xt7sxk84nb88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sxk84nb88/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1978-12-4 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Yiddish Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, December 4, 1978, volume 2 issue 2 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, December 4, 1978, volume 2 issue 2 1978 1978-12-4 2020 true xt7sxk84nb88 section xt7sxk84nb88 CK Q JA Central Kentucky
Jewish Association

Charles Gorodetsky, President




The CKJA: End of Year Two


At the end of this month the CKJA will complete its second year. We are basically
in good health - enthusiastic, solvent, and energetic. There is still a long way to go
to approach achievement of our goals, but we are making progress. A dedicated and hard
working camp committee overcame a host of major problems and organized a highly success-
ful Camp Shalom season this past summer. A most exciting Forum Series will begin this
month. Our Jewish Camp and Israel Study Scholarship programs provided financial assis-
tance for young people in Central Kentucky to participate in highly positive Jewish
experiences, which can serve only to strengthen our community. It is presently estimated
that the Annual Fund Raising Campaign will provide over $100,000 to UJA, probably over
$20,000 to Other Charities, as well as providing for local Jewish community programs
and services. This Bulletin, the School Calendar and other programs of the Community
Relations Committee have continued to grow in quality and diversity. Other activities
also continue (such as the interest-free loans for those in need) and new ideas and pro-
grams are being explored. Also a future planning committee has been appointed. The
achievement of our goals - establishment of a framework for promotion of a unified and
cohesive Jewish community, improvement in the quality of Jewish life in Central Kentucky,
and providing financial assistance to Israel and other Jews in need - is a continuous
and never ending task. I ask that you all join in support, financial contribution, and,
mostly, participation in the affairs of your Association.

Strictly personal: It has been a great honor and challenge to serve as the first
president of the CKJA. Establishment of a new organization and maintaining the contin-
uity of ongoing programs and activities have required the cooperation and hard work of
a large group of dedicated people. I would like to take this opportunity to express my
deep thanks to them all, especially to the Chairpersons of CKJA committees, to the Board
of Directors, and to my Executive Committee, Harriet Cooper, Jack Miller, Charles Stern,
Charlotte Baer, Judy Levine, and David Wekstein.

Charles Gorodetzky
President, CKJA




page 2


Chaim Potok, best selling author of My Name is Asher Lev, In the Beginning,
The Promise, and The Chosen, will launch the 1978-79 CKJA Forum series. Potok will
speak at 8 p.m. on December 10th at Haggin Auditorium, Transylvania University.

A limited quantity of Dr. Potok's latest book, Wanderings: A Hisotry of the
Jews, released on Nov. 15, 1978, will be available at a special price at the program
and can be autographed by the author.

For ticket information, contact: Linda Stein at 272-8598.



The CKJA is pleased to sponsor an American Heart Association Certificate Program
in Cardiopulmonary Re5uscitation on Sunday, December 17th from I p.m. to 9 p.m., with
a break for dinner, at Ohavay Zion Synagogue. If you wish to enroll in this program,
send your $10 registration fee (payable to CKJA) to David Wekstein, 83S Glendover Rd.,
40502. For further information, call Mark Ravin (266-7052) or David Wekstein (269-AA5A).



Over TAO persons attended the annual State of Israel Bonds dinner held on Sunday
evening, November 19th, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The participants enjoyed a bustling
cocktail hour followed by a fine dinner which was topped off with a stimulating talk by
Bob Evans, the former t.v. news reporter who now specializes in syndicated documentary
t.v. productions.

Evans, who has had recent direct contacts with the key personalities in the Middle
East negotiations, provided abackgroundoverview of the political and personal dynamics
involved in the Israeli-Egyptian peace talks. His exciting and lucid presentation was
followed by a very successful bonds solicitation.

The honoree for the evening was Senator Wendell Ford whose support of the State
of Israel and responsiveness to the Jewish community were recognized by the presentation
of the State of Israel 30th Anniversary Award. Senator Ford reiterated his admiration
and support for Israel and his desire to continue a close working relationship with the
Jewish community of Kentucky.

