the opera.

New Ideas In

Spiring Furnishings
Men who appreciate good furnishing will find
their every idea satisfied in our Spring and
Summer displays. All of the new ideas are represented in Shirts, Ties, Hats, Underwear, etc.
Style, quality and workmanship is unexcelled
hey are the best furnishing we know you'll say
so too when you see them.
GEO. R. (Red) WOOLF, Campus, Representative

Graddy-Rya- n









Heavy Rain Prevents Meeting
With Vanderbilt Last



Pag Tkrtt




to net as our representative at the University
of Kentucky.
He must be live energetic and
anxious to earn money.
His work will be to
Interest fellow students in our smoking tocigarettes, so personality and
wide acquaintanceship are essential qualities.
The recognized merit of our products makes
results certain for the richt man. Write us
about your qualifications, stating age, class
and why you want the position.
Our sales
proposal is liberal.
Patterson Bros. Tobacco Corp., of Richmond,
Vo. Address your letter to the New York
Va. Address your letter to the New York
Office, 585 Fifth Ave.

Kentucky's Victory Will Depend
On Ability of Her
The Wildcat track team is scheduled to meet the Tennessee Vols in a
dual meet Saturday afternoon and un
rain again interferes,
Buchheit's men will be given a chance
to prove their worth. Last Saturday
all was in readiness on Stoll Field for
and a heavy track was the cause of the
meet being cancelled after the Vandy
team of thirteen men and coach arrived in Lexington. Tennessee has a
stronger squad of track men than they
have had