xt7sxk84n367 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sxk84n367/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1990 text GLSO News, August 1990 1990 1990-08 2019 true xt7sxk84n367 section xt7sxk84n367 NEWS 1990 ’ L5 (6
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from Human Rights Campaign Fund
President Bush on Jul 26 1990 signed The President's invitations to lesbian and ay
landmark legislation which will protect people Americans earlier this year caused consideraile
with AIDS and HIV diseases from discrimination. controvers among members of the Far Right.
The bill, the Americans with Disabilities Act, This month's invitations for HRCF representatives
outlaws discrimination against 43 million and other openl lesbian and gay Americans
Americans with disabilities — including people also generated dissent. One conservative was
with AIDS - in employment, transportation and cLuoted in the Washington Times stating that
public accommodations, such as restaurants, t e invitation is "lurther evidence that the Bush
shops, and theatres. Administration ives lip service to social
'This is an immensely important day, " the conservatives whiTe makin policy decisions in
President said before signing the bill. Among favor of the homosexual IoEby."
the guests at the historic biII signing were While not specifically mentioning AIDS or
representatives of the Human Rights Campaign any other disability included in the legislation,
Fund and the Reverend Don Eastman, Chair at the President spoke eI uently of the need to
the AIDS Interfaith Council and an Elder in the end discrimination of (incll kinds in the United
predominantly gay Metropolitan Community States. He stated that the Americans with
Church. Disabilities Act "brings us closer to the day
This marked only the second time in when no American will be denied their basic
American history that a President has invited right of lite, liberty and the pursuit of ha piness
openly lesbian and gay Americans to the White . . . We must not and will not rest untiID every
House for an otticial ceremony. Earlier this American man and woman with a dream has a
ear, President Bush invited several openly chance to embrace it. We will not accept, we
liesbian and ay Americans to the signing at the will not excuse, we will not tolerate
Hate Crimes %tatistics Act. discrimination in America."
from Human Rights Campaign Fund
The House of Representatives followed the Tim McFeeIey, executive director of the HRCF
House Ethics Committee's recommendation to stated that the House’s Finding "should allow
Iormall reprimand Congressman Barney Frank Barney to put this episode in his lite to rest and
(D-MAl/tor activities surrounding his relationship move Forward. Congressman Frank has
with a male prostitute. The reprimand, passed admitted to making a mistake and he is being
on 408-18 vote, is one of the least severe reprimanded for it.'
actions which the House could have taken. Polls in his congressional district indicate he
The House first voted 390-38 to re'ect a has retained the loyalty of his constituents. In
move b Rep. William Dannemeyer (R-CAI to recent weeks, his most serious Republican
expel I'yrank. House members also voted challenger withdrew From the race, giving every
287-141 against a move by Republican Whip indication that he thought the election could not
Newt Gingrich of Georgia to censure Frank, a be won. Frank won t e last election - the first
move which would have stripped him of his after he had publicly acknowledged his being
subcommittee chairmanship. gay - with 70 percent at the vote.

 [ ] Please send me information on GLSO. Dear Aunt Mary,

Lately I've read that bisexuals are gays who

[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of are afraid to deal with their sexuality. Is this
GLSO, includin home defive of the true? Art there truly bisexual people?

GLSO NEWS ang discounts at gLSO Searchingly,
functions. Membership of SIC/yr. In Between
individual, SIS/yr. couple, is enclosed.

Dear Betwixt,

[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but I suppose it depends who you ask. Uncle
please send me the GLSO NEWS each Sigmund (SFreud - you didn't know we were
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. re ated di ou?) felt that everyone was bisexual

or as he cafi/ed it — polymorphously perverse — at
birth. Based on Frued’s ideas, some have

Nome: suggested that it is only society that later forces

_ us to label ourselves and that such labeling

Address: restricts our freedom to express ourselves

sexually. In line with this thinking, consider the

City, St, Zip: article in last month's GLSO News about

Michelle Shocked who admits having had

Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box 11471 relationships with women. She resists labelin

Lexington, KY40575 herself as lesbian because she feels that woulg
limit her feveral other famous individuals have
labeled temselves as bisexual, e.g., David
Bowie, Elton John}.
GLSO News is published monthly by the A lot of peope feel that bisexuals are gays
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. or lesbians who can't deal with their sexuality
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), but could it be that bisexuals are the onI ones
P.O. Box 114;], Lexington, KY 405g5. who fully express their sexuality by not limiting
themselves with labels that position them on one
Craig Clere, Managing Editor side or the other? Obviously, this position has
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour political implications and represents only one
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist viewpoint on the matter, but it's a viewpoint
that often is not expressed. Aunt Mary only
Additional Contributors: NGLTF, HRCF, Craig, wants you to consrder the possibility that if
GLSO, Angela, NAMES Proiect, BHRA, The society did not (in many ways) force us into
Advocate; Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: camps man of us mi ht simply have sex with
Craig, Steve; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Kenneth; eople we love regardiless of their ender. The
Folding & Stuffin : Mark, Steve, Willie, Eddie, Einsey studies sug est that we afi fall on a
Jeff, Dave, Jonathan, Bruce, Knox, Jim, John. continuum of sexuafity and that some of us are
more homo- or hetero-sexual in our behavior
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the than others and that some are truly bisexual.
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO Bisexuals, in many ways, have been left OUi
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions because of the belief that they are simply on
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name their way to being gay or lesbian. Lesbian and
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not ay groups often exclude them, waiting until
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter iltey ledge allegiance to homosexuality even
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as though they are subject i0 oppression rom llte
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or heterosexual majority. AUni Mary hopes Thai
discriminatory, Placement of advertising in GLSO News does we can ultimately, get beyond labels and Iel’
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's people love whom they Wish.
customer preference. Aunt Mary
2 Aug GLSO

trom Ellen T. Brenner, M.Div.

[The following article is being reprinted from the gay and lesbian communities, we are not
The Communicator, the Unitarian Universalist an easy grou to capture in generalizations, but
Women's Federation Newsletter. It seems timely I can state tfiat the stereotypes above are no
in conjunction with this month's Aunt Mary.] more true at us than they are to the population

While the UUA (Unitarian Universalist at large. The traction at the bisexual community ‘
Association) has made some great strides on whose behavior might be called sexually
gay/lesbian issues, there is still considerable irresponsible is comparable to the traction of 1
con usion about bisexuality in our ranks. This a , lesbian, and heterosexual people who
became appjarent at the I989 General Behave that way. There are bisexuals who
Assembly in ew Haven when the Welcomin sincerely question the norm of compulsory
Congregation Program, which includes bisexuaig monogamy - but there are gays, lesbians and
along with ays and lesbians in its provisions, heterosexuals also addressing this controversial
was ratiiied STay a gratilyjngl wide margin, but issue in a responsible manner. Then there are
the floor debate before and, ilushed out classic many other bisexuals who are happy settle in
exam Ies of what is known as "biphobia." long-term, committed, monogamous
Clearly, homophobia is hardly dead in the UUA relationships, or are following the modern
either, but we really need to do some catch-up cultural norm ot "serial monogamy." They see
work on biphobia. As a UU and a bisexual no conflict between their bisexual orientation
feminist activist I would like to share my and their ability to love one specific individual.
experience on these matters. From my own experience and that at other

Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals all confront bisexual women and men with whom I work, |
the roblems of living in a heterosexist society, understand bisexuality as an openness to the
but Eiphobia adds some insidious twists to the potential of erotic riendshi and love with
stereotypes it generates. Bisexuality gets members at either gender. My bisexuality is a
mistakenly and ne atively conceptualized as natural aspect at my total self. I do not
some inability to cahoose between men and necessarily have to act on these potentials for
women as sexual partners - between bein ay my bisexuality to be a tangible aspect of my
and being straight. Thus the bipioqbic being - it is a matter ot orientation and inner
imagination conjures up visions of a person knowing rather than behavior.

Hitting lrom relationship to relationship, But behavior has its ramifications; as a
alternating between men and women; or bisexual woman in a sexist and heterosexist
juggling simultaneous relationships with two or society, I have experienced my relationships with
more men and women; or living in terror of men and with women to have drastically
coming out at the closet as a 'proper" gay ditlerent internal dynamics and cultural
man or lesbian! meanin 5. My relationships with other women

These negative stereotypes then generate have IaTgored under the burden of heterosexism,
others still more hurttul - bisexuals are and my relationships with men have received
emotionall immature or untrustworthy, greedily unearned privilege lor being the "acceptable"
t ing to have it both ways; bisexuals are to kind. Even though I am neither straight nor
brlame tor the spread at AIDS from the gay to lesbian, living as a bisexual has given me some
the straight communities; bisexuals are personal insight into both worlds. I am not a
undermining the ay and lesbian communities ence-sitter but a bridge-builder!
by "sitting on the Tencefl' bisexuals are naturally When a woman even talks about sexual
promiscuous, incapable at any kind at Ion -term aspects oi herself this frankly, she always risks
committed relationship; the list goes on. 3These running into a whole raft oi 'isms" and phobias
stereotypes all assume that bisexuality is not a - sexism, heterosexism, bi hobia, sex-phobia.
viable sexual orientation in and oi itself. They But it there is one lesson Ehave learned from
try to tit the bisexual into one of two known feminism, it is the necessity for all at us to share
igeonholes — the heterosexual and the the trunk truths oi our lives. Bisexuality is an
Fiomosexual - rather than addressing the integral, healthy part of man?! peoples lives,
complexities oi the truth. including my own, as so I at er these truths it

What is the truth about bisexuals? Well, like has taught me in just this spirit of sharing.

Aug GLSO 3

FINANCIAL NEWS DOMINATES Following the Pride Week discussion,
JUNE BOARD MEETING discussion centered on finances. Button sales
from Teresa Reynolds and Craig Clere were excellent durin Pride Week, with the
actual rofit not yet dgetermined. GLSO's Raffle
The June GLSO Board of Directors meeting sold $540 worth of tickets. Due to generous
was held June 27 in Richmond, Kentucky at contributions by BHRA, Interweave, GLSO,
. John Cutright's home. Crossin s, Bluegrass COLTs, and individuals,
Followin a huge meal committee re rts Pride Week reported its first profit in recent
were hearg by the Board. The SpeaEgr's memory. After discussion, the Board voted to
Bureau reported a total of I5 speaking donate $I50 of the Raffle profit to Pride Week.
engagements since October, a record for the In other financial matters, the Board voted to
organization. authorize a committee to begin seekin bids for
Melanie Otis reported that the Trilogy Project a new computer/Phoneline system. Tate Board
was proceeding well. Currently there as been approved purchasing T5 COpleS of Esmerelda’s
a 50% return rate on GLSO News mailing list Anthology for distribution to various archives.
respondents. 160 surve s were distributed The Board also authorized purchasing IO copies
during the Louisville Pride {Meek Picnic. The of the Gay Yellow Pages for Phoneline staff
current return rate on a” survey is 42%, which members and/or Board members.
is ex ected to rise in subsequent months. Following discussion the Board declined an
The Coming Out group continues to draw invitation by Lexington’s Pro-Choice Alliance to
increased interest from the lesbian and figy gain its organization. It was a consensus of the
community. Meetin s have been held mont Iy card that the Alliance's work went beyond the
durin the summer, amt will increase to twice a scope of GLSO's principal purposes.
manta be inning in September. he next Board meeting was set for July 25
The Pioneline has been experiencing a at 7:30 pm. Board meetings are 0 en to the
staffing shortage during the summer. general membership and are heldp the last
Volunteers' vacations and increased summer Wednesday of the month. Consult the Directory
commitments are believed to be the reasons for in GLSO News for a contact number.
the current problem. A new trainin session
may be re uired for new volunteers in Re Fall.
GLSO chews reported a steady source of PHONELINE NEEDS YOU!
income from advertising, memberships, and from GLSO News
subscription renewals. It was suggested
contacting Joseph-Beth Booksellers about If you've tried calling GLSO's Ga line during
advertisin . the summer and found only a recording when a
The first draft of GLSO’s promotional real live person was promised -- ou're
brochure has been printed and was available probably not alone. The summer has taken its
during Pride Week. Further revisions to the toll on the already over-worked volunteers of
brochure are expected. the Gayline. Consequentl , there have been
A lengthy re rt on Pride Week was heard numerous nights during the summer months
with numerous fiard members re rting. An when the Gayline has not been staffed.
overall good attendance was notedpowith certain What is the remedy for this problem?
events being better attended than others. Arts Volunteer for the Gaylinel A trainin session
Night was a particular highlight of the week for for new volunteers is tenatively scheguled for
many board members. T ere was an increased September; watch for a date in the September
attendance of the picnic this year, due to this GLSO News. The only requirement is a
year's location at the Unitarian Universalist willingness to spend several three-hour blocks of
Church rather than at Jacobson Park. Media time, in your own home, answering calls.
attention was at its highest point with television Hopefully, by the be inning of Fall 0 new
coverage, several radio interviews, and an crop of fresh, under-woried volunteers will be
article in Lexington Herald-Leader complete answering the Gayline. If not, unfortunately,
with an events calendar. we can except more days without service.
4 Aug GLSO

 MICHIGAN SODOMY LAW The goal at providing panel-making support

RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL in the community remains a top priority tor the

tram Lambda Legal Delense & Education Fund local chapter. With the racious help and
kindness of Becki Olson org Quilter's Square,

A trial court in Wayne County, Michigan has several people have panels under way. Becki's
become the second court in a month to strike quilting bees are open to anyone interested in
down a state sodomy statute on state knowing the basics of putting a nel together
constitutional grounds. in reasonin similar to For the AIDS Memorial Quilt. fife workshops
that used by a Kentucky court in earTy June, the are scheduled the second Thursday of each
Michigan court recognized that the state sodomy month from 7 - 9 pm at 308 South Mill Street,
law and related so-called "gross indecen ' in Becki's shop on the second floor of Dudley
laws violate every citizen's right to privacy under Square. No experience needed and there is no
the state constitution. lee.

A broad range of plaintiffs from all over the The Quilt will be coming back to Lexin ton
state successfully challenged the Michigan law. Sunday, September 2. Thirty—two panels wifi be
All the plaintiffs told the court that, because at on display In the Singletary Center For the Arts,
these laws, they have suffered a chilling ellect at the corner at Rose and Euclid on UK's
on their behavior and tear of prosecution. campus. Please mark our calendar and look

"The right to rivacy victories in Michigan For more information in the local media.
and Kentucky within a month are extremely The NAMES Project Kentucky will be helping
significant, because they show that state courts the other chapters in our region pull together
and state constitutions can do what the lederal the Chica 0 portion of the national display on
courts used to do: protect minorities and basic ColumbusgDay weekend, October 5-8. Anyone
American freedoms against government interested in helping is encouraged to contact
intrusion," said Paula Ettelbrick, one at two the local chapter. We will also be arranging
Lambda attorneys on the case. roup transportation and lodging, so let us

Belore the ruling in Kentucky and Michigan, Enow early.
twenty-tour states (as well as the District of Our next general meeting is Wednesday,
Columbia) still criminalized so-called "sodomy", August 8 at 7 pm at the Rosenthal Center on
oral or anal sex between consentin adults in Transylvania's campus. Please call Katie at

rivate. Ettelbrick noted, "Seven of fiiose states 223-3855 with questions or to volunteer.
fincluding Kentucky) singled out lesbians and
gay men as criminals tor private sexual acts that
most adult Americans engage in, and did not JUMPIN’ JAMMIN’ JAMBOREE
prohibit the exact same conduct when engaged from GLSO News stall
in by heterosexuals.”

In the Michigan case, the state attorney Country and western aficionados should
general must now determine whether the state prepare to glide, slide, gambol and romp as
will appeal the trial court ruling which the Cincinnati Stampers host their second annual
overturned the sodom and gross indecency Jamboree and Midwest Gay Dance Competition
statutes. Kentucky oliicials are expected to on August 10, 11 and 12.
appeal their sodomy challenge to the Kentucky This year’s Jamboree will commence with a
Court at Appeals. kickotl reception and dance on Friday evening.

Following a Saturda afternoon cookout, all wtll

AUGUST 1990 UPDATE other at Thomasville Lod e on the Ohio River
from NAMES Proiect Kentucky For the featured Migwest Gay Dance
Competition. Participants will be treated to a

Thank you to everyone who marched with us brunch on Sunday, with a show and dance.
in the Lexington Fourth of July parade. Our The Cincinnati Stomcpers is a non-profit social
forty strong presence and positive reception from organization comprise of males and females
the community speaks well at our progress so dedicated to promoting the enjoyment of country
tar. With so much going on we need your and western dance. urther information may be
enthusiasm to continue and encourage new and obtained by writin the Cincinnati Stompers at
old friends to join us anytime to participate in 7800 Brill Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45243, or
whatever way you can and want. contacting John at (513) 271-5161.

Aug GLSO 5

 CHARGE FOR YOUR GAY RIGHTS: The focus of the speeches at the rally was
CONSUMER SERVICES COMPANY pending legislation before the Louisville Board of
SUPPORTS NGLTF Aldermen which would document hate crimes
from National Gay & Lesbian Task Force per etrated on all minorities, includin Gays
and3 Lesbians, in Louisville. On July T0, this

The Working Assets Funding Service, a legislation was passed b the Board of
"socially responsible consumer services Al ermen. Just as the federal Hate Crimes
company" for "the practical idealist," has Statistic Act is si nificant to our national gay

ranted the National Gay and Lesbian Task community, so ano is this Louisville legislation
Force (NGLTF) $20,000 for its work on behalf important to the Gays and Lesbians of Kentucky.
of a and lesbian civil rights. Hopefully, this will help to pave the way for

Mrking Assets awards funds generated over similar legislation in Lexington.
the past year by its VISA, MasterCard, long On a national level: The National Gay &
distance, or travel services. Every time a Lesbian Task Force is focusing its efforts on a
Workin Assets member charges a purchase to letter writing cam ign designed to encoura e
his or Eer credit card, makes a phone call or our Senators and” Representatives to pass tEe
buys an airline ticket, 0 percentage of the bill Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill that is pending
goes to the Working Assets Funding Service, at before Congress. BHRA has volunteered to
no charge to the member. s earhead t e drive for central Kentucky. In

The or anization makes grants to (fining so, we have provided a letter on the
environmentgl, human rights, 'ustice and ace inserted page in this newsletter which ou can
organizations. Working Assets' 1003300 cut and send to our Representative and, one of
members nominate and vote on which groups your Senators. Ilyyou would like to send a letter
will receive funding. In the most recent granting to your second Senator (we stron ly urge ou to
eriod, more than $300,000 was distributed to do so), simply copy the page fiefore fifiing it
g2 action groups last year. out.

"We are extremely grateful to Working NGLTF suggests adding your own comments
Assets members. The fact that we placed so to your correspondence or they offer a few of
high on their list demonstrates their strong theIr own such as: "Gays and Lesbians are a
su port of gay issues," said Jaime Grant, minority without legal protection from
NGLTF development director. "This reinforces discrimination. Su port the gay and lesbian
our belief that gay and lesbian civil rights are civil rights bill.’I Jorla ”The gay and lesbian civil
an important priority for socially conscious rights bill exten s the equal rights lprotection
consumers.” iven other minorities to gays and esbians."

For more information on Working Assets (br) "It is time for the US Congress to take 0
Funding Services, call (800) 522-7759. stand against all forms of bigotry and

discrimination. Support the gay and lesbian

BLUEGRASS HUMAN RIGHTS civil rights bill."
ADVOCATES NEWS Our goal is that each gay or lesbian person
from BHRA in Kentucky send three cards or letters: one to
your Representative and one to each of your

BHRA was proud to be one of the Senators. Be sure to sign your name and
co-sponsors of The March for Justice in Louisville, address, as well as the name of the member of
June 30th. The March was a big success with Congress to receive the letter Be sure to fill out
the estimated turnout this year being the hi hest the 'To:" and "From:" addresses and place 0
ever at 450, includin a sizable contingentarom 25 cent stamp on the reverse side.
the Bluegrass area. This year's march and rally The Senators representing all of Kentuck are
was the first which included a speaker from Wendell Ford (D) and Mitch McConnelf/ (R).
Lexinlgton, Dennis Stutsman representin BHRA. Lexington-Fayette County is represented b Larry
For t ose of dyou who couldn't make it, Stutsman Hopkins (R). If anyone outside of Fayette
was please to announce BHRA will sponsor County is unsure of w 0 their Re resentative is,
Lexington's first rally and march next year. you can call BHRA at 272-4El9. These
Many of our co-marchers in Louisville ledged Individuals need to be reminded that they are
their support and promised their attendance in supposed to be representing their gay and
Lexington next year. lesbian constituents.

6 Aug GLSO

‘If you have put yourself at risk for contracting
the AIDS virus, take the HIV Antibody Test now.
For more information on the test and where
you can go for testing, call
Kentucky AIDS Education Program

 women, not iust one woman with one set of
Id , P We need more women involved in supplying
smere a 5 arlo 1' material for the newsletter. One Board member
"g expressed to me the feelin that GLSO News
gr‘.’.\ should be more integrateds, not simply with a
. page or two set aside for women, because this
J encourapes a representation of women as
.. margina beings - people who are allowed a
certain small space that is set apart from the
main. My feeling is more of a compromise
Dear Esmerelda, between the two; keepin Esmerelda's Parlour

I have been workin with providing material as a special editorial colTJmn for women plus
for Esmerelda's Parlour§or nearly a year and 0 having other articles pertainin to women's
half now and it's time for me to go. The issues and events spread throughout the
problem isn't Esmerelda or the Parlour but newsletter. lwould like to leave the impression
simply that I am too busy with other things in behind that, when Esmerelda first refested
my lie, such as working ull time and going to sgace in the GLSO Newsletter in Octo er of
sc ool part time, an my academic career ' 7 they were informed that the newsletter
ha pens to be more important to me. could only give up two to possibly three pages
Unfbrtunatel , my leaving does present a for them each month. Now that women have
problem and/ that is the need for someone or gained so much more power in the
some group of peo le to take over the position organization, this should be reflected in the
of assistant editor ofDEsmerelda's Parlour. It isn't format of the newsletter.
the end of the would if no one does — However, the argument against this
Esmerelda's Parlour will simply cease to exist happening is a very real and a very practical
and there will be no such thing as the women's one - there don't seem to be enough women
page or section in GLSO News anymore (can around who are interested in providing material
example of this can be found in last mont 's for GLSO News in general, or even for
newsletter when l was too busy to supply a Esmerelda's Parlour. As I mentioned, |will not
column). However, this will be highl be responsible for this anymore, and until the
unfortunate (and in my mind disgracefufi women of this communi?! show more of an
because, although women comprise a smaller interest in issues that afect them and more
percentage of the GLSO membership, we do motivation toward affecting a change, the
provide a large percent of the funding and position of women in the newsletter will never
one-half of the Board is composed of women. change and this is appropriate.

Working on Esmerelda's Parlour has, for the I will be continuing to work up through the
most part, been a very pleasant ex rience for September GLSO News, that means we need
me. Many people have been kindaeenough to someone, or some group of women, to begin

ive me positive feedback on the columns | working on the October newsletter by te
gave written and the work I have done. Those beginning of September (the deadline for the
people who have disagreed with me on October newsletter is September 10). If you are
occasion, and let me know about it, have interested, lease call Esmerelda or write to
served to challenge my attitudes and have GLSO. Thini: about it! This isa chance for you
taught me a lot. There is something about to do something and to directly make a
writing for the public as an open lesbian that difference in this community. In sisterhood,
teaches you about Iyourself and at the same Angela Martin
time forces you to to e a stand and really think [Ed.'s note — At the October '87 board meeting,
about the issues, because a certain degree of Esmerelda's representatives requested they be
responsibility comes with expressing your guaranteed three pages in each issue. Their
opinions in public and in writin . I have always column replaced the previous WOMENS’ NEWS
tried to keep this in mind, oathough I realize section. The Board decided that, as with all
that upon occasion I have fallen short. I believe sections, Esmerelda would be guaranteed space
that the res onsibility of writing for GLSO in each issue, the amount of space to be
News can Best be shared by a group of determined by the month's total submissions]
10 Aug GLSO

 THE ’905, A DECADE FOR LESBIANS? Finally, I guess that I should note that I have
Irom Angela Martin nothing against the local cha ter of NOW and
that I do not wish to slander it. The local
The National Organization for Women held cha ter does do many worthwhile thin s and
their national convention in CaliIornia last perform many community services directed
month. At this convention the were to set out toward women; I would imagine this is true at
their national agenda in poficy and political most local chapters oi NOW. But I do question
activity tor the coming decade. At the opening their involvement in an or anization that denies
at this convention Molly Yard, the current many of their rights. Do tfie lesbians even think
matriarch oi NOW, declared the '90s "the about this? Apparently not.
decade at women." I know you've all heard
me IIOIEI: about NOVl|/( andJ Iits battitude towardls -—_———
t e es ians in its ran 5 an es ions in enera,
But I geel there's something more that ngeeds to GAY AMERICA
e SCH .
At her kick-oil pertormance tor Lexington's —___—
Pride Week, JoAnn Loulan reminded us all at NATIONAL
lust how homophobic (s eciIicaIly toward
esbians) NOW can be. SITe pointed out that The Central ConIerence at American Rabbis,
at the national convention, NOW was to the governing committee of the ReIarm
present its goals for the rights at women in the movement at Judaism in the United States, voted
coming decade, and that in particular such to allow openly gay men and lesbians to be
groups as "women at color" and "disabled ordained as rabbis. The vote makes the Retorm
women" were represented, but that nowhere in movement, with 1.5 million adherents, the
the national agenda were the ri hts of lesbians largest of any Jewish or Christian groups to
represented or even mentioned]. This is a Iormally accept gays as religious leaders.
national agenda that even mentioned the rights
It is a disgrace that an organization I would
venture is one-third lesbian should behave in Donna Hitchens, launder oi the Lesbian
such a repressive way. I Ieel personall angry Rights Proiect, has been elected a city superior
at those lesbians who continue to work hard as court iud e. Hitchens is the highest-ranking,
a part of an organization that not only denies openly legbian, elected oIIiciaI in California.
their'existence as lesbians, but denies their need
Ior equal rights as