The sale of State of Israel bonds is not limited to those who attended the banquet.
Bonds may still be purchased, in minimum $250 denominations, by contacting Steve Caller
at 252-8803 or Mike Ades at 266-1291 or Art Salomon at 266-3194 or Ellie Goldman at
269—6OA9. Bond proceeds are used for the capitol growth of Israel.



The Camp Committee is seeking a Director for the 3-week summer session at Camp
Shalom, a Jewish oriented day camp for elementary aged children. ReSponsibilities
include hiring and supervising staff, program planning, and directing camp. Experience
with children and summer camp required. Salary negotiable. Contact Judy Levine at
278-2846 or Linda Stein 272-8598.





page 3



Have you made your UJA pledge for this year? The 1978 UJA solicitation is drawing
to a close. Contributions by previous givers in the Central Kentucky area are up in
amount by about 15-20% and many new givers are participating. Our goal, however, has
not been achieved. Some prior contributors have not yet made their 1978 pledge, some
members of the community have not yet accepted their responsibility for financial support
of Jewish institutions and Jews in need, and some givers remain content to give in token

UJA contributions are an essential ingredient to the vitality of local, national
and world Jewish activities. In accordance with the CKJA Constitution, not less than
70% of general contributions to our Central Kentucky UJA fund drive is forwarded to
national UJA for distribution. This money supports national and international Jewish
charities, educational and cultural institutions, and major projects in the State of
Israel. Local UJA distribution also sends a very substantial portion of the funds con-
tributed by CKJA members to national Jewish charities and institutions and to special
projects in Israel. (Prior issues of this Bulletin have carried letters of appreciation
received from organizations in Israel and the United States acknowledging the importance
of this direct support.) The small portion of UJA funds that is retained for local
needs is used for a variety of CKJA activities including the publication of this Bulle-
tin, the preparation and distribution of the Central Kentucky Jewish Community Resources
booklet, the issuance of emergency loans, and the like. These funds are also used to
subsidize local cultural and educational activities such as the Forum and Camp Shalom.

UJA contributors may, if they wish, designate all or part of their gift for
exclusive distribution to the State of Israel.

If you have not yet done your share in contributing to the financial well being
of our community activities and support for Jewish institutions, the State of Israel
and the safety and health of Jews everywhere, do so now by making your 1978 UJA pledge.
For further information or to register your pledge, contact Ken Gerson, Avram Levine,
Len Lerner, Harriet Cooper, Leon Cooper, Susan Caller, Steve Caller, or Mike Ades.



. Within the next two months the Board of Directors of the CKJA will allocate funds
to various charities. Therefore, the Budget Committee is actively soliciting suggestions
of worthy charities from the Jewish community. If you know of a charity which you would
like to have the CKJA support, please notify David Wekstein by the first of the year.

Any information you can give about the charity and a rationale for contributing to it
would be helpful.



Ohavay Zion Synagogue will present a special award to Bernice Herman in honor of
her many years of dedicated service to the Synagogue's library. The presentation will
follow a service commemorating Jewish Book Month on Friday, December 15th at 8 p.m.



 page 4



Temple Adath Israel will hold a New Year's Eve Dance on Sunday, December 3lst
from 9 p.m. to l a.m. In celebration of our 75th year, there will be a 1903 costume
theme. Set ups and breakfast provided. Music by Ed Minor. There will be a costume
contest and program. $IS/couple; $7.50/single. Send reservation with check to
Ruth Metzler, 500 Laketower, Apt 25, Lexington #0502.



The CKJA news bulletin seeks to be more than an information sheet. The Community
Relations Committee of the CKJA, which is responsible for the Bulletin, at a recent
meeting agreed to encourage more community interest features. Ted Friedman's Yiddish
column is a good example of the sort of expanded format that we hope to develop. Would
you be interested in writing a Jewish cooking column for the Bulletin, a series about
the history of Jews in Central Kentucky, interviews introducing newcomers, book reviews,
poetry, articles about Jewish life in the smaller towns and larger cities surrounding
Lexington, cartoons, etc.? Please let us know. We welcome your talent and contributions.
If interested, contact our Bulletin editor, Annette Mayer at 299-5625 or 233-8193.



